tv Red Eye FOX News April 4, 2013 12:00am-1:00am PDT
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i got to be there in the room with robert gibbs and it will be a great event. >> thank you for watching and we'll see you tom welcome to "red eye." it is like touched by an angel, if by angel you mean my trainer, ben. let's go to andy levy for our pre game report. what is on tonight's show? >> thanks, greg. coming up on the big show, why do democrats and republicans tend to be more likely than conspiracy theories? i blame the jews. and two female marines washed off the officer training course. we will judge them from the safety of our tv studio. and a professor at a university is convicted of murder. and i would like to thank my alma-mater who make it easy not to give them any money. >> thanks, andy.
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>> you becha. >> you were really going to give money to columbia. >> there wasn't a prayer. >> the only money that goes to columbia from you is something else. >> that's bill. >> you are right. go away. let's welcome our guests. she is so hot, you cannot yell her name in a crowded theater. what's her name? oh yes, remi spencer. she is a criminal defense attorney among other things. he is so sharp he poops pin cushions. it is michael money -- michael moynihan and in poland he is considered a nickel, bill schulz. and he is so british he sneezes marmalade, jonathon hunt, chief correspondent for "studio b" and" the fox report" on fox newschannel. >> a block. the lede. that's the first story. could you at least send me something to eat, greg? >> no, not on your life. are you still a mentor if you
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kick your center? rutgers university, whatever that is, has fired basketball coach mike rice after video of him throwing balls and gay slurs at his players. in the summer, an actual month, the state school suspended him three games and fined him $50,000. that's almost a million dollars a game. but on tuesday, they aired the tape with chris christie and lebron james weighing in. he said, i am responsible for the decision for a rehabilitation of coach rice. swift action was debated in december and i thought it was in the best interest of everyone to rehabilitate. but i was wrong of the all of this unpleasantness calls for something cute to look at i think.
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>> i found that sock on the right to be arousing. i don't care much for cats. cats are stupid. jonathon, welcome to the program looking dapper as always. that's what you are all about. shallow and good looking. no substance. this lesson here is that now that we have tape, videotape, you just can't be a jerk anymore. >> absolutely. i think honestly every sports coach does exactly what mike rice was doing or a lot of them do what he was doing. shoving a player? my word, when i was being coached in rugby i was appalling at it, but i was getting shoved around all the time. >> and that was in the showers. >> that's a whole different coaching story. i think where the problem was with this guy and why he had to go was because of the verbal assaults, right?
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that's where he crossed the line. one other thing, we talked to kevin ware who broke his leg so horribly, we talked to him on "studio b" and he was outraged. he said you cannot treat people, in his words, like dogs which is what mike rice was doing. >> i like how you took two major sports stories and mushed them together when in fact it was unnecessary. he did it anyway, and that's why he is a star. >> and that's why i am on two shows. i know somebody else on two shows. >> i'm not. >> are you on two -- you are on two medications. moynihan, i don't know, what if he is like this all the time? he doesn't just do this to teams. he jus walks around and -- he just walks around and does this to everybody. does it excuse it? >> i don't know why it does, but it does. >> let me take your lead and squeeze two stories together. i did learn a available lesson
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today. if you run around kicking enormous men that could beat you senseless in the ass you will get fired from a university. if you murder a policeman you will be hired by a university. it is a tough job market. i don't know, maybe do something violent. not homophobic. >> you know what i hate about you? we did these stories on "the five" and i did not make that link. >> that's why i should be hired by "the five." it is just a suggestion. >> if i had a time machine i would go back in time and use your joke. remi, one of the former players said of rice, and he supports him, we didn't fear him. we just understood him. is it possible that we are overreacting and when people are on the court they just understand that this guy is all noise and no substance? >> i don't think there is an excuse for this. i am a former competitive athlete and trained with some of the world's top tennis
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coaches. >> whoa! >> i am not done. >> oooo! ooo! okay, continue. >> were you a tennis player? >> i was. i trained with rick may see who brought jennifer capriati to the tour. >> this rick macy? >> jennifer capriati? >> you can be hard on your athlete, but this crosses the line. what is upsetting about this story is that this came out a year ago. eric murdoch was the whistle-blower. what happened? he was fired. the coach stayed on. the athletic director is apologizing saying it is his fault. the minute this hit tv the coach is fired. why did it take the public's attention to get something done? >> i will tell you, it is hard to be a whistle-blower when it is basketball because there are all of those other refs. >> that's a good point. >> he hear the whistle and they say i guess that means there is a penalty. >> the athletic director needs to lose his job as well.
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>> you just want heads to roll. >> a recent gallop poll shows 100% of americans would favor rice getting a job if he focused his abuse on you. how do you feel about that? you stupid jerk. by the way, that was written here. >> in case you forgot to ask that. >> i can show that to america, but it is written in my notes. >> truly i would be the white on rights. gash dash white on rice. i think america needs to cork their outrage holes on this one. bobbie knight is looking at this footage and thanking god smartphones weren't more popular when he was a coach. this happens a lot. this guy got caught. that was it. there is a phrase nice guys finish last and that's because he shot a player. >> no he didn't. >> i think that is true. i think it is true, and in the 1940s it was frowned upon. they frowned and then moved on. >> were they good? was the rutgers team good?
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>> no. >> he should have been fired for his record. >> he was paid $650,000 a year on his contract and has not had one winning season. explain to me why they didn't fire him when they first found out? >> were they any better? >> what you are saying, remi, which i am shocked a defense attorney is saying this that winning is the only thing that matters. it is okay if he kills somebody. we win. is that what you are saying, protector of murderers? >> it would make more sense if they wanted to protect their winning coach, but he is not that. >> what is happening to america? my feeling is -- that question had nothing to do with anything. >> just a lament. >> but i said this earlier, the military and sausage in sports are things that you all enjoy without seeing what happens behind the scene. if your team is 25-0 you don't care. if your military is deadly you don't care what they do.
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>> you don't want to see what is behind the scenes? how many times have you been busted in a locker room with your binoculars. >> i was a volunteer sports reporter for my blog, greg's tiles .org. i called it crawling the tile. >> military sausage and what? >> sports. >> three things that people enjoy without actually understanding what goes into them. >> i think people enjoy knowing what goes into the military. >> they do now. yes, they do now i think. now we can see what is going on. but nobody wants to look at sausage, do they? >> that was a really stupid joke, i admit. >> don't patronize me or patronize me or however you
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people pronounce that word. you people meaning the swedes. are you swedish, aren't you? >> no. my wife is swedish. >> give her my best. >> is the world run by shape-shifting rep teal yen people who manipulate our societies and suck our blood? yeah, right, wake up, america. a new survey has looked at american belief and conspiracy theories or conspiracy facts. public policy polling found 28% think a secretive power elite group with a globalist agenda is conspiring to rule the world through an authorize tear yen world government or new world order. run of course by carrottop. 29% believe that aryans exist. how is -- that aliens exist. how is that a conspiracy? and some believe osama bin laden is still alive. meanwhile, let's see who is really running corporate
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america. i am glad that none of our "red eye" writers in certed a sara jessica -- inserted a sara sara jess -- sara jess saw parker joke here. you have written a lot about conspiracy and focus on conspiracy theorists. is there any conspiracy theories that could be true ever? >> it is not like they couldn't be true which is why some people believe them. the ones that are true, there are few. this is like the dumbest poll ever. >> we had to rewrite this four times. >> one of the questions they asked people, and speaking of time machines, was if they believe that paul mccartney was dead -- not joking, in 1966 and the roiters report said only 5% believers.
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>> that's more than 20. >> the poll questions were stupid. >> you're stupid. >> also true, but irrelevant to the point i am making now. did the bush administration not act in 9/11? they didn't say is 9/11 an inside job? the questions questions were politically phrased to say that one group was dumber than the other. is it safe to say that polled like these are stupid? >> yes i think most polls are stupid. >> we willed dit it and it is shown to be a racist. >> he says all polls are stupid. i want that tomorrow. >> i am totally finished. >> i should probably -- >> remi, why do you think people believe in conspiracies? i believe it is to exercise a level of intelligence over other people. they know something you don't? >> i believe it is people looking for drama who have
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general anst in their lives -- angst in their lives and not much to talk about. i have people who believe firmly and stupid conspiracy theories. you can see them come to live. they are animated when they talk about the theories and they are going to persuade me to change my mind. it gives them a sense of authority or power. most of the time i agree with you and they are nonsense. >> what do you think? when you talk to a truther they are a truther just to exercise some kind of -- the whole thing is how can you disprove it? jay it gives them a sense of control over their world. that's why they do it? and by the way, i love all polls. the most shocking thing in this 11% of respondents
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believe the shape shifting people control our world. what the heck are the other 89% thinking? >> and 60% believe the moon landing is fake. i am surprised because that means 84% believe -- it took me awhile. >> bill, 64% of americans believe you are stuffed with cream cheese. to prove we are wrong, i will get a sharp knife. >> i love polls and i would add that, yes, thanks to this unstupid poll which was a great addition to our a block, i i did not know the shape shifting liz liz -- lizard people thing was a thing. we said that is a thing. this is actually happening. that is a documentary and it continues to this day. >> a former professional football player in evening land named david ike.
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do you remember david ike? he promotes the shape shifting aliens. to the point of people believing these things, have you ever met somebody who believed one conspiracy theory? are you crazy? you always believe multiple con spear see theories. >> here is the interesting thing. they are really, really awful people or the nicest in the world. i met a guy who is the most gentle guy. he is a guitarist. and then he started talking about ken trails and i had to go. the one con constant? chalkboard, lots of chalkboards. and not a lot of board. lots of things scrip belled -- scribbled all over them. >> i don't believe in conspiracies because nobody keeps anything secret. >> that is the best defense against conspiracy theories. that's why they are a libertarian.
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they can't cuff things up. the number one conspiracy theory was the jfk conspiracy theory which is unbelievable. it is hard to believe a guy that defected from cuba would shoot the president who just invaded cuba. >> you know who profits off conspiracies is hollywood. they say the government is doing this and the government is doing that. they are amazing at covering up gay people. rock hudson, i had no idea. >> tab hunter. >> no way. tab hunter is straight. >> i think he might have been. jay we know what tab was hunting. >> what i am saying is they are the only -- hollywood is the only entity that could effectively cover something up. >> they used to be able to. not so much these days. >> we are going to get to that later in the show when we discuss this topic. do you see how i worked that as a tease? have i been doing this for awhile. i have been doing this for awhile.
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professor. she was uh roled in 2003 after serving 22 years in prison and is now an adjunct professor at columbia university, the very school she unsuccessfully plotted to bomb in 1970. thankfully hollywood is here to set the record straight. just kidding. robert redford's movie opens friday. it is a fictional account on a couple of fugitives based on the 1981 robbery was part of -- how many times have i ruined her name? take a look, take a lookers. >> don't move. hands in the air. >> you are under the arrest for murder. >> sharon is one of the longest standing fugitives on the fbi's most wanted list and was arrested yesterday. 30 years after the notorious bank robbery that claimed the life of a guard.
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>> she is so heroic. >> it is getting glowing reviews because as they say there is something undeniably compelling and romantic about america's 60s radicals. i think we all miss the days of romantic cop killers, isn't that right dog who hears wolves on tv? >> your dog does that too. moynihan, you have a piece coming out tomorrow. you are doing a trend on how many murderers -- >> attempted murderers. the thing about these people is they usually suck at it, shockingly. they suck at politics and suck at killing. they don't always suck though and her case she is in the
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band of bodines. the quote from "variety" there is something romantic about this, and there is nothing romantic about this. the thing she was convicted of second-degree murder was the brinks robbery in 1981. she was a white upper middle class member of an organization calling itself the black gorilla army who killed waverly brown. the first black police officer in the police force and left his kid father less. there is nothing romantic about that. she should not be in a university. >> she should be probably you know where. >> where? >> bill's apartment. >> she should be locked away. the police officer was the first black police officer and left three kids. >> member of the naacp. >> dead in the name of black militant group. jonathon, you were saying in the green room she has paid
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her debt to society. >> well, first of all i would turn to michael's p oi nt and say universities are exactly where you would find the class a rap bags. we talk about ricidivism. she served 22 years and she is not recidivised. rehab is not a bad thing. she served her time. she has got almost a real job. i don't see the problem. i think people are coming at it at a purely political point of view. if this was a prn on the right side -- a person on the right side of the political spectrum. >> never going to happen. >> there is never a right leaning killer. >> employed by columbia university. >> are we attacking columbia? >> the story is she has been
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at columbia since 2008 and she got a distinguished professor ship at nyu. >> i want to go to you, remi, but i disagree with jonathon that she is getting a rehab because she is seen as heroic, somebody who fought against the system and killed people and allowed her the chance to be in college. >> i haven't seen the movie. >> neither have i. >> i will not comment on that. but i don't think she is seen as heroic. i think she is seen as the example to so many other criminals. what she did was atrocious. what did she do? she drove the get away car in a felony murder where three people died. she was sentenced to 22 years in prison. i am not saying this is a good person, but she has managed to turn her life around. jay she has never showed true remorse. >> that's not true. >> based on the fact that i have never heard her shown true remorse. >> she spent all of her time in prison educating herself.
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she has been working with aids and hiv patients. she has become a teacher. >> so i can kill people and as long as i work with aids patients. >> you get convicted and you serve your sentence and then you make a better life for yourself. she is not uh spousing political -- >> she is at columbia, of course she will. >> she is talking about how to re-enter society after you have gone through something like this. >> you don't think she is a hard core -- >> she has gone through nothing. the people who have gone through things are the people who were left without parents. >> jm not saying she is -- i am not saying she is a victim. i am not saying she should be sympathized. you cannot hold her -- you cannot continue to condemn her as this awful person and prevent her from doing anything like work. >> it is not about preventing -- obviously you get fired from the university from kicking somebody in the ass and you get a job if you kill somebody. this is the problem. the thing is not that she is
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being praised as heroic or something. it is about why you commit crimes. i said this on the show before. if you are going to commit a crime, tell mb you are doing it for the poor, or some group. they said, she was overwhelmed by the spirit of the times. would you get a job at columbia if you just shot your wife in the face? and then served your 22 years and got your -- is she the only person at columbia with a correspondence degree? she got her degree in prison. >> but you convinced me. if i shoot bill in the face and say i am doing it to help the poor i can get away with it? >> you get a job, a better job. >> you can't shoot one poor person to help a bunch of poor people. >> what if i am raising awareness by shooting you? >> somebody would have to literally raise me because my head would be blown off and parade me around and say don't be like this guy. it makes no sense. >> it is an interesting thing you are bringing up.
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is it worse because she had a political agenda when she killed someone? a random gang banging shooting? >> i hold these to the same standards. >> a crime is a crime. i deal with criminals on a daily basis and i don't think a motivation to commit one crime or the other should make anyone anymore or less responsible for what they did. >> you seem angry because of the politics of this. >> the politics are essential to this. >> it is in your mind. >> of course it is in my mind. where else would it be? my pants? you don't make films about people praising people who didn't do it politically. this has been going on for years. a number of people who were a member of weather who are now in universities are shocking. you should read my piece. >> i will read your piece. we have to take a break. we are up against a hard break and that's tv for we are running out of time. do you have a comment?
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we should have started with this topic. >> i am all angry now. >> you are angry. e-mail us, red eye at fox do you have a video of your animal doing something? they have clubs where they are always spanked go to fox eye and submit your video. next up, the half time report with tv's andy levy. >> tonight's half time report is sponsored by zoos. the l where wild animals from different parts of the world are kept in cages or enclosures for people to come and see. thanks, zoos.
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let's find out if we have anything wrong so far. how are you, greg? >> good. >> lively show. >> it is a lively show. and the first time you and i have been worked together in a longtime. >> great working with you. we are like a well oiled machine. >> a nice reunion. >> great. >> hmm. >> mike rice fired by rutgers. greg you mentioned rutgers and said whatever that is. >> yes jie. it is the largest institution for high e education in the great state of new jersey. >> i have driven by it. >> ya, new jersey. >> that is just a weird name. rutgers, what is that? >>- q. i it is named -- >> it is named after steve rutgers. jonathon, you take the position that every coach basically does what mike rice did.
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i don't think that is true. kevin ware was flagger gassed by it. >> i did correct myself when i said all coach does it to many of them do it. i certainly have been on the receiving end of it and i hope to give it out sometime too when i coach greg gut kneeled in tv. >> this is not your psychotherapy hour. >> darn. >> also, the video was put together, the guy who put it together, eric murdoch, he is a former nba player and he thought it was beyond the pale. >> you just made that point. >> i will agree with you on something. i think what got rice fired was the verbal stuff. particularly the gay slur. once he said that word he was gone. >> i quite agree. that's where he crossed the line. >> i agree.
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the athletic director who only suspended rice after first seeing this video, if rice is going to get fired he has to get fired too, right? >> yes. he takes responsibility in his statement for not handling this well. he should have been fired. rutgers university is the same school that had the awful tragedy with the homosexual student who took his own life after the hate speech. this school should be hyper sensitive to these kinds of issues. to brush it aside until it is national news, that's the real problem with this case. >> obviously they assumed the video would never be public. bill, leo did not shoot a player? >> i don't know about that. >> okay. >> i don't know and i thought we agreed you would call me the condor. >> i apologize. >> thank you. >> why are you called the condor? >> it is a long and wonderful story. >> you said they are the three things where beam don't want to see what goes -- where people don't want to see what
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goes on beyond the scenes. if a drill sergeant did what mike rice did he would be in trouble. >> okay, maybe, now. >> by the way, rice's dad, mike rice, senior, current basketball coach for the trailblazers. the only broadcaster to be ejected from an nba game. >> no way. how did that happen? >> he was a radio announcer and he did something the ref didn't like and the ref tossed him from the arena. >> i didn't know you could do that. >> he is the only one in the nba that ever happened to. thanksgiving dinner must be real fun. democrats and republicans differ on conspiracy thatter res. 20% of americans think there is a link between vaccines and autism. >> that's a shame. >> great job, jim carrey. >> about his movies or that? >> just that. >> greg, you noted 28% of
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americans think a secretive poll or elite group with a global agenda is conspiring to rule the world. we all know what that is code for, right? >> i hear you and i am not surprised you would bring it up. how much did they pay you? >> 28% of the people know what is going on. >> i'm sure you can fix that. >> they will have to tighten security. >> are you right. some of the questions aren't about conspiracy. saying do you believe aliens exist? it doesn't make uh conspiracy theory. and perhaps sexually experimental. i am waiting for the planet to excite me. this one is dull. >> you have done this planet to death. >> been through it all backwards and forwards. >> i need new life forms. something that shoots flames. >> i am right here.
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>> probably the craziest poll question is do you believe media or the government adds secret mind controlling technology to television broadcast signals? that's crazy. >> it is crazy. >> absolutely crazy. >> nothing like that would ever happen. >> not here and not in the next five seconds. >> remi, conspiracy theorists have angst in their lives and nothing interesting to talk about. you know i can hear you, right? >> coming from the men who believe in unicorns. >> i don't believe in unicorns. >> you used to. i'm sure it is on film in the early days of "red eye." >> that was greg's thing. >> i can't believe you would actually say that, remi, being on the show that you actually confuse us. last time on. >> jonathon, do you really think we can't take you saying i love poles out of context? >> i believe you can take
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anything out of context. >> you don't even have to work for that one. >> bill, you never heard the theory of the shape shifting liz word people? they are called zigons. the doctor has managed to stop them from taking over the planet. >> for the love of god get a girlfriend. >> was this a british study? >> no. former underground member hired by columbia. we should point out they call the tea partiers romantic terrorists. somebody needs to make that point. >> i will make that point in my next book. >> i was going to make a joke and i thought people won't know it is a joke. >> the best part, the bio on the columbia website somehow manages to never look at the weather underground stuff. but it does say dr. kathy
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bodine has been a counselor with the prom development since 1964. working within communities with limited resources to solve social problems and supporting individuals to overcome their own odds and a sense and direction. >> the nyu talks about the activist. >> jonathon and remi, you were both all for columbia hiring this murderer. remi, you challenged greg's assertion. a couple things. when she took part in the brinks robbery she was 38 years old. you you can't even say it was youthful stupidity. >> i didn't say that. and i didn't say columbia shouldn't hire her. >> i want to say this was full on adult stupidity. michael, do you want to handle the question on whether she has shown remorse? >> well she claims to have shown remorse in her 2003 appeal hearing where she says
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she is sorry. but then of course doesn't cop to a lot of the things everybody else has said that she. -- that she knew when the house blew up. she is trying to be remorseful and get out of prison. that's my take. >> lastly, i would give the redford movie the company but anna kendrick. >> you like anna kendrick? >> big fan. >> somebody is following her on twitter. >> that's sadly not true. "pitch perfect" great movie. >> "pitch perfect"? >> it is a great movie. >> what is it about? >> "pitch perfect" was probably the most purely enjoyable movie of last year. >> other than "magic mike." >> i honestly haven't seen "magic mike." >> can we be real for a second? i finally saw "magic mike" before we did that man on the street and it wasn't that great. >> it was fabulous. >> what is "pitch perfect"
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about? is it soccer? >> that would be stupid. it is about college glee clubs. >> that makes me nauseous. >> you just answered my question about why you don't have a girlfriend. >> it is an excellent movie. it makes you feel good. >> are we talking about glee clubs and male stripper movies and how much we love them? >> all right. are you done? >> i am done. >> go away. coming um, an angel's smile is what you sell. you promised me heaven and put me through hell. you got a hold on me. not a story, just a message left on my voicemail. i am still shook-up about it. what's up with him? first, is john travolta gay-me for a pulp fiction sequel. his character died in the last one.
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could an extra pound keep you sound? blubber has some benefit when you are bumped by a car. researchers from nyu looked the pedestrian and cyclist injuries and they were less severely hurt than their skinier counterparts. a greater proportion of fat may protect against injury and adds to the doctor, that extra layer offers some protection at the time of injury. isn't that what i just said? mayor bloomburg wants to kill you. let's discuss this in the -- >> lightning roooooouuuunnnndd. lightning round. >> moynihan people rag on fat people, but it turns out they something we president do. they know how to live. >> have i never heard of somebody make fun of somebody because they are fat. >> i don't and i am pudgy.
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>> i think the last time i made a shirley hemp hill joke. this is a shocking study. one of the ones i file under things i didn't need to study. you know when fat people get hit by cars, -- i am just going to do the science because there are some people interested in this. there is a lot of fat in that it just absorbs the blow. it is better for them. and then they get up and then they die of a carotid artery. >> it is the great jolly england and land of whatever. will this encourage you to bulk up? >> i am not a skinny chap at all. i was throwing myself at cabs all day not a bruise anywhere. >> i find you quite svelt.
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>> remi, so is it in a weird way mayor bloomburg making the city less safe by forcing people to lose weight? >> absolutely. i say impeach him tomorrow. >> i think it is sad if his rivals really want to counter what he is doing with his big proposingrental-type you have to come up with something better than this. this is a little thin. >> when you get hit by cars you are like a bug stuck in the grill. >> there is only one thing better than being fat. he is drunk and flexible. that's why i am injury free. as far as i know i have yet to sober up. we have to take a break. more stuff is on the way. autograph copy g buy it for the cover. it is gorgeous.
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attorney letters alleging sexual assault. they called the story outrageous , and the document does not show a single penny was paid for settlements. it shows costs and expenses incurred consistent with legal fees being paid in connection with the lawsuit that were filed. i will go to remi because you are our lawyer here. can you explain this? the $64,000 was legal fees, or was this a payout to keep people quiet? >> have you ever read anything that sounded more like it was written by a lawyer than that statement? please. the only thing that is shocking about this, knots that he paid money -- not that he paid money and they will call it legal fees is it is only $80,000 some dollars. that's stunning. these two individuals who claim to have been assaulted clearly had very bad lawyers working for them. they settled with whatever that first number was. >> that could mean, jonathon, that it was all for legal
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fees. >> or john travolta is allegedly assaulting some very cheap people. >> or he is innocent. or he is innocent. >> or it happened, but it wasn't exactly assault. maybe it was two willing parties and then afterwards the guy wiped himself off and said i got myself a case. >> if he is innocent he is not paying anybody's fees. >> but don't you do it to make it go away sometimes? i don't know. >> why not just say that then? >> for you to say that, that would imply that travolta is a homosexual. not buying it. >> no, no. >> she a scientologist. they don't stand for that. >> here is what i think which is amazing. these things bubble up and then they go away. they just go away. and wasn't one of these guys represented by gloria allred? >> lawyers get paid by the hour or plaintiff lawyers get
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33.3% of everything they collect and expenses. >> you know who else gets paid by the hour? masseuses that people sexually assault. they are the real victims. >> you can't spell masseuse without sue. stop it, everybody. we are trying to close the show. we will wrap things up with andy levy. he is our masseuse. he massages the language with his gnarly face. to see clips of recent shows go to fox
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>> i was looking over here because i saw jack, our sound guy walk in. >> hi, jack. >> hi, jack. >> jonathon what do you have? >> i will be back at 3:00 and 7:00 eastern for "the fox report" because as greg says i am on two shows. i am important. >> moynihan are you important? >> i will be on "the five" tomorrow subbing for the big liberal guy. and then i have a column that will be very, very balanced on kathy bodine in which i will not call her a [bleep]. >> excellent. >> remi, what about you? >> i am glad you are back from vacation and hope you had a good time. i would like to say thank you to the super lawyers. i know i said it last time, but thrilled to be a part of the list this year in new jersey as a super lawyer. >> do you get a cape? sorry. >> don't bring up my personal business. whether or not i had a good time on vacation is nobody's business. >> wow. you are
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