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tv   The Five  FOX News  April 4, 2013 11:00pm-12:00am PDT

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tonight. go to and tell us what you think about topics we've discussed tonight. i know you have a lot to see. see you tomorrow night, 10:00 p.m. eastern, right h >> then i will have a test question for bob. >> you know we are on the air? >> hello, everyone. why didn't you tell me we were on the air? i am greg gutfeld with kimberly and bob as she stores a glock in her easy bake oven. it is 5:00 in new york city and i am a jerk. >> they have to tell you when the show starts. i should have been doing -- i could have been doing something horrible. i usually am. all right. so even president obama's favorite poet hates gun free zones. high yaw -- maya angelo talks
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about why she has guns in her house. >> if somebody is coming into my house and i have not put out the welcome mat, i want to stop them jie. when asked if she had fired a gun she said of course. she talks about an intruder entering her north carolina home. >> i heard the rhythm of someone walking on the leaves. they came to my door. somebody actually turned the knob. i said "stand back. stand four feet back because i am going to shoot thousand." boom. boom. >> i love her. the police arrived and informed her that the shots came from inside the house. they were right. the shots came from inside the house, the white house. angelo is not just a star, but she is president obama's bestie which shows there are different rules for the cool club than you and me. last week see saw jim carrey
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mock americans for their views on guns, but then calmly defend his own right to have armed security. sorry, jim, chuck was fighting for maya's rights to protect herself. because unlike you she has no bodyguard. that's when guns matter. protecting those who need protection, children, women, minorities in rough parts of town, old folks living in places where p coulds aren't nearby. where cops are not nearby. it is empower meant for the powerless. why do left wing tools like robert redford never, never mind illegal weapons in the happened of domestic terrorists like the weather underground, but condemn law abiding gun owners like yourselves? i guess you are not cool enough, cool enough for a movie. take a tip from maya. she knows why the caged bird shoots. sometimes she has to. shouldn't you be able to do the same thing even if you aren't the president's favorite poet? so bob i have a quiz for you, a test question i wrote. >> yes, please. >> if your mom was living in a
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house in the woods, what sticker would you rather have on her doorway? one that says gun free zone, or one that says i don't fire warning shots? >> i would say -- i would add i don't fire warning shots and i have a tank inside my living room. look, this issue about gun control taking guns, it is over. it is not an issue anymore. the question is what is it within this legislation that can be preserved? i think the background checks are still a viable possibility and should be. i think there is an outside shot you could get the number of bullets and clips, but outside of that i don't think anybody believes this thing is going anywhere. so nobody has to worry. >> you were about to say something, dana? >> yes on background checks. i was thinking about this today. okay, you might find enough people to agree on some sort of language for background checks, but the whole purpose of this legislative push was about newtown, connecticut.
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the background check would not have prevented what happened in newtown. i think that's one of the reasons that public opinion has continued to move away from the president. you think, well, you are not solving the problem of assault. >> we have background checks. >> why are we -- there are background checks. there are background checks at most gun shows. literally if you are getting down to i want a back under ground check for my 14-year-old son because i want to give him a shotgun you are out of your mind. that's going no where. >> no, it is not. but the guy at virginia tech had they done a background check they would have found out he was undergoing psychiatric care and he wouldn't have gotten the gun. >> but they still get guns. >> that was the point in fast and furious. fast and furious didn't matter because criminals could get guns if they wanted them. >> i am open for that
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discussion that bob is talking about. i think that it is worth having a discussion. the problem is they went for symbolic actions first. a rifle that looks like an assault rifle was more important than seeking out the crazies. >> or blaming it on the guns and they are missing the point. why should you deprive people of their constitutional second amendment right to bear arms and have weapons and protect themselves in their homes. why do you say put the criminals at an advantage? they will find a way to get the weapon. why can't i have one in my house to protect my family? >> talk about reparation hardware. >> you know who wish they had the gun ms. angelou had? prosecutors in texas. >> just to correct this one thing, it is not about -- the background checks are not about the guns, but the people who buy the guns. that's a difference.
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there are a number of situations where people got guns and they are subject to background checks and there are not a lot of background checks, but maybe we could have stopped one or two of these. >> look at the mass murders, aurora, colorado, newtown. do you think they wouldn't have occurred if we had extensive background checks as part of a law? once we get background checks there won't be more mass murders? >> no, i am not saying that. some of them will be deterred? >> how? i am a bad guy and want to kill people. it doesn't matter if i pass or fail a background check. >> they will take the weapon from their mom's house who has it legally. >> the background check was the aurora killer checking to see if the theater was free. her name is diane deget, and she has been in the forefront of gun control for awhile here, but she doesn't seem to know how guns work.
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this is a clip when asked how a magazine holding more than 15 rounds would be effect in reducing gun violence. >> this is ammunition, bullets. the people who have those now, they will shoot them. if you ban them in the future, the number of these high capacity magazines is going to decrease dramatically over time because the bullets will have been shot and there won't be more available. >> this is the real problem with the gun control debate. a lot of people doing the debating have no clue. >> can i pot out something? diane deget doesn't get it. for her that have an opinion and push legislation forward about high capacity magazines and not realizing that once you shoot those bullets out of that magazine, you can reload them and they are no, they will not go away going forward, ms. ms. deget. they will be there and you can reload them. this is scary that's the expert on it. >> can we assume your position
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is the ? -- the nra position which is don't do anything? >> the day after newtown, connecticut it was a sol local day here. solemn day here. what should we do? >> arm our schools. we should have somebody that is trained and able to handle a gun. >> deget was at the forum and a guy said if you outlaw large capacity magazines it would leave him at a disadvantage if he faced a well armed intruder and this is what she said. >> representative, deget, what about me? >> the good news for you is you live in denver and the dpd would be there in minutes. >> this is the problem, when you argue gun control, they don't take you seriously.
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>> it doesn't matter because your life is thought that important. >> imagine if you said that to her. >> i can see where she is coming from. she has to do these forums and she thinks she can achieve something because congress is so reaction ?ear. reaction area. it is the do something of legislating. i add milt i don't know the difference between the types of guns and magazines and clips. i have learned a lot in the past six weeks, but i am not the sponsor of legislation that would change significant laws as she should have done a lot more homework. >> she is the leading fore person on these draw cone yen laws, but she is completely ignorant on the subject matter. she doesn't know what she is talking about. putting out misinformation and she loses credibility and this is a major setback for the gun control lobby and for the democrat tinge -- democratic party. >> this is the most gun intensive road in the world.
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>> it is actually not -- >> sure it is. >> it is close. >> 270. >> it is one to one. that includes every child. >> i recognize that. the bill will be defeated except maybe background checks and that's too bad. >> why not spend anytime and energy on things like what campbell brown wrote in "the "wall street journal"" and whether or not it has an impact. they give hollywood a pass while hurting rural america. >> have i to point out, one of the many things about bob is he does not hide -- you don't hide your beliefs about guns. you believe there should be a complete ban on guns and you say it. handguns. president obama says he is not taking guns away. he doesn't want to take guns away and he says we are getting up the fear. but he does act like he
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doesn't own -- does president like -- doesn't like gun owner. >> the lowest murder rate by gun . more guns equals a lower murder rate. >> what? >> there is four per 100,000. the number is multiple in other countries around the world. >> most in latin america. >> how about in england? >> england is weird because england doesn't have as many metropolitan centers. there is not gang crime. >> still none of what we are talking about would have addressed the problem of a mentally ill teenager in a home with a lot of guns playing video games all day with the mental health problem and mother not knowing what to do about it. >> i contend it would have mattered in virginia tech. if this guy had a gun in the gun store he wouldn't have been able to have gotten the gun.
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at least the possibility exists he wouldn't have gotten the gun. >> i think the solution is you focus on the mentally ill. you keep guns away and the media has to stop talking about it. the more you talk about it, the more you make immortality possible for these losers. >> he has a mental problem that is a danger to others then report it. >> are you saying are you going to report me? >> they haven't come to get you, but i suspect shortly they will. >> law enforcement is on alert as they are gunned down in colorado, texas and west virginia. is there a link between the killings and is the aryan brotherhood involved? dana has the latest on the investigation. [ anouncer ] ihop in time square to compare new griddle-melts to your usual breakfast sandwich. a lot more flavor. [ anouncer ] ihop's new griddle melts... made fresh and hot! hand crafted just for you.
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it's like a sexy sandwich. [ anouncer ] compare new griddle melts yourself. just $4. it's like a sexy sandwich. it's an epic breakfast sandwich.
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officer has been gunned down following a string of attacks across the country. eugene crumb in west virginia was shot in his car outside a courthouse. crumb had a reputation fo cracking down on drug dealers. the latest murder comes after
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a texas da and his wife were murdered in their home. and a colorado prison chief was killed two weeks ago. investigators are looking to see if there is a connection between the cases. meanwhile a federal prosecutor in houston, texas who just quit a major case against the aryan brotherhood there. he is worried he could be the next target. texas is taking this seriously. let's go to a sound byte from governor rick perry at a memorial talking about some reward money for tips that lead to an arrest. listen. >> these are heinous crimes. they have affected not just texans, but people across the country who respect the rural law. these are truly direct attacks on the core of our civil society. the fact is we cannot react with fear. we have to react with resolve.
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>> kimberly, we are glad to have you walk us through this. if you are investigators in the various states, three states, west virginia, colorado, texas, nobody is saying there is a direct connection, but they are looking at it because it does seem plausible. what do you think? >> and it makes sense. they are developing certain theories of investigation how there might be an investigation a plausible connection. maybe there is a connection between the killing in colorado and texas, but not in west virginia. they have to develop this based on the information they are getting. in particular the one gang, the 211 crew which is corrected with the white supremecist group and the aryan brotherhood they believe right now one of the initial suspects and they are two individuals they believe are responsible. one of the thing about the aryan brotherhood is they are known for putting hits out on officials whether it is judges, whether it is the d.a., things like that. >> you know a little something about that. >> they put one out on me. when i was trying the dog mauling case, the aryan
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brotherhood was working with the mexican mofia. they were training the dogs that would guard the meth methamphetamine labs in southern california. it is one of the most skilled and organized prison gangs you could come across. there are units devoted to investigating this group. the reason they were so successful is they don't have people from outside the gang. they develop it solely in the prison system so you can't get an informer from the outside. and if somebody tells on them they not only execute you, but score whole family. that's a deterrent for snitches to penetrate their organization. they are active in that area. >> they mentioned the mexican mofia and mexican gun -- mexican mofia. they think they are carrying things out of mexico. what do you think? >> i think there is another sub story and you can weigh in
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on this. it is prosecutor said this is getting foo dangerous. i am off that case. it seems to me if we allow that and that's the way it is going to go forward don't the bad guys win? >> yes, but that's what they hope. they put the contract out to had me killed and it was intercepted in a communication to the outside and they told me. i had to live with two guards in my room and bulletproof vests and bomb-sniffing dogs. >> do you think the guard sent this letter? >> so they could sleep in my room at night? >> yes. >> maybe so. >> about that, bob, what do you think in regards to these prosecutors in-law enforcement. if you are the sheriff like in west virginia do you need a security detail in addition to being a sheriff, an armed person? >> the one thing that has a string through this is drugs. in all of these cases these guys were involved in prosecuting or the sheriff
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coming down hard on drugs. for motorcycle gangs, the bloods and crypts who get their money from running drugs. out of prison they control that thing. there is a lot of money involved and they want to scare people off. don't they win? yes, they win. what have they done now? we have three maybe isolated murders, but it scared the hell out of enough people who said i don't want to get near it. >> talking about underling thing, one thing we know is connections, illegal drugs involved in all three and illegal guns in all three. >> i tried to look for a comparison in the past and you think about prohibition. the only way to put the but legers and al capones out of business was repealing prohibition. would we put these dangerous gangs out of business? they were more dangerous that -- than al capone was. the mexican gangs are turning chicago into a war zone. then you have a prison which
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is assembly lines of thugry. that's where you go to become a better thug. we are creating a -- an endless cycle. i don't know. what i find interesting is there are no old members of the gang. the mofia you would see the guys in their 60s or 70s walking around in track suits. where do the gangs go at 30? are they dead and buried? >> these guns guns were illegal. are we really going to say, america, we will disarm you, legal, law abiding citizens when these thug assembly lines are going on? please, let's have more people on the other side of the door, on the good side of the door armed so the criminal does president -- doesn't know and he goes ding dong you are dead. maybe it is ding dong you are dead. >> or a transition into a different policy and set of laws which would be legalization. interesting. coming up, in the white house are they -- i am not going to say that.
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afraid of mat drudge? one of the president's key advisors says what the drudge report does is, quote, very damaging to what they are trying to accomplish. how the white house deals with one of the fiercest critics when we come back.
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>> matt drudge is is a legend on the internet. he is a power house and reports to no one. regular folks are big fans as well. check out these numbers. about 33 million visits in the
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last 24 hours alone. almost 900 million in the last month. get this, over 11 billion in the last year. some people love him. some people hate him. the white house may fear him because they can't control him. listen to one of obama's top advisors when asked about the drudge report. >> if you are an under secretary at the energy department and doing an interest view and say one thing, you could end up being on the front page of drudge. anyone saying anything can get caught up in the spin cycle in a way that is very damaging. it could be very damaging to the individual person. >> does the white house fear matt drudge? >> i think they do. they are so used to getting smooched and blown kisses that when somebody says something that might be accurate that they may view to be unfavorable to them that they get their pan tees in a bunch.
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that's what happens. drudge doesn't care. he will report the facts and report the truth and will tell the story. deal with it. >> white house is speed. >> that was in the 80s. >> 70s. >> but you know, i suspect they do fear him a little bit, but as far as i could tell, it is 11 billion and one of those is not me. >> as i as i understand it he is a disseminator of news. he aggregates news. whatever he puts on the top of the page gets a lot of attention. when they say it interrupts our program frankly i don't think there will be people crying out there. >> let me show it full screen. take a look at this one.
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roll that video. see that thing right there? that is the dreaded siren. matt has news he wants everyone to see and he puts that up there. people are afraid of the siren. >> i had one of those removed from my lower back. here is the thing that drives me crazy. it is an old metaphor of the liberal bureaucrat. you own the field, for many years you owned the field and the team and the refs and you own the ball and own the stadium. you are mad because some guy in the bleachers is wearing a bright shirt that is distracting you. it is childish. drudge has some nerve to exercise the right to free press. he will wake up one day to a drone and it will be george steph knop police. >> he said he -- i assume she did too, but they dreaded the breaking news siren. >> i am an addict. i am a drudge addict. my home page is is something else, national review, but i find myself going to drudge
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all the time. as a communications professional you can tell what comes down the pike. if there is a siren on drudge report it is like oh boy, better knock on the oval office door and let them know what will happen. the other thing that drives them crazy is he writes the cleverest headlines. sometimes he matches it up with the picture. even though he is is under a lot of pressure it has looked the same. a lot of websites renew themselveses and get a makeover. he resisted the pressure and still gets the most hits out of anyone. >> bob, if there is and some contend there is a white house enemy list, would matt drudge be at the top of the list? >> i don't think it is the white house. when anybody gets 11 billion hits a year it is going to have to scare anybody. i assume siren would scare you. >> can i make one other point? in the sound byte what he says
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c if rut under secretary of the department of energy and say one thing out of context and it blows up and disrupts what you are trying to do, that's exactly what the obama campaign did with the 47% video taken secretly at the romney event. that worked for them, so they can't have it both ways. >> there is something happening to watch in the future which is the aggregation of twitter. stories are no longer that important, but what people are saying. it is the most interesting thing i have seen happen. even looking at it i'm going is this news or not news? they are pulling what people are saying and creating stories. in fact they are stories. you can find the beginning of a feud and as it progresses by going on twitchy. it will be worth a lot of money and i wish i wasn't so stupid. i never think of anything that makes money.
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>> maybe michelle will sell you a piece of twitchy. there is lots of reaction to the late night changes at nbc and even david letterman chimed in. >> nbc announced jimmy fallon will take over for jay leno in february of 2014. something is wrong here. i don't get this. i mean, how many times can a guy be pushed out of the job? >> as funny as ever, dave. >> and he wasn't the only one to sound off. you will hear more from dave, jay, jimmy and jimmy next. >> jimmy squared?
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at 6:00 eastern. now back to "the five."
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all right. well nbc made it official yesterday putting rumors to rest about the future of "the tonight show" and it gave the late night hosts plenty of material to work with. >> don't worry. until february, our focus is right here on whatever this show is called. >> we have all fought, kicked and scratched to get this network up to fifth place. now we have to keep it there. jimmy, don't let it slip into 6th. we are counting on you. >> next year after the olympics i will take over as new host of "the tonight show" on nbc. excuse me one second. okay. apparently it is a different jimmy that is going to be hosting "the tonight show." >> i got a call from my mom. she says, david, i see you didn't get "the tonight show" again. he is being replaced by a younger late night talk show host. what could possibly go wrong? >> how many times has this happened? it is like groundhog day.
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it seems like jay leno has a good attitude about it. maybe there is a financial incentive to play nice and not create more problems for the peacock. let's take it around. greg, what do you think? >> i don't know. media reporting on media and talking about media. jay is after dave 1k3* jimmy after jay. it is like watching guys in maseratis trying to steel each other's parking spaces. it is hard to get excited. and i am really tired of tv writers. when there is a story on jay leno it is jay takes it on the chin. we get it. he has a big chin. find another joke, pathetic hacks. >> it is nice to pick on jay. i like jay and i like jimmy kimmle. >> i like them all. any one of the -- well i don't like letterman. >> letterman better look out. >> letterman's show has expired. he is not funny. jimmy fallon and jimmy kimmle are fantastic. they are great, young artists.
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leno, genius, brilliant. the older generation may love leno. i don't think -- nbc is lucky to have both talents in house. the question is will he stay? will jay leno step aside? >> he was offered a panel information on "red eye." we are waiting on it. >> a lot of this has to do with jay leno took over for johnny carson there was outrage everywhere. the word was because carson was getting too old and wanted to get out. but i think this has to do with youth. bringing in a young guy and they are bringing the whole set here to -- from burbank to new york city. it is going to be over seen by artlige. >> young guy. >> yes, a young guy of 94. wondering why everybody is hunched over but me it is cold. >> it is freezing. i feel like a little ice cube on a stick. >> lauren michaels, sorry. i'm surprised i missed that. >> i think artlege passed
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away. >> probably from being in the studio. >> can i make a riveting comment? where are all the hollywood liberal celebrity women complaining that hollywood has a war on women? why is there not a jane or janice in the mix? where are all of the hollywood women that said the republicans, conservatives, thisy have a huge war on women. i think the war on women is happening right there in hollywood. >> what about sara silverman? jimmy's ex, one of the jimmies dated her. what else? >> why not rosie o'donnell on the list? gyrose o'donnell? -- >> rosy o'donnell? she is on a list, but not that list. >> our tribute to martin luther king on the tort 5th anniversary of -- on the 45th anniversary of his death.
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>> i don't know what will happen now. but it doesn't matter now. i have been to the mountain top. like anybody i would like to live a long life.
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longevity has its place. but i'm not concerned about that now. i've seen the promise land. i may not get there with you, but i want you to know tonight that we as a people will get to the promise land. >> that was the great dr. martin luther king on the eve of his assassination 45 years ago today. he was killed on april tourth, 1968 on a motel balcony in memphis, tennessee. he knew even the night before he died he wasn't going to live a long life on this earth. what he did not know the mark he would leave on the world forever . eric, let me start with you. do you think dr. king would think blacks in america have reached the promise land today? >> well, i would hope that he would think that racism in america has at least declined dramatically from the days -- i remember a speech -- i was listening to a speech today
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from rfk announcing to a group of people he was speaking to that very moment that dr. king was assassinated, and the speech said something to the affect of "i hope all of the black people in the audience aren't angry at all white people right now because look at me. my brother was shot by a man with a gun who happened to be white as well. ". i hope we are at a point in history where we move on. >> he was outside on the back of a pick up truck, kennedy exprkts crowd in front of him all black did not know dr. king was shot. they announced -- he announced it to him. it was because of bobbie kennedy. he was able to say, i lost a brother too. dana, what do you think? do you think the promise land is there as far as dr. king was concerned? >> i don't think if any of us quite get there. i think that's when we get to heaven eventually. >> met for rickly. >> i don't think martin luther king would have believed that by a short period of time that
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america would have elected the first black president. they would have been surprised by that. i had a chance to go to memphis and tour that site. it must have been on the previous -- this is the 45th this it must have been the 40th anniversary. president bush took the prime minister from japan on a trip to memphis and they went to two things, martin luther king's -- the site of the motel and to elvis' house. i remember him saying america taught the world something so important through martin luther king's time, but certainly on that day. >> dr. king preached nonviolence, and yet what followed his death was violence across the country in a lot of major cities. i suppose that would be expected obviously, but what do you think? do you think he would look at it now today and say we made good progress? >> i think the legacy is a two-sided coin. the threat back when he was alive was an exter national threat. there were people that actually wanted to kill black
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people. there was the kkk. 24r* were people that wanted black people dead. this was an exter national threat. thankfully that threat is greatly diminished. now there is a new threat and the threat is within. you are talking about culture. you are talking about the dissolution of the family. you are talking about rampant drug use and the decline of city life, the gangs. we are a country that have -- that has let millions and millions of children down because we thought government could solve all of these problems. i wish there was another martin luther king. and you would think president obama could be that person, but maybe there is no replacement. an activist government does not solve your soul. it is something else. there is something else here that has to talk to people's souls and get them to change. i don't believe it is a program. >> kimberly, dr. king believes strongly that he was at odds with the nation of islam and also with the beginning of the black panthers. he came out against the war in
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vietnam. he lived through some internationally difficult times in the black community. his life was taken away. we don't know what would have happened if he had been alive. what do you think? do you think he would be satisfied today? >> he was a tremendously courageous individual and one that strove for social justice. i think he would be very happy with many of the things he would see in society today. i think he would be very happy to see we have president obama in the white house and his wife serving the country as well. i think these are all important steps that should be acknowledged and i agree with greg that we should turn more inward and focus on what we are doing with our children, white, black, hispanic and all of the above and make sure we are not leaving them behind. >> i think dr. king would look and say the exter national barriers have been taken down. you can get a job. you can go to -- excuse me. anyway, go ahead. >> i think education is the big one.
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you have the desegregation. it was painful for some centers that have been achieved in a lot of places. however as we saw yesterday in atlanta we had the 35 teachers in dieted on the cheating scan -- indicted on the cheating scandal. but they were not cheating, they were cheating the kids. that is the job of every american, white, black, brown, green, whatever. the progress on the job situation, bob is improving. the education piece is the root cause of a lot of the problems that continue on. a lot of these urban centers, 60% of the students are graduating from high school. if you don't graduate from high school, you will end up with a life of poverty. that's a vicious cycle he would have said to greg's point, how can we make thur government is out of this? how do we solve this problem ourselves? not because we give it to a big building in washington it will solve it. >> he railed against the break up of the family.
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i think he would say a lot has been done, but it hasn't been fulfilled yet. it doesn't matter what the color of your skin is, but the content of your character. he would think that was -- as much of a problem within the black family that he would do -- >> and he helped other movements. not just for african-americans, but other movements such as gay rights for example that has used hismor their goals as well. >> great man. one more thing is up next.
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>> one more thing. >> this is a super story that comes out of santa cruz, california. the cutest ever sea lion named ronin. how cute is that? except it is a female sea lion. we rolled a video of it. this sea lion is so amazing she can dance. >> ♪ how cute is this? >> this is amazing. it is not mimicked. >> why is she in a cage? >> usually only birds can do this. >> she is pleading for help. turn off that horrible music!
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interesting topic. thanks for wasting our time. >> dana? >> i have a preview for tomorrow. we will do something we haven't done on "the five." it is free for all friday. on our facebook page go to 5 five fnc. fill in the blocks and we will take three to five questions and hopefully can get more. send any questions about "the five" or any topic and we will take a look. >> you can't answer that one. eric? >> quickly let me set this up before you roll the video. atlanta braves rookie catcher, evan gatis, his first ever at bat and they were interviewing his parents when this happened. >> he is getting up there and here we go. that's his parents in the background. boom. >> there he goes indeed.
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>> the first at bat ever and goes yard. >> dinger and his dad i can just imagine the pride of the dad. >> i love that. >> quickly my banned phrase today, man cave. i went to look at an apartment the other day and they said, we have a man cave as if i am some kind of prim ma tiff freak who needs to sit on the couch and cry. it is called a den. >> this is a difficult day for me, the anniversary of dr. king's death. my dad was in that audience that night in memphis with the garbage workers union. he was deaf vat stated by dr. king's loss. he was devastated by dr. king's loss. my father, he is gone now, but i think he would have said we have come a long way. i think he deserves a lot of credit for that. >> amen. >> absolutely. >> good job, bob. >> well that's it for us at the "the


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