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tv   Red Eye  FOX News  April 5, 2013 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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>> see you tomorrow. >> ignore everything dana said. she is a horrible, horrible person. but you knew that already. god bless you, america. god bless welcome to "red eye." it is like married with children if by married you mean single and children you mean ring worm. let's go to andy levy for a pre game president are. what is coming up on tonight's show other than you are dressing like me and stealing my look. >> should you get a refund if a scene you are seeing is not in a movie? i would guess so. and what should we call people who come to this country i'm legally? some say illegal immigrants, but some say that is too on the nose. and something about north korea threatening with nuclear annihilation if we have the time to get to it. greg? >> thanks, andy. >> sure. >> thanks for last night.
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>> okay. >> you don't know what that means. >> i know. >> you recommended i watch "pitch perfect." >> a beautiful, beautiful movie. >> no, it wasn't. there was a lot of singing, horrible singing. one or two scenes where people threw up and the rest sing ising. it was just like the prom. >> you would prefer more throwing up. >> all vomiting and less singing. >> you have your special movies for that. >> i am never listening to you again. >> thank god. >> let's welcome our guest. she is so hot that stolen watches sell her in the dark alley. author, column thirst and fox news contributor, jedediah bila. and if he were a pinata i would bang him until candy fell out of his ass. remi minute gnaw -- minafasi. and he is considered a saddle,
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bill schulz. and if fearless reporting was a relish he would come on a hot dog, fox news senior correspondent, the sexy rick leventhal. >> correct. >> a block. the lede. that's the first story. can someone come get me out of here. >> never. was the coming attraction a major infraction? a new zealand man, is there any other kind, rick? he has been refunded his money to the film "jack reacher" after he claimed he was ripped off because a scene from the trailer didn't make the final cut. he said in his complaint, the explosion where the whole cliff comes down was the defining part of the ad that made me really want to go see the movie. aside from having tom cruise in it they say the stunt was a
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split-second scene omitted from a 130-minute long movie. but the asa ruled on the cantankerous kiwi. here is tom cruise trying to sit on a counter. >> that is a problem. >> no wonder kate left him. any i what, rick. >> yes. >> do you admire this guy or disgusted by this or are you dating this guy? >> what a waste of time. what was it $12? >> you don't believe in the principal? you are a reporter. >> it had to be the principal of the thing. he opened the flood gates. now anybody can ask for their money back. i didn't even see the movie and i will ask for my money back. >> i read the book. i am pissed off tom cruise played him.
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he is supposed to be 6 foot 5 and tom cruise is the reverse. >> way to spit in the face of the people. >> why because m why short? >> are you a self-hating shorty. >> maybe i am, but i want my tall people tall, thank you very much. what if you had harrison ford play shaft? >> he has made such inroads for your people that i would think you would be celebrating. >> remi, welcome to the show. could this ruling change hollywood for ever? >> i don't think so. ads have always been like this. i remember when i was in school we ordered the miracle 3 series so we can chop these pineapples in midair. we didn't return them. there was an ad. we did what any american could do which was partially bludgeon the pineapple. when life gives you lemons you make -- >> was there a movie about knives?
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>> there might have been. >> i am disgusted by you, rick eleven leventhal. you claim to be a journalist -- >> first, i don't claim to be a journalist. i am a journalist. >> you know, i hope that plays across the country as you try to defend yourself from the accusation that you are not a journalist. >> i i don't think there is any question i am a journalist. >> i don't think it was a question, period. >> i think you would support this guy foregoing after -- for going after misleading trailers. >> i get the point. he has a point. if there is a scene in the trailer it should be in the movie. okay. i give you that. >> jedediah, you are a huge fan of tom cruise, at least that's what you said in your journal. >> i am not a fan of tom cruise. i want my money back for every movie i saw with tom cruise.
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even in the top gun days, not my man. >> even jerry mcwire? >> not into it. >> what is your kind of man? >> nerdier and less irritating. not a tom cruise gal. but the explosion this guy is talking about is a nanosecond. you cannot tell me he saw the movie based on that tiny explosion. i think somebody just wants their money back. >> i don't know. i would call him an american hero except he is from new zealand. well, he is an american hero because nobody knows where new swrea land is. doesn't it come back to the fact that the trailer was lying and you are the worst thing in the history of things. >> what does that have to do with anything? >> i found the question weak. >> this could happen in new zealand because 10 people live in new swreend la. >> the -- new zealand. >> there are 40 or 50,000 people who live in the united states. if one person did a lawsuit like that everyone would do it
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every time there was a misleading trailer and there would be anarchy. thank you swree land better -- new zealand better think about it. now the big shun the movie business they shot themselves in new zealand for feet. >> he did research. >> do you think anyone else noticed that scene wasn't in the movie? >> that's why i love this story. i hate trailers. that's the worst part of going to the movies. you have to sit through ts stuff. it is really loud and they play you for a person with an emotional or mental problem. like they have to explain these things with loud music. you know the worst trailer ever was "greenberg" and possibly the greatest movie ever. trailers lie. jay well, they lie -- >> well, they lie, but it is usually the opposite. it is a cliche, but the trailers are always 10 times better than movies.
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when i should be working i watch trailers all day. i love them. >> that's good to know. >> i meant in my last job. >> they farm them out. the studios don't do them. >> no one sat around the table and said this scene is in the trailer and it is not going to be in the movie. it is an explosion. you would think somebody would say, we can just delete this and plug something else in. >> i was thinking some of the best scenes in tom cruise's trailer. >> what do you mean? >> i don't know. >> i don't think so. >> we already saw the explosion. >> you saw it for free. >> why do you need to see it twice? why do you need to see the movie if you already saw the trailer. the trailer is like the cliff notes of the movie. theoretically i have seen every movie ever made. >> if the movie tweeted, the tweet would be the trailer. those are two t-words that is
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awesomey lit ration. >> i can talk about this for hours. heck, let's do it. from a refund to the shun. if they wear lots of black, do not attack. that's the message from a police force who is treating attacks as hate crimes. manchester cops say using this classification will make it easier for them to protect the guys and gals in black with one official noting people who wish to express their alternative sub culture identity freely should not have to tolerate hate crime which apparently rick finds funny something that many people have to endure on a daily basis. anyway, i am often malign which is okay because i am turned on by being malign. we asked a typical teenager to
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comment. >> must have just been a waxed floor. >> i tried doing that on the carpet. guess what, it doesn't work, not at all. >> jedediah, this is an intellectual question, so i want you to follow me closely. >> so why are you asking me. >> shouldn't crime against someone who chooses to dress a certain way be classified the same as a crime against someone who is born a certain way? >> i would say yes. >> yes, really? >> and honestly, i mean i dated a guy with a goth phase and oftentimes these are harmless. what you look like on the outside is not a reflection of who you are on the inside or what kind of behavior you are prone to. it is stupid. every crime last i checked is
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a hate crime. i don't think it is a love crime. i president do understand the cat gorization. >> you -- cat -- the categorization. >> how gothy are we talking? are we talking do -- depeche mode to the cure? >> i dated somebody with the stretcher lobes. >> you were dating john gibson in the 70s. gary newman, a great goth. courtney love, not a great goth. a supporting goth saying it is indeed a hate crime. do you agree with him? >> no, i dwre gre with jedediah that all crimes are hate crimes. i do see a silver lining. you will get groups that are not generally known to be tough on crime. normally if jimmy goes out and murders somebody it is free jimmy t-shirts.
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now this person -- jimmy murdered somebody during the 18-month phase of their life where they are a goth it is like, oh throw the book at him. >>- q. i that is a smart point. if everything is a hate crime palm who are soft on crime has no choice but to come down hard. you turn every dove into a hawk. >> in the story they talk about the price of sub culture. maybe we are on our way to it. >> bill has sub cultures cultures in his underwear. what else could be a hate crime? how about being a gorgeous, sexy correspondent? >> what kind of question was that? >> it was a complement. maybe you can say thank you. >> can i just say goths are scary. who is attacking the goth? they are scary. >> goth are people in high school that dress a certain way to announce to others that they are different. and then they get bothered for
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being different. it is almost like a weird give and take relationship. i was a punk rocker in high school. i was often abused. >> that's not why. >> no because i had a weird odor. >> there are goth babies. >> that is amazing. wow. actually i think that is one of my daughters. and i would add that goth babies is a saturday morning cartoon waiting to happen. it is hard to rhyme words like forlorn and azriel, but we could make it work. >> can we see that picture one more time? it is amazing what make up can do to steve doosey. that was before "fox and friends." it was called "goth and friends." he was crying constantly. >> i agree with you.
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all crimes are hate crimes. in fact, most crime is driven by love. some of the most heinous crimes -- one of the most brutal murders ever. that is not a hate crime. >> why can't we just classify it all as evil? if you are a criminal, you are a criminal. if you are based on race or goth, what is the next thing? it is dumb. >> i think the reason they do it is so they -- >> for a goth crime there is a harsher penalty? once we get into these categories it is going to get ridiculous though. how many are we going to have? >> five. >> wait, five. >> everybody will be a victim of a hate crime except for you, bill. >> why? >> because everybody can beat you up. >> we are talking about sub cultures. why i am a party of one i am the stubiest of stub.
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it should be a hate crime just to look at me. from the hated to the haters. are we too wary to see the threat as scary? kim jong-un's regime moved a missal with considerable range to its east coast near the town of boston, north korea. yes, they have one there too and ben affleck is doing a movie there. he loves boston. shut up, greg. the missal couldn't reach our mainland, but a spokesman said the latest threat was, quote, totally killing our buzz. and is a statement from north korea's army said the american hostile policy will be smashed by the will of all service personnel and people smallerrer, lighter and diversified strike meaning the u.s. better prevail over the grave vagues. grave situation. well north korea should ponder
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on this. >> last night i had a wonderful dream. north korea was shaw rowedded in black smoke and the country was still and silent. not even the sound of a bird. the united states is coming, coming to crush you. those who dare provoke the dignity of the supreme leadership of america will never be allowed to survive. behold the might of our military. stand in awe of our magnificent fighting capabilities. north korea, we are coming for you. by land, by sea, by air, by any means necessary. we will harness the power all of our awesome technologies to defeat you. our storm troopers where occupy your capital and take 100 million of your citizens as hostages. north korea, we are coming for you. >> now let's point out it is a film i made in my basement.
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it is a spoof. we are a small show on late at night. we have no real power, no power whatsoever. would it be almost worrisome if north korea struck a pacifist tone this. >> i think north korea is like the kid that is whining and crying and you are supposed to ignore that kid and not give too much attention. >> i think it is like the kid in the class that has a crush on the girl and pulls on her pig tales. when the girl hits him he is like, do you want to go out? i think he just wants to date us. >> he loves american culture. >> he is a big fan of the darius ruddman character. >> the lead singer of the counting crows. >> and a congressman. is he authored the rudman bill. is north korea the madonna of rogge nations. they want to wear cone bras.
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>> i think madonna is scare yes, sir to be honest. i am not worried because i know if the united states unleashed the full military power on north korea, north korea would have a huge problem on their hands. we know that and they know that. it is a good pointt to ignore it, but you can't ignore it too much. you need somewhat of a presence saying this is fun and games what you do, but if you go beyond this, we won't be messing with that. >> we saw what happened in the video. >> remi, are we not taking north korea serious? >> all of the threats are coming from this leader who looks like a weebil. >> it is hard to be taken seriously when people are calling you the fat prince which by the way, bill, i think is mean. the quickest way to war is making fun of somebody's weight. >> you said he was kim-jong baby huey before this started. how will that cause a national problem? >> i don't know. we have to take a break.
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should you be able to wear white before memorial day? jedediah discusses her new book "it is the kkk every day." and why did obama slash his own salary in a fair and balanced look at the national economy.
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well, will they fall flat in combat? they flunked infantry officer training. the marine corp times reports the 13-week course was one of the hardest in the military. they made it over a horizontal bar and the last ran out of time. they volunteered for the same training course and also failed.
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let's check in with greg's army, training in my apartment. >> doing this top peck seriously . i have to look at the video. >> stop giving up your private videos and maybe we won't air that. >> erase that. erase, erase. jedediah, you are a woman, or so you claim. in a weird way, isn't this reassuring that they are not lowering the standards that we know, that people are failing, but as opposed to lowering the standards so we can get more people? >> and they shouldn't lower their standards. feminists need to keep their panties not in a bunch. when they deal with the military you have set standards for a reason. we can't compromise those.
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if there are women who can do the work, more power to them. if they can't keep up, they can't keep up. if there are men who can't keep up, get them out. >> fep nighses are not the only -- feminists are on not the only one wearing panties. open your mind and check out the whale tail the. what? >> remi, what is your take on this? >> i think it speaks volumes for the marines. they didn't alter their requirements, but they opened it up to everybody. which is good. women can go where men can got and men can go where women can go except a bathroom. which my uncle found out recently. >> there is always that one uncle. >> and he always says woops, i didn't know. can you bail me out? >> and he is always wearing something odd. you are the weird uncle, aren't you? >> no.
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>> in the green room, you just said, hah. there is proof that women aren't inferior. then you poured make up on the make up lady. >> and for the record 12 men failed that. it is not just women. >> more men than women failed. >> but i have to say i spent a lot of time with the marines and i know a lot of marines and i discussed the issue with marines who will remain anonymous. none of them were supportive of women serving on the front lines. there are so many complications and issues that will come up. it is going to happen, and i'm sure for the most part it will be okay, but the marines themselves they are not in favor of that. >> i have heard the same stories from people i haven't talked to. do i have time to go to bill or to the tease? >> i don't care. >> he told me to go to the tease. >> that was a hate crime. >> it was a hate crime. >> it was a hate crime cheered on by america.
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we get to skip bill on this one. all right, do you have a comment on the show? e-mail us. if you have a video of your animal doing something interesting, no hate crimes, go to fox eye and click on submit a video and we might use it. the half time report from tv's sweater stealing andy levy. jerk. >> tonight's half time report is sponsored by hovercraft. the vehicle that can travel over land and water supported by a cushion of air by blowing downward. thanks, hovercraft.
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let's find out if we got anything wrong so far. >> hi, greg. shut up. >> what are we, my three sons? by the way, nobody over 50 gets that joke. >> under 50. >> i don't get it. >> shut up. >> we do. >> i have three daughters. >> i got it. >> new zealand man asks for a refund after the trailer wasn't in the movie. in fact, they ruled that since paramount already offered him a refund and the trailer wasn't airing anymore the case was closed so they didn't rule one way or the other. >> wow. well this whole segment is falling apart. or is it making an even better story than it was? >> no, that's not true.
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rick, you said what a waste of time. what did he get, 12 bucks back? sorry, mr. money bags. >> obama's economy is killing this country. for you to sit there, sir, and act like $12 is not a lot of money is insensitive to the extreme. >> this is why romney lost, because of people like rick leventhal. >> they don't have dollars in new zealand. they have 12babaganusha's. learn the veer knack lar. >> you take the amount of time you spend on something and then divide it by the amount of money you get for that time and that equals how much money it was per hour. how many hours did he spend on this? 12? 20? 30? >> do you know? >> i don't. >> then why are you bringing it up? >> i guarantee you it was more than an hour. >> do you? >> that's all i'm saying. >> you have nothing to back
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that up. greg, you said you didn't see the movie because tom cruise isn't, but if you watch the movie and forget the books it is a good movie. >> i will never forget the books. they meant a lot. >> you just have to separate them. >> i don't. i keep them together on the shelf. >> you have to keep them separated as the great bland sublime once said. >> now that i know the scene. cliff falling down. >> rick are you still with me? >> i was trying to make a point. >> are you busy counting your money back there? >> that, my friend, is a hate crime. >> no, i am jewish too. >> i said now that i know the scene of the cliff falling is not in the movie i am not going to see it. >> as paramount points out the trailers are made before the final cut of the movie.
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a scene that was in the movie isn't by the time it is released. >> do you have a question for me? >> i am pointing out you said something silly. that is not a question. it is a fact, sir. >> well, you are doing your job. this is you doing your job. >> bill, you seem to think 10 people live in new zealand? >> yes. >> i didn't say you were wrong. i believe you think it is 10. >> and again i would prefer -- >> new zealand is america like a thousand years ago. it is an awesome place. >> i don't want to visit it. >> if you had the money you should. >> i would jet over there for the weekend. >> i am told it is enchanted. it is too far. you can't. >> that's true. >> it takes too long to get there. >> it was a long flight.
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>> i was thinking of zealand and not new zealand. and you said trailers are better than the movie. i agree which is often the case. sometimes it is not. i thought the trailer for "pitch perfect" was horrible, but the movie itself was indeed pitch perfect. >> are you on the back end of this? it has been pitch perfect all week. >> out of that movie there were 30 good minutes in "pitch perfect." >> no, no. police classify attacks as hate crimes. greg you said with amputation fantasies you are often maligned? >> yes. >> the stuffed animals are not consent together amputations or whatever horrors you deliver upon them afterward. >> horrors. >> well at least people will look up what prodiging is. >> not to mention plushy.
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>> actually prodige is more object excuse than plushy. >> jedediah, you dated a guy in a goth phase. was that while you were dating him? >> unfortunately, yes. he was a poet and -- >> of course he was. >> this is getting better and better. >> was he in "the breakfast club." >> he didn't talk much. >> did he take the guitar with him everywhere? >> no, that was another boyfriend. >> like go to parties and just, owe i will break out my guitar. >> yes, one of those. >> i go through these dejected like -- the scarier and darker, i feel like i have to help them or save them. >> they are interesting people. >> when they are waiting on you and they are very nice. >> i like hot topic. >> i like it for the goth.
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joy recommend -- >> remi, people who are usually soft on crime suddenly won't be which is a really interesting point and i forgot to write a question down. >> thank you, andy. >> that's his blown away face. >> it is a subtle difference. >> should i have worn a sweater? >> yes. >> we get. it rick. you can afford more than one set of clothing. rick, you said the reason they are doing this is so they can apply harsher penalties. the attacks as hate crimes, that's not uk law. so a judge couldn't apply any stiffer penalties. >> then what's the point? >> the police say it will help them go after these people i am not clear how.
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>> evil super powers. i don't know why they don't just use them. >> and they can protect themselves. they protect themselves from sunlight and that stuff is everywhere. >> north korea nuke threat. greg, you said north korea moved a missal to the east coast. did you say it was near the town of boston? >> yes. >> that is simply not true. >> it was in the tele prompter. >> there is no town of boston in north korea. >> do you know that? >> i poured over a military map for 74 minutes. >> nobody knows what is going on in that country, and i am a firm believer they recreated the entire city of boston so they can reenact the affleck brothers. >> there are reports they may have moved it near a boston market. >> who wouldn't? don't have the cream spinach.
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>> could did you say boston in the hopes that andy would catch it? >> it was in the tele prompter and basically i checked out hours ago. >> it was should be. i wonder if they have their own north korean cliff claven. >> you said they are a wine knee baby and we shouldn't give them attention. >> did i say that? i didn't mean it. >> they are wine me babies -- whine knee babies with nukes. if we don't want to give them attention we should get our troops out of south korea. lastly, in response to north korea moving to the east coast the pentagon said in the next few weeks it will deploy thad to guam. >> thad? >> yes. we need scarr acro anymores. you can't tell them oh, they are deploying thad to guam. >> that is one letter off thor. >> they both have th's.
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>> i thought we would send a prepper guy to guam. i didn't know -- a preppy guy to guam. >> why are you hating on thad? he was an intern for six weeks. he didn't steal your i-pod. why do you bring him up? >> he did steal it. it was the quick whole one that i missed dearly. >> i liked how thad would wear low fers without socks. >> now he is in guam. i hope you are happy. >> i am not happy. i miss him. >> are you done? >> yes. >> we are not doing the other story. okay. who deserves this year's peabody for general gorgeousness in journalism? rick leventhal. he spent money on but butt, peck and cheek implants. worth every penny. and sob quietly while eating a plate of french fries.
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the term should burn. the ap, it is associated press, not the supermarket, rick, said they will no longer use the term illegal immigrant. the executive editor explained it is part of an effort to banish labels from their writing guidelines. noting, quote, the style book no longer sanctions the term illegal immigrant or the use of illegal to describe a person. are you laughing already? he is a monster. it says that illegals should describe an action such as living in an imigrating -- living in or imigrating to a country illegally. discuss in the -- >> lightning roooooouuuunnndd. lightning round. >> all right, captain giggles. does this make sense to you at all? >> no. it is pathetic and stupid. what part is inaccurate?
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you come into the country would you proper documentation. you are breaking the law and you are an illegal immigrant. why don't you call them illegal immigrants if they are illegally in this country? >> i will tell you why. because it is mean. >> then don't come in illegally. >> we are governed by feelings and not facts. >> it is silly. >> are we going to cater to people breaking the law? you don't want to hurt their feelings? >> why do you have to bring caterers into this? >> some of them are. it gave me lots of diarrhea. >> thank you, caterers. apparently a lot of people think the term is offensive. but isn't it right if you are breaking the law, how is it offensive? >> i agree with rick. it is descriptive language. my irnts pa imigrated from
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iraq iraq -- my parents immigrated and iraq and they did it in compliance with the law, but some don't. you will have to differentiate between the two with language. my parents happened to be legal immigrants. they were right handed immigrants. short of banning adjectives. >> i didn't know they were right handed. i don't like that. not a big fan of the right handed immigrant. >> you are right handed. >> yes, but i am an american, not an immigrant for god's sakes. jedediah, this distinct, this subtle distinct is describing an action and not a person describing the action. is that a way around the language? >> it is a copout. a lot of the folks that write for the ap are expecting the policy to change. we have all of the immigration talk and soon maybe they won't be illegal. they are prepping us for that.
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i remember doing a segment on the panel and i said illegal and everyone sort of paused and gassed. gasped. i said this act is illegal. these are illegal immigrants. if they were legal we wouldn't be having the discussion. they have broken the law. it is completely ridiculous. >> granted that was on a weight loss infomercial. >> sell some protein powder on a saturday afternoon. >> i had to link it into obama. >> you are the lou dobbs of the commercial. it is crazy. >> they also dropped schizophrenic with diagnosed with schizophrenia. what do you make of that? >> deborah is on the fence because that's where she likes to sit. bill is on the fence, but the condor has something to say and it is this. i think this is the absolute right move. illegal immigrant is insensitive. i think the word drunk is
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insensitive. i prefer soberly challenged. i think homeless is offensive. i prefer sealing ho cash cash ceiling challenged. >> he made up good words. >> i made up a great one. thank you, america. use it lovingly. use it or lose it ssments. >> i bet you $100 you will use it? >> won't. >> will. >> get a room already, you two. >> one with a ceiling. we are taking a break. remember "joy of hate" i am out of them, but i will try to get you some.
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>> so 10 years ago jim carrey made a video and mocking the death of chuck heston. i mentioned it briefly last week. one of our guests remi -- >> menosofi. >> thank you. he taped it for reason .tv and i showed it on "the five" but
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i will show it again. >> ♪ sometime stars get armed guards ♪ ♪ when they make a million buckers ♪ ♪ and then call you heart less [bleep ♪ to want the same ♪ ♪ is it the same ♪ polio and smallpox ♪ they no longer kill in mass ♪ ♪ because of vaccinations they are a thing of the past ♪ ♪ but you tell parents to skip them ♪ ♪ and the science you contract ♪ ♪ because just like in your movies ♪ ♪ you're talking out your ass ♪ ♪ it takes a talking ass. ♪ to oppose a vaccination ♪ ♪ when your phd ♪ is in make magazine funny faces ♪ ♪ it takes a talking ass ♪ to tell people they can't arm ♪ ♪ when you don't walk around with an unarmed bodyguard ♪
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♪ it takes a talking ass ♪ to call them de meanted ♪ when you want something uninvented ♪ ♪ it takes a talking ass ♪ to be out there passing blame ♪ ♪ when you have shot someone on every tv ever made ♪ >> are you like the greatest iraqi cowboy ever made. do you do a lot of songs? >> yes, i do a lot of musical comedy and is a lot is on reason .tv and and they are not all about jim carrey. >> i have seen your stuff before and i am impressed. the thing you focus on is how celebrities move from issue to issue without getting that deep into it because they don't have time. vaccines -- what has been the consequence of vaccines? where is the science? it just went away. there was never any proof that there was a link and it just went -- >> and it is something that jim carrey was involved in.
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we knew he was involved in and he didn't pay attention to it. when will he start putting blame on people with this gun stuff and calling people names all of a sudden. i don't know what it is. i think in the 20th century smallpox was killing tens of millions of people a year. all of a sudden it is terrible. >> let's get rid of him. >> the whole point, i said how many people could have lost their lives over there? i was using the same mentality they do when they talk about guns. you have blood on your hands. i thought the video was great. >> thank you. >> cool. >> i think we are going to a break now. or i will just look at you. i know you look -- i know you like looking at me. i know you do. i can hear your voices when i am lying alone at night. and now tv's andy levy. fox eye. andy is not wearing a sweater because he is a jerk.
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you can see me on "the o'reilly factor." we don't do that segment. we hang out and sometimes we get coffee and play a little two-way golf. andy levy will be on "hukabee" he will be part of the panel. and don't forget, a new "red eye" airs on saturday at 11:00 p.m. eastern and 8:00 p.m. pacific. guests include diane macedo and tucker carlson and brooke goldstein. a handsome group of people. i will make it uglier. 11:00 p.m. eastern on saturday. it is important you watch. >> back to tv's andy levy for
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the post game wrap up. >> thanks, greg. rick? >> yes. >> what is going on with twitter with you? how is the follower count? >> it's all right. i mean, i want more. if i can get one more tonight it will be worth being here. >> everybody just stop following him. >> why didn't they put my twitter handle on the bottom? >> i asked them not to. >> that's why i don't have month are followers. >> jedediah, what do you have? >> i have nothing to promote so i will thank the "red eye" fans for the tweets. >> that's how you get more followers. and a hot dress. >> remi, anything? >> reason tv, video on there. hopefully something new next week. >> are you performing anywhere that people can buy tickets? >> american university tomorrow night, in like 12 hours. 4:00 a.m. already. >> american univers


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