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tv   The Five  FOX News  April 5, 2013 11:00pm-12:00am PDT

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call. thank you for being with us tonight. make sure you go to let us know what you thought about tonight's show. good night from washington. >> dana: hello i'm dana perino and eric boling and grumpy greg gut field. it's 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five". >> dana: we're going to have a little fun on the five and not beat up on bob in the "a" block. conspiracy theories. how many people believe in them? do you think aliens landed at roswell. was the moon landing and is big foot real? there is new poll out that just how many americans believe some of this stuff. eric, has your black helicopter dropped you off at fox, did you have any conspiracy theories in
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mind. >> eric: i do take a black helicopter. they are always there, by the way. [ laughter ] >> are you ready. producer, for five days has promised i could tell the world we are number two in all of cable news in all of 2013. and we run out of time. my conspiracy theater is that porter has known it all along. i thank our wonderful audience for number two and bring them along the ride to number one. >> dana: well played. andrea, you know there were times in capitol hill when you would be getting a ton of calls and people would have a theory, conspiracy theory. often you would think they aren't true but a lot of people think things are true. >> andrea: on some things. i think j.f.k. was murdered by
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the mob. i think marilyn monroe did not overdose for sure. >> dana: like what. >> andrea: and necessity she was whacked, killed. she was definitely killed. they were going to get her hands on the diary. >> bob: it's that italian stuff, whacked. >> there was big conspiracy that tupac is still alive. >> and him morrison. >> dana: 6% of paul mccartney that he died, whatever the beetles or something. >> who did you mean if it wasn't paul mccartney carted any. >> dana: people think, 5% believe that paul mccartney died in 1966. >> who went to the white house and performed.
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>> dana: this is great conspiracy they could keep going and going. i was trying to think of conspiracy theory involving you but everything is true. >> greg: what would you love about the hard-core conspiracy minded person. they believe government and corporations are creating a world that is fooling all of us, but them they can see through it but we can't but they are abject failures. if you see a hard-core conspirator, why aren't you at least clean? do you have all your teeth? not talking about the guys that sit next to you, by the way, conspiracies the whole point is to answer one question. the question is, who runs the world. we often see this. it's either the trilateral group
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the illuminati or carrot top. nobody knows again for me. the animal that has the paws and everything is that evil dog is a swedish boy in a costume. [ laughter ] >> dana: is this in the basement. >> greg: you fight conspiracies, they are theories. 9/11 truther, you blame him for 9/11. you are just saying that. you are just saying that so we don't know the real truth and it blows their mind. >> dana: bob, i want to ask bob. i know there are a couple things you can't talk about because you might know about something. you might add to a new conspiracy, but you don't seem like too much of a conspiracy theorist? >> tri lateralist -- i have always thought the kennedy
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assassination was never quite figured out. i have to be careful how i say that th. i think there is absolutely has been places on this planet or not of this planet. >> dana: aliens? >> bob: i don't want to talk about it. >> greg: you can't call it space aliens. >> you call them undocumented. >> bob: i think there have been things found in the world that have been outerspace that have been kept quiet. >> dana: like what? maybe one day. >> gregg: he got you at big foot. >> 7% of americans think the fun moon landing was fake but in middle east they really do believe that america never put a
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man on the moon. >> bob: there is a big conspiracy over there. there was a big conspiracy by nasa and armstrong put his foot, there is one small step for a man and nasa dropped a out of it. they kept it going for 20 years. >> but man and mankind are the same thing. >> greg: i have one crazy theory that the american media industry conspire to get unqualified orinski to enforce a european style socialism. >> that person was born where? >> greg: obviously kenya. >> bob: and communists outside your window all the time, you and greg. >> eric: do you believe aliens
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have visited or sometime. >> bob: one of the first times. >> one of the first shows you said i believe in ghosts. >> bob: i did. >> dana: there is a reason where where he might not know something. he is not able to say. >> i said i did believe in ghosts because my apartment building is haunted. what about the pan am flight at kennedy airport a lot of people said it was shot down by the government. there is number of conspiracies on that the zbligest one all time is 9/11 truthers claim the world trade center was brought down from within and not the two planes. >> andrea: there is other piece of that, my husband traveled to egypt and some guys, professional guys working, medical profession and having dinner, but these guys truly
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believed that no jews went to work on 9/11. they were all told beforehand. that is the scary thing about conspiracy theories. they believe the jews didn't go to work. >> i have 15 close friends that are jewish that went to work. >> dana: that is the dangerous thing. >> greg: why is it so east to be conspiratorist, all you have to do is raise questions. so a truther is disapprove what you saw. they are not trying to prove anything, i am just. how did the planes get there. i saw it. they don't want to do the hard work. >> i had it out with jesse ventura, there is no way the beams wouldn't have melted with jet fuel. jet fuel burns at 780 degrees
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unless you count for hours and hours and melting and heat and pressure. it's jesse's viewpoint. >> bob: my son brought me in and lots of kids are watching about 9/11. it's very well produced, it got all around young people in the pentagon they never found any of the engines from the plane. they never found any pieces of the plane. that is because it disintegrated. whole side of the pentagon was not side, blah, blah and these kids. my son to this day, he thinks in washington and pentagon was not hit. >> let's talk about the social media. opportunities and challenges that facebook and twitter and texting and being able to send videos like that. do you think social media helps fuel conspiracy theories or maybe you can squash them online. >> andrea: i think it's made them so much worse. if i had a nickel every time i
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used to get a family member, pass this on and alarmist. a couple of them i read, but you can quickly find out if they are not legally. i said please don't send me. all the people on the chain. >> bob: greg made a good point. problem with conspiracy, you have to disprove it. >> greg: popular mechanics did disprove all the 9/11 truthers then we have jobs. i'm not going to answer idiot's questions. >> eric: x files, conspiracies are out to get you. >> dana: that is why i'm so paranoid. they are throwing behind 1960 radicals. it glorifies communist that was
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one-once on ten most wanted list. later on a segment what you want to know about us. go to our facebook page and send us a question and we may answer it later in the show. nothing is off-limits -- well, bob, some things are off-limits. stick around. it ought to be fun ♪ just a little bit longer ♪ ♪ please, please,
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> greg: last week we saw robert redford crawl up the butt of the weather underground. terrorists that kill innocent people. now it's jada, trying to help a commie. boyfriend george jackson committed five armed robberies before killing a guard. he also wanted to poison the water system in chicago. he entered the courthouse with
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shotgun. that gun blew a judge's head off. he was awarded a faculty job. how funny is that left wing academics mock people with guns but somehow embrace armed radicals that want to destroy america? one is cool and the other isn't. why jada is hawking her flick, free angela and all political prisoners. how objective was she? here she is, she never apologized for her association and she always looked fabulous doing it. look fab and have the right politics and hollywood bends over. what dirt bags. she strongly condemns bullying. go to issue that can't condemn deadly behavior. so hurray for hollywood, a place where terrorists get tribute and
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charlton heston gets humiliated. it's hollywood, how we speak to the world and we're telling the world we suck. bob, i know you like angela davis. imagine if a republican had a hard-core contingent of violent right wing radicals would hollywood celebrated that? >> bob: can you imagine if this was a republican. >> greg: it's true. >> bob: the thing with angela davis, she never was arrested or convicted of anything. the shotgun was taken out of her house. >> greg: which she purchased. >> gregg:. >> bob:, no she did not purchase. >> greg: yes, she did. >> bob: she is a communist why everybody hates her. >> greg: i hated her because he is a criminal. >> bob: she never was convicted of any crime. >> greg: i think a juror became a lover and supporter.
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she bought the arms that were used. >> bob: let me ask you this. in this country, if we are found not guilty, is there some reason we can't pursue life normally like everybody else? >> greg: that is good question. i think it's disgusting that academics embrace these people. these are horrible beam, bodean who shouldn't be in colombia, she should be in a jail. >> andrea: she spent 22 years in prison for armed car robbery and then colombia university wlblgd all her home. they are the old heroes of the new left. your point about bullying is a good one. take whether he is a criminal or not off the table. she was a clear communist for sure. i just want what jay-z and will smith think about communism, communism is bullying, it's
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stripping them of their rights. it's the exact same thing that our founding fathers tried to prevent from happening and all of them, kathy bodean and communists glorified. >> greg: can i play a slot talking about this historical significance of angela davis. >> it is a powerful piece of american history. people think they know the story of angela davis. even think we know all the different aspects of that particular era, but we don't. i felt like angela davis represents such a dynamic figure of this time. she really was in the middle of kind of the building blocks of the america that we see today. >> greg: so she is a communist, feminist and radical violence and building block of america
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today, this is what is scary. these are people that shape history three media. >> dana: andrea pointed out the end of the interview, interviewer, never heard angela davis in his life. all right, absolutely. when al gore did the interview, all the anchor, good point. absolutely. >> greg: because they don't read up on stuff. >> bob: you go ahead. >> greg: i want to get eric. >> eric: bill ayers, bodean, hollywood embracing anybody that is markist, sean penn, what is it with hollywood and academy deem yeah just forgetting the past radical leftists that kill people. >> greg: they hate lay abiding
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citizens with guns but they love radicals with guns that kill people. >> bob: you did not -- wait a second. during that period of time, when there was a lot of radicals in the united states in the anti-war movement and lots of other movements, the government, police departments and others persecuted people unnecessarily. they did the kind of thing -- you say necessarily -- i'm talking about the late '60s and '70s and police and government stepped all over our constitutional rights because we happened to disagree with the government. at some point you will get angry about it. she had a right to speak out about it. >> eric: then years later, hide them at colombia, hide them. some of our most important
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institutions. >> bob: but the people that put them in jail, those -- >> they are not hidden. they are exalted like royalty at the institutions. really, i would love, maybe it's naive but i would love to see in america under communism under angela davis' few let's see if jay-z, if they could make those movies under a communist regime. >> bob: do you think the government had the right to wiretap people. >> greg: this is dough i could debate. what we are talking about a group of people that killed three of their own, building a bomb think were going to build. they were going to kill troops at a dance but the bomb went off and blew a girl's feet off.
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dustin hoffman had to rescue one of them in east village. they should be dead. >> bob: there is no excuse for that. they should have been prosecuted i agree with that. i don't think i can dismiss those times when the government and police departments broke the law. >> it's the trite protest and disagree. >> peaceful protests. >> not blow people up. >> bob: people that railroad people into jail? >> greg: don't they think they are icing you. people that are communists that wanted to overtake america are using you to do this. what you believe in, when they something violent. these people are no different than the manson family. the bodean, the fork, that was fork that was used to kill zbleeg. >> bob: sharon tate. i have a friend of mine that
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went to jail for 12 years because they wanted him off the street. f.b.i. guy should have been brought to jail. >> dana: one last point, neither you nor jada were old enough to live through it as bob pointed out. you read the history and came out with a different view than jada did. at our universities you get the point of view which would allow students to think it through. >> eric: that is good point. they will have a version of history which will be different. >> everybody should watch "the five" and "redeye". >> greg: and don't see jada's movie. is saying a woman a attractive sexist she is not bad looking. we'll tell you what he said and whether we think he crossed line next. ♪ ♪ ♪ just one look
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♪ and i felt so ah, ah, ♪ real love ♪ with you ♪ oh, oh,
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♪ ♪ i wish to be all california girls ♪ ♪ i wish all to be california >> there is a lot of good looking women in california and president obama noticed one of them this week and he is in trouble, but not with mrs. obama. some liberals are upset with the president is saying the state attorney general pamela harris is easy on the eyes. during a fund-raiser, she is quote, by far the best looking attorney general in the country. now is this really a big deal or much to do about nothing?
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>> greg: this was a complete horrifying attack on eric holder [ laughter ] >> he was working closely with obama, what am i? he trims his mustache and what does obama do, by the way, baby says good looking a lot. he said it to me many times. if we don't think it's a big deal, i can't get angry. she is good looking. >> andrea: they have a close relationship and they have been friends for years. is it unprofessional for the president or any man to comment on a woman's look in the workplace. >> dana: i think it's all relative. there is a time and place for everything. he saw it as compliment to her. some liberals as how angry and
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crazy some on the left can be. >> it was angry at bush. >> dana: actually that is true. >> here is another thing, if president obama had to do it over, he probable wouldn't have done it. everything he says gets picked up. he could have been more cautious >> andrea: don't you think feminists have ruined it. when a guy recognizes your looks in a respectful way. you look nice today. you look hot, whoa! >> when greg does that, whoa! it's unnerving for me. >> greg: at the urinal, you have to be careful. >> eric: this is the only thing i like about president obama he is willing to recognize she is a beautiful woman. is that a bad thing?
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the problem is, if anyone gives him a hard time for this, it's their fault. >> also some people get left out right? everyone gets a trophy culture. you can't say that somebody is pretty. >> andrea: bob, what do you think about this? >> bob: first of all, let me say this. i think you two are easy on the eyes and you are hot. i think sometimes, not just the left has a bigger problem. why doesn't take it easy and take a joke. the only reason if obama would say that if his old lady would kick the hell out of me. [ laughter ] >> andrea: his old lady? >> eric: did you hear what michelle obama, she says, it's hard to be a single mom.
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i mean -- >> she would have said it after president obama said that. someone is sleeping on the couch tonight. >> eric: remember early in the first campaign or right after he won, he was walking down the steps. >> he said hey, sweety. >> i don't think it's a big deal. most of people that are screaming what the president did would love for a man are incredibly good looking. they do wanted to be noticed for their looks. >> bob: i feel left out. >> bob, you are very hot. we have to put the fire up. the next moment, the moment you have been waiting for, unpredicted free for i will. we asked for your questions on facebook and the answers are coming up. ♪ ♪ ♪ they wrote me letter
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♪ i don't care how much'd it go? well, dad, i spent my childhood living with monks learning the art of dealmaking. you've mastered monkey-style kung fu? no. priceline is different now. you don't even have to bid. master hahn taught you all that? oh, and he says to say (translated from cantonese) "you still owe him five bucks." your accent needs a little work.
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now back to "the five" ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ so urgent ♪ so urgent >> we're going to have some fun. welcome back to "the five," and welcome to our first facebook free for all. thanks to everyone. fantastic response. check it out. we heard from 2500 of you. let's take a look at some of questions. we haven't seen them yet. >> i'm so nervous. >> eric: dana is up first, will jasper be the only child from busy let's. >> dana: is that a great question. we agonize about. if i did not live in an apartment in new york, i would
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get another jasper if i a yard. the name in particular, you can't decide the name. >> greg: are you one of those that refer to your dog as child? >> dana: no. >> make sure you this shoo gets the window guards on her window. what is that? >> elizabeth b.. >> bob: thanks. >> eric: bob is up next. okay, ready for bob. if obama were to call tomorrow to offer you your pick of posts within his administration, would you accept and what post would it be and why from christopher. >> bob: this is best job i've ever had. there is no way i would do that. under no circumstances. >> any job would you like. >> bob: i mean i could be
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president if you resign. outside of that. >> you would never pass a background check. >> bob: never. when i was in government, can you believe that. >> no, i can't. >> you wouldn't want the campaign. >> god, no. >> you could be the golf partner. >> eric: you are up. for grelg, where does he buy his glasses and would he consider a monacle, bring back it from jeremiah >> greg: these were a gift from kimberly. i have been trying to get one for ages. i have a friend in california who makes monacles. i think they are long forgotten. that is a great question. i would wear it in the right
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eye. it would be like this. >> isn't it one eye for reading. >> you are going to get so many monacles. nobody makes them anymore. >> here a trivia question, he pointed this out. i've noticed this, do you ever notice the glasses goes on and off. >> it's like a habit. >> greg: i have a dent in my nose, a legal dent. >> eric: andrea. did your parents teach you and encourage you the greek language in addition to english growing up? >> andrea: yes, they did, they made me to go greek school, and i was terrible student. i was in seventh grade and i doodled on my notebook. i know how to speak it, but i'm not very good at writing it.
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here the thing they used to tell us. you can speak the language but you can write to your cousin. >> bob: speak something greek. >> andrea: now i speak french and spanish too. >> bob: i speak greek. i don't speak english. >> eric: here is my question. i see you were born in chicago, cubs or sox. absolutely the white sox don't know who they are. cominsky park, never went to go there. i almost got arrested. i went to three tickets and i brought my father. i had an extra ticket. i sold the extra ticket.
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a cop put a cuff on me and brought me to the tank and let me go because i didn't make a profit selling the ticket. >> you learned your lesson and became an energy trader and made lots of money. >> hold on. this is important everyone, who picks on ties and suspenders, eric's watches, andrea's lipstick and greg's sweaters from vick. >> interesting thing, i don't wearing earrings. >> wow! >> my hole closed up. [ laughter ] >> brit: get my ideas myself. i have about 70 pairs of suspenders. >> can we do this quickly. i would like to know if something is wrong seriously. i have really liked bob beckel.
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i will speak for that. i will answer that. one of niceest guys you will ever meet. >> he i pick my own lip gloss, shauna pick my own lip gloss. >> still to come, people are flock together tv screens in droves with duck nine sti a reality show about a traditional family. a show that is shaking up the left. bob is going to quack in next. that is next. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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>> bob: my friend said, why don't we play gatlin music. duck dynasty, 8.6 million people tuned in. the show features a family of duck hunters that turned millionaires. here a peek. ♪ ♪ ♪
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>> dress shopping. it shouldn't take three or four minutes. >> it's going to take longer than that. >> it's her big day. >> 30 minutes we'll be in and out. >> we return a dress. >> is there something wrong with it? >> there is not enough material. >> bob: it is fun together and family prays together. >> as a dad, i want to see my children grow, even if i have to do growing in the process. >> thank you for another day on planet earth, i practitioner for luke and emily they are pure in their dating relationship. amen. >> bob: let me say. i have to the seen the show. i like it right now. i happen to pray at dinner with my family and when i'm alone which is not very often. the other thing i related to, when my daughter bought her prom
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dress to show it us, i said we're going back, you only got half the dress. i can relate to that. any father understands this. >> your date show up less than that. >> that is what they are supposed to do. [ laughter ] >> so i didn't know about it until i saw when it debuted this season. it got huge ratings. i remember three episodes of girls, okay that is enough of that. i was scrolling through and dynasty was on like a marathon. i watched three of those. i thought, wow, i can see why people like this. this is american family, they have a business together. they are funny. they enjoy each other's company. they get up to some crazy antics >> forget this and walking dead.
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>> when i heard of it i thought it was a chinese restaurant. it's a great name. this is actually an important show because it's proof to the coastguard there are millions of people out there that are not like them. when they find this show, they are looking at footage of life on mars. they actually believe in family, they believe in hard work. they are opposite of angela davis documentary. >> bob: i don't think you see a lot of people out there. >> of course you do. they look at them with disdain or they are looking at a zoo. they have good values. admittedly, i thought was z.z. top and then i starred to watch it i really like it. >> bob: i don't know who z.z. top is. [ laughter ] >> bob: who is that? >> she's got legs.
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>> bob: is it girl. >> sing it. come on. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ rolling [ anouncer ] ihop in time square to compare new griddle-melts to your usual breakfast sandwich. a lot more flavor. [ anouncer ] ihop's new griddle melts... made fresh and hot! hand crafted just for you. it's like a sexy sandwich. [ anouncer ] compare new griddle melts yourself. just $4. it's like a sexy sandwich. it's an epic breakfast sandwich.
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>> it's time now for one more thing. eric is going to start. >> okay. i will go first. eric is going to start. >> for my one more thing, grab a pen, we need your help. jana winter is an investigative
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reporter for fox news who has being pressured by james holmes who killed 12 people and being pressured to reveal the story and notebook kept by holmes. if she is forced to do that. it could destroy her career. she has two choices, destroy her own career or go to jail. she shouldn't have to do either in the united states. there is the thing called the first amendment. go on twitter and put out the hash tag. hash tag leave jana alone. send a message to james holmes and his lawyers who want to put her behind bars. we will follow the story and keep you posted. >> thanks for that. andrea? >> this is the best story of the week and a follow-up to a story that we did last year on the 5. brian banks, you may he remember him. he was convicted of rape when he was in high school. he had a usc scholarship to play football. he went to prison over five years. last may he was exonerated
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when the woman said he was raped made it up. he came out and said i'm not bitter. i just want to play ball. someone give me the chance. we pleaded here on the 5 with the nfl coaches, somebody give him a chance. this week he was signed to the atlanta falcons. congratulations, brian, i'm sure you have a lot of fans here. >> that is great. you know how sometimes you wish that your dog could talk and how rescue animals know that they are being rescued. tyler, texas after they found out when he barked it sounded like he was saying something. take a listen. [barking] i love you greg. >> band phrase? >> oh, man. >> you can't make this stuff up. >> i was going to say that
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about that you just can't make that stuff up. i'm not because i hate that phrase. >> that's a good ban phrase. bob, do you want to go next? >> the ncaa is coming to a close here. we have got four teams left. louisville plays wichita state tonight. wichita state how they ever got there i don't know. louisville favored by 10.5. take that you will make some money. the luckiest team in all of college basketball syracuse who had no reason to be in the final four is up against michigan. michigan favored by two points. take michigan two points. and in the end louisville, louisville, i don't care what the point spread is, they are going to beat whoever it is by a big margin. it's probably going to be michigan. >> tough to do mascot theory. an orange can't beat anything. >> you have seen project runway what's happening there? it's ridiculous. like dodge ball went anorexic. .terrible. you didn't have louisville to win the whole thing. >> no. >> why are you saying louisville now?


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