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tv   Forbes on FOX  FOX News  April 6, 2013 8:00am-8:30am PDT

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market is consistent and it is a fantastic show. now the cost of freedom continues because this is fox. well, an awful jobs report coming out on friday. 88,000 new jobs created in march and the percentage of americans working is lowest level since 1979. energy production in general and the key stone pipe line in particular could fuel thousands of new jobs and yet environmentalist protesting the keystone pipe line. they were at it again in a obama funder in california . two out of three americans want the new pipe line agree. more pipe lines and more drilling mean more jobs. but are they right?
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>> welcome to forbes on fox . i am david asbin. we have steve forbes . rich and rick and elizabeth and john and mike. so steve, the pipe line means more jobs, right. >> this is ridiculous. it should have been three or four years ago. it is extremist that rather have us go and freeze except for themselves. it will go forward and provide jobs and gas and oil in particular . more is better and cheaper energy means not only jobs in the energy secretarior. >> rick, now of all times and we have an anemic job figure. >> i don't have an instant allergic reaction to the pipe line . people dependent if they are okay i am okay . >> let's be realistic.
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>> the governor who was against it is now for it and seen the figures. >> on the jobs front it would create 20,000. i will take any job but once it is built they will be gone. >> a lot of debate. >> lose the debate about gas prices. >> emac, job numbers, there are a lot of figures. it would create thousands of new jobs. >> you noted in the break there are better multiflier. there is restaurant and other service jobs and that's better than what the government uses. i love how the same guys on the president's job council are now telling the president, including david from honeywell. you ave no energy strategy, approve the pipeline without delay and i like how we have
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zero reaction from the environmental. you will have to deliver the oil by railway that is way more poing than the pipe line. >> beyond the keystone pipe line so much natural gas is discovered in this country and they are screaming for job in north dakota. if you interesteded jobs sales clerk or mechanical welder or truck driver. they are looking for everybody there. and this is the future of job creation in america, is it not? >> i don't think it is. i think it is money illusion and a lot of them will not be economic if we return to a strong dollar. it goes for keystone. if market forces want to build t go for it. but curve your enthusiam. the notion that the pipe line in north america will change gasoline prices will be pure
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fantasy. we'll only get cheap gas with a strong dollar. >> talk about jobs. everybody is focused there. the way to get it is energy production in the u.s. though? >> the way to get sustainable jobs is private investment. the key stone pipe line is private market dollars and not government dollars and that is how you create job growth in the long-term. it is not government creating temporary jobs. i will bullish on what it would do for jobs in this counselry. our country is awash in cash . businesses are not investing it because they are stymed by the government. >> rich, i saved you from the last. you know how extraordinary the job production is. by the way, students looking for jobs are starting to look right now. they can make 26 dollars an
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hour in north dakota dack? >> i am from dack and they are paying ever bey to mcdonald franchise to compete with oil field labor. >> wow. >> but the keystone pipe line. rick cited 20,000 jobs. but it is a 10-x factor and numerous groups studied this . the thing about jobs. we have a tragedy in the united states, that high school graduates really have the highest unemployment figures and that's where we need the jobs f. you are live on the coast and has s.a.t.'s and math. you are fine. but we need jobs. >> the unemployment rate for blue collar workers is 11-12 percent. we have hundreds of thousands of pipe lines in this country that .
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workers and add to the spare capacity to avoid the opec shenan gans . whether or not it is the president approving it given that he went to san francisco may be delayed again. >> the pipe line will only be creating and i am not misquoting here. 35, with numbers like that, you think the president will go. >> he want to go to the environmentalist. he wants to go back to wind and wood burning in cave. but americans don't . pipeline means less of our resours going to venezuela. >> no, it is not a great point. >> yes, it is. european companies are coming to the natural gas and if we are able to export that we
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could get moving on another front and energy. >> first of all. i love the new segment we tell people where the jobs are at. that is good. steve, don't overdo it on the administration. they don't want to send us back to the dark ages. i will make a prediction that the president will approve the pipe line. >> you have to look at rules and regulations . >> now you are backing off? >> hold on a second. >> he knows there is more than one way to do it. >> in defense the president has not pulled back on how much he was against carbon energy. his appointments in the field and with the energy secretary don't like carbon energy and there is a lot of evidence that this guy doesn't want to go forward on the carbon energy. >> it would be a pr disaster for him not to go forward
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given the consensus of them doing this. three of the top 10 most taxed companies are u.s. oil companies. i never understood why conservatives wouldn't want more companies. >> we'll ask the north dakotan that question: >> there is a lot of considerings. they turn around and funnel that money to terrorist groups. obama will approve it . i will tell you why. the 2014 senate race democrats are vulnerable over key stone. >> it may come down to politicings, coming up next. >> belittling on the basketball coach. rutgers giving the basketball coach the boot. even though the university
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visit ♪ >> hi, everybody. i am jamie colby . legal challenges are prompting the federal administration to delay the closures of control towers . the towers will stay open until midjune. the closures were scheduled to begin tomorrow due to automatic across the board spending cuts . don't worry, you still have time to file your tax return. but the i.r.s. may dig deeper to catch the cheaters. they will look at facebook and twitter to gather information about you . the government claiming it will only acess your page if you have a red flag on your tax form. i am jamie colby.
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see you again with kelley wright . forbes on fox continues and for all of the latest headlines go to fox see you later. bumpted on the basketball court. rutgers coach mike rice getting fired after the videos went viral. they found out about it in december and fined him and made him attend anger management session. rich, you said he would be canned immediately in the private sector. >> this was more than holding basketball players to high standars. that is out right cruelty. you don't kick them and slap them on the head and label them with gay slurs. there is a silver lining there. they were not any good. they were a 500 basketball team. look at john wooden in ucla
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and bill walch the football joke and phil jackson they were honorable men. it was not effective. >> on the other hand, you have coaches like vince lombardi who said it is a tough and cruel business . anyone who tries to hide their emotions makes a mistake. vince was universitially applauded for his work in the coach . the question he was working for a private company, the greenbay packer. >> in the private shortage, there is no shortage of mean bosses that verbally abuse their coaches that get fired. how about steve jobs? >> i don't think he threw a chair . >> no, he was verbally abusive and humiliated them. it was documented . the difference is the coach was caught on videotape and
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was a poor performer. >> was that the only difference, it was caught on tape? >> i don't think you mean lombardi was at the level of what this guy was doing. he was deeply disturbing and antigay slurs. so pathetic. even if you did that to your child the state would come n and rice was critical of his own behavior . he did have a losing record. 45-51 losses. the thing that the school sat on this for months and you would think that the parents were upset about >> he had losses and on the other athletic director fired on friday got rutgers in the big 10 conference and added 30 million to the overall money. we have comments from other professional ball players chipper jones from the atlanta braves said i am quoting his
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tweet. i was hit with a baseball and dragged around the football field with the face mask and i was cursed at and called names. >> there are other professionals that say that people are treated the way rutgers treated. >> the male sports culture is like this. they grab face mask and the way it has been. i am not defending coach rice. i am embarrassed for him. it is hardly abnormal. the difference in the past they didn't have cameras. jack welch got good results and famous for berating employees. coach rice didn't. fire him for that more than anything. >> jack welch didn't physically abuse these people. >> all you do is invite a lawsuit on this age . in terms was steve jobs, he was fired because was impossible behavior and even
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though he had a prickly personality he had to learn to bring people together. >> i hate to argue with the boss. he got fired and apple went down and it was not until it came back. >> apple was getting in trouble in the mid1980s he brought in a successor who didn't cut it and he got fired and he had bumps along the way and it was not until the late '90s came back to apple and learned how to be an effective ceo. especially in this day and age, you berate verbally and you lose absolute control you don't get respect and lombardi had respect and his people they understanding learn from them. >> losing control, you express your anger when you lost control, doesn't that show you are a bad manager? >> yeah, i don't think a bad
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boss is fired faster in the private sector. there is a calculation. if allegation of abuse or harassment and the offender is a great performer they accepted him to a sensitivity training and then they say i am sorry. >> and some companies will show them the door. this team was losing players. where was the wake-up call for the management to say there is a problem and he is assaulting the playiers. >> the assistant coach only came forward after two years. >> steve, i am sorry, we have run out of time. we could do three segams on former congressman and retired colonel allen west firing back at a dc plan for gun owners to buy costly gun insurance. right here new numbers showing $700 million in hurricane
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katrina aid was wasted. before that happens with the sandy money, pay to relocate victims and there will not be any waste. is this a good or bad idea? we debate that, coming up next . (announcer) at scottrade, our clients trade and invest exactly how they want.
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>> 700 missing - million missing from hurricane katrina. some say this is why we should relocate
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>> divide 00 -- 700 million bucks gone. a new government report said that is how much in hurricane katrina relief is missing and sandy victims are waiting in
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the cold for their aid. the best way to help them is to pay victim to move away from disaster wrones and paying them to relocate to a safer area could save s that incentives matter. we have to give the beneficiaries to be frugal and b to stay out of the harm's way . part of that plan is vouchers and another big part paying them to live elsewhee. >> mike, incentives matter? >> what type of encentives, move to kansas where they are hit by tornado? i don't think the government should be involved in reimbursing people for loss of personal property when it is not the government's fault. going back to katrina that was a complete debacle . keep the government out of it. >> morgan, the government shouldn't be in it at all? >> no, there are reasons why
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in theory that the government proposes to relocate people have these rules in place makes sense. in reality you need to build the homes, where are you going to move those people? and we have a lot of homeowners are under water and will not be able to rebuild. >> you want to rebuild them in another place? >> i have to say something to mike's poign. sandy is not a debacle and worth noting that the current administration has done a better job to put checks in. >> wait a minute. hold on, 700 million is gone. >> from catrina. >> i understand and a lot of people are suffering from sandy right now and say whether it is government money or red cross money it hasn't arrived yet. billions are allocated and most of that is going through the state and that is not
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accurate. something about relocation it depends on the situation. problem with relocating people from the houses you are not able to make them whole. it will take more to take them to a new neighborhood because of the land value. >> give them vouchers and let them make their own decision make it clear if you move in a bad area pay the insurance villain else. >> working longer to pay taxes. we are here to help you get money back. ♪ using supercomputing and mobile technology
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>> tax freedom day coming five-days later.
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april 18th and when we start working for ourselves and not paying all of the taxes. here's tips on how to make that money up. one of jim michaels favorite -- >> yeah, johnson and johnson, i wished i stayed in the stock. it is about to raise its dividend for the 51st time. >> you like it. >> owner of j& j, i am disturbed about hearing about recall. >> global payments. >> the world is going digital. these people are part of that. >> morgan you like it >> it is licking his wounds off weak aperings. >> you like key energy, why? >> analyst are up grading and room to run. i continuing is going to. >> it is super expensive 126 times


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