tv Red Eye FOX News April 6, 2013 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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welcome to "red eye." it's like let's make a deal, and by deal we mean catsuit. andy, what's coming up on tonight's show, you jerk. >> greg, our top story tonight, a united airlines flight is diverted after parents complain about the showing of an in-flight movie they consider inappropriate. plus, was a student bullied by his teachers for being a republican? he says he was, and that's good enough for us. finally, we sent bill shults out on the streets to find out about the return of weightlifting pants known as the
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zubas. they pulled him until his limbs were separated from his torso, but they put it back on with the legs where the arms should be and the arms where the legs should be, and he went back to being the laughable freak that he is. >> that's a bit rough, andy. >> it was actually pretty cathartic. >> don't you actually feel better now that that's out in the open? >> i didn't like that. no, i liked it a lot. let's start the show. >> let's welcome our guest, ms. virginia voom of the newsroom. weekdays on fox business network. and she's so hot she moonlights as a forest fire. she's just married. congratulations. sorry, fellows. founder of children's rights institute and in florida he's considered a misdemeanor.
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it's my sidekick, bill shultz. >> sitting right next to me, tucker carlson. and editor in chief of the infamous daily caller. >> i'm being held here against my will, america. >> was a flight diverted from a movie that was perverted? according to the atlantic -- the magazine, not the ocean, tucker -- the family felt the pg-13 detective movie "alan cross" was inappropriate for their boys aged 4 and 8. they asked if the drop-down monitors could be turned off, and they were told no, and then they were stabbed.
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no, i'm lying. they weren't stabbed. but after some back and forth with the crews, the family gave up, and after the interactions, the atmosphere was cleollegial. but then the flight from denver to tampa was diverted and they were booked on a new flight. diana, stop yawning. so when scene from "alex cross" most upset them? take a look. >> wow. that is clearly not for children. but sado, i'm reading. this show is only 90 seconds old. it's 90 seconds old and you are yawning. twice. >> as soon as she's on her third martini, greg.
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lay off! >> it was a really long intro. i'm sorry. >> no intros, we're just going to say here's the story. we're not even going to explain it to america. we're just going to do this story because diana has to get up early. tucker, this is a really interesting story to me. i think this is fascinating they would actually divert a plane over a movie. do you think the family is lying or did the captain overreact? >> it doesn't matter. the flight crew can throw you in prison faster than the irs. they're like saddam from the old days. you have to obey. i had a friend getting mouthy on a plane after asking for a glass of wine, he was read the expatriot act, i'm not kidding. this is like an adult with kids. the point is, whatever they tell you to do on a plane, just nod in a bovine acceptance and do
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it. >> it was paxton, wasn't it? >> no, it wasn't. that's a good guess. >> i had a similar experience where they told me i was abusing the overhead waitress -- calling her waitress was not a good thing -- i was pressing the button, and they accused me of taking advantage of my position, and i was like, what are you talking about? i felt heat, like i felt that they were going to do something. >> just obey. they will be waiting for you. >> brook, since 9/11, we've been very cognizant of threats. do you think that now that there is an inordinate amount of flight attendant power, or do you think this is -- >> absolutely. i think everybody knows someone who has been kicked off a plane, right? the authorities can be completely discretionary. >> were you kicked off?
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>> do you have to tell that story right now? >> absolutely. >> okay. this is the story. i was on the way to st. bart with my wedding dress -- >> nice! >> -- and i got kicked off the plane from american airlines because they didn't have room for my wedding dress. i'm telling you. >> you were getting married in st. bart's, so you were on the plane with your wedding dress. they're aware this is the most important day of your life, but because they didn't have room for the wedding dress -- your fault, by wait the way -- you d have to wear it, you could have worn some kind of linen outfit. >> it was completely by discretion, and they told me i gave them attitude. it was my wedding dress, come on! and they kicked me and my husband off the plane. they said we were a security threat and they offered to rebook us on another american airlines flight, which is also what happened to these people. how could they be a security
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threat if they want to rebook them on another flight? >> this is a better story than the story we led with. i don't care about the movie. you were going to get married. you were going to get married. >> it was terrible. >> and american airlines bumped you because you were -- because your bridal gown didn't fit? that should be on the cover of usa today next to a pie chart. >> well, i don't know. i'm kind of on american's side. that does sound very threatening. >> it does, right? a really angry bride. don't get in my way. >> that's a plot point and some romcom, by the way. >> diana, this must alarm you but fjust for the fact you're nt married. >> thanks, greg. i am getting married in a foreign country. i will now check my wedding dress. >> where are you getting married? >> why, are you coming? >> where are you getting married? >> in london. >> what's wrong with america? >> my fiance is british.
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we're getting married there because his family is there. >> a green card marriage. i've seen that movie. >> romcom is here today. how old is this plane? i can't remember the last time i was on a flight with drop-down screens and one in-flight movie. don't they all have screens on the chairs now? >> these planes are fairly old. they still have the thing in the middle with the -- what movie did they have that was terrible? it was a children's film. it didn't matter because i was so wasted. no, they're still operating on these old planes, which is generally safer, aren't they, the old ones? >> i don't know. it's like pre-war architecture. >> and it's outside my realm of expertise, but inside my realm of expertise is the flight attendants. and kind of like tucker said, they are militant. i think one of the requirements to be a flight attendant is you have to hate people and be on a
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major power trip. >> i've had great flight attendants. i've had great ones, and the ones, by the way, on the last flights were fantastic, but every now and then you get a power tripper. >> i think it's the other way around. every now and then i get a nice person and i'm like, oh, my god, they're actually nice to me. i'm so elated because it's the exception and not the rule. >> maybe it's because you're pretty and i'm a small man with odor. maybe they found out you snuck into the wheel well. is that why you hate america? >> wheel well is cheaper. not snuck, volunteered. just thinking about this story makes me angry. these people diverting the flight over a tyler perry movie. the only thing objectionable in a tyler perry movie is the very idea you're going to be somehow
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entertained. other than that, there is nothing bad about these movies. for them to do this and for all these other poor passengers, i would poor scotch on all of them and pretend to light a match. >> oh, that's terrible. tucker, i was thinking about this. the fact they diverted and landed in chicago means it's not a big deal to pull a plane over. it's like a bus. i always thought it took a lot of time and it was expensive, but apparently -- >> oh, it does. it talskes a lot of time and its very expensive. >> yer >> yes, i would think so. but i've been on buses where a guy threw up next to me and they don't pull over. >> that's new york city. every captain is like captain bly. you are the unquestioned authority. you are the dictator. you're in command. >> i love it when you do stuff like that because i don't know what it means. it's like being interviewed by dennis miller. i should read more. >> it's not just even the cost to the airline itself for pulling over. lawsuit enforcement officials
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that were involved in this, local law enforcement, the fbi, border agents, the cost to the taxpayers is astronomical. >> what if they had connecting flights? it was such a selfish maneuver and they were obviously not a security threat if they were going to rebook them on the next flight. everybody is grumpy in an airplane, everybody. >> the world has changed. up in the air laws are suspended. like i said, i took a bus from allentown to new york once a week and stuff like this wouldn't happen even when people were dealing drugs on the bus. >> which was every time, right? >> exactly. they would put drugs in the baby's diaper. it just ruined the drugs. but i want to tell you, i will say this about the movies. i was on a plane and they were showing the latest "batman" movie. you can't have a movie where the plane is breaking in half in the opening scene. remember, they're fighting and what's-his-name is hanging there? you can't have that. >> and there's always a bald
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mercenary in first class that makes you more scared. >> i'd rather not bring up bill o'reilly right now. from con-air to con kids. his support of nick gave him a fit. a 15-year-old kid said he was bullied in school by teachers -- yes, adults -- because he's a republican. he was known for his tea party speeches. over three years, teachers scolded him for his opinions. here he is describing the harassment he faced. >> she went down and went up and went down. not only can i say it -- >> i apologize, that was the wrong tape. can we see the megan kelly interview? s the worst thing, again, was with my english teacher. he had a day in class early this
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year where he decided to tell me that small business workers and owners take off fridays and summers. he also told me that he worked harder than my dad. he told me that he didn't have enough money to stabilize his family working for the teachers, so he had to work in the summer painting houses. >> he's more tucker carlson than tucker carlson. the young man also talked about the effect this had on other students. >> what worries me is the other students. the other students have to sit through these classes and hear these teachers have these views about scott walker and mitt romney, but they also see another student getting harassed or bullied and they don't know what to do. as a student, it is scary to stand up to a teacher. >> tucker, by the way, we're joking about this. but really, he is a modern version of the rebel.
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what he's doing is more nonconformist than a goth or a biker and he's in a war zone. it's not about him against students because students don't care. what he's dealing with, and i know this personally because i have a niece and a nephew in high school and one in junior college, that deal with this all the time. it's the teachers doing it, it's not the students. >> i have three teenagers. i see this kind of thing all the time. >> you have kids, too. and three of them are teenagers. no, i mean, this kid has some huevos. i'm definitely impressed. if there is an argument against tenure, it begins here. apparently the teacher swore at him, attacked him for his views. >> did you look like that when you were younger? >> yeah, well, i've always had shaggy hair, just because the ladies like it. >> he's lucky if he grows up to look like you because you have a boyish demeanor that seems to survive. >> i've had a ton of work done. a ton. i'm not kidding. it's expensive.
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>> that's good to know. >> diane, he's clearly outspoken about his views, so should he expect friction because of that? >> no. it depends on whether he's initiating these conversations or not. i think the problem is teachers in public schools, at least my experience in public schools, talk about politics even in classes where it has nothing to do with politics at all. you're in english class and they're somehow talking about obama, or in my case, clinton. so i think it's inappropriate for teachers to talk about politics where it doesn't belong. and i think parents and students should be more vocal about it. i'm glad this kid is speaking out and i wish they would do the same. they're learning to do it at an early age, so this kid is getting a head start. >> brooke? >> they're learning to debate. >> i have a theory, brooke, that it's impossible for a republican kid or a conservative to be a victim of bullying because they are exempt from that. if you bully a goth or if you bully a liberal, but you can't
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bully a republican because people think they're mean, anyway, right? >> right, that' hypocrisy. i applaud this young man for what he's doing raising awareness about this issue and how concerned he is about the welfare of other students. a study at harvard is coming out with a study that 70% of students in law school are left contribu being harassed for the democratic party. we're seeing violations of these students' civil rights under title 6. that is why my next book coming out is about protecting your rights on campus. it's called the students' guide to harassment on campus. watch out for it, it's coming out. >> bill, let's talk about little tucker for a moment.
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little tucker, do you think celebrities who do those "it gets better" things will ever do "it gets better" for little tucker? >> no. if you're an outspoken adult, maybe you have some guts. if you're an outspoken kid, you're a brat. that tells me he wasn't just sitting in the class with a flag, he was in sstigating, ande was instigating with baseball cards. if you don't think this kid is a jerk, i have two words for you: jonathan crohn. >> touche, that was wounding. i died a little bit inside. >> my kid who is opinionated about anything -- >> bill, let me make a distinction between that.
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jonathan crohn went out and spoke. this guy is talking about being in a classroom where liberal teachers always bother you. for example, if he had been talking about social justice, he would be beloved. >> oh, of course, if he were leading the take back the night rally or talking about aids awareness or the transgender movement, this kid would be -- >> but only with his teachers. this kid is 15. nobody likes someone who is that political at that age. >> i think he's acting up against teachers. i know -- again, i do have a niece and nephew. i'm not making this up. they do tell me stories and it's like stories that are often ending with, greg, get out of my bedroom. but, anyway, the stories are their teachers talk about global warming as if it's fact and talk about barack obama and they talk about how mitt romney is a joke during the election. it's like this kid maybe had enough. we've got to take a break.
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>> no, i said that. she is dedicated and she is tough. she also happens to be the best-looking attorney general in the country. controversial as it was, the white house said obama did call her to apologize about his horrible language. >> there he is, a good-looking guy in the front here. >> he is a good-looking guy. >> i want him. >> that's right, the other guy. there he is right there. the good-looking guy. i have to say all of you look pretty good without your playoff bee beards. they're pretty good-looking guys. >> he's an equal opportunity hara harasser, quid pro quo. obama routinely calls accomplished men good-looking. it's mainly a verbal tic.
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does it make it okay? >> is it okay? this dish doesn't go out and seek unwanted complements from women in the workplace, do they? it's not presidential to go around and start distributing kmim compliments to people, and i'm sure the people who get them don't really want that attention. not that obama apologized for his comments, because he stands by that. she is hot. i mean, she not only has a brain, but she's hot, too, come on. but he apologizes for the public overreacting to what he said. >> yeah, it's a double-layered apology. i'm really good at those. diane, should obama be impeached or at least deported to kenya since clearly he sees women as sex objects that should be objectified as sex objects? >> actually, i think the outrage is ridiculous. he purposely went out of his way
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to mention she's brilliant, she's dedicated, she's tough, she's fair. and also, by the way -- he made her looks an afterthought, and it's the critics that made it the focus. they're the ones undermining her accomplishments. we haven't heard anything from harris. >> she was okay with it. but, tucker, i have to say i do a lot of what obama does. i will say, hey, you're so smart. i really like what you do but you look great. that's disgusting! >> well, first of all what he said is factually wrong, because pam bondi is the best-looking attorney general in florida. defending obama, he's actually being held to his own ludicrous standard on the left, but who wants to live in a world where it's a crime to compliment a woman's appearance? the left wants to live in that world. even though he's being hung, i'm still on his side because he was totally harmless and it's good. >> if you are conservative,
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you're against hypersensitivity and therefore you have to be against hypersensitive all around -- >> and hypertension, too. >> and hypertension. that's really prevalent among our youth. >> don't get me started. >> don't get you started. how do you pull that off? i was going to say what made me angry about this was the apology. i can't believe he took the debate from these whiners and then after looking at these clips and realized he said this to dudes as well as girls could only mean one thing. we have the country's first bisexual president, and i salute him and his greedy sexual powers. >> you forgot about james poke. >> more like james k-y poke. >> a street was named after james poke. >> and the term poking comes from james k. poke.
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stop it! we have young kids watching this show. you should do your part. >> no, i don't want to do any part in anything. >> what about this part? >> shall we take a break? i think we're running out of time. if you have a video of your animal doing something educational, go to put on a video. we might use it or we might just ignore it. that's what we tend to do because we're lazy. coming up, andrew levy. what a jerk that guy is.
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welcome back. i'm very excited about half time. hope you can try to dekeep it alive. >> keep it down, please. the show is a little too wild. flight diverted after parents complained about the movie. they were showing "alex cross," a pg-13 detective movie. it's totally appropriate they were showing a pg-13 movie. airlines don't follow the rating system. >> good to know.
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>> don't be sarcastic. >> i'm just saying, i have incredible information that i want to share. do you know, this brooke story about her wedding dress? it's insane. i'm just trying to get over the weird arcane laws. >> you mean the facts? i'm skipping you, tucker. brooke? >> yes. >> i like how you brought up being kicked off a plane, and people said, you were kicked off a plane and you were like, oh, do i really have to tell this story. and then the story you hated to tell was, well, i was flying to st. bart's for my wedding. really? come on. >> andy, are you just bitter? >> yes. greg, do you have something to add to that? >> brooke, tell them what happened after you were leaving the plane. >> i did stand up and say, this could happen to you, too!
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and then nobody did anything. they just stood there and looked really afraid and they let us get kicked off the plane for absolutely no reason. and the pilot admitted to us that we were kicked off because the stewardess said i gave her attitude about my dress. >> here is my theory. flight attendant, how old was she? >> it's hard to tell when you're up in the air like that. >> yeah, when you're up in the air, all of a sudden age disappears. she wasn't married. she was bitter and jealous. >> oh! >> not all flight attendants are like that, i'm saying this particular one. i love flight attendants. they are america's heroes. but this one was bitter and jealous when she saw your wedding dress. am i right, andy? >> i have no idea. >> andy, what about when you're traveling with the cats and somebody is like, nice cat, and they're mad because they have a lesser cat, and they throw you
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out because kwoyour cat is awes. >> which is why i don't fly with my cats anymore. >> which is wrong. you should feel free fly with your cats. >> no, the terrorists have won. >> it's a bad name with lesser cats. >> diane, you mentioned you were also getting married in a foreign country, and greg asked what's wrong with america, and you said yourbritish. i guess the better question is, what's wrong with american men? >> a lot, but we'll save that for another show. i don't have enough time right now. >> no, we'll just clip that on there. >> we're having it there so his 94-year-old grandmother can attend. >> none of the rest of that will make air, so it doesn't matter. >> you know what it's like to be married tie britio a british ma. >> no,i don't. i'm not there yet. >> a lot of tea. a lot of crumpets. >> do i have to remind you what
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happened in the 1976? >> diane, you said you couldn't remember being on a flight with drop-down screens, my flight last week was like that. >> really? it's been a long time since i've seen a plane like that. >> it probably wasn't like that in first class, diane. zds i' >> i've never been there. i wouldn't know. >> you went off about the tyler perry. it wasn't a tyler perry. it based off a book by james madison and tyler perry just happened to be in it. >> yes, but he happened to direct it. >> but you said you didn't know. >> greg, you said you were on a movie with "dark knight rises."
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and you thought they shouldn't have shown it. >> i ordered the film. but i didn't know. virgin american has stuff you can order -- >> they don't edit their films. >> they don't. they had one of the 9/11 films on on the plane. and this was like -- i'm not kidding. and i'm going, you can actually order that? and i'm, like, sitting there and i'm going, who would do that? anyway, i was watching the "batman" movie and i'm going, oh mir oh, my god, i think i'm having a panic attack. luckily i was so prepared for that. >> so you took another -- >> yes, i took another. >> -- and then you were fine. >> i was fine. >> the lesson to you, kids, is always have another because you never know. >> you might take two and then have an extra one in your wallet. and when your wife says, what are you doing? you're saying, nothing, honey, i have a headache. >> i'm looking in my wallet to see how much money i have to spend on you. >> exactly. and then you tip the wallet over and you're going like this and
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everything is falling on the floor. >> yes. by the way, the atlantic james fallon also contacted united and he got a response. basically they said they reaccommodated the customers on the next flight to baltimore and since have conducted a full review on our in-flight entertainment. >> what was the name of the writer? >> james fowler. >> that's what jim fouls is doing now? >> he is in aviation, to be fair. >> he wrote about a lot of stuff tucker was talking about. he said they weren't necessarily the best when it comes to customer service. >> we noticed they're conducting a review of their in-flight entertainment, not the blaiehav of their flight crew.
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>> tucker, you said you're impressed by benjie backer's is he telling the complete story here? >> yeah. anyone who has non-majority views in school knows it's pretty hard. we should be bucking these people up and giving them courage, but we don't. >> i agree, and i'm sure he's telling the truth, but a lot of times these stories come out and like a week later -- >> every hate crime story always has another side where the person did it himself, but in this case, i kind of believe the guy. >> andy, stay up there, get rid of me. >> here's my theory. it's a shame they can't do that. it's like we're a tv show. here's my point. you know what this story is? it's tucker has invented a time machine and he's gone back in time to do this story because he
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was too lazy to do another story, so he went back and did this so he could talk about himself. >> i don't think that's true. >> wow. >> somebody read some sci-fi as a kid. look how stylish that kid looks. what are your hands doing? >> i'm not into buttons. >> i got to move on because i'm almost out of time here. president obama apologized for saying the california attorney general is the best-looking attorney general. diane, you said you think the outrage is ridiculous, which i basically agree with. my problem is, his compliments aren't really compliments, and that he wants to introduce christian dillebrand by referring to her as far more attractive than chuck schumer. >> he is. >> yeah, but that's all you got? you're better looking than chuck
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schumer? it's like saying aim the best-looking regular on the show. what do you think now, hot shot? >> maybe i'm not thinking. maybe i'm just brooding. >> i'm kind of sad about it. >> well, you should be. andy, let's pick on bill. >> i put this thing back to you, greg, and i'm in a passive aggressive mood, so i'm not saying it. >> back to me, america. coming up, what's love got to do with it? >> what's love got to do with it, to do with it? what's love but a secondhand emotion. dude, you got to move on. i told you it was over. what's so grand about a
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a story a special report won't touch. should everybody dance for zebra pants. yes, it's finally true, zubas have returned after a 12-year hiatus. the company that brought us trousers, mall rats and 4050 rolls. the animal print sold $200,000 worth of merchandise within the first week of their relaunch. so can we really steel glamour from the age of mc hammer? i asked fox news' most mentally backwards correspondent to tackle that forward question. >> zubas are back. know this. i'm not just a promoter. i'm also quiet. apparently i forgot to put them on. >> ladies, can i ask you a couple quick questions about my pants? yeah, huh? you're welcome. take it all in.
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i mean, they're big. you can hide a lot whether it be a gun and an enormous package. and they're great for weight lifting, partying, or just dudes being dudes. would you be interested in a pair? >> i don't think so. >> my uncle used to wear these back in the day. he had a purple pair and they were really embarrassing. >> how come every time i talk about zubas, everybody wants to talk uncle? >> in the states they call them zubas. for young, hip teenagers like yourselves, you could smuggle a lot of beer in here. >> definitely. >> and they look good with fannie packs. you know what you do with the fannie packs. put your weed in it. >> what? >> your neck is actually getting thicker as you put those on, do you realize that? your bulge has a bulge right now. can i get a little leg kick that we can do in slow motion? i'm thinking it's sort of a fashion mullet because it's
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business up top, but we got a party in the back right here. you're just going to agree with everything they say, right? >> i am. >> how do you plan on taking on the date now that you're a new man. >> like a zebra. i'm going to start running like a herd of zebras. i got nothing else. >> in canada you call them fancy pants? >> i do because i'm an old fart. >> first of aushlll, i don't li that language, and second, you look young. if someone in a bar wanted to give you a hug, would you be receptive to that if they were wearing pants like that? >> oh, definitely. >> finally we have someone who appreciates style especially it as relate to see me on my person. you just went from hot to super hot and you haven't even put them on yet. can i ask you a couple quick questions about my pants? >> what do you want to know about them? >> first of all, you're welcome, because i'm giving you a present for your eyes.
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any final thoughts on zubas? >> they look great. i think the future haahead of u will be zubas. >> if americans are wearing these, they aren't all bad. or are they? >> times square wasn't really feeling the zubas, but i decided to take a look inside the most powerful name in fashion to see if they were hip what i was putting down. heavenly bad, heaven has a number, spinning me around, her lover is a whine dog. she's got the look. she's got the look. she's got the look. she's got the look ♪ ♪ what in the world can make a brown-i'd girl turn blue ♪ ♪ when everything i ever do i do for you ♪ ♪ i go la la la la la, she's got the look ♪
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>> score another peabody for bill schultz. >> i think jeannie has a lot to worry about. >> please tell me that parents did recover the 16-year-old safely. they were right next to her and gave us permission to tape that. we have that on video in case anyone has a problem with that. they thought we were delightful. >> did these folks know you were doing this? >> they sent us a crate. the best part about this company is everybody we asked to participate in that participated. patty ann brown had a scheduling conflict and roy rossman was very drunk. but everyone else said yes. we thought that was great. >> that was a beautiful, beautiful moment for all of you. you're not going to see that on some other show with a different name.
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target the store has apologized after the color of one of their plus-size dresses was listed on their website asma as manatee gray. an angry customer pointed out that the color in a smaller size was listed as heather gray. the manager came out and said manatee gray was a common color for many of their products, including fat person feet pajamas. should they apologize? >> they're a corporation, so yes, they should apologize because they don't want to lose customers. if you go around and think a label refers to you directly, you're a little self-conscious. and all the heathers around there, they're going to be pretty offended, too. >> weren't they really apologizing to the manatees?
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they're often taken advantage of. they don't have their own identity. >> it's the commercial enterpri enterprise, you can't alienate your customers. but yet i think it's so hilarious that for every customer they lost, they gained three. >> diane, clearly target meant nothing by it. are we becoming too oversensitive? the manatee is an adorable animal with a fun color. >> unfortunately, they named two two different colors. unfortunately, one had the name manatee in it. if you look at something called elephant gray or manatee gray and your first thought is they're talking about me, then you have some other issues you have to tackle having nothing to do with target. >> billy, when you go to buy underwear, it's always junky
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yellow. >> that's when i return it. >> you lived way manatee for a couple years. you were offended by this. >> yes, i very much was. i'm here for the manatees. although manatee gray, i have decided i'm going to move to florida and i'm going to write crime dramas based on various locals and my pen name is going to be manatee gray. >> another rollicking crowd. this one is set in juniper. >> i'm going to go one step further. when i become super rich, half my house is going to be submerged so i can walk around and hang out with manatees. i'll be up watching tv and i'll walk in and there will be a manatee in my living room. they'll all be in undisclosed areas, and i will rock in manatee gray. >> we're going to close things down with a post-game wrap-up
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back to tv's andy levy for the wrap-up. we have a woman who can bounce a keg cup off her butt totally upside down. you'll want to check that out right away. >> diane, where can people see you next? >> on the daily caller website. >> you're welcome any time, trust me. >> brooke, when will you be on the daily caller website? >> when will i be on the daily caller website? >> you're welcome, too. >> really? done. >> do you have a book coming out? >> it's called "the sarasota strangler." >> that's a terrible
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