tv Huckabee FOX News April 7, 2013 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT
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convocation and they've been gracious enough to ask me to be the keynote speaker. i'm honored and the school says they want the students to be good stewards of their money, take no loans and work off the debt to have their education. it will be fun to join them. i feel blessed to have the student. you have a fabulous week. >> tonight on huckabee. >> the good news is our housing market is finally healing from the collapse of 2007. >> but now the president wants banks to give loans to borrowers with risky credit. isn't that what caused the crash in the first place? and-- >> we want in home school in germany and it's illegal there. >> so they moved to the u.s. and the government wants to send them back where they could end up in jail. >> plus, how serious are the nuclear threats and can the military handle another military conflict? ♪
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>> ladies and gentlemen, governor mike huckabee. [applaus [applause] >> thank you. thank you very much. and welcome to huckabee from the fox news studios in new york city. president obama spent most of the first year of his first term pushing obamacare instead of focusing on the struggling economy. and the first year of his second term, the economy is still in the tank, but increasing cost and access, the president is focused on a new crusade, gun control. he's back on his perpetual campaign trail, selling snake oil while we ought to be killing snakes. he claims that 92% of the american people support his proposals and calls them common sense approaches. frankly, there's nothing common nor sensible about adding more laws on those who don't break the ones we have in order to persuade the
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people who ignore the ones we have. they're not going to start obeying the ones we create. one thing we all agree on, we never, we never want to see another shooting like sandy hook or aurora. but it would help if we at least would bring our brains to the discussion. this week in california, the president claimed that the sandy hook massacre was done by a fully automatic weapon, which it wasn't. those have been banned since 1934. colorado congresswoman diana degette was virtually laughed out of the room when he she suggested limiting the size of the magazine would eventually eliminate the large capacity magazines, she somehow imagined that magazines disappeared or disintegrated after use. the n.r.a. has been mocked by the media and elites just like new york mayor bloomberg suggesting armed good guys are the best defense against armed bad guys, but the mayor ought
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to stick to banning salt, soda, smokes and loud sounds because the average number in victims of mass shootings stopped by the police is about 14. the average number of victims when the shooter is stopped by an armed citizen, is 2.5. in the past 50 years in the united states every mass killing with four or more victims with the single exception of the gabby giffords shooting, every one was in a been-free zone. and senator lindsey graham report this had week that 80,000 people failed a background check last year, but only 66 were prosecuted. maybe it's not a lack of laws, but a lack of law enforcement we need to work on. many proposals seek to ban a gun because of the way it looks rather than the way it works. the fbi, for example, reports that in a recent year, only 4% of gun crimes were committed with a rifle. 66 committed by a handgun. more people are killed with hammers and clubs than with rifles. now, according to studies by
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criminologists between 800,000 and 2 1/2 million crimes are actually prevented by armed citizens. blogger called the wolf points out that a gun puts a 100 pound woman on equal footing with a 220 pound mugger. a 75-year-old retiree is put on the same footing with a gang banger and a truckload of guys swinging baseball bats. now, it's best to avoid dangerous situations. good to flee from them. great when a cop is right there to intervene. but if those aren't options, and the person attempting to rape, rob, or murder you, or maybe a loved one, when that person can't be reasoned with or run from, then wearing a gun is better than wearing a toe-tag. mr. president, that's my version of common sense. [applause] north korea's rogue
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leader kim jong-un, aka little kim, a beating his chest with threats of nuclear attacks on the united states and our allies on the region. are we on brink of a nuclear war? here is a look at developments there over the past week. >> reports from south korea say the north has moved two medium range missiles capable of hitting guam or the east coast. and this comes after a series of threats from north korea, propaganda videos of burping u.s. cities and pictures of kim jong-un signing orders to be on the stand by and target practice during a military drill and warning foreign diplomates to get out of the capital of pyongyang now to guarantee their safety. >> some of the actions they've taken over the last few weeks present a real and clear
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danger, a threat to the interests certainly of our allies, starting with south korea and japan and also the threats that the north koreans have leveled directly at the united states. >> mike: the pentagon has set up a missile defense system in guam and has deployed a destroyer warship off the coast of the korean peninsula and fighters at a base in south korea. how serious is the threat from north korea. joining us now vice-chief and four star general jack keane. >> thank you. >> let me start by asking your assessment, what kind of threat was north korea pose specifically to the united states, if any? >> well, i don't think they pose a direct threat to the united states. the missiles that they've advertised to be able to reach
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the united states, most analystses don't believe that they can. they certainly pose a very serious threat to south korea and we do have 28,000 troops there, and japan is not very far away. the tension that you mention is part of a pattern that's been going on in north korea for 40 years for them to get attention. i mean, i think what's got everybody concerned this time is it is so much more strident than what it has in the past in terms of threatening nuclear war and what we have here is a strong-- is a new leader who is trying to prove that he's a strong, capable leader, number one to his people and these things have always had domestic consumption as priority one. the second thing, i think he's sending a loud message to the south korean new department of t the-- government don't take us for granted. and i think that's the sum of what's, what's taking place here and what's got everybody
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concerned, governor, is not that he's going to fire a nuclear missile at the united states or start a war with south korea, it's that given the new government in south korea, the new government in china, relatively new government in north korea, the most experienced government is the united states government, that there could be in fact a miscalculation and that's the concern. >> mike: our own military has been hit by massive budget cuts over the past few years already, drawing down forces coming off two when intense wars in iraq and afghanistan and now the effects of the sequestration. what are we capable of militarily, whether positioning forces are actually doing something in the event that things could escalate here? >> well, sequestration will certainly take its toll on the united states military in the latter part of this year and years to come if it continues? but in dealing with this crisis we have very first chas
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capability to deal with it. certainly we would move ground forces into the country to assist the 28,000 and the 600,000 man south korean military that's there and we have significant amount of air power and maritime superiority to deal with-- if there was a conflict. there's no doubt about it that the north korean leadership understands if they initiated a war, they will lose that war and the regime will go away. most of all of this is trying to get concessions and also to preserve the extension of the regime. that regime preservation is their number one objective. >> mike: everyone assumes that china is the key player if getting north korea maybe to stand down. any indications that there are back channel conversations between the u.s. and china? and what could china's role be in getting north korea to just tamp is down a little bit? >> boy, that's a great question, governor.
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we've tried for years to use the chinese to control this rogue regime. the fact of the matter is, this new one in china. makes your question so critical now, seems to have an opening here for us to talk to them about maybe a new role for them in dealing with north korea, and if that is the case, i mean, it's always seemed rather obvious, we can make a case that is truly in china's national interest, to have a unified korea on their border, that's prosperous, and economically viable and trading effectively with them and would not have to have the u.s. troop presence and military functions that we have now in the country. they're there because of north korea not because of china. so, hopefully the new leadership sees that as something that's in their national interest and secretary kerry is going there next week. and if that's the case, then we may be able to make progress, we have not been able to make any in this area in the past. >> general, always a pleasure
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to visit with you and appreciate your insights. thank you for joining us today. >> take care, governor. >> the housing market has been making a comeback, so, why does the obama administration want to repeat the mistakes of the past by giving home loans to those who probably cany for we're going to talk about that, as well as the president giving hollywood a little pass on gun violence. that's next. i'd like to hear from you, go to my website, tell me what you think in the feedback section or sign up for my facebook page and follow me on twitter. you can find the link to those on there's a reason no one says
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not paying attention to loans that were being made on assets that were shaky. the government should at a certain point have stepped in and said we've got to tighten up these lending standards or we're going to be building a house of cards. >> mike: well, the housing market has been slowly recovering, but the obama administration says too many people are unable to get mortgages and is now urging lenders to give loans to borrowers with weaker credit. isn't that what caused the housing crash in the first place? joining me now is country music star and political commentator larry gatlin and former advisor to new jersey frank lautenberg, julie, and let me start with you. [applause]. we went through the terrible housing collapse and people lost homes and banks had to be bailed out by the government until it's nuts.
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and now the president is saying, we ought to give loans to people who don't qualify? does that make sense? >> what doesn't make sense the banks to mortgage-backed security problem is part of the reason. and i'm worried about them putting these into tranches with junk bonds and the home owners and the banks have to be bailed out. before we do this, we make sure that the banks, lenders and borrowers in able to be good faith not securitizing them and giving them to someone else. >> mike: the same pattern? >> and i don't think that the government should be incentivizing the banks to repeat the mistakes of the past or the home owners.
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and there's a notion that everybody needs to own a home. i don't understand that, if you can't own a home, i rent. i don't feel like a second class citizen. if you can afford a home, great. rather than take a risky loan save up until you can afford a home and get a home that you can afford. don't take out a loan, a risky loan to buy a bigger house than you need. we have to stop this, the same thing like we do college. we decided everybody needs to go to college and government loans and the cost of education sky rockets. we've got to stop. the government shouldn't be the judge who should own a home, individuals need to make the decisions themselves. >> andy, larry gatlin says you can move in with him and that will be just fine. >> now we're sort of wanting to own my own home. >> mike: larry, what are we doing? >> this is not fair. when i was at the sandwich tray getting a cup of coffee,
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andy read my notes what i was going to say. my dad never made more than $35,000, for a $57,000 mechanic to own a $250,000 house. and insanity being doing the same thing over and over. my friend george w. bush went to chris dodd and barney frank on three different occasions with don evans secretary of commerce and said, fellas, this is unsustainable. help me, let's do something, and they said, no. and barney frank got on the tv the next week, meet the press, it's fully funded. what do they do? it collapses, the whole thing goes to hell in a hand basket and the next thing they do, they name the bill to fix it after barney frank and chris dodd ap that's how we do it in america and i'm not going to let them have it both ways. the politicians want to have it both ways and i'm not going to let them kind of like the old boy who is a veterinarian
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and taxidermist, either way you get your dog back. [applause]. and the president's on gun control, and his solution. and every day we wait to see what to do about it every day our fell he low citizens are stolen by the bullet from a gun and the good news is colorado has already chosen to do something about it. >> mike: all right, andy, is he letting the media and particularly hollywood off the hook here? i'm not saying they're to blame for violence, but nothing said about it. >> the thing is hollywood likes to say-- it bothers me, the hypocrisy. hollywood says none of this is our fault. they like to pat themselves on the back with an important movie or affecting the culture in a positive way.
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you can't have it both ways. if you're affecting the culture in a positive way, and i do. i think there are movies that help the cause of race relations in this country and shifting attitudes towards gays and gay marriage in some sense hollywood had something to do with that, but you have to look at yourself and say, maybe this other stuff we're making with mind-numbing violence, it it bothers me. >> and dumb and dumber made an impact on education. and we're now dumb and dumber. >> yeah, that's right. all right, julie. >> yes, well, you have a problem infringing on the second amendment, i have a problem infringing on the first amendment, if you tell hollywood you can't to something, that's i think fringement. hollywood doesn't have a lot to do with it, hollywood is all over the world and people all over the world watch the movies and gun violence is not as bad and hollywood doesn't
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have much to do with it. it's not our place. it's a first amendment issue. >> and larry, you're an artist and creative juices going through you. do you feel like the government should say you can't sing that, can't say that, you might offend somebody or incite them to do something crazy? >> absolutely, not. my mama tell me that. she's 83, weighs 85 pounds and say something bad on tv she might not whoop me, but have that old marine daddy of mine-- the media gets it. the thing about media giving hollywood a pass. the media and hollywood, you know, twins separated at birth. the same agenda, the same thing. the thing that i saw our vice-president, and he was really -- he was very emotional and sincere. when, you know, three or four days after sandy hook when he stood there and said, those kids can't speak for themselves. so, i'm going to speak for them.
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and it was very heartfelt and it's a position that you can take. i would like to take this opportunity for a loving, doting grandfather of two beautiful children to-- i would like to speak for those kids at sandy hook for one of them, and that one right there. here is what i would like to say, a loving grandfather, this is my sandy hook moment. if the janitor or the principal or one of my teachers had had a glock .9 millimeter and could shoot it like tv's andy levy could shoot it i may be alive. and so to take and demagogue one side of the story and blame all the gun deaths on too many guns is specious at best at laughable at worse. one janitor has it. it one kid could have been saved because somebody could put a bullet between that guy's eyes, have them packing heat and you're not going to
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hear that from the media. [applause] >> thank you all for being here and andy on a brand new "red eye", and week nights 3 a.m. eastern, midnight out west, easier to watch or put it on your dvr and tape it and larry is going to join the little rockers with a brandt new debut of a song you're going to love. the president says he's going to give up a percentage of his own pay to show his solidarity with the government employees. and vice-president biden says it ain't so. my reaction to quoteables from the noteables. that's next. changing the world is exhausting business. with the innovating and the transforming and the revolutionizing. it's enough to make you forget that you're flying five hundred miles an hour on a chair that just became a bed. you see, we're doing some changing of our own.
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of his pay to the treasury in support of employees affected by the sequestration, attorney general eric holder wasn't sure, but later on attorney general intends to take a pay cut equivalent to any justice department employee would have to take because of the sequestration, up to 14 days this fiscal year so that those funds can go back into the treasury. i can this is laudable. it not going to fix all the funding, by the way, you know, the first person to say this was chuck hagel. i've had a lot of of things to say about chuck hagel and certainly was against his nomination and confirmation, but i have to give him credit for standing up and saying he'd take a hitlong with the people in his department. and secretary of state john kerry did the same thing. give credit where credit is due. now, it's not going to fix it and it's mainly symbolic, but it's also symbolic that joe
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biden said no. he followed his because none of his employees are affected by the sequestration. keep in mind this is the same joe biden overall giving, .06%, but he wants us to pay more taxes so that we, through government, can be more generous. thank you, joe. reporter jana winter was sent to aurora, colorado to cover the deadly movie theater shooting there last summer and during her resource, she found a source that told her about a package that the shooter sent to a psychiatrist before the shooting. and the source said, i quote, inside the package was a notebook full of details about how he was going to kill people. there were drawings of what he was going to do in it, drawings and illustrations of the massacre. now, colorado judge william sylvester has issued a subpoena for jana to give up her source, or face jail time.
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this is far more serious than maybe appears on the surface. one of the most important aspects of our society and our government is the freedom of the press. the press can't be free if the press is coerced by the government to give up information that the government certainly has the resources to go get themselves. this is an outrage to every american who values a free press. you may not like what the press prints, or even how they arrive at their but let me say to you, that the worst thing that could ever happen in our culture society government would be that the government would begin to dictate to the press when they have to give up their sources. i would say to the government. if the press is more competent than you, it's not a press problem, it's a government problem. you fix it in your house, don't infringe upon the first amendment rights of the press. [applause] nbc confirmed weeks of speculation with a network
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announcement jimmy fallon a going be to be he replacing long time host jay leno on the tonight show next year. before the announcement was made, jimmy and jay performed a little skit together to show that the controversy has not affected their friendship. ♪ tonight, tonight, why do they take these ♪ ♪ i like you, you like me, we're okay ♪ >> you know, i love the good-natured humor between these two. but more importantly, let me say i've had the opportunity and privilege of being on jay leno's show on more than one occasion. he is one of the nicest, most gracious and thoughtful and humble people that i've ever met in the entertainment business. he is an absolutely delightful human being who goes out of his way to make people feel good and never to be insulting. he's truly funny without being disgustingly vulgar and i've always appreciated it. i'll miss him. i like jimmy fallon and i wish
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him well and i'm glad that the two of them are making this transition, a comfortable, and a nice one. and i hope that jimmy fallon will be as funny and as good-hearted as jay leno has ever been. jay, we're going to miss you, and i wish you the best. [applause] >> well, my next story is a family who came to america for the freedom to it raise their kids without government control. now they're in danger of being sent back. coming up a home-schooling family and the government telling, it knows better for you and your kids nan you do. stay with us. ♪
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and the south putting on its own forces of state of military readiness in response. a member of north korean television saying that war is inevitable and they're set to march once the order is given. here at home the pentagon has postponed its own long planned missile test from california's vandenburg air force base. and chuck hagel decided to put it off hoping it might diffuse tensions, but the north seems unwilling to relax the posture. and this video showing attack dogs attacking pictures of the defense minister. and i'm harris falkner, >> mike: a few weeks ago we showed you a story about a couple who fled germany and they want to freely home school children in accordance with the strong christian beliefs.
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home schooling is against the law in germany and they must send the children to a government-approved school and if they don't, they face jail time and even risk losing the children. and they settled in tennessee where a judge granted them asylum. their case is disputed by the justice department and attorney general eric holder, who says germany's ban on home schooling fails to violate the family's fundamental rights and the family had a petition to the obama administration to grant them permanent legal status which has received nearly 60,000 out of the 100,000 signatures needed by april 18th in order to get a response. joining us now from their home in tennessee, is uba and hannah and their six children. it's great to have you guys with us. thanks for joining us. [applause] >> hello. >> mike: let me start with you, because this has been, you know, an ordeal for you. you thought you were coming to the united states in order to freely educate your children
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by home-schooling them. when you left germany did you feel you were perhaps imminently going to be arrested and why you had to flee right away? >> well, what we more were fearing was that the custody of our children would be taken away from us. there was the fear that we had when we left. >> mike: and hannah, tell me what was the biggest challenge you faced with the curriculum that your children were going to be exposed to in germany and why you felt that wasn't consistent with how you wanted your children educated? >> first, we took them out of school because they were-- they would be-- from the other classmates and later when we looked into the textbooks, we found out that they teach against the values we think the bible wants us to
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teach them, our children. >> mike: and when you came here, i don't think you expected that you would have then a conflict with the united states government over home schooling because it's a pretty prevalent practice here, and many parents across the country, not all of whom even do it for maybe spiritual purposes, but people do that, and have you been surprised by the government's reaction? i'm speaking now of the u.s. government's reaction? >> actually, we were all very surprised, hearing that now it seems even-- not even in america that the fundamental rights for parents to educate or to decide on the education of their own children, because we were hearing. >> mike: now, your case goes before a district judge. how are you feeling toward it. do you have confidence you're going to be granted asylum and not face deportation. >> well, we still are hoping
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very much for a good decision so that we will be granted to stay here and get asylum. >> mike: and there's a petition drive that's going on right now and 100,000 signatures means the white house guarantees a response. you're at over 60,000 now, and we're hoping that maybe by being on this show, there'll be another 40,000 or 100,000 people who will go and sign that petition and at least get you a hearing, at least get you before the white house and get a response. how important is that to your cause and your case? >> well, i think the most important thing about this is that the government sees that not only we are interested in getting asylum, but also that the american people in general stand behind this case and it's all about freedom of parents to decide on their
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children's education. >> mike: well, you have a beautiful family, you and your six children, delightful. and i know really, this is your life on the line. and you come here to have the education that you want for your children, and we hope that we can be of help. maybe by encouraging our viewers to be part of the petition drive. if you'd like to sign the petition, go to the address, the website is there on your screen. and i hope you will add your voice, your signature, and your support. uwe and hanna, thank you very much for being here. god bless you all and we wish the best for the outcome. >> thank you. [applause] >> thank you. >> mike: coming up, the president of ten minutes for life, sarah foster, responding to the disgraceful testimony of a planned parenthood representative who said the decision to provide medical care to a baby born alive during a botched abortion is up to the doctor and mother
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with the right soil... everyone grows withiracle-gro. riding the dog like it's a small horse is frowned upon in this establishment! luckily though, ya know, i conceal this bad boy underneath my blanket just so i can get on e-trade. check my investment portfolio, research stocks... wait, why are you taking... oh, i see...solitary. just a man and his thoughts. and a smartphone... with an e-trade app. ♪ nobody knows... [ male announcer ] e-trade. investing unleashed. >> each weekday hear my huckabee report and radio. details at earlier this week planned parenthood finally clarified it's not in favor of killing babies who survive a botched abortion. that statement came several
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days later after last week's shocking testimony from florida where lawmakers has a bill to provide abortion doctors to provide medical care who has been born alive during an attempted abortion. and here is some of that exchange during that hearing. >> you stated that a baby born on a table as a result of a botched abortion, that that decision should be be left to the doctor and the family. is that what you're saying? >> that decision should be between the-- the patient and the health care provider. >> i think then at that point the patient would be the child struggling on the table, wouldn't you agree? >> that's a very good question, i really don't know how to answer that. >> mike: really? well, meanwhile in philadelphia where abortion doctor is on trial for murder, one of his former assistants testified that employees were ordered to prevent life and ensure death, even when babies were born and had visible
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chest movement. in other words, breathing. joining me now is president of feminist for life sarin foster. thanks for being here and i find this appalling, the employ ee of planned parenthood couldn't answer the question, is that baby that's alive on the table worth taking care of? explain how we have come to this point. >> it's indefensible. it's inexplicable as far as i'm concerned. i don't understand what they're thinking, but i don't agree with what they do in the first place. i think that there are so many women who are taken advantage of when they're in desperate situations and it's up to us to understand why are women ending up in abortion clinics and to do something before they're near the place. something isn't clear what happened when a baby is born
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alive like melissa oudin, it makes no sense. it doesn't matter in some ways whether this child is large or small inside the womb, this discrimination by size, age and locations. feminists are supposed to represent those who are the most vulnerable to talk about being against discrimination and for justice for all. and so, abortion is a betrayal of the tenets of feminism. our children deserve a chance at life. i thought about come to go see you and being in the great city of new york, the empire state where i grew up as a little girl and best country tht it's the number one-- women have more abortions here than any other city in america. highest rate of abortion, highest rate of abortion in the state of new york. and the united states a developed country with the highest rate of abortion, it
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means when abortion comes in first, women have come in first and children dead last except for the few who escaped the abortion procedure and lived to tell the truth and sometimes women die. like the woman in philadelphia. she was a poor refugee who was vulnerable and went to the doctor, and she died. so, it's not just about these children dying. hundreds of women have died from aportion, it's legal, but lethal and it's not good enough. >> and women are being manipulated. is that a fair statement. the doctor, what he did was particular advantage of them and manipulate them into a decision that maybe wasn't their decision, that's an abuse of women. isn't it? >> absolutely, it absolutely is. you're taking money for the terrible act of-- it's an act of violence against her, as well as this child. it does nothing, it does nothing for her when she goes
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home, she goes back to the same place, unloving, unsupporting family, or a job that she doesn't feel she can make it with a child or a nonsupport tiff maybe domestic violence situation with a husband. it's a reflection that we have not met the needs of women so abortion, then she's back to the same situation and now there with an empty womb and ament arms. we know now that's a baby, we know. we've seen the beautiful images on sonograms. and now the question remains, is this best for women? we say women deserve better than abortion. >> mike: great, women deserve better. thank you for being here. >> and thank you for your work for the most vulnerable people in the society. >> i appreciate that. feminist for life. and coming up, larry gatlin is going to join us with the little rockers and a brand new song about government abuse. we'll be right back. [applause].
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5:53 pm
larry >> larry gatlin is back and we're going to be joining the little rockers for the world premier after brand new song from larry gatlin. joining us today is it bob higgins on drums. and on the electric guitar. and larry, this is a song never performed before and you're going to premier it on our show. >> i've been afraid to perform it in private. >> maybe you shouldn't do it on our show. >> i figure your handle it, you're a big boy, you're all right and been in the fray before. >> even if they're talking bad at least they're talking. >> let's do it. knit night
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♪ ♪ we're going to put a tax on everything ♪ ♪ and the it will continue ♪ ♪ yeah ♪ ♪ no offense intended, but we're smarter than you ♪ ♪ we went to princeton, harvard, yale, you went to arkansas u ♪ ♪ we know how to get americans back on track ♪ ♪ we are going to win on every american's back ♪ ♪ we're going to mind your own business ♪ ♪ we're going to mind your
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health ♪ ♪ we're going to redistribute the wealth ♪ ♪ we're going to make sure the rich folks pay their fair share ♪ ♪ we're going to put a tax on everything that moves ♪ ♪ and will continue until... ♪ ♪ yeah, it will continue until it improves ♪ here is what we good hard working americans to do. sit there and take it like a man or a woman because we know how to do this and the more money we tax you, and send it to, you know, wherever, let's egypt, let's send them more airplanes because we know how
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♪ and they will continue until morality improves ♪ ♪ 2, 3, 4 ♪ i think they've got it, gov ♪ play it out, boys. ♪ ♪ the beatings until morality improves ♪ (applaus (applause) >> i think they got it! >> all right. larry gatlin and a brand new song, debut premier right here on the huckabee show. all right, that's it for this week, until next time from new york, this is mike huckabee,
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good night and god bless. [applause] ♪ we're gonna mind your business ♪ ♪ to fight chronic osteoarthritis pain. to fight chronic low back pain. to take action. to take the next step. today, y will know you did something for your pain. cymbalta can help. cymbalta is a pain reliever fda-approved to manage chronic musculoskeletal pain. one non-narcotic pill a day, every day, can helpeduce this pain. tell your doctor right away if your mood worsens, you have unusual changes in mood or behavior or thoughts of suicide. anti-depressants can increase these in children, teens, and young adults. cymbalta inot for children under 18. people taking maois, linezolid or thioridazine or with uncontrolled glaucoma should not take cymbalta. taking it with nsaid pain relievers, aspirin, or blood thinners may increase bleeding risk. severe liver problems, some fatal, were reported.
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