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tv   The Five  FOX News  April 8, 2013 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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anybodies. good night. hello i'm dana perino, eric bolling, eric bolling and greg gutfeld it's 5:00 in the city and this is the five. a political icon of the 20th century passed away today. this morning britain's prime minister margaret thatcher died at the age of 87 from a stroke. her family says she died peacefully. she was the first and only woman to serve in the u.k. and served from 1979 to 1990. she stood showered to shoulder with president reagan against communism and nicknamed the iron lady. here is what she thought
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about that you the iron lady of the western world. they are welcome to call me what they like if they believe we should ignore the build up of russian military strength. >> thatcher defend the free market and critic of socialism and here is what she said about the liberal policy in 1990. >> all levels of income are better off than they were in 1979. but what the honorable member is saying is that he would rather the poor or were poorer provided the rich were less rich that way you will never create the wealth for better social justices. and what a policy. yes, he would rather have the poor poorer provided the rich were less rich. that is a liberal policy. >> what a life. kimberly, let's start with you. you have talked a lot about ronald reagan and influence he had on your life.
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when you were growing up in that time, you really couldn't know ronald reagan without also getting to see the life and times of margaret thatcher. your thoughts on her? >> what an incredible iconic figure. this is someone who inspired me personally as a woman in politics, in law, knowing that there wasn't anything that i could couldn't. that a man wasn't doing that i couldn't do or do better. she was formidable. in the way she stood shoulder to shoulder with ronald reagan, with the u.s., really such a large part of the puzzle of how we were able to achieve so much in foreign policy during that time in reagan's presidency. she is really someone i admire greatly. >> the other thing i wanted to ask you, kimberly is about women in politics. a lot of people today say there it are not enough women in politics. i would agree. at the time you saw this woman who was leading the world. leading the fight against communism. who what did that mean to you as you were thinking about the possibilities are endless for you no matter the gender? >> i expected at that time to see women in positions of leadership, in positions of world power and prominence because that's
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all i knew. i grew up seeing reagan, see maggie thatcher, the great close working relationship that they h the way they were fearless in the face of communism or foreign threats. if was something that i thought, well, some day, pretty soon we should do the same, the u.s. should have a female president. i expect that it's not too far off. >> it might not be. [ laughter ] >> 2016. >> greg, you lived in england for a while. >> this is true. >> that's true. this is not about your life though. when you were working there and living there, what -- she was a controversial figure. i mean, some people loved her, some people really loved not to love her. >> it's interesting. i think you would describe her as divisive which is code for she wasn't liberal enough. i knew a lot of young kids when i worked at maxim who hated her without realizing that their life was way better off. you would ask them isn't life better now than it was before and they go yeah, they have got money. they have got a place to live, which before, i mean, if you looked at the england in the 1970s, it was a scary place. it's interesting when you
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look at thatcher, she really have a true feminist. and she conquered the most -- the male dominated world. drove it through with shear will. she helped bring down the iron curtain. the problem is most feminist think the iron curtain is a form of birth control. nobody is reading their history. they will not understand how important she is. >> on the conviction piece, eric, i wanted to ask you about in 1979, england was really in the doldrums when it came to the economy. >> boy, were they. >> she inherited what was a tough situation. she had this strong belief in the free markets and its ability to change a nation, which it did. >> let's explain what happened. throughout the 1970s, england was sliding into almost what europe is going into right now. where the unions were very strong. they were basically broke. you couldn't pick up a telephone to get a phone line. there were weeks, work weeks that were sometimes three days because they didn't have electricity. the miners would go on strike.
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the unions were very strong. she took that and said you know he what? we have to change the system. we are on the verge of socialism. she broke the socialist model that england was falling into if not already in and brought capitalism back tong gland. at the very same time there was a reagan revolution going on. had you both sides of the pond ripping apart the socialist tendencies happening in the world and bringing conservatives back to the world. let me just tell you something, folks. since margaret thatcher and ronald reagan haven't been in office or haven't been in office, both sides, the world economy is on a slow path downward. back to where they were before they fixed things. we need another margaret thatcher and another ronald reagan. >> i wanted to pick up on that because, bob, earlier today, i was reading about their relationship. nancy reagan today she had -- she put out a statement and it said it is well known that my husband and lady thatcher enjoyed a very special relationship as leaders of their respective countries during one of the most difficult and pivotal periods in
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modern history. ronni and margaret were political soul mates committed to freedom and resolved to end communism. however their wasn't all sunshine and union corns, right? they had some tough times especially at the beginning with the falkland war and siberian gas line. how is it that two world leaders can have those kinds of fights but also present themselves as allies? outsetme say at the i never agreed with thatcher's politics. let me say this about her and reagan. they were alone as conservative leaders in both in europe and in the united states. their bedrock relationship dealt with communism and with the russians. the soviet union. so that i think kept them together. let's remember, during the faulklands war. thatcher was furious with the siberian pipeline and other things. in the end, i think it was during those kinds of times
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of adversity that toned their relationship together. i will go back to where i started about women. you start about women. look, if it hadn't been for her, she was the first leader, woman leader in all of europe, for that matter, merkel and germany could thank margaret thatcher for blazing the trail and frankly so could hillary clinton. >> yes. that's what i was referring to. >> one the stories, greg, when she first met miguel gorbachev, she said to reagan work with gorbachev. in their first meeting apparently when she sat down, she said something along the lines of let me be very clear. i hate communism. and that's what started. that's a great story. >> it's funny. she never embarked on apology tour. she is part of the last british prime minister who could beat our president in arm wrestling. i want to make an interesting point about what happens next. when radicals age over time. angela davis, bill ayers, hillary clinton, their edges are softened by the media they become
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respectable. for a conservative in the media, they get more evil. when they pass away the media preferrest who pate them as a hardened soul as a bad person: can't leave history to the his tirks. and letting lefts right about nancy kerrigan. since there are so few people that actually read history these days, the hate for thatcher will be thicker than yorkshire pudding. >> it's already starting. the union boss said today this is a great day. >> yeah, it's awful. >> a german who is antiwar activist in england said he called margaret thatcher a warmonger. march grit thatcher saved england from socialism, communism, who knows what it would have been down right outright complete abject failure of the economy. she saved them. any question about that? >> no. but i think, you know. >> by breaking the unions. >> it wasn't just by breaking the unions. she sold off nationalized
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8% of the country was nationalized businesses went down to 2%. i think it's fair to say that she was somebody who was willing to take on the certainly the establishment. and she took a lot of heat over that let's remember, bill buckley is a good example. his edges were not made sharper. they were smooth out. frankly, thatcher is going to have a pretty good run of this. >> one of the things interesting kimberly is how a leader doesn't just change their own party, but gets the other party to evolve or challenge itself. so the labor party in britain really did change while she was in power and then tony blair comes to office and he is unable to work with a bill clinton who is a different type of democrat than the one before reagan. >> she really did change the face of politics in england not just during her time but going forward she paved the way. she was a trailblazer.
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she made the job for tony blair much easier and now for david cammeron. she a historical figure. not just for england but for world politics. if we had somebody like maggie thatcher here in the united states wield be better off. not afraid to tell speak the truth and speak for the economy and better life for everybody and not demonize one class. >> let's remember it was her own party that threw her out. >> after 11 years. >> still, she was thought to have firm control of the conservative party which clearly was not the case. but, and i think that probably happens, too, with people who shake things up. it's -- and i like your point about what happened with reagan and clinton. i mean, that sort of moderated the democratic party and she, in her own way, sort of moderated the liberal party in england. >> do you think that same is true now that president obama is pardoning the conservative party. >> dana, he is the opposite of margaret thatcher in every specific way, any way you want to look at it.
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president obama, margaret thatcher are polar opposites. exact opposites. >> i think what dana is saying is that he is attempting to do what thatcher did from the other side. which is to pull everybody over towards the left. >> oh, to pull people to the left? >> yeah. that's what i'm trying to say? >> remember what thatcher did, everyone was so far left, she was just bringing some of the left toward the center. >> that's my point. >> i don't think obama is doing that at all. >> no, he is trying. >> he is pulling everybody further to the left. >> let's remember, history tells us there will be a reaction against this and there probably will be a conservative wave coming down the road i'm afraid. >> the one thing, too when you look at the way she spoke, there was no symbolism or airy imagery. it was just plain, spoken stuff. and she could do it better than anybody. >> she earned her way. she wasn't born into a type of political dynasty. >> she helped invent soft serve ice cream.
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>> the media was terrible to her husband. they liked to paint him like a drunk and that they were smarter than he was. when, in fact, he was a supportive husband who was a self-made millionaire. >> she didn't have a toilet either. [ laughter ] >> you read your packet very good. >> she helped invent soft serve ice cream. >> i read that and we could go back. >> we could use that for one more thing. >> do you think i drempt that? >> no. sent it now a link. >> jay-z and beyonce celebrated their fifth. they decided to go to castro's cuba to commemorate the moment. hollywood's ambivalence towards evil when we come back. ♪ if you think most hybrids are a bit under sized then this will be a nice surprise.
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kim jong un keeps killing our fun putting missiles on launchers and bite size bandit.
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ask your yankee about it and he will shrug. world inundated the fat prince is a nobler version of kardashian. on the list of perceived evil plastic bags are way more harmful than a mad dictator frac willing and words like illegal. thank god the a.p. took a stand ton that they are so graf. so we have lost the ability to procedure advertise evil where evangelicals are as bad as hamas. during army reserve training brief on extremism evangelical christianity and catholicism were listed as examples of extremism next to al qaeda. must be all those hymns. yeah, today receive relative if becomes hurtful if you apply it to anything outside of america or even within our own prison system. this is why sean penn sobbed over hugo chavez. bobby red ford weather underground. angela davis and jay-z and beyonce frolic to cuba. evil is in the identify the
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beholder. when beholder is rich and intellectually vapid who knows what thug they will hug. perhaps the a.p. should ban the world evil too approximate good that we could all be bad without the baggage. >> being facts fly free. >> they do fly free. why do we laugh at north korea but are somehow scared of iran? what's going on? >> there is is so much going on right now. not really laughing at north korea. we are actually sending them money. we sent them billions of dollars -- north korea, not south korea. >> right. >> north korea billions of dollars in aid. meanwhile this is what we get. we get a big screw you, america. by the way, enough. it's time to stop. stop sending them money and tell kim jong un stand down k.j. or else and i mean or else. i mean, really it's time. china should be doing it and they are not. >> yeah. >> iran is watching how we react. they have seen president obama basically roll over, you know, bowing to saudi leaders. bowing down to people.
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it's time to take a stand and tell this guy cut the crap. now. >> bob? >> eric, bob. >> let me say a couple of things. one, the united states has moved a naval force closer. >> oooh. >> putting up a missile defense system in guam. the chinese are kind of interesting. the chinese without saying it directly came down on the north koreans and that's been -- one thing china has always been afraid of is a unified korea. because that would be right on their border, right? they have always supported north korea. this time around i think they have gone too far. the other thing north korea decided to pull out of their only joint business venture can south korea and took 51,000 people. 51,000 people have jobs make a living. people starving and got them out where is the word from the white house. where is kim jong, stop, back off, pull that missile off your coast or else. >> why -- they don't do
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that. >> why not. >> they lead from behind. >> or else what? >> get rid of that missile for you. they can't turn the lights on, bob. >> isn't there come kind of of pattern what's your name again. >> dana. >> allow north korea to throw a tantrum perhaps kill some people and move on. >> for decades we had stability with the father and everybody was okay with the stability. seen this in a lot of different places. the american foreign policy a lot of places has been as long as the dictator is stable, then we are fine. the problem is is now, this dictator is not stable. i have a feeling there is just a ton going on behind the scenes. the worst thing that china could imagine is a humanitarian crisis on their border. the hunger crisis that could cause even bigger problems and so i think there is a lot going on. however, i also think that because you were dealing with somebody that you don't know. you know when two guys get in a fight. they are play fighting it gets to a point where they
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start really coming to blows. i think that is what everyone is trying to avoid. >> yeah. >> i want to talk about china for a second if you want to make me happy. >> i wanted to talk to you about jay-z, beyonce. >> real briefly here china is concerned about it the fact they are getting involved in it, issuing public statements. they are refrank from mentioning north korea by name. direct quotes from the chinese president. saying that while pursuing its own from the country should accommodate the legitimate interest of others and the foreign ministry also issued a a statement saying it was seriously concerned about the continuously escalating tension. they know what the problem is it's a problem for them as well. china should as well and so should japan. >> china should say look, we send you tens of billions of dollars. we're going to scale back on that. unless you cut the crap. >> nobody is giving them a time out. >> shooting that missile off. >> trying hard to get beyonce into this. >> who is in charge.
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i'm not so sure the generals are. i will move on, sorry. >> bob, let me go to you. why would beyonce and jay-z go to cuba who are notoriously racist towards blacks? >> that's ultimate question. also, i'm sort of curious what the answer is going to be from the treasury department who issues these visas to a lot of people who go to cuba. why? what's the rationale for it a lot of people have gone to cuba. they have given some humanitarian movie or something else. in this case it's pure tumor in a racist country. >> they have got a cultural view. >> publicity stunt so they could get a ton of money so they could get people to go to their web sites and download their new songs. the people that work there in cuba, when jay-z and beyonce pay in dollars. the workers are paid in worseless pesos. i'm shocked. i would like to find out from the treasury department, too. also want to know whose idea was this initially? did anyone in the administration think this would be a good idea?
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>> you think they brought it up themselves? >> hello? does anyone care? this is against the law. am i the only one that seems to care about the law right now. >> get a voice shah which they -- visa which they did. >> they get special treatment because they are celebrities and now they have decided cuba is cool. >> remember in south africa, there was a cultural blackout. nobody would go to south africa until they changed their policy. but in cuba that is not the case. they romanticize it. >> president obama has clearly said he wants to reopen diplomatic ties in travel and transactions. >> some republican and democratic presidents have said that. >> can i pop up this picture of jay-z we have? >> pop-up. >> there you government should somebody tell jay-z how he feels about black people. somebody contact him and
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tell him the words he has said about black people? somebody should. >> how to lose weight. >> how many black cubans the castro regime has imprisoned for literally tens of years, decades. one more question. that shirt. >> yes. >> where did you get it? >> i can't remember. but i like it. >> french bees astro calf fanchts i spent time in freanch prison. >> mission little hat. >> beret and bicycle with a basket. >> no, looks like jail house fetish material. i'm not into it. >> go to my web site jail house fetish >> there is a bunch -- never mind. >> oh bob. ahead on the five. defense team is demanding that a fox news reporter give up her sources and if she refuses it could mean jail time. right back with more. ♪ ♪
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♪ it doesn't matter what they say ♪ in the jealous game people play ♪ how does it feel >> well, taps story that should trouble every american who cares about the first amendment. one of our own is at the center of it. fox news reporter jona winter has been threatened with jail time if she doesn't reveal sources for exclusive story on movie theater massacre suspect james holmes. she wrote about a notebook holmes mailed to his psychiatrist before the july attack that was reportedly full of details about how he was going to kill people. a colorado judge is expected to decide on wednesday whether she must testify. and reveal her sources. so eric, this is a serious situation. she could be held in contempt. normally you can be held all the way up to the point where you in fact reveal your sources. the judge indicated in court that he could hold her up to six months. that was his thinking or
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inclination at the time. all for her doing her job. >> right. she is doing her job there is a thing called in colorado in several states and maybe even a fravment i'm not sure if it's federal also. the shield law. >> colorado. i'm not sure if there is a federal one as well. in other words, reporters should be able to do their job, investigate, if they get something that's ruled evidence for a trial, present it to the court and keep their sources, you know, out of the courts. the names out of the system. here is what has happened though. james holmes' team, remember. >> his attorney who brought this. >> his attorney who is trying to get the judge to say no, she has to reveal the sources. so, it's not even the judge who wants to do. this so the question is, do you want some mass murderer killer's taxpayer funded legal team making a decision for jana to either go to jail or do her job? >> jana. >> there is a huge loophole in that shield law says in it unless, unless what the
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reporter finds out is relevant to the outcome or something to do with the trial. but, in this case, there were policemen who had access to that and she got it from police who gave -- >> -- law enforcement source. >> law enforcement source. so i just don't see what it is about what she has done that is material to this case if they have already got this stuff. >> you are absolutely right, bob. there is an important distinction here. i'm sure the judge will pay attention to this. colorado judge william sylvester. if they can obtain that information from other sources, there is absolutely no legal justification to imprison her, to put her in jail for doing her job as a journalist, which was investigating one of the biggest mass murderers. this story, she was able to get that information. it's been verified. and now she is going to be punished for having journalistic standards and integrity and not revealing her source. which is the right thing. she very courageous as judge napolitano mentioned. dana. >> there is not a national security question here. the question is whether or
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not he is going to spend his life in prison or is he going to get the death penalty. so there are, i think the judge will, i hope that he will have use his judgment and recognize that. i also wonder, you know, there is one thing to wonder where the rest of the media is in terms of supporting her. where is the aclu? they are so busy -- what, did i take your point? >> yeah. >> so busy schooling schools that have a photographic jesus given to them in 1997. >> i said they are busy down taking down a northeast scene in a strip mall until kansas. it actually frightens me. >> i think, you know, there is another part of this story, too. the information that she reported told you that this was about the gunman and not about the gun. and the dangers of symbolic gestures such as gun free zones and how harmful they are because this guy had meticulously planned this murder and he went out of his way to find a theater that was gun free.
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and what that tells you is it wasn't the gun that mattered. it was the mad man. depending how this judge rules a bond the by the way say no and keep sources confidential. you have to think other investigative reporters down the road are going to go. should i or should i not. >> all journalists behind her. mouthing off about the aclu. only one group come forward, the national press club urged a judge to drop this. the judge is compelled. this is not the judge's doing. goes not bring this motion up. this is from the murderer's defense team who is trying to create a problem here a side show distraction. shame on them. wrong for doing it. >> the psychiatrist had this stuff in his hands and never reported it? i mean, to somebody? >> there is a dispute about that. >> there is? >> yeah. >> imagine if this is a "new york times" reporter everybody would be rallying
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behind them. >> or david, nbc david or if it was you. >> all right. so, if you want to show your support for januaryna, go to twitter and hash tag leave jana alone. basketball coach fired at rutgers after video surfaced of him physically aabusing his players. he could be in trouble with the law. why the fbi is ahead. stay with us on the five.
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>> bret: i'm bret baier in washington. the big story here today the president's gun control push not far from the scene of the sandy hook school
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shootings. the president is in hartford, connecticut tonight. he will address a gun control rally in a few minutes. when he is done he will welcome several sandy hook families on board air force one to washington where they will lobby capitol hill on tuesday. will they be successful. the u.s. navy is preparing to test a new weapon that has been a long time coming. a solid state laser cannon will be mounted aboard a recently retrofitted surface ship for the first ever laser gun at sea. north korea is now saying it will suspend operations at a factory complex jointly run with south korea. a look back at the life of british foreign prime minister margaret thatcher. she died this morning of a stroke. "special report" from washington starts at 6:00 eastern. now we will extend back to new york and my colleagues with the five. ♪ ♪ >> want to bring your attention once again to the wave of violent attacks
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against christians in egypt. yesterday a mob of armed muslims waged all out assault against the cathedral funeral four christians killed in clashes the day before. two people are dead. another 89 are hurt. egypt's islamist president mohammed morsi condemned violence but a lot of people want to know what he is going to do about it. now, let me ask you. kimberly, we have seen this now with the church in egypt there has been a wait of this that's been going on. morsey has said that he is going to stop it and any attack on them is a attack on him. yet, it turns out that the people that went there to protect him the police turned and joined the other side. >> which is terrible. i mean, so do we hold him accountable? yes, because is he in charge. he is the one that has the office down you have women raped forced to convert to islam. women being tortured, terrorized. no leadership that seems to be carrying enough about it
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to stop it. the fact the people he sent making the problem first. >> 10% of the egyptian population is coptic christian that's not a small number of people. >> not number has fluctuated. came to the united states and welcomed here. everybody wants to come here. who wouldn't in the chaos that is natural and wasn't a leader that was going to come forward. but basic security, is critical to forming democracy. at a minimum you have to provide people the ability worship freely and speak freely without being harmed that's the floor before anything else gets added. >> have you been strong on this topic. what do you think? >> here is the issue. again, push for mohammed morsi to get in there. warned certain people around here.
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who warned that mohammed morsi comes to the muslim brotherhood they hate the israelis. we all do. not their way of thinking. mohammed morsi before he was president of egypt called israelis descendents of apes as pigs. there is no tolerance by this man whatsoever. there is no tolerance by the muslim brotherhood. we should have seen that coming. there is no surprises. >> did you see it coming, greg? >> yes, i did. but i see everything coming. the middle east, most of the middle east has not gotten the memo on oenlightenment. talking about time zone difference flying from jfk and cairo. there you are 7th century. it's ridiculous. it's easier to mock christians here than to condemn violent muslims there. i mean, what happened few centuries if islam wins? there is going to be a lot of people who are dead. i'm talking mainably gay
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people who, you know, they don't have any rights there. >> a couple of months ago right here in jersey city there were a couple coptic christians beheaded in jersey city. people are saying is it going to spill over? is it going to continue here because it's going on there. >> i give him a lot of credit for sticking it out there. >> so brave. >> a lot of people would leave i would assume. new twist on the basketball scakdz at rutgers. why the fbi is investigating the whistle head coach just got canned for roughing up players? could he now be in trouble? that's next. [ male announcer ] julia child became a famous chef at age 51. picasso painted one of his master works at 56.
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♪ dancing days are here again. ♪ summer evening >> the rutgers basketball scandal has taken a new turn. we are going to tell you all about that in just a minute. but, first, here is how "saturday night live" spoofed it this weekend. >> outside the lines obtain practice video showing exactly how far she has gone [bleep] ponytail. >> throwing basketball. shooting t-shirt guns
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♪ threatening them with a baseball bat. >> you take that ball and you put it through that hole and i won't hit you with the bat. >> where is the bread? where is the bread? [bleep], [bleep]. [ laughter ] >> actress melissa mccarthy was mocking mike rice the fired coach of the men's team. exassistant coach eric murdock was the one no blew the whistle on rice by releasing the footage of rice shoving players and hurling slurs. now the fbi is investigating murdock for possible extortion of the university. kimberly, murdock was looking for 950 grabbed. i'm scratching my head. he is assistant basketball coach. what in the world does he think he has access to 950 grand at the university's money for. >> what justification should he be getting almost 1-million-dollar, oh, that's a little thing we call extortion. if you don't pay me the money, i'm going to release the video and make your university look really bad. guess what happens?
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he got nothing, he got fired. and now he may go to jail. happy ending. if there. >> we don't know whether that was the case, right? >> you are so fair and balanced. >> thank god you are here, bob. [ laughter ] >> the guy extorted him by saying -- >> here is the silver lining to all of this. when someone approaches you and says that they have a video and they are extorting you, how relieved are you when you see the video and it's you yelling at a player and not something else? >> not that video. >> we have a video. i knew i should have brought blinds for my bedroom my life is over o. no it's just me yelling at kids. >> personal experience? >> who released this video? >> who pushed the video? >> who pushed the video? >> dana, what's your thoughts on the whole scandal. >> i just hate them all. it's so preposterous. i think everybody should lose. and the basketball program, give the money to the speech team and watch that
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university just explode in great wonderful innovative people. >> let me tell you something, these teams can be march for emotionally and verbally abusive. >> that's how dana excelled. she was an absolute ruthless beast on the speech team. >> can i put something out. this isn't part of the research. howard kurtz interviewed espn reporter cats who wrote a piece about hannity and i defending this coach a little bit. now, they didn't even see the segment. they clearly couldn't have seen the segment because i never said racial slurs were okay. gay slurs are okay. i said that aside, if he got fired for the other stuff, i disagree with it wouldn't you think the media would do their job, bob, and watch before they start -- >> -- i was shocked to hear you say it in the first place. you stood your ground. would youwussification of amern men. >> i will tell you something. you have a good point.
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i left the speech team it was far more mean. like mean girls and i went to the softball team. they liked me a lot. >> where they don't throw hard balls. >> you know who are awful people anybody in ache coppell low a cappella groups. >> or bell choir. >> speech and debate. >> you were on the debate team? >> i was, yeah. >> we'll leave it there. one more thing is is up next. ♪ what doesn't kill you makes you stronger ♪ stand a little taller ♪ doesn't mean i'm lonely ♪ when i'm alone ♪ what doesn't kill you makes a director's voice: cut it! ...what...what did i say? gecko? i said gecko? aw... for over 75 year...(laughs. but still trying to keep it contained) director's voice: keep it together. i'm good. i'm good. for over 75...(uncontrollable laughter). what are you doing there? stop making me laugh. vo: geico. saving people money for over seventy-five years.
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gecko: don't look at me. don't look at me. all stations come over to mithis is for real this time. step seven point two one two. rify and lock. command is locked. five seconds. three, two, one. standing by for capture. the most innovative software on the planet... dragon is captured. is connecting today's leading companies to places beyond it.
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siemens. answers.
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>> time now for my one more thing. i'm going to go first to you. the attitude adjusted greg gutfeld. >> thank you, darla. >> came back with a good attitude you get to go first. >> he did? after being ridiculed about this shirt i feel down. i am going to start with a banned phrase. i heart. yk if you heart unicorns or little babies, if you are not under the age of 10, shut up. that's only children are allowed to say i heart. if you are an adult male, i'm coming after you. all right. now i want to go back to an earlier banned phrase that i banned maybe a year ago. and it came up in a donna brazil tweet. please show that she wrote what did the iron lady do to advance great britain and the world? does she leave a lasting footprint for women in
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politics? just sayin. donna, just saying, really? >> that's the problem you have with that tweet? >> that was it. >> couple of problems. granted margaret thatcher wasn't in the good wife or house of cards like donna brazil. if didn't have just saying there it would have been a nice tweet. >> that's the intention was the original part. the hash tag maybe not. >> just saying. >> way to defend your friend. >> i do. i'm very good friends with her. >> just saying. just saying. i still heart you. >> i heart eric. >> okay. take a look at this. kind of caught me by surprise. watch. >> right now i'm grateful to live in a city or state in the country where i strongly support my mayor and governor and president and my senators and my representatives. if at some point that weren't true and i thought i could make a meaningful and measurably greater
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intrarkts you know, i would have to ask and answer that question. >> let me clarify what that is. that is former first daughter chelsea clinton telling politico she would consider running for office if she could make a meaningful impact on the country. haven't we had enough of the clintons? haven't we had enough. >> oh, no, no, no. get used to it. >> 2016 hillary clinton. >> i know. expect that, another one coming downtown pike? >> at least it wasn't the brother. >> just saying. >> i heart bob. you next. >> all right. young man named jack hoffman in nebraska, 7 years old has had brain cancer, two operations. jack was one of his great wishes was to be able to play with the nebraska football team which was a really big deal in nebraska. well, anyway, they brought him in and said okay you go in and run for a towvmentd there he is running around the side. everybody running with him. he is moving and now is he
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down to the 30. he is free. he is down to the 20. down to the 10. he may go all the way. and he does. yea. >> bob, i have a question. >> how the other players, like was that a real score? >> no, no, no. can't tackle the poor kid. >> a scrimmage between the nebraska football team. had 62,000 people in the stands for a scrimmage. >> if this whole five thing doesn't work out espn will be knocking on your door. that will be very good. you missed your calling. >> research? >> that was very sweet. something the little boy is never going to forget. have it on video and father was watch from the sidelines. >> and if a player tackled him how horrible that would be. >> what if a guy takes it too seriously. >> you might do it. >> happened to that player who did that? can you imagine. >> i heart kimberly too. >> i heart you back. >> i'm going to throw up hearts right now.
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>> please project that way. toward bob. >> thank you very much. >> okay, bob, did i this for you because i know how much you love the ladies and whether they are jail birds or not, bob likes them. bob, here is a nice girl for you. megyn simmons has received a lot of male attention for this police mugshot. they find her very attractive. she has received marriage proposals. one gentleman from ireland said come relocate to ireland. get you a job. and my mate's pub. she was in for. >> where is she in jail so can i drop her a note. >> men don't care what you do for a living. >> 2010. getting a lot of attention new girl for bob. >> thank you. >> i also heart the new bush library. i got a sneak peek of the bush center that is opening up april 25th. there is 9/11 exhibit that's some of the wreckage from the world trade center site that is there. it anchors the center it is a beautiful work


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