tv The Five FOX News April 9, 2013 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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video on we'll see you again tomorrow night at 10:00 p.m. good night from washington. oy. >> this is a fox news alert. there has been a stabbing attack at the campus of lone star community college which is north of houston, texas. 14 people are hurt. two critically. police say a suspect is in custody. he is a 21-year-old student. we're monitoring the situation. we have new information we're going to bring to you in a moment. hello, everyone, i'm kimberly guilfoyle along with bob beckel dana perino and greg gutfeld and eric bowling. this is the five. >> do your children belong to you? or do they belong to the government? now, according to nbc news cable operation it's not you.
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take a look at nbc new ad featuring one of their stars melissa harris perry a left wing professor at tulane. she thinks children are the property of the collected. listen closely. >> we have never invested as much as much as public education as we should have we have always when a private notion of children. your kid is yours and totally your responsibility. we haven't had a very collective notion of these are our children. so part of it is we have to break through our private idea that kids belong to their parents or kids belong to their families and recognize that kids belong to whole communities. once its everybody's responsibility and not just the household's, then we start making better investments. >> wow. so once again, another attack on the nuclear family or as we have seen and heard this time before about how bold. >> we need to point out that isn't necessarily just her words. it's broadcast on msnbc. msnbc is out of touch. msnbc has declared war on the american fabric. they are determined to
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change our life, our lifestyle, how we think, how we act from. radicals like al-thatal sharpton to ryan knows like morning joe. i can't figure out why morning joe thinks he is a republican besides wearing the blue blazer. >> i thought you liked him. >> i don't. i like the show. i watch "fox & friends." i go back and forth. i watch back and forth. i like the politics. i'm not sure why morning joe calls himself a republican he is not. he is a rhino. plicials are -- liberals are feeding a narrative state knows best cradle to grave. conservatives are feeding the narrative community knows best. what's at the center of the community? the family. you have a vast difference between the liberal msnbc and the conservative rest of us. >> dana? >> what? which part of that should i reply to. >> fabric. appropriate for networks to run this or for bob to have his phone on. >> if the collective had raised him correctly he
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would have known to turn off his phone at the table. >> one of her children. remember. >> i don't have children for a reason. i don't want to have children. because that would have been my responsibility. i don't think -- but in the life of julia, you can do whatever you want and you get to have the collective raise your children and take care of you when you are old. it doesn't make any sense. but if the collective would come over and help a mom wipe jimmy's butt while she is trying to call the dishwasher repairman and do all the things. if the collective is going to come and help with that that would be great. when you get to be a teenager, what do you do? you grow up and turn to the collective and say i never asked to be born. none of this makes any sense except to try to get attention, which she has achieved. >> all right. so what was it a publicity stunt or part of the group think over there? >> well, okay. she says that children belong to the community, but does that include the unborn? of course not. so, there is a little bit of an inconsistency here if you are going to talk about that you have to talk about that as well.
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if you can spread the wealth, why not spread the kids. i love this idea because i don't have any kids. but i have chores. and i need these chores to be done. so if i can borrow anybody's children at any time in my community, why not? essentially what she is doing and i don't think she is a bad person for this, this all comes from the toxic teacher's lounge words like collective. she has spent more time in the ivy league than actual ivy. but what this is she is passing the buck to chairman maui. this is basically a way to advocate responsibility to the government. it's the laysiest communism you could ever find. but it's also stupid. because you never want to get in between a mom and her kid. the strongest instinct is the maternal instinct. telling a mother that her kids are part of a collective is the dumbest thing msnbc has done since hiring keith olbermann. >> they got rid of him. >> when dana said that i didn't ask to be born, that's exactly what they sound like just the way you
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did that i can hear my kids say that over and over again when they got m at me. i didn't ask to be born. i think i understand what they are trying to say here. it was not set in the way that it should have been said. it's not all a bunch of communist, the teacher's lounge. >> what does the word collective come from? >> the word collective is a bad choice of words. >> think of it, the substance, your children don't belong to you. they belong to the collective. >> that's socialism. >> that's very strange, bob. that's not appropriate. >> wait a second. went on to say we should spend more money on education, right. it is true during the school year, children spend more time in an educational institution waking hours than they do with their parents. >> okay. >> so, in that case, they are sort of being taken care of by that school system. and so, i think that, i understand. i understand the village concept. and -- but i don't think the word collective is a way that i would present it. >> these this is going way beyond the village.
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your child you may have given birth. your child does not belong to you. it goes to a larger issue of the takedown of the nuclear family. listen to rush. >> the nuclear family has always been under attack by communist. by leftist. but, the fact that it is said in america on a cable news channel and is considered fairly benign is what has changed. this isn't that big of deal. anymore. that's what's changed, folks. >> do you agree with that? >> here is what it is. look, the liberals are for big government. they are for the collective. the government knows best. they will take care of you from the cradle to the grave. msnbc is the mouth piece for big government. so, of course, they are going to run. i'm sure that went through four or five layers of producers who said yeah, that's fine. she can say that that's fine. that's our -- it's in our words, in our language. it's exactly what we lean
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forward or whatever their saying is. that's socialist. >> all liberals think that you ought to be taken care of from cradle to grave. there are some of us who believe that there are places where you do need government intervention and other places you should stay out of it. in this case i think as i go back to it she is trying to make this point and it is not about taking control of your kids or anything else. it is not communism. it is the idea that these kids spend a good deal of time in the community and in the education system and we have a certain responsibility for that that's all. it was not said, repeat that again it's msnbc. >> okay. so from a messaging standpoint, why did she do this and double down? >> okay so here it says here allow me to double down, kids are our collective responsibility. so, bob, even though you this you are trying to clean up this mess for her she says that's exactly what i meant. here is another one she has got a quote on as part of an article, one thing is for sure, i have
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no intention of apologizing for saying that our children, all of our children, i think she means are part of more than our households. they are part of our community. >> it's true they are part of our community. i'm not trying to clean it up. because there is too much to clean up i don't have a big enough dump truck to clean it out of here. i'm not defending msnbc. if i would have written this script i would have written it differently. >> from a brand new standpoint from the democrats. i agree with you, bob, not all democrats think that there is a serious problem developing for the democrats that it is slowly becoming a rebranded left wing crazy nuts on the left that don't want you to be able to take care of your children and it's just -- it's a little bit creeping in here and there and pretty soon you will have people who are actually running on this type of a message. it's not like she said it off the cuff. that was edited, highly produced. it's a public service announcement that they do. i think that the left, whatever the third way or
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the some sort of middle ground needs to at least step forward. bill clinton has tried to do that and give some advice. when hillary probably runs in 2016 you will see more of that. >> you are right. this is my fear for the democratic party. it is beginning to get this big government thing and then when you put the word collective in there, i can think about that -- would you ban that phrase? >> yeah. i will speak in on that. that's a power grab. the democrats control the government. the government wants to take responsibility for the kids. that's how it works. it's always about expansion. what is a child anyway? aren't we all children at heart? why do we have to by age? anyway, isn't what the left believes is that we are all children and the government is their parent, is our parents and that we are really just babies who can't take care of ourselves. >> i don't think, well, first of all, i am still a baby and i would like to be a child in perpetuity. i don't think the left believes that the
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government ought to be in charge of all of this. >> define socialism for us? we have done this a hundred times on the show. do you want to define socialism. >> depends what socialism you are talking about. >> give me any brand. >> state-owned ownership of business. >> as a worker within the socialist economy system, where does my productivity go? >> the difference between socialism and communism. >> okay. either one. pick one of them. >> if you take a state-run organization. >> depose to the state, right? the collective. >> yes. >> exactly ha she said. >> that's why i said the word collective is not a good idea and deign naps idea about it being. >> i love the phrase. >> you have got to ban it. >> no, no. no. because she is saying what it is. that's the beauty of it. i want -- i want leftist to use these words. >> the collective is more descriptive than the village. >> exactly the village is fake. the collective is real. this is utopia by force. this is how fascism becomes gift wrapped as caring. any time it becomes calling. any time collective
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achieves its aims people die. i'm not saying sarah jessica parker that's her name, right, who was talking earlier. i'm not saying she is out -- i think she actually believes this is a good thing. >> by the way sarah jessica parker would say the same thing. >> what was her name. >> jennifer love hewett. >> mhp or j love. >> can i suggest don't give gutfeld any more ammunition, okay? because he has already been wound up on this thing. eric is -- dana is trying it to be sane about this. into the pitch. moderate liberal, i think you push away from msnbc and this brand of liberalism. >> i divorce myself. >> collectively right now we have got to jump to the tease. all right, coming up, both liberals and conservatives want some answers on beyonce and jay-z's recent trip to cuba. dana has that plus a laundry list of celebrities like kim kardashian, demi
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♪ >> so beyonce and jay-z's anniversary trip to cuba last week has reignited the debate on the ban to the island. life inside the treasury department but senator marco rubio wants to know more. the florida senator says u.s. law bans tourism to the communist nation because it helps fund a cruel repressive and murder rest regime. the administration needs to explain exactly how trips like these comply with our law. they do not complip with the law. one of the reasons the travel ban is in place because the cuban regime. the communist put into place in the 1990s this rule that if you come to cuba, if you travel there, so if you are from europe and you think it's really cool to go to cuba with the great beaches and rum and cigars that you pay the hotel in hard currency. that's how they fund the regime that basically makes
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puts political prisoners in prison and holds down everybody else and makes $20 a month on average. the difference here is that the treasury department gave an okay and apparently nobody at the white house or the state department knew anything about it do you buy that. >> i don't buy that at all. we know they have favored celeb status with the obama administration. i really do think it's that simple. these are his friends friends want to help out their buddies. you want to go to cuba? it's not appropriate. this is a serious investigation that should happen whether they broke the law. they shouldn't be treated differently than anyone else. these laws are in place for a very good reason. they should be respected. you shouldn't be playing favorites and cronyism and allowing your friends to go playing a blind eye. do they have any idea what goes on from benghazi to beyonce? >> some low level's bureaucrat's fault because somebody approved beyonce and jay-z and didn't think to call anybody, bob? this is the most
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transparent administration in history, supposedly why can't they answer a simple question. why didn't they tell the state department and why didn't they ask beyonce and jay-z to do something like maybe meet with political dissidents or call for them to be released? >> i went through the way that the law is written and what the treasury department is supposed to allow you to do to get there, as far as i can tell, this doesn't meet any of those criteria. so if it was a cultural exchange or something like that, you could say that's -- they didn't break the law. they got license, right, to go do it. the problem is somebody at treasury approved it outside the boundaries of the law. that's really the problem. somebody there as i was saying to dana at the break no one watching what i do someone is going to be thrown under the bus in the next few days. >> do you think it pace, greg, to have friends in hollywood that help you get elected and then turned around and screw things up like this? >> i think you know what it is. if you ever need something to say about the dreadful
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state of your country, all you have got to do is get a celebrity. because a celebrity loves to follow orders. they love to read lines. as long as you make sure the linen is clean and they -- the champagne is chilled and they get their cocaine delivered, they will say anything they want about your country. whenever celebrity lands in a country, the first thing they do is paint the roads that you are coming in on. and they make sure that everything in eye view is perfect. >> on the approach. >> you have -- you never see anything else out there. they come back and say these guys aren't as bad as you think. >> that's a problem with cuba, i think. we talked about this a little bit yesterday in the break which we will share with you now. the world united against south africa, during apartheid, and thewere able to force change. for some reason, eric, it seems people love to go to cuba so much that they are propping up the regime. >> let's step out of the box for a second. i'm going to go and say i think maybe just might be
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time to drop the travel and transaction embargo with cuba. know, i look it was a repressive regime. yesterday i said it was terrible what they did. raoul castro who is fidel castro's brother, raoul castro had an inclination to be more of a free markettest than fidel did. he was the harsh communist. raoul may be more of a markettest. it may be time to open up trade. they certainly have beautiful beaches. they certainly have tremendous amount of industry, sugar, petroleum, whatnot. it may be time to stop this nonsense of fighting with them if they would open up at least diplomatic relationships with us. by the way, one last thought. china's communist too. we travel to china. >> you know, i think just watching the growth from you on that statement alone i think is worthwhile seeing it you are right. raoul, when fidel dies if he ever dies is, i think inclined. when you listen to what he said when he took over when his brother was really sick, i think, look, let's
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face it, there is so much businesses ready to jump on that island and grab ahold of had it because there is a gold mine and it's only 90 miles away. >> ladies in white political dissident group they work peacefully against the regime. united in grief. wear white to represent peace and carry a lily as their only weapon. there is a berta solair who is cuban she is going to be in the united states. they allowed her a a visa to come to the united states there is a call for beyonce to meet with her. >> why not? >> hear directly from her. go online. go to -- we will put it up there at beyonce to meet with opposition leader five minutes for berta on your fifth anniversary could you spend five minutes with her to listen to her story. >> this is such a good point. the problem why this is so offensive is it smacks of
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vervolity. it seems to totally fly in the face cuban people have been suffering from for years. jay-z and beyonce go over there and act like it's a cool place and ignore the history and the suffering of the people. if they're supposed to be about the people, why aren't they educating and meeting with those who have suffered. >> if they are willing to negotiate and willing to open up the businesses, the hotels, the old havana is gorgeous. >> but you pay hard currency to the regime and then they pay the staff in pesos. >> that's a problem. >> it doesn't trickle down. >> almost the same situation in china. >> you wonder why somebody didn't get to them and say, you know, while you are down on there on your vacation. >> they don't know and they don't care. >> i guess that's probably right. somebody politically should have thought about that. >> i will tell you where they went they went to the superior art institute and children's theater group. at least they weren't pawns for prop propaganda. if you are critical of beyonce and jay-z, you are called racist by a few people.
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we have always been critical of celebrities with their dalliance with communist. hugo chavez cavorting with him and i wish jay-z and beyonce would have read up on their history of cuban leaders and blacks and how they look at blacks. >> they could have made a difference. they could have done one radio interview with a free media. do something that at least incentive. basically stop publicity for a lark and now they have the administration in hot water. i don't think the floaters washington you should not let the administration off the hook. somebody needs to answer who at the treasury department approved it and why didn't they tell the state department so that they could -- >> can i send out one more message. gregory don't talk about this stuff anymore. >> i didn't even know who that was. a guy with two first names i don't like. >> you have a problem with first two names. >> he has been a liberal comedian for a long long time. >> he hasn't been a comedian. >> i know. >> like bill maher. >> yes.
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>> lady thatcher's body wasn't even cold and the ghouls were out in force. street parties popped up. stating rejoice, thatcher is dead. on twitter if you express sorrow over her death, some would respond with vial slurs. how odd. england may be the most politically correct nation on earth. riddled with strident egg heads spooked by words when
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someone great dries who isn't leftist, tolerance magically vanishes. do you think they cheered like that when bin laden died? i turned to dennis prager thinks the right is right the left thinks the right is evil. odd since this hate is coming from jerks, too young to remember thatcher. yep, it's coming from students some young, some maternal. at one conference some students cheered thatcher's death. why such hate for people who know so little? well, if you swim in the sewer, you are going to come out stinking. and that's your average academic these days, immersed in a scholastic cesspool where concepts of truth and morality are replaced by relativism and a hatred of western achievement. to a british student good and evil blur and a friend of our enemy is always a friend. and so they protest capitalism while holding iphones and wearing nikes, how ironic that these tools spend most of their lives in class without ever having any.
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i saw you laughing, bob. >> once again, you have gotten this faculty lounge and they are all a bunch -- >> -- they are all students. >> let me say this. let me relay the story. i did my radio commentary yesterday in washington a big radio station. and i said for about thatcher that if hillary clinton gets the oval office she has a small part to thank thatcher who did break the mold for people like merkel. you would have thought that i said your mother wears cowboy boots through the sewer. i got from my side saying what are you doing? i said i said in the radio spot i didn't agree with the politics. but, you have to give her credit for having broken through what hillary clinton called the glass ceiling. for women? >> you made a fair and accurate statement. small minded people attacked you. >> you should have been the recipient of my phone calls. >> i want to show a cover of this is no surprise. this is from the socialist worker. this is their latest, a beautiful thing. now, here is the point, eric. >> sick.
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>> isn't it better in a way to be honest about your hatred of somebody than when somebody dies to pretend that you really respected them like certain leaders in the american government? >> you love that you like the honesty. i think prager's line was best. the left thinks whatever. we're evil, the right thinks they are wrong. it just shows the difference the way people are treated. these kids who are throwing thatcher death parties don't know what she did. she saved england. three day workweek some of them they couldn't get power because the unions were so strong. sucking all the income out of the economy. meanwhile, people couldn't pick up a phone and make a phone call. they couldn't turn on the lights. she saved the economy and they should be thankful for her, not throwing parties in her death. >> now they need her again. this is the problem. >> absolutely. >> it's been a total back slide to what it used to be and very much parallels what's going on in this country and the liberals in that country admitted that they used
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multi-culturallism, mass immigration policy, very liberal immigration policy to change dramatically the culture, the dynamic and the population in england as a direct backlash against what maggie thatcher was doing. now you see the fruits of those labors and you are seeing a lot of that here in terms of this administration and the policies of the liberal left. >> dana, do you think these are just small pockets of sad idiots or i mean but then again there is russell brand writing a fairly idiotic piece about. this and a long one. he had a lot to say. >> he is actually well -- he can write. is he a good writer. this is my favorite line. i have few recollections of thatcher, i become a delinquent by then, living on heroin and benefit fraud. so, okay. >> there you go. >> maybe it's your fault. you were on heroin and living on benefits fraud and you are critical of this woman. i think you have the issue. sorry, dana. >> for example, let's look at michigan and detroit in particular in a world of hurt. you have a republican governor who has come and now it's its responsibility
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to try to fix something. he takes one, you know, step towards getting the city back on track know what? they all -- all the haters came out. so i think that there will always be son some. now they are louder because of social media i think you could say, you know, just let your hatred go. >> yeah, let it go. >> do you remember when breitbart died how many people were the same way over here. >> yeah. >> it's terrible. >> because they think it's evil. >> bob? you have your mouth open. >> don't call on me. i have the hiccups. >> boo! >> can i point out something that was fairly amusing. the only amusing part of this. anti-thatcher web site started the hash tag now thatcher is dead. a lot of people read it now that cher is dead. that's exactly how it is spelled. so they all started tweeting under the assumption that cher is dead. >> they were hart broken. >> and they were so relieved. >> slightly amusing. >> no parties. >> no parties.
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>> this is fox news alert. new details on the stabbing at lone star community college near houston, texas, at least 14 people are hurt. at least one in critical condition. authorities have condition firmed that they do have a suspect in custody. >> this is a current and ongoing active investigation. a suspect has been taken into custody. a white male that we believe is approximately 21 years of age. and currently enrolled at lone star college system. >> and witnesses say the student went on a building-to-building
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stabbing spree before he was subdued by fellow students and arrested. this is apparently a photo of that student, the suspect taken by another student after he was tackled. kimberly, a couple of details. stabbed 14. couple in critical now maybe one political. like a box cutter exacto knife. some reported he may have been deaf or hard of hearing. >> he had some hearing impairment issue. he was carrying -- we don't know a lot at this point. we have basic details that he was enrolled there as a student and age. but, other than that, we are going to find out more in the next, you know, day in terms of what his mental status was, whether he was a student that had some kind of mental illness. look at what happened with an exacto knife. something allowed in the schools and universities like different utensils you use in biology class, et cetera. and just the damage and the mayhem that happened. >> yeah. well, i mean i always
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interesting when you hear details like when they say the person is deaf. we always have to tell ourselves that most people who are deaf do not do things like this. it's about this person a mad man. it reminds us that all communities, no matter where we are, we are vulnerable to mad men. and that vulnerability can be violated any which way with any which weapon. but it's the mad man who is attracted to vulnerability and it is up to us as a community to reduce our vulnerability and to prevent mad men from coming after us. >> right, can we roll just a sound bite from just a few minutes after -- we don't have the name of this student but is he an eyewitness, watch. >> we wish we could protect ourselves with guns and stuff. we wish that the law would let us carry guns because we are legal adults and carry guns on campus to protect ourselves. but so far all we have to rely on is on god. we would love to have god and the law on our side. >> dana, you knew this discussion was going to pop up. >> of course.
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we're right in the middle of a big national debate about gun control laws and the ones being debated in congress. there are two proposals in the state of texas right now in front of the legislature that would allow students on college campuses to be allowed to have a weapon if they're approved and go through the background check and have a permit. that's what i think that young man was talking about there. there was an act of heroism today because this criminal, i guess can i call him that? the knifer told? he was subdued by other students. you can't always necessarily rely on that. so, they want to be able to rely on what they -- on what could have stopped him from hurting more people which would have been a weapon. i don't know if it's the best idea. what about it bob, any one of those students before they got stabbed if they were packing heat they could have stopped that. >> can we avoid the gun
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debate segment. it's amazing how many of these things happen on college campuses. you have a lot of people in one place where one person can cause a the love difficulty. but it is -- it goes way back to the texas tower shooting you are probably not old enough to remember that. >> university of texas. >> he shot from a tower and killed a bunch of people. it seems to me like the post office. when everybody was going postal. something about the post office made people crazy. something about college campuses. i don't know. >> because they are vulnerable. because they are not allowed to have weapons to protect yourself on them, that becomes a target right? because he knows you have a better chance going into a movie theater that's not protected or going into a school, elementary school or going into a college campus like virginia tech. and connected piece here. the connective thread is mental illness struggles. >> and unprotected places. >> look at the most recent problems including at the movie theater gun free zone. >> right.
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♪ ♪ >> all right. quick. who did this song? >> keith richards. >> keith richards, good. speaking of that bad habits are hard to break. i can certainly attest to that. some vices are good for you. biting your nails to cracking your knuckles to burping. some doctors are saying a do not a don't. one thing to explain this segment is, for example, when you bite your nails, it takes dirt out from underneath your nails and therefore you don't get bugs as much. >> now you eat it. >> no, you don't eat it? >> that was an evolutionary response. now you have nail files and soap and stuff that can do that for you. >> it's supposed to build up your immune system. >> immune system has memory
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that's why. >> do all three of those things. >> i do, actually. >> you can tell me why burping is good for you? what are the doctors saying? >> i don't know. i didn't read the article. i am, i will say, this i am an expert. i'm a collection of bad habits wrapped around a nucleus of another rofs, i'm a tootsie pop of tension. >> oh my god. >> this is a bigger question. how do women hide all of their bad habits? because you know from an evolutionary standpoint that through the ages. through hundreds of thousands of years they have passed secrets to each other. you never hear them breaking wind. you never hear them belching. you never see them biting their nails. they have a secret society of covering their habits and i want to know what they do. >> how is passing wind a habit? that's what i don't understand. >> kimberly. >> what? >> let me follow up on what greg just said here. i have to agree with him completely. why is it that men get blamed for bad habits and women don't. >> because you have them. >> women hide them.
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>> most women don't bite their nails. >> men like to be gross. it's part of their thing. they get enjoyment out of it. guys like to burden of proof and, you know. do other things. >> the going into the treacherous past. apparently when you crack your knuckles the old idea you get arthritis easier. now they say it loosened up your joints and probably won't get. do people go nuts when they hear people crack their knuckles? >> yes. >> do you? >> don't do it. >> please don't encourage this. >> i do. >> you do? >> crack your knuckles? >> obviously not, no. >> do any of your husbands? [ laughter ] >> i'm sorry, man, i'm trying to dig myself out of this thing. >> thank you. >> by storing a grenade. >> as usual, it was from the producer said hey, bob, this is a funny story. why don't do you it? >> what bad habit do you have though. >> a lot. do you have time. >> bob doesn't have bad habits he has life destroying habits. >> vices.
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>> i will say this, is the habit doing it in front of other people? then the question begs people you don't know? people you kind of know. >> people balching in public it's disgusting. >> can i say this when i was drunk which was a lot i never noticed my bad habits. other people did. i could clear a room out so fast it was unbelievable. >> oh, bob, i sit next to you. and sometimes things aren't -- sometimes things are not -- [ laughter ] >> can i just say thank you for this topic? >> you haven't asked dana about her bad habits. >> do you have any bad habits? >> i tweet about my dog a lot. >> that's not a bad habit. do you have any physically bad habits? >> i used to pop my neck a lot. but then i started wearing a backpack. >> it's a bad habit. >> it helped save me from my habit. >> oh, okay. >> if i can glenn beck get
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that's how we like it. it's time now for one more thick. kick to have. we have a special special announcement today. dana. >> yes. look, it's his birthday. he is 1-year-old. is he america's dog. >> i didn't know you have a dog. >> this is jasper. i don't celebrate every birthday. just the first one. that was him. see the video. that was a year ago in june when he came. see, can you see yourself on tv. >> and we have never had a dog on -- as a guest before like sitting here. >> and dana's leg. >> finally get to see your legs, dana. nice. >> so, anyway, happy birthday, jasper. thanks for putting up with me and the dog. >> jasper log. >> don't make a jasper log. >> dana, did he get a special breakfast today for his birthday. >> one trick he can do is if you get him to sit and lie down and if you ask him what he thinks about obama care he will play dead. >> there you go. >> what do you think of obama care? >> he doesn't like it.
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>> we are going to still have one more thing. >> so, eric? what have you got? >> while jasper is hanging out over here, there is a huge party at the white house tonight. take a look at some of the people who will be performing and attending justin timberlake queen latifah and is that cyndi lauper? that's a an old picture of cyndi lauper she looks good. partying at the white house meanwhile the white house tours are still not open. open the white house, please. >> come do a tour here of the five with cute little jasper perino. >> whatever happened to casper? >> interesting that you would recognize that but not surprising. okay. bob? >> i'm just -- jasper, what's your view on obama care? i'm curious. >> what do you think of obama care? i just ran across this video on the internet. it's not funny the guy had a bad action.
11:57 pm
but they put music to this thing. so, watch this. this is a skier trying to make a ski jump and he doesn't quite make it somebody laid down some music tracks on it and i found it to be very funny. if you don't, eh ♪ i believe i can fly ♪ i believe i can touch the sky ♪ highway to the danger zone ♪ i want to fly like an eagle to the sea ♪ love lift us up where we belong ♪ >> now we haven't found out if the guy is okay yet. we hope he is. thank you for giving me something else to talk about one more thing. >> could be paralyzed. >> that's the thing he could be horribly injured. remember the time you made me feel bad when the cows tipped over and spilled? remember that one? >> in the semi-truck? >> they all died. >> i was told that the cows were alive and okay and happy.
11:58 pm
>> they were going to the slaughter house. what difference does it make? this guy is not going to the slaughter house. >> here is something that i heard today. did i skip over you, greg? >> i don't care. >> whatever. banned phrase for today,. >> collective. >> unless you are a brain surgeon and you actually do pick people's brains don't say i need to pick your brain because it's just disgusting. >> you want to ask something. >> hey, can i ask your opinion on this? is this a mole? don't fix it, pick your brain. >> this is a serious budget cuts and one of the things that they are impacting which i think is outrageous. this upsets me even more than the white house tours which the blue angels, 2013 season is being cut short. this is very upsetting. so the commander of the naval air force has announced its decision on tuesday so today. this is something that's been going on great american tradition for 60 years. these pilots train really hard.
11:59 pm
they get to be blue angels for two years. now the whole rest of the year gone. blown out. they are not allowed to fly in formation together. they can only just maintain a certain number. >> [ laughter ] >> this show is going to the dogs. >> if republicans would just get off their butts and do something we could get this done with. >> quit blaming. >> now they have to car pool. >> that's the problem. they can only maintain basic light proficiency by doing those number of things. i don't know what's going on here. i have lost control. >> we all -- >> we all went. we are okay. we are okay. >> can i make a point here? >> yeah. [ laughter ] >> dog mauling over there. [ laughter ] >> this show has been hijacked by this dog. this dog has hijacked the show. >> what are you doing? >> jasper, we saw your calendar last year. that was enough. [ laughter ] >> you have got to get us out of here, jasper. >> trying to get out of here. >> camera
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