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tv   The Five  FOX News  April 10, 2013 11:00pm-12:00am PDT

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>> greta: now that is a talented dog. that is your last call. thank you for being with us tonight. make sure you go to now, that's a talented dog. i have one that can't even sit. that's it for tonight. go to good night from washington. din din. sitting on the dock of the bay ♪ ♪ watching the tide roll away ♪ well, it was party time down in d.c. last night, j.t., potus, queen latifah, cyndi lauper and more. bob beckel and dana perino, this is the five.
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collectivism, socialism, everyone is part of the community, what was once defined to a few countries is now the mantra here in the united states. let's take another look at the promo president obama's propaganda unit put out yesterday telling us our children don't belong to us. they belong to the collective. >> your kid is yours and totally your responsibility. we haven't had a collective notion of these are our children, part of it is, we have to breakthrough our private idea that kids belong to their parents or their families and realize that kids belong to whom communities. >> we work, they spend, they spend, they spend. and they're not honest about it. the president blatantly misled the american people about deficits today. listen. >> my budget will reduce our deficits by nearly another $2 trillion, so that all told, we will have surpassed the goal of $4 trillion in deficit reduction, that independent economists believe we need to
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stabilize our finances. the numbers work. there's not a lot of smoke and mirrors in here. >> we found some smoke and mirrors, mr. president. according to your exact budget. you're going to spend $46.5 trillion over the next 10 years. the revenues will be 41.4 trillion. you're not cutting the deficit, you're adding 5.27 trillion $to the deficit. i'm not sure why you even go there with these numbers. the father of this new american collective sure has nuked the family budget, right, bobby? >> first of all, ericy, let me say this, for years now, they've asked democrats to come forward with something on entitlements, he finally comes through with something on entitlements, as i predicted he would, and it was a republican idea. now all of a sudden republicans don't like it, you don't like t
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it. >> why would he go on tv today and say, my budget will cut deficits by $2 trillion. it's adding $5 trillion to the deficit. >> did he say it would be done in 10 years? >> yes, he said -- >> and where did your numbers come from? >> from his budget. >> you interpreted those numbers? >> if you spend here, this much is deficit. >> there's not much left to interpretation. >> it works out about to 500 billion a year in deficits, right? that's what the interest on the national debt's going to be. >> in other words, you have no idea how he came up with the number? >> yes, i do. >> okay, please explain. >> no, let's -- >> i can explain it to you. he has -- yeah, he's a great affection for printing lots and lots of money and devaluing our currency. i would say i give him an a at doing that, that's what he's been good at so far. in terms of this budget there's no real cuts at all to the budget. they're not real substantive costs.
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when you look at the bottom line and the dollar amounts, you add it up together, this is not going to help. >> kim, kim, kim, kim -- >> kimmy. >> they're going to cut back the cost of living increases in social security. that's real money. >> he's adding to the 5 trillion. >> that's the problem. >> msnbc melissa perry says the collective -- the kids don't belong to you, they belong to everyone. is this the right way for us going-forward? >> i'm going to blend the two points, because a budget document is really a policy document. it's saying, this is where my priorities are, these are the things i have to pay for as if you're a family budget, you have to pay for this, and these are the other things i would like to do, if you have to cut, you look into these things you were supposed to do, what president obama is asking for is a major tax increase, no movement forward on the energy piece, especially the keystone pipeline.
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a fairly substantial in the out years, chain cpi thing, it's not very bold. it's a little bit like -- the stew you make, bachelor stew. and you said it's actually good for two weeks in the refrigerate ir? what they did is took their budget from two years ago, and just put it in the microwave, warmed it up and served it two months late to the american people. >> i mean, honestly. >> you wore the green sweater because you knew we were talking money? >> it was budget day. >> what was the question? >> budget, money, collectivism, how is that? >> all right. what kills me is that we won these great wars, and yet we are now adopting the principles of the losers. and this is what i find to be kind of the most disgusting thing, where does this come from, where does this idea come from. where is the only group that still things mao is a great guy? >> professors -- >> exactly, you knew i was going to go there.
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>> bob is learning. >> they're all coming from the same place, and they're like a pox. they're infecting every area of our government, of our entertainment industry, of academia, of media. here's my question. do progressives really follow what they believe in? i believe they actually lead two separate collective lives. the first one is utopia by force, which is what they lecture you about, how you have to live, and then they go home and live their own lives, which then allows them to make you feel guilty about your excesses while participating in lavish parties like you see at the white house. and now you have a white house where you have these parties during tough times. it's not an administration, it's a party bus. >> did you just figure that out is it. >> we're going to talk about that in a second. kimberly, this came across the wire today. white house to furlough assistant chef for sequester. >> can you believe how much
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sacrifice. >> don't worry, bob's going to make bachelor stew, they'll live off of it for weeks at the white house. >> there's six floors. >> instead -- >> the initial premise of the segment was, how do you hold the collective responsible for all of these awful things. you have elections. but the conservatives are losing elections. because they hate government. and it's time to get over hating government because you're forfeiting it to the barbarians, you need to expose this toxic ideology in order to win. right now, as long as you hate government, you will never be able to invade government. >> barbarians? >> talk to -- >> he's calling conservatives barbarians. >> government is colonoscopy by force. they can invade you, but you can't invade them. >> i want to go on to the next topic. >> can i say one thing? >> i said yesterday, collectivism is the wrong word to use. i go back and i will defend them on this. every day, these kids are in our
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communities, we have them in schools. we have a responsibility to make sure they have a good, safe education. >> but to eric's point, they spend more per pupil than anywhere else, and you get the worst results. president obama is asking for more money. >> you don't throw bad money after a failure. that's the problem. >> are we getting bang for our buck? >> yes, we are. i'll tell you how we are. i'll tell you how wesh. we are educating a new kind of small businessman, it's called the government leech. the fraudster. there are more entrepreneurs who are learning how to rip off the government. it should be a major -- >> in preschool? >> it should be a major in university. >> in preschool -- >> margaret thatcher -- >> eventually you run out of other people's money. >> i think you're right, basically, you could come up with an idea, say you want to do some sort of green energy thing,
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solar panels that aren't needed. all right, i'll go to the treasury department, and i'll get tax credits for that, can i go to the department of energy and get a grant for x and y. go to the city and state, and get more grants. and basically, the taxpayers are funding that type of fraud -- >> no, could you be -- >> you could make a best selling government -- >> don't give away your best idea. >> president obama basically taught everyone how to do that. have someone raise money for them, and give them a job back in the department -- >> we have to get to this, i love this. we told you about the big bash in the white house last night. president obama all there, check out jt right there. he's singing with president obama in the front row. let's -- that's justin timberlake right there. celebrities can party with potus. if kids come for a spring break tour. they get turned away.
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kimber kimberly guilfoyle. >> i know the answer, priorities upside down for 100. >> what is the question. >> why doesn't anybody do anything about it? why doesn't the media cover it besides us. there seems to be no outrage about the things that are so blatant and so obvious. if you're part of the hollywood elite, and it's the fun parties -- >> what you're seeing is a macro cosmic version of high school. where the cool kids get to do what the cool kids get to do, everyone else sits there and goes, where is my money. >> there's two different budgets we're talking about. >> the secret service budget was cut in terms of the people coming to the white house. this is a cultural -- >> they have some good things. >> you didn't say that. >> you say that about bush? >> who -- >> i never saw any fun parties like that. >> who protected all those people at the white house there? the secret service. >> when you're inside the white
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house like that, you're pretty safe. >> we're cutting back -- >> there's only one message. >> blue angels can't do flyovers any more, but president obama can party with justin timberlake, is that right? >> they're on the cusp of getting a -- trying to push through a couple pieces of legislation. and in the morning you can have him fly up to connecticut and fly back to the white house and make a passed speech, and then at night they're partying. and so the picture in the morning is them partying. forget what's happened in the morning. i don't know why they wouldn't at least take a step back from at least some of the stuff that makes it look like they're having the best time of their lives while everybody else needs to pony up. >> you've been in the white house many these were planned months in advance before the schoolkids were killed. >> why cancel them then. >> please. >> i can give last thoughts. >> hollywood elite.
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>> yeah, hollywood elites, it's not the ivy league, it's the poison ivy league. >> i had poison ivy, it was very aggressive, all over my legs. >> much more, including a tearful appearance by lindsay lohan on letterman before she heads back to rehab again. dana's up next with some breaking news on today's gunfight in washington. we'll be right back. i automatically go there. at angie's list, you'll find reviews on everything from home repair to healthcare written by people just like you.
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♪ no, bob, that is not george bentley. country music lesson later. first, two lawmaker announced an agreement that would expand background checks for guns. joe manchin and toomey explain. >> if it can reduce the likelihood of criminals and mentally ill people from getting guns and we can do it in a fashion that does not infringe on the second amendment rights of law abiding citizens, we should do it. >> if you're going to go to a gun show, you should be
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subjected to the same checks as if you went to a gun store. >> the vice president is not helping set a bipartisan tone by comparing gun rights activists to the black helicopter crowd. >> now, the nra is engaging in a campaign which is -- i'm not unaccustomed to of disinformation to try to scare people. they say, quote, we, the federal government want to put every private firearms transaction right under the thumb of the federal government and keep all those names in a massive federal registry. kind of scary, man. black helicopter crowd is really upset. >> greg, what do you think? >> how racist is he? black helicopters? why do they have to be black? is he insin 00 lating black helicopters are crazy because they're black?
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impeach him and obama. if you disagree with a liberal on gun control, they say you want more dead kids. can we just explain that we both don't want people to die, and focus on the policy, and decide whether or not the policy works? we know this for a fact. landis stole those guns from his mom when he killed those kids. the background check would not have stopped that. two things would have stopped himp institutionalization. he should have been put away. the second thing, a bullet to the head. those are the two things you should care about, the vulnerability of schools and keeping crazy people off the streets. i admire them trying to get something done. i don't see how this stops this sort of thing. sorry. >> first of all, i think we ought to keep in mind, this is not gun control. it's not taking guns away, looking at -- there was a big loophole, and the loophole was gun sales and internet sales, all we're doing here is to
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expand current checks. and joe's exactly right, there's not going to be any big regis y registry, the nra has never had a statement on this stuff that is accurate. they're scare artists and thugs and they -- >> let's not call names. >> can't you have a debate about this? i'm going to talk about it in the next segment, the problem with gun control, people start calling each other names. why do it? >> it's not the nra. >> i just can't -- they drive me crazy, i think you're right. we should have a debate. everyone ought to be immune from names. >> let's call it, bob, stripping americans of their second amendment right. do you understand that? >> eric -- >> greg points out correctly that nothing in the toomey/margin bill would have saved newtown or the next newtown. we're so close to this background check in this form being a national registry. it is knocking on the door to a
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national registry. the only thing different is if i give my gun to my son. that is the only thing that doesn't -- >> you leave the current checks of the law -- >> i do. here's my problem. i stand firm on the second amendment. i think it's written properly, we should uphold it, i think pat toomey is wrong for being a squishy republican in this respect. he's up for re-election in 16. i -- he's going to have a tough time. >> what is wrong with people's background. >> what's wrong with the second amendment as it is? >> of course, it does. >> you guys are having an argument about something that would not have dealt with the problem that president obama said he wanted to deal with on the mental health piece. i want to ask one other thing. one of the things biden said, he makes fun of the black helicopter crowd. but i remember very well, that it was the left that went crazy thinking about terrorists being listened to if there was a phone call between americans on american soil and somebody
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overseas. they went berserk and almost crippled the intelligence program. who are the -- who's fear mongering. >> that's what he's doing right here. he's not ashamed. he's standing up in front of everybody calling names, looking at me too so bizarrely with the one eyeball thing. they don't want to debate on the actual merit. regardless of what they're doing here today, that wouldn't have changed the outcome of newtown, you look at the specific facts and circumstances, they have to deal with the mental health issues, why don't you spend your time and political capital on something that may produce a different result. and protect children in schools. >> let me just say, this would not have changed new town. >> thank you. >> if you have any problem with checking the backgrounds of people who buy guns? >> it's on the books. >> what are we doing? >> i think there's going to be room for a background agreement, i wanted to go to your expertise
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and ask you something. if you woke up this morning and you're following the gun control debate. you saw the news about manchin and toomey's bill, how hard is it for them to get something done. >> this is a long haul, but there will be background checks. the other things have fallen by the wayside. >> you mean more background checks or additional background checks? >> additional in the hands of gun sellers who are licensed. i think if they gets to the house, i can't imagine how there's going to be a conference, because the house is not going anywhere near there, and why -- biden was not talking about black -- he was talking about the nra. >> where is the discussion on the -- >> he called them the black helicopter crowd. >> where's the discussion in the violence in video games in hollywood? >> i mean, look, the democrats
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kind of want it both ways, they want restrictions but they don't want tough sentencing. they're scared to death of handguns. which do way more damage -- >> i think if they could fill some of the holes, i'm not so sure how much changes were done here on the online background checks or the gun shows, most of those guys are licensed merchants, i'm not sure what happened, i want to get to this point, the fact is, why are they not focusing on gang violence and handguns, because they're scared of being perceived as racists, so they stick to the rifle rather than the handgun. the other thing too, and i will quote rahm emmanuel would never let a crisis go to waste. when these tragedies happen, you rely on emotions instead of facts. when the dust settles, you end up with a symbolic law is that protects you less than before. leaving crazies on the street. and kids less protected. when you think about the gun free zone, somebody thought a gun free zone was a great idea,
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when it was just symbolic -- >> it is for bad guys. >> it's a great idea. >> it's a great idea for bad guys. >> we're supposed to go. >> the next line was going to be assault -- >> there is one thing that the administration could support, and that is lindsey graham's bill that could require any sort of mental health piece being sent into the register. i don't know why they're not doing that. i think they would rather prevent lindsey graham from getting a win on that. brad paisley takes on racism in a new duet with ll cool j., a lot of people are talking about the lyrics in "accidental racist."
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brad paisley wrote a song to help heal our nation's racial wounds. critics are mocking him for it. they rip "accidental racist" calling it the worst song ever. is it as bad as they say, or is it worse? decide for yourself, decide for yourselfers. ♪ starbucks down on main i hope you understand ♪ ♪ when i put on that t-shirt the only thing i meant to say, i'm a
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skynyrd fan ♪ ♪ i'm proud of where i'm from but not everything we've done ♪ >> then when ll cool j. steps in, it gets easier than a stuffed crust pizza. ♪ just because my pants are saggin' it doesn't mean i'm up to no good ♪ ♪ you should get to know me i really wish you should ♪ ♪ i'm proud of where i'm from but not everything we've done ♪ >> paisley defends the song saying, we're trying to have the discussion in a way that it can help. now, normally i would mock this celebrity spawned ernest too. i'm always sick about hearing we need a dialogue on race. if anything, we have too much dialogue on race. when it comes to the race card, the liberal media deals it like
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a messed up black jack dealer. have you two guys approaching it calmly, and the same media that calls for dialogue attacks them. perhaps it's because the media hates anything without irony. they hate this too. what if someone had tackled gun control the same way. instead, we got the opposite, a noxious video by jim carrey that demonized his opposition, while visually denigrating a dead man just to be cool. that's why the paisley song as corny as it may be is okay. it's not cool, not even close. but so what, i'd rather be uncool than a ghoul. >> in school. >> stay inschool. dana, you're technically our country music expert, what do you give this song? and i want to know about -- >> what kind of rating are you looking for? >> the sound and the meaning? >> well, look, the harmony was amazing. >> yes. >> the song writing. it's nothing compared to "jasper
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baby" by the eagles, which is an amazing song. >> kind of psychotic. >> i really like brad paisley, i really like ll cool j., i'm glad they came together. you hit it exactly right, they're not here to be made fun of. >> could this be one of the greatest -- could this be the greatest civil rights achievement of the last 30 years? >> first of all, i think everybody ought to step back and at least give these guys credit for making an effort. i would not have put in there let bygones be bygones about slavery. that was not a cool thing for ll cool j. to say. the point is, it may be something these reviewers don't like. who likes them. it's a decent reasonable approach, it's a nice thing to do. why doesn't everybody leave it alone? >> i compare it to jim carrey, he demonized people he disagreed
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with. wouldn't it be great if you got a gun control celebrity together to do a song? >> there aren't any -- too quick down the bases. brad paisley, tiny, small guy. and -- >> well, they come in -- pack a lot of punch. >> ll is towering over that guy. what happened to country music, starbucks down on main street? >> well, you know, they're everywhere now, nashville, cheyenne. >> what do you think? >> i like them, i like them both, but i don't like the song. it's not my cup of tea. >> my favorite lyric. just because my pants are saggin' doesn't mean i'm up to no good. you should try to get to know me, i really wish you would. my point is, if your pantses are sagging, you don't want to get to know me. >> they're both superstars, can
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we stop having to stroke them here. >> i don't know if they are. >> a lot more rimes with pants than rimes with saggin'. >> i'm waiting for the jasper version. >> ahead on the five. why did david letterman make lindsay low man cry last night on his show. he's a monster. the poster girl for bad behavior appe appeared last night before another stint in rehab. kimberly has all the gossip. >> thanks. you just devalued my segment.
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time for a little fun on the five. president clinton sent his first tweet. >> i took the liberty of opening you a twitter account. now, president clinton was taken, william jefferson clinton was taken. but prezbillyjeff was available. would you like to break into the 21st century right now and send your first tweet? >> just spent amazing time with colbert. is he sane? he is cool. >> i followed him today. of course, i looked it up and i hit follow. >> mistake. >> why? >> in about ten minutes he's going to tweet you, meet you
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outside, wear something loose. >> it's better that he got advice from steven colbert than anthony weiner, because that direct message could have been different. >> i wonder if he'll keep it. he has a lot of followers. >> you have to promise to tell us if he dm's you. >> i don't think he knows how to do that. >> he's going to retweet sex jokes and start directing spammers from eastern europe. >> he's done a lot of good things. let's leave that behind. you're going on a long time, anyway. >> i have a better twitter handle for him. @i @indshswtw. >> i know what that is. >> what? >> i did not have sex with that woman. >> you have completely destroyed my segment. >> i want to talk about lohan
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now, i'm serious. >> we're doing it. we're ing to start out with mr. bob beckel after we listen to this from letterman. >> aren't you supposed to be in rehab, now? >> do you not watch anything that goes on? >> how long will you be in rehab? >> three months? >> how many times have you been in rehab? >> several. >> what are they going to work on when you walk-through the door? >> we didn't discuss this in the preinterview. stop. >> she's tearing up a little bit. god bless you. >> oh, thanks, make that obvious and all. >> pathetic. >> i think he should be replaced immediately. how about jon stewart, right, that was the rumor. >> this is not a funny issue, certainly not for me, but this woman should not be on certainly not with david letterman, she should be in a rehab. when you go into a rehab, you go into rehab, you don't spend a month doing television shows. this is a sick woman who may be
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able to have her life saved. this woman you will not see her when she's 30 years old. i find this to be -- i find letterman to think this is funny, it's not funny, david. there's a lot of people suffering out there. >> it's not nice what he did. >> he's be littling her problem. she has a serious substance abuse issue. >> he has a serious mental issue. >> what's wrong with her people for putting her on there. she said, we didn't discuss this in the preinterview in the green room. what do you think she was going on the show to talk about anyway? >> obviously he was going to talk about that. >> the only project she's working on is her septum. >> i have no sympathy for somebody who creates their own pain. i reserve my concern for people who deserve it, i could care less about this tramp. >> well -- >> there you go. >> could we point something out. that was a cheap shot. >> it was. >> he went places he should never have gone. he kept going there, he started to see her well up -- >> maybe they should start
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dating. you. >> know something -- dana is exactly right. the same people who pushed her into the show, this woman needs to be institutionalized and quickly. >> you've been saying that from the beginning. >> that's the point. i don't know why we cover this. she's been in and out -- we keep talking about -- >> she has a substance abuse problem. >> let's talk about people who need help. >> she does need help. >> that deserve help. >> it's still a life worth saving, that's the point. >> we don't want anything bad to happen to her. >> i stopped wishing. >> all right. that segment's down to 15 seconds. >> six decades ago, the grandson of a slave broke major league baseball's color barrier. by the time he left the game, jackie robinson was a legend. his story will hit the big screen this friday. we'll discuss his legacy and how sports helped shape the civil rights movement when we return. man: ♪ all in together now
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♪ 66 years ago today a young man named jackie robinson changed the course of sports history, becoming the first african-american to join a major league baseball team as a brooklyn dodger. he spent most of his 53 years striving for equality for himself and others. let's look at some of the hall of famer's remarkable career. >> jackie robinson in the second. and the dodger third baseman slams it deep to left center. >> brooklyn's jackie robinson helped the dodgers win the national league pennant. the league's leading hitter and the most valuable player. >> jackie robinson meant a thrill to the crowd. >> he got into the hall of fame the first shot up. jackie robinson and baseball, he was playing in canada because he couldn't play in the united
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states. he went on to do very well in the face of some horrible racism, not just in the south, in the north as well. in the south he couldn't go to hotel rooms, in the north he was subjected to all this kind of stuff. he kept his temper, did a remarkable job. he got there a lot earlier than the politicians ever did. >> branch ricky deserves a lot of credit too. jackie robinson is a phenomenal baseball player. deserved everything he earned. awesome story. branch ricky. great guy he did all that. his son fired me. that's all i got to say. >> i was -- i'm playing third base, ground the ball behind third. his son fired me on the spot, that night in the locker room. >> said you're gone? >> off topic. >> do you feel better now? >> i feel better. >> he's a motional. >> branch ricky, sr. to bring him over, that was a huge, huge -- >> the other thing is, this
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happen eed ten years before cann and the board of education decision that did away with separation. it was 15 years before civil rights legislation in congress. you have to give sports some credit for this. >> absolutely. i think sports and health diplomacy actually works better than political diplomacy, it doesn't get anybody riled up or angry, it gets people fired up and excited before something. and you can get behind something. if you're making them excited about the team, the feeling of pride. or if you're helping heal somebody. those are the two things that work a lot better. and more quickly than political diplomacy. >> greg. martin luther king said he learned from jackie robinson, the idea of nonviolence. robinson at any point could -- and any other human being that wasn't as good as he was, would have exploded at some of this stuff. king learned a lot from him, i think a lot of people did. >> i think one reason why it was able to happen in sports sooner
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than politics is because there's no democrats in sports. >> i ask you a serious question. >> i think he's to be admired as much for his athletic prowess, and ability on the field as he is for his character as a man. i mean, he's a religious man, great family life. and really endured so much as -- the racism and growing up and working through that, he said he had to do a lot to overcome his resentment and anger, the way he felt, the way he was treated. he was able to do that and still perform. i think that's admirable. >> and let's keep in mind it was after baseball was over, he was active in the civil rights movement until the day he died. he is a remarkable. was a remarkable human being, deserves every credit he gets. one more thing is up next. [ indistinct shouting ]
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♪ [ indistinct shouting ] [ male announcer ] time and sales data. split-second stats. [ indistinct shouting ] ♪ it's so close to the options floor... [ indistinct shouting, bell dinging ]'ll bust your brain box. ♪ all on tnkorswim from td ameritrade. ♪
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>> all right. this is fox news alert. breaking news out of northwest georgia where a man is holding four firefighter hostage. the suspect barricade said himself and others. we don't have's lot of information or motive. . and and there is four firefighters in georgia . we have a lot of information. >> you have swat team. hold on, we have a sound bite, listen. >> waiting for the police to arrive at the scene and give an indication that it is okay to enter. there was no indication that this call had typical medical emergency with a patient in need of care and those firefighters entered for the care. >> these type of situations happen with firefighters and first responders and law
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enforcement officers and domestic violence or mentally ill. they set up a trap like this is unacceptable. the fact that they are asking they pull back on ariel they are contemplating action against the individual. they don't want to alert the suspect to what they are having. they will pull back the spot so they have a tactical advantage so they can save the firefighters. you don't know if he has the place loaded with explosives or weaponry or uation that he planned for in advance. they will try to canvass the area and get information from areas and do a thorough background check. see who they are dealing with. >> the ap said five and four held occupy u up one was let go to move the track. it said that the helicopters
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were pulled away and this is in a neighborhood of mostly two story homes and well kept lawns northeast of atlanta. >> we mention the thing about rhode island, a year or two years ago -- >> i don't remember exactly. it sounds like a similar situation where there was a call for help and firefighters, they don't hesitate. they go to the house and go n i hope that the punishment for the individual if captured alive should be swift. he doesn't put just those lives in danger. if they are hes hesitant to help anybody. he pet everyone in danger. >> it is the ultimate hate crime. it puts lives in danger. >> stay with fox for continuing coverage. we'll throw it over to bret baier with the special give you all


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