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tv   Red Eye  FOX News  April 11, 2013 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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of the information that we didn't. he will have it thanks it for the welcome to "red eye." it is like if you got talent you mean claw midyaw. let's go to andy levy for a pre game report. what is coming up on tonight's show? >> will sexy congressman be running for mayor? and new york city pays out $350,000 to settle three lawsuits filed by occupy wall street protesters over their property being seized or damaged. all i know is this never would have happened if we had a sexy mayor. and our allstar panel will discuss ron paul's curriculum and get hate tweets and e-mails. >> why did you have to egg him on? on. >> you don't have to egg him
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on. >> that's right. let's welcome our guest. >> she is so cute snuggles the bear adds her to his laundry. that's grizzly. i am here with author, columnist and fox news contributor jedediah bila. and he is so smooth that peanut butter puts him on its celery. it is rick g ri nel. and in some countries he is considered a mop. it is bill schulz. and jim norton will be performing at caroline's, the legendary caroline's in new york city, thursday through sunday, a day of the week. >> a block. the lede. that's the first story. back to you, big guy. it is funny because you are small. >> this editorial liesing is getting too much. but oh well. will his tears bring four more years. anthony wiener is now considering a run for new york city mayor according to an
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overly long new york times piece. look at that cover. the frothy piece serves as his come back kickoff as the disdwraised congressman says quote, i don't have a burning overriding styer to run for -- desire to run to are office. he shouldn't use the word burning. i recognize it is now or never in terms of running for something. now he is no longer running from something ie the faithful tweet as he calls it. wiener blames the crotch shot on quote, wanting people's approval. and after the scandal he enrolled in therapy. quote, the therapist didn't tell me you have a sex addiction or you were abused as a child, none of that stuff. which in a lot of ways i kind of preferred. it is an easy explanation that people intuitively get. hmm, so he preferred being abused? he is ready to move on. he says of his wife, quote, she is giving me another chance and i am grateful for that and i am trying to make sure i get it right. here is one suggestion.
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don't tweet your penis. news overshadowed the other big story of the day. >> that's a raccoon walking from one side to one side using the telephone and the electricity pole. very, very clever. it is so clever. my word. it is not scared to fall. >> i believe it is than uh -- astonian version of estonia funniest home videos of. >> that was some of the best i have ever heard. he is so scared! jim wiener wants to put the scandal behind him. should we do the same? is that his choice though? isn't it our choice? >> i don't think it ever should have cost him his job. >> really?
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>> i can't comprehend why people care about guys like him. spencer was a hipocrite but he behaves like i do. he gets my vote. who hasn't sent that picture out? i use photo shop and fake shadowing. i love pictures of my gentles. >> i have received many of them from you. >> you like the eyes and smiley face i paint on them. a christmas kiss. >> that keeps me company at night i must say. >> rick his political committee has spent money on polling. will voters give him a second chance? >> you know, i'm sure the poll the way that it came out will absolutely give him a second chance. they didn't give him any details. would you vote for somebody who was formally disgraced and then wants to win your vote back? of course. >> what if he showed his [bleep]. they don't have that in there. >> what if he was married to hillary clinton's assistant and this is a repeatitive action.
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i thought it was interesting to see her on the cover and she was very much doing the hillary clinton. we are standing by our man and this is about me. she is in the fore shot. >> can i use that word? >> are you right. it is like half of his body is not on camera. it is about her. they are using -- they are positioning her literally to be center stage. >> if she forgives him, then all of the female voters that could potentially not want to vote for him will say she forgave him and maybe we should give him a second chance. >> and it is new york city. >> it is new york. the idea that people won't be forgiving of a democrat involved in a scandal? silly. >> we should have been embarrassed that we cared. i looked at the picture you know what i mean? why not if somebody shows their genitles and thought be rude and not look. >> that's the kind of guy you
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are. >> i will give an honest critique. the fact that -- as long as you are not a pedophile or a rapist. >> he is a liar. character matters to people. they want to know that someone in there is going to say or do something that you can count on. they are not supposed to be like you and me. they should be ideally better than you and me. >> we want people who don't behave like we do and we don't give them a fair judgment. i do that so i shouldn't judge another guy. i just did that to make myself sound smarter. >> it is something you normally see in an episode of "real world." >> i can talk politics. >> if he runs and wins, imagine how short our meetings will be every day. >> we should all collectively endorse him right now and not just for new york, but for "red eye." i thought the most telling part of the article was the quite where one person was
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saying that, you know what he was a d bag when he was a politician. i don't see that in him. and his brother said that. that was telling. that i care more about than the wiener picture. >> a couple things. the new york times piece was frothy. they left out a lot of information that ace of spades wrote about mainly the time line of how he was exposed by andrew bright bart. i think you were in the opie and anthony studio when's bright bart had the picture of his genitles -- of wiener's wiener. and that is what caused the whole thing to go. >> i know. sometimes you just can't help it. somebody hands you a phone and you rub it on your face. >> but did you have to spit on it? >> are you grossed out all of a sudden? >> we passed it around on opie
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and anthony. he thought i sold him out and i did not. hindsight i am great it happened. why do you think the times left all of this out? >> absolutely it is the process he redeemed. new york city will forgive him. and then we want to move on from this. they have a point. i am actually with jim in that why do we care so much? it is whether or not the voter is going to forgive him. the more he talks the worse it is. he doesn't sound like somebody who is repent tent. >> i like the quote about he went to see the therapist and she said -- she didn't tell me i had a sex addiction. it was none of that stuff
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which in a lot of ways i kind of prefer. he wanted to be abused as a child. >> i w a great excuse and i could package it to it. instead i am an ass. >> the other thing he said which i think was honest he said twitter enabled the scandal. if there was no tweeting, it is not like i would have gone out cruising bars or something like that. it was just something technology made possible. yes you would have gone out. >> who cares why you did it. i never had twitter. believe me. i have sent more shots than he ever thought of doing. >> have you ever woken up and said oh my god. >> no i am sober. i remember every one i send and every one i doctor first and then send. >> i don't think it is what you do. it is whether or not you lie about it. i think they can get away with
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a ton of stuff. i don't think people will be bothered by photos or even what clinton did. they come out and lie to people and that becomes a problem. if you can lie about this, what else are you lying to us about? >> and will you become vulnerable to black fail -- blackmail if you are so fearful about this? >> i wish you were right. walter mondale said we will have to raise taxes and 49 voted against them. >> uncanning impression. >> from wieners to whiners the city is on the hook for occupy's books. new york is going to cough up 350 grand to set toll lawsuits brought on by protesters who claim thousands of books and electronic equipment and bicycles were seized, damaged or cleared out. they were carting off truckloads of their crap like texts from the people's library.
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they were so damaged they had to be tossed. the protesters sued for 47,000 and got it. the other suits with bikes and equipment and lawyer fees and the bill came to about 350. so is this a good way to spend the city's money? we ask cat who screams no. >> her terror is our joy. >> i get the feeling the city didn't fight that hard on this one. what do you make of this? >> we have a mayor who is a billionaire.
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this means nothing. the irony here is the lawyers walk away with the most money. that is ridiculous. these guys were clearly already breaking the law. i don't know why we don't go to the mat saying we told you to get out you don't get out. matter of fact you owe us. >> if you go to the mat with them chances are they will just sleep on it. >> if you protest and become a nuisance and any of your stuff is damaged you can make money. that means when the police are dealing with you on the street , they can't move your stuff. even if your stuff is blocking a sidewalk it doesn't matter. >> what you said is right. it is the lawyers. why do you think the school shooters are protected in prison and pedophiles are protected in prison. if the other inmates beat you to death the family will sue. it is always the lawyers. i didn't mean to go off on lawyers, but don't get me started. >> i feel a whole new bit for you coming on that we can
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workshop later. i give you a weekly segment. >> it might be good. it be c -- it be can be what the hey. >> i would like that a lot. >> should i just stop? >> it is like my horse from seattle. >> you would don't want to be laughing about that. it is something so horrible that anybody who has seen the movie "zoo" would understand. all right, jedediah. there was a lot -- there was millions of dollars in sanitation that had to be paid for by this city and cities all over the country. los angeles especially. why not bill them? >> how about the restaurants downtown that had their windows bashed in or the way they were deterring customers from coming in or the restaurant owners whose bathrooms were polluted? why don't the people who did that destruction have to pay for it? the irony is a lot of ows
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people don't believe in private property rights. they believe in state run communal property. all of a sudden when it is about them and their books and their bikes all of a sudden now let's all talk about private property. that's the biggest irony of it all. >> i will not sit and allow the honest intentions to be sullied. >> thank you jim. i don't know what sullied means. >> they know what is sullied. they celebrated their right to cully. sully. if they had done it creatively it would have been okay. they could have made a thousand dollars if they found you. >> he went there dressed like a mat with a bull's eye on it. i saw you and it was clever. >> you came dressed like an atm. please your nate on me. please, urinate on me. bill, you were told to leave by the protesters. you have terrible, terrible, odor issues.
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that really wasn't a question. >> i was waiting for the inflection at the end. we talked about this. i didn't understand why brookfield, the place that owned ducati had to pay. they were there illegally. i don't get why they were forced to interest contribute. they damaged one of their books which was bloomburg's. the only way they had it was they were using toilet paper. >> according to this i can camp out on any street and then if they move my tent and it is damaged i sue. isn't that what -- >> that's basically what they say. >> as long as you hire a lawyer. that's the point that you drag this out. and we have come to this point in society where they say write them a check. i don't want to go. >> are you blaming society for this? i am too. >> bill, you are blaming society, the club downtown.
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>> amazing. >> how many times has that ruined your evening? >> half off mai-tai's after the show. >> i will miss going down and perusing the people's library and dummies every library is for people. stupid name. >> there are homeless masterbaters and bill. >> or was in a band called homeless masterbaters. >> libraries have to put screens on their computers so other people using the library can't see the people who are masterbating. >> i make sure they hear me. >> we did it as a story. i can't remember where, but i think it was california, but they put -- in san francisco they put screens so you can't see the pornography. >> where is the screen? it goes around it? >> you are like this while the rest of your body is completely visible. >> he is either masterbating
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or taking a picture from 1905. coming up, what lessons should kids be learning about president obama? jedediah bila has a new book, and it doesn't make sense. is ron paul not fooling when it comes to home schooling? nice freestyle greg, thanks embodied disembodied voice.
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>> is ron paul drooling over home schooling? the curriculum to teachers and the fundamentals of liberty. along with stuff like austrian school economics a kid favorite. how exciting is this? just look at the director of curriculum development and it is explaining some of the
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principals behind the course. >> it should teachers and the biblical principal of self-government and personal responsibility which is also the foundation of the free market economy. second, it should be based on a detailed study on the history of liberty as well as the liberty arrivals and the united states. third it should provide an understanding of austrian school economics. >> the k-5 courses will be free and after that it will cost parents $250 a year to make sure their kids are prepared for well not college because the program is not accredited. the guy was exciting though. it says technical skills are best learned on the job, but the apprentice system is the best way to go. what i would like to do is start an apprentice program of my own centered around the art of central massage. they teachers and lessons like how to salute.
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>> i am a home body. i don't like to go out. i am terrified of people. none of the kids these age know anything about economics. if there is one thing ron paul did understand, he understood the free market, i believe. >> i watched some of the guy's video. it really was a party. >> it was. it was very reasonable and it made a lot of sense. we have to teachers and how christianity -- ron we got it. we know what christianity has done. christians, they are here? where have they been hiding. stop with the religious crap. >> that's always the case. you want to have -- everybody likes a good part of ron paul
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and there is another part they don't like. >> they had me. >> how christ road a dinosaur. thanks a lot. >> there is no proof he did that. >> you used to be a teacher. >> i love uh preen ties ship. they come out and they don't like to do anything. they don't like to do anything that would get them a job. i would rather have them learn something practical. that's what i did. i studied art history which is why i am here with you guys. study if you are into cars. learn how to be a great mechanic. you will get to the top of your field in that or whatever it may be. >> i just want to inform you your art history major is not the reason you are here. >> i know people who are home schooled and the one problem people have with them is they are smarter than everyone else their age. they learned more stuff in a shorter amount of time. people say their social skills
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are wanting. you know what social skills are over rated. i guess that was not a question, rick. >> i guess it is social skills across the board. it is not just home schoolers. kids are that their phones and they don't know how to socialize. i agree, the home schoolers are prepared and quick. i think it is because they take all of this practical stuff and learn it quickly. what i didn't like about the ron paul stuff is it looks a lot like glen beck but older. >> when ever there is is a man standing in front of a bookcase. >> i don't think that is going to work. however, picking up on jedediah's point if we trained people with more practical information they will get a job. >> and that's what they need. >> he gives a really good talk
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on how to make women who find you sexually repulsive without doing anything else. >> awful man you are. by the way you smell good today. >> i tried to. >> >> do you think you would have turned out well? >> will always be probably until you die and maybe two years. >> i told everyone that i have a watch. >> the problem with ron paul is that he looks like mr. burns and sounds like mr. rogers and is at entertaining as mr. spoke. kids will not be receptive to that. it didn't sell me on anything. you have to entertain the kids and there is a specter of religion. you know who else home schools their kids? john travolta and kelly preston. you should always be true to yourself. >> i disagree with you.
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i think cool has gone no wherewith kids. trying to be entertaining? screw that. i would rather learn something -- >> you have to entertain kids. you would have a better shot if they hired you and you got on there and cracked some jokes and made it funny. >> what job are they going to get? >> the thing is if you are home schooling you can -- the parents are there with this curriculum. by the way maybe i am wrong but the curriculum is taught to the parent and the parent translates it to the kids. >> forget that. they are not listening to the parents. >> that's what home schooling is. i'm for anything other than the way education is now. the fact they are doing something is important and available. do you have a comment on the show? e-mail us. and do you have a video of your animal doing something anything clever, maybe yelling no go to fox eye.
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click on submit a video. we might use. it still to come, the report from andy levy. he is a real nuisance. >> tonight's half time report is sponsored by skiing, the sport and mode of transportation that involves moving over the snow on a pair of skis. thanks, skiing. blain
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we are back to find out if we have anything wrong so far. for that we go to tv's andy
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levy. hi how are you? >> good. how are you? >> good. you look excited for a changing. >> i think i have some stuff here. >> excellent. do you want to get right into it? >> no, in time i think. >> another 20 minutes or so? >> yes something like that, or i can start with it. >> do what you like. >> i will just start from the beginning. new york times piece. first, the video of the raccoon walking across the telephone wires good to see miss cleo working again in some voiceover work. >> great voiceover. i love that voice. >> fantastic. rick you said it was interesting to see huma on the cover of the new york times magazine colding wiener's hand. i totally agree. i love this part from the article. they seem to be functioning as a couple, but what they do not have a handle on is their public life. here is a crazy idea. don't have a public life. get jobs have a kid. maybe have another kid. you don't have to be preening
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nare saw cysts. that's what got you into trouble in the first place. >> exactly. >> it is true. >> you can't sell public without pew bibbing and that -- pubic and that was his first mistake. >> i know how you feel. >> i thought i was making an interesting point and now it is gone. >> such a stupid joke. it is true. remember he said i am not sure i am running for office. >> he is full of crap. >> he is full of crap because he doesn't want a normal job. >> he said i don't know if this this -- if i have the fire for public office but this is my last chance. well then don't do it. get a normal job. >> he probably messed up any chance of a regular job. what happened at your last job? i sent a pea nuss to everyone. >> there is the penis gram. >> maybe in the check industry.
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>> you can't say i have an over overwelming desire to do this and then spend $100,000. you said we should be embarrassed about the picture in the first place. it was thought the picture as much as the fact as he was married and he kept lying about it until he couldn't lie anymore. >> i don't halloween the actual genitles. it was the guy was flirting with other girls. i understand why it was interesting. the fact that we judged him and we were happy when he got fired or quit his job we are an embarrassing country because we just hold people to standards that we do not hold ourselves too. it is what i hate about other people in the country. we are completely deserving of every scum me politician we get. >> he was married. >> who cares? >> i kind of care. that's not the thing i would
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want someone i was married to. if he was single i wouldn't have cared except to think he is stupid and distasteful. it is different when you are married and sending pictures of your penis to young girls. >> i don't care what they do in their personal life. it is not my business. it has nothing to do with me. i have cheated in relationships and i have been cheated on, and it is not my business. >> i will say this. the reason why i enjoy this story was because of the lying and the egotism expressed by wiener before this happened was notorious. he was full of self-love and he thought he was hot crap and it was one of those things where he said he is an a-hole. >> he was the first to jump on others. >> so it was a hipocrity thing with him. >> don't get me wrong.
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spitser was a tool 6789 but i admit i enjoyed watching them. i don't have a self-righteous reason. i am babbling. >> no, that's fine. i agree wiener wouldn't have done it without something like twitter. he wouldn't have gone out cruising for younger women. that does president make it twitter's fault. it is completely his fault. the technology has allowed things to happen that otherwise wouldn't happen. >> perhaps. but he could have been with one of those guys who drives around in a station wagon and drives around and rolls down a -- i don't know why it is a station wagon. >> maybe because it brings back a memory. and then exposed himself because that's what you did before you could do it on-line. >> he says in the article he would be in the airport and people would come up to him and say you are great. he would be so flattered. i think eying go was not big enough, maybe it would have been harder, but he would have
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figured out a way. >> am i the only one that make a bunch of dwdittos and then yell fire and then when everybody looked up. >> we have all done that. >> were you in a station wagon driving by greg when you did that? >> i don't believe in station wagons. >> greg, cross him off your list. :00 -- occupy wall street. you said the irony is the lawyers walk away with the most money. in one of the three suits the lawyer actually received no fee. >> he is one of those occupy wall street lawyers. all they wanted to do was sue. they wanted to see the police for brutality. what does brooke goldstein call it? >> law fare. >> law fare.
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she coined that. >> are you saning it is the muslim's fault? >> yes. radicalism. >> reporter: jedediah, you were spot on. giving loose phoing to graw fee. >> i think you were not showing them because of show. they stole them from schools. >> i think they possibly brought books in really bad condition to the park hoping to sue for them. >> i respect their genius. >> maybe the same with the bikes. i think they brought a bunch of broken ipads and macs and said the police broke it. >> you can get it quick lea. >> it is like what people do in pawnshops and bring in broken stuff and when they reclaim it they say you brock. jerry tried to take back the stereo system because kramer
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told me he couldn't. >> do people reclaim the pawn shock. >> they get a loan. why do i know these things? >> you watch way too much hard core pox. ron paul's home school curriculum. before i get to that, i am not opposed to home schooling per say. i dough night my time to helping cheerleaders. that said you brought up the part of the curriculum in western civilization and rick you said a lot looks like bin laden beck stuff. the guy in the incredibly bad video he is a christian reconstructionist. they fever bringing back stoning for offenses such as pa ri sy and homosexuality. and kid being disrespectful to their parents. when people curse their
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parents is is a capital crime. the integrity must be maintains ed we the threat of death. >> i should have read the whole article. >> this wasn't on the art -- article. >> the only way somebody believes that is if they take the script tour which he does. if he wears leather belts he should be told that women should not cut her hair and when you have sex when wore life when she is on her -- can i say it? >> period. >> piert. -- >> period. >> are you not supposed 20 polly cotton blend. you are not supposed spue mix -- many time i have worn a letter belt and gotten stoned. that is another story. this is freaking me out a bit. >> let me give you another great quote from gary north. we must use the doctrine of
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religious liberty to get independence for christian schools until we generate the people who no i there is no religious neutrality and civilization and no neutral government. they will construct a bible base order that denies religiousen of enemies. >> he did say something about the biblical principal of self-reliance. he threw in "lib bra cal." an important part of the story was jim norton was the catalyst. >> i will say though that it does not dissuade me from home schooling. or does it? i am against the whole stoning people thing. >> no, dis dishonoring their mother and father. >> you know he is serious. >> what a boob this guy is.
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>> that's true. do you have a special crate of rocks you keep? >> he specifically says i didn't have a chance to copy and paste the quote. ie do any journalism. >> he has a quote because stone ?ee is good and stones are easy to find. cheaper. >> what is with stoning? >> it is in the bible. >> it takes a longtime. >> it is like, use your fist. >> by the way, i am not endorsing that. >> he says the -- he hates human niche. humanism. >> i know the iran video when they stone a woman they put them in the ground wait high.
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they can't run away and it is horrible. >> horrible people in this world. >> we will get letters. coming up, i like eggs i like it when one is inside my mouth and i think he can breathe. he is a mysterious one. what is revenge poured and how can i download it? or condemn it?
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should you do time foring pics on-line? well a new bill in florida i knew one of those guys, wants to end revenge porn by making it a felony to publish naked pictures of an exand tag them without their consent. revenge porn websites have been around a longtime, unimpeded by the law because they fall inside a legal gray area. i have one of those. some let users submit nude
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photos of others anonymously along with their name, hometown and social networking information. this is why i wear a mask in my nude shots. florida is one of the first to tackle the issue. sounds like now is a good time to discuss this in the -- >> lightning rooooouuuuunnnnnnndd. lightning round. >> i am going to go out of order here. this is the only story that rick is actually interested in. he has been saying when are we doing the revenge porn story? what is so interesting about this sorry? >> what i don't understand is if you tweet a naked picture of a fireman to a crowded theater you don't get to pull it back and say i am going to do it on the next show. i know i am mixing my metaphors here, but the simple fact is if it is out there, it
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is outs there. >> it can go anywhere? >> otherwise anthony wiener weighings where i am going to sue her because it was meant for her. she didn't return pie call. >> if it is meant for one, it is meant for everyone. >> i don't know if i agree with that. i do know i am embarrassed i didn't learn this was legal now. i am ashamed of myself. i have one photo of my [bleep] that looks so terrific. i want to up load it and pretend i am a vengeful ex-girlfriend. like look at this big thing jim pulse around. >> the bike? >> thank you rick for saving that. he has a bobine in his
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backyard. jedediah, breaking the lock is that not enough, or too much. >> i go with the personal responsibility argument, if i am am -- a boyfriend over whatever and then they defy me and post-it, that was my problem. i don't think you can account for context all the type. then you will have people turning around and saying i didn't mean for it to be intend end that way. how do you know? >> you know what is scary bill, because have i to go is that all of the people that are now famous who did stuff when they weren't famous. they have boyfriends and girlfriends out there. right now you have the that i cede pictures of chad lowe. >> and no takers. i am so sorry. i don't like it when you use the word stupid. it is a personal choice with
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one does that. and 90% of the guys are totally trustworthy. >> this is not necessarily a bad thing. >> don't do it but if you are going to bowl with it d.a. d.a. going to deal deal with it. >> if you are naked in front of your window and somebody takes a picture is that illegal? >> yes. you are a reasonable suspicion of privacy. >> you didn't know. you were in front of the window. >> or you were drunk. we have to take a break. more stuff is on the way. "joy of hate" autographed copy. check it out now. buy it please.
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>> the yayaya's a band are enforcing a no phone rule. please do not watch on your smart phone. put it away as a courtesey to the people behind you. much love, many things, who -- whatever who cares? just whining? >> maybe a little of both. if i don't stop instagraming and turn off my phone during sex i will not doing it during a yayaya concert. it is unfortunate and it will pass. the novelty will pass and everyone will have google glasses and we are getting crazy with the technology. the -- >> that was amazing. even i sensed a bit of phoniness. >> as i said it, it was like
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somebody loped me off. >> why do you think they are so upset about sharing people on twitter? >> there are a lot of people who want their 50 followers to know where they are. at the end of the day they are trying to get people to stop taking pictures. they clamping down on people and finding out who was at the concert. >> when do you think? >> i think it obstructs my zoo. and now that you have the ipads out all i see is a huge square. >> people taking pictures with ipad. >> they do it all the time. >> i libeling it because it seems closer. >> you will just see a shea of i pads. >> i just want to be a regular joe. what the hell do i know? get me a container of cough
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2350e. coffee. >> a container of coffee? >> you know those guys -- your ipad, what do you need that for. get to school on time. >> last word. >> you know what i got? it is a pad, pad. it sits fine for mere and i agree with you. >> close things out with a pot game wrap up. fox news dos/red eye.
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>> brand-new "red eye" returns on thursday with lori rothman and sherrod small. i will be hosting "the o'reilly factor" hosting. tv's andy levy, post game. >> hi, thanks, greg. are you on "fox news this week end." -- "fox news" this week end? >> yes. >> what time? >> saturday and i know the l.a. time is like 2:30. >> we will add three for
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here. jedediah, fox business this weekend? >> yes, the tom sullivan show on saturday and sunday. it runs a few times. check out fox @% >> jim upcoming gigs? >> caroline's this thursday through sunday and then next week baltimore at mcgoobies. great club, terrible name and austin, texas the 27th and closing with a great break dawn
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