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tv   Greta Van Susteren  FOX News  April 12, 2013 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT

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desperately. wants it. he is your president. he deserves it. that is all the time we have left this evening. as always, thank you for being with us. have a great weekend. we'll see you back here on monday. >> greta: tonight, quick. hide your cash under the mattress! because president obama has an eye on your retirement accounts. the president's proposed budget has a cap on the size or contributions to retirement accounts. >> well, i'm very surprised. it really discourages savings. >> more of the same. take from families and spend more in washington and take more of the deficit. >> you can't just as a tourist as an american go down to cuba. >> we would have been there already. >> jay-z spilled the beans. he says that he got the okay from the administration from the white house. ♪ boy from the hood sororial, i don'sorry ♪
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>> the president didn't have anything to do with anybody's travel to cuba. >> to question the literal accuracy of jay-z's lyric is to overlook the fact that the treasury really answers to the white house. >> more than 14% of recent college grads are having trouble landing a job. >> how long have you been looking for a job? >> a year now. >> i'm having so much trouble finding a job. >> i'm sending out resumes. 0-40 a day. >> felt like i went to school for nothing. >> i want to be clear that north korea has not demonstrated the capabilities to deploy a nuclear armed missile. >> it is inaccurate to suggest that the dprk has fully tested, developed or demonstrated capabilities. >> obviously the north koreans have is tested nuclear weapons. obviously the north koreans have tested nuclear weapons.
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>> the regime has publicly announce thaded that the north has nukes and the regime is admiting that they were blind sided by this. they were surprised that the the north koreans had nukes. i thought everybody knew or suspected at least strongly enough to act on the assumption that they did have nukes. >> greta: the latest on north korean missile crisis and the cuban celebrity crisis just minutes away. first, donald trump. bdonald, nice to see you. >> hi, greta. >> greta: the president's proposed budget has a cap on the contributions to retirement accounts. you thoughts? >> it really discourages savings and a lot of people that worked all their lives and wanted to save and have been productive people and now they going to spend some of that money which is great for the the country and it is an investment. those are the people that get hurt badly. a surprise to a a lot of
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people. i think frankly a lot of democrats are surprised by it. >> greta: i think the amount that he has determined i think what is probably is rubbing a a lot of people the wrong way is that he has figured or recommended that the annuity that you get from the retirement fund be limited to something like $205,000 or $250,000. some people don't like the idea that he is determining what is a reasonable amount of money to have in retirement. >> it is $205,000. tankly it depends on what region. $200,000 in certain area is a lot and in places like, new york, or california it is not very much at all. it really depends. i mean you look at regions where it is so different. so it is very hard to set is something like this. i would think this would be sort of like obama care. very, very hard to administer. obama care they are having a tremendously difficult -- nobody understands what it means and they are having a tremendous time administering it. this is going to be another one
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of those deals and not nearly as complex but this is going to tovery, very hard 20 administer and figure. >> greta: to most americans $205,000 is a lot of money to have and they would have to have the amount of money. the issue is sort of the ideology of the government telling you what your annuity can be. whether or not 205 is a lot or not. another question related to that. people might be kerned because there is a uncertainty about social security and in terms of looking towards the future and being a good saver. if you think social security is not going to be there for you, are you might be more interested in saving and putting into the accounts. >> almost a conflict of interest. this could be a redistribution play and it is certainly a revenue grab but a redistribution play. i think a lot of people will be upset by this. i don't know what the response has been, this has just come up. this is really affecting
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savers. ever since i could remember people are saying save, save, save. this is really affecting savers. >> greta: especially the people instead of buying maybe a little larger house or buying a new car. the people who set the money aside because they happen to be the savers rather than using the money now, i think they are the ones that aren't going to like this particularly well. let me turn the corner to another issue. north korea. >> right. >> greta: the world is watching. your thoughts about how we are approaching this potential crisis? >> well, we are no longer a rich country and yet we are the policemen for the world. and i have partners from south korea that are very wealthy and south korea is very wealthy. they signed an agreement with us. one of the greatest signed by any nation. they are making a fortune in trade with the united states. and why aren't they paying us for this protection? we send our battleships and missiles and everything to turn on one of these things costs you millions of dollars and we send it like it is nothing. why aren't they paying for this protection?
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what are we doing? they are competitors of ours. they compete very well with us. they he really clean our clock for a lot of reasons by the way. a lot of reasons that you don't even want to discuss right now. but they he have trade agreements with us that are so one sided and yet we protect them for nothing. and i'm just saying -- i'm not saying don't protect them. why wouldn't they pay? they are a very wealthy nation. why wouldn't they pay for the protection? >> greta: what about the way we are handling it in terms of secretary kerry in south korea. we are sort of watching. we have the missile defense setup a little stronger. and we have dennis rodman who was over there two weeks ago or three weeks ago as being the only one who has contact with kim jong un. >> and he is hug hing him and kissing him and saying could somebody call me. this guy is obviously a strange character. he is is hugging and kissing
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dennis co rodman. i said how was he and dennis liked him. i won't even tell you all he said. he said you know he is waiting for are a call. now, you don't want somebody to blackmail you into calling and i understand that. we have no dep plo diplomatic . all we do is turn on the bat ships and start sending people over there. we are are protecting south korea which is wealthy as a hell. why aren't they paying for this? china could solve this problem with one phone call. they can't survive, north korea doesn't survive without china. they supply everything to north korea. one phone call. i think personally china is just taunting us. they could solve this problem so easily. they just don't have respect for our leaders. >> greta: donald as always, thank you, sir. congratulations on the new grand child coming. >> that is very exciting. thank you very much, greta.
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>> greta: and mega star couple beyonce and jay-z traveling to cuba to celebrate their wedding anniversary. if you wanted to go to havana for your anniversary could you? or do you have to be a celebrity? david adams from reuters joins us. in terms of how someone begins the process of going to cuba 86 understand it begins with a people to people license. explain what that is and take me through the process. >> there is a few ways you can go to cuba. the way which beyonce and jay-z went is through a people to people license. there are various institutions, academic institutions and museums and cultural institutions that hold the licenses and go through what are called travel service providers. they are the people who put together the package and that is where the government comes in. the government, the treasury department looks very he closely at the itineraries that
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the companies put together and approve them if they meet the criteria set by the treasury department regulations. and then any one can sign up pretty much for those tours. >> greta: what did they do while they were there? >> well, they had a variety of very cultural mostly cultural musical artistic events on their program. they went to a contemporary dance group. they went to a children's theater group. they went to some nightclubs to see live cuban music performed. they he went to some private restaurants. and in cuba, you know, as you know most of the hotels and restaurants are run by the state but there are some restaurants that are privately owned. and so they visited a couple of those. those are the main kinds of things. they carefully avoided any meetings with the cuban government and any cuban government officials and they also didn't go to the beach or
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hang out at the pool. >> greta: is there anything irregular about the way that they got hooked up with the group and what they did while they were there? anything irregular that makes you -- that makes you curious about the trip? >> not as far as i can see. i mean anything that perhaps is an anomaly is that they did make the trip coincide with their wedding anniversary which wasn't the smartest thing to do because that doesn't look like a cultural or are a serious educational tour. that does sort of look like tourism. they can go any time of the year they want and it happened to coincide with their wedding anniversary. under the law they are also perfectly allowed to take their mothers along. the government only requires that everybody who goes on the tours stick religiously to the itinerary that the government has approved. >> greta: david, thank you very
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much. >> thank you. >> greta: and cuban americans many of them are outraged by beyonce and jay-z's anniversary celebration in cuba. spanish radio host nano is ska perez says it shows complete ignorance and joins us from miami. i'm sorry i brutalize dollars your first name. >> that is okay, greta. >> greta: what is your thought about this trip? >> well, first of all, i don't see anything cultural about it. they went to visit a musical group made up of children and those children are made to defend the five spies that are in prison here. and we have to remind everyone that those spies one of them presizely serving a life sentence killed american citizens in international airspace. so i don't see anything cultural about it. i don't know that it qualifies simply because they are superstars and they want to go to cuba. just shows that they are above
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the law. it also coincided with the fact there is a black rapper in prison in cuba for criticizing the government. there is black women being dragged through the streets for peaceful protests. there is political prisoners. there is repex and harassment. i really don't understand, there is an american citizen called alan gross in cuba. i don't understand what is cultural about this trip. >> greta: it occurred to me in watching it, the best that i could see is they did it legally and met all of the requirements. almost like they have a tin ear. i don't think they get any sense that they know what cuba is all about. even the rap song that jay-z released after he got back, you would have thought that he would have made reference to the items you said and what a terrible -- what terrible to live under a government like that but it is almost like it was a lark to them that they didn't get the seriousness of it and they don't know cuba. do you have that sense? >> no, they definitely do not
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morecuba but they are nor ignore rant in fact because they don't want to know cuba. it is simple to know what is happening in cuba. americans see rafters arriving every day risking their lives and they see he images on the tv about women tracke dragged h the street. the arrogance of that song even after he went to cuba is more are insulting than the lack of solidarity that they both showed. if it would have been south africa it would have been unacceptable. it's cuba, third world. have some fun and smoke cigars and stay at the hotels that the cubans cannot stay in and it will all be for a great cause. some of the agent acies have been closed because they started organizing trips with churches that had nothing to do with religion and nothing to do with cultural exchanges. the only way that americans can help is buy not visiting cuba. because the fact that the
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tourism industry which is owned by the military in cuba, if americans start going down to cuba it will give them the oxygen they need for being in power and continue the repression. the fact that they might be superstars an arrogant song like the one he did and their disdain for what happens in cuba i can file it all under "g" for garbage. >> greta: could young cuban americans have the same sort of thoughts that you do? i know people who have a little better idea of h history may be paying more attention than the younger generation. is the younger generation responding to that or applauding -- young cuban american generation, are they applauding that beyonce and jay-z went? >> i haven't seen anybody applauded. there is a young cuban here from miami who is denouncing the murder of her father by the cuban regime. that is a young cuban woman,
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courageous. johani sanchez was here recently and had support from cuban americans. another black woman who was dragged through the streets many times has been able to leave cuba and is in spain right now and these are all young cuban women that have the support of the young cuban american community. >> greta: ninoska and this time i pronounced right, thank you very much for joining us this evening. >> thank you for having me he, greta. >> greta: what do you think is more annoying, beyonce and jay-z's trip to cuba or jane fonda playing former first lady nancy regan in a movie? go to greta wire and vote in tonight's poll. it is that time of the year. a whole new crop of stew you dents getting ready to graduate college. are college degrees and hopeful outlooks enough to guarantee jobs in this economy? if you ask graduates from the last few years the answer is
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no. griff jenkins spoke with recent grads to find out why. >> reporter: how long have you you been looking for a job? >> a year now. >> felt like i basically went to school for nothing. >> reporter: once upon a time a college degree meant financial security. in today's dismal job market those days are long gone. according to the latest numbers from the bureau of labor statistics more than 14% of recent college grads are having trouble landing a job and some are having to move back in with mom and dad. we are called boomerang kids. >> there is no place like home. no matter how much you mess up or fight with your parents, it is still love. >> reporter: tanya graduated in december of 2011 from the united states military academy at westpoint. due to injuries sustained in a car accident her military career he ended upon
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graduation. unlike fellow classmates she to look for work. >> a few months before i started my career work until now presently. about almost two years. i was on the computer probably every shining moment of the day just hours long looking for appointment. i would be going through you different websites. networking through academy graduates at different job opportunities. and trying my hardest to i guess show my skillset also prove myself through interviews or whatever. but i mean it is just really hard to get into and find a job right now. >> reporter: moving back in means it affects the parents, too. just ask mom. >> it was just an adjustment to have her back home after being in college for four years. when she came back home, we were happy for a couple of days that she was going stay. and then now it is like it has been over more than a year like a year and half going to two years she is still home.
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it is unfortunate that she can't -- there is nothing out there right there for her to find. i'm hoping that she will find something very soon. >> reporter: payton morgan graduated from college in 2009 but enlisted in the army and serve his nation proudly with a tour in afghanistan. he was honorably discharged this past january and finding it virtually impossible now to find a job. how many resumes have you sent out. in. >> got to be near a hundred. has to be. >> reporter: and you haven't been hired yet? >> no, sir. >> reporter: no one? >> interviews usually go well. i usually get a second or third callback and from there it slows down. >> reporter: while looking for a job where are you staying? >> i stay with my parents. >> back with your parents? >> yeah. >> reporter: how is that? >> challenge. a lot of times because i served and i have been out since college. you got to watch your step. you are in somebody else's house and you are of age where
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you should be able to stand up on your own and because of the economy you really can't. it is challenging in those aspects. >> reporter: kevin knight graduated with a degree in politics. while working on his masters at night he had seven internships and sent in more than 200 applications. now, the real pressure is on to find a job. >> if i don't have a job by the end of july i will have to move back to michigan. hopefully with the experience in washington it will make me more high end in washington. youth downemployment is extremely high. and outside of that underemployment is ridiculously high. you need to be able to network and meet the right people. it is not just what you know, it is really who you know. >> reporter: for some a bit of good news. >> i just received a job offer. >> greta: congratulations to tanya.
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let's hope many more graduates get the good news as well. straight ahead, i.c.e. agents are angry. they patrol your border and say the white house will not even listen to them about illegal immigration. you will hear from i.c.e., next. also, secretary of state john kerry walking into the hornets nest. visiting the korean peninsula as north korea threatens a missile launch. more from the peninsula coming up. plus, governor chris christie put to the test. tough question from a four-year-old. stay tuned for this one. mine was earned in djibouti, africa, 2004.
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>> greta: it is the video no one can stop watching. the bench clearing brawl at last night's dodger's game. quentin got hit by a pitch and he rushed the mound. as the batter wrestled the pitch torte ground that is when chaos brokeout. players ran interest the dugouts and bullpens done to the field. the two players who started the fight end the up at the bottom of a giant heat and greinke ended up with a broken collarbone. the rival teams meet again
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monday night. thousands of ice agents. they are the ones on the ground patrolling the border. they should know something about illegal immigration, right? why then does the union say the obama administration is not listening to what the agents have to say about immigration reform? the national ice counsel president. nice to see you. how many people in the union? >> 7600. 5,000 officers and agents. >> greta: you wrote on the end of march the gang of 8 on immigration reform, right? that's correct. we sent a letter to the president of the united states as well and both letters have pretty much not been responded to. >> greta: pretty much or not responded to at all. >> at least until tonight. >> greta: tonight you got a phone call from whom? >> from senator are marco rubio's staff. they are trying to set up a phone call with us this weekend. i think the big concern with that is this bill, this legislation on immigration reform is actually going to get
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dropped on tuesday. and now the senators coming to us over the weekend wanting to talk. how are we going have time to read through the 1500-pages of legislation and have input on the 1500 pages of legislation and have an impact. from our position this has to be delayed this week for law enforcement officers to actually have input and we think that is extremely important because we are the ones that do the jobs. we are the ones that see exactly why this immigration system is so broken and it is -- we are in shock right now you quite frankly that law enforcement hasn't been a part of this and we have been prohibited from having any kind of input. >> greta: i think i know why there is a big rush to talk to you this weekend. senator rubio will be on five of the monda sunday morning shd he could say he has spoken to you. >> we appreciate the fact he is opening the door. but how does law enforcement review the legislation before tuesday and have any kind of
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input and from what we have seen so far that has been released that was leaked out yesterday in some of the bigger "wall street journal" i think and "new york times" it scares us to death because there is nothing contained in the legislation for internal law enforcement or -- i'm sorry. >> greta: it is actually what you are saying it is so parallel to what happens here in washington so painfully often. take healthcare for instance. i had so many doctors and nurses tell me when they passed this massive healthcare law that they never bothered to consult doctors and nurses who are the ones who are actually on the frontlines. now, i hear from you on a question so important as illegal immigration or comprehensive immigration reform whatever we want to call this is that the men and women who are on the frontlines haven't been consulted and now you get a rush phone call before a sunday morning talk shows and before the 1500-page bill gets dropped on tuesday. >> we are ice officers.
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we are border patrol agents. where are ice prosecuting attorneys? where are the people that deal with the laws every day and why do we hav afl-cio and the chamr of commerce and big business that don't have the experience or insight that we have why are they behind closed doors having the secret meetings and having a part in writing the legislation and law enforcement doesn't? >> greta: and you asked in a letter that was ignored to the president and in a letter to the gang of eight. it has been ignored. not like you were sitting there like a potted plant. you want to be part this of. >> we even asked the afl-cio if they would talk to us about it. they wouldn't let us in. >> greta: why do you think you are excluded? >> i think that most of these groups have a separate interest of their own. i mean quite frankly these groups stand to make billions the unions through new membership and the chamber of
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commerce through business. show he have a separate a-- they have a separate agenda. i don't think that is the american public agenda and they don't want us to come in and mess up their gameplan. >> greta: well, the viewer is of this show can write to members of congressmen and senators and if you think before this bill gets deliver next week they ought to talk to the ease agents on the frontline drop them a line and help out the ice agents. thank you very much. >> thank you, greta. >> greta: coming up a live report from the core rehian peninsula. and is governor chris christie facing tough new competition? see what happens when goes toe to toe with a four-year-old. that's coming up. our fastest way to return your car. just note your mileage and zap ! you're outta there ! we'll e-mail your receipt in a flash, too. it's just another way you'll be traveling at the speed of hertz.
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secretary of state john kerry warning north korea a miss is sill launch would be a huge mistake. secretary kerry visiting south korea. greg palkot is live in seoul, south korea. what is the latest there? >> reporter: hey, greta. a short while ago we got a statement from secretary of state kerry and his south korean counter part. they want to talk to north korea again if it live up to you its international obligations and so far it really hasn't. the day here friday in seoul was spent by kerry talking to officials. basically trying to head off a possible missile launch by north korea. as you noted, he called it a
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huge mistake and said it would isolate pyongyang and the young leader there kim jong un. kerry did play down the report which claims that north korea could be closer to putting a nuclear weapon on its missiles. but he also said at the same time that they are getting closer and closer and that is nuclear north korea would be unacceptable. on friday, greta, we heard once again from north korea saying it would not abandon its nuclear program sand they are preparing for a big celebration on monday, the birthday of founder of north korea, kim il sung. around that time it is thought that we could see that feared missile launch. finally just got word, greta, that secretary kerry is wheels down in beijing. the next stop, you beijing. an important ally to north korea and may be important to getting pyongyang back on track. kerry will go on to japan. line of
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fire of any possible missile launch so they are concerned, too, greta. back to you. >> greta: greg, what is the new president of south korea saying about all this? >> interesting change of tone in the past two days, greta that in fact there is a possibility of dialogue she is saying and that she is saying if north korea wants to talk perhaps she will consider it. interesting we watched the press conference between the foreign minister and secretary of state kerry. the foreign minister pushing that line as well. kerry seemed a little bit uncomfortable with it. it seemed a little bit new to them but he adapted to it as well. the thinking greta here is that that is exactly what kim jong un wanted all along. talks maybe face to face with the united states and south korea. he might be thinking that he is winning at the game but the dangers are still there and very strong. >> greta: greg, thank you.
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and secretary of state john kerry saying if north korea does launch a missile it will provokation that will raisergia people's temperatures. an interesting question how they would respond. secretary kerry says it would be a huge mistake if the missile a fired. i don't know what the consequences of a huge mistake are. he is is down playing the report about the fact that the pentagon has said that they have moderate confidence they might be able to miniaturize a nuclear weapon for the midrange missiles and now you we are hearing that the united states is dangling the thoughts of talks. where are we, sir,, on this? >> we seem to be on the verge of making mistakes we made repeatedly in the last 20 years in the clinton administration and bush administration and obama administration going right back to the idea which has been fanciful from the start that we could talk north korea out of its nuclear weapons program.
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you know, the idea that the secretary of state goes to south korea and says as he did that it is unacceptable for north korea to be a nuclear weapons state, you know, that was music to their ears. we have been saying it is unacceptable for 20 years and not done a single thing that really materially impeded their progress toward becoming a nuclear weapons state. and the notion that, once again, we would open negotiations with north korea, i once counted four times in the last 20 years north korea has unambiguously pledged to give up you its nuclear weapons program in exchange for tangible economic and political benefits and four times it renigged on the miss. promise. i'm sure they would be delighted to promise a fifth time. >> greta: we need to sort of step back. every time we get involved in the talks and parallels what is going on with iran is the real problem is not so much a
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missile launch. the problem is the minaturization of a nuclear weapon that could be about put on a mid term or long-range missile and iran and north korea need two things. they need time. they are also working together at the february this year test in north korea of the nuclear weapon. there were reportedly iranian agent there's. they are getting time and for every one of us that said iran is not going to get a nuclear weapon and north korea is not going to get a nuclear weapon and that is a real big game changer. that is where it is headed. i don't know how to stop it but that is where we are headed. >> i think it is important to look at north korea and iran through the same prism. for both of them as nuclear proliferaters time is a critical asset and negotiations which they string out both of them very successfully the last 20 years give them that critical asset of time to perfect their ballistic missile and nuclear programs. the controversy over the dia assessment for example.
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i listened both to secretary kerry's words and to white house spokesman carney's words today. they didn't really contradict the defense intelligence agency estimate. they walked around it. it is not a demonstrate capability to mate a warhead with the ballistic missile. it is not demonstrated yet. they need to test it. that is what we are talking about. >> greta: the whole idea we hear all of the intelligence assessments from the same intelligence sources that missed the last two nuclear tests that we got caught with our pants down. we had no idea they were even going to happen. how in the world do we even rely on the intelligence out of a her metically sealed country we we have the two most incredible examples of when we had no edesomething was going to happen and it did. >> foolish to think we have something like adequate information to base these estimates on.
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north korea knows much of what we see they allow us to see. so we have got incomplete information. i think that is a -- that is a point that is not well understood in congress or the general public nor is it at all understood what connection there is between the iranian nuclear weapons program and ballistic missile programs and north korea. we know that they worked together on ballistic missiles for at least 15 years and i suspect on the nuclear programs as well. so this notion we have ironclad confidence in where the nuclear weapons program is just badly misplaced. >> greta: ambassador thank you, sir. >> thank you. >> greta: talk about sneaking one over on you. wait 2348 you hear what the house and senate just passed and i would bet my right arm they hoped we didn't notice. guess what, we did. and wait until you find out and you will. that's next. and in two minutes big controversy on the golf course. this time it is not tiger woods
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challenge the impossible. visit us online to enter the challenge the impossible promotion the 14-year-old from china taking the masters by storm. making history as the youngest player to make the cut in a pga tour event and that is despite getting hit with a penalty. the teenager was hit with a one shot penalty for show play. he was given the penalty at the 17th hole. he was not upset. he said he respects the decision and it was fair to everybody. not everybody was so understanding about the penalty. other pga golfers lighting up twitter in protest. maybe he was playing slowly but the kid is trying to make hi torrey. just look the other way. and steve tweeting i'm sick to my stomach. worst decision ever in golf. ruining a great story. do you agree with the penalty or not?
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go to gretawire .com and tell us. we are back in two minutes. ♪
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>> greta: this one will make your head spin. remember the stock act the law congress passed to prevent its own members from insider trading. they needed a special law to remind them not to violate the law. now, it gets even more outrageous. today congress passing a bill to eliminate part of the stock act. pete joins us. nice to see you. explain what the law is about and what happened. >> the law said all of the senior officials and members of congress have to report their financial statements in a public way and the point was to make sure if they are doing things like using the knowledge as government workers to make money on the side by trading or buying and selling that we could catch them. this was a much heralded thing when we passed it and member and member said this 1 great we are doing this and stopping ourselves from cheating and
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this is eastbound lent. today with no debate and no role call vote and even an explanation of what it was. today the house did it and yesterday the senate passed and just gutted the law for 28,000 senior officials. those officials will not have to report anything then. >> greta: first of all, that they even had to have the law in the first place. that they didn't think insider trading was a bad thing. once they pass it and they claim they have so much transparency so they don't hold hearings and know what they will do with regulations and the staffers so they could short stocks or buy stocks and then decide they don't like it so do the sneaky little thing yesterday to cut thinks out. >> when they pass something that helps transparency they are transparent about it. when they cut it they don't want anybody to know about it. the whole thing in the house and senate took 8 seconds and it was over. if you didn't though what to listen for, you didn't even know what it was. >> greta: these things are passed to quickly.
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first of all, the rest are of us know that you are not supposed to do insider trading. we don't need a second layer of law on top of it. these are the very people that should though it. there were 60 minutes to the show, we would talk about who is making money off of this. >> still applies to congress. >> but not to the senior staff. i mean which is important. >> and that is where you thought you might have heard some depate. debate. some are worried about what if my bank account is out there. and somebody holds my kid for ransom because they could see i have money. could we tweak the law. they just gutted it. >> greta: and how do we defend people making legislation and make a lot of money and hand the bill to their boss. >> nice to see you. straight ahead, kim kardashian goes to divorce court. what did her ex-kris humphries
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for 2 years with qualifying bundles. you're o♪ ♪meout leo! some things won't last 25 years. ah! woof. some things will. save up to 20% on an ikea kitchen. >> greta: okay. time to hash it out. talk about bringing your work home with you. the associated press reporting that a woman shares her apartment with three puma cubs after fearing for their health at the zoo. she was worried that they were being neglected by the mother
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so she he brought them home. how to she is raising the cubs herself. and now you to the latest round in kim kardashian's ongoing divorce battle. tmz tweeting judge rips chris humphrey's new something or other nor being a no show. he did not show up for the mandatory court hearing and the judge was furious. he even set a sanction hearing. kim k. was in court and answered all of the judges questions. is score one for team kim. a politician o who may want to cancel his twitter account. sen di cyndi lauper, great nig. what not the world was that? he was tweeting to promote a concert recorded at the white house. why tweet and delete such a bizarre message? >> i discovered that the best way to get a message out is to tweet the and delete because the press will instantaneously assume the worse.
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something nefarious and jump on it. >> plan a twitter intervention. this will have a bad ending if he keeps tweeting. the huffington post tweets happy national grilled cheese day. lots of people getting creative with grilled cheese. blueberry and brie. if you are a little more adventurous try loaded nacho grilled cheese. fried chicken and of whatle. my pick, good old which is cheddar grilled cheese. now, your turn to that are out with us. they made me do this. tweet and repost the favorites. follow me on twitter at gretawire. they paid me extra for this one. coming up, what question did a four-year-old ask governor chris christie that stumped him? you will see for yourself, next.
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a vitamin totally dedicated to your eyes, from the eye care experts at bausch + lomb. as you age, eyes can lose vital nutrients. ocuvite helps replenish key eye nutrients. ocuvite has a unique formula not found in your multivitamin to help protect your eye health. now that's a pill worth taking. [ male announcer ] ocuvite. help protect your eye health. >> greta: 11:00 is almost here, time for last call.
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a little boy from new jersey has a big question for governor christie. >> what is your favorite tv show? >> what is my favorite tv show? okay. i like to watch sports on tv. that is what i watch most of the time. how about my favorite station is espn. i don't have a real favorite show but i like to watch sports on tv. what is your favorite tv show? >> scooby doo. >> how old are you? >> four. >> four. excellent. well, what i was four my favorite show was scooby doo too. i like that show. >> greta: that is your last call. we'll see you again monday. go to gretawire and vote


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