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tv   Americas News Headquarters  FOX News  April 14, 2013 9:00am-11:00am PDT

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>> eric: with the serious news, there is something fun tonight. >> jamie: our own governor huckabee has the one and only carol burnett, live at 8:00. i had to tell everyone. that's going to be something. take care. >> we are working on a lot for you. first, the texas d.a. murders. federal investigators are piecing together a case as a man is put behind bars with a history with the d.a. north korea on notice, secretary of state kerry wraps up a trip to japan, where he says that north korea cannot and must not have nuclear weapons. a budget blunder isn't budget proposal for president obama comes up shorts special. the gun control. this is a brand-new hour of the america's news headquarters, live from the nation's capital. china has committed to a
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denuclearized north korea and secretary of state john kerry is in japan, where north korea has set as its first target. >> reporter: hey, doug. the diplomatic mission by secretary of state kerry is in its final stages with the threat looming on suspected. secretary kerry met with the foreign minister of japan. he took a conciliattorory tone with pyongyang, aiming at denuclearization of the north. but he said that the united states is ready to stand up for its allies and told north korea to back off, especially about a possible missile launch. >> the north has to understand -- i and believe must by now -- that its threats and its provocations are only going to isolate it further and impoverish its people even
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further. >> shannon: now the hitch is that the north korean regime, the young leader, kim jong un, shows no signs of giving up their nukes. on sunday, they wre jected calls for a dialogue, calling them a clever plot, saying the united states should drop the confrontational approach. the dangerous mid-range missile, capable of reaching a u.s. base in guam remains set for a possible firing. but a u.s. official said he didn't see it as an imminent launch, but it's mobile based so it could be quickly prepared. it is monday here, celebrations up north, marking the anniversary, the birth date of the founder of north korea, kim il song, will be set to g. we will be watching for fireworks of a ballistic nature. >> thank you, greg. >> have no doubt, they are on
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the path of achieving that capability. look what they have achieved in the last 10, 15 years and exported to countries, including iran. they -- a danger. i think it's a matter of time before they have that capability. >> john mccain expressing his uncertainty over north korea's nuclear capabilities. there are those who argue that north korea is a distraction from other more pressing international threats. the author of nuclear showdown, north korea takes on the world, is here now. thank you for joining us. do you see it as a distraction to more pressing issues? >> iran and north korea are the same issue. for more than 15 years, both of these countries have had a joint ballistic missile and nuclear weapons program. china is helping north korea transfer these ballistic missiles and nuclear technology to the iranians. so it's one program. i don't think you can daal a
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distraction. it's that sometimes iran acts up, other times north korea acts up, but it is coordinated twoi. components of the axis of evil as george bush would say. interesting story in the new york times and elsewhere, secretary of state kerry, making big news in china on saturday. he sought china's help to elicit dealing with the recalctrabt leader but said that american missile defenses could be cut back if they abandon the program. is that realistic? >> i don't think so. people in the united states see missile defense not only as something to be used against north korea, but against chinese missiles. i think it is getting a lot of controversy in washington and elsewhere about giving these up in the very rare event that the north koreans say, we didn't really mean twe are going to give up our missiles and our nukes. >> tell us what role china plays
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in all of this in the big picture? >> china has been supporting north korea. secretary kerry talked about china's commitment. but the words from beijing were those of a decade ago. tellingly, we did not hear any new commitments. what's worse, starting on sunday and continuing through yesterday, chinese leaders have made these stinging attacks on the u.s., blaming us for the problems on the korean peninsula. you know, china has been basically throwing gas leb on the fire, supply the north koreans with mobile missile launchers that can hit the united states. that's i didn't think we need to have very different conversations with china than ker heyesterday. >> interesting quote in today's washington post from admiral locklear. it says, his father, referring to kim jong un and his father and grandfather were an off-ramp
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as how to get out of it. this is what what make this is scenario, particularly challenging. your comment? >> i think that's absolutely right. the difference about this cycle of provocations, as opposed to the ones under kim jong un, he has not consolidated his position. he has been purging generals, causing a lot of distress in the north korean capitol. at no time since 1949 has a north korean leader had a smaller base of support than kim jong un has today. this make its very, very different from what we have seen in the past. >> is this a reflection of his youth, of his inexperience? >> i think that it is. i moeb, he is in a society that venerates age. here you have this 29-year-old. he is dealing with 70-spade and 80-year-old generals. but i think it's a problem of the family, where kim jong un tried to demote the military in
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the structure of the regime that. has gone down very, very poorly with the generals and admirals. that's where i didn't think this crisis is different from what we have seen in the past. the region now is much more dangerous. have you new leaders all over the place. none of them can back down. it's a problem. gordon chang. author of nuclear showdown, north korea takes on the world. thank you for your time. >> thank you. >> no federal benefit, no food stamp, no welfare, no obamacare. they have to prove they for gainfully employed and support themselves so they will never be a public charge. these are the things they have to do to keep that status. >> the gang of 8 on capitol hill is getting ready to unveil the plan for immigration reform. marco rubio spoke on fox news sunday, giving us a sneak peek into the important details behind the plan. i sat down with chris worrelas this morning. >> it looks like senator rubio
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is nall on immigration reform and beyond that, the republican point man on this thing, taking leadership. >> absolutely. he's a member of the gang of 8. four republican, four democrats in the senate. they will formally unveil the plan this week. i would love to say it was an exclusive -- seven sunday shows, including telemundo and univision to sell the plan today. he is pushing it. it's a big, complicated plan, to deal with a big, complicated problem. there are strong, tough, enforcement mechanisms, e-verify for employment, tracking people to overstay there are visas and there is a long, arduous path to legalization and citizenship. >> the key issue is his own caucus, tremendous resistance to immigration reform if it does not include border enforcement. >> i have to say, from what i have heard of it, it seems to have checked a lot of those boxes. the big concern is amnesty -- i
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asked him about that -- they have to pay back taxes, they have to pay publics and have a job and continue to -- to pay taxes into the system, it's a temporary thing. they have to keep renewing it. and it's going to take 13 years at the least to become a citizen. so it's not a free path. in addition to which, one of the issues is the cost. you know, there is going to be a budget buster. they will go on welfare or get obamacare. absolutely not. until they become a citizen, they do not get any federal benefit and they pay taxes. he says it will be a net plus for the treasury, not a drain. >> another hugely important topic, north korea with the flews with senator john kerry. >> secretary of state kerry, yeah. interestingly enough, we talked about it with two other senators, dick durbin and jon cornine who, has said he thinks the administration is involved
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in appeasement and he was concerned about the fact that ker theweek said, look, if the north koreans were to pull back on their nuclear brinksmanship, we would talk to them and consider aid. >> negotiating from a position of weakness? chris, looking forward to seeing it on "fox news sunday" later today. you can catch chris's entire interview with senator marco rubio and the discussion with senators durbin and jon cornine right here, right after america's news headquarters. president obama has rolled out the budget plan, two months after the spend timeline. i got to sit down with senator john barrasso to talk about what he feels is most troubling. >> it's two months late. the house has passed a budget. the senate has passed a budget. the president's budget doesn't balance -- ever. not this year, want next year,
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not five years from now. it never balances. that's the big concern for the american people. the other issue, the infrastructure, people want to believe they are getting value for their tax dollars. righted now, people think that 50 cents that they send to government is used wisely. so they don't feel they are getting value for their money. >> you can create growth by bettering infrastructure? >> the best way to get government off people's backs. you take a look at regulations that continue to come out of this government, they're burdensome and expensive and time consuming and clearly, they impact on jobs. we can't get people back to work. we had an abysmal record last week. so many people out of work and giving up on looking for work. if you want to deal with the debt and the deficit, you need to get people back to work. >> are you concerned that the investment in infrastructure
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would mirror the stimulus spending? we know that the stimulus package failed. it didn't go as intended and went to all other sorts of things. stow wasn't successful at all. there are things we do, in terms of bringing back lots of u.s. dollars that are sitting overseas ncorporations, getting those dollars back into the united states and having the private economy make those investments. >> >> another feature of the budget is a change in cpi, this is interesting in the sense that he is hearing a lot of criticism of that -- from the left. some would say that if you are getting it from both sides, you must be doing something right. your reaction. >> i support the cpi, the president is right. it is a more accurate assessment of how inflation and send spending work. so i supported it. but the president says to goat the accurate, correct way to do thave you to do all of these other i things in terms of raisg
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taxes and i don't support that. i support approving the chained cpi. >> what is the end of that? what does it do? >> it's how the government figures inflation, in terms of social security and others. it evaluates really how the economy and inflation works as opposed to the way they do it now, which is not accurate. >> the budget limited itemized deductions for high-income households. >> churches are not happy, charities are not happy. but it's nying nibbling around the emgs. the president has done things that poll pretty well. but does it deal with the debt and the deficit isn't answer is no, or very little. we need overall tax reform, where we close loopholes and lower the tax rates. that will stimulate the economy
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in itself. have you more people working, more taxpayers, not higher taxes bia few. >> you know that every loophole has a constituency in washington. how do you approach closing loophole when is have you so much influence? >> the finance committee is working on an overall tax reform plan, which i believe will be good for the country because have you torques liminate all the loopholes and lower the tax rates at the same time to be a huge stimulus to the private sector. what do you want to do? do you want to grow the government or grow the economy? fixated on growingdget is one the government, not growing the economy. >> we have less than a minute. one more question for you. the president claims to reduce the deficit by $1.8 trillion? is that true? >> it's not true. have you to look at the budget this year, not what may happen 10 years from now. because there is going to be another budget next year. have you focus on this year.
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incredible debt. incredible borrowing borrowing n indplees trackses. it is not good for the country or the economy. >> senator barrasso is concerned about the woman nominated to head up the epa. coming up in the next hour, we will look at major problems they have with what they call the secrecy of the epa and why gina mccarthy may not be the woman to fix it. >> four months after the sandy hook shooting, the gun bill has cleared its first hurdle in the senate. they are hoping for a vote on a bipartisan amendment this week, which will likely become the framework of the bill. the legislation expands background checks and online sales and private sales are exempt, as between family members. it could be easier for firearms to cross state lines. >> we are not interested or willing to infringe the legitimate rights of law-abiding citizens. this is about whether or not it's reasonable to try to make
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it more difficult for danger people for whom it's already illegal to have weapons to obtain them. >> there are those who are concerned that the too manyey/mansion proposal could lead to the government tracking your guns. are you concerned about that? tweet your answers. senator joe mansion will be live next hour. possible new developments in the murders of a texas district attorney, his wife and another top prosecutors. investigators are searching for clues to see if there is a link between their deaths and a justice of the peace arrested on terrorist threat charges. we go live for the latest on that. >> reporter: yes, just yesterday, in fact, eric williams was charged with make egg terrorist threat. we are hearing that he could be charged with killing three people, but an fbi spokesperson told fox news, there is no press
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conference selled scheduled for today or press releases. so williams, not formally charged, according to the spokesperson and not a formal suspect at this time. but the fbi and other authority its sifted through two storage units in texas. they have already turned williams' house upside down of they didn't say what they were looking for, but the evidence recovery team took objects out of the unit, including a white crown victoria, and a raft of reasons have emerged as to why williams might have held a grudge against the prosecutors. he was stripped of his status in a theft conviction and humiliated in a bitter personal battle with the district attorney, mike mcclelland. and the assistant d.a., mark hasse has described williams as evil. he had stolen office equipment. it could be that that was excessive. williams' attorney's office has
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said no further comment other than that he is innocent. legal experts are saying, it won't be a surprise if he is charged. >> there is going to be to have to be evidence that links mr. williams now to the crime scene. it could be as simple as they are looking a is the a certain motive. he was very upfront in the interviews that his lawyers did early on in the investigation, saying he wasn't shocked that the law enforcement headed in his direction. >> shannon: texas prosecutors are seeking to double the existing $200,000 reward. some experts saying it is a sign that the authorities are short on leads. back to you. >> interesting. he's a justice of the peace. he mounts a defense, if he's charged, he will vey sophisticated defense, one would assume. >> one texan says the answer to lower crime is more guns. he is arming citizens. we are going on talk to him and one of his armed citizens right
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after the break. first, it could be the next big threat to your privacy. chief intelligence correspondent investigates bigidate and how it potentially affects all of us. it's a story you can't afford to miss. [ kate ] many women may not be absorbing the calcium they take as well as they could because they don't take it with food. switch to citracal maximum plus d. it's the only calcium supplement that can be taken with or without food. my doctor recommends citracal maximum. it's all about absorption. by the armful? by the barrelful? e carful? how the bowlful? campbell's soups give you nutrition, energy, and can help you keep a healthy weight. campbell's. it's amazing what soup can do. bjorn earns unlimited rewas for his small business
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>> there are a lot of concerns right now about big brother and big government. that leadsitous big data. cath rin herig reports on an eight-month investigation on what may be the next big threat to your privacy. >> shannon: utah, 25 miles south of salt lake city, a massive construction project is energy completion t. belongs to the national security issue. the locals call at this time spy center. nsa says it's a facility that will have a major focus on cyber-security. the agency will neither confirm nor deny specifics. some published reports say it could hold five data bites ofidate a. one data bite is the
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equivalent of 62 billion iphones. stacked up, that would stretch from the earth to the moon. we asked the man in charge of the agency about it. when the utah data center rolled -- >> no. we don't hold data on u.s. citizens at nsa. they take protecting your civil liberties and privacy as the most important thing you do. >> shannon: we weren't given access to the facility. but we could see it over the sky. the nsa says we need to to keep the country safe. critics say that concrete box is front and center in the debate over liberty, security and privacy. >> it raises the most serious questions about the vast data that can be kept in one place, for -- from many, many different sore sources. >> nsa says americans should be concerned about letting the government go too far in the name of security.
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>> the only way to have perfect security is to have a perfect security state. that's george orwilliam. 1930. >> shannon: it's about the possibility that this data could be abused. >> that's real danger because, it's really a turnkey situation, where it could be turned to become a totalarrian state quickly. the capacity is to do that is being set up. >> shannon: a senior nsa official told fox, the agency has strict rules for collecting, analyzing and retaining information. but nsa can't discuss the rules because they say they are classified. critics say it's a lot of trust to put in the government. >> if the report is a shock to your senses, you are going to want to tune in to the john roberts special with social media, email and texting ruling our modern-day lives, more americans are throwing their privacy out the window.
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your secret's out, airs at 9:00 eastern on the fox newschannel. the washington post will cover the trial of abortion provider kermit goes onnel. they believe that the story is deserving of coverage by our own staff and we intend to send a reporter next week... it later on america's news headquarters, a former navy seal who says he's seeking justice for the four americans killed in benghazi and why questions still remain. meet the man who is giving guns away for free and why he says more guns are the answer to solving crimes.
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>> the latest conflict aside with the u.s., carping north korea. secretary of state john kerry is wrapping up his trip to asia in that country. peter doocy is standing by with some of today's top stories. after a meeting with secretary kerry, japan's foreign minister said they cannot allow north korea to get nuclay weapons. china also pledged to work with the u.s. a new search could lead to a break in the murder of the texas district attorney, his wife and another prosecutor. police are searching several storage units, belonging to eric williams, who is convicted of theft last year. williams under arrest on charges
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unrelated to the murder. venezuela is heading to the polls to lact the first new president in 14 years. hugo chavez' hand-picked successor is on the ballot. tied for the lead, heading into final round in the masters. >> tiger had that two-stroke penalty for breaking the rules, unwittingly, having a great season. i wouldn't rule it out. >> it will be interesting because a lot of people think he should have withdrawn since he was really only able to stay in on a technicality. >> yeah. maybe he will make that comeback. a group in houston, texas, is giving free shotguns tole in hie neighborhoods. the idea is that criminals are less likely to commit crimes if they are afraid of getting hurt or killed. that makes sense, but not
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everybody thinks that's a good idea. >> certainly, it is not responsible. i don't know about the ethics, value specials morals of a human being who would use fellow human beings as guinea pigs in this way. >> the executive director of the armed citizen project is here. joined by a single mom who has taken the class. thank you for joining us. >> thanks for having us on. gun control advocates -- i am sure have you heard this -- this is adding fuel to the fire of out-of-control guns guns and gun crime. what do you say to that? >> i think that the anti-gun folks are showing who they are. for a while, they have been saying that they are just against assault weapons or just against high-capacity magazines. we are training and arming law-abiding citizens who pass a background check with defensive shotguns. i love that the anti-gun crowd is dropping the mask and showing
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that they are anti-firearms in the hands of private owners. we are making sure that citizens have the ability and the tools to defend their life, libertiy and property. >> maureen, you are one of those citizens, right? >> yes, sir. i am. >> tell me what you have learned by taking the class and how it has changed your view of life and your safety? >> well, it was a wonderful day that we learned so message different things about the weapon. we were taught by a skilled professional. we were able to practice. and we went -- had a background check later on and were given a weapon. i am a single mom. do i feel it's important to be able to protect myself and my son. there is a lot of things that can happen in those short minutes before the police officer can get to my home. i want to be able to protect myself. >> gun control advocates say you have elevated the risk of your
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kids getting ahold of the weapons and using them accidentally. what do you say to that? >> the big thing is the figure that keeps being thrown out is the 47 times more likely. that's based upon the completely debunked kellerman's study from 1995 n. that study, only 2% of the deaths could be proven that the weapon that caused that -- that was used, was the weapon that was kept in the home. so the fact that they have to use completely discredited and bogus studies in order to kind of further their agenda shows just how desperate they are. the data does show that when criminals fear dying in your hallway, they are less likely to try to break into your home. >> that makes sense, criminals are predators and they choose the most vulnerable. if you are armed, you are not vuln vulnerable. why shotguns? you are giving out exclusively, shotguns? and not other weapons? >> a few reasons.
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shotguns make excellent home defense weapons. you don't have to be an expert marksman. they are inexpensive and they are easy to learn how to use. and with the pump-action shotgun, if you have heard of a shell getting racked, that's a deterrent in its own. they are really good for home defense and because of the size of them, long guns are generally of a lot lower value to criminals than the handguns and we make sure they stay in the home. thank you for your time. we should check back with you after the program has been implemented to see how the crime rate is fairing. we will try to do that. >> thanks for having us. >> thank you. >> lasers that obliterate drones are not just for star wars. they are for the navy. the newest weapon in the pentagon's arsenal. and seven months after four americans were killed in benghazi, questions are not being answered. a group of special ops veterans
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for a body in motion. >> there will never be another hurricane sandy. the name was retired because of the major impact of the storm. it caused nearly $50 billion in damage in the u.s. sandy is the 77th storm name to be retired since 1954 and it will be replaced by the name sarah in the year 2018. this weekend, we mark the seven-month anniversary of the deadly benghazi 9/11 attacks. four americans were killed that day, including ambassador chris stevens and the information officer, shawn smith and two-point informs security, both former navy seals. a group of veterans are pressing for answers into who knew what and went. they have released a new
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video -- benghazi -- unaware, unresponsivive, unaccountable. a member from opsec is here. >> thanks for having me. >> why did you make the film-- the video? >> as you can see, we are at the seven-month anniversary. imagine, everybody out there, if you have a son or a daughter killed in this fashion and our leaders looked you straight in the eye and said, we are going to find out and get to the bottom of this and let you know and seven months later, after a lot of stalling and no information, no answers and here we are. we had the resources to do this. we had the will and the desire to do t. we are not letting it g. we want to get the answers to the american people. >> you had tremendous support, i would imagine, as well. how many people are involved in your organization? >> we have a small core group and a tossen folks. we have over 800,000 veterans here in virginia alone.
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folks want answers. they know something smells funny. they would like the answers and they would like to to so a special committee, congressman wolf from virge virmg led the way. we applaud the efforts but we need to consolidate into a special committee. one of the really peculiar things about this entire incident is that you had a lot of people, a lot of americans who were wounded and you aren't heard from any of them. some of them cannot speak because they are cia or affiliated. but even in those cases, there are times when, if they have gotten approval, they can speak out. what's your theory? >> you know, we have to be sensitive about classified information and what theec folks say. but this is absolutely a big point. did they have to sign a nondigs
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closure. why haven't they testified. there are survives. why have they been muzzled? some of them, we understand. even in classified meetings with congress. we want to see that happen. we don't understand why congress in their investigations, thus far, haven't been able to speak to survivors. >> i would like to listen to this new video that you are putting out. liven listen up. >> american who is died in benghazi knew they were serving their country. like countless others before them i. that's another question for you. do you have any evidence at all -- for or against -- that military assets were denied, coming to benghazi to aid in the midst of this attack? >> well, we welcome to you watch the video because you see that congressman chaffetz says that the general said he never got the call. listen, i have many friends, vifriend who is have died trying to aid those who were under fire and needed that, needed help. i am telling you, the mentality
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of the military is chomping at the bit to help those who near need. was cross border authority given by the president or somebody below him? these are the answers we want to know. the veterans and military and the american people want to know am we are here to help that happen. >> we are flat out of time. where can people see the video. or on youtube. >> i know a lot of americans are proud of you. thanks for sharing your story. good to see ow this sunday. >> thanks for having me. >> the pentagon is rolling out a new weapon that could change the face of war against slow-moving targets. but will it work? details are coming up next. it's the era that gave us the mullet. and parachute pants. remember that? and it set the stage for the high tech world. we'll take a look at the a special about how the 80s changed our world for the
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>> a group of tourists in florida got a real show. this family's tour guide got out of the boat and wrestled with a
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10-foot python. >> at first, they thought it was part of the show. you know, part of the tour. you know. like that happens all the time. it's not. it was a one in a million chance. >> he was able to pin the snake down so his partner could kill it. pythons are a real problem in florida because they're not native and they have no natural predators there. >> one less python in florida. >> the defense department saddled with billions in cost cuttings is rolling the dice on a new weapon, one that could be cheaper and some day, deadlier than current alternatives. jennifer griffin has the story from the pentagon. >> shannon: for the first time, the pentagon plans to deploy a weaponnized laser on board a navy ship. this new weapon is slated to be operational off the coast of iran early next year. video released by the u.s. navy shows the laser lock on to a
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slow-moving target n. this case, an unmanned drone catches fire d crashes into the sea below t. quote, operates like a blow torch with an unlimited magazine, according to one pentagon official. >> for the first time, we are going on demonstrate that lasers can take out operational aircraft, albeit, they're slow drones, not fast movers. >> shannon: it will be capable of obliterating with infrared energy and it will be sent out to the region in the persian gulf, where iran operates small surveillance drones and is known for swarming and harassing u.s. navy ships with small, armored speed beat boats. it has a relatively low cost to operate. after an initial investment of $32 million. >> the directed energy that comes out of this laser is a little under one u.s. dollar. that's effectiveness and
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affordability. >> shannon: compare toad a tomahawk missile, which costs $1 million each time it is fired. when air force tried to mount a laser on the tip of an airplane, those lasers cost nearly $1.5 billion a piece. the pentagon canceled this airborne laser program 2 years ago. u.s. navy officials are concerned that the new technology won't work in poor weather conditions and it is not clear that the ship-mounted laser can bring down faster-moving threats, such as incoming fighter jets or missiles. the navy says the ship-mounted laser is 12-12 in the testing phase, destroying the target each time. the next test will be on the high seas. >> after the break, the politics of climate change. what a new poll says about how americans feel about global warming. and why background checks for
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guns are necessary, according to chuck manchin. protein is an impt of staying active and strong. ensure high protein... fifty percent of your daily value of protein. low fat and five grams of sugars. [ major nutrition ] ensure! nutrition in charge! she would help her child. go! goooo! [ male announcer ] with everything. but instead she gives him capri sun super-v. witone combined serving of fruits and vegetables. capri sun super-v.
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according to a new poll americans are more worried now about global warming than in recent years but not nearly as much as at the turn of the century. i took a look at why some climate change enthusiasts are worried about climate change
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data. >> some may still deny the overwhelming seances but none can ignore the crippling droughts and storms. >> several mainstream publications committed what some consider climate change heracy reporting that temperatures have remained flat over the last ten years. james hansen acknowledges the lull. climate change skeptics see the change as a breach in the wall of climate science. >> immediately came out this week and is announceing that global warming doesn't mean rising temperatures. in other words, warming doesn't equal warming. >> this is a highly complex calculation to make in the first place. but the short period of time only ten years in which the increasing temperature has leveled off really doesn't tell us very much other than the fact that temperatures may still be rising but just not as fast as they were before.
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>> no one disputes that carbon dioxide levels are rising but the temperature lull casts doubt on how the atmosphere mae be responding. >> they had a study blaming chinese coal use for the lack of global warming. in an ironic twist proponents are claiming that coal use is save us from dangerous global warming. >> this has not changed the view of most environmentalists that strong measures are needed to curtail co 2 emissions to help stem weather extremes. >> a 2006 review of 100 other studies found no increase in the frequency or intensity of terrorisms or floods over -- of tropical storms or floods over the past century. >> that is why it is not amnesty. we don't award anything. you have to qualify and apply for it. they get the opportunity to apply for this. >> senator marco rubio makes
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his case for a bipartisan bill already taking heat from several senators. this this before they formally plan to introduce their plan to their colleagues. i'm doug mcelway. >> senator rubio is playing defense as he tried to explain that the bipartisan gang of eight in the senate are going to try to make it hard for illegal immigrants to become u.s. citizens and if they want to stay here permanently and legally they will need to pay a fine and have steady jobs. >> amnesty is the forgiveness of something. amnesty is anything that says do it illegally and it will be cheaper and easier. under the existing law if you are illegally in the united states you are not prohibited from getting a green card. you have to go back to the home country and wait ten years and then aplea for it. we will saying we will create an alternative to that. >> jeff sessions sees things
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differently. he says he thinks senator rubio's heart is in the reit lace but that the gang of eight's plan is off base. >> they have produced a legislation it appears although it looks like maybe another week before we will see it that will give amnesty now and then there is a promise of enforcement in the future. >> reporter: border security is a key part of the gang of eight's plan and democratic senator dick durbin explained that stopping 90% of illegal border crossings is both that goal and trigger for other parts of future law. >> every republican at the table said we have got to start with border security, get that right and we will stick around for the rest the of the conversation. i think we kept faith on that issue. >> reporter: and we got a sense of the kind of reception nongang of eight senators will give the bell today when company senator joh republicann
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cornyn said he is looking forward to reading it but is not endorsing it just yet. >> doug thornell and former senate republican conference chief of staff ron bonje. thanks for joining us. >> good to see you. >> any major impediments to the gang of eight plan. looks like it is moving forward. >> what worries me is that the devil is in the detail. we don't have legislative detail that the 92 other senators need to see before this can go anywhere. i commend senator marco rubio forgetting out there and pushing forward the bill because republicans do need the hispanic vote for the 2016 presidential election and probably high profile senate seats in the 2014 ehe election. like i said there are a number of republicans out there that are are very nervous and want to see the details. they he want to see border security first and make sure
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that any pathway towards citizenship has very, very strong enforcement measures around that and it is not just amnesty quote unquote. i think you will see some serious road blocks here. >> doug, any impediments on the democratic side? >> on the liberal side if you are looking at the house, the talk of the path to citizenship taking much longer than the senate. that could be a road block. this is a make or break moment for immigration reform. we are farther along than we ever have been. marco rubio did a really good job today. a lot of the ingredients of the bill that we heard about will work for both the left and the right and ultimately they just have to get it done. >> as you said, ron, so much of this approval from republicans hinges on the process of enforcement. if we are going to legalize 11 million illegals in this country right now, there has to be some sort of better enforcement at the bureau. you just heard from senator jeff sessions that they made
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promises of enforcement. that is a big difference from enforcement. >> that is absolutely right. i was around in 2007 when we were dealing with immigration bill and it was shot to pieces over the issue of am necessary at the, over the issues of border security and i feel like we are there again. there has to be between now -- they have to speed up the process of introducing this bill because they are talking about introducing this a week or more from the point they started talking about the principles. we are now at a point -- they are now at a pointe where they need to sell this to republicans. i commend marco rubio again for doing so but the opponents to immigration on the right will come out swinging pretty hard this week. >> i just want to say that i think senator rubio made a good point. the current system is broken and there are are four options. do nothing, keep the current system. try to deport everyone which is not reasonable. try to make life so intolerable that they will leave or do the comprehensive approach. i think you saw conservatives
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commote this week and talk about the economic benefits, increases in growth, wages. and so there are -- i think a lot of reasons why this will get done in the senate. nye concern is -- my concern is in the house because i'm not sure that house republicans want to get this done. >> one of the benefits of hiring illegals is cheap labor. they can pay less than what it would cost american labor to work here. people living here illegally would get green cards in ten years but omero if employers adopted mandatory electronic verification. does that throw a wrench into the works, ron? >> the business community have been trying to work out a compromise on a guest worker program. that is another key point that we need to talk about it the employee verification system here on who is legal and who is not illegal so they can keep these folks in the country. i do think that is an area where the liberals may have a
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problem and the unions may have a problem with. the right has been worried about amnesty and border security. the left certainly is worried about the guest worker program especially h the unions. >> the evenons have signed off on the frame work of what the gang of eight is going to introduce. i think that those concerns seem to be worked out especially with the business community and labor. >> well, ron as you said, the devil is oft oen times in the detail and we will see the and details tuesday. ron bonjean and doug thornell. thank you both. good to see you. a new search could lead to a possible break in the murders of a texas district attorney his wife and another prosecutor. local federal officials confirmed a former justice of the peace eric lyle williams is being held on bail for an
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unrelated charge of making a terroristic threat. last year, williams was convicted and corruption charges including theft. williams was prosecuted by the two men that were murdered. district attorney mike mcclelland and the prosecutor mark haas. monday april 15 marks the 101 birthday of kim il sung founder of north korea and the grandfather of kim jong un and there is speculation they will launch a missile or more as part of the national celebration. it comes as new video is released on the north korea website showing targets for nuclear attacks with the united states. right now, secretary of state john kerry is in japan. japan is the latest country to side with the u.s. on the situation in north korea. joining us are two members of the house armed services committee loretta sanchez and
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republican senator john fleming. thank you both for joining us. congresswoman let's start with you. are you at all confident that secretary of state john kerry's mission this weekend accomplished anything? >> well, i believe the fact that we have been talking more to china and that china definitely doesn't want more of our presence in south korea and around those waters makes them more of an ally in trying to help us. and, of course, we believe that they pretty much are the only ones that can really talk to north korea. so my hope is in the ability for us to talk to china that that is good and, of course, now john kerry is over there in japan, one of our allies who is wore relationshipped about what is going on there as well as south korea. i think he has done a good job with his trip but it is a big unknown. nobody has a good phoenix on what is going on in -- a good fix of what is going on in north korea. who is really leading
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consolidation of power. an interesting twist of events in the last few months. >> and any progress that you see? >> doug, i think the key to diplomacy is through china. north korea depends a lot on china. china can apply pressure and, of course, china does work the diplomatic channels in ways that north korea does not. so i think showing force as we have, deploying defensive missile systems as we are and then working the diplomacy routes through china applying pressure and diplomacy simultaneously i think is a very good move. the only thing we worry about, of course, is because north korea is so unpredictable with its new leader. we don't want anybody to miscalculate. >> and that is where we are. we have seen a number of experts say that we have seen lots of instances of north korea being provocative in this
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way but always had an off ramp or exit strategy. do you see that this time around, congressman sanchez? >> certainly it has always been that way. sort of a rattle the weapons and then oh, we need food and sort helping in that sense. you know, again, we have a new leader. we don't -- he has consolidated the power very, very quickly. we don't know if it is because of him or the people right behind him. it might have been the inner circle to the former two leaders. and if it is the inner circle it could possibly be that they are going to react in the same way. but on the other hand he may really be consolidating on his own and maybe he just has a different streak or a different viewpoint of what the west it or maybe he feels that he has been able to move forward his nuclear program faster than maybe be we predicted. although we have pretty good evidenced that he is not
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anywhere near striking the united states. but the fear would be, again, japan, south korea, other issues like that. china really is the key to help us to try to underan understant congressman fleam secretary kerry said he is willing to reduce u.s. missiles in the region if north korea abandons its nuclear weapons program. her to case of leading from behind. would you agree with this assessment? >> we have been down this road before. we have given them food and aid and money with promises that they will stand down and they continue to move forward. no, i really think we need to forward deploy the missiles. we had stood them down at one time before and also i will piggyback on the other comments. often times north korea does this for domestic consumption and to build statu stature aroe
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world. we he haven't unlocked the code in the yuc young leader and wed to be observant and very skeptical. >> thank you both for your team. good to see you. >> thank you, doug. >> thank you, doug. an iraqi candidate and two others dead after a road side bombing. it comes just a week before the local elections which are thought to be a major test of iraq's political stability. iraqi officials sea the candidate and his two brothers were killed in the bombing. 13 candidates have been killed ahead of the elections slated for later this month. u.s. troops left iraq more than a year ago. senators joe manchin and pat toomey have come up with a compromise and one of the nation's most polarizing issues. they are hoping for a vote is on the bipartisan gun proposal this week but it may be a tough
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sell. steve centanni are telling us what they are seaing thi sayin. >> reporter: the bill would greatly expand background checks for those treeing to buy gun is. it would include gun shows and sales on the internet but stops short of a universal check because private sales would still be allowed. it also deals with gun trafficking and school security. the senator says the more people learn about his bill that he sponsored with toomey the more they are going to like it. >> if you are are a law abiding gun owner you are going to like this bill. veterans rights you are going to like this bill. if you are a criminal and have been mentally adjudicated and go to a gun show or try to buy a gun online you might not like this bill because you can't do it. >> this is about whether or not it is reasonable to try to make it more difficult for dangerous people for whom it is already ellegal to it have weapons to
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obtain them. >> opponents say any restriction on gun purchase or ownership in flings on the second amendment right to bear arms and they say the background checks will not solve the problem. >> we are focusing so much on guns we should be foe sed on violence. violence is the problem. guns is what they are using to commit violence. >> the proposals would serve to limit the rights of law abiding citizens while doing little if anything to prevent tragedies like this from oh o curing in the future. >> thank you, steve. are you concerned that the toomey manchin proprosal will lead to the government keeping track of our guns. igunsyour answers. ahead, senator joe manchin joins us live to respond to some of your responses. some of the world's golfers on the hunt today at augusta
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national. tiger woods is tied for 7th place after being assessed a two shot penalty yesterday for a dropped ball. statistics are not on tigers side. he has never won a major golf event while trailing and no masters winner has been lower than fourth place heading into the final round. controversy brewing over a new state tax. we will tell you where they are proposing to charge you for having a roof or a driveway. a new nominee for the top spot, could it be putting politics before your safety. in why some are raising concerns over her nomination. [ male announcer ] when these come together, and these come together, one thing you can depend on is that these will come together. delicious and wholesome. some combinations were just meant to be. tomato soup from campbell's. it's amazing what soup can do.
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there are concerns that the woman nominated to head up the epa is not the right person for the job. several things related to gina mccarthy's actions are at issue. among them that the agency is burdening us with rules and that safety concerns are be ignored in the push for environmental protection. nathan marantz joins us no you
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with more on that. good to see you you. i want to get to the point of safety. gina mccarthy is behind the approval for a broader use of a refridgerant called freeon. one is being proposed in some cars and proposed for use in others, right? >> the epa has approved it it for use in the u.s. it only has been used in a couple of other cadillac models. most others decided not to use it due you to safe at the concerns. there is issues with the coolant exploding and turning into poisonous fumes when it is burned. mercedes did a number of tests on this before implimenting it. and decided that it wasn't worth the risk. it was too dangerous to use. >> we are looking at the video that daimler benz did with the
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new refridge rant. >> they simulated head on collisions and two thirds resulted in fires like what you are seeing. the coolant burns. it turned into hydrogen florine gas which actually etched the windows of the vehicles. >> means it burns at extremely high temperature. >> high temperature. it's dangerous. it is so toxic that even a small amount of it if it got in contact with sea a portion of your hand could be deadly in certain circumstances. >> and this is what the gi. in mccarthy is proposing for refridge rant in our cars. >> they approved it because they believe it contributes less to global warming than other refrigerants out the there. >> why has this not been report
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north dakota. >> i think has been reported. >> or cafe standards for cars with higher mileage fuel efficiency for cars which carssarily means that cars have to weigh less and are more vulnerable to damage and or injury in a collision. >> and i think the only reason that gm is using this in two of the cadillac models because they received credits towards the cafe standard requirements by using this particular it rerefrigerants. no other manufacturer is using it. >> another problem with the cafe standards is that people are more vulnerable in a crash. >> absolutely. i think without question any time you lighten vehicles to get to a better fuel economy you are reducing the safety capacity of the vehicles. >> and gina mccarthy real quickly because we are almost out of team. she is on the recipient end i have seen of many of the alias e-mails from her former boss
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lisa jackson. do those raise any concern in your mind? >> absolutely. records requirements acts that apply to everyone in the federal government. she would have been briefed on what the requirements were. how all e-mails are supposed to be archived. if they constitute an official federal record and everything that goes with that. the fact that high level appointees at the departments were using aliases in what appears to be an attempt to evade a certain level of disclosure is troubling. >> nathan, thank you very much. will she be confirmed in your opinion? >> i think it is likely but we definitely have is some significant concerns. >> good to see you. thank you. a new epa regulation that puts a limit on storm water pollocks is requiring local governments to spend large amounts of money in water call and they are looking to pass on the cost to homeowners. considering all of the ways that you are taxed now add this
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one called the rein tax. molly henneberg explains. >> reporter: if you live in one of the nine largest counties in maryland and if your home has a roof or a driveway or any kind of "impervious" is surface get ready to pay what is called a rain tax starting in july. the jimmal protection agency told the states to reduce storm water runoff by 2017. to go on a "pollution diet" as the e about pa calls it. some opponents say the epa may not have the authority to set the new standards maryland a pushing ahead to try to meet the goal. the obama administration did not provide any federal funding for the project so maryland taxpayers have to foot the bill. hence the new rain tax which will cost the average homeowner another $50 to $200 a year and critics say businesses will be hit even harder. >> a large shopping center with a big shopping lot, the rain
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tax will be more than the property taxes. that leaves them with only the option of trying to pass the costs along to their tenants which means all our goods and services in the state of maryland will go up in cost. >> reporter: when it passed the new you pollution standards for the chesapeake bay in 2010, the epa said it "will also have significant benefits far beyond the chesapeake itself, helping to clean rivers and other waterways that support local economies and relationship rickracksal pursuits like fishing and swimming and serving a drinking water sources." how you will the state of maryland determine how much impervious surfaces its citizens have. in satellite imagery from the eyes in the sky. venezuelans are choosing their next president today. will it be hugo chavez hand picked successor?
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and senator manchin joins me. and this just in -- i'm here in your home, having a pretty spectacular tuesday. ♪ but i don't notice the loose rug at the top of your stairs. and that's about to become an issue for me. ♪ and if you got the wrong home insurance coverage, my medical bills coulget expensive. so get allstate. [ dennis ] good hands. good home. make sure you have the right home protection. talk to an allstate agent.
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this is decision day in venezuela as venezuelans choose the successor for late president hugo vermont. chavez. the first time in more than a decade that the ballot does not include his name. steve with more on the historic election. >> for 14 years hugo chavez was a one man show ruling venezuela and now the choice for the venezuela people will they continue to listen to chavez one month after his death. maduro is the man that chavez told venezuelans to vote for. he vows to continue the policy of lavish aid to the poor and antiu.s. platform.
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he already expelled two u.s. diplomats accusing them of espionage. he opposes a 40-year-old state governor who has more moderate views and wants better relations with the u.s. whichever of the two wins could have a tough governing venezuela. it faces basic shortages of etemperatures like food and electricity despite its wealth. it has been a bitter one month campaign. both candidates exchanging insults and battleling. if it is a close vote we could see street protests in curacaa in days to come. back to you. a florida veteran and bar owner is ready for a fight for -- to fight for his country again. he is being fined for displaying military flags. it is one of our most clicked stories online. peter doocy in the newsroom with more on that. peter.
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>> reporter: a tallahassee city ordinance requires a permit for banners and flags. the only exceptions are the american flags, state flags or p.o.w. flags. he flees flags for the navy, air force and marine. by refusing to remove the flags he is facing a $300 per day fine. he says he just flies them on the weekend but sense he got the fine he has been fleeing them every dae. you are are reading online about the millions of dollars san francisco's famed cable cars cost the city in accidents. turns out the clanging open air cars are one of the most accident prone mass transportation modes in the country, costs the city $12 million annually. but oh o fixes sea the are cars are a -- officials say the car are a valuable part of the city life and character. a pair of teenage girls saved their dad from being crushed by a track tore. his foot slipped on the clutch and his 3,000-pound track tore flipped over pinning them pee
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neath the steering wheel. his teenage daughters heard the screams and were able to lift the tractor up enough to get him out. for these stories and more log on to you. >> that is remarkable. you hear the stories of people finding super human strength through adrenaline. this is a case in point. >> it is amazing. >> coming up, senator joe manchin joins us to talk about the bipartisan deal on gun control. back with more, after this. [ buzzer ]
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she was a picky eater. well now i'm her dietitian and last year, she wasn't eating so well. so i recommended boost complete nutritional drink to help her get the nutrition she was missing. and now she drinks it every day. well, it tastes great! [ male announcer ] boost has 26 essential vitamins and minerals, including calcium and vitamin d to support strong bones, and 10 grams of protein to help maintain muscle. and our great taste is guaranteed or your money back. learn more at [ dietitian ] now, nothing keeps mom from doing what she loves... being my mom.
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one city in poland is unveiling a special tribute to pope john paul ii. the 45-foot tall stat too you stands on a hill above the city which is home to the poland most famous religious sites. it was funded by a man who credits the pontiff with saving
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this is drowning son. pope john paul led the catholic church for 27 years before his death in 2005. patrick o'malley of boston is one of the 8 cardinals chosen by pope francis for a new panel. he was considered to be on the short lift for the papacy at last con clave. a national geographic survey shows that most americans believe america was better off and safer in the 1980s. a new series premiering tonight on the national geographic channel explores how the '80s, a decade known for shoulder pads not of the football variety and fan any packs set the foundation for the high tech society today. jane root executive producer of the '80s, that decade that made us joins us with more. good to see you, jane. i grew up in the '80s and
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didn't think much of it. i did remember that i had a finger pick that said disco sucks. what makes the '80s special? >> looking around the world we live in now from cell phones to movies to rap music to bottled water, there is a ton of stuff that we just take for granted in the world today which started right there in the 1980s. >> give me he a few examples. and i'm sure it goes well beyond shoulder pads. >> shoulder pads and leg warmers were part of the '80s. cell phones started in the 1980s. so big you had to wear them in a shoulder pack with a strap over your shoulder and the idea that we could live without cell phones is really strange to us. the idea of celebrities and actors raising money for charity. the idea of things like underpants having cal venice on them and costing a lot of money. all of the trends went back to the 1980s. >> the logoization of america.
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>> exactly. six parts running in three nights. tonight, tomorrow night and tuesday. >> i read that often times what we see today is a virtual repetition of what we saw you in the '80. although people don't real illini it as a defining decade. >> it started with people feeling really bad. hostages in iran. the economy doing terrible. a sense that the japanese were going to completely take over american manufacturing. people were really down. and then by the end of the decade people were feeling great about the potential of america. they were feeling great about the the things that we could invent. the new kind of businesses we could start. so that sense of optimism and upsurge exuberance were part of
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it. >> does it go beyond ronald reagan? >> reagan was part of this. but just that people could start things and try things out. people were receptive to new in music and movies and the creation of the new cgi in movies or the breakout of new you products. people felt like let's give it a try and i think that is one of the things that makes it exciting. >> are we on the cusp today of a new revolution in optimism? >> one thing that was interesting is how fast it all turned around in 1980. we start off the series with the miracle on ice and the american hockey team amazingly beating the red army at the winter olympics. and that feeling like hey, this is a new you beginning. this might all just be starting again. reagan gets nearly assassinated and doesn't and comes out with
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jokes and a new sort of attitude. things began moving fast. >> watch it tonight and the next four nights. >> the next two nights. >> well, educated about the '80s. the lost decade in my mind. thank you. a bipartisan gun bill getting pushed back by senators before it makes it to the floor for debate. we will talk to senator joe manchin one of the bill's authors about what his plan does, when we come back. plays a key role throughout our lives. one a day women's 50+ is a complete multivitamin designed for women's health concerns as we age. it has 7 antioxidants to support cell health. one a day 50+. by the armful? by the barrelful? e carful? how the bowlful? campbell's soups give you nutrition, energy, and can help you keep a healthy weight. campbell's. it's amazing what soup can do.
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the compromise between senators joe manchin and pat toomey on gun control legislation scheduled for debate this week in the senate. one of the provisions is the proposal that could make it easier to carry concealed weapons across state lines. senator joe manchin joins us live. good to see you. we asked some of our twitter followers to go ahead and weigh in on this and they were concerned that a senate proposal that calls for background checks on gun buyers could lead to keeping track of your guns. matt tweeted this. he said yes, it could. be could see who has one and confiscate our guns. >> matt, manchin.senate gets gov is the website. not only is it against the law
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today. if the bill passes it makes it a felony if any agent icy or any person works for government tries to use any of the records kept as they are now for a registry and also a 15 year sentence prison sentence. >> it is not just guys like matt who are addressing the concerns. we have senator lee from utah said the same thing on the senate floor this week. >> i think before they saw the language of the bill. i heard my friend marco rubio. we are are right across from each other and come in the same class, we are all friends. and we know, i just said please take time and read it. pat toomey and i sat done and went through this. tom coburn has worked with me for months. we talked to gun organizations and tried to get their inputs. we looked at everybody. but the bottom line is we didn't want to leave loopholes in the gun shows or internet sales. this is a criminal and mental background check. it does not infringe on your
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right as a family to transfer guns back and forth. your right as neighbor. it protects the reits of veterans which have not been protected. it gives veterans the rights that they should have. and we have a commission on mass violence and i know that marco said today we should be he looking at the violence which he is is current. the culture of violence that we live with today in our society this puts a commission that basically has experts with guns and mental illness and experts with school safety and video violence. thinking hopefully we can change. >> one stop shopping in that sense. >> yes. >> you met with the sandy hook families earlier this week. a compelling picture. we had video of it earlier. they brought tears to your eyes. what was going through your mind at that moment and how did it change your views if at all on the second amendment. >> you have to put in context if you can only imagine as a father or grandfather or family member losing a baby in such a who are ref fick way a tragedy such as that.
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these familia families came in. they didn't ask to epeel guns or teak your second amendment rights away. they acknowledge the piece of legislation we are working on which is the background checks for criminal and mental illness would not have saved their children but they said if we can spare another family from the tragedy we have gone through by keeping the guns out offed hands of a criminal or someone mentally deranged our child would not have died in vain. if we have one ounce of the courage that the families and the reasonability, sensibility if you will, common sense, god what a better place it would be in washington. >> you have had a couple of days now you to take in responses from your constituency. what are you hearing? >> i go home quite a bit as you know. we just had a large gun gathering last night, trying to get the elk population in west virginia, we have good hunting there.
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gun state, gun advocate myself. and last night one of my friends read the bill, read excerpts of the pill an bill ar the first time everyone stopped and just listened. they are breaking down that paranoia that has been out there. you can imagine for are what, the last two or three months that is all you heard they will take this away from you and that away and all of the gun groups are seeing who can outwrite each other. and the bottom lien is when you have a group now, allen got gotglieb with the chairman for the citizens committee said we read the bill and it protects law you abiding gun owners like myself and they are supporting it now, that is huge. >> take a look at what the bill will not do in your words. it will not in any way, shape or form infringe on any one's second amendment rights to keep and bear arms. it will not take away guns. it will not ban any type of firearm. it will not ban or restrict the
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use of any kind of bullet or any size clip or magazine. it will not create a national registry. in fact it explicitly prohibits that. i want to get back to the point because we heard from senator lee and others it is almost impossible for the justice department to track guns like this without creating a registry. >> that is wrong. we don't do it now. basically the law of the land, we have not created a new la here. we are taking the laws we have now and making them uniform. if you go to a gun store today they do a background check and that gun dealer by law you is supposed to keep the record right there. cannot do a registry. if you go to a gun show today and go to a dealer who is a licensed dealer you are going to have the same thing done there with you you also. there will be a background check. about you could go to the next table right beside and do nothing. we are saying any gun that transfers during a gun show, online or in a gun store as we do today will have to have a criminal and mental background
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check. that is not a ridg registry. i will ask my dear friend mike and i will see him tomorrow and go through this step-by-step for him. >> i want to ask one other question. lindsey graham was on one of the talk shows last the weekend and said that given the laws already on the books, thousands of people failed background checks but only a miniscule portion of them, i don't know the number, 1% or so, faced any kind of prosecution for failing background checks. why add new laws on the books when we are not enforcing the current laws? >> he is correct and the nra pointed out and said we support background checks and have supported them before and the federal government did not do its job and they are absolutely, correct. whether it is the republican administration or a democratic administration the d.o.j. did not. this piece of legislation puts money towards grants that get states up and running and puts terrific penalties against them. the burn j.a.g. money will be held from them if they don't do
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what they are supposed to do. there has never been a penalty and incentive as we have now. we will cure that with this bill. >> senator manchin you were on television last year with the famous ad infamous ad some people would say where you took -- >> 2010, yeah. >> where you took aim at the affordable care act with the gun. >> the cap and trade. >> the cap and trade and put a hole through the middle of it. now, you are the cosponsor of this legislation. you you say you are getting positive feedback from the constituents but i can imagine the television ads that opponents will put together. do you think this jeopardizes your being a senator? >> me being a senator was to listen to the facts and look at what we are doing and if we can make society better and protect ehe specially our children and all people in our society. this bill does that. pat toomey and i would not be he on this bill, i can assure you we would not be on this
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bill if you couldn't defend it. the longer it stays out the more people that read it if they will just take time. no matter what gun organization you may belong to which i do as you know or anybody telling you it is only 49-pages. if you explain it people will agree with you. the easiest vote i would make in washington and have a safe seat is to vote know on everything, doug. that is not what i was sent here to do. >> a rare thing to see both parties working together in washington these days. >> we are. >> and you are at the forefront. >> pat toomey and mark kirk and even chuck schumer moved over. everybody is coming together in a reasonable way. >> good to see you. thank you for coming in, senator. >> good to see you. appreciate it. >> if these runners right here are trying to set a personal record they have good incentive. it as race for their lives. stay with us.
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a new poll shows that small business owners are against living large multinational corporations big tax breaks according to the is survey 85% of small business owners surveyed are against tax loopholes being considered by congress. these loopholes would allow big businesses to move income to other countries to avoid paying taxes. most polled also said they
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would like to remove other loopholes for big companies. good grief. the man who was the voice of charlie brown could be facing up to three years in prison for stalking his ex-girlfriend and her plastic surgeon. peter robins plead guilty after threatening to kill his ex-girlfriend if she didn't return his car and his dog named you guess it snoopy. rorobins will face sentencing n may. texas governor you rick perry is encouraging gun manufacturers to move to his state. ptr is threatening to leave, connecticut, because the state passed one of the toughest gun control laws in the country. it bans high capacity ammunitions clips and adds more firearms to the state weapons ban. perry launched a media pitch including this tweet quoting now hey ptr, texas is still wide open for business. come on down. texas isn't alone. states like florida and
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arkansas are also wooing the gun companies. it may look like a scene out of a movie but this weekend the streets of one spanish town were filled with people running from the living dead. you are looking at a zombie 5 k race. the goal it to make it to the finish line with at least one of the three red tags which symbolize lives all while trying to get past zombies or a pool of fake blood. when they were caught by a zombie they had to give up a life. that is it for me here in washington today. "fox news sunday" is coming up next. senator marco rubio joins chris wallace to unveil a bipartisan immigration proposal. i'm doug mcelway. thanks for watching.


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