tv Red Eye FOX News April 19, 2013 12:00am-1:00am PDT
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if they say they have a suspect and he is not connect to the bombing, you don't have an option, other than to go with that. however, you do have other individuals. what is absolutely consistent with the reports that this was related to a robbery is the extent to which these guys are armed. we have confirm from the state police, multiple explosive devices on the scene. you heard the scanner traffic about the hand grenades, people out for a simple armed robbery, don't do that kind of thing. they don't arm themselves that way. usual lie, if there is an armed robbery, it's because they need money. it costs money to get these kind of weapons. we have people armed to the teeth and that's inconsistent with what you would hear about a simple armed robbery, turned carjacking case. >> mike tobin, thank you for all of your reporting. we are going to come back to you. but we want to go to mark mark k
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levine. you spoke with the fbi. >> it's the information he just said. as of 2 minutes ago, the fbi is still saying that preliminary information is that the suspect taken into custody around boston is not one of the bombing suspects. he said the situation is very fluid. facts are hard to come by. they are trying to narrow things down. but as of now, they don't believe the person in custody is one of the bombing suspects. >> did they give imu other information that we have not heard at this point? >> they have not. i think really, it's kind of chaos in terms of information, to try to determine what's going on. obviously, there is a situation on the ground that they are trying to clear the area. they are trying to figure out exactly what's happening. >> all right. mike levine, thank nor information and for confirming what we just let everyone know, as far as the statement from the
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fbi. they are saying that the suspect that was taken into custody after the initial shooting at m.i.t., where an officer was gunned down and killed. he is not one of the bombing suspects from the boston marathon. but again, this is constantly changing and the fbi says, those are the facts right now. tobin, if we could. did you hear what we were talking about as far as the fbi saying that the suspects are not considered one of the bombing suspects? >> yes, it is interesting. in terms of the police presence that we are seeing out here, when we do have an officer who is shot, are you going to get a big response from the police. you will get a multi agency response and the police will come out with heavy arms. we have seen that across the board. we have a very fluid situation out here, and it appears to have multiple hotspots.
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the one thing that is inconsistant is the fact that they are arms to the tee. that is not consistent with a simple robbery. you have a situation that developed on the campus and it turned into a chase. it disrupted the sleep of these nice people in watertown as the situation goes on. and it looks like it could be here for a longtime -- a longtime. the multi agencies have cordoned off a large area. they have brought in the explosive disposal units and it will take a good bit of time. while they still have the reports of one individual at large, they are not going to leave any stone unturned until the last individual is taken in. as you have heard through like levine and the justice department over there, the hard facts are hard to come by. the facts are coming in fast and loose. but right now they say the one suspect is not connected to the bombing.
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others are out there and we are trying to see how it all shakes out. >> we will come back to you in a moment. we will go with bill daley who is a former investigator with the fbi. as are you listening to this and hearing the -- we will be with bill in a few minutes. for now we will go back to you, mike if you are still l. mike if you are still there to talk about some of the statements the fbi is coming out with. and you were saying it just sounds interesting that they are at that point saying the suspects are not connected with the bombing. >> we heard earlier in the evening that it was just associated with a robbery. we largely stood down and kept an eye on it. but it is reasonable in a big city you have a rob brewy and unfortunately you -- a robbery and unfortunately you have an officer lost their life.
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as things progressed and as it became clear these guys were armed to the tee this is the kind of thing that -- or at least you can get the information these guys were armed to the tee and it was the thing that we want. >> mike, we are going to get back in a moment and we had interference there. we will go to andrea napolitano now. listening to this and hearing the conflicting reports coming in, even though we got a report from the fbi saying the suspects are not related to the marathon bombing, what do you make of all of this, judge? >> initially we were prepared to conclude because it looked this way, marianne, that one of the guys they arrested looked like one of the guys from the bosto marathon bombing, but now it seems that is not the case. this is an extraordinary amount of fire power for people to be in a low-level
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crime. the amount of fire power in that neighborhood that we are looking at on the screen as we speak is consistant with an organized effort to terrify the public. it is not consistant with a small carjacking or a minor crime in a small town in the middle of the night. we need to noah lot more -- to know a lot more than we know. mike levine's sources are the best, and he probably spoke directly to fbi agents who said this is unrelated and this is another person. this is not one of the two people whose photographs were put out earlier today. i still stand with the theory that once the fbi has concluded that more than one person caused this explosion and these murders and this horrible event at the boston marathon, it is likely that those two people had additional support. it is also likely the additional support was local because of the need to construct the bomb close to the site where it is going to go off.
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they had to uh -- assemble it there. it is not unlikely that police will stumble upon the tip of a con spur see -- conspiracy even though the fbi has said the guy we have is not one of the two we are looking for. he can probably lead them to those two and that we will find out as the hours progress and as they interrogate him and see what information they can get from him. >> so then it could very well be that they simply don't know for sure right now, and they want to make sure they don't tip their hand and that there are other suspects out there that they are able to get them too. >> you are exactly right. the government's main -- this is what you hire a government for. it is at this crisis moment right now. the government's main concern is the safety of the people in that community that we are all looking at at 3:00 in the morning outside boston. so the government want to
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reveal just enough information so that they know where this other heavily armed person is so they can inform police and that person can be separated from the arms they have and no longer present a viable threat to innocent people sleeping in the middle of the night. it is also possible that person can lead them to the two guys whose pictures we saw at 5:00 yesterday afternoon. >> we have been hearing all of these conflicting reports, especially with some of the local news outlets and agencies. but again as we talked about, it could just be that right now it really is unknown. there are a lot of things floating around that may turn out not to be true. so you have to be very careful in a situation like this. what do you think is foremost in the minds of the police officers as they are searching for the suspect?
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i would think they are trying to make sure everyone else stays safe all of the people that live in this neighborhood. >> well, of course. foremost on their minds is they are in mortal danger. this is what they are paid to do. this is what they are hired for. this is what we expect of them, risking their lives to save the public. obviously they want to stay alive, but they want to catch this guy. they don't know if the guy they are trying to catch at this moment at 3:09 in the morning in watertown, massachusetts is one of the two people whom the fbi has identified as a likely suspect in the murders at the boston marathon. who ever he is they want to stop him from killing another ingnaw sent. innocent. we know a cop has been killed. we know they have an extraordinary amount of fire power. this is not what a house burglar carries with them. this is what somebody carries with them ready to take on a
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large amount of police or terrify a large amount of people. they want to find this person less this situation get more out of hand and lest another innocent die. they also want to find this person because this person might lead them to the two guys whose faces we saw yesterday afternoon. >> the fact that all of the officers are gathered here and have been for quite some time, does that tell you the suspect is probably on foot and they are conducting the manhunt in this small area where they are right now? >> yes, it does. in a situation like this, the police will knock on doors and come into your house because they don't know where the suspect is. their first priority in life at this moment is to find this guy. he apparently has enough fire power with him to take out a lot of innocent people. so they will really stop at very, very little in an effort
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to find him. on the other happened, the police don't have to tell -- on the other hand police don't have to tell us the truth. they don't want to dupe the public, but they want to smoke this guy out so if the person they are looking for is watching television now, the police may be saying things to help us find him, scare him, smoke him out. they will use a variety of psychological techniques including the information they give us and we put out on the air. this is an extremely fluid and highly dangerous situation involving innocent people asleep in a suburb in the middle of the night. this is about as difficult as it gets. they don't even have sunlight there. they can't even see where they are going. their goal is to stop him at all costs and to feed us with snippits of information that might either smoke him out or help people in harm's way help police find this guy. >> or keep information from
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the person as far as what they are doing. they want to make sure they can find this person. anything else you can tell us as far as this operation and the challenges they are facing right now? >> the challenges are extraordinary because of the amount of fire power there and the willingness to use the fire power. you know, there is a cop who is dead, who a couple hours ago was alive. a cop was doing his job and he stumbled upon this nest. i am calling it a nest because apparently there is more than one person involved. according to mike levine's superb sources at the fbi, the people involved are not the same people whose photographs we saw yesterday. it is deeply troubling if this is another nest of highly armed people. >> and if that is the case one could wonder how many people might have been involved if
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this does turn out to be somehow connected. >> well, you are right, marianne, and we just don't know that. right now the police are not concerned with patterns. they are concerned with fire power and they are determined to find that other individual if there is just one. and if it leads them to the bombers from the boston marathon , all the good. if it is unrelated and independent of that, and they still catch this guy, all the good. you have a neighborhood terrified and a massive amount of government fire power descending on this thaib in the middle of the night -- on this neighborhood in the middle night to keep this neighborhood safe and free, free from a monster with enough ammunition to kill innocents. the police are in the most dangerous of situations imaginable. they don't know what they are confronting. they know they are confronting a human being armed to the tee
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ready, willing and able and apparently with a history of killing police in the middle of the night to keep them from getting him. he doesn't care who he kills and that's why the police have to stop him at all costs as soon as they can. >> and that is definitely what we have been talking about this whole time, the fact that they do have to make sure that they protect themselves and protect the public and they don't -- they just don't know where this person could be. there is a lot of fire power from where we were earlier. they had a whole list of things like ied's dynamite, hand grenades. it sounds like they are really facing a dangerous situation right now. they need a lot of cooperation and patience from the people that live in that area to deal with this. >> well, they do. now remember, they are using tactile military-style techniques. they probably have divided the town into segments. somebody is with a map in a
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police station, and they are methodically sending heavily armed police officers who know the area to each of those segments. they are not willy nilly walking randomly through the streets. they will do this in a ma nod cal -- methodical way. what direction was he going? what kind of equipment does he have? is he on foot? does he have confederates? the more information they can synthesize whether from the terrified public or their colleagues in-law enforcement, the easier it will be to eventually put a noose so to speak in the area where he might be and tighten the noose until they can find him and isolate him. they are very, very adept at pinpointing locations. he probably has a cell phone with him, and the cell phone is probably sining -- sending signals to the tower.
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there are high-tech tech fecks that the police will use to try and isolate him. they have the added pressure of time. they have to stop him before he kills somebody else. >> and right now they are in the dark. right now they will keep searching through the night and especially if they haven't found anything by daylight hopefully the daylight will further help their investigation. thank you so much for your insight. we are going to go back now to griff jenkins who is on scene in watertown. what can you tell us about what is happening at this time? >> it remains an active and dangerous crime scene. residents still told here in watertown of a five or six or more block radius to stay in their homes. there is a suspect out there, and he is dak russ. he is dangerous and he is armed. we do not know -- the most important disclaimer is we do not know these suspects --
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there is one we captured being held at bay and presumably in custody and one on the loose. that's why there is an active and dangerous crime scene. we don't know in anyway if they are tied to the marathon bombing on monday. we know at 10:40 i have a p.m. the mit system wide alert for faculty and students said active shooter. we know an mit officer was shot. we know shad leahy has now -- sadly that he has died. we heard there was a robbery at a gas station between where i am five miles from mit and here in watertown. i gave pursuit behind some police cars and saw the active scene at the gas station. there was a carjacking of some sort of robbery there. i gave chase to at least 30 or 40 police cars going in every direction going down the road i am on which is mount auburn. i heard outside two gunshots.
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i pulled my car over as were many of the officers and they went into full battle mode. they drew guns and went down a street and looking side to side and door-to-door with very serious caution. we tried to film what we could in keeping distance and staying out of the way of the active investigation. we came back after they found nothing over the few minutes there and they were regrouping. we were trying to gleam some information on what was going on and whether this suspect was related to the crime scene at mit and the gas station and they were not talking to us. and then the first suspect appeared from behind us up on a hill about 10 feet away from the intersection we were in and he gave no resistance. he was down on his hands. the police were treating it with very serious precaution. earlier before i arrived there were at least one or two explosions and multiple gunshots heard to multiple residents i talked to here in this tight neighborhood where they were rowed out of their sleep to see what is going
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on. what you are seeing now is is the back end of a perimeter of a crime scene that goes at least tour blocks down there. four blocks down there. we know they are looking for a suspect. they know that they will use explosives. they know that they will fire. as we heard mark ferman, a police officer himself before, whether this was a larger scene or mit scene or robbery these guys are playing for keeps and they are not afraid to shoot. if you are in this neighborhood and you are watching this at this hour, stay in your home. do not come out. the police are worried about your safety, and you do not want to be caught in the cross fire. there was a report earlier from one of the residents that i have been talking to throughout the night said he witnessed one resident being caught in the cross fire walking down the street and smoking a cigarette and talking on the cell phone and the gunfire started. he just started running. we have an active crime scene and in no way do we know if this is tied to the marathon
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bombing. we think that it could be part of the mit shooting earlier only because many of the police from that scene i witnessed came and went here which is why i ended up here tonight. >> you though, griff we were just talking to napolitano about them going door-to-door to search for the suspect still at large. have you seen any activity to that affect? >> i have. the activity is not as sporadic as when i first got on the scene. the activity where we have been pushed back we are not going see it. it is farther in beyond where our cameras are, but they were going door-to-door. one thing that is very important that i should point out is there is a multi law enforcement activity going on here. i have seen the police commissioner enter this crime scene and seen the fbi come out of the crime scene and arm themselves with bulletproof vests and they are working
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door-to-door. as we caught on our cameras they are looking for anything and everything and they are pursuing the earlier gunshots. the last explosion i heard occurred probably closer to an hour and a half to two hours ago. we believe that may have been an intentional detonation. we saw the eod, the explosives division of the boston police department, go in there. but there could be an active explosive and an armed suspect on the loose at this hour in the neighborhood behind me in east watertown on the perimeter of cambridge and across the river from where the boston marathon bombing took place on monday. we see now -- i don't know if you can see this, but we are at the entrance where the law enforcement officers continue to come and go through the tape here behind me. it has not been quite as heavy of a presence coming as it was two hours ago, but they are telling us that it is highly
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dangerous, and we are going to stay outside of this perimeter while they work this crime scene. >> griff, excellent reporting tonight and stay safe. we will come back to you in a little while. right now we want to go back to our fox affiliate in boston, wfxt to some of their coverage. right now it appears that they are watching an officer searching a home. let's listen in. >> let's go back over to mike. mike? >> so much information still coming in, but we do know that in fact the unit hunt is on for -- the hunt is on for suspect number two i am being told by one of my sources, suspect number two is being hunted by the authorities at this hour, 3:22 in the morning. we have seen so much activity. it was almost 12 hours ago and i am a little fuzzy on the math because i have been up for quite awhile, but what was it, 5:15 on thursday when we had the fbi releasing a number
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of photos of both suspect number one and suspect number two and then we just had this string of police activity starting around 11:00 last night with some activity in cambridge at mit where sadly an mit police officer was shot dead, and then suddenly this activity moving over into watertown where we see this video coming in where an active search continues. we are being told the search is continuing for suspect number two. this is a guy you have seen a lot of pictures of in the last few hours. there is the latest picture we received from the fbi in the last hour. suspect number two, the one on the left, that is the person we are being told is still being hunted. the hunt for him is happening in the watertown area. >> it would appear it is happening on foot as well given they continue to concentrate in one area with officers on foot. >> a lot of activity out there.
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you can just imagine as you mentioned you have night fall.s good that they are warning people to stay inside, they don't have to deal with that so much, but on the other hand, night fall gives anyone on the run a potential hiding spot. and there are issues with getting the helicopters up in the air because of the weather out there. clearly a huge show of force. let's not forget the attention focused on this investigation and how many officers federal, state and local are in the boston area delving into this situation. they definitely have the man power, but still there is a lot of places for someone to hide and we are being told that second suspect, suspect number two is in fact on the loose at this hour. >> and from speaking with people who live there we know that police are searching people's yards, searching open doors, basements. somebody has a door left open
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behind sheds. they think the suspect is on foot rather than on vehicle. would you agree with that? >> it would seem that way. i think that seems to be the case. you can see all of the armed officers looking officer and looking everywhere for this guy. this video was shot a little bit ago, but this is what we are being told is continuing out there by our sources, but also our crews out on the field that are witnessing this continuing to happen all in that area. >> also i was speaking with bob ward last night about how likely it is -- what the normal time frame from when police released pictures how long it takes to identify who is in the pictures. he was talking about one of his cases where on a saturday they released the picture and by tuesday they made the arrest. so it is not uncommon in some of these cases where after police released those photos they are flooded with very valid tips. i know they have to sort through the ones that are bad
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information and good information, but it is not unusual for these cases to be solved within days and even hours after a photo is released. >> and we are still trying to figure out exactly what went down here. but another possibility i was being told by a retired fbi agent is that when the authorities put out these pictures, yes, they want to get an id on the suspect, but they also want to find the suspect. another aspect of it is the idea that they want to put some pressure on the suspect, squeeze them so to speak. maybe they will make a wrong move and get nervous and try to get out of the area. is that what happened here? it is unclear at this point, but obviously within hours of these photos being released we are seeing a significant amount of police activity. >> thank you look at the streets and happen to be in watertown and open up your
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window and see an armored personnel carrier come by your house, s.w.a.t team, bomb squad, police vehicles, numerous police vehicles. you can see the lights. >> armed police. police with their guns drawn. actually this is new video that we are just getting in right now. ambulances are going down your street. being woken up to the sound of things beak detonated. being detonated. one of the people i spoke to said it sounded like a circus and another person said it sounded like a war zone because the gunfire was so rapid. it is not as rapid as machine guns, but definitely an interchange. we want to bring in katherine who is live on mount auburn street, i believe, where the media has been pushed back all night. katherine, has you been able to get a better vantage point? it looks like you have moved up a little bit. >> no we are in the same spot. we just came on to the scene a half hour ago. we were following this very,
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very closely, but our crew has been here all night, and it has been such an active scene. you can see what is going on behind me. you can see members of the national guard and a police officer here standing in the street. beyond that you can see a lot of flashing lights. a huge police presence in watertown right now. it looks like we have seen police cruisers from north redding and boston. a huge police presence, can't talk about that enough. you just heard from that resident, larry, and he was depicting what he has experienced so far. he said he lives a little ways down the street on mount auburn or off mount you -- mount auburn. he was sitting there and heard many, many gunshots and explosions. then he heard sirens screaming by. at first he didn't think much of it, but when he heard the gunshots and explosions he knew something was wrong and came out to get a better look. he can go home anytime he
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likes, but some residents have been taken from their homes or moved out of their home as they try to find a suspect. there are two suspects in this. we want to start at the beginning. it started at mit10 minutes of 11 last night. at that time the mit officer who was shot died from the wounds. our crew was there around 12:30. our crew said they observed -- all of the police crews took off toward this direction of watertown. that's where things are right now. it has been really progressing. this is where the active scene is at this point in time. suspect one has been apprehended. perhaps taken to a local hospital. suspect two they are still looking for him. he is on the loose and they gave us a little description. a man in a gray hoodie with curly hair they were looking for. they did say along with that description that this man is armed and extremely dangerous. he could be having a explosives with him. we mentioned there were two explosions that happened in watertown. at this point it is a
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developing story and still very much an active scene here. what we want you to know is they are searching some of the neighborhoods spruce street, hazel street. according to our crew there was a specific interest to number 14 hazel street. and at this point they are trying to find the suspect they describe as armed and dangerous. we want to let you know that there was a carjacking at some point in time after the mit shooting and before the police activity here, a mercedes suv. we are getting pieces of information and it has been this way all night. so many reports out there and rumors. we are working to confirm them all. one thing is for sure, police say if you encounter somebody you believe to be involved, do not try to apprehend them yourself. call 9-1-1. they are considered armed and dangerous. looking at the scene, you can just see what is going on. you can see cruisers down that way. you can see the police presence here as well. there is a lot of that going on. a lot of people are in this
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area milling around and taking it all in. we talked to a high school student who is 18 years old and he had heard the gunshots and explosions as well. he came down and didn't even put shoes on. then this crime scene developed and they pushed him further and further back. he is one person who can't get into his home now. you can see cars speeding down that way. once again we are keeping an eye on all of this tonight. we will be keeping you updated as we get more information. for now, live from watertown fox 25 news. >> katherine, thank you very much. just to update you what is going on with fox 25. we are now taking over the broadcast and it has been a wild and chaotic night in boston in cambridge and in watertown as you have been hearing. police are still cordoning off the neighborhood in watertown which is a thickly settled area. a lot of homes on top of each other and next to each other and making for a dangerous situation. police are calling folks there and alerting them to stay in
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their homes. we have been hearing they went house to house searching for the remaining suspect. let's make sure we get everyone updated. there has been a lot of information that was posted on twitter and in various places. a lot of it is unsubstantiated and unconfirmed. we want to get the information right for you. they are on the scene and this has been a wild night. it started before 11:00 with the shooting on the campus of mit where an mit police officer was shot and killed. we have not confirmed whether any of it is related. that lead to a carjacking and police chase taking place on memorial drive. that vehicle then followed into watertown as you just heard katherine explain. there were multiple explosions and shots fired. police believe and the boston globe has been reporting that these are the suspects related to the boston marathon bombing. >> the new and very important information overnight if you are just tuning in at this point is they believe one
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suspect in the bombing has been captured and they are on the lookout for the other. sources are telling us that is second suspect in this. this chaotic scene is still at this point is unfolding in watertown. the area is blocked off and witnesses have been telling our reporters on the scene they woke up to hear rapid gunshots. they got down on the floor and peeked out the window. some are even saying thisy saw a man lying down -- they saw a man lying face down on the ground and they heard police officers yell fire in the hole and heard two explosions. all of this is unfolding and we are here for the duration to try to establish the connection as we continue this investigation into the boston marathon. >> mike doing tremendous work and is working his sources and trying to confirm this information. let's join mike and get the latest from him. >> yes, we have been working this for quite a few hours, and you can see that scene still unfolding out there as the search continues for who we are being told is suspect number two.
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now, you'll recall not too many hours ago the fbi coming out, releasing video, releasing pictures related to the marathon bombing of suspect number one and suspect number two. right here what you are looking at is new overnight pictures released within the last hour or so. that is suspect number two on the left. that is the guy we are told that is still on the run tonight. the guy on the right is suspect number one. he is the one believed to be in custody. a pretty fluid scene in the watertown area. we are hearing a lot of streets from our crews and from our sources where this investigation is moving as the police continue to try to track down who we believe is suspect number two. neighbors are told to stay inside. obviously at this hour not a lot of people up. they have that on their side, but you are also dealing with night fall and more places for somebody to hideout.
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that search is continuing and worth pointing out that yesterday when we heard from the fbi special agent in charge he made it pretty clear that, yes, they want information from the public. but these people, these two suspects that they identified are in fact considered armed and dangerous. >> in terms of the connection with mit, is it connected at all with this situation? >> we don't at this point. we are getting some conflicting reports. we are hearing from the fbi that they are looking into this situation. we don't have a direct connection yet. if we just look at the timing the timing is questionable here. >> as it unfolds it begins at 11:00 and then the fact that some witnesses are saying they saw everybody speed off in the direction of watertown it is a matter of what is happening on that scene particularly. i guess the search right now is concentrate i had -- concentrated in that area.
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have they expanded it at all? >> it seems to be in the watertown area at this point, but we heard a number of streets where they were going door-to-door at one point and then we heard they were in the arsonal mall area. there are a number of streets they are looking at as they attempt to track this guy down. >> and the fact that the fbi has now released a picture. we had to wait for the high quality, high resolution photograph that they released that was huge news and the tips were pouring in. now we have this other image that also helps. this came to us new overnight. before it was a profile and then we had our picture here at fox 25. we had our exclusive photo that linked everything together, the suspect and the victims and the device altogether. you can see the back poke at the bottom of the screen circled and you can see the second suspect facing to the left in the white hat. now we have all of these pictures coming together.
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the timing is interesting. you know this guy has to be on the run and they need the public's help if they are releasing a new photo in the middle of the night. >> it is definitely interesting. you know we talk about coincidences. are there coincidences, but while it is unfolding we get another photo. are they putting it out there because they want people to get a clearer picture. that new picture is certainly, early is the clearest picture we have seen of both suspect number one and suspect number two. there you are looking at it right there. suspect number two on the left , the guy believed to be still on the run. we really can see his facial features and that is the clearest. the video released yesterday by all accounts was very good, and the pictures were very good. but this is really good. if you know who it is and even if you don't mow who it is if you see him you will know him. >> a way to find out when
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these pictures were released at about 5:15, 5:30 yesterday how quickly did the fbi get tips on these guys? were they tipped to where they were which lead to this chase? did these guys do something to tip police off? there is a lot of information. it is going to be very interesting to see how this all came together and how it all played out that police were tipped as to where these guys were. if the mit situation is related to this and we don't know that yet how it came together and how it played out. it it has been a remarkable night -- it has been a remarkable five days since this all started and come together in rapid fashion when you consider the crime scene and how many people were there and what police had to sift through, all of that evidence and all of the video and all of the photos provided, it has been a remarkable bit of police work up to this point they can get it done and deal with the stuff they have been dealing with in a short amount of time.
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>> it really is. when you think about police work and an operation and an investigation that is massive, but very deliberate. they do things for a reason. on wednesday we were clamoring in the media for our press briefing and then there were these false reports that somebody was arrested and it was untrue and there was a desire for information, the authorities are plotting along and doing their work and covering all of their bases. and then yesterday when they released these images of the suspect they are doing it for a reason. again we can speculate about this, but did they already have an idea who they were working for? i talked with a retired fbi agent about putting the photos out there. yes, we need the public's help, where are these guys and who are these guys ? but it is to put the squeeze on them. to make them feel nervous. the fact that, okay, maybe they thought they would have a week or two before somebody would figure out who they were.
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suddenly their image is out there. this image right now, this is an image a fox 25 viewer has sent to us. we put this out yesterday afternoon as well. what is interesting about this one, this is suspect number two, the one still on the run, but you can see right down there where in fact the backpack is. the bottom circled is the backpack. and this photo, it certainly is a sad photo to look at. we are caught up in the chase for the suspects, but we have to think about the victims, the three people killed and the nearly 200 people with injuries and some of them losing limbs and some very serious injuries. that photo there actually showing these victims just moments before that blast happened. >> something new to throw in the mix is it is an mbta officer that was wounded and at a hospital right now. again, we are not sure of that
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connection and how that played into the story because you all of this has yet to be pieced together. that is another part of the equation. the t confirming that an mbt officer was wounded and is now at the hospital. the violence and the shooting just continues. more victims in this whole thing. again trying to piece together what happened and who is responsible will take work. we are working on that. >> and while they are doing it they want everyone in the watertown area to be taking every precaution. there were reverse 9-1-1 calls telling everybody to stay inside and they are reiterating that point. stay inside and even if you have a knock on the door don't just open it. katherine is out there getting a sense of the chaos and whether it has been calmed down since the initial shots were fired and explosions were hurt. we want to check in with her.
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>> yes, we are here and police are asking people to stay indoors unless you are like this gentleman who was caught in the middle of it. you are john and have lived in watertown for 40 years. how did it unfold? >> i was sitting at home a quarter of 1:00 and i was just checking the news on the computer and i heard it is uncommon for this area at this time of night. then i heard a second explosion and then a third explosion. i saw the police officers and i got in my car and drove down the road and saw state police, boston police and i took a turn to go home just to get out of the way and i got right in the middle of it. the state police and boston police were concentrated on spruce street. they were checking in the vehicles and on top of trucks and in backyards and so i had to leave my car there and wait down there for half an hour and they finally got me out of there.
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i decided to come back after i was on the news. i don't know if it is connected. i might say the marathon or both. i don't know. >> what else did you see while you were there? you said police activity. any other areas they were focused or anything they were doing that caught your eye? >> it just seems like they were focused. foe qused on -- focused on spool and spruce. it looks like they are moving this way now. that is more heading toward cambridge. i know the area pretty well, but i have nod idea. i don't think anybody does. >> how common is it to see boston in watertown involved? >> you may see state police or transit police. most of the police i saw when i initially came were boston and state police. they were all over the place. probably a hundred officers on
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the street. i knew it was something. >> are you able to go home? >> i think i am ready to. >> what do you make of all of this? do you feel unsafe at this point in time? >> i don't feel unsafe at all. i just hope that they get those responsible. the mit police officer is is dead and there was a carjacking. you probably know that. and somebody said they were throwing things out windows and they had one fellow naked laying on the street somewhere. i think that was cambridge. quite a night for the local community. >> so your family, are they staying indoors at this point in time. >> my wife is at home. i woke her up and said there is stuff going on. time will tell. it seems like it is winding
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down, and then it seems like it is picking up again. >> thank you so much. i know you have had a long night. i appreciate you talking with us. that was john grimes. you heard from him. he was been living here in watertown for 40 years. doesn't live far away at all. he heard what he described as three explosions and decided to leave and take a look around and he was stuck in the middle of it surrounded by police officers and had to wait in the spot he was for a good half hour or so. finally he was able to get out of it. as you saw he came down here and wanted to get a better look at what was going on. police at this hour are not advising that. stay indoors because they stress that the second suspect they are looking for is armed and extremely dangerous. they say he could be armed with explosives. keep that in mind. we want to give you the run down. it started at mit about 10 minutes of 11. our crew was there. that's when the mit police officer was shot and killed. our crew told us around 12:30
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all of the police officers in the cruisers at mit they just took off and they took off here. this is where they all are at this poit. we have seen some of the crews that are involved with that including bill rikka i have personally seen them from north redding and there are crews from boston. you can see a police officer standing right here, a member of the national guard. it is very, very unusual to see something like this. it is not at all usual you see somebody walking down the street here in army fatigues. you can see all of this is roped off and our crew said when they got to the scene they were pushed 40 and further back. you can see the police officers are not taking any chances. there goes another unmarked car leaving the scene at this point in time. not showing any sign of winding down unless they get this second suspect. they put out a description as somebody with a gray hoodie and curly dark hair.
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there have been a lot of unconfirmed reports we are working to connish if. we checked in with the fbi and they said they are looking into this as well. they wouldn't released anymore information aside from that. still waiting to see if there is any link between this and perhaps anything else going on. those are all things we are working to confirm at this hour. for now 2003 are here in watertown keeping a close look at the scene and will be for the rest of the morning keeping you up-to-date with what is happening. another police vehicle entering scene. let's see what this says. everett police. there you go. crews from all over coming to the scene. this is a big, big deal, something they are taking seriously. once again, we will keep you updated and give you minute by minute information. live in watertown, fox 25 news. >> and want to add to that as well, katherine, state police are tweeting as you pointed out residents in watertown are asked to please stay indoors and don't answer unless it is an identified police officer. if you have a concern about someone call 9-1-1ed
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immediately. don't answer the door and stay away from windows and keep the doors locked. that's for residents in watertown in that area where they are currently searching for what we believe is suspect number two as he has been identified. >> you want to be careful and don't open the door to thin you don't know. if you live in the area and are watching there are police going door-to-door and searching house by house. you might have a knock on your door and then just go -- >> if you are worried call 9-1-1. right now we are checking in with brett conley for the latest information that he has been able to ascertain for us. brett? >> we are at beth israel hospital and there is a strong police presence. you are just looking at a couple of the police cruisers surrounding this building right now. this is on the west campus. this is the west clinical center at beth israel where police and law enforcement are
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surrounding the building. the building takes up about a block so the block is entirely covered right now. this is the heart of long wood medical center near brooke line and jimmy fund way. it is across from the dana farber cancer institute. we have seen additional police presence. they are not letting any cars go down the path. they have done so since we got out there an hour ago. obviously we have been hearing so much about the violent activity that has taken place in cambridge and in watertown and with the boston globe reporting one suspect is in police custody and that one suspect has been shot. we don't know if that suspect was brought here. obviously as you can see there is a heightened sense of security around this entire building right now. this is clearly an area that is is getting more traffic as the work morning will start to
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begin here for people that are coming in. obviously right now it is quiet, but completely blocked off with the local law enforcement presence that is here right now. again we have seen additional police cruisers drive by on the road. no confirmation from local law enforcement or hospital officials right now for the reasoning, but clearly as you can tell there is a strong presence out here and we are working to get a little more additional details for you. >> brett, thank you. right now we want to get back out to the situation unfolding in watertown. all of the witnesses reported hearing explosions and gunfire and then once police got to the scene they were taking steps that they detonated any extra explosives. >> we have incredible video we want to share with you right now he was able to get for us from the scene in watertown. >> you heard the bomb go off.
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it was exploded by the officials on the scene. and then you can see they have one of those robots going in there and taking a look at the remanence of the situation. members of the bomb squad went in to pick up what was there and try to take that as evidence and find out what they were dealing with. a very frightening situation, a dangerous situation in watertown this morning. it continues as this hour as they continue to look for suspects that are related -- they are related to the marathon bombings. as you can see police are shifting through the remanence of what they exploded there. suspect number one is in custody and suspect number two which is in the white hat is still on the loose at this time and police are trying to find him which is what we believe they are searching for now through the neighborhoods and we talk about it in watertown. mike, have you been working your sources on this. what is your latest information? >> the latest information i am getting in here now is that
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suspect number one at beth israel hospital has in fact been killed. suspect number one is in fact dead at beth israel hospital where brett conley is. that's the latest information i am getting. suspect number one dead. the search continues for suspect nuss two. suspect number two. >> the presence at beth israel brett was describing now you are getting confirmation that suspect number one was in fact taken there. >> we can get the photos up so we can show what we are talking about. suspect number one is identified with the dark hat, correct? >> that's correct. suspect number two has the white hat and that is the guy authorities continue to look for and continue to warn the public to be concerned about. that's the new picture we received overnight from the fbi. suspect number two on the left is on the run and i can confirm that suspect number one on the right is dead at beth israel hospital. >> and there is probably no
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information as to exactly where this unfolded? we had so much happen in so many places in a short amount of time. the shooting at mit, an officer there shot and killed. and then a carjacking on memorial drive and all of the activity centering in watertown. do you have any information about where this happened? >> unclear at this point. i am not sure where he died. >> fox news alert now and it is 10 minutes before 4:00 in the morning on the continuing coverage of the events throughout the city of boston. our location here right along boylston street a few blocks away from the bombing on monday afternoon near copley square, but all of the activity for the past four hours is 10 miles west of here in the town of watertown, massachusetts near the campus of mit. one of the most prestigious if not the most prestigious engineering university in the world. as it plays out tonight there is a lot of meks of
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information that we are trying to nail down. suffice to say 11:00 local time an incident occurred there where a campus police officer was shot and now we believe that man has died at a local hospital. what followed was a flurry of activity on behalf of police and the fbi, s.w.a.t teams from around the area all converging on the scene of the campus at mit. we don't know how this is resolving, but there are various reports about two people wanted after a shootout and a shootout with massive amounts of gunfire that was exchanged back and forth and some video crews near the scene captured that on camera. in a moment you will hear a bit more of that. what we are trying to ascertain is what started this and who is involved and what is the connection if any. boston police department moments ago in a statement,
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community alert residents of watertown asked to stay indoors. do not answer your door unless inspucted by a -- instructed by a police officer. is there a connection to the marathon bombings? fox 26 boston here in the commonwealth of massachusetts moments ago is reporting that suspect number one is dead at a local hospital. suspect number two is not accounted for. whoa have not gotten independent verification of that. the press conference that went down about 5:00 local time, it was 11 hours ago now in boston y released videos and pictures of the suspects for the first time. it was after a 48-hour quarantine of information on behalf of the fbi they used extensive discipline to keep a lid on this investigation as it relates to the bombings and
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perhaps that lid has lead them to their first major clue to crack this case. at 5:00 today they said a single person of interest was identified on the video and the photos of the crime scene. they were tracing and tracking to find out whether or not that suspect was working in concert with one or more than one other person. they came out with the news, a suspect number one in a dark hat and suspect number two with a white hat. suspect number two was seen dropping the bomb at the forum restaurant. that is 755 boylston street. then another image was put out and you can see an image of both men, suspect number two screen left and suspect number one screen right. their faces were shown in the latest image put out and we will share that with you in a moment as well. the other photos flying out throughout the week on the internet and various newspapers, we are told they
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were not credible. and then there was a plee on behalf of the fbi that if you know these people maybe they are family members or friends. it may be difficult for you, but please come forward. if this turns out to be a connection between the boston marathon bombings that someone indeed in the boston community has come forward to identify these suspects. the image you have is watertown, massachusetts. as i mentioned it is 10 miles away and there was a lot of activity over the past several hours. mike tobin is working that scene. they indicate that the amount of activity has subsided to what it was several hours ago. i must tell you when you hear the videotape you will see that this was a shootout in the streets of watertown, massachusetts. i just want to remind you of what the fbi agent in charge said earlier tonight. each piece of evidence moves us forward to justice.
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do they now have the best piece of evidence? yes. judge napolitano is with me and he is in washington, d.c. now. judge, we are trying to find a connection if there is one. there is a lot of action tiff tee there in watertown, massachusetts. before i let you speak there, judge, there is a briefing on behalf of local police. when that gets underway on behalf of the watertown police department we will bring it to you. judge, what have you observed over the last few hours? >> i will be anxious to hear that briefing. what i have observed and what those of us have watched this on the fox newschannel observed is a massive amount of fire power and an extraordinary amount of fire power in the hands of these people willing to yet again random and innocent persons in order to further their evil designs or escape the clutches of the police. i also observed a massive
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police almost military-like operation. trough stey jibingly and almost brilliantly portrayed to flush these guys out of this innocent middle class neighborhood in the middle of the night. this is what you hire a government for and what you expect the government to do, self-leslie and diligently to go through a neighborhood and find someone, a reckless, murderous individual ready to strike yet again under the cover of darkness. they don't know the person's name. they have an idea what he looks like and who he is looking for. they don't know what kind of weapons he has. they know he is willing to kill at least one of them pause he has done so already. this is one of the most highly dangerous, fluid situations they will ever confront in their careers and they are doing so methodically. thus far have succeeded in keeping the public safe.
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