tv The Five FOX News April 23, 2013 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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go to and vote and talk about everything on the show tonight. good night from washington. >> eric: hello, everybody. i'm eric bolling along with andrea tantaros. greg gutfeld in new york city. and this is the five. >> internet devised attack, that's how sources close to the investigation of dzhokhar tsarnaev are saying the boston terrorists built their weapons of mass destruction. yesterday, i showed you a copy of this al qaeda-based online magazine called "inspire" turns out exactly where the brothers were learning, reading and radicalizing. tamerlan was active on jihadist web sits and the brothers were followers of anwar al awlaki commonly known as the bin laden of the internet. after we drilled al awlaki with the drone in 2011.
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the bombers moved their allegiance to another radical imman named phi i can't see mohammed thop his head off. these guys are radical islamist. trained on the internet. temple can be several and accessible. time to spop with the pc crap and get tough on terror. andrea work around the table. pretty easy when you realize they may have had training as well. but a lot of the stuff that they did can be found in some of these online web sites. >> well, when you think about radical islam, it's not a new concept. i know a lot of people think in recent decades we have heard a lot about it. you go back to the days of thomas jefferson. the muslims were killing our ship captains,
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jefferson had to hear from the french what was happening. that's how he learned about the threat of radical islam. this has been going on for hundreds of years, of course, you will never hear about it in our schools or universities because of the political correctness you talk about. what's interesting though is it's actually a change from what they're used to doing. instead of hitting government institutions or organized cells that we saw a decade ago where they rereally were calculated and organized. the internet allowed them to reach grass roots levels. they have actually changed the way that they are doing things. it's become more dangerous because they are not part of or may not be part of a vast cell. they can be radicalized on their own. it doesn't mean that it's the different threat. it's the same threat. they are just using different ways to kill us. eric eric rosht? >> i was around during that jefferson period and i know that's the kind of thing that they did. let me say this about the access that muslims have in afterountry whether
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here on student visa. radical. for those who come here, they have grown up with generally clerics who are radicalized don't like the united states. their parents don't like the united states. when they're told they are told not to like the united states. are we surprised when they get here that you are going to find some of them are going to take their arrange out on the united -- anger outn the united states? i don't think so. >> you will not believe what this says. online web site. we just printed a copy of it. if you are looking to do the work of allah. if you are sincere in your intention to serve the religion of alla. all you have to do is enter your kitchen and make explosive device to damage the interest enemy if you trust in allah and use the guys popular. in one or two days the bomb can be ready to kill at least 10 people. in month you may make a bigger and more lethal bomb that could tens of people. this is shear evil. dana your thoughts on the
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radicalization of these kids? >> the loser number one what he thought was wealth and fame. that is not typical jihadist. and the suicide bombers don't necessarily want fame. they want, you know, fame to 72 virgins or whatever you get. i think we need to fight fire with fire. so "inspire" magazine. we need to have the equivalent maybe call it expire magazine. explain to them this is what is going to happen to you and be very clear from a communications standpoint to fight them where they are fighting. right now you have a lot of people sitting around scratching their heads going gosh, what made them hate us so much? could it possibly be islam. this guy wanted wealth and fame. it is to me class warfare on a global level. where you have the -- you take somebody that's hopeless, that doesn't feel like they fit in and tell them that they think they are better than you, and you could praise alibi
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killing them. and then for somehow the evilness gets warped. in most people don't ever get to that point. but we need to be able to -- we need to put our resources into fighting them on that level. that one of our tools has to be media not just -- >> i'm trying to figure out how it stayed online as long as it did. go ahead, greg. >> i don't understand the shock and surprise over. this we knew this all along three different things going on right now. what you would call muslim supremacy which is bigotry. the miranda issue. you have got the fbi. dropping the ball. there is one thread that runs through all of this. that's the subshush yans to political correctness. it's a paralysis by a terrorism of thought. it's a tyranny against common sense. and it goes back to what i call islamophobia phobia. when you are told if you see something, say something, islamophobia is the opposite. if you see something, say nothing. because you might lose your job. that's what informs what's
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been going on with the fbi and lures in people. they are scared to say anything. let me finish. i think this could really help the progressive left if they stop thinking of these guys as terrorists and started thinking of them as something far worse. bigots. they are muslim supremacists. if you think the kkk is evil. amanda palmer, the singer, if you think that is evil. the muslim supremacists are evil. maybe you should write a song about the kkk. one last point. we hear about these things about the old brother being the ringleader, mom thinking he was framed. he is only 19. i don't care. could you imagine anybody doing those same arguments if adam lanza were alive. could you imagine people defending adam lanza? why are they defending him and not adam lanza? >> to your point, greg, it's a natural fit as well. you think how two gay men would be treated in the streets of are a mullah. this is something republicans and democrats should be united on. chechna, not exact lay western european country.
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it's been radiculopathyized. the chechens believe in shia law. they support honor killings. you know what? another thing. this radical sheik on college universities did a red flag not tryingner anybody's brain with a license plate terrorista. global elitism. all religions are the same, the bible is the same as the koran. which it is not, and our own fbi stripped the word radical jihad from our own manuals and we wonder why. >> you cannot put this back on universities in america and all the rest. the fbi. >> you sure can. it's one piece. >> the fbi did not act the way they did because of political correctness. they acted the way they did because they were incompetent. >> why was the fort hood shooter allowed to do what did. he sat in front of a group of army physicians and told them exactly how he would kill. the army doctors said thank you for your testimony and they let him walk out the door. >> then that's their problem. >> that was their problem? why was it there problem. >> they didn't say anything. >> why didn't they say
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anything. >> political correctness. >> all those liberals. >> you are the guy that says you don't want muslim students to come here where are they going? to the universities. >> you are jumping my story. >> can we take it to the next level? i want to talk about miranda. suspect number 2. they read dzhokhar his miranda rights last night apparently bedside. while we talk about this will you pull up the picture of joe -- dzhokhar and the young boy who was killed. isn't this one of the most evil pictures you have seen. that boy is minutes away from being blown up by the bomb. the bomb placed at the feet of him. should she have read his miranda rights dick dick i still can't get over he is doing my segway. >> people coming into certain universities. that's true there is a hesitancy to jump on muslims as there is to jump on blacks. i mean, it's something that my side has condition the
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people to be very careful about that when i said something yesterday about student visas get into later in the show. i get jumped on my side. >> miranda bad idea or not. plenty of time to do it but they decided to do it last night. i'm assuming an correct me if i am wrong, you may know, this the department of justice pushed them to do that now. >> i would imagine. i give deference to the government on this because they have figured out a way -- he is never going to walk free again, ever. so they must have felt that they had enough evidence to be able to convict him and probably go for the death penalty. >> what about it? don't you want to infair gait this guy? >> yeah. i don't understand the point. i don't think there is -- you know, we had ambassador bolton on last night on red eye who explained it much better than i did. there is no point in this whatsoever. the question is there seems to be a mentality that prevents america from protecting itself. unseemingly and impolite if you actually want to do
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something. not saving -- saving people here visiting. we want this to be safe. >> you think whether or not they send the saudi national that apparently was a victim of the bombings, who was there at the site, was tackled, brought in and released or at least released from questioning. do you think that's political correctness run amuck? too much to clear a saudi national? no way of knowing for sure that he has no ties anywhere? >> i don't know enough about him to be honest. >> i think that is partly the problem. and i think that the fbi has been very clear that they don't even think that these two had any help. saudi person who years ago said we should veterans. our veterans should be on a watch list instead of radical edges streamists. >> let me do this exercise very quickly. how many muslims in the world. >> 1.57 billion. >> dana is cheating off my sheet here.
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say 10% dislike us or hate us. bob think's it's closer. bigger number. 157 million muslims hate us. if 10%, 5%, 1% or radicalized and would kill us that's one and a half million people who are radicalized to the point where they would want to kill us americans or approximate population. >> saudi arabia. >> pew research centered did a study on this in 2007 where they pulled muslims in america. there is 2.35 million in america. and they asked them specifically is there ever a justification for suicide killings? and it looks like 13 percent said in this country, that there is a justification. that means there is 300,000 supporters of suicide bombing and 117,000 supporters of al qaeda according to pew. 2007. >> this is taught to most of these people from the time they are little kids.
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if they come into this country, they have had clerics who have been radicalized and anti-american. teachers, parents. is it a big surprise that they are that way? >> i think, you know, would he can go around and around and around and say how awful muslims are. but what we should do is encourage the moderate muslims out there to actually stand up and speak for the religion and for themselves. >> i haven't -- you have heard them? you have seen them? >> i have seen little things here and there. i think they have to get a louder voice. because we are talking about muslim supremacists. they are no different than white supremacists. >> let me leave it there dana, good up next on the five boston marathon terror attack has left us with a burning question. who you can trust to keep you safe? up next, don't go away. the capital one cash rewards card
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♪ >> well, a few years ago the obama administration said the war on terror was basically over. >> how you define a problem shapes how you address it. as many have noted, the presidents does not describe this as pa war on terrorism. that is because terrorism is but a tactic. a means to an end. >> and how does the establishment media see the boston terror attack? well, listen to bob woodward. >> the boston event, obviously a serious tragedy. but i don't know that it's going to go down in the history books. the question it is not necessarily that big of an
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event. >> tell that to the guy who lost both his legs. well, in minnesota, democratic congressman keith ellison who is muslim sees the boston attack this way. >> all these cases where you see acts of radicalized individuals using violence, they may have a religious affiliation but oftentimes when they give reasons for why they did what they did, it is politics. and who knows what these individuals' motivation may be. it probably has to do with politics rather than religion. let's not cast a wide net and go after a whole religious group. >> do those comments make you confident that the country will be properly protected? let's started with brennan because he was the first one in the monday montage, he talked about it's not terrorism it's a tactic. that's what it is. do you think that president obama has mislead us by using words like this. it's just the means to an end.
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>> misleading own counter terror people. look what happened in march of 309 where the pentagon says don't use like long war or global war on terror. use overseas contingency operation. couple months later brennan says how you define a problem shapes how you address it. 2009, also. hey guys, do you know what else happened in 2009, the fbi questioned tamerlan tsarnaev. and decided that he wasn't a person of interest. what, do you think, dana the fish stinks from the head? >> i don't know if i would say that about our government. i do think when they used the language to use overseas contingency operation those are weasel words that the government uses to come up. translated into arabic that is they aren't serious. you don't have to worry about them coming after you the global war on terror was much more start. if you are.
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>> sizes and lots of different places and go on forever. are you going to be fighting this war forever? i'm very comfortable with that can i see when they were trying to do. i think they watered it down and they should go back to being a little bit tougher. >> and word ward, greg. he basically said it's not a big event because only a few people lost their lives. it wasn't like a 9/11 he said. so is that where the bar is now. thousands need to die in order tore the media wake up and see the threat of radical islam. >> right about the numbers but wrong about the importance. when you accept something like that it's a symbol of managed decline. and when you accept an act like this it's -- we are in a sense getting one step closer to europe. high unemployment. high dependence, p.c. paralysis. we are shrugging our way towards belgium. this raises a couple of points to elson saying we shouldn't focus on the specific group. same mentality behind the tsa feeling up old ladies at the airport. doesn't do anything to make you safer but makes the congressman feel smarter
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saying we don't know what the motivation is really means we know what the motivation is. we don't have the heart to say it lastly, why is it always the tolerant people the people who claim to be so open-minded are only open-minded towards the most vicious people toward n. society and christians and conservatives. >> is it time, bob, for the p word? profiling? bob been first of all, my problem with global war on terror is this a s. not a global war on terror. isolated in muslim countries. >> dana: that's not what the global war on terror was meant to be though. the global war on terror meant like the ira, any any time anybody used violence to hurt innocent people he in order to further a political gain, that was what the global war on terror. >> if that's how you define it, then i understand that. i thought we were talking about this in terms of the -- anyway. can i go to what ellison said for a second? ellison said this is not about a religion.
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it's about politics. the problem with that is the most of probably one the most difficult religions to separate out politics than any other in the world. he is wrong. >> also dangerous. like the muslim apologist in congressman for a long time. he swore, he raised his right hand and took the oath of office on the koran if you remember in 2007 keith ellison did. i think it's time for profiling though. don't you? >> i do. >> profile has been middle eastern muslims who have blown people up or attempted to blow people up over the last 15 years. >> hans and espn are not -- sphen. >> he says we don't know what their motivation could be. >> right. motivation was jihad. also interesting. almost even worse. when he says he wanted
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wealth and fame. it's a mutation of the jihad. so now they get to come to america, get a taste of freedom. if they don't have their own reality where they have a great car and all the girlfriends that they want and all the money that they need. then they feel like they don't fit in. that's a very serious problem. i do want to say though i am comfortable with ellison taking the oath on the koran and for religious freedom in america. being tougher with the religious community and governments overseas to make sure they are held liable. i liked what president bush said in 2001. you are either with us or you are against us. >> can i make one point? greg mentioned about modern muslims. i for the longest time have held out hope that moderate muslims are there. you go from 9/11 forward. not one head of a muslim cleric. muslim imman teacher said we are sorry, this is wrong. that's this is is not the way the prophet wanted it to be. why are they not speaking out? maybe because they're afraid. maybe because the radical
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wing is going to kill them. >> a lot of those governments have helped us to prevent a lot of plots. >> they haven't spoken out. >> dana: that's a good point. degree degree that's a great point, bob. >> wow, you didn't just salute. >> bob: don't get carried away. degree andrea: big news for the five involves former president bush. bob has that announcement. 6-year-old boy survived alligator attack. must see tv coming up. tony used priceline to book this 4 star hotel. tell 'em why.
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♪ you still think i'm crazy. >> dana: this thursday the george w. bush library and museum will be officially dedicated in dallas, texas. last week i was down there and had a chance to sit down with the 43rd president. former boss that picture is is a few years ago as can you tell from the hair cut. i will show you one-on-one interview and dedication right here on the five. meantime give everybody to talk about 43's legacy. president bush's approval rating is up 14% since his second term ended in 2009. 47%. let me tell you, bob. i would have done anything for 47% approval. >> i bet. >> when i was press secretary. >> it's not unusual the president go up. he went up faster. clinton's numbers were way down when he got out and then you gradually he wayman up and up and unbush made a rebound. >> let me say this about bush. i will disagree about the war on iraq. he is under appreciated for what he and his wife did on
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aids in africa. he they spent the best way you can spent money both private and public and there are millions of people who were affected positively by. this did he ever get any press on it? no. i'm amazed how few people know about it i know about it and i spoke about it i i got heat for speaking about it but they did dedicate themselves for that for not just a month but for a series of years. >> all five in thes, andrea, are going to be there. president obama will be there and all the living predecessors. so the carters. the clintons. and the bush 41s will be there which is very special for him. any thoughts on that leading up to thursday? i love george w. bush for two specific reasons. i loved the way he addressed the nation in times of trials and tribulations. the way he addressed the nation after 9/11. how tough he was on terror. specifically. he did not mince words. that was so great of him. also, he doesn't get a lot
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of credit as bob says you are not going to hear about things that he put into place like the patriot act. there was a report in the "the washington post" that when these brothers were out on the run, how do you think the fbi was trying to track them down? using provisions of the patriot act. >> cross taking the wall down. one of the things in the library thing called decision theater. can you play a game against others. four different scenarios, katrina, the financial crisis, the war in iraq, the surge, in particular, and afghanistan. and the 9/11 the invasion. and you have to play against the other people to make a decision. do you think that one of reasons the approval rating suspect because people realize oh, wow, it's actually kind of a hard job. >> a lot to have stuff to do. over the years i have been fairly tough great president, great person, great family. i don't agree with. so things he did did.
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medicare part d stuff. the bailouts. i will tell from you 9/12/01 from the time president obama raised his right hand january of '09 the man kept us safe. you certainly can't say that since president obama has taken the oath of office. so i credit him with all the things you talk about. the patriot act, dana. >> dana: we should have a debate about medicare part d. i think you would like it if we had a debate. i would have to brush up on my facts. you would have to brush up on yours too. >> sounds like a barn burner. keep the whole show to the two of them on medicare d. >> what words of wisdom do you have, greg? actually i visited the library last week and i went to a room that had a bunch of little furniture and i thought it was the kiddy section turns out it was the dana perino wing. i came up with a joke before the left. would i library is temporarily closed because someone checked out the book.
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>> dana: ha ha ha. >> i miss the bush white house. the spokesperson was a little weird. imagine sitting next to her every day. >> dana: i was tough. greg greg you look younger now. this is a tough job. >> dana: i should have had more care and feeding of my hair and makeup. >> greg: you were busy. you were still the hottest of them. >> dana: come on. >> bob: with all due respect. ari fleischer. let's not make that comparison. >> dana: you know won't be there thursday. tony snow who was by far the best press secretary ever at the podium just one of the world's greatest guys. and hopefully jill will be there. it's going to be a great reunion. all the presidents are going to be there the weather looks like it's going to be good. everything. >> will president thompson be there? >> dana: no, greg. he will be back at the university. >> i assume somebody -- i'm sure somebody is going to say something about tony during this ceremony.
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but i mean as soon as you said that it just brought back a lot of memories about tony. anyway. good still laughing about greg thinking you were the hottest. scott mcclelland, dana. >> dana: robert gibbs and i have a contest. >> bob: how about obama's press secretary what was his name? >> dana: robert gibbs. >> dana: is he a nice guy. >> greg: who was reagan's? >> dana: marlin fits waterer. dee dee myers. there is a whole list of them. ahead on the 5:00. bob beckel making friends and enemies after saying this. >> i think we really have to consider given the fact so many people hate us that we're going to have to cut off muslim students from coming to this country for some period of time so that he would can at least absorb what we have got and decide whether some of the people should be sent back home or sent to prison. >> dana: does he stand by those comments? stay tuned to find out. ♪ how about you
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>> greg: so they say criminals always return to the scene of the crime. for anthony weiner it's true. the idiot new york congressman who sent graphic shots of his anatomy to young women via twitter has returned to twitter as of yesterday. he tweeted three times thankfully no pictures. i suppose he figured wallet crap going in the world who would notice him sneaking back on but i did. i could smell him. is this a big deal? it is. see, believe it or not, is he planning to run for mayor of new york which is a slap in the face to this great city.
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sure new york is weird, crazy and politically asinine. we don't abuse of a loser in love with his lions. is he back on twitter to break the ice. we can't let him. come on, where is the shame? wouldn't it make sense that a man no hue mill united states himself, his wife and his public office should be man enough to leave public life forever and get an actual job that taxpayers do not support? have some pride, learn a trade. open a craft store. become an erotic professor. bottom line get a damn job. the fact that he is vying for office again shows you he really thinks is he above it all or he has really got no other talents which is the real issue here. weiner isn't even qualified to being a politician. and this is new york city. we are under constant threat of terrorists with an embolden interest in soft targets. this new era of suspicious packages, we don't ever need to see his again. [ laughter ] >> bob: i didn't believe you were going to go there with that line and then did you. >> well, that's why i wrote the monologue.
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>> greg: wouldn't let me do my line. >> greg: mine is subtle. >> dana: wrote the punch line. >> greg: climbed my way up the monologue there i have it standing there by the way, the guy still has 68,000 followers on his other twitter account which he has left open while starting a new one. >> dana: probably sat there and hoped that maybe, you know. maybe he follows them back. dick dick let's not take this too lightly. the polls show this guy is running tightly. >> i know. >> democratic primary in new york there is no runoffs. you can win -- you may say that but i have seen worse happen. i had a guy who was a candidate never should have won. only way i could use is if i was with a life or dead woman and he was with both and he still got the nomination. >> i'm agreeing. i think he will win i'm wake, i think he could win and i think there are worse choices than him. >> real live. >> dana: yes, dime i admire his ability to keep his
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marriage together. they worked hard at it they have worked through some terrible problems that weekend make a joke right here with that statement if we want. >> greg: you really do believe in standing by your man even though your man is exposing yourself to women. >> look, i think if there is a marriage and there is a problem and they work through it to resolve it and they can stay together, yeah, i'm for that. >> wow. he was hard at work in congress. but i really think that this will benefit the republican candidate, joe loda because if they split the vote. you know, maybe this helps the republican. >> low did da has got to run against a democrat. >> there is truth to what eric just said. this is new york city. they have a very very forgiving mentality when it comes. >> ask yourself, would you vote for this guy for mayor? look at that? >> at least threes a picture of him in his suit, bob. he is not showing off his crotch. >> bob: where are his
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hands? >> eric: i can't stand gawker but gawker just nailed it yesterday. gawker threw up -- first tweet was hey, anthony weiner has a twitter account. you press the link and it opens up and it says crunch junk right there. two minutes later gawker comes and says oops that was supposed to be a d.m. now that was funny. >> andrea: can you imagine all the headlines in the new york post if he runs? >> dana: best thing to do give a speech he makes fun of himself. do one or two jokes where he is self-deprecating about it and owns up to it and he will be all right. >> bob: i can't believe you. >> greg: who is this person next to me. >> dana: i'm the compassionate conservative: >> andrea: because people run around without pants on. >> bob: i i didn't do that but for five minutes. >> dana: little kids are still crying about it tonight. >> i'm still crying about
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it. >> i recognize chinese student died in boston and it was a tragedy. i think anybody who is here who is a chinese student or muslim student should stay here and finish their education. i think we ought to be very selective in allowing any muslim or future chinese students in here because chinese students are brought here, taught computers, go back home and hack us. >> well, okay. good. who was that guy? >> i don't know. we're going to stick around and find out.
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♪ don't stop ♪ don't stop ♪ don't stop giving me things ♪ whoo, whoo, whoo ♪ >> bob: well, yesterday, i raised a little controversy here and some people wondered whether i was going to pull back on it, i'm not, despite the early morning calls from my liberal friends who among up on me. i made a point yesterday that there are 75,000 muslim students in the united states right now of which it 20% have never showed up at their schools. there is another 20,000 coming in the fall of this year. i have no problem with those people staying, 75,000 and the 20 thowrk coming. they have every right to get an education.
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they have been approved. what i said was we need two years to allow this to get worked out in the united states because the fbi has got active files on a number of students visa holders who are muslims who are not in school and some who you are. and if the fbi could not deal with this fellow in boston with all they had on him. it seems to me that we ought to give time for them to clear up their problems with the current muslim population here and then let students come back in. that's what my point was and i stick with it. >> you imagine if they have a problem with 75,000, what are they going to do with 11 and a half million illegals here illegally? >> there is a big difference. there is a big difference. these 75,000. >> these 11 million have no idea where they come from or what they're about. leave them here. >> bob: we do know that the muslims that are coming here come from countries where their leadership does not like the united states. their clerics do not like the united states. they are taught not to like the united states. that's much different than the people who come in from mexico.
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so there you go. >> dana: i'm going to make this a boehner day and disagree with you again. i think that education diplomacy is one of the best things that we have. most of the leeferredz that you deal with in leadership that are in the middle east were educated in the west, either in the united states or in britain. they are going to be educated somewhere. and wouldn't you rather have them here and get a taste of america and freedom than overseas? i do think that stronger coordination with those governments makes a lot of sense and holding, possibly holding universities liable because they are looking for the money, universities are, they are -- all they want is that money. but i think that we cannot wall ourselves off from the world. education diplomacy our best tools. this guy -- the losers were not on student visas. >> let me next -- i don't think what i'm proposing would have stopped boston from happening. greg? >> i have mixed feelings. i find it funny that people who are angry cutting off
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student visas are usually less angry about terrorists cutting off people's heads. but i just think overall better background checks when i got married, my wife had to move over with me to london from the united states. we had -- she this to go through so many background checks. essentially say she is not a terrorist thelt elle hilton they cans. >> andrea: you have moments of brilliance. i agree with you on this one. the state department has a couple programs in place. one of them was ramping up to bring muslim students to the u.s. actually recruiting them. dana is right. the universities do this because they can actually charge the foreign students more so that they get five year visas, scholarships covering tuition. they leisure english. should would he be teaching them nuclear physics to return to their home countries and not all of them. not all of them radicalized
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but they do come here it to get an education. that takes the seat away from an american kid. also parents can't even get their kids into colleges now because there is not enough spots. >> if you take them out of the school, school gpa is going to drop. they are killing our students date of birth. >> bob: a lot of the these for profit schools all they have got to do sign a letter yes they are accepted to school and they can get a student visa i'm not suggesting they are all radicals bent on doing harm. >> 70 to 75,000 there is a percentage of them that are potentially dangerous. one more thing is up next.
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a lot to get to, greg is kicking it off. >> i hate to be grim. here is a list of the dead from the west texas fertilizer explosion because we don't hear enough of them. >> morris bridges. carrie calvin, jody, judith monroe. joey cyrus reed, marianne know. kevin sanders. robert knockhouse. doug snokhouse. bug utmoore and adolf lander who has got to be a great guy. imagine losing your life at 96 not of natural causes. >> bob: no kidding. >> and you are up. >> this story could have been sad but it does have a happy ending. florida father went on a canoe trip with his young son. his little boy was attacked by an 8-foot alligator the dad stepped in and saved his little boy, joey welch 6 years oldened he escaped with just minor scrapes and bruises.
11:58 pm
he came on the fox news channel to talk to our own shepard smith about the o. deal. >> was he trying to eat you that alligator? >> yeah. of course. he was trying to bite my arm off. >> and did you scream or did you say anything or what did you do? >> i screamed. i screamed. >> is he recovering very well. he sleeps all through the night. even the night that it happened. >> actually my mom and dad is getting the nightmares. i'm sleeping good. >> shepard: ha ha, ha ha. '. >> good for him. >> that's the alligator. >> dana: i saw this last night after eric bolling when you tweeted about mike tobin. if you haven't seen it, check this out. mike tobin one of our reporters kissed bombed when people get in your camera shot. is he outside the hospital reporting on the terror attack. watch him. >> goes off according to the fbi at the location where he dropped -- please don't do that -- where he dropped -- where he dropped his knapsack, shepard?
11:59 pm
>> dana: i love it i'm so glad he is on our side. >> those are athletic reflexes. >> they call him the hammer for a reason. all right, bob, you are on. bob: yesterday he mentioned the chinese students who come here. 193,000 here on student visas. fine they do well. let me show you the number one country cyber attacks against the united states. do we have that graph? >> my point yesterday was if we're going to bring people here and educate them in computer sciences and other things and then they go back home and hack us, we might want to think about that before we continue this. >> dana: they don't even have to come here to hack us. you you don't have to travel here to hack us. >> come back to my office and look what happened to me. taking a picture. macy my office. i will read it very quickly. ben roethlisberger, enemy of the people. bowling scab. bowling, enemy of the people again. guess who did this. hold your
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