tv Red Eye FOX News April 24, 2013 12:00am-1:00am PDT
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red marker on bob's finger. >> dana: guilty. >> got to go. >> see you tomorrow, welcome to "red eye." with 60% more sprinkles. fyi, sprinkles are what i call by biceps. now to andy levy for a pre game report. andy, what is coming up on tonight's show? >> thanks, casual guy. coming up, were the boston marathon bombers motivated by their religion? some say -- to hell with that. yes, they were. plus, an eighth grader arrested for wearing an nra shirt to school? the shocking story that -- you know what? the hell with that. and who is the most hated celebrity in hollywood? the answer is in the box. greg? >> i don't get it. >> you will. >> will i? >> you will when you do the story. it is called a tease, greg. >> oh, you are teasing me. go away.
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let's welcome our guests. she is so cute that care bears carry jedediah bila lunch boxes. it is jed did you dye yaw booy law -- jedediah bila. and i would like to welcome a first time against, joe machi. and bill schulz. and he was just fired from sabaro. con grat -- congratulationses and thanks for ironing your clothes, jesse joyce. did you mistake a brick for an iron? >> oh dear. >> a block. the lede. that's the first story. have a great show, friend. >> he has had a change of heart our announcer. he is now giving us gifts. >> it is nice to be nice. >> he is back and he is boring. every man, woman and mythological creature that works on "red eye" rejoiced
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for anthony wiener has returned to twitter. on monday after a two-year hiatus, the disgraced congressman hopeful posted his first tweet from a new account. alass it was a lame link to proposal 64 ideas to keep new york city the capital of the middle class. that is exciting. the 48-year-old fun lover confirmed the new handle was his. noting, quote, it seemed like a fresh start was in order, especially in light of all of the new ideas around which i am hoping to drive conversation and debate. oh god. well, the little scamp is nothing if not appreciate. you though who else hasn't been told wiener is back on twitter?
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>> kind of had the same shape as wiener. jesse, as a comedian desperate for any material to fill up your lame act, it must be christmas for you. >> i don't understand why anybody would actually follow him a second time. you know what i mean? if i walked into a deli and the guys who owns a deli shows me his [bleep] i would not go back to their deli. show me your [bleep] once, shame on you. >> there are a few people who may disagree with you. bill would be one of them. wul bill would be the one showing you his whatever. >> i am the same, but add don't and then shame on me. >> but then again i have to say joe considering how careful he has to be thousand nh following him. you will not get a surprise picture of his crotch. >> i don't want to follow him because i don't want to be reminded that i have higher body fat than a disgraced congressman. >> i don't know if he will
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still say fit though. you know what? he claimed he was extremely vein. and now he said that was because he was so in love with himself. now he is no longer in love with himself. he is in love with his family. jedediah, won't this account remind people of his mistakes ? why go to the scene of the crime? >> he is running for office and he needs the account. social media is way too important. he is an ego maniac so he needs to be present everywhere. he will try to change his image and try to be lovable. i think he will stay fit. politicians that are more fit tend to get more attention, especially among the ladies in new york. >> he doesn't want the attention. >> he has a campaign chest. >> he is still a man. >> he has a campaign chest. >> like greg said, now he is in love with his family. he will only tweet shirtless pictures of his family. >> that's disgusting. >> bill, have you started tweet stalking wiener and if
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so has he replied? >> no, he has not replied yet. this san interesting thing. representative wiener is still up, and that one has 68,000 followers. this one a couple thousand, but that never went off line. i maintain it is because he is keeping the second one as after hours. the first one, anthony wiener is all business during the day. after hours you go thereafter about 6:00 one day at work and you see whatever he is posting. 18 and over, kids. 18 and over. >> let me ask you, joe, why doesn't he just get a job, like a real job? he disgraced himself in public. why return to the public arena? why not be like the other billion and a half people in the world who work? >> because people will give him another shot. people will always argue, we have to forgive this person. from any number of those in south carolina why we don't hold a higher standard for
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important jobs. i couldn't do that at my job. >> you could, maybe. >> i work at the same place that joe works and i couldn't do that. >> have you been sitting here wondering why a politician needs to be involved in everything. come on, he is a politician. it is all about him. it is always going to be all about him no matter what he says. >> i was listening to joe talk, and i am convinced you do do these things. i think you were a sicko. >> i don't have those abs. >> you have the abs. they are just covered by another level of abs. you are like a parking garage of abs. >> that would be better if nobody tweeted back. from wieners to losers. he should get another -- he should just get a job. all right, well now we know what we already knew. the boston marathon bombers were motivated by sarah palin and the t partiers.
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they are radical islamists who hate america. they were illustrated here as a pile of dog [bleep] because i didn't want to show their pictures. we drew that 15 minutes ago. i think it is nice. although it looks like the profile of richard nixon sleeping. you know, his nose is right there. it is dog [bleep]. >> that looks like the paperweight you gave me. what is going on right now? >> actually it looks like you on your back. >> no. >> it looks like australia. >> good, okay. anyway, we found out these guys were fans of jihadist websites and extremist propaganda. an teargases questionsj ajer, but no connections to al-qaeda and terrorist groups. the condition has been upgraded from serious to
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fair. jesse, you are a comedian. i feel like this is a question i asked you before. is there anything funny you can say about these a-holes without getting edited out? >> the tsarnaev brothers don't sound like terrorists. they sound like a team of 19th century bulagrian, juggling musicians. >> i can keep that in. >> did you see that he said the older brother was read a lot of islamic fundamental lis lit literature. -- literature. there is a magazine called "inspire magazine" that al-qaeda sponsors. that's a surprising name. it sounds more like a magazine about wheelchair basketball players. >> or it looks like something for people over 60 who are still kind of spry. they have like stock photos of white haired couples playing basketball.
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it is called "inspire." like "prevention" magazine. >> a more appropriate magazine is "rolling stone women foregoing to school." >> i see what i did. i cut in front of your joke. >> you did. and i like the direction you went. >> i went in a completely different direction and you waited patiently for me to shut up so you can get to your punch line which is way better than what i said. >> i had 14 minutes to get ready. i could iron or write a crappy -- go through a list of magazines and then try to find anything that could tie to fund mentalist islam. >> "rolling stone your women" is good. i will now think of more. >> jedediah have these brothers given radical islam a bad name? >> of course. and no one else has. it is amazing to me that the media has trouble with that islamic fundamentalism and
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extreme mitch. they -- extremism. until we are confident talking about these things and being direct and talking about these things, we are not going to get anywhere. it is not about a problem. it is not some random kids that did some random act, these are people who follow an ideology that intends to kill and it intends to harm. until we are willing to talk about that and accept it, it is going go on and on. >> yow what do you think? please include no in your answer. >> no, i agree. i read an article today saying they were alienated by american culture. i looked at the facts of their lifestyle in america, and they were participating in activities and getting money for schools. one was married at 26. they were doing better than me. >> they had a pretty good life. they had nice cars. the guy's first wife was kind of cute. she was really before she converted she looked like
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susan day in her prime if anybody ever watched "the par trig family." i am old. joe harris' condition was upgraded from serious to fair. that mea he is in better shape than you are. not a question. >> it is funny you mention that dude and his condition compared to mine. no joke, i was going to go to boston the second weekend after this whole thing went down and they were still running loose. i was thinking about it, particularly from far away looks of joe hair, me trapsing -- i was going to stay in watertown at a friend's me with my hair wind swept and looking clueless and wearing my hat backwards i could be a dead man right now. >> why didn't you go? >> that was not the response i was hoping for. i was hoping you would say thank god we did not lose a "red eye" treasure. >> i was almost there. it could have been me.
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>> i wasn't forlorn. >> i almost wore my red sox hat that day. that's how close to the tragedy i was. >> when hurricane katrina hit on the huffington post there were so many people going, i was in new orleans seven years ago. i was just thinking about going to mardi gras. everybody does this thing where they have to attach themselves. >> i have a niece named katrina. some people it actually hit. >> to your point, i have a theory. how do you get over this islamic fear. you start calling them muslim sue supremacists. they are like white supremacists. we don't like the kkk or the aryan brotherhood. it makes it easier for everybody. it is odd you have to call them racist to hate them more. you are already supposed to hate them for being
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terrorists. in mark you have to be racist too. >> i think the supremacist thing , it is only if it has the word white in front of it. if you plugged in any other word like african-american supremacist that would be a bad thing. if you plugged in any other word than white the media wouldn't be comfortable talking about it. >> from tools to schools, it is not allowed, but he is in cowed. last week a west virginia eighth grader showed up wearing an nra t-shirt. is this him? and he he was told to remove it even though it doesn't violate the west virginia dress code. jarod is refused and after a trip to the principal's office not only was he suspended for a day, but the police got involved and arrested him. the 14-year-old concedes he deserved to be punished. >> i never thought it would go this far. honestly i don't see a problem
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with this. there shouldn't be a problem with this. >> that was a mistake. i love the guy's hair. >> school officials claim he was being disruptive. the boy's attorney says he has cafeteria video, my favorite kind, showing the disruption was caused when the teachers starting yelling. jarod was back in school on monday and not only was he wearing the same shirt, but according to the attorney, hundreds of other students wore similar shirts to show their support. and they kept the shirts on despite attempts to remove them. >> what the hell is that? >> a hedge hog. >> who has hedge hogs 1234*. >> i want one so badly. >> really? >> yes, you can kiss them. >> i don't think you can kiss them. >> i advise you do not kiss them. >> i think that's how you get
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salmonella. >> or the plague. i am not sure. joe, what do you make of this? was he offending the sensibility of sensitive folks? >> dress code should have a common sense. they have a no violence policy and that means no guns. if he keeps this up, jim carrey will write an unfunny song about him after he is dead. >> he looks like joey ramone meets justin bieber. >> i like that hair. >> he is larry the cable -- >> he is a bass ass is what he is. i don't know why i said that. jedediah, what if he was wearing an anti-nra shirt? >> he wouldn't be in trouble probably. y just fell right into that trap. i think students all the time wear shirts and as long as you are allying yourself with a left wing cause this is the case.
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this is because somebody in that school has a problem with the nra. the nra is a bad word to most teachers and that's probably what is going on here. >> that's not why everybody got so riled up. it was because he was wearing a shirt. >> the shirt would serve a purpose and that is to keep your nipples from getting dirty. >> you are a bad man. why do you have to -- why do you have to revel -- is that the word? >> why do you noodle in the stereo types? >> it is not the south. i just watched hatfields and the mccoys. >> you sell those at the flea market stall on the weekends. is that where you sell the jackets you take from unconscious bums. >> instead of a gun it is an arrow that said i am with the guy who fartherred. >> bill, you are asked to put
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your clothes on when you show up for school. what is your stupid take on this, you idiot? >> i am surprised they let me in school even though i am not wearing a shirt. first of all he wasn't wearing sleeves. have him put on a proper shirt with sleeves. >> he is showing his guns. >> give me a break. this is west virginia. nobody has a problem with the nra. it is because of newtown. he is wearing something with a gun. part of the policy says you can't wear anything violent. you have an ak47 on your shirt and it it qualifies. when i was a kid we couldn't wear anything with a beer on it. i. >> i thought i could get away with it with spud mckenzie. they said no, spot mckenzie -- spud mckenzie represented beer. >> you couldn't wear thig with beer? that must have been hard
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because your dad used to beat you with a keg. >> my dad died when i was two. how dare you? >> i will be thinking about this all night while drinking from a keg. thanks. >> bill's dad is doing fine. i met him many times. >> we don't know that. i haven't talked to him in uh mile. >> -- in awhile. >> he actually told you he was dead. >> how -- how awful. >> my dad calls and says he is dead i will believe him. >> he probably made you pay. >> no, we get along great. he thinks of me as his son. >> he thought you were the caddie. >> i am the son he would never beat. >> you are the son he never had when i was 14 size wise.
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five. when the 40-year-old mother of tri-lingual toddlers and not updating her cook book or talking about how tight she is with jay-z she is revialed by america. one has a theory telling fox news doter, quote, gwenyth paltrow is a successful, intelligent and hard working woman and she knows it. her confidence strikes a nerve with people. although it doesn't help in america when she says the british are more intelligent and civilized than the americans. gwenyth's cat yoga routine has caught up with desperate "desperate housewives" the world over. >> jesse, gwenyth paltrow sends more on breakfast than you do on black t-shirts and poppers. is that what bothers you about
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her? >> i totally -- no, i just looked at the list and all five were celebrities when they were kids. that's exactly why. you know what i mean? dakota fanning will lead that list for the next 15 years. >> i love dakota fanning. she got kind of cute. >> you can't be a child and be famous and not turn out a total [bleep]. >> jodie foster did. that's the only one i can think of. >> and she was on the emmies this year or the golden globes telling everybody to leave her alone. >> somebody hates lesbians. unbelievable. >> it is a crazy thing to do to say that. >> oh likes other women? i like gays. we condone that. he says he looks like you. >> why do haters have to hate? >> i don't think it is gwenyth
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paltrow's fault. if she said i would rather smoke crack an eat canned cheese, i think maybe she likes crack. if you follow someone around 24 hours a day they will say something stupid. why are people paying attention somebody that pretends for a living says about raising kids or eating or politics. it is the media's fault in the first place. >> sensible man and an interesting voice. i like your voice. you should narrate children's books, shirtless of course. >> well greg is the size of a child. >> that's what i was getting at. i was working on it slowly. jedediah, are women just jealous because gwenyth has the life, family and career you can only dream about? >> money, i am jealous of her money. i kind of like her. she doesn't bother me. she is bland so i am surprised
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she i will lis sits hate. i would have love to have eva longoria. anne hathaway annoys me for some reason. >> poor anne. >> angelina jolie i feel like with the cheating type kind of get under the girl's skin. >> she'll steal your man. >> bill, last word to you. you were one of the first subscribers to the newsletter at goop. how angry are you? >> americans are jerks and little things bother them more than big things. katherine heigl, known to be a jerk to all of the cast members and the crew members. john mayer has given half of hollywood claw midyaw. >> allegedly. >> can we add the allegedly in before i said it. >> allegely in hollywood? >> kristen stewart cheated on robert pattinson.
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what did gwenyth paltrow do? she talked about getting colonics and making sure her kids watch spanish television. we loathe her. look in the mirror, america. you are gwenyth paltrow. >> the only time you look in the mirror is when there is a line on it. >> you never just look at it. i didn't say snort the mirror, gwenyth. just look at it. >> i hope somebody does president snort that. -- doesn't snort that. >> look at you. you are trying to start a joke. >> the only time bill looks in the mirror is to make sure his norwegian flag t-shirts are appropriately scandinavian enough. >> i don't know if i like you more -- i can't compete with a coke rant like that. >> you can't even talk about coke without getting loud.
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>> we are talking about the decaffeinated kind. keep watching. don't tell your parents. >> do you have a comment on the show? if you have a video of your animal doing something, go to fox eye. click on is up mitt a video and you may use it. the half time report from america's sweetheart. tv andy levy. >> tonight's half time report is sponsored by training. the set course of practice and exercise taking on by a trainee. thanks, trainee.
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welcome back. let's find out if we got anything wrong so far. with that we go to andy levy, america's sweetheart. i am coming from america's bad boy. >> i know, absolutely. >> we should just hang out together sometime. >> we are america's team. >> i am just america. >> you are america's species. >> you will be hanging out with heff and the girls in the grot toe late -- in the grotto later? >> why do you say that? is it because of how i am dressed? >> was this my robert cope look alike? >> i would have unbuttoned one more button, but that's me. >> you know why? tonight is movie night at the mansion. >> you have to be a little classy for that one. >> i just sit in the back and eat popcorn and watch heff drool.
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>> you are dressed like a portuguese strip club owner. jay i was thinking -- >> i was thinking more like a pizza. >> anthony wiener back on twitter. jesse, you said you had no idea after what wiener did last time why anybody would follow him a second time. i agree with, but for the opposite reason. his account will be unbelievably bland. it will be run by a communications professional or his wife is going to be standing over his shoulder as he types. what is the point of following him? >> good point. >> yes. >> agree to disagree. >> agreed. >> am i that cause stick that you just assumed i was going to fight you on that? >> not at all. jedediah, you said wiener is running for office and he needs twitter. that's why i think a communications person is doing it. >> i am hoping somebody else has something to do with it.
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>> why did they shutdown the other account? >> bill brought up a good point that his account is still up. not only is it still up, but all of the tweets are still there. he hasn't deleted any of them. >> the toaster is loyal and the hacked one is there. >> maybe he doesn't realize you can access the account. >> maybe he thinks he would get like bad press if he deleted it. >> i'm sure they spent hours discussing it. leave it up there for posterity. >> they stuck with him through everything. >> two years ago and one twitter account ago people will forget? i don't think so. >> let's go back to the old one. the title of it is congressman wiener. >> it is rep wiener, but you can change your twitter handle
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and keep the same account. >> he needs a new identity so if he runs he can say this is the new me and you will feel comfortable voting for. not the old me who showed my wiener. >> i like it when you say it. >> it would make more sense if he quietly delete that account. >> i am not trying to get into anthony wiener's mind. i though how that works. >> marathon bomber motivated by islam. you said inspire was a weird name for an al-qaeda magazine. >> yes. >> they are trying to inspire jihad. >> doesn't "rolling stone your women" sound better? >> you had 14 minutes to get ready for the show and you had to choose between ironing and coming up with names of magazines? >> yes. >> next time go with the ironing. >> well this is pay back for
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other shows. i didn't say anything once this show. >> jedediah you said until we are ready to talk about how these people are motivated by radical islam this is not going to stop. i don't think it will stop even if we do. those of us who aren't doing it don't need to. >> it will not stop, but we will be better prepared to handle it, deal with it and try to prevent what we can if we are at least acknowledging what the root cause s. if we aren't, why bother? >> if it turns out which it looks like it is that these guys were sort of not tied to any specific terrorist group, it is really tough to track those guys. >> true. there is still tied to a ideology. they are tied to a certain way of thinking. even if you don't have a specific al-qaeda link. >> usa today is reporting the mosque the brothers attended does have radical ties, more shocking news. >> you know who else has
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radical ties? >> me. >> i love one with the clown faces. >> he has one that looks like a piano. he is a musician. >> you know what he does? he will wear that over the tux tuxedo and it is redundant. >> it is rad-dundant is what it is. i can't believe you didn't bring up the fact that the older brother was apparently a big fan of alex jones. >> i forgot about that. actually i didn't forget about it because i don't want to give him press. >> do you think you can lend greg your supplies so he doesn't look like he is on a cruiseship? >> you are right. you would give him money to make him go away and stop playing. >> and then he would take that money and offer to sleep with your wife.
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>> it looks like the waiter who hangs out at the bar. >> another good point. >> he blames the bombings on the geo political nomination. >> as usual. >> eighth grader arrested for wearing the nra shirt to school. hundreds of kids showed up to support jarod markum. still cool. part of the school dress code are shirts that promote violence. it is not an ak47. it is a hunting rifle. >> violence against animal still counts. i get why they are on edge. >> the shirt promotes the second amendment. it was written by great men who i like to call our
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founding fathers. if you hate our founding fathers and hate america, look, you are entitled to your position. i personally dismyself it and i disassociate myself from it and i think you should be ashamed. >> we have gone through this before. if not for my family you would be here. yes i respect the founding fathers, but mostly the founding father i am related to. >> which would that be? >> bill recoils at the idea of fatherhood. his dad used to beat him with a beer can. >> true. >> his dad who by the way is very much alive and a lovely man i might add. >> i am glad someone is talking to them. >> lastly on the gwenyth paltrow thing you asked if anybody was paying attention to whether a celebrity said anything about anything. we have to make a living. we have five hours -- an hour a night and five nights a week
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to fit. get off your high horse, pal. >> that is speculating. >> we do that too! >> this show was originally going to be called speculating. but then people thought it was a >> which is it was. >> somehow they said we were going too far with that idea. >> and it was going to be called spalunking with greg gutfeld. >> i didn't know what that meant? >> it was different from what you thought. >> i am going down a cavern with extreme in your face mountain view drinking dews. we thought it was another word for allegedly. that's perfect. >> my mom can't watch this now. >> that means it is a good show. >> if mom can't watch it, we did okay. >> the music is playing. i guess i have to go. >> goodbye, america's sweetheart. coming up, what does it take to be a comedian. we discuss jesse joyce's new book "let me know when you
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so virgin america airlines, whatever that is, has introduced a seat to seat delivery service intended for in flight flirting. flights between l.a. and vegas can use these seat back touch screens to send a cocktail or a snack to someone they fancy as well as invite them for a private seat to seat chat. this sounds absolutely disgusting, jedediah. is this one of those things that sounds like a great idea to everyone except hot people like us because we will get overwhelmed with free drinks from ugly people. >> i like. it i want drinks. i want food. i am open to this.
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the only fear is the men i know they are so bad at flirting it will backfire. if i can meet a nice guy who sends me food and drinks and is a good flirt on a plane, come on. i'm waiting for you. >> are you not involved anymore? >> i am involved -- >> you are the most mysterious fox news contributor. >> semiinvolvedded. >> all right. so you are dating a truck. got that, semiinvolved? dating a truck? do you think it is kind of neat to see if the flirtation will catch on in the greyhound becauses you use to travel from gig to gig in your lowly career? >> it already happens. one time recently i was taking a greyhound bus and somebody from the front sent me a jar of hot urine. i was like, who is this mysterious person who sent this to me?
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it turns out he was a nice guy. it was great. >> you know what is funny, people make jokes about that, but that happens on buses. a woman -- i saw a woman when i used to take the bus from allentown to new york on the bus throwing up in a clear bag and then zipping it up. why am i talking about that, joe? >> imrm a collector -- i am a collector and not a woman. >> do you think it will work? >> no. it sounds like they are trying to turn a plane into a bar. we were checking on the flight and i would have to sit there for three more hours. >> what happens it they reject -- what happens if the -- i think the woman is more terrified of you than the rejection you experienced. >> what do i do? sorry, no, and then you think the guy is going to kill me.
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>> why can't he send me a bomb like a normal creep on a planement. >> you might as well lie. why not lie? >> there is a whole fantasy on the plane. >> you know what is great? you are on the plane and everything goes great and you walk off and your family is there to meet you. see you later, lady. bill, isn't this like for you anyway on-line dating because you are hideous and the woman can stand up and see what you look like. the service then would be useless to someone as sad and lonely and perhaps as lonely as you. >> you are wrong from the beginning. i don't own a computer. they have a video to announce this and richard branson announces this. let's do this block again. unbelievable.
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this is why we are on the same hour as "the five." >> i have an important phone call i have to get. >> apparently it is more important than the show. let me take over. coming up, you don't think of leaving me just right now -- >> are you not going to finish your point? >> the point is richard branson or dick sac i would like to call him, he started off as a video, i have been in my compromising position. you are rich. you don't have to be that much of a d-bag anymore. bragging about the women you've got. every rich guy does this. you have all of this. do we have to talk about how awesome you are? when was the last time you were on an airplane? you can't have your family meet you at the gate. >> it happens in movies.
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>> the great thing is if you are semifamous or famous, a lot of people give you free drinks. we have to go. if you happen to rec cog nice me, i will drink. >> time to take a break, so don't think of leaving me now. i usually drink a vodka soda or beer or red wine. autographed coffee g
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on tuesday the twitter account of the ap, the associated press was hacked. a message went out saying two explosions in the white house and barack obama is injured. the ap suspended the account and announced they were hacked. when the news hit twitter the dow jones trillion lanch plummeted 150 points. that's a lot because i think it is 200 points. the syrian electronic army took credit. why? what is their point? >> they plunge the the dow. somebody hacking into a twitter account. that's all i can say.
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>> they will get stories wrong as it is. it will probably hack my account and say i am fun fee -- funny. >> you can get on if you have a computer and you can often see if you are hanging out at best buy. >> when i sleep in the library. this annoys me. the ap is a reputable source. you had the opportunity to tweet anything. this hacker is a hack. it is a dumb tom clancy plot. it would have been don trump admitted he is a circus clown or greg gutfeld announces his retirement and he will be going bar to the hobbits. you had an opportunity to do something cool with that and blew it. >> bill, he has a point. wasn't this the premise of did
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the die hard 4". i banned everything he has been in. jay he refused. he agreed to do our show and then canceled. >> he said he was busy and then we saw him smoking outside from another show he was on. >> we can't poo-poo this. it worked for anthony wean. if we ever get anything wrong, somebody hamed into our prompters and they should apologize. we were reading what they just read. >> have to go. we will close things out with a post game wrap up from andy levy. go to fox eye. look at that caller on that guy -- caller on that guy.
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>> tv's andy levy, post game wrap up. >> do you have a new column coming up? >> a new column on wealth redistribution. come and check it out. >> i like how you do your jaw movement. it is like oprah. joe, got upcoming gigs? >> friday i am at the stand in and saturday at caroline. >> cool. jesse, are you going to be at harry's house of hilarity? >> i am at the laughing skulls in atlanta. the 25th through the 28th. the laughing skull lounge. go. jay seriously. -- >> seriously. >> i like that name. >> it is like a biker's comedy club. >> every t-shirt i owned. >> no now we have him making fun of himself. >> it matches your earring. >> we
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