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tv   The O Reilly Factor  FOX News  April 24, 2013 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT

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i'm shepard smith. thanks for checking in tonight. hope you will be back with us tomorrow for fox report. same time, same place. and mr. o'reilly will be coming immediately thereafter. if he chooses and is in the mood. >> bill: the o'reilly factor is on. tonight. [explosions] [sirens] >> we have multiple people down here. >> bill: did the two bombers have financing to conduct their murder campaign? we have a factor investigation and tell you why some people don't even want to look into that question. >> i think we really have to consider, given the fact so many people hate us, that we're going to have to cut off muslim students from coming to this country. >> bill: uber liberal bob beckel calling for a stop in muslim and chinese students from coming to the u.s.a. wow. beckel will be here. also tonight, dennis miller with some comments on the bomber brothers and what exactly did these terrorists put on the net? caution, you are about to enter the no spin zone.
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the factor begins right now. >> bill: hi, i'm bill o'reilly. thanks for watching us tonight. lone wolf vs. conspiracy in the boston terror attack. that is the subject of this evening's talking points memo. some left-wing media already touting the lone wolf theory that the two young terror bombers acted alone. nobody helped them kill four americans. and injure more than 200 others in boston last week. talking points does not believe the lone wolf theory. but, well understands why it is being promoted. let's look at the facts. tamerlan and dzhokhar tsarnaev had no money. tamerlan was unemployed. dzhokhar a student. they were generating zero income. there are reports that dzhokhar was a pot dealer and that could have provided him with some
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cash. tamerlan had no support, other than his wife who is making 12 bucks an hour as a healthcare aid. tamerlan was a bum in more ways than one. so, how did that guy afford a six month trip to russia? who paid for that? also, who bought the guns, the explosives, and the cars the brothers had? who bought all of that? simply doesn't add up. that these two financed their own terror spree. now, certainly possible someone was giving them money, not knowing they were jihadist loons. that's possible. but, again, it's doubtful these two could have financed the boston marathon terror attack on their own. now, why do some on the left want the lone wolf theory to be true? because if it is shown that organized muslim terrorists helped the two brothers that would lead to a crackdown on whoever did it. historically, the left does not like crackdowns.
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as we pointed out last night, president obama does not even want to describe the terror attack in boston as an act of jihad. so there is strong motivation for the left-wing media to tell you the terror attack was the action of self-contained zealots. more facts: tsarnaevs received welfare both federal and state for many years. and it was easy for them to get government payments. why? because it's easy for everybody to get them. the obama administration has flooded the entitlement market with cash. frauds out of control. tax money flows without much supervision. obviously this whole case needs to be investigated thoroughly, all the abuses that have taken place need to be rectified. summing up, these two brothers had access to no money. let's find out where the money came from, that financed their terror spree. that's the memo. now for the top story
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tonight. reaction. joining us from washington, kate obenshain a republican and kirsten powers a democrat also a fox news analyst. get my point powers about the lone wolf on the left. >> yeah. i get your fundamental point and i think we agree on this. i would just say where you said that the left doesn't like crackdowns, i don't necessarily agree with that because they really think our fbi should be spending their time investigating the tea party, for example. i don't think they would have a problem on crackdown of anybody from the tea party or the militia. i think the problem is that for some reason, saying islamic terrorism has become a racial statement and you get called a racist or an islam phone, which is ridiculous because there is no question that there are islamic jihadists all over the world who want to kill us. >> bill: you are a good one to ask this question because you live with these people. you dine with them. vacation with them, job with them. muslim jihadists are brutal toward women.
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>> yeah. >> bill: right? >> and gay people. >> bill: all of the things that the liberals love. the jihadists hate. so why are the liberal people, and i think it's more far left but the liberal media, front page article in the "new york times" today lone wolf. okay, look, believe me that's what he want this. why, i don't understand they should be just as down on the jihadists as they are on the right-wing militias. >> of course they should. >> bill: tell me why they are not. >> i guess multi-culturallism run amuck. they are not seeing reality it's not anti-muslim to criticize islamic jihadist. in fact, if you think it is, you probably don't understand what muslims are. >> bill: it's happening, kate. it's happening to a degree where i think things are being distorted. we did a big segment last night on president obama refusing to even say the terror was generated by
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muslim jihad. wouldn't say it. absolutely wouldn't say it. if you waterboarded him, he wouldn't say it. i don't understand it i'm not standing. >> he is still saying that the fort hood massacre was a work place violence. >> bill: i don't know if he says that. >> his administration has said it repeated rerepeatedly. >> bill: some of his people. >> the president has an edict out that there will not be the terminology used radical islam or fundamentalists. >> bill: why, why, why doesn't he want to say it? >> political correctness run amuck, but, beyond that the muslim radicals are targeting the united states because they hate everything we believe. in freedom, individualism, free market. the right to be whomever you want to be. there is something about that. i know this is going to raise some alarm bells but there is something about that that liberals find appealing. hostility toward freedom. >> bill: i don't want to put words in your mouth but
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i am going to. so you feel that because some muslim fanatics and they are the zealots, we want to make sure that everybody understands that. >> absolutely. >> bill: hate america because america's policies, maybe pro-israel stance, liberal culture where we do our own thing and all of that, that because they don't like america, they are allied in a way with some far left people who despise america as well. that's what you are saying? >> yeah. it is. but i put a lot of caveats in there. i'm not saying that leftists want to be bombing the boston marathon. but what i am -- it's a bizarre alliance. and i don't. >> bill: it is a bizarre alines. i don't understand it because of the persecution of women and gays. it's bizarre why this political correctness has caused people like barack obama to protect hate. >> bill: not going to be seeing gay marriage debates in tehran any time soon. beheadings, maybe. no do baits. okay.
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now, the money, am i off on the money? does this add up to you guys? you know, they are flowing around here with a lot of hardware. and he is over in russia six months and then he is back. that airline ticket cost a couple of grand. all right? so where is he getting the jack? >> i think that's the big question. i think that's exactly right. where are they -- what do they get the money for. this and, also, this isn't something -- where did they even know how to go about doing this in the first place? i don't understand most people know about. >> bill: you can learn that on the internet and jihad literature. >> maybe. >> bill: can you buy all the ingredients. we know they could do it. >> they didn't seem like. >> bill: money, you know. bizarre part is that the mainstream media is completely ignoring these questions. they don't even point out the six months that were spent in a region of russia known for radical extremists when it comes to islam. >> bill: sure. >> bill, you are the first person i heard point out o. how do they get the airline tickets? where do these cars come from? i think i saw a mercedes
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behind this guy one day. >> bill: i'm praying i'm right that the fbi is on this, i assume they are all over this thick and because they did send agents out to dagestan where the dopey parents live. so i'm assuming that we'll get some kind of profile. but will the obama administration put it out or classify it, you know, then you run into that. all right, ladies, it frightens me powers when you agree with me. >> scares me just as much. >> bill: that means your weekend is shot. all the invitations you had are gone. >> i know. >> bill: big time liberal bob beckel wants to ban muslims and chinese students from come to the u.s.a. he will be here to explain. what about hillary clinton? is she in trouble? did she mislead congress about benghazi in sworn testimony? we'll have the facts moments away. both tylenol and bayer advanced aspirin are proven to be effective pain relievers.
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>> bill: in the impact segment tonight, bob beckel surprised a lot of people. >> we have to consider given the fact that some people hate us we have to cut off muslim students coming to this country for some period of time so we can at least absorbed what we have got decide whether some of the people we have got here should be back home or sent to prison. >> we should be selective in allowing any muslim or chinese. chinese students are brought here, taught computers, go back home and hack us. >> bill: here now is mr. beckel. you got a little historical there. >> i have a pretty strong feeling particularly about the muslim piece of this. i have taken a beating from my side i can tell that you. >> bill: oh yeah. now, what is your vision here though? i mean, just no more muslim students come to the u.s.a.? what is your vision. >> see, this is why i'm glad i have a chance to explain this. 75,000 muslims here on a
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student visa ought to stay here. although about 15,000 of those never showed up at the school they were at. >> bill: they are out of here. >> they are gone. if you can find them. and also, the schools that signed the letter saying they were going to come there ought to face a penalty. then you have got 20,000 more coming in september for the next school year. my point and the fbi has got nawivel open cases on student visas. the fbi showed us in boston that they were not exactly on top of their game. they have got a lot of things they need to do. my point is, let's take a two year hiatus, and finish up the investigation of those people that they are looking at now. once we are satisfied that we looked at everybody and the muslims are left here students are not radical people. then let's put it back together. two years, 48 months that's all i'm asking. >> bill: that sounds pretty reasonable, beckel. i'm getting nervous here. powers agreed with me and now i think you are reasonable. 15,000 out of 75 is a big number. >> it is. >> bill: that's 20%. that's a big number of muslim students jumping
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their entry visas and not going to school. so, i agree with you. we should freeze it now until we can process where they are. who they are, what the schools are. and figure out what we have. but, it's a bad pr problem for friendly muslim nations to the united states that are actually helping us. they may feel that you know, now we are snubbing them and be disrespectful. >> well, i would feel compassionate about that if i thought -- if i listened to one person from those muslim communities, leaders, either in politics or in the mosques, who at one point, any one, tell me, whoever said it is a bad thing that happened 9/11 or any other terrorist act. not one of them ever stepped forward. not one. >> bill: let's be realistic here. kuwait helps the united states. huge base, there kuwait helped. saudi arabia intelligence helps the united states. >> sure they do. so emirates, some of the gulf nations help the united states. >> and had they come out and said anything about any of these terrorist acts? >> bill: no, the reason is they don't want to fight a
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civil war inside. >> that doesn't interest me. that's their problem not mine. >> bill: it's our problem too. bob beckel has to be a responsible american analyst by saying we don't want to t off people who are helping us. i happen to agree that we can finesse this. because he now how good john kerry is. it's not personal. we have to sort some drask stuff out. abdul will be able to come over in a year or two. the chinese you are torquing them off. you want to do that accuse every chinese student being a hacker? >> you are willing to say it's okay that the muslim countries do not say this is not the way muslims. >> bill: is it okay? no. but i understand why they don't do it. >> i you understand why they don't do it. >> they don't want a civil war inside their own country. >> saying it's a terrible thing is not going to cause a civil war. >> bill: all those radical immans. they will come after you. >> students coming in from radical muslim countries. they don't like us. they hate us and they don't
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like us from the time they spake. >> bill: that's why we are spending billions on homeland security agency, isn't it. >> not working out all that well. >> bill: i don't know about that let's be fair. we have been safe since 9/11 except for. this they made a huge mistake on this tamerlan guy, you know, people make mistakes. i'm with you in spirit. we suspend the muslim student program for maybe a year. we clean out what we have. the chinese, i think you are making a mistake. look, i went to the kennedy school at harvard. you probably know that you couldn't get in there but i did. >> actually i taught there. >> bill: you might have been able to teach there but you couldn't get. in anybody can teach there. >> got you on that one. >> bill: they had a lot of foreign students from all over the world. the goal was to get these students to see that america was a good place. to learn our culture and to take it back to their country and to convince people back there that we weren't the great satan. it's a noble goal. it works in some cases. doesn't work in others. i don't know if you want to tell the chinese we are not taking any of you guys because you are all
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hackers. >> wait a minute. doing a good job that student program, isn't it? we are feeling the love in certain parts of the muslim world. in china, look. the chinese, in my view, are the biggest threat to the united states. much more than islamic. >> bill: do you really want to isolate them? >> i don't care. >> bill: do you want to insult them. >> i don't have a problem with that they have a long memory. they don't like us. and everybody sits back and says oh the chinese, we got business over there. just watch. they are waiting and they are waiting and they are patient people. but, here is the thing. they are the largest hackers of any country in the world by 10 times. >> bill: that's for sure. i don't know if we take it out on the students. by the way, i want to tell everybody, beckel, you will be subbing for rush limb what you next week. beckel, the new right wing guy. >> don't even think about that. >> bill: we have brand new bill o' poll question for you. do you believe the u.s. government is doing all it can to protect us from terrorists, yes or. no interesting results so far. give you the final tally on monday. directly ahead, hillary clinton did she mislead congress under oath about the benghazi assassination?
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later, dennis miller on terror guys and more incredible political correctness and we are coming right back. i woke up with this horrible rash on my right side. an intense burning sensation like somebody had set it on fire. and the doctor said, cindie, you have shingles. he said, you had chickenpox when you were a lile girl... i said, yes, i did. i don't think anybody ever thinks
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>> bill: unresolved problem segment tonight, did hillary clinton mislead congress about benghazi, libya. on january 23rd, she said this to the relations committee. >> the specific security requests pertaining to benghazi, you know, were handled by the security professionals in the department. i didn't see those requests. they didn't come to me. i didn't approve them. i didn't deny them. >> bill: but newsom republicans are saying mrs. clinton mislead everybody. >> i don't know what her eyes saw but i do know that her signature is on some of the denials of those requests and what we know for certain is that some of these requests did not end
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with the security folks in the state department. they went higher up into the management levels. >> bill: all right, denial for the requests were the requests for more security in libya because the as i diplomats there felt in danger. joining us now from d.c. to sort it all out chief washington correspondent james rosen. what's the truth here rosen? we haven't seen the memo that the former secretary of state allegedly signed, right? nobody -- that's not out in the public at all, correct? >> that's not in the public domain. the republican committees that prepared this report on benghazi this week did see this april 192012 cable. which they say was signed by secretary clinton rejecting more requests for security for greater security in benghazi. we know thorn berry is telling the truth when he says as we just saw in your show these requests went higher up into the management levels. they went all the way up to the assistant secretary level. at least. what we don't know is whether secretary clinton is telling the truth when she says she never saw them. the white house said today jay cancery the white house
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press secretary that, yes, it is standard protocol that all cables going out from the department of state and foggy bottom here in washington quote unquote carried the signature of the secretary of state as a matter of formality, her name is typed there he repeated it only went to the sent a secretary level. >> bill: it's auto penned signature not hillary clinton taking the no spin pen and putting it on there. >> that's the apparent claim. let me tell you this about this report by the house republicans. i think they let secretary of state clinton off the hook in a very key respect. she told the senate foreign relations committee during that sworn testimony back in january that she was aware of no reports prior to the ambassador to the u.n. susan rice going on television september 16th. the famous tour of the sunday shows. she secretary clinton was aware notify reports that stated anything to the contrary to what ambassador rice said which this was spontaneous protest that got under hand in essence. in fact, this report itself shows as fox news wases first to report that at
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6:08 p.m., on the night of those attacks in benghazi, september 11 of 2012. the state department itself circulated to 300 national security principles sort of the equivalent of a telegram, a bulletin, what's called an ops alert from the state department operations center telling everybody again 6:08. terrorist group claiming credit for those attacks. it strains credibility to imagine that that report was withheld from the secretary of state on the night of the attack. >> bill: okay. yet she testified under oath she was aware notify reports to the contrary prior to september 16th. >> bill: you know, i agree with you, it's strange crajulity that mrs. clinton would not see a vital op. like that that goes out the night our ambassador is assassinated but it's possible. and she will say "i never
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got it i was at the hairdresser." i was having dinner. you know, that's what she is going to say? >> put aside your sexist hairdresser remark for the moment, bill. think of this, there is is paper trail. if she was indeed sent that ops alert, there would be a paper trail to that effect. there is something that bears further investigation to by eye. >> if there is a paper trail, does that mean that it went into her inbox? is that what you are saying? that everybody who got it was ccd.? is that what you are saying? >> right or, yes. it was forwarded to her. >> bill: i'm playing devil's advocate here i get thousands of these and i never saw and it my underlinks didn't tell me about it rerevised it and this is what we thought happened. >> i hear you. that's the claim for this request for more security before the attacks. >> bill: yeah. >> back in april of 2012. after you know that there has been an attack on our facility, and you're in constant communications
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with other national security professionals, and principles trying to respond in the moment to this attack, this is one you would see and you would remember. >> bill: okay. summing up, it looks like mrs. clinton did know and she said she didn't know. but it's not going to be proven. and that's what i believe the whole thing is going to come down to. do you agree or disagree? >> i disagree. i think we will learn more. >> bill: okay, well rosen you are on it. whenever you have something let us know. >> thank you. >> bill: the factor has been investigating the postings of the two terror bombers on the net. we will show them to you. dennis miller has some thoughts about the brothers. that should be interesting. you may want to put the children out in the backyard. we hope you stay tuned to those reports. years ago, my doctor told me
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now from washington marcia blackburn from tennessee. what do the letters say in essence? >> what we have done is asked for clarification as to their choices to not cover this. what we would like to know is is the reasoning behind that we think this is a terribly disturbing issue. bill, what wield like to know is are they not covering it because it is poor women in minority neighborhoods or is it because they i had logically and politically trying to cover abortion practices even in cases such as the gosnell house of horrors two much the chiefs did not respond to you abc and nbc. >> that's correct. >> nbc and abc nightly newscast did not cover the gosnell story or the trial at all zero coverage. cbs did respond thecht he
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have their response. comes from a woman named san i can't cbs news among the first national news organization to shine a light on the gosnell matter with a full report on the cbs evening news on january of 2011, in january. also after our owned and operated station kyw broke the story locally in philadelphia, we continue to follow the case and they cite cbs this morning and all of that. so, while cbs news did not cover the trial, which is underway now, they did cover the case. does that let them off the hook? >> no. it doesn't let them off the hook. they covered the proceedings. there is a grand jury. and the fact that that was the case. but you have had a six week trial in which this has been born out with the victims that were a part of this house of horrors. and they have chosen not to step forward. i will say that the president of cbs did call our office and we're
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looking forward to having a written response to him. what we want to make certain is that there is justice for the victims and that this practice is ended. >> bill: i think there is is going to be justice for the victims. my opinion is the guy is going to be convicted. they didn't even call any witnesses. i don't know whether you know that or not. >> yes, do i know that. >> bill: the attorney didn't even call any witnesses. he just rested and it goes into deliberations next week. >> that's right. >> bill: no way on earth this guy is going to walk. whether he gets the death penalty, i'm not sure. probably would be life in prison for this guy. but the bigger question is. this. many people believe, bernie goldberg believes it i believe it to some extent, that the network news in totality is pro-choice. and they don't want to cover any story that puts abortion per se in a bad light. and i think that's what this is all about from your point of view. you believe that. and now you are spotlighting the fact that they ignored this trial where seven babies had
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their spines snipped by a scissor after being birthed. now, three of those counts have been thrown out as we said, but that is a big story. >> it's a huge story. you are correct. >> bill: the reason they are not covering this is because they are pro-choice and they don't want to besmirch abortion. >> well, and the fact is, as you said, the defense called no witnesses and gosnell never took the stand. and what we are hearing is there are other clinics as we have researched this. 15 of our states over the last three years have instituted investigations into abortion clinics and planned parenthood clinics in their states. and you have got examples in delaware where two planned parenthood pro-choice nurses quit because, as they said, in their words, ridiculously unsafe, mass market style abortion clinics. and, then you have got 80 clinics in virginia that the richmond newspaper reported "the baltimore sun" reported the closure of three abortion clinics.
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one in which a patient lost her life. and, bill, this is the kind of thing that is being swept under the rug. >> bill: we are not hearing a lot about it but you know why? because the media is sympathetic to the abortion lobby and president obama what's he doing on friday morning? he is addressing the planned parenthood convention. >> that's exactly right. he was going to address their big fundraising dinner on thursday night and now it is going to be in texas and will address their organization on friday morning. we think this is just, you know, it is completely unacceptable. >> bill: all right, congresswoman, we have a major factor investigation on this very subject on monday. so i want everybody to be tuned in on what you are going to see on monday is going to startle you. when we come right back, dennis miller on the bomber brothers. miller is next. [ engine revving ]
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capriciously aborted children in a questionable matter when you pry it from his cold dead hand. as far as these two kids go getting aid cut back and this kid on welfare the one on the left. somebody is going to trigger one of those homemade bombs with an obama phone. can we at least cut the welfare off now? ask s. it possible we in an effort to be evolved don't pay for this kid's funeral? i know if we do this in kind it brings us down to their level, it's a misnorm. it takes us six feet below their level. and we better wake up to this for god's sake. you know something, when you say why is the president afraid to say terrorism? listen, billy, i will be candid with you. it's one of three things, he is either stupid, or he is creepy, or he is a genius like hall thousand who is thrown a wire and doesn't know quite what he is doing. we are so polarized in this
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culture right now. i'm not even sure a good old clash of civilizations is enough to bring us together anymore. we should reanimate this one kid and put him back to death. we should debrain wash the other kid. bring him back and show him the picture of the 8-year-old gap toothed beautiful boy that he killed so he realizes what he did. we should do the bridges size thing like they do in venice where the jailer takes the off for a second says do you want to do yourself or tom goes to visit in prison and says do you want to do the honorable thing. and if he doesn't we should tell him we are eventually going to put him to death. that here is the coda we are not going to tell him when it is going to happen. because he didn't tell him. he will sit in the cell between the 19th year and the end of his life we will blow the wall of that cell out and we are not going to tell him when it happens. if we want to take the high ground in a war on terror
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we are going to have the best seat in the house to witness our own demise. wake up america! >> bill: now, you said a lot of stuff in there, take it one by one. you know that anybody now who understands the system in this country about food stamps, government housing disability, anybody can get on it. they want people to get on it they advertise on the radio get on it. so that's what got to be changed. >> so ai assume you are going to be ripping obama a new one regularly now. >> bill: well, we he obviously have been really tough on him. >> you have to be. this is madness. >> bill: it is madness. >> this is madness. >> bill: the reason this becomes important is is not any single thing. it's the totality of it. you know, when krauthammer was on last night. i will read some of the mail after you, we are
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trying to get to the the bottom of why barack obama will not say muslim jihad. >> creepy. >> bill: cause much terrorism. >> creepy. >> bill: there has got to be a reason. >> oh, come on, bill, you always do this with your guests. why don't you bear in on him. >> bill: i am. >> why don't ask you him. >> bill: what is the reason for not saying that. i would ask him that question if i got a chance. i will never get a chance. >> i'm giving you my answer. you want it? he is either creepy, he is either stupid or like that super computer he has thrown a gear. but this is crazy what he is doing here. >> bill: i disagree with you. i think he has a reason. not to say the reason is valid. it could be a disturbing reason. >> give me a good reason. >> bill: there isn't a good reason, i just said that but he has a reason why he doesn't say it and i would like it know what the reason is. i think everybody in the press corps and the white house press corps and in fact i'm going to call ed henry ask that question
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very as i remember why won't you say islamic jihad is responsible for the boston terror attack? why? >> good, i love to see you p. o.' d like this. you are the o'reilly factor. you have big stick. why isn't he on the air today saying that radical islam obviously clings to their gods and guns. we can't did you see last night when we had this muslim guy on from care. and i actually said to this guy. explain to me why 90% of the terrorism in the world is generated by zealot. muslim zealots. jihadists, why? and a guy denies it right there. then we know he is insane. >> on the show anymore. there is fair and balanced. there is fair and balanced the guys like me to sit out here and watch acts like that guy is a spokesman and
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not even concede the point and think is this fair to me? this is unfair to me. if the guy is going to be that disingenuous. off him. >> bill: off him. >> put him off the schedule. put him off the schedule. put him off the schedule. >> bill: easy miller, come back down. >> put him off the schedule. >> bill: we have this great political correctness thing. remind me next week. you can't call a master bedroom in a house a master bedroom anymore. do that next week. >> i will be the focus of the talking points tomorrow night. i'm going to put him off the show, don't whack him. >> bill: d man and i will be in d.c. bolder fresher show. thank you all. two shows tickets available spokane on july 20th. only 50 tickets left for west bury long island on june 1st. we'll see you there. did you see that on deck. we'll show you what the terror bombers posted on the net. juliet huddy moments away.
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>> bill: back of the book segment tonight, did you see that. the factor has been compiling internet postings made by the internet bombers in boston. here to run them down ms. juliet huddy. what's the most disturbing thing that you saw? >> i mean, i think there are a couple little levels to disturbing. seeing the younger dzhokhar and how he was a nomple mall kid. it was like a jekyll and hyde sort of thing seeing his tweets. we will get to that in a second. also just seeing how radical the older brother tamerlan was so early on. we should have seen this. >> bill: how specifically radical was. >> a video four months before the boston. when you look at this guy a radical cleric, a preacher out of australia. you see tamerlan's detachment from the west.
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>> bill: what does this guy say. >> it's okay anybody even children to kill. he is part of this mentality that islamist children should fight for the islamist cause. >> bill: he says it's all right to kill in the name of allah. >> soldiers of islam. >> soldiers of islam if you feel that islam is being disrespectful. >> younger grower 19-year-old dragged into the situation. killed children with absolutely no thought whatsoever. >> bill: one australian cleric who tamerlan posts on his web site. >> exactly. >> bill: on his facebook page. >> he basically has his own facebook page. youtube page. >> bill: what else. >> another disturbing video. this one talks about black flags. basically a prophecy embraced by al qaeda and radical jihadists. basically talking about the rising up in central asia of the jihadist sort of movement to defeat the infidels. this movement talks about, it's basically the islamic version of armageddon. think of it that way.
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>> bill: bill about arming yourself and fighting again the holy war jihad. >> some experts think that is why al qaeda. that's why usama bin laden picked the black flag. >> bill: anything else. >> youtube. al qaeda leader founded a ground in 2007. chechen upadvising in the 90's. another video that is very edgy and very spectacular you could say. >> bill: all right. so he is basically down with being violent in the name of his religion. >> yeah. >> bill: that's tamerlan? >> tamerlan. the younger guy, he, i understand, was much more immature in the sense that what he posted was foolish stuff. trivial stuff. >> it was but do you see little incorporate links here and there he had a lot of activity on twitter. russian form of facebook. the things we are going to be showing you are twitter tweets. the first thing we are looking at one that he sent out on monday night. monday night after the bombings, after he bombed.
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>> bill: what did he say? >> it's kind of a jekyll and hide thing. it talks about the city of boston, there is no love in the city of boston and everybody please stay safe. again, this is the suspected bomber. >> bill: covering himself. >> second tweet goes back to march 13th, 2012. this one he specifically mentions america and specifically talks about how he has been here for 10 years and he is tired of it. it's time to leave. the last tweet goes back a year ago april, so a year ago the same week a year later where he bombs the mayor thonel. he talks about frosted flakes they are great. >> bill: the cereal? >> the cereal. >> bill: he won't be getting many of those. what to do when you are strapped for cash. the tip moments away.
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have hail damage to both their cars. ted ted is trying to get a hold of his insurance agent. maxwell is not. he's on setting up an appointment with an adjuster. ted is now on hold with his insurance company. maxwell is not and just confirmed a 5:30 time for tuesday. ted, is still waiting. yes! maxwell is out and about... with ted's now ex-girlfriend. wheeeee! whoo! later ted! online claims appointments. just a click away on using telemedical and mobile technologies,
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verizon innovators are connecting trauma surgeons to patients in the field. helping them get the attention they need, before they even reach the hospital. because the world's biggest challenges deserve even bigger solutions. powerful answers. verizon. >> factor tip of the day. what to do when you're low on cash. first, we hope you have enough funds to get mom and dad good
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gifts on their upcoming days. by a copy of my books on bill o'reilly obama administration. you get a free of the thriller "matter of trust." giving you two gifts for the price of one. also we have a great mug for mom and dad. no spin pens. and other great stuff. please remember all the money i get from goes to charity. now the mail, your guest was courteous to you. let's go over this again for everybody. when a guest comes on, they agree to answer the questions that i ask. my guest would not answer the questions. he wanted to make a speech about how great he thinks islam is. thus, he was interrupted. bill, i'm glad you told him you didn't want to hear a speech about islam. the subject was terrorism. tim, from california, brow
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beating peaceful muslim isn't getting you any points with me. jerusalem, israel, you were not too hard on him. this is what preliminaries do. they divert attention a-- away by accusing everyone of attacking islam. muslim terrorism will never stop until the millions of moderate muslim visibly turn against it. paul, california. you're talking points on radical jihad was needed. the factor is one of the few places we can hear such needed truths. from new york, bill, there was nothing funny about cnn's coverage of the boston bombing. what were you grinning about? four people lost their lives. you got to cool off. it was about tv journalist straining to fill air time. that's what it was about. nothing to do with the terrorist attack. vicky, arkansas. my son heard the factor tip of the day about the one fund in
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boston to help the victims. he immediately turned over his hard earned yard work money. please tell him he's patriot. the address is 1-fund-boston way to go, alex. good kid. finally, the factor tip of the day. as we told you last night, we're helping the wounded warrior project with an auction. it's a poster signed by all six living first ladies, including nancy reagan, 91 years old. it is the only one in the world. if you would like to bid on it, bill o'reilly obama administration has the information -- bill billoreillym has the information on it. a lot of americans can't spend 25 bucks on a charitable cause. that's how tight money is in some homes. what do you do? back1976 i was broke. i had to borrow money to gas up my car and drive from boston to
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my first job in scranton, pennsylvania. my first paycheck, which was a pittance, believe me, 160 bucks a week, i saved 10% of it, 16 bucks, and gave another 10% to charity. why the charity? because it always comes back to you, always. especially if it's hard to give money. and you do it anyway. the bible says that. and i believe it. good things flow back to you when you sacrifice for good. factor tip of the day. that is it for us tonight. check out the factor web site, which is different from bill if you would like to spout off, name and town if you wish to opine. word of the day: no billingsgate when writing to the factor.
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again, thanks for watching us tonight. i'm bill o'reilly. remember that the spin stops here. we are definitely looking out for you. >> sean: welcome to "hannity." what did the feds know and when? those are the questions americans want answered. were warning signs missed or missed? rudy guiliani, michelle malkin, karl rove and much more will be here. first, here is what we now learned in just the past 24 hours. yesterday georgia senator chambliss, the vice chairman of the intelligence committee, revealed at least one federal agency might have been aware of the boston bomber's intentions before the attack. this is what he said, quote, there are now appears that there may have been some evidence that was obtained by one of the law enforcement agencies that did not get shared in a way that it would have been helpful.


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