tv FOX and Friends FOX News April 25, 2013 3:00am-6:00am PDT
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never too early to learn that nothing in life is free. very true. >> thank you to all of you who responded. "fox & friends" starts right now. have a great day. >>gretchen: we start with the fox news alert. good morning everybody. today is thursday, april 25. i'm gretchen carlson. here's that alert. explosions rocking the gulf coast with flames so intense even fire fighters are being forced to evacuate the scene. >>steve: it turns out the bombing suspect in boston was singing like a canary until the judge showed up and read him his rights. this morning the f.b.i. is furious. so who sent the judge? we're going to tell you what we know. >>brian: i need to calm down. >>gretchen: oh my god. >>brian:
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hyperventilating? don't breathe into that bag? those home remedies might be false. i did nothing to help myself. "fox & friends" starts now. ♪ born in the u.s.a. >>steve: looking at the george w. bush presidential library officially handed over to the national archives yesterday and is going to be dedicated later today. you'll see it here on fox live. >>gretchen: that was a pretty cool light shoefplt that's going to be andy card, josh bolton and dana perino. all three worked with the bush administration. i think dana sat down with the former president and
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will bring part of that interview. >>brian: since the president decided i'm leaving office and i'm not saying anything. his approval rate has gone from 37% to 47%. some say it is higher. >>steve: the current president is tied with george bush's approval rating some say. >>brian: he's going to be there. >>steve: presidents current and past all there under the texas sun. a great day in dallas. >>gretchen: let's get to your headlines. while you were sleeping, this happened. massive fire started with explosions on two fuel barges just rocked by a seventh explosion. the fire raging right now in mobile, alabama. three people in critical condition. the fire so intense, fire fighters forced to let it burn out on its own.
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the carnival ship triumph is there and drifting on its own. >> moments ago oscar pistorius headed back to court to face murder charges. in just a bit a police officer who was at the accident scene of carl pistorius will testify about what he saw. this is taking place in south africa. >> attention on-line shoppers: your sales-tax free party could soon be over. the senate voting today on a bill to help states collect taxes on internet purchases. right now internet sellers can collect state sales tax only if the seller has a physical presence, like a store or distribution center, in that state. >>brian: good for store owners. >>gretchen: we're learning how a lone survivor of an avalanche in colorado was able to escape
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death. the lone survivor wasn't completely buried. his left arm was free so he was able to clear snow from his face to help him breathe. after about four hours rescue teams eventually freed him. those are your headlines. >>steve: we've got a lot of news to update you on regarding the boston marathon bombers. first of all, we have told you that apparently the older brother was at the attention of the united states of america. now we know he was actually -- tamerlan -- was on two watch lists. in march of 2011 the russians called the f.b.i. and said you've got to do something about it. then in september of 2011 they contacted the c.i.a., the russians did, and said you should keep an eye on that guy because he has been involved with extremists while he's been traveling over here. >>gretchen: the headline in the story is that he never ended up on the watch list with the c.i.a., which is really problematic and more information keeps coming out. why? we're not exactly sure. that's going to be the big
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story moving forward for the next couple of weeks. here's the list that he was supposed to go on. it's called tide. the terrorist identity data mark environment. that is a list that quite possibly would have caught him when he was trying to go over to russia for that seven-month trip or remember when secretary napolitano said it pinged when he left but not when it came back into america. >>brian: he never got on that list, but they knew about it and there is sti no communications between the f.b.i. and c.i.a. i thought the c.i.a. capable of putting it on themselves. i didn't know the f.b.i. was solely in ctrol of the list and essentially their screening for it. >>steve: the information that the c.i.a. got, they shared with the department of homeland security and the f.b.i. and the f.b.i. said we already got that information. but what's extraordinary is we spend billions of dollars on intelligence to stop just this. how often does the country of russia call up the
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united states and say you've got to keep an eye on somebody? it seems like they were in an awful hurry to take him off take a look at this guy list. >>brian: the c.i.a. warns this guy is hanging out with bad guys in russia. serious dangerous people. this is a year before he would kill three and wound over 180. actually it's up to 220, people with a hearing problem and residual issues. he would eventually not go on the list, he would come back into the country. interesting things happened. he told his mom he would like to -- he would die for his cause, for islam. and his mom is not even upset about it. in fact, she said -- >>gretchen: i think she's going to be a central figure in this investigation. apparently both parents are coming back to america. keep in mind she may face charges when she gets here because she allegedly stole
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from lord & taylor 1600 bucks worth of clothes. authorities are saying she was also radicalized and encouraging tamerlan to become more radicalized, at least more religious while here in america. there are phrases she is being credited with saying, saying anwar al-awlaki, similar things we have seen and heard. >>brian: when asked about her younger son she said, i don't care if my younger son is going to be killed today. i want the world to hear that i don't care if i'm going to be killed too. sounds like a wonderful woman. >>steve: we know a little bit more about at what point this suspect -- even though we pretty much know he is to blame along with his brother who is dead -- was there in that bed, hospital bed in boston; right? so before he was read his rights, he apparently was singing like a canary.
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the f.b.i. wanted to talk to him as long as they possibly could under the public safety exemption. then out of nowhere shows up a federal district judge by the name of mary ann bauer arrived at the hospital with public defends and said can we talk to him. next thing you know, read him his rights. the f.b.i. is furious. they wanted to get more from him. >>brian: two officials with knowledge of the f.b.i. said the f.b.i. was against stopping the investigations, was stunned that the judge and public defender showed up feeling valuable intelligence may have been sacrificed as a result. exactly what we discussed this week. the experts -- let the f.b.i. do their job. instead a judge waltzes in, asks the doctors is he lucid, is he conscious? they said he's in and out. what was necessary about this? >>gretchen: i thought about you when i read that this morning, brian,
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because i know you have been upset about the way in which that happened and whether or not he should have been an enemy combatant. the public safety clause where you can question somebody without reading their miranda rights or charging them with anything if it has to do with the safety of the public. more and more information now coming out about how this is all handled. in the meantime there is a congressman who says we don't need to know the classified information, but we can judge by the results. he is going to blame the obama administration for five attacks that have happened, or almost attacks here in the united states since president obama has taken office. here's arkansas congressman tom cotton. >> i rise today to express grave doubts about the obama administration's counterterrorism policies and programs. counterterrorism sofpb shrouded in -- is often shrouded in secrecy as it should be. let us judge by the results. and barely four years in office, five jihaddists have reached their targets
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in the united states under barack obama. >>steve: and so who are they? let's go to the big board. we're talking about the boston bombers, we're talking about the underwear bomberrers, times square bomber, fort hood shooter. kphopbg cotton said under george bush how many terrorists reached their target in the united states? zero. he said we need to ask why the obama administration is failing to stop terrorism before it reaches its targets? >>brian: many would say islamist extremists are trying to kill us and we have to do everything to stop them before they kill us. most of the islamic community to stand up and squelch that islam i can almost because -- islamist element. if that is not going to happen, what is plan b? can we at least identify it on a regular basis so we're aware of this instead of
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saying a radical or pretending this is a guy who had no job that was wandering around and wanted to make an impact. >>gretchen: history will prove as we look back over the next couple of decades how the terminology has changed or not changed the war on terror. this president did not want to call it the war on terror. instead it was overseas contingency operations. and yet we have had more terrorist attacks. it will be interesting to see how history looks at this and determines whether or not terminology, changing policies, if that had anything to do long term with the security of this country. >>steve: let's take you back to that terrible day in boston. do you remember that picture of the guy with the cowboy hat? he was pushing -- there is the guy with the cowboy hat, helped save the life of the guy in the wheelchair. that guy is jeff baumann, 27 years old, lost both his legs. he wound up with a new wheelchair in the hospital a day or two ago and suddenly he had such
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freedom, he said he felt inspired. what he wanted to do, he wanted to share a gift with a young 18-year-old girl by the name of sidney cochran, celebrating her 18th birthday in a nearby hospital ward. >>gretchen: that brings it to light when i saw that photo today. he does not have his legs sitting in the wheelchair and he almost died from losing so much blood from shrapnel wounds. i believe the mom is also a double amputee as a result of this. that is one of the victims. that put into light what the terrorists did to so many people. >>steve: the mother's name is celeste cochran. she was visited by two marines who were so inspiring, the video went on youtube immediately. take a look at this. >> [inaudible] >> right now. i'm telling you with all of my heart you are going to
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be [inaudible] than you ever were. >> so glad to hear. i can't believe you're the same. >> i almost joked around like i'm not super athletic. i like to work out but running has never been my thing because i always get horrible shin splints. so i'm like hey, i don't have shins anymore. i can do this. >>brian: he had his legs amputated and he's trying to pick up her spirits. he said this is not the end. this is just the beginning. straight ahead we have a lot more show coming your way. forget those long lines at the airport. the sequester could be the difference between life and death? >> the sequester could also cost the country in humankind, a cure for aids, parkinson's disease or cancer. >>brian: is senator harry reid right? do i even have to ask that question? >>gretchen: when you thought it couldn't get worse, the anthony weiner problem keeps growing.
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>>brian: you mean our >>brian: you mean our next mayor? [ male announcer ] it's simple physics... a body at rest tends to stay at rest... while a body in motion tends to stay in motion. staying active can actually ease arthritis symptoms. but if you have arthritis, staying active can be difficult. prescription celebrex can help relieve arthritis pain so your body can stay in motion. because just one 200mg celebrex a day can provide 24 hour relief for many with arthritis pain and inflammation. plus, in clinical studies, celebrex is proven to improve daily physical function so moving is easier. celebrex can be taken with or without food. and it's not a narcotic. you and your doctor should balance the benefits with the risks. all prescription nsaids, like celebrex, ibuprofen, naproxen and meloxicam have the same cardiovascular warning. they all may increase the chance of heart attack or stroke, which can lead to death.
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visit and ask your doctor about celebrex. great first gig! let's go! party! awwwww... arigato! we are outta here! party...... finding you the perfect place, every step of the way. [ clang ] my house is where plants came to die. but, it turns out all i was missing was miracle-gro potting mix. it's got what a plant needs like miracle-gro plant food that feeds them for up to six months. you get bigger, healthier plan, guaranteed.
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who's got two green thumbs thanks to miracle-gro? ah,his gal. ! with the right soil, everyone grows with miracle-gro. progressive direct and other car insurance companies? yes. but you're progressive, and they're them. yes. but they're here. yes. are you...? there? yes. no. are you them? i'm me. but those rates are for... them. so them are here. yes! you want to run through it again? no, i'm good. you got it? yes. rates for us and them -- now that's progressive. call or click today. >>brian: the sequester not only being blamed for long lines at the airport and delayed flights but now preventing cancer
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researchers from curing cancer? >>steve: that's at least according to senator harry reid. >> most of the headlines are focused on the hours the sequester has caused travelers at airports across the nation. the frustration and economic effects of these delays should not be minimized. but the sequester could also cost the country in humankind: a cure for aids, parkinson's disease or cancer. >>steve: okay. once again, you've got a democrat, stuart varney, who essentially is saying republicans want to kill people. >> that is clearly, absolutely over the top. senator reid is desperate here. that's a sign of desperation right there because the p.r. battle, the p.r. war that he launched is not working. the public is not blaming republicans for these delays at the airports. it's not blaming republicans for this so-called armageddon that is supposed to be coming at us. harry reid is desperate. he's making these outrageous claims.
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sequester cuts prevent a cure for cancer? i mean, that is absolute nonsense and it is over the top nonsense from a man who is losing the p.r. battle. that is my opinion. >>brian: i talked with the chairman of the kr-pgs committee. they have the flexibility, the last people you have to lay off are the air traffic controllers. there's plenty of other things you can do. it's easy to move the money around. it is basically maximum pain to the american people. >> deliberate maximum pain. now there is a revolt within the democrat part. several leading democrats have said they want legislation -- and they're going to propose it this week, maybe today or tomorrow, which says f.a.a., you do have flexibility. you can move the money around. harra reid is in reteeth. he launched -- harry reid
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is in retreat. he said you're not going to get a cure for cancer, instead of demanding tax increases from the republicans. he's desperate. >>brian: the military has taken enough on the chin in this entire process. 50% of these cuts have been to the military already. they should cut it out of the $2 billion worth out of obamacare, money set aside to sell obamacare to the american people. >> which they are not going to cut. or the near $1 million that the federal reserve spends on empty accounts in servicing them. the list goes on. >>steve: obviously this has blown up in their face. check out stuart's show. he works in the next studio but you've got to go to another channel to watch it. he's on fox business, "varney and company" 9 #:20 # eastern time. >>brian: the same folks in congress who didn't read the bill but passed it any way are about to get a pass on obama care. >>steve: does breathing
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into a paper bag really stop you from hyperventilating? dr. marc siegel is on the dr. marc siegel is on the case. [ male announcer ] what are happy kids made of? bikes and balloons, wholesome noodles on spoons. a kite, a breeze, a dunk of grilled cheese. catches and throws, and spaghettio's. that's what happy kids are made of. campbell's. it's amazing what soup can do.
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that's what happy kids are made of. have hail damage to both their cars. ted ted is trying to get a hold of his insurance agent. maxwell is not. he's on setting up an appointment with an adjuster. ted is now on hold with his insurance company. maxwell is not and just confirmed a 5:30 time for tuesday. ted, is still waiting. yes! maxwell is out and about... with ted's now ex-girlfriend. wheeeee! whoo! later ted! online claims appointments. just a click away on that work the way you wish they would. like a front-end loader you can detach from your seat? or a mower deck you just drive over and cut through knee-deep grass no problem?
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>>steve: quick headlines for you on this thursday morning. the developer behind that mosque near ground zero trying to expand his empire. he just bought a five-story building for $8 million two blocks from the site of the 9/11 attacks. >> since you're not paying enough to fly, several airlines are upping the ante. u.s. airways and united charging $200 if you want to change your flight, an increase of 50 bucks.
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>>gretchen: if you have a black eye, mom might have said put a steak on it? it's one of those tried and true home remedies most americans have been doing for decade. only problem is many of them are not true. dr. marc siegel of the fox medical news a team is here to distinguish myth versus fact. let's talk about the raw steak heals a black eye. i have to admit i've never heard this one but is this myth or fact? >> this is absolutely ridiculous. it's fiction. you go put a steak on your eye, you can get bacteria in there. e. coli is in a steak sometimes if you don't cook it. the idea is that it cools the eye down. instead of using steak, you can use a tea bag which has tanins in it which decrease inflammation. a tea bag helps. a steak can get your eye infected. >>gretchen: maybe the theory was the steak was frozen in plastic so it would be like a bag of peas. would it be okay then?
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>> i'd stay from it. cook it and eat it on the barbecue. >>gretchen: let's go to our favorite prop of the day which is the paper bag. does this actually work? >> this one isn't ridiculous. this one is dangerous. first of all, why are you hyperventilating? it could be you're having a heart attack, panic attack. if you use the bag you get more carbon dioxide into your lungs, you'll get more anxious and confused and you could pass out. a dangerous idea. you have to figure out why you're hyperventilating and calm down. >>gretchen: i remember hearing if you got a burn you're supposed to rub butter on it. >> it's the opposite. take that butter and put it on the steak, not use it on the burn. burns are hot and oilm the oil. you need to use something to cool the burn down like ice. like alloy or silverdine
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cream. you do not want to use butter on a burn. >>gretchen: somebody gets a cuts, you're with your kids, they fall down, get a scrape. you run inside and think i'll spray it with peroxide or alcohol maybe. or should i just run water over it? >> first of all, a really big cut, you have to go to the e.r. and get checked. but a small cut, you want to wash it out with water. that's a fact. because water will clear the debris and decrease your risk of getting it infected. if you use anything else like peroxide, you're going to end up irritating it. peroxide is for when it's already infected. if you use it at the beginning, you're going to irritate it and then it may actually get infected. to not be your own doctor. call me. >>gretchen: you putting out your number for everybody? no. they can e-mail us. friends at fox thanks for separating fact from fiction. need help around the house?
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hire an nfl player. what would you do? president bush giving you the chance to remake his decision while against the clock. we're live at the preview as the presidential library opens today. this day calls you. to fight chronic osteoarthritis pain. to fight chronic low back pain. to take action. to take the next step. today, y will know you did something for your pain. cymbalta can help. cymbalta is a pain reliever fda-approved to manage chronic musculoskeletal pain. one non-narcotic pill a day, every day, can helpeduce this pain. tell your doctor right away if your mood worsens, you have unusual changes in mood or behavior or thoughts of suicide. anti-depressants can increase these in children, teens, and young adults. cymbalta inot for children under 18. people taking maois, linezolid or thioridazine or with
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>> it turns out that joe biden's office will not be affected by recent budget cuts even though the white house is cutting back. when he heard the news, biden was like, i have an office? >>gretchen: he does spend a lot of time on the train. >>brian: he's helping out john mccain. he went and spoke for john mccain. meanwhile, in this day in history, it is a history-making day in dallas. in a few hour george w. bush's library opens at f.m.u. we're there previewing the big day. every living president will be in attendance. >> good morning, guys. it is going to be a big day. it looks like now that i'm at a nightclub. they've got a light show going on. a library back there behind me. every single living president is going to be here, and first lady, with the exception of nancy reagan.
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then of course all of the dig in a tears from secretary condoleezza rice to colin powell, the list goes on and on. this thing is huge. it is about 14,000 square feet, the museum itself. basically you walk through chronologically the bush presidency, all eight years in office. it is going to start off with an exhibit with that contested 2000 election, remember the dimpled chads. then the supreme court decision. when you turn the corner, september 11. that only happened eight months into his first term, so there is a great deal of attention focused on that particular event and the event leading -- following that. there is a piece of steel from the world trade center towers in there, also the bullhorn famously used by president bush just days after september 11 when he rallied americans from ground zero. and then you're going to go through parts of exhibits that show what happened
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after 9/11. of course what became a new threat, the global war on terror, the invasion of iraq and afghanistan. also a great deal of time focused on hurricane katrina and then the financial collapse toward the end of his presidency. there's also a lot of good focused on there as well, including all the work he did with aids research, of course education reform, no child left behind; things like that. 43,000 artifacts are on display. this is one of the cool parts that struck me. the folks here tell us -- and it's true if you think about it -- george w. bush was the first president in the all-digital age. let's just look at e-mails. his father, bush 41, sent about 2.2 million e-mails while he was in office. then president clinton sent about 20 million. well, george w. bush sent roughly 200 million
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e-mails. all of that stuff has been archived. it's all here in the library, all here in the museum. a really big day. event get underway at 10:00 local time, 11:00 eastern. we're going to have it for you at fox news. >>steve: when the president came out with his book called decision points, there are a couple of points inside the library where you are given a situation and you essentially become the president. you decide what to do; right? >> right. it's called decision point theater. it's an interactive exhibit that presents you with different crises the president was faced with and given information he had at the time, you can make those decisions for yourself. there's a lot of interactive stuff in here. very high-tech since it is the newest presidential library. 13 in the national archive system. a lot of interactive stuff, a lot of l. d. -- a lot of l.e.d.
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board. steve, yesterday i finally got to meet your daughter. >>steve: i've seen the picture. it's on her facebook, on her instagram. thank you, casey. have a great day there. nice preview. >>gretchen: a brand-new report says the same lawmakers who passed obamacare are in secret talks to get exemption from a key part of it. those talks have been going on for months. the issue is whether or not the government should subsidize their health insurance premiums. if not, lawmakers in both parties fear staffers, especially low-paid aides, could be hitith thousands of dollars of new health care costs prompting them to look for work elsewhere. >>steve: when you thought it couldn't get any worse, anthony weiner's problem continues to grow. you have to see this picture. the former democratic congressman says it's possible more kind of nude
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photos or worse could surface. >> people know i did it. people know i did it with multiple women. the pictures are out there. i'm not going to say to you that no one else is going to release another picture or there is nothing else going on. i'll tell you this, i'm not talking about it. >>steve: weiner has been on a public apology tour after hinting he may run for mayor of new york city. he wants to. right now he's number two in the polls. >>brian: you ever spot a fine woman sitting in your row? virgin airlines has something for those who want to bust a move. passengers candice cretely send -- can discreetly send a cocktail to another woman. then you can send that woman a text. those nuts on me.
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>>gretchen: they said one of the top match making service is aairports. >>steve: because you've got time to kill. maria molina joins us with a preview of the weather. >> good morning everyone. today we're talking about relatively chilly temperatures in places like new york city and across the east. as we head into this afternoon we're going to be looking at a lot of sunshine, dry conditions and also temperatures into the upper 60's for most of you across sections of the mid-atlantic and into the northeast. 64 degrees should be the high temperature in new york city. we're going to be continuing to see that nice weather even into the weekend across places in the northeast, across the midwest, places like minneapolis, you've been talking about temperatures in the 50's as we head into this weekend. you could be in the 70. places like fargo, north dakota, you'll be seeing that trend as well. for fargo, you do have the red river and we have a lot
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of snow to melt. that will be rapidly speeding up the snow melt and you could be talking about flooding concerns out there as we head into early next week. that will be a huge concern across parts of the north central and mississippi river flooding still another concern. flood warnings are in effect along the river. brian? >>brian: thanks, maria. tonight's nfl draft, the unofficial start of the 2013 season. for a preview we have with us brian billik, super bowl winning coach of the baltimore ravens. they're calling the draft an unsexy draft. people aren't going to remember this draft. do you think there is enough talent here? >> there's more than enough talent. people are saying it's not that sexy. we don't know who for sure the first pick is going to be. last year we knew it was
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andrew luck. we knew it was rg-3. it is a good group of quarterbacks but this is maybe one of the best line drafts. >>brian: smith, would he be one person you would build your team around? >> i like all these quarterbacks. if you miss on a first round quarterback, you're out of a job. most of these guys will fall back into the second. what's going to be interesting, late in the night do these teams move back into the first round to get back into the curve. >>brian: i always said wouldn't it be great if brian bilick would stop by and walk the game with me? is that indeed possible now? >> that is possible. it's a marketplace where the public can book professional athletes for local experiences. what does that mean? you gave a few examples. i'll give you a couple more. down in atlanta for the final four, friends booked
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dominique wilkins and tim hardaway to play pickup basketball. a men's retailer ran pop up shops around the country so they booked druze, new england patriot great. >> brian, you would come over. let's say it's 1200 bucks, spend the day, coach my team? you would come to the house and coach my team. >> it's up front pricing. when you go to the website, you can see what would it take, what's the cost. it's very up front for you to do. you want to come in -- you want tiki barbour? it's a wide variety of experiences, great memorable experiences. you see what it is up front. you and your friend get together, put your fantasy league together, get some guy to come here and be as
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wrong as you are. >>brian: remember what bobby brady had to do? now all he has to do is log on and get the money. >> you log on, you can see the talent available in your area. you can see the prices they charge. you can see the experiences they offer from dinner to a round of golf to a promotional event and then a few clicks and book them with your credit card. >>brian: what is your feeling about this when you heard about this, coach? >> i think it is great. i do a great deal of corporate speaking. in the old school of thinking, you would think it has to be this big corporate, too broad based. but this has brought it down to a more natural feel. on the voice mail, you're a big giants fan, get tiki barber or eli manning to come upl and leave you a voice mail. whatever the experience you think you want to do, you
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never know. >> it's local. that drives the prices down. it's very convenient for the athletes. >>brian: if you want ald i no, it's going to be an international flight. guys, good luck on the draft. >> going to be a good night. >>brian: great to see you, guys. tiki barber is one of the founders? while you were sleeping, explosions rocking barges in alabama. an update on this breaking story. and you've heard it over and over. the president thinks the rich need to pay their fair share, but our next guest says it's time to tax the poor? ♪
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civic center on the floor. here's the video. very astonishing video. seven explosions, the latest happening four or five hours. nobody hurt in the explosions afterwards but three people critically hurt. they were cleaning gasoline out of that ship. they continue to be hospitalized at this point. again, no one hurt here on the scene outside, but fire officials are continuing to watch this and look exactly at what the cause is. >>gretchen: another event in the same location. let's go over to the other steve. >>steve: president obama famously campaigned on making the wealthiest most successful americans pay their fair share, but he never showed you this. according to the i.r.s., the top 50% of earners in america are currently paying 98% of all the taxes whereas the bottom 50% are only paying 2%. our next guest says it's time to tax the poor. he joins us from seattle,
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an investment columnist for m.s.n. money. good morning to you. why do we need to tax the poor? we heard from the president that if we simply soak the rich, it would be happy days would be here again. that's not the case, is it? >> we're seeing the evidence of that over the last few years. if you look at where the budget deficit and the debt is, it's on a bad trajectory. if you look at where the job market is, it's on a bad trajectory. if you look at people on welfare and disability, it is on a bad trajectory. it is not working. >>steve: one of the ways you suggest to tax the poor would be to get them back to work. one of those ways would be to stop making it so easy for people to sit at home, collect welfare. we've got to entice them to get a job? >> right. it's kind of getting back to basic principles. this country was founded on the concept that if you work hard, you're going to have a shot at greatness. maybe you're not going to get there. it's that effort that makes the whole country great. somebody is going to create a new invention, new
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service. that drives all of us forward. if everybody is incentivized to sit on the couch and collect food stamps and disability, we all suffer from that. >>steve: you're not saying hit people with a tax bracket right now if they're at the bottom. get them a job and then they can pay. >> it was a play on words. the idea is we have to tax the poor by getting them to work harder. we have to get them off the couch. if they have a job, maybe they take a second shift at work and they're going to be making more money. that way they'll be paying more taxes. right now we have a system where we're focusing on increasing taxes in a very narrow part of the wealthy and increasing welfare benefits for everybody else. it is not working. we've got to broaden the tax base, get people off welfare back into jobs. that's how we're going to get the budget deficit closed. >>steve: thank you for joining us from the beautiful city of seattle. straight ahead, the key to preventing another terror attack. >> our laws and our interpretation of the
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constitution, i think, have to change. >>steve: change the constitution? that guy doesn't like that. he's next. [ male announcer ] we build things that work the way you wish they would. like a front-end loader you can detach from your seat? or a mower deck you just drive over and cut through knee-deep grass no problem? yep. we thought the same thing you did. that's why we build them this way. that's how we run. nothing runs like a deere.
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>>gretchen: new york city mayor michael bloomberg says he knows people are worried about privacy, but when you're facing terror, too bad. >> our laws and our interpretation of the constitution, i think, have to change. >>gretchen: do we have to give up our constitutional freedoms to stay safe? >>brian: let's ask judge andrew napolitano. you agree with bloomberg; right? >> i'm chuckling because i did this every day when we had brian and the junell. the mayor is profoundly wrong. the whole essence of humanity and the reason america is a great place is because the government
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respects human freedom. it's the job of the government to keep us free and safe. if it keeps us safe but not free, it's not doing its job. and that goes for him. it goes for the president of the united states. it goes for the mayor of boston. >>gretchen: what you're talking about, i think, is increasing surveillance cameras and you believe that that is an imposition on personal freedoms because you think it is a slippery slope? >> i do. if it were up to mayor bloomberg -- i'm suggesting this -- sufrl -- surveillance cameras would be enside rather than outside. a famous radio voice agrees with me on this. >>brian: rush limbaugh. let's listen. >> when you trade your freedom for temporary security, when you have no control over your social security, when you have -- no control over your security, no control over your economic circumstances, what kind of thin thread are you hanging by? you're depending on the performance of other people that don't even know you.
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politicians in a distant capital who on a whim can cancel whatever program that you fend -- depend on. >> that is so profound it could have been uttered during the american revolution. >>brian: the big concern is people using our freedom to use it for reasons that end up kel us. >> the problem is when the government takes freedom away from decent people like us, these monsters don't care if they're on camera. they did it any way. >>brian: if there are cameras anywhere, don't ever be naked. >>gretchen: that is the thesis of this section. let me ask you -- judge, great to see you. >> brian, keep your clothes on for now. >>gretchen: if you travel this week, you might be feeling the pain of sequester with those long airport lines. but guess who's spared?
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it's thursday, april 25, 2013. i'm gretchen carlson. breaking news, an enormous fire burning out of control. two fuel barges triggering seven massive explosions. the breaking details straight ahead. >> brian: turns out the boston bombing suspect was singing like a canary until the judge showed up and this morning the f.b.i. is furious. so who sent in the judge to read him his rights? we'll tell you what you need to know. >> steve: and this football player is on fire, literally. he's doing it on purpose. what is the purpose? wait until you hear. "fox & friends" hour two for thursday starts right now.
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>> gretchen: good morning, everybody. thanks for sharing part of your thursday with us today. it's big day out at southern methodist university. smu in texas outside of dallas, or right in dallas because the george w. bush presidential library will be opening today and in a little bit we'll show you some pictures. it is so technologically advanced. earlier they were doing a big light and laser show it looked like there. everything is computerized and really state of the art. it's the first of its kind as far as talking about technology and how presidents used it. for example, i believe what did casey stegall say? that president bush sent 200 million e-mails? >> steve: yeah. and they're all archived. the ones that can be released are released. that center will be officially dedicated later on. as you can see, they're just getting set up. last night on campus, according to our campus spy, who i happen to be paying the tuition for,
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they had a gigantic reunion and supper for i think 1200 people who were predominantly donors, but also a reunion for those who worked in the bush administration. >> brian: it will be a look back at the bush years and how history is already treating the eight years in office. andy card was replaced. and it was his idea. dana perino not only was the press secretary, she also sat down one on one with her ex-boss and mentor. that will be an exciting preview of her interview which will air on "the five." >> steve: they're all with us live. good day to join us live from dallas and the big apple. >> gretchen: in the meantime, some headlines to tell you about. a fox news alert, massive fire that start with explosions on two fuel barges just rocked by a seventh explosion. the fire raging in mobile,
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alabama. three people are in critical condition. the fire so intense, firefighters forced to let it burn out on its own. across the river, yet again, is it cursed -- the carnival triumph ship. it had to be evacuated. that was left drifting for days with no power and few work toilets. kicking a field goal is hard enough. guess we're not going to do that. i love football. i'm so excited 'cause the draft is tonight. >> brian: don't get ahead of yourself. >> gretchen: my favorite sport. we'll talk about on-line shopping, my second favorite sport. your sales tax free that's right could soon be party. the senate voting on a bill to help states collect taxes on internet purchases. right now sellers can collect sales tax if the seller has a physical presence. like a store or distribution center in the state in which you're purchasing it. you already get hit with a tax. now could be for everything. instead of serving up a delicious sauce, a chef served
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up deadly pesticide. one person died after the chef in china mistakenly add the pesticide to the sauce. he was making lunch for some construction workers. the chef, along with 20 others, also got sick. police say it was a crime of negligence. no word if he's going to be charged. a victory for patriotism. we told you yesterday about 12-year-old c.j. taylor, kicked out of school for wearing a t-shirt that said "support our troops." the school, which is on the fort campbell base in tennessee had a change of heart. it reversed its dress code. c.j.'s father went overseas for his sixth deployment and she wore it to honor him. and those are your headlines. somebody please tell me why "support our troops" would be a problem. i'm not sure. >> steve: no collar. >> brian: four minutes after the hour. since the boston bombing last monday, we've been trying to find out about the guys that perpetrated this crime, how big
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the ring is, where they got their training, how sophisticated this was. and where they got the money to finance. one of the main things we did and the fortunate thing about the investigation is one thing survived. the police went out of their way to make sure he survived so they could get -- i think rubber bullets were used to get answers to all of these questions. one of the best things you do is you ask questions. however, if he's an american citizen, however, if you use the public safety portion of the laws that govern our country, since public safety is at risk, you can put on hold reading the miranda rights in order to find out if there are other bombs and a bigger cell that could do even more damage. so when the f.b.i. went in to question him, as it came out of his morphine or pain killers he was on, they were shocked to find out somebody else was at the bedside. >> steve: the f.b.i. agents were able to get a lot of information out of him. a lot using the public safety
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exemption. and the f.b.i. would like to talk to him as long as possible. who shows up? a judge by the name of mary ann bowler. she arrived, with a public defender and members of the department of justice. they showed up. they asked the people in attendance, is he okay? can we talk to him? he kind of nodded and next thing you know, they mirandaized him and he immediately shut up. the f.b.i. is furious. it's like what are you doing? we were getting good stuff out of this guy and you came in and did that. you didn't have to do that. we've had people on this show who said over the last couple of days, they didn't have to do it. but they did. >> gretchen: so what kind of information will we now possibly not know? remember, one of the controversial things that came out of this was that it appeared the government was swift to say that there was no foreign involvement. even though it's still a mystery as to what this seven month trip was for tamerlan.
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it's unclear what he was doing in chechnya. there is -- >> brian: also to add, it's one of the worst areas in the world. it has russian intelligence intimidated. we know the c.i.a. and f.b.i. both tipped off by russian intelligence to put him on a watch list. this guy is hanging out with really bad, brutal people. >> steve: there he is. according to the "wall street journal" today, he was put on two different watch lists. the russians contacted the f.b.i. in march of 2011 and then in 2011 september of that year, they contacted the c.i.a. you know, if you connected all the dots ahead of time, boston might not have happened. arkansas congressman tom cotton took to the floor of the u.s. house yesterday and made this observation about the obama administration, which was brutal. >> i rise today to express grave doubts about the obama
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administration's counterterrorism policies and programs. counterterrorism is often shrouded in secrecy, as it should be. so let us judge by the results. and barely four years in office, five jihaddists have reached their targets in the united states under barak obama. >> gretchen: is there a connection? with policies and the way in which terror or lack thereof of calling it terror is responsible for that? we'll let you be the judge. here are the five things he was talking about. the boston bombers, underwear bomber, times square bomber, fort hood shooter being deemed workplace shooter and little rock shooter. let us know what you think. does it have anything to do with who is in power or is it just a sign of the times? let us know what you think. >> steve: the congressman put it in perspective. he said, quote, in the over seven years after 9-11 under george w. bush, how many terrorists reached their target in the united states?
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zero. >> brian: it bothers me that the c.i.a. and f.b.i. aren't getting on the same page still for that to happen with the joint terrorist task force. i know it's one of the hardest jobs in the world. but if you're not talking to each other action we have no chance at success. >> steve: that was one of the problems before 9-11 where the agencies weren't sharing information and it looks like the f.b.i. had it first, didn't share it with anybody. that's the problem. >> brian: the f.b.i. was told -- the c.i.a. was told separately, but the f.b.i. was supposed to be the one to put them on the list. >> gretchen: u.s. counterterrorism watch list, which is a comprehensive list from all the agencies. how will this conviction go now? really who knows because the public defenders are blaming sequester now for maybe delays. they're saying that they're going to have to take three weeks off, that's furloughs you've been hearing about, because they're paid by the government. they're saying that three weeks of time could delay this case, could delay the process. will it change the impact of it? that's going to be -- trust me, this will become a political discussion right now as how this
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is handled. >> brian: let's talk about sequester. yesterday they asked me how i wanted to travel and i said train. i have no interest to go to the airport. little did i know if i went to the dc airport, i would have gotten in and out on time because they are not a victim of the so-called furlough the air traffic controllers. they have for some reason, they're not affected by that. >> steve: the head of the faa yesterday, before congress, said that yeah, they're really going to feel it in new york and chicago, but washington, d.c., where all the lawmakers are, will not be feeling it because he said that the airports are far enough apart. airports in places like chicago and new york, a little too close, takes too much. need bigger separation and that's that. last night john thune, senator in the u.s. senate, was with greta talking about how the obama administration seems to be inflicting pain for political gain. >> it's almost like what they
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did as how can we make this as painful as possible to the american people? and essentially turned airline travel new orleans a political football in order to make the point that these cuts got to be replaced with a big tax increase, which is what the president has been advocating. >> gretchen: i do want to mention that atlanta apparently, the nation's busiest and biggest airport at this point in time, also not going to be affected and the reasoning given is because they have five big long runways. so apparently any kind of air traffic controller who is not there, if they don't have as many, they can still be operational. >> brian: evidently people like ray lahood and company are told every time they come up with a suggestion that says why don't we do this, move these chess pieces around in order to get the air traffic controllers back, they're told no. these are across the board cuts, leave them as they are. there is flexibility built in unless you talk to somebody in the administration who says they're not. >> steve: i think the general public is getting the message. wait a minute.
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the republicans tried to give the president of the united states flexibility to move the money around. none of this stuff had to happen. now here we are. it does look so nakedly political and now there is a move on capitol hill to actually do something to help the faa. those long lines might not last too much longer. >> brian: straight ahead, there is no such thing as a free lunch, we heard. one law maker wants to make sure your kids know it by making them work for it. is that fair? we report. you decide. >> gretchen: and fisker, the latest government energy bust. why does the white house keep picking these types of losing green companies? "fox business" network's charlie gasparino on deck. you like that, chuck ♪ [ lighter flicking ]
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we don't run like that. we build john deere equipment the way we always have: the right way. times change. our principles don't. you don't just have our word on it. you've got our name on it. that's how we run. nothing runs like a deere. discover the full line of riding lawn equipment at or your local dealer. >> brian: newly released documents show the obama administration was warned before the f-29 -- $529 million in fisker electronic cars that they would backfire after solyndra and now fisker. why does the white house keep picking winners and losers? >> necessity that we have as a nation to move forward on investments in alternative energy, to make sure that we
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develop the industries of the future in this country that provide jobs of the future in this country as opposed to importing alternative energy in the manner that we so long imported fossil fuel energy is absolutely the right thing to do. this president is committed to it. >> brian: right. he is committed to it. "fox business" network senior correspondent charles gasparino is here. at some point are we going to get tired of losing this much money? >> not under the obama administration. they have a clear mandate to use federal money. what's scary about this, that was the most bizarre rationale i ever heard for this program. but they have a commitment for using stimulus money for this. here is the problem, stimulus money is supposed to be used to stimulate the economy. things. not experiments. it's okay for governments to spend on some experiments. when you use stimulus money, you're supposed to create jobs. we're supposed to know there is jobs. these type of cars are all experiments. that's the problem with this. we don't know how well this technology will work for the
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future, if people will buy them, if they're usable over the long-term. you might be able to drive five miles with it, but can you pull out of your garage every day and use one of those alternative cars? that's a question mark. >> brian: charles you start a business with your own money that you have to raise, you're more committed to that project as opposed to you got $500 million to do a project. win or lose, you're not responsible for it. >> that's the problem with this, when the governmenney to peoplet without consequences. there's a degree of moral hazard. it's like giving money to the banks, protecting the banks. guess what? they took undue risk and blew themselves up. >> brian: now we understand the energy department seized $21 million from fisker this month and look for repayment because they're also building the cars in finland, not even in the u.s. >> that's the problem here. if this is stimulus money, why isn't it being spent here? it's scary that the energy department has become a bank. >> brian: yeah. >> are people getting their hands around this?
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our government has become one of the epicenters of the alleged free market of our economy and that is that leads to inefficient cities and more of this. we'll see this many, many more times. >> brian: we can experiment on sports cars that run on hybrid engines, but can't get air traffic controllers to land our planes. >> they gave the president some leeway in dealing with the sequester. one of the ways they could have dealt with it is divert some of this money to these boondoggle projects, which they are. the air traffic controllers, why not? >> brian: when are we going to see you again? >> any time. i don't go out on a wednesday night. i will be here. >> brian: to an nfl party, celebrate the draft. thank you very much. straight ahead, it's take your daughter or son to workday. before you drag them to the office, stay tuned. advice that could change the course of their lives, straight ahead. then ahmadinejab allowed to speak to students.
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but rick santorum, i don't think so. give me a permission slip. that story is out i automatically go there. at angie's list, you'll find reviews on everything from home repair to healthcare written by people just like you. if you want to save yourself time and avoid a hassle, go to angie's list. at angie's list, you'll find the right person to do the job you need. and you'll find the right person quickly and easily. i'm busy, busy, busy, busy. thank goodness for angie's list. from roofers to plumbers to dentists and more, angie's list -- reviews you can trust. oh, angie? i have her on speed dial. man: how did i get here? dumb luck? or good decisions? ones i've made. ones we've all made. about marriage. children. money.
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next, $8 million. that's how much ground zero mosque developer paid for another building two blocks away. it's a sign he wants to expand into a mega mosque now. but no details forth coming. one hundred dollars, this is the new benjamin going into circulation in october. it has new security features, including that 3d blue ribben and a copper bell that changes color when is tilted. that's cool. >> steve: good security. meanwhile, today is take your kids to workday. so if you're allowing your children to skip school and come with you to the office, how brave you are, how do you make sure they still learn something? >> gretchen: katherine is here, founder and ceo of the muse and will focus on elementary school kids and messages to tell them today. good morning. >> good morning. >> steve: today is the 20th anniversary. >> uh-huh. i think it's been incredible to see how parents are getting involved. >> gretchen: one of your main points for boys and girls is you say to think broader than traditional roles.
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there are no boy or girl careers. how do you do that? >> i think it's really important for parents to do it because a lot of the media kids get from books, to television, still reinforces boys do certain types of things and girls do other. i think it's really great as a parent to be able to say, use the word, for example, when you are an astronaut or encourage the kids' creams and encourage them -- dreams and encourage them to think people can be all sorts of things. finding role models who are women in computer science, for example, or men who love marketing. whatever your child is passionate about, connecting with people who are like them, who do that and love it can be great to encourage them early on. >> steve: that was one of the tips for kids in grade school. the suggestion is you can start bringing your kids to work at age eight, up to 18, and then they're too boose. in middle school, you say, be what you see. what does that mean? does that mean i see dad or mom go to work and i can be that person? >> exactly. you can start to talk to them about why you chose the career you did and again, connecting
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them with people who are like them, who are in the passions that they've expressed. for example, if your child loves reading, providing them a lot of opportunities to do that, but showing them perhaps authors, writers, people in the field that they're interested in who look like them. it's one of the most powerful things to connect them with role models. >> brian: try to pick up their signals. what do you mean there is no rush? don't panic if they don't have a career? >> exactly. this is one of the biggest pressures on kids, especially when they get into high school is this pressure to have it all figured out, that you should know what you want to do with your life, that you should be making choices now at age 14, 15, 18 that, will determine the rest of your life. it's powerful for parents to say, it takes people some time to figure out what they love and give them that pressure to explore. so you don't have to know everything now, but i'm going to connect you with people who can show you the way or resources, like what we do. >> brian: talk about how we changed.
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my mom said that her father was told -- her father was told by his father, he goes, you're going to work in a restaurant. you're going to be an optometrist. and they all had to do the careers the dad said. boy, have we changed. >> we have. there is this idea, it used to be that work was work and you're going to pick one thing and do it. now i think kids are starting to get these messages that there are a lot of jobs out there. and while it's important to work hard and be good in school and think about what you like, you don't necessarily have to pick one career in one company and stick in that forever. that's a lot of what we talk about. >> gretchen: that was the best thing about being in college and not having to declare a major until i was a junior. some places make you do it before. the final tip is, if your kids are going to work today, what should they be doing, instead of playing computer games? >> you want to give your kids a sort of realistic idea of what your job is like. so bring your child to workday, maybe not the best day to show them every fun thing you possibly do. give them a sense of realistickiccally what work means, potentially connect them
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with other people at your office so they see not only your job, but all the things it takes. >> brian: they might get a baby-sitter out of this. >> you never know. >> steve: we'll have hundreds of kids -- we've already got a couple of kids in the hall today. the good thing for the kids who come here, free pizza at lunch. >> sounds excellent, can i stay? >> steve: absolutely. all day long. katherine, thank you very much. >> thank you so much. >> gretchen: this football player is on fire literally and he's doing it on purpose? wait until you hear why. >> brian: the chief of staffs under george w. bush join us live. we'll find out what they think was the better chief of staff. they'll be honest. >> steve: they'll wrestle for it new honey bunches of oats greek yogurt and whole grain.
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>> brian: shot of the morning. this boston bombing survivor won't let losing his legs get in the way of supporting others injured in the attack. jeff bowman used a new wheelchair to visit fellow victims. he gave her a gift for her 18th birthday. meantime, sydney's mom was left a double amputee after the blast. she got a special visit from a wounded marine. >> right now, i'm telling you, with all my heart, you are going to be more independent than you
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ever were. >> i'm glad you're here. i can't believe it's the same thing. >> brian: he lost both of his legs to a road side bomb in afghanistan and was trying to let her know what her next few weeks and the rest of her life would be like. >> gretchen: she's holding the hand of her daughter who was also injured in the attack. shrapnel wounds to her legs. >> gretchen: the other headlines. brand-new report says the same lawmakers who passed obamacare are try to go get an exemption for a key part of it. the issue is whether or not the government should subsidize their health insurance premiums. if not, lawmakers in both parties fear staffers, especially low paid aides, could be hit with thousands of dollars in new health care cost, prompting them to look for work elsewhere. >> steve: just like everybody elimination. meanwhile, there is no such thing as a free lunch. so should we make little johnny work for his free meal at
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school? republican ray canterbury of virginia says yes. he is suggesting having students sweep the floors, take out the garbage in exchange for a free school lunch. he came up with the idea during a debate over a bill that would give free lunch and free breakfast to all students. he says his parents taught him not to expect a handout and work is hard. he thinks free lunch for everybody undermines a good work ethic. >> gretchen: it's set a record with 13 million viewers. >> what does this mean? >> gretchen: mark burnett says he's far from done with the mini series "the bible." he's working on a sequel. it's being shopped around with the working title "a.d.." earlier this week, he announced plans to condense "the bible" to a three-hour movie version that will hit the theaters. >> brian: that's lot of ground to cover.
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>> steve: that guy is on fire. >> brian: take a look at this guy. kicker with dreams of playing in the nfl. hehe wanted to grab the attentin of gm's. he lit himself on fire and went to kick one through. the result, three points. he's also a stunt man. >> steve: this morning thousands of homes and businesses are without power after a tornado ripped through the town of kenner, louisiana. officials there say the twister was 50 yards wide, 90 mile-per-hour winds and did a lot of damage. no injuries were reported. tracking that storm and everything else, she's outside, maria molina. hey. >> hey, good morning. that's right. we did have some rough weather across the country yesterday. a few isolated reports of tornadoes and even damaging winds with several thunderstorms across the country. today does look a lot quieter. i want to look at the high temperatures across the country because across northeast, it is going to be a beautiful day. 64 degrees will be the high temperature here in new york city. starting off a little chilly,
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but warming up into the 60s. in the 50s for cities like minneapolis and also in chicago. we did have a couple of light showers earlier today across parts of new jersey. still lingering across sections of new england. that will steer out later today and again, expecting sunshine and dry weather with pleasant temperatures, quick moving disturbance across sections of the great lakes and sections of the midwest expecting a big warm-up over the next several days. in the 70s from minneapolis and by the way, steve, gretchen and brian, the weather in dallas today, looking pretty good. high temperature, about 72 today. >> steve: very nice. >> gretchen: and it's fitting you would do that because in a few hours in dallas, texas, all the living presidents will dedi. bush library. they will be joined by hundreds of members of the bush white house. so what does the opening of the library mean to two of those important guests? >> brian: we're joined by both of president bush's white house chief of staff, andrew card and josh bolden. welcome, gentlemen. thank you for joining us.
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>> thanks for having us on. it's great to be here. >> brian: i know you got a quick preview. i guess andy, you have such a history with the bushes. as you walked around that facility, what did you take away from it? >> first of all, this is not a tribute to george w. bush. this is a tribute to what did he as president. and it's really an objective presentation. the decision points makes all the difference in the world for this experience because you get brought back in time in trying to feel what the president felt when he had to make tough decisions. you're brought back to the emotion of the day and the challenge of the decision. then you get to make the decision and the president then responds afterward. it's a wonderful experience. you get to go back and see what president bush had to face during his presidency and you have a chance to react -- what he had to react to real time. >> steve: yeah. josh, president bush stuck with a lot of the bush policies, counterterrorism, immigration, gitmo. do you feel vindicated in a lot of your decisions?
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>> vindicated isn't quite the right word. but i hope what people draw from the experience of coming to this fabulous facility is that president bush made a lot of very tough decisions under difficult circumstances and put in place a lot of very successful policies from which people are still benefitting all over america today. we're talking about prescription drug coverage under medicare. we're talking about education reform, low taxes for most americans, and as andy said, the homeland security structure that is in place in the country today that's kept us safe. all of that was done under president bush on a bipartisan basis. remember, he had a democratic congress to deal with most of his tenure and what you see in this museum is a lot of bipartisan accomishments that people kind of take for granted today, but that were put through by a very effective, courageous
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and bipartisan leader. >> gretchen: that's really interesting. andy, let me ask you this, because i find it so interesting that this president has remained quiet. he hasn't commented when he's taken hits in the last couple of years. yet it seems that this library is very personal in nature, just talking about this experience that you can go through the most crucial decisions of his presidency. have you seen anyone go through and try to make these decisions? >> we have. we've watched people go through the early stages of this museum opening and you can't help but be struck by the twin towers and the attacks on 9-11. it's an emotional trip through this museum, as it was an emotional time for america and emotional time for the president and his leadership made a difference. one thing that josh bolton did was help bring fiscal difference to reality and president bush probably has the best track record of any modern president in terms of fiscal discipline at the federal deposit level as
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well. that's something that the public has forgotten about. hopefully they'll come to recognize it by this museum. >> brian: both of you, there are so many huge decisions that happened during the eight years that president bush was in office. you were right there offering advice, making -- implementing the president's decisions. first, josh bolton, as the economy started to crater, one of the great moments some people say for president bush was coming up with tarp and finding out a way to put a band-aid on the situation and prop it up to make sure the losses weren't so bad. in retrospect, do you think in looking back that economic crisis could have been avoided and in retrospect, are you proud of what did you in response to the crisis? >> yeah. i'm clear whether anybody could have done anything to avoid this crisis. if something could have been done, it would have been done over the last couple of decades. that's how the time period over which the crisis built up. but in answer to your second question, absolutely. i'm very proud of what president bush did in the midst of the
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crisis to stabilize the financial system which was on the brink of collapse. people forget that. in the fall of 2008, the financial system was on the brink of collapse. president bush took some very courageous decisions. you mentioned tarp i think was the biggest thing that stabilized the financial system and it was very unpopular. it was unpopular on the left because it was a bailout for banks and unpopular on the right because of it a bailout. what you see in there is -- i hope people come away with a recognition that this wasn't a president who chased popularity. he tried to do the right thing in the case of the financial crisis. i think he absolutely did. >> steve: you know what? his popularity polls have actually been going up. he's essentially tied with the current president of the united states. josh bolton and andy card, thank you very much. as you swing down memory lane there at that library that's got so many of the things that you worked for for years in washington. oh, yeah, that guy. very nice. thank you.
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>> thank you. >> gretchen: next up, ahmadinejab allowed to speak to students. but rick santorum, kids have to get a permission slip first? that story straight ahead. >> brian: then miranda ker is hanging up her wings. who is replacing her? victoria's newest angel next i was cooking dinner for my family. all of a sudden, i was just wringing wet from head to toe. boom. heart attack. i'm a nurse and a care giver. never once did i consider that i might
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be having a heart attack. it can happen to anyone at any time. the doctor recommends bayer aspirin to keep this from happening to me again. [ male announcer ] aspirin is not appropriate for everyone, so be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. it's working. six years and counng. know the symptoms. talk to your doctor. know the symptoms. ♪ even superheroes need superheroes, and some superheroes need complete and balanced meals with 23 vitamins and minerals.
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♪ . >> brian: marky mark and the funky bunch make a comeback. in an interview with tmz, mark walberg said he would get them back to raise money for victims of the marathon bombings. he grew up in boston. and she's getting her -- meet model carly claus, she's 20, taking the place of miranda kerr. sources say she was canned because she was a diva. that's astounding to me.
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>> steve: heaven must be missing an angel. thanks. he's a former presidential candidate and a former senator as well, but students at gross point south high school in michigan could only attend rick santorum's speech after getting a permission slip signed by their parents. is that appropriate or is the school playing politics? let's talk to the student there at the high school and attended santorum's speech yesterday and the local chairman of the young americans for freedom organization, student-run outfit that brought him to the school. nice to have you today. >> thank you. i'm very glad to be here. >> steve: let's start at the beginning. your organization invited him, paid his fee. the high school principal said okay, fine by me. and then the superintendent got involved and said what? >> superintendent got involved and didn't know who santorum was and found out about his stance on gay marriage and say, i find his stance to be offensive. i have a gay stepbrother. i think he'll harm the students
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and i don't want him speaking in my school district. it was a completely personal decision. >> steve: okay. and then you looked at that decision and said what? >> i said, this is obviously biased by liberal administrator and i'm not going to sit around and let them completely destroy an event that myself and my chapter put putt a lot of time and money into. >> steve: so what you did was you got some media attention and made it very clear that after they had ok'd it, they took it away. what was the reaction? >> well, with the negative media press, the school was not okay with that. people got involved and we applied the pressure and they finally broke. community support was overwhelming and so was the media support. >> steve: we should point out the superintendent and the administration said, my personal views had nothing to do with this. the reason he was uninvited was because he would not give us a text of what he was going to say. that's what they're saying now. is that true? >> that's completely untrue. santorum doesn't use a speech when he talks.
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he has talking points and in fact, we offered those talking tonight's to my superintendent and that wasn't good enough for him. he wanted santorum's speech so he could censor what he was going to say and that wasn't okay, in our opinion. so the whole theory that they blocked him because we wouldn't give a speech is completely false. they're just trying to cover up what was really here and that's liberal bias. >> steve: eventually mr. santorum did sit town and i think he spoke on the phone to the administration for a half hour. they did invite him to come in, but if you were a student and you wanted to attend, you had to have your parents sign a permission slip? >> yes. absolutely. apparently students aren't able to make their own decision to see a presidential candidate, they have to have their parents' permission to do so. >> steve: exit question. was this a case of liberal bias against a conservative republican? >> i absolutely think this was a case of liberal bias against a republican. i absolute libra he have that if santorum were nancy pelosi or joe biden, they'd have no issue.
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but because it's a republican, they have a problem. >> steve: interesting stuff. all right. langston, who brought rick santorum to his high school, sir, thank you very much for joining us live. >> thank you for having me on air. >> steve: what do you think about that? e-mail us. next up, the cost of health care is skyrocketing under obamacare. why can't the government just back off? john stossel investigates why don't we have free market medicine in america? why, he's saying. why? back in 1970, john stossel and i used to sing along with michael jackson "abc," number one. ♪ abc, one, two, three ♪ baby you and me girl ♪ [ male announcer ] what are happy kids made of? bikes and balloons, wholesome noodles on spoons. a kite, a breeze, a dunk of grilled cheese. catches and throws, and spaghettio's.
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>> gretchen: since the signing of obamacare, u.s. spending on health care has shot up by $210 billion. john stossel wonders why don't we have free market medicine in america? >> there is government medicine. >> obamacare here is working. >> this is a simple, strong, good thing. >> and then there is free market medicine. >> my patients have my cell phone. they have my e-mail address. >> the long-term players in the medical business need to be pushed to a new way of looking at things. >> but what will be the new way? government or free market? >> gretchen: that's a loaded question. there is demand with the question. joining me now -- that's a huge question now. small businesses all over the country are trying to figure out hey, are we going to pay the penalty for our employees or actually do this whole obamacare thing? and you think that having it be more free would be a good answer. why? >> because where the of free mae and there isn't one because
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everything is almost either paid by the government or third parties like insurance. look at lasik. the patient pays herself and as you heard that doctor say, i give out my e-mail address and my cell phone number. does your doctor do that? the prices have gone down, the quality has gone up. the machinery keeps improving because patients shop around. they look on google. they know what's the best stuff is and the doctors have to compete. >> gretchen: basically anything, i guess you could argue, not covered by insurance would be in this free market kind of a mode? >> and there is not much. and you need insurance for the catastrophe. but we've become accustomed to, someone else should pay for all my health care. that's route to higher cost and less choice. >> gretchen: the other option would be plastic surgery would be something that would be a free market. >> right. >> gretchen: what else? >> that's about it. it's also true for plastic surgery. the waiting rooms are nice, but this is stuff for rich people. lasik is a good example because the prices have just come down.
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>> gretchen: what else are you going to argue during this time? are you talking more about obamacare? >> you mentioned paying the penalty and getting out of obamacare. obamacare has to cost more. they're promising to cover more people and demanding every policy be a bmw, offer the top brain stuff. maybe paying the $2,000 penalty and self-insuring, more companies do that, where there is a big deductible. when there is a deductible, patient behavior changes. they see gee, does it have to cost 200 bucks? i'm going to pay cash. the doctor says, cash? really? like now? and okay. one hundred dollars. >> gretchen: it is a huge topic of conversation for businesses all across the country. as they try and figure out what to do. get more information if you watch "stossel" tonight, 9:00 p.m. eastern time on the "fox business" network. thanks. turns out the boston bombing suspect was singing like a canary until the judge told up and nobody told the f.b.i. the judge was coming. who sent her? michelle malkin on this. and dana perino goes one on one
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with the former boss, george w. bush, on the opening day of his presidential library. the exclusive interview next hour assed about my skin. [ designer ] enough of just covering up my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. i decided enough is enough. ♪ [ spa lady ] i started enbrel. it's clinically proven to provide clearer skin. [ rv guy ] enbrel may not work for everyone -- and may not clear you completely, but for many, it gets skin clearer fast, within 2 months, and keeps it clearer through 6 months. [ male announcer ] enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal events, including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, nervous system and blood disorders, and allergic reactions have occurred. before starting enbrel, your doctor should test you for tuberculosis and discuss whether you've been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. you should not start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. tell your doctor if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure,
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to start her day with a little love. fancy feast mornings gourmet cat food. the best ingredient is love. >> gretchen: good morning, everybody. it's thursday, april 25, that's steve's forehead. i'm gretchen carlson. breaking news overnight. seven massive explosions, two barges on fire raging out of control. firefighters have no choice but to evacuate and watch it all burn. the breaking details. we'll tell you where it is straight ahead. >> steve: it's exactly what many were worried about. now the f.b.i. confirms a lot of intel was lost when a judge came in and mirandaized that guy and stopped the boston bombing suspect from talking. guess what? the agents didn't even know she was coming and it was about to happen. what we now know, we'll discuss with michelle malkin.
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>> brian: you think this is something president bush would like to forget. but today he tells us something you didn't know about the infamous shoe throwing incident. dana perino was there and now works for us. here is her exclusive interview live this hour. "fox & friends" starts now. >> brian: there you go. and brand-new, don't tell me you've been there already because i know you're not telling the truth. very few people have had a preview of president bush's library, the 13th in our nation unveiled today. >> steve: i've actually walked by it a couple of times while they were building it. >> brian: they said keep walking, doocy. >> steve: they absolutely did. keep walk to go ford stadium on the campus of smu. dana perino, we just saw her, she wound up getting a black eye with that. she's going to sit down -- >> brian: the shoe throwing
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incident? >> steve: yeah, exactly. and figuratively and literally, in that case. in addition to all the current and former presidents, a whole bunch of world leaders will be there. we got the list. tony blair, john howard, prime ministering homert and spain's aznar in attendance in dallas. >> gretchen: dana will join us in 28 minutes. in the meantime, we have headlines. fox news alert, massive fire that started with explosions on two fuel barges rocked by a 7th explosion. the fire raging. this is mobile, alabama. three people severely burned. the fire so intense, firefighters forced to let it burn out on its own. across the river -- you got to say this ship is cursed at this point. this is the carnival triumph. it's docked for repairs in the same vicinity. had to be evacuated.
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that's the ship left drifting for days. no power and few working toilets and a lot of upset passengers. instead of serving up a delicious sauce, the chef served up deadly pesticide instead. one person died after a chef in china mistakenly added the pesticide to the sauce. he was making lunch for some construction workers. the chef, along with 20 other people, also got sick. police say it was a crime of negligence. no word if anyone will be charged. attention, on-line shoppers. your sales tax free party could soon be over. what a bummer. the senate voting today on a bill to help states collect taxes on internet purchases. right now internet sellers can collect state sales tax only if the seller has a physical presence, like a store or a distribution center in the state in which you're buying it, or it's being shipped. a landmark los angeles music venue where johnny cash once performed his hit song "ring of fire" is closing its doors in september. ♪ i fell into a ring of fire ♪ i fell in to a burning ring of
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fire ♪ ♪ i went down, down, down ♪-- >> gretchen: universal studios will raise the gibson -- raise the heat tore make way for the harry potter attraction. >> brian: we need a harry potter attraction? >> gretchen: the theater opened back in 1972. those are your headlines. >> steve: allall right. let's go out to colorado springs right now. michelle malkin joins us. hi, michelle. >> hi. good to see you. >> steve: got a lot of news regarding the boston bombers. the older bomber was put on two different watch lists, two different federal watch lists, and the news this morning is apparently the f.b.i. agents working under the public safety exemption were able to get a whole bunch of good information from the younger brother and they were talking to him and he was singing like a canary, doors fly open, here comes the judge,
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mirandaizes him. they've got a public defender, prosecutor, shuts him up just like that. the f.b.i. is furious. what are you doing here? we had him! and you stopped him. >> yeah. well, there is a lot of joy drag news that's coming out now from a lot of sources. this is particularly troubling because you're hearing from investigative sources that they were divining a lot of intelligence and out of the blue comes this judge and this swoop into a process where apparently they were getting a lot of good information. this is definitely something that people on capitol hill need to be looking for. again, i think it's extremely telling that you've got rank and file people leaking about this to the media. >> brian: here is the thing. how could you possibly say that there is no overseas connection when he spent -- dids 26-year-old -- six months in dagestan in a region in which is known by russian and u.s. experts as one of the worst of
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the worst. it's a breeder of islamic extremism. what is the hesitation of linking that chain? why is everyone so intent on keeping it here? >> yeah. well, in large part i think you've got this media culture where they're so intent on painting jaha are -- dzhokhar as some teen-ager who was a beholden figure. this is not from the onion. it's the "new york times" likening this guy to catcher in the rye's main character and as brian said, you've got all of these very glaring signs that this guy was steeped, along with his older brother, in these obscure islamic extremist figures in bag stan and chechnya. >> gretchen: i'm going to skip ahead because it appears secretary of state john kerry, he was overseas when he said this. so maybe he hadn't gotten the
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right directives. i'm not sure. but it sounds like he agreed with you, michelle malkin, on exactly this. and then jay carney, the spokesperson for the president, tried to dial it back. watch this. >> we just had a young person who went to russia and chechnya who blew people up in boston. so he didn't stay where he went, but he learned something where he went and he came back with w a willingness to kill people. i think the world has had enough of people who have no belief system, no policy for jobs, no policy for education, no policy for rule of law, but who just want to kill people because they don't like what they see. there is not room for that. >> the state department has clarified that secretary kerry was not reflecting any new information or conclusion about the individuals involved. he was speaking generally about the nature of terrorism. but we are in the process of investigation. those comments don't reflect any new information. the fact is there are a lot of questions that need to be answered.
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this investigation is proceeding a pace and we're still in the phase of getting questions answered. we're not making final things. >> does this indicate the need for everyone, including cabinet secretaries to be careful? >> i think in a situation like this, we ought to let the investigators do their work and not jump to conclusions. >> brian: take your time. we have all the time in the world. a go sign for the cell that could or could not exist. but don't worry about it. >> gretchen: what do you make of john kerry, of him speaking off the cuff and giving us his thoughts? >> well, yeah. i guess he just had a momentary lapse of common sense there and we can't have that in washington! off to the wood shed with you, john kerry! you got to love, love carney and his white wash brush. these people are amazing. i mean, i think in terms of this investigation, one of the main questions that so many americans are going to be asking is, what
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was the older brother, tamerlan, doing for that six-month period in this jihad infested region? it was not a disneyland vacay. >> brian: it wasn't cancun. it was a -- by the way, john kerry didn't say anything out of turn. >> no. >> brian: he said the guy was overseas. he came back militant, even more extremist than when he left. he was already on the radar. he did nothing but recount what everyone experienced. by the way, that's his area. massachusetts is his home. so he should be allowed to speak off the cuff like that and to be muzzled has to be an insult. >> steve: speaking of massachusetts, michelle, i'm sure you saw this, up in massachusetts we were wondering how exactly this guy was able to pay for the -- the boys were able to pay fort bombs and guns and everything else. there is a story out now that apparently the older boy, young man that, is to say, was apparently selling pot. meanwhile, his entire family was
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on the dole receiving welfare from massachusetts, both the brothers, his parents, his wife, his daughter as well. so to thank the government for -- the gratitude to show okay -- >> brian: he buys bombs. >> steve: i'm going to try to kill as many people as i can. >> yeah. the boston herald did a great job reporting on this and lots of outlets followed up on it. yeah. the thanks we get, the gratitude we get. of course, these welfare benefits were attendant benefits, you have to step back further because i think there will be a lot of questions asked about asylum. this is the subject of my column today and the stuff that michelle because why is it that this father was able to convince the government that he had a credible fear of prosecution and where is he now? in the very country that he fled and whose claim of -- phony claim of persecution allowed him to come here, get citizenship,
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get citizenship for the younger son, the older son's application was pending. then, of course, all those supplemental and attendant benefits of living in the u.s., including taxpayer-funded welfare. >> gretchen: apparently if you can prove you come from a region of the world where you will -- you need to find asylum in the u.s., those perks kick in almost immediately when you get to this country. i remember covering it on that day, friday, brian, we said right then when it started coming out that he received a $2,500 scholarship to go to one of the most prestigious high schools in all of boston. we said that day, americans will be angry when they find out that this family was completely supplemented and they became terrorists right here at home. >> brian: don't worry, the mom seems like a wonderful woman. she said my oldest son is killed, so i don't care if my youngest son is killed today. i want the world to hear it, allah akbar. i can't wait for her to get back here. >> jihad mom. >> brian: there you go. >> steve: michelle malkin joining us from colorado springs as she does every thursday,
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thank you very much and check out her web site to read that column. >> gretchen: coming up, the government might consider hamas a terrorist group, but this school textbook says it's a political organization. one of the mothers fighting to get it out of her kids' school joins us next. >> brian: then if you thought president george w. bush would like to forget this shoe throwing incident, you're wrong. details when dana perino shares her interview with her former boss. >> steve: she got a black eye out of the deal. i'm here at my house on thanksgiving day, and i have a massive heart attack right in my driveway. the doctor put me on a bayer aspirin regimen. [ male announcer ] be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. go talk to your doctor. you're not indestructible anymore. ♪ now roundup has a new sharp-shootin' wand ♪ ♪ just point and shoot, and weeds are gone ♪ ♪ 'round fences, trees, even mulched beds ♪
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>> gretchen: 16 minutes after the top of the hour. a group of parents in tennessee are concerned over one of their students' textbooks called "the cultural landscape." it's teaching their kids a lesson that some consider anti-semitic. here is an excerpt that has them especially upset. quote, if a palestinian suicide bomber kills several dozen israeli teens in a jerusalem restaurant that, an act of terrorism or war time retaliation against israeli government policies and army action? now as a mother of one of the students, laurie moore. good morning. >> good morning. >> gretchen: i know you're concerned. off child in this school district. what's your problem with that statement? i know the u.s. government does not consider hamas to be a
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political party. they consider them to be a terrorist group. but not so apparently in this book. >> exactly. there are several things that are problematic with the curriculum and, of course, the quote that you just gave us, if you look at the preceding sentence before that quote, the author of the textbook says basic -- basically says distinguishing terrorism from political violence might be a little bit difficult. then he uses the analogy of the arab-israeli conflict. palestinians blowing up juice. that's unacceptable. you talk about also about how the classification of terrorist groups like hezbollah and hamas are considered political organizations. well, i'm sorry, even the u.s. state department defines them as terrorist groups. so couple that, gretchen, with also the historical and archaeological information that
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is inaccurate in the textbooks. the textbook is not worthy of being used to educate our children in williamson county. we as parents and williamson county, tennessee, one of the top ten conservative counties, it is in the belt buckle of the bible belt, expect more from our educators. this textbook is totally unacceptable. it's anti-semitic and we want it removed. >> gretchen: so you've gone to those measures. you contacted all the right authorities and they told you apparently that you had to file some sort of application and you didn't do that until yesterday. why? >> well, because when we first went and met with the faculty to discuss the issue, we were told what the protocol, what the procedure was. we followed it and, of course, before we left the meeting, we were told by dr. gaddis, the superintendent of curriculum that although you can fill out the form, i'm not removing the textbook. you know what? dr. gaddis, the gate keeper of our children's curriculum, when
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he read that text, he should have immediately thrown that book out. it should never have been accepted. we don't tolerate anti-semitic attacks. this is how the holocaust -- i've done a lot of research, produced a documentary on the holocaust. this is how the holocaust happened in germany. innuendo, derogatory comments about jews like this one. and we wonder why we have a problem with israel apartheid demonstrations on our college campuses. it's because we're grooming them in high school, middle school and even elementary school with this type of curriculum before they ever get there. >> gretchen: our guest yesterday said that apparently this book may not be used next year anyway. but she wasn't so sure about that either. keep us up to date on how this complication process works, if you will. thank you. >> absolutely. >> gretchen: you see the ads for them all the time. reverse mortgages. are they too good to be true? luckily we have bob massi and he's going to give you the answer. and you're not going to like this one. the same folks in congress who didn't read the bill but passed it anyway could get a pass on
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>> brian: new protest in madrid and spain's latest economic setback. the country's unemployment rate, 27.2% in the first quarter of 2013. that's more than 6 million people. the brother of oscar pistorius back in court today to face murder charges, called pistorius, accused of driving recklessly, crashing into a motorcycle and killing a woman. an officer at the scene of the accident disputed the defense's claim that the victim was drunk. steve? >> steve: thank you, brian.
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every week housing guru bob massi joins us from bay vegas with the latest in the world of real estate. today we're taking a number of your e-mails and he joins us live. good morning to you, bob. >> good morning, steve. >> steve: okay. tony and kristy e mailed us, we are upside down with our home. wells fargo holds the paper. we were told if we default, it may actually help us refinance. is that true? >> if that's true, that's great. >> obviously it's very difficult to get refinancing if you're upside down because essentially, let's say you're upsaid down $100,000. unless you qualify, for example, for a harp 2, which has to be a fannie fannie or freddie mac lone, you won't be able to refinance because you have to come up with the difference between what is owed and what the present value is. a lot of people say hey, i'd like to refinance. but practically speaking, it's very, very difficult to refinance your homes in these days when it's upside down. >> steve: that makes perfect sense. all right. lesley e mailed us and asks, if
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i default on a lease because i needed to relocate abruptly, what exposure do i have legally? >> i get a lot of e-mails on leases. remember, viewers, a lease is a contract. if you sign a lease and you abandon that lease because you had to relocate for a job, you still have a responsibility on that contract. but here is what happens. the landlord has a duty to what we call mitigate the damage. the landlord has to go out and try to re-lease that home or apartment. if it takes him two months to do that and you had eight months left, the landlord could coming up for the difference. i suggest go to your landlord and many times you can buy the lease out. if you have eight months left, sometimes you can negotiate a couple months and get out from the lease and get a release if do you that. >> steve: make sure you get all this stuff in writing. it's got to be in writing. >> brian: no question. >> steve: and finally, bruce in florida wants to know what, are the pros and cons of a reverse
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mortgage, which is available to people 62 and older, right? >> basically what it is is people who have equity in their home, let's say it's paid for. the equity does them no good. they want extra money. reverse mortgages really serve a purpose. you can go to a reputable person that does reverse mortgages. you could pull equity out of that home. you could take a lump sum over your lifetime, but remember, it's an obligation. when you die or if you decide to sell that home, that lender gets paid back. if, in fact, when you die and your heirs want to take that home, they have the responsibility to either get a new loan on that to pay that lender back or put the home up for sale to pay the lender. so it does serve a purpose. the biggest thing i'll emphasize is this, there are sometimes a lot of hidden fees in reverse mortgages. make sure you go to a reputable company that does reverse mortgages and have them explain to you from pillow to bed post how it works and what your obligations are and what your
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heirs' obligations are after your demice. >> steve: that's right, because they're the ones that have to literally be left holding the mortgage if they want to keep the house. bob, always great advice. thank you very much. and of course, everybody watching right now, if you would like bob massi to answer your question, e-mail it to us here. or log on to our web site. meanwhile, we watched it all unfold on camera. but what happened behind the scenes of that infamous shoe throwing incident? it's a story you have not heard. dana perino, who wound up with a black eye over it, interviews her former boss, president bush, today on the day they dedicate his presidential library. we told but this story yesterday. her dad on his six deployment. she was sent home from school for wearing a support the troops shirt. this morning "fox & friends" takes action. find out how we are getting results @p@ñ@p@ñ [ male announcer ] when you take shortcuts,
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nothing runs like a deere. discover the full line of riding lawn equipment at or your local dealer. >> brian: fox business alert. the labor department just releasing brand-new jobless numbers. 339,000 first-time unemployment claims were filed last week. that's less than the week before and lower than expected. >> steve: good. >> gretchen: we'll analyze the
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numbers a little later on with nicole petallides from the stock market. >> brian: sequester to blame for those numbers? 'cause when they were high, they were to blame for those numbers. >> steve: sure. it will be interesting to see how they're spinning it. >> gretchen: other headline, new report says the same lawmakers who passed obamacare are in secret talks to get an exemption from key part of it. those talks have been going on for months. the issue is whether or not the government should subsidize their health insurance premiums, or they fear staffers, especially low paid aides, could be pit with thousands of dollars in new health care cost, prompting them to look for work somewhere else. >> steve: fast food workers want it their way. ♪ >> steve: hundreds of workers taking to the streets of chicago. they're demanding to get paid at least 15 bucks an hour. right now minimum wage, 8.25. the protest coming weeks after fast food workers did the same thing here in new york city.
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>> gretchen: it's a victory for patriotism. we first told but this story yesterday. 12-year-old c.j. was sent home for wearing a t-shirt to support hour troops. her dad went overseas for the sixth time. the problem with the shirt, it didn't have a collar. that's against the dress code. well, we called the school which is on the fort campbell base and it turns out the school will have a change of heart. they're going to relax the dress code and let cj wear that shirt. >> brian: ever spot a fine woman sitting in your first row of the airplane? virginia atlantic just launched a high flying service for passengers who want to say hello. >> meal or snack. don't forget to seal the deal with a seat to seat chat. >> brian: using the built-in mondayors, passengers can send
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another cocktail to another flier and hope they're not with somebody at the time and hit a button and that could send a person a text and you could have a connection. hey, good look. who is in b 4? how would you like to have my window seat? >> gretchen: leave it to richard branson to come up with that. >> steve: brilliant. new video out of louisiana, a tornado ripping the tree out of the ground onto a car. look at that. nobody was in the car, thankfully in metairie at the time. more than 30,000 people across the state waking up this morning without power. maria molina taking a look, what about today? >> that's right. big storms last night. we actually had 29 reports of severe weather across the country. two of them were tornadoes coming out of southeastern louisiana, like you just mentioned. today does look a little quieter in terms of the weather. here in new york city, a typical spring day, starting off on the cool side. getting up into the 60s as we head into this afternoon.
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a little cooler as we head further west across parts of minneapolis and in chicago where your high temperatures today should be in the low 50s. you will be warming up as we head into this weekend and for some of you, you could be reaching the 70s in the midwest and some of you have not seen the 70s since last year, late october. so finally warming up out here. not good news if you live in fargo because you have the red river. that snow will be melting and we could be seeing a rise in the river that could cause some flooding here. so keep that in mind as we head into early next week. otherwise by the way, big event in dallas, texas. the weather, relatively pleasant. a little on the cool side at 72 degrees as we head into the afternoon. >> steve: a beautiful day in dfw. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> gretchen: speak of dallas, that's where we're going to go right now because the george w. bush new library is going to open there today for eight years of his service to this country. that's where we find dana perino, co-host of "the five." and of course, the former white house press secretary under
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george w. bush. this must have been a fantastic experience for you. i know you'll have many more memories from today. going back there not only to interview -- not only to see your former boss, but to interview him as well. >> yeah. we reverse roles a little bit. we really kind of had the mutual admiration society, a wonderful look into the personal relationship and the man that i got to know over eight years. this reunion last night at the supper on the lawn of smu campus, night before this dedication ceremony was wonderful. saw lots of people, andy card, josh bolton, condy rice, and many other friends and people that worked really hard in those eight years. today is a wonderful day of celebration. >> steve: of course, the museum behind you is the repository of a lot of stuff, 43,000 items from the bush administration. i know a lot of it revolves around 9-11 and also a great portion about the war. very famously the president of the united states was there in iraq and talking, somebody
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through shoe at him -- threw a shoe at him. you got a black eye out of the deal, right? >> yeah. i was the only one who got hurt. i got to ask him about that. that interview will air tonight on "the five." i think you have a clip of it here, right? >> steve: we do. let's watch. >> you had a particular belief in freedom of the press. >> absolutely. >> we didn't get the best press necessarily. >> gosh, i don't know why you say that. >> so you remember obviously remember that press conference in iraq, the shoe throwing thin? >> yeah. >> i'm the only one who got hurt in the whole thing. >> that's right. >> but you were determined during that -- you were not going to end it without taking the questions from the reporters that were there. >> correct. >> why was that so important to you? >> because i think in order for democracy to function well there has to be a vibrant press. and in iraq, when the guy threw
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the shoe, i wanted to to do two things. i didn't want to leave to give him a slight victory. president bush had to leave the room, therefore i achieved my objective. but i also wanted to say to the young iraqi press corp., i want to answer your questions. i didn't like some of the stuff they wrote, but you don't have to read it. you can just -- >> do you read it now? >> not really. i know it's in the news. but most of these opinion pages are pretty predictable to begin with. >> brian: i agree. so dana, when you talk to the president, do you think he's cognizant of the fact that his approval rating has gone up and some polls close to 50%? >> yes, i think -- he's pretty aware of everything that's going on at all times, as i learned. the amazing thing about president bush that i wish i was more like is he has this ability to let history decide the
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legacy. this library is a wonderful tribute orphrey dom, all the things that he and mrs. bush held dear. mrs. bush is prominent throughout. there is a 9-11 exhibit that if you and the viewers have a chance to come to dallas, you see at the beginning how the library was going to be really focused on education and economic growth and you can hear the sirens in the background. i talked to president bush about that one as well with students at smu. >> welcome. >> hey. i brought a special guest! >> welcome. >> hi, everybody. >> does this man need an introduction? most of the people in this room, at this table, were what -- you were in first grade when 9-11 happened? >> second grade. >> you've grown up in the shadow of 9-11 and the decisions that were put in place afterwards to help keep us safe. i thought, mr. president, that you could talk to them about what it was like to try to calm a nation and to figure out a way
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to protect the country's national security without intruding on the freedoms that we all enjoyed. >> the first decision i made after andy card whispered in my ear, america is under attack, was to project calm, because if the leader of an organization in any way shows panic, followers will panic. the second thing people wanted to know was, they wanted to see resolve. in other words, i resolved at that moment to do everything within my power and within the law to protect the country. there is a lot of other issues that we had to deal with. one of which was religious bigotry. so i went to a mosque shortly after 9-11 to send a signal that we can not lose our values in the midst of human tragedy. dana is right, we were very careful not to abridge civil liberties. >> gretchen: those kids must have been so excite and
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shocked. >> yeah, when i first walked in, they thought i was the guest speaker, which i was surprised they showed up just for that. but when i brought him in, there was a young man just sitting at the head of the table and as i sat down, i realized he was shaking. i can understand that, when you meet a president and a leader like president bush, you can feel that way. those kids had just finished reading "decision points," then he was able to come there and explain to them some of the decisions. after i left, he stayed for another two hours with them. >> gretchen: i loved the article you wrote about your favorite memories. people should check it out. you talk about how he used to catch your eye during policy meetings and wink at you because you thought dick cheney was sleeping, but in fact, he ended up recounting every single detail of the meeting back. tell quickly how he treated your dad like the king of england. >> my dad had not had a chance to visit me in those eight years at the white house, 7 1/2 years i was there. there was a state dinner and my dad -- i got one ticket to bring with me. so my husband, who loves to go
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to these things, i said i think i want to invite my dad. my dad came and it was his first black tie event. president bush knew that it was a big deal for me to have my dad there. well, when we walked in, we saw all these great italian americans, a dinner for berlusconi. when we walked in, president bush dropped everything and said, leo perry know, we have been waiting for you for eight years and we're so glad you're here. have you met condy rice? there thank is mrs. cheney. he took over for me. and i'll never forget that. in many ways, president bush was like a second father to me. i think he was an excellent president. i was honored to write that piece,, just about my personal memories. everyone else can hash out the successes and the legacy and the decisions. i just wrote about how i feel about him. >> brian: right. so we're going to get more of those clips tonight and the whole interview on "the five," right? >> that's right. there is a replica of the oval office. give in there and it felt like i should brief him, but i asked him some questions. >> steve: it's really old home week down in there's a for dana
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perino because of the reunion last night and today as well. thanks for dropping by "fox & friends" and sharing some of your thoughts. >> okay. i'll see you next week. >> brian: thanks. coming up straight ahead on our show, think it's expensive to fly now? buckle your seatbelt and brace for impact fees because they're coming right at you. how much? that story next. >> gretchen: identity theft at record highs and often starts with the social security number, right? >> absolutely. we're going to take a look. we want to teach you just say no. who really needs your social security number? and who doesn't and just takes it anyway? it's a golden ticket to your identity, to your financial records. we'll tell you all about it and break down those job numbers coming up
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>> gretchen: 47 minutes after the top of the hour. quick headlines. the developer behind the mosque near ground zero trying to expand now. he just bought a five story building for $8 million two blocks from the site of the september 11 attack. just when you thought you were cheap enough to fly, charging $200 if you want to change your flight. that's an increase of 50 bucks. now it's 200. >> steve: the numbers are in. the weekly jobless numbers were
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released. nicole petallides, live from the new york stock exchange. nicole, how many? >> all right. the number came in. it was better than last week. it beat the streak, 339,000 claims, the estimate was 351,000. it shows improvement, 357 versus 362,000. some of the things that add to this volatility could be the easter season, the holidays, school vacations, sometimes those can factor in as well. >> steve: maybe that's this time. all right. meanwhile, a moment ago we heard you talking a little bit about identity theft. there are a lot of people out there who would love to get their mitts on your social security number. >> that's right. they have so many ways to do that. high-tech, low tech, that obviously it's the golden ticket to your financial life, your records. we talk about billions of dollars that have been lost in that. almost $14 billion as a result. so what we're looking at here are the ways to -- who needs it?
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let's start with that. employers, irs, banks and lenders, u.s. treasury for savings bonds, some government programs such as welfare and workers comp. those are some of the people who need it. who doesn't need it? schools. landlords. sometimes landlords and try and get your social security number to check your credit, but don't need it. insurers and utilities, hospitals. what you should do is you should ask a lot of questions. you should say, why do you need my social security number? what if i say no? are there any? ask to see the privacy policy. so stand up for your social security number. don't give it out too quickly. >> gretchen: it's on every health insurance form. i guess we shouldn't fill that part in anymore. >> sometimes insurers can actually charge a higher premium if you don't give it. by the way, the quick movers will be cheesecake factory, crock's and carnival cruise.
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dingo down 10%. >> brian: the woll we can not stop. >> steve: thank you very much. >> brian: straight ahead, what would you do if your child was getting pushed around by bullies? would you tell them to walk away or fight back? coming up, some controversial advice from a man who fights for a living and was bullied himself. we're talking to george st. pierre next. >> steve: let's check in with bill hemmer for a preview of what happens in ten minutes. good morning. >> good morning. we have brand-new information on what at least one of the bombers was doing two years prior. the parents are talk, what they're saying from russia. putin says the bombing proves the u.s. was wrong. we'll explain all that. also senator marco rubio is here live. he'll make headlines and alt living presidents are at the opening of president bush's library. we're there live. and is congress negotiating a way out of obamacare for themselves and their staffers? martha and i will see new ten minutes on "america's newsroom" begins with arthritis pain... and a choice.
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>> brian: what would you do if your child was getting pushed around by bullies? you can't go to school with them. do you tell them to fight or walk away? joining me right now one of the toughest men on the planet, one of the most respected fighters in the world knows exactly what your kids might be going through because he was bullied himself. i'm talking about mma fight examiner author of this book "the way of the fight," george st. pierre. thank you so much. >> great to see you here if studio. >> thanks for having me. >> brian: fascinating to see that you were picked on as a kid. you used to lick your lips. you had a skin problem. you used to have a rim around it. kids are cruel. >> it was terrible. i was not a popular kid. growing up, i had a lack of confidence and i got bullied. i got picked on a lot.
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>> brian: at first you walked away, even in dodge ball they would try to line you up and hit you sometimes with a ball. it would hurt you. did you stand up to them? would you advise little kids right now or parents to stand up to the bully even if you know you're going to get your butt kicked? >> i believe it's -- even if you stand up, you're not going to win. most of the bullies are stronger physically. they're older. what i suggest is it's all about confidence. look confident. it's all about the look. if you look confident, you're not an easy target. if you are looking down and shoulders shrug like this, it's all about the look. you seem like you don't have confidence, if you look straight, shake people down, you look confident. >> brian: this book is all about you and what did you to become you one of the most respected fighters in the world, what do you hope people get out of this? n it's not a biography and it's not a book made for hard core mixed martial arts. it's about philosophy, about strategy that everyone can apply
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the same principle in their own life and use it to succeed. basically what i do is i explain how did i succeed from where i come from until where i am right now. the plan and the strategy i use during my career. >> brian: you also back up the principle that the tougher a person is, the nicer they are when they're not in the octagon. you are a good guy, whether you like it or not. i know it. go out and get his book. he's got a similar build to me. it was kind of erie seeing that on the cover. that is my body double. thank you very much. when we come back -- more after this [ male announcer ] how do you measure happiness? by the armful? by the barrelful? e carful? how the bowlful? campbell's soups give you nutrition, energy, and can help you keep a healthy weight.
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>> gretchen: tomorrow, geraldo rivera, because it's friday, jeff foxworthy and anna will milk a sheep. >> steve: why not? it's friday. >> gretchen: have a great day. thanks, guys. good show this morning. 9:00 in new york. we have prescribinging news on the latest from boston the parents of the bombing suspects are talking. this as fox news learned the mother may have known two years ago that her older son was radicalized and willing to die for islam. more on that in a moment. many lawmakers are frustrated. latest shoe to drop now? the cia pushed to add suspect tamerlan to a terror watch list after the trip to russia after the fbi added him to another watch list and apparently he fell through the cracks. just when you thought there were no more headlines plenty today. welcome, i'm bill hemmer. welcome to
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