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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  April 25, 2013 6:00am-8:01am PDT

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>> gretchen: tomorrow, geraldo rivera, because it's friday, jeff foxworthy and anna will milk a sheep. >> steve: why not? it's friday. >> gretchen: have a great day. thanks, guys. good show this morning. 9:00 in new york. we have prescribinging news on the latest from boston the parents of the bombing suspects are talking. this as fox news learned the mother may have known two years ago that her older son was radicalized and willing to die for islam. more on that in a moment. many lawmakers are frustrated. latest shoe to drop now? the cia pushed to add suspect tamerlan to a terror watch list after the trip to russia after the fbi added him to another watch list and apparently he fell through the cracks. just when you thought there were no more headlines plenty today. welcome, i'm bill hemmer. welcome to "america's
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newsroom.". martha: i'm martha maccallum. russia was persistent to us about the warnings on the older brother. they reached out to the cia about tamerlan when they didn't get the feedback they wanted from the fbi. this person was so much on the radar was able to travel back and forth to russia from the united states. bill: we had the suspect's mother in the news conference, does not believe her sons were involved in the first place and she suggests that the attack in boston was staged. >> our kid going to be safe for any reason. but it happened -- [inaudible] take my kids away from me. bill: that from a moment ago. amy kellogg in london watching news conference and listening out of russia. what are we hearing from the parents? >> reporter: mrs. tsarnaev did most of the talking and she was denying so many
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points we already heard to be true in this case. she said the junger son dzhokhar's backpack, thee she is seeing this on the internet. the backpack he actually had does not match the one that the bomb came from. she says there is video out there of her older son tamerlan being taken by police alive, naked and handcuffed the night he died. finally she says that the lawyers for dzhokar, say he is not able to speak, move or write. any information about a question something not true at all. both she and her husband are talking about coming to the united states the husband definitely says he is coming in the next day or so. she is not so sure. not because of that outstanding shoplifting charge againster had. she simply claims she will not be able to see her son in the hospital and afraid people talking about her being some sort of a terrorist, bill. bill: we have a timeline of 2012 apparently when tamerlan made a trip to
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russia for at least a period of six months. what do they say he did there then? >> reporter: the father said he never let tamerlan out of his sight. the mother held his hand and guided him around dagestan like a child because frankly it is a dangerous place. they went to chechnya to visit relatives. there was a wedding they missed but wanted to catch up with relatives in the aftermath of. his father said tamerlan need ad passport because his passport was expiring. he didn't have an american pass port. he was trying to get a russian passport so he had documents. they claim they went a mosque but there was no radicalization that was happening, bill. bill: amy kellogg watching that story from london and leading our coverage. here is martha with more from here. martha. martha: more on the story megyn kelly broke. the fbi say the suspect's mother knew as possibly as early as two years ago that her son tamerlan had been
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radicalized and she sent text messages about this to her family in russia suggested that her son had changed. that he was willing to die for islam. very dramatic developments. megyn kelly, anchor for america live, what can you tell us about that? >> it is not surprising, when you see the mother crying on the sound bite you just played, first instinct, she is a mom, your heart must go out to her. let's pause a moment. the more information we get about this mother the more questions we have about her. yes, the fbi, according to two sources i have with knowledge of the briefing that was provided to lawmakers on capitol hill yesterday, has said that mother as early as 2011 sent text messages to a family member in russia and in i believe the relation the ex-husband of one of her daughters, she was texting, saying tamerlan has been radicalized and is quote,
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willing to die for islam. this would have happened, if it happened in 2011, at the same time we were looking into him. my sources also confirm what we heard yesterday not only did the fbi get contacted by russia about this guy but then shortly thereafter the russia contacted the cia as well. we don't know whether they had seen those text messages or whether that was part of the reason they were concerned about him. clearly they had plenty of reason to suspect tamerlan had changed. the mother according to reports had changed as well. she may have been the inspiration for the beginning of tamerlan's change, but it was clear at least from the russians and based on these text messages he had a while before the attacks of last monday in which he was becoming more and more radical and devoting himself to the more radical form of islam. martha: you look at that period, 2011, you point out, megyn, appears that the mother was going through changes as well and the son started to head in that
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direction. that is when he stopped boxing. according to one report i read there was some discussion between his two parents whether or not he should be boxing. whether that was a good muslim religious thing for him to be doing. something was deeply changing in all of their realities during the course of that time. i want to get your thoughts on the other huge part of this story that you reported on and that is what happened in the hospital room of the younger brother dzhokar over the course of this investigation. >> right. martha: go into that, megyn. >> it is really unbelievable. apparently as our viewers probably know, the defendant, the remaining surviving defendant was mirandized, given his miranda rights on monday in the hospital by a magistrate judge, in a federal magistrate judge, in the presence of a u.s. attorney and defense lawyer, public defender. we knew that. that happened because eric holder's doj decided to file the criminal complaint against him on monday. usually you do that initial appearance shortly after you
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file the initial complaint. what was stunning was that the fbi told lawmakers on capitol hill yesterday that they were shocked, shocked, to see this magistrate judge and lawyers waltz into the hospital, keep in mind the fbi answers ultimately to eric holder as does the assistant u.s. attorney who would have been waltzing in. the fbi had no idea they were sending over the judge, prosecutor, federal public defender and fbi said they were only 16 hours into what they understood would be a 48 hour period of questioning under that so-called public safety exception to the miranda requirement. they said they were in the process of getting valuable information out of this guy, dzhokhar tsarnaev a lot of valuable information. as soon as that magistrate judge went in there gave him his rights with the lawyer present he stopped talking. he said they would have
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never stopped interrogating him prior to the 48 hours unless they were forced to, which they were by the magistrate judge and the officials with knowledge of the proceedings say they believe our national security may have been compromised by the decision to send that judge in there so soon after the filing of the criminal complaint and indeed by the early filing of the criminal complaint which sets the clock ticking in the first place. the fbi is very unhappen that their questioning was prematurely terminated. martha: it sound so crazy on the face of it when you picture a scene in the hospital room there. we know they took the public exemption on reading miranda rights because specifically it applies to national security. why would they have given the judge the okay? did she two in there on her own? how high up was the order forrer, yep, go in there and cut off the fbi. why didn't the fbi call
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headquarters and say really, really we're going to stop this now? >> right. eric holder decided to file the criminal complaint almost immediately on monday which he likely did to put a stop to all the discussion whether this guy would be treated as an enemy combatant or criminal defendant. as soon as we filed the criminal complaint on monday we knew to the answer to that he was going to be treated as a criminal defendant. there is no coordination? you don't call the fbi? the ones who were on scene in the hospital talking to him and say, can it be delayed a little? where are we in the investigation? could we file this criminal complaint on tuesday? maybe send the magistrate judge over on tuesday? because the fbi is expressing outrage saying, they were getting good information from him, important information related to national security concerns and it was shut down by that judge. it doesn't sound to me, from what i've heard so far, like the magistrate judge did anything out of line. this would have come from
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justice. who else would have told the magistrate judge where he was staying? how to get into the hospital. who would have sanctioned the presence of the assistant u.s. attorney at that meeting. it had to come from doj. why they didn't inform the fbi or coordinate with the fbi or make sure the fbi had exhausted its questioning on the matters of national security which the fbi said it had not? i have no idea. martha: as they had every right to use those 48 hours. like a scene out of the 24 or something. you can imagine them in the hospital room, except the bad news is it's true and it happened. >> the fbi, the judge basically coming in there saying look, this ends now. we're here. martha: unbelievable. >> the fbi just saying we defered to her because she was a federal magistrate judge. now officials on capitol hill ask whether we are now at greater risk because this took place. martha: megyn, thank you very much. >> all right. much more at 1:00. martha: we'll see you at 1:00.
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thanks, megyn. >> you bet. martha: catch more of megyn's exclusive reporting on the tsarnaev brothers, on her show, "america live" which comes up at 1:00 p.m.. bill: fox poll out now, 83% describe the debt as major crisis. 13% say it is a minor problem. this is a debt approaches $17 trillion with the borrowing limit set to expire on the 18th of may. stuart varney, anchor of "varney & company", fox business business network. i don't know how much of a surprise it is to you, it is economy, debt, deficit spending they all rank up there, jobs, unemployment. what do you think?. >> when president obama won a second term one of the first visitors to the white house labor boss richard trumka, spelled out the second term policy, tax the rich, spend more money and ignore the debt. we did tax the rich some more and proposing to spend
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more money. but voters clearly in th poll have not ignored the debt. 83% is a massive supermajority voicing concern that we're at at crisis level for our debt. bill, this is not going away. 16.8 trillion in change. we hit 17 trillion in the first week of september or thereabouts. that is exactly one year after we hit 16 trillion. so this is not going away. the concern is not going away. in fact the concern is on the front burner, not the back burner as the president wanted it to be. bill: stuart, thank you. see you at 9:20. this is hot for your viewers on fbn, fox business. thank you, stuart. you either attend to the issue everybody is talking about or you wait to see you who the midterms play out 2014. those are the two options right now for the debt. martha: all right. we are very busy and just getting started here this morning. massive explosions aboard a pair of barges. several people have been reported to be injured in
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this. we'll get you an update on that moving situation. bill: senator marco rubio, what about his plan for immigration reform in the wake of boston? he is here live. so do not miss that, coming up in a couple moments. martha: every living u.s. president gathering in texas today for the dedication of the george w. bush presidential library. in moments we go inside. we'll speak to one of president bush's former advisors. >> i think even in the way we tried to lay out the museum you can see the way our lives changed and the way the lives of everyone in our country changed after september 11th
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bill: big day in texas. today is the dedication ceremony he said of the george w. bush presidential library and museum. every living u.s. president will be there in attendance. a short time ago we got a look inside the sprawling complex. it holds 43,000 artifacts
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and numerous exhibits dedicated to the presidency and including september 11th. ed gillespie, former counsel to president george w. bush. he is with me now. good morning to you. i can imagine you have the thoughts and feelings you have looking at eight years of your own life there. you've been inside. visitors have not. what will they see when they visit? >> well it is a beautiful facility, bill and it is very interesting, you know you mentioned all the memorabilia but there is natural flow to it. people will see and understand how president bush made his decisions. there is actually decision point theater where you can hear from advisors and make your own decision about things like the financial crisis or the decision to remove saddam hussein from power. there's incredible photographs and interactive videos. it's a really, really impressive facility. i think people will really enjoy it. bill: what is interesting about your response there, his book is called, decision points, and ever since he left the white house he told people time and again
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history will be my judge. then apparently in this exhibit, or at least part of the exhibit, spells out the facts for how they were placed before him and then asks you as a visitor what would you do in that case? here is one moment from september of 2001 that we will all remember. >> i can hear you, the rest of the world hears you and the people -- [cheers and applause] and the people who knocked these buildings down will hear all of us soon. [cheers and applause] bill: that bullhorn is in the library behind you. how is that moment captured, ed? >> well, it is captured on video as we just saw. the bullhorn is there. there are some of the steel rods from the twin towers that stand in the center of the display, that it is very moving and very compelling. that is clearly one of the
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most, if not the most memorable moments of president bush's time in office. and you know, all of the moments are captured though in video and photographs and the decisions. pepfar decision, no child left behind, the tax relief, it is all there for people to see and to learn more about and i think, like i say, it is a very impressive job done on this library museum. bill: we did a poll recently to figure out how americans view him and this is what we found. 59% rate him, 59% rate him favorable now. you wrote a piece this past week called cataloging the bush years. how are you able to contrast, i know he didn't want to it, perhaps you can, contrast the policies of eight years with what we've seen for the current administration for the past five years. maybe how they are similar and perhaps how they differ? maybe the similarities are quite striking.
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>> well, bill, a couple things. one is, we were reminded by the tragic circumstances in boston last week that while we're safer as a nation after the attack of september 11th, we're not yet safe. we have to be ever vigilant. but the policies president bush put in place, creating the department of homeland security, the director of national intelligence, the counter intelligence center, counter terrorism center, president obama to his credit despite the rhetoric in the campaign kept largely the infrastructure president bush put in place to make us safer as a nation. as a result of that, we're 11 1/2 we're -- years before we were subject to another attack like we saw in boston. so there are some similarities there. 95% of the tax relief president bush put in place remains in place today, signed by president obama. other economic policies unfortunately the debt has doubled as a percent of gdp since president bush left office. the lowest unemployment rate for president obama is a
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full percentage point higher than the highest unemployment rate ever under president bush on average annual basis. debt as a percentage of gdp, president bush held to 2%. now it is 8%. there is lot of contrasts unfortunately for the american people when it comes to the economy we're not seeing continuous job creation under president obama we saw under president bush even under very difficult circumstances, attacks of september 11, inheriting a recession and --. bill: it is $50 million. can't wait to get down there in person. >> privately raised. no taxpayer dollars. bill: the ceremony starts 11:00 a.m. eastern time. we'll see you there. thank you for your time. >> thank you very much. bill: smu, dallas, texas. martha: explosions rocked a major u.s. port. wow, look at that. what caused these blasts with flames so intense even
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firefighters are forced to take cover? bill: also you're supposed to slow down for the tollbooth, aren't you? martha: not so much. bill: not that guy for seeing your business in a whole new way. for seeing what cash is coming in and going out... so you can understand every angle of your cash flow- last week, this month, and even next year. for seeing your business's cash flow like never before, introducing cash flow insight powered by pnc cfo. a suite of online tools that lets you turn insight into action. the act of soaring across an ocean in a three-hundred-ton rocket doesn't raise as much as an eyebrow for these veterans of the sky. however, seeing this little beauty over international waters
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bill: a guy who is lucky to be alive. his attempt to speed through a toll booth turned into a disaster t happened in china. the guy ran over several police barricades before that, slamming into a toll booth, crushing another. the good news both booths were empty. and a passenger in the truck was severely injured. the driver only suffered minor injuries. pretty tough, right? martha: okay. a frightening scene in alabama overnight. look at this.
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we've seen enough those scenes last week. fuel barges exploded seven times near mobile, alabama, left three people at least critically injured. firefighters were forced to let the flames burn out. the carnival ship triumph, if you can believe it, this thing follows bad news wherever it goes was in the for repairs. steve alexander, is live in mobile with the latest. good morning, steve. >> reporter: this is a -- about the ship, isn't it? the barge is across the mobile river there. there is a coast guard boat. the mobile river is closed. they're investigating what exactly caused the blaze. they believe unrefined gasoline that exploded. seven times, including the 2:30 in the morning imagine getting awakened by that with the ground shook and everything like that. i want to show you across on the mobile river where the barge is.
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right behind me the you heard of big ship with the blue lights on it called the triumph. turns out there were 100 workers working on the triumph, still cleaning it up when the explosions happened. they had to evacuate them. they moved them to about four or five blocks away to our civic center. from what i understand they had to sleep on the floor. so i think, you said that bad news kind of follows the triumph. i think a lot of people are wondering about that. we have two people critically hurt. martha: how are they doing, steve. >> reporter: investigation underway. it is really something else. martha: we'll wait to get more news how the three folks are doing critically injured in that blast. thank you, steve alexander in mobile. bill: i think the ship is haunted, now, by now, don't you think? martha: i think should be change the name of the ship to defeat because it is not a triumph. tough times. bill: investigators combing over explosives used in boston. what we're learning how they were put together and how easily they were triggered. >> florida senator marco rubio joins us this morning and we will get his reaction
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to a member of the president's own party now slamming the new health care law. listen. >> i just see a huge train wreck coming down. you and i have discussed this many times. and i don't see any results yet. what can you do to help all these people around the country who are saying what in the world do i do and what do i know what to do? at tyco integrated security, we consider ourselves business optimizers. how? by building custom security solutions that integrate video,
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martha: we've got some breaking news that we are taking a look at right now.
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it is that and the israeli air force has shot down a hezbollah drone over israeli skies according to military officials there. military spokesman says an unmanned aerial vehicle was detected by air defense as it was in lebanese skies and it was hit when it attempted to violate israeli airspace. we'll see what the ramifications of this are and we'll get back to you as that news breaks. bill: in the meantime we are learning more about the bombs used in boston. investigators saying that the explosives were triggered by the kind of remote control that would come with a toy car. molly line is back at the hospital, live in boston today. what are we learning about these bombs now, molly. good morning there. >> reporter: good morning, bill. we're getting this information from a joint intelligence bulletin that was issued to state and local law enforcement regarding forensic analysis of the bombs. we're learning they are not likely identical and relied on components of
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remote-controlled cars. each device likely incorporated a electric fusing system using components from remote-controlled toy cars such as transmitter and receiver pair operating at 2.4 gigahertz and electric speed controller and sub hc rechargeable battery pack as a charging source. the type of explosive is blend containing nitrate and precolor rate oxidizers. this is consistent with low explosive fireworks. we confirmed the older brother went to new hampshire this february and indeed bought fireworks. bill? bill: if the bombs were not the same, molly, what was the difference between the two in terms of construction or detonation? >> reporter: essentially really comes down to the shrapnel according to these documents. one included nails and bbs. the other only included nails. and the reason this is interesting and important because in the wake of the bombing, the doctors from various hospitals were giving different accounts
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what was actually in the shrapnel. that explains those separate accounts from different doctors. bill? bill: molly, thank you. we will learn more as the days and weeks go on. molly line back there at the hospital in boston. martha: well a top republican lawmaker is now calling on president obama to level with the american people he says about the health care law. this after one the law's architects, called it a quote, train wreck. senate minority leader mitch mcconnell writes this the president must step into the breach, he says, and explain to the public skyrocketing premiums and a raft of new taxes penalties and fees are coming their way. the response has the responsibility to explain frankly as possible what this law will mean before its major components take effect. joined by florida republican, senator marco rubio, member of the senate foreign relations committee and also the intelligence committee. senator, welcome. good morning to you. >> good morning, thank you. martha: so max baucus, a democrat who also
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subsequently announced that he will be retiring from the senate, he calls this health care bill, which he had a role in, he says it looks like a train wreck now. what do you think about all that? >> we've been saying that for a while. it is absolutely true. what we don't realize a lot of small and mid-size the companies across the country who don't have a big human resources department are just now encountering or figuring out what the law will mean. when they figure out what it means it will have devastating impact on economy. if you're a small business, you have to completely restructure the way you provide health care for employees you will decide not to hire new people. you will hold back. i don't think we've begun to the chaos this is going to create. martha: as you point out you and a lot of other folks are saying this for a long time, prominent democrats and as well as kathleen sebelius at hhs is a lot more complicated. working it out will take some time. is it incumbent upon the president to come out and address this?
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because a lot of folks across the country who are nervous what they're supposed to do with all this? >> absolutely. not only, that i think it is wise to suspend implementation. come back and look, this thing will have dramatic impact on the economy. our economy is not growing. last thing we need to do is inject uncertainty into it and disrupt it. i think we should suspend implementation of obamacare. i obviously want to repeal the whole thing. the president should step up and say we'll suspend it. martha: i don't think that is very likely, do you? >> in fact the economy will not do very well and in fact it will continue to get worse and he will have to answer that. i think we should repeal the whole thing and start from scratch. the impact this will have on our economy is terrible. martha: let's talk about immigration which is be us havely something you worked very hard on for years. >> a little bit. martha: and i want to show you a quote from a "politico" story this week which claimed if indeed the "gang of eight" plan which you've been a part of, were to pass it would be actually
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what they call a bonanza for democrats. take a look at this quote. it says it would pump as many as 11 new million hispanic voters into the elect rat for decades now, if current trends hold would produce a electoral bonanza for democrats and cripple republican prospects in many states they win easily. that wouldn't be so good for you and your side. >> first of all i think it is sensational headline. reality 11 million, not all 11 million are hispanics that in itself is misnomer. i don't agree with the premise of that story. yes, it's true we're not doing very well right now not just among hispanics but a monk a sector of the population that doesn't fully understand what conservatism is about. politics is about convincing people who don't agree with you, to agree with you. what you stand for is better for them and their lives than what the other side is offering. with or without immigration reform that is real challenge we conservatives must confront and do well with, if we don't,
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conservatism will struggle to succeed in america. i honestly believe, the immigration reform issue for me is not politically motivated one. it is motivated by a very simple fact. what we have today is chaos. we have de facto amnesty. we have a immigration system that is not good for this country, it is very bad for this country and needs to be fixed. i'm trying to figure out a way to fix it. i think we have come up with decent starting point, a very good one and i hope to be able to improve upon but i'm looking for ways to make it better. leaving it the way it is right now is crazy. it is bad for our country. martha: it led in some ways to a asylum system which allowed public benefits to flow to the family of these boston bombers we now know. one. issues that has been brought up is this student visa issue. you open the door to perhaps not allowing must sim students to receive student visas in this country. did you mean that, 24 hours later? >> yeah. because, let me explain to you. why we have to get proper perspective here. no one has a right to immigrate to the united states.
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no one has a right to visit the united states and no one has a right to get a visa to study in the united states. there is no right to do that. the reason why we do it, not only did is our nature as nation we concluded it is good for our country. this is the kind of country we want to be. this allows us to put any restrictions we want on the program. i'm not singling out anyone per se. i'm saying if there are indicators people are coming from parts of the world where dangerous people are living and plotting against us that should be a factor determining whether we allow people to come here from there or not. i certainly think that is one of the lessons we should try to learn from this horrible tragedy in boston and apply it whether immigration reor some other bill we pass. number one job of the federal government is national security. martha: one more question i want to ask you because you're on the intel committee. do you have confidence in our intelligence services based on the fact that they seemed to let tamerlan slip through our fingers they they will be able to pick up on people who should not receive a student visa
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accurately and efficiently. >> we have great men and women in the intelligence service and it will not be 100%. questions need to be answered why we did not continue with the investigation of this individual particularly after we got the tip from the russians and he traveled back to russia and spent six months there. that obviously in hindsight is something we need to learn from and make sure never happens again. martha: senator rubio, always good to have you here. thank you very much. take care. >> thank you. bill: good interview, martha. in a moment, 20 minutes before the hour we'll continue this discussion about health care next hour because apparently there are some sort of secret talks among members of congress to suspend obamacare for all members of congress and their aides. that is coming up next hour. an american pastor tortured in a notorious iranian jail convicted because he is a christian there are possible new developments. martha: there are new questions whether vice president joe biden is downplaying the boston terror attack in a very specific way after making
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these comments during the memorial yesterday for a mit officer. sean collier, 26-year-old who was killed trying to stop the bombers. [applause] >> two, twisted, perverted, cowardly knock-off jihadis here in boston. why do they do what they do? copd makes it hard to breathe...
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biden was unof them raising a bit of eyebrow when choice of words when he spoke at the memorial service of sean collier. the mit police officer was said to be killed by boston bombers. here is part of his message there. >> two twisted, perverted, cowardly knock-off. >> dodd -- jihadis here in boston, why do they do what they do? i've thought about it a lot. because i deal with it a lot. and i've come to the conclusion, that which is not unique to me but i, they do it to instill fear. bill: so what about this? monica crowley, radio talk show host, and doug schoen former advisor for president bill clinton, both are fox news contributors. this is terrific young man, by the way. everybody who knew him. they said he was born to be a police officer. monica, twisted, perverted, knockoff jihadis,
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appropriate in your view? >> totally inappropriate. his comment was cavalier, it was disrespectful to the memorial service and i think it was grossly inaccurate. these two terrorists were no mere knockoffs, they were deadly serious committed jihadis who were effective enough to kill four americans including that police officer, sean collier, gravely wound over 200 others and shut down a major american city. these are the not actions of some lame wannabes who are not serious about their mission and their ideology and yet joe biden is out there in outer space wondering allowed why they did what they did and why they do what think do, i think the answer is pretty clear. bill: what do you think, doug? >> i don't like the choice of words. i think it is unfortunate. i would say in a day like today, given what the larger purpose is, which is to bring the country together we best speak about what strengthens our society, bringing us together,
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standing up for liberty and freedom and democracy which is what biden spoke to. i think rather than criticize, perhaps arguably, bad choice of words, we ought to try to focus on solving the problem, addressing the issue of domestic terrorism, and thinking seriously about solving problems rather than playing politics. bill: to that point, monica, are you being too critical or not? >> i think there is a tendency when joe biden speaks to throw up our hand, well, it is just joe. you know often times sometimes he makes ridiculous comments and people just dismiss it but i think in this case it bears heart cher -- harsher scrutiny because the point we need to deal in realty because of this threat. doug is right saying we need to come together as americans in moments like this and naturally it did happen immediately after the attack and still to this day but dealing with the reality of this threat rather than
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have the vice president sort of wondering off and saying they're knockoff jihadis. this was not a act of domestic terror. this was a war committed by international terrorists to the united states. bill: to that point, john kerry was overseas made a comment that was clarified by the state department. this is how jay carney reacted about what he said the vice president had to say. >> i'm saying that the question of whether or not that he had any associations is one under investigation by the proper authorities and, we obviously have some information. some has made its way into press reports but, that investigation is not complete. and, we're not going to make any conclusions until we have all the facts. bill: you know, doug, carney is right. >> of course he is right. bill: too darn early to characterize. >> too darn early. i'm disappointed monica wants to declare this an act of international terrorism before the facts are in. though may well be but if it
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is we need to take the appropriate steps. goodness gracious is, bill, at this time it is wrong to point fingers, reach conclusions and be definitive when we just don't know the full facts. of course monica is right. this is more risk tragedy. let's try to deal with it as one nation. >> it is not a tragedy. doug i have to disagree. this is a tragedy for those who were killed and their families of course but this is a car accident is a tragedy. this is an act of war committed in the name of islam. that's how much we know. we know that these two brothers, at least the older one had been back and forth to russia. we know the fbi was alerted by russian tell against. there certain points of reality here i think we need to deal in because we're wasting time and it ends up being very dangerous. >> monica, many of us have spoken and i will continue to speak against islamic terrorism. i just think we have to follow the facts, not rhetoric. bill: thanks to both of you. doug schoen, monica crowley. appreciate it. martha. martha: there has been a
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deadly explosion at a fertilizer plant that you saw carried out in texas and oh, my, when we see the pictures of this, it is absolutely devastating. what investigators are now learning about what might have actually caused this.
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bill: quick thinking blifr saves the -- police officer saves the day on closed-circuit tv. see that man? the man is lucky to have a friend on his left. subway platform in the colombia, south america, just as he was about to leap in front of the train. police officer grabs his arm, pulls him back on the platform. one life saved, job well-done. ordinary hero does his job. martha: we have new report that investigate are looking into the deadly explosion at
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the fertilizer plant that happened in the city of west, texas. what a horrible scene this has been. apparently they don't know how much, explosive chemicals were kept at that plant due to gaps in government regulations we're learning t comes as the president prepares to attend a memorial service for the victims there later today. the doug mckelway is live in waco, texas. doug, first, the investigation, what have we learned so far. >> reporter: they have not yet zeroed in on a cause, martha, but they have ruled out several other potential causes. it had been theorized that a railcar on sight loaded with the fertilizers ammonium nitrate might have sparked the explosion. later investigators found the railcar totally intact. it was blown off the railroad tracks but it was intact. in addition four tanks of anhydrous ammonia fingered as potential cause were found not to be ruptured. investigators are theorizing, ammonium nitrate in another on sight storage facility
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may have sparked the blaze. this is the same fertilizer tim mcveigh used to start the oklahoma city bombing. the west fert lieser company filed a report with the bought, indicating it had 270ps tons of that stuff on site. in 2007, congress passed a legislation with anybody with more than a few pounds of ammonium nitrate to file a listing with the department of homeland security saying that. that was last year, put on the public record for comment t fell through the cracks for reasons that remain unclear. suffice it to say the blast here was huge beyond comprehension. 350 homes damaged, more than $100 million in damage we understand from insurance adjusters thus far. the crater itself where the explosion happened, 10 feet deep, 96 feet wide. just a tremendous blast. martha? martha: unbelievable, what a tragedy. doug, thank you very much. bill: from that story we go,
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martha, to this one. up in flames what caused a massive fire and what firefighters are doing to get this under control. that is breaking news story still happening now. martha: the question is which law enforcement agency knew what and when did they know it? we're getting conflicting accounts between fbi and cia. more today also from the suspects parents. >> the fact is there are a lot of questions that need to be answered. we are, we broadly, the federal government, fbi and the department of justice are investigating this matter. i think, it is known that our embassy in moscow sent a team down to dagestan to interview tsarnaev's parents. ♪ ♪
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martha: we've got a fox news alert to start things off this hour. we have learned exclusively, that the suspect's mother knew as early as 2011, that her eldest son tamerlan had become radicalized and suggested to family via text message that she thought her son was now willing to die for islam. that's a huge development. welcome to a brand new hour of "america's newsroom", everybody. i'm martha maccallum. bill: i'm bill hemmer. good morning. these revelations from the fbi contradict most of the mother's earlier statements about her sons. >> our kids are going to be safe for any reason. but it happened --
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[inaudible] they take my kids away from me. martha: chief intelligence correspondent catherine herridge joins us live from washington. catherine, what have we learned from the questioning now of the younger brother in the hospital? >> reporter: thank you, martha, and good morning. we've had a series of briefings on capitol hill and fox news is told during the briefings fox news was told that the suspect's mother possibly knew in 2011, the same year the russians warned the fbi and cia that tamerlan tsarnaev was a believer in radical islam. that he apparently september text messages that he was willing to die for islam. unnamed officials tell fox news that the premature termination. fbi younger son may have national security implications. fbi official briefing lawmakers, that agents were just 16 hours in questioning were stunned to sigh a judge and attorneys show up and felt valuable intelligence may have been sacrificed under under this public safety exception they can
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typically interview the suspect up to 48 hours before readings them their miranda rights, martha. martha: hard to understand why they would cut the time so short and they have exemptions to specifically to have that period of time with them. a lot of questions, catherine, about the sharing of information because we also learned that the cia received a similar heads up from rusher shaabout tamerlan. >> reporter: u.s. intelligence official cons firms to fox news that the cia was contacted by russian counterparts in september 2011 and given virtually same information that the fbi was given six months earlier. that they believed tamerlan tsarnaev was follower of radical islam and wanted to join a overseas terror group. the official who wanted not to be identified, like the fbi review found no evidence of terrorist activity emphasizing that was the fact two years ago. at cia request, tamerlan's name and two possible dates of birth were entered into a
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government database of known and suspected terrorists. fox news was briefed, that they are not faulting the russians or the fbi and the cia. >> we, we contacted the russians on three different occasions to ask for more information and nothing was forthcoming. that is it as far as that is concerned. >> reporter: new confirmation that the bombs most likely relied on remote-controlled toy cars from the detonation mechanism. lawmakers say this may be an example of the new generation of terrorist that's emerging. >> you know i think that it's premature to conclude one way or the other how much of the radicalization took place at home, online, and how much may have taken place during the ship to chechnya and dagestan. >> reporter: a new fbi intelligence bulletin also indicates that the explosive was virtually identical what you find in fireworks. fox news confirmed earlier this week that the elder
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brother brought fireworks in early february up in new hampshire. martha? martha: catherine, thank you very much. >> reporter: you're welcome. bill: as catherine was reporting there the fbi was questioning the surviving suspect and judge and attorneys showed up at the hospital to mirandize him and that stopped questioning immediately. the feds claim that put our national security at risk. judge andrew napolitano, fox judicial analyst, a former judge himself. good morning to you. >> good morning, bill. bill: did the judge interfere with the case? >> absolutely not. the fbi filed the criminal complaint. that started in motion a series of events the fbi is intimately familiar the once they file the criminal complaint he becomes a defendant. a defendant in federal court must be brought immediately before a judge. if he at large they arrest him. if he is already in the fbi custody they bring him to the judge. if they can't bring him to the judge they bring the judge to him. the law require immediate or
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soon as possible first appearance. in first order of business, bill, the defendant's first appearance is the miranda warnings. if the fbi did not want him to have miranda warnings, whether you think that is good or bad that is value judgement they should have not filed the criminal complaint against him when they did. by filing the criminal complaint they invoked the federal rules of criminal procedure which inevitably result in the presence of the defendant and the judge in the same room and the judge administering the miranda warnings. bill: so to be specific now, two direct questions on this. don't file the criminal complaint and you can do what you want. >> no. if they don't file the criminal complaint they have to let him go. they're caught in catch-22. you arrest someone. you have to file a criminal complaint in order to justify to keep them. once you file the criminal complaint you have to bring him before a judge and have their rights read to him. bill: miranda public safety exemption started in 1984. the administration picked it up and again and reinforced
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would allow the fbi to question this guy for perhaps a even longer period of time? >> let me tell you what the public safety exception says. the supreme court has one opinion and lasts for 10 seconds. lasts for the i'm time of the arrest. so the arresting officers can say, without giving miranda warning, where is the gun? is anybody else with you. eric holder on his own expanded that 10 seconds to 48 hours. one fbi agent filed the criminal complaint in boston while the other fbi agents were interrogating him in the hospital room. the right hand didn't know what the left hand was doing. bill: based on what we know, itch need a quick answer. there was some level of cooperation on behalf of this 19-year-old. >> apparently yes. bill: is that testimony in jeopardy or not? >> that testimony, if unmirandized can only be used for intelligence purposes. it can not be used for the case against him. bill: which goes for the public safety exemption. thank you, judge andrew napolitano. >> you're welcome. martha: very interesting. more on that coming up. in the meantime russian
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president vladmir putin is using the boston bombings to criticize the united states saying that it proves we were wrong for refusing to declare chechen militants terrorists and for offering them political and financial assistance in the past. the accused bombers are of course of chechen descent. putin also says that the attacks should bring closer security cooperation between moscow and washington to fight terrorism. no doubt any calls from russia will be taken differently in the future. bill: also we're remembering the victims again today and marathon victim who lost both legs, said to be the one who helped identify one of the suspects in the attack is being called a hero yet again, this time for bringing comfort to fellow bombing victim. jeff bauman, visiting sydney corcoran at boston medical center and giving injured teen a gift for the 18th birthday. sydney suffered a near fatal wound in the attack. recovering along with her mother. her family calls jeff's
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visit an emotional experience. they have this common bond forever. martha: they do. they will need each other. they understand what they're going through in way victims will share for the rest of their lives. made new friend ships out of a tragic an violent situation. all right. we have this fox news alert we want to get to right now. we're following new reports this morning that an israeli air force jet has shot down a hezbollah drone over israel. our leland vittert is following this from our jerusalem bureau this morning. so, leland, what can you tell us here? >> reporter: martha it appears this drone came from southern lebanon, that means hezbollah the militant group there. that means this drone of iranian manufacture. whether controlled by iranians or hezbollah which is iranian proxy is unclear. this isn't the first time we've had an iranian drone fly over israel. just about six months ago a drone flew over israel for some 30 minutes. that is when the israeli
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f-16s shot it down. dramatic gun sight video they provided. this time the israelis did not let the drone make landfall in israel, shooting it down five miles off the coast of israel in very strategic and important city. that is the city of haifa which has a lot of israel's petrochemical areas there, a lot of refineries there and also just near the israeli offshore natural gas facility. whether this drone was a suicide drone and was going to fly itself into some area there inside southern israel or whether it was on an intelligence-gathering mission is still yet to be seen, martha. you have to look at this in sort of the larger strategic picture here. as iran is playing cards here and puppeteer master, hezbollah is big supporter of president assad in syria. can't forget just a couple months ago it was israelis that attack as syrian weapons convoy with an iranian general on board. back to you, martha. martha: leland, thank you very much. >> watch that story developing from the middle east. watch this story out of
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washington because there is new information on the benghazi matter and now lawmakers are demanding to see the state department's classified timeline. we'll talk to a leading member of the house oversight committee about that. martha: and could congress be exempt from the president's health care overhaul? huh? reports of secret talks to give them a pass on obamacare. you can't believe think, you can't believe think, unbelievable. ♪ roundup
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we're . ..
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bill: this landfill has gone up in flames in the state of maryland a massive pile of mulch caught on fire. 100 firefighters spent the night battling to get it under control. high winds complicating efforts there. it is a remote location. also made it difficult to get water at the scene. crews called in foam trucks from airports in baltimore and washington. no word yet what caused that fire but it lit up the night sky. martha: a top republican lawmaker now writing a letter asking for the state department's classified timeline from the benghazi terror attacks. four americans were killed during that assault on the u.s. consulate on september 11, 2012. we have new fox news polls that have interesting feedback from people how they feel about that night. 61% of americans say that president obama should have been more involved in the briefings as a result of what unfolded last night on that assault and 67% say
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that congress should subpoena the survivors to get their account of what happened that night if that is necessary. a lot of big questions remain on this issue and i'm joined by utah republican congressman jason chaffetz who has been fighting for answers on benghazi. he is on the committee on oversight and government reform. congressman, good morning. good to have you here today. >> thank you. martha: there has been a lot of discussion about what came out of this interim report and some of that is what prompted this letter as well. but one of the questions is this cable that was signed by hillary clinton on april 19th, 2012, that denied the request for more security. there had been a request for more security at the consulate in benghazi of the this in fact they were going to withdraw some of the security from that consulate but critics who looked at the report, say it was a robo-sign. that is a very typical signature that was, not a personal signature by hillary clinton on that and does not mean that she saw it. >> look, we're looking at
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the security in benghazi and in libya after the revolution and for the secretary of stat to claim ignorance she wasn't involved, she testified passionately and emphatically that she had nothing to do with it. she hadn't seen it, signed off it, that is a problem unto it herself, when her name is on signature line denying security that is dramaticly different than what she testified to. of course we'll pursue that and of course we'll get to the bottom of that. martha: obviously the critics have also said that you signed off, that you agreed to a bill, voted yes to a bill that ended up cutting some of the funding that went to these embassies and that sort of everybody is guilty here in terms of lack of protection at that embassy? >> no, first of all that bill didn't pass. the chief financial officer actually in an e-mail, says in this e-mail that funding had nothing to did with the decision on whether or not to have more security or less security.
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the funding was actually coming from the department of defense, not from the state department. so, and then, in testimony, they were asked very directly in our october hearing whether or not finances had anything to do with the decision and they testified no. so there are three bullet points there that say, no, absolutely not. the funding was not the question here. they wanted to quote, unquote, normalize the situation sooner rather than later. they wanted the appearanceance of normalization, that was key for them. it was politics over security. martha: this interrim report we talked about over the past couple days really exonerates the pentagon and the military for their response that night and it squarely puts, points the finger at the state department. so the request is, to have the state department's classified timeline, the minute by minute of what the state department knew and when they knew it over the course of those 24 hours. how, how is that going? is there any hope that you're going to rehe have --
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receive what you want there? >> look i wish this investigation was done and despite what the president, the secretary of state and others have said we have not had all the documents. we've been given eight tranches, roughly 25,000 documents we're combed through in in camera review. somebody looking over our shoulder. they have not given all the documents and there is additional documents that we believe the timeline that the state department has and should share with congress. martha: what is their argument? they say they have been full disclosure on issue. they claim they have nothing to hide about what happened that night and they did everything they could do, right. what reason are they giving for not wanting to share with the american people what they were doing that night and what the tick-tock was? the materials contradict what they said. they said they couldn't share a lot of this information because it was classified. there was ongoing investigation. and yet you look at e-mail traffic that was going on that night, nobody was worried about those parameters. so the interrim report, 48
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pages worth, i think if i haves a good overview but as chairman issa and tray gowdy and a host of others said we're not stopping this. there will be hearings in may. at least one hearing in may. and we will continue to get after this. there is no good excuse. rather than democrats complaining about the process, why don't they argue that they should get after truth and justice? nobody has been held accountable and nobody has been brought to justice. we have four dead americans and we're not going to rest until we get to the truth. martha: we know the president the day after promised that that investigation would find justice and would find the killers of those four americans. so there is still a lot of big questions on this regardless of the fact that a lot of people seem to want to put it on the back burner. representative chaffetz, good to speak with you as always. have a good day, sir. >> thank you, martha. martha: a lot of big questions still out there. and you know, when you look at those documents and the fact that they were robo-signed he raises a really good point, which is that wouldn't this be a matter of that would be at
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the top of the list for the state department give the fact that it was less than 12 months since the qaddafi regime ended a things were extremely volatile. you would want know what is going on that embassy, say the among the top five of list. bill: islamic fighters came out of northeast libya and there is town, called durma and well-documented how many of them joined the wars in iraq and especially afghanistan. we're getting new information on the latest effort to free the american pastor jailed in iran as we get new word his life may be in jeopardy. we'll speak with his wife in a moment and talk to her live. martha: look at this scene. striking teachers go on a this unbelievable video, we'll tell you where all that went down. "america's newsroom" comes right back. [ alarm clock ringing ] [ female announcer ] if you have rheumatoid arthritis,
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martha: striking teachers start a riot in mexico. watch this. [shouting] out on the street with their sticks. the furious educators attacked political offices with pipes and sticks. they broke the windows. they set fire to furniture. the violent demonstration comes after the legislature aproves education reform that would strip unions of their power to hire and fire. got them fired up. no injuries reported. bill: a lot of homework after that. there are new developments now in the efforts to free an american pastor jailed in one iran's most notetory russ prisons. we're awaiting news from the state department on saeed abedini's release. they are worries about their miss medical condition.
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we have the his wife and the jordan sekulow, center for law and justice in washington d.c. good morning to both of you. he has iranian family makes i believe weekly visit as best i can tell. how is he doing and what has changed? >> well he was beaten the day they were supposed to treat him at a hospital. and they said there was no doctor. and i just, hope that we understand the urgency of his situation. he is not doing very well and that he is in a horrific prison and extremist government of iran who considers him, his christian faith an act of war. they consider him conducting software by simply being a christian and, they don't, they don't, every day that he is in there is a survival -- we need to get him out of there quickly. bill: you have to think in tehran they know how much attention his story has gotten outside of iran. why did iranians not change their behavior toward him? >> i do hope that as more
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attention from the west media on the outside brings more media coverage inside of iran through different channels and that the iranian government is able to the release him and because of the pressure. there their election is coming up. i hope they will consider him, be able to just, let him go. but i don't know. they don't, they haven't shown any indication of wanting to release him. bill: that is a pretty hardened regime, jordan, when you think about not reacting to this. perhaps they don't even care about the attention given on the outside or care about him. you mentioned that the state department appeal. how will that advance his case. >> we know, that the u.n. ambassadors, the ambassadors from iran to the united nations have actually communicated to their government. we need to get this handled. this is causing us too much trouble in the united nations when we're dealing with all the other issues making us look very bad. we have argentina's president. she is now engaged because
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of national lieance of churches in argentina but iran typically, and we've seen this bill, so i don't want people to get discouraged, they test the outcry of support. they test the supporters and say we'll drag it along. things will go quiet and things get better and we'll beat him again. and does anyone care, does anyone speak out, does the worldcare? this is typical pattern much iran we've seen before. if we show the world cares and speak out and his birthday is coming up may 2nd, we have over 40,000 letters inundating with him and support. bill: seems like the weeks go by and months go by and his situation gets worse, not better? >> well it's a situation we just, nagmeh knows we have to speak out. it is iran. not the american system. bill: jordan, thank you. nagmeh, my best to you and your two children. hang in there. >> thank you, bill. bill: and jordan there in washington d.c. 28 minutes past the hour
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now. martha: well there's some new developments after a bombshell report on the president's health care law. word of secret negotiations on capitol hill to exempt some lawmakers from certain parts of obamacare? we'll tell you what is going on there. bill: also the living presidents today gathering in dallas, texas, for what turned out to be a beautiful day on the campus of smu. dedication of the george w. bush presidential library. we will hear from the former president in a matter of moments. bunches of oats greek yogurt and whole grain. here we go. honey cornflakes and chunks of greek yogurt. i'm tasting both the yogurt and the honey at the same time. i'm like digging this yogurt thing. i feel healthy. new honey bunches of oats greek.
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bill: we are working through a story out of the hill now where members of congress work being in a way to allow members of congress to exempt themselves and staff members out of obama care? there are reports that secret talks were underway and had been underway for months. now we are hearing by way of "the washington post," a could the umist there saying none of this was even true at all. steven hayes, senior editor and fox news contributor has been hunting down the story as well. i want to report first what we think was happening, all right? that there was an effort underway that would allow members of congress to get different health insurance, perhaps starting in the year 2014. and now i'm hearing that perhaps that never happened at all. sort through it, what do we know? >> this would have been an exemption from obama care because there hadn't been a provision to pay for the exchanges for members of congress for the federal
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government in obama care. and what had happened historically is that republicans introduced an amendment, chuck grassley from iowa that basically required the federal government to participate in these evenings changes. in these exchanges. everybody was going to be a part of obama care. the recent discussions how to do with how congress was going to try to get itself out of that. i do believe that the conversations actually took place. bill: you do. >> yes. but you'll hear polar opposite portrayals of those discussions, depending on who you talk to and who you listen to. bill: i just read this thing, from this piece in "the washington post" that we just got our hands on. i have not heard from harry reid's office. i guess we should, right, to say it's either true or not true. >> yeah i would expect harry reid's office to have to come out at some point and issue some kind of a denial or at least try to put this in context. what i've heard from the republican side is in effect, democrat staff approached our
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staff, leadership staff on the republican side and said, hey, we need to figure out a way to exempt congress because if we don't exempt congress you'll have a lot of low paid staffers who are not able to afford the $7,000 in premiums that they would have to pay and that would be bad. i think the dig -- bill: sorry the reason why that's that is important, steve is they believe their staffers wouldn't want to work there because they could not afford it right. it was a talent drain or a brain drain, continue. >> exactly. which would in effect mirror the complaints we're hearing from so many businesses around the country. congress wants to exempt itself or some in congress want to exempt itself so that they won't experience that brain drain. the political problem here is obvious. you cannot have congress exempt itself from this incredibly unpopular law, which we're seeing the comma indications on nearly a daily basis, as we talk
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about the implementation of this law, and if congress were to try to exempt itself from this either on the republican or democrat side i think you would have -- i mean protests in the streets. this country would explode if this actually became a real policy. >> henry waxman, democrat from california says the law is clear, the exchanges are set up and stabbed for members of congress to be a part of that. he says there is a lot of confusion but the law makes it clear nor how people would have to deal witness. this from john boehner's office now from his chief spokesperson, he says he is approached daily by american citizens including members of congress and staff that want to be free from its mandates. if the speaker hars the opportunity to save anyone from obama care he will. michael steale april 24th. put that with max baucus who said this law is a train wreck. this is all happening in the same week, steve. >> right. i think one of the reasons that this raised eyebrows and sort of exphroelgded on twitter is because -- exploded on twitter
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is because the comment by michael steele leaves open to the inch interpreter thaeugs that boehner was part of these discussions. i've got even another statement from steele and talked to people in the leadership and they said no, boehner wasn't entertaining this possibility. he wasn't part of discussions. i'm told by people on capitol hill that this was something that harry reid's staff cooked up, pushed to the republican side to see if they were willing to go along with this and that boehner flat out killed it. i have heard from people who read that comment in the story from boehner's spokesman as being boehner participating in these conversations. we've since got even a flat denial. bill: there is a long article at "politico" we have reporting to do throughout the day on this as well. steven hayes working through that story out of washington. martha: we are moments away now from the dedication ceremony set to get underway at the push
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presidential library in dallas. it's always an extraordinary sight when you get to see a gathering of all of the living u.s. presidents in any one place. today there will be five of them in attendance there. our own bret baier got a chance to sit down with president george w. bush as always of this got underway. bret is of course the anchor of special report and he's live in texas on a beautiful day as we hear the music rising behind you there, bret. tell me a little bit about your sit down with the former president and how he seems to you now four years later. >> reporter: well, martha i tell you what, he's relaxed. he seems comfortable in his own skin, that is definitely the case. you couldn't first of all ask for a better day today here in front of the george w. bush presidential library and museum. and you're right, this is the most exclusive club ever, the four former presidents, the current president on one stage. in that interview i talked about a lot of dave topics, but before we sat down with the former
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president and first lady mrs. bush took me on a tour of the museum. and it is an interesting tour in that they tried to put it in con logical order of their time in office, starting, really, when they got into office, no child left behind, trying to lower taxes, and then you turn a corner and you're right there at 9/11, and that whole issue and the world trade center spot. however the most interesting perhaps is the replica of the oval office. of it is, martha, almost exactly the same. i have been in that oval office during the bush years, down to every detail it is really, really close. we talked a little bit about politics in the interview with the former president. i asked him at one point what he thought about the current state >> we're leaderless now, the republican party is leaderless.
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it's not the tires time we've been leaderless. we've been in the wilderness and pretty soon our party will start coalescing around somebody to become our leader. i wish his name was jeb, i have no idea if jeb its going to run. >> but you want him to. >> absolutely i want him to. he would be a great president. but whether or not he chooses to run is not my choice. he's had the benefit of seeing his father and brother run for office, and he knows it's a very personal decision to make. my point is parties go in cycles, and soon there will be a leader. and the fundamental -- of both parties, and the fundamental question is will they be able to unite the different elements of their parties behind a common mission, and a philosophy that says, give me a chance to be govern and people's lives will get better. >> a live look, they are just sitting down here. in the front row there you see the former florida governor jeb
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bush turning talking to someone there. there is a little bit of dispute inside the family whether he will run for president. apparently barbara, younger barbara bush says she doesn't think he'll run for president. so a little bit of a split. but the former president would like to see him run. martha. martha: no doubt there will be some talks around the family dinner table over that one in the months to come. it's clearly a possibility, and very interesting to see how sort of the tenor with which and the enthusiasm with which the former president is discussing that possibility at this point. even joy the day and we will enjoy your coverage. thanks so much for being with us. >> reporter: thanks. martha: speaking of president bush for a moment here. house of the united states a country that has always held a special place for him is africa. he made two extensive trips there as president, and has continued his commitment to eradicating aids and malaria there post president. today is world malaria day which
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we wanted to point out to you. it's a global effort to raise awareness to the illness that takes the life of a child every minute of every single day around the world. president bush started the malaria initiative and he and laura bush have been huge supporters of the treatment trams driven by the organization malaria, and effort that has led to a 33% decrease in deaths by malaria over ten years, a very quick result. hbo is rolling out a movie called mariach mary and martha, two women who lost children to malaria. >> what exactly do you think i can do? >> yomary can achieve anything she sets out to do. >> every view will provide a treatment to a child to malaria thanks to hbo and novartis.
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you can send me a tweet. it's a great cause, saving the lives of children and improving life for so many people in africa and other countries. the other element to this is the stronger and healthier people are in these countries the morey distant they are to forces of terrorism, for example which are becoming an increasing concern obviously in so many places in africa and the stronger the economy. the argument is that it behooves the rest of the world to may attention. bill: this is something we could eradicate in our lifetimes. martha: and they are working on it. bill: did we or did we not stop the chance to stop the boston bombers: they are talking about what watch list the tsarnaev brothers were or were not on. details on what we're learning with that in three minutes. ♪
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martha: there are new questions today about whether the feds missed several chances to potentially nab the boston bombing suspects long before this attack. or were they stonewalled by russian authorities on this? watch this. >> they just said this person could be a possible threat or have some type of connections, that's basically all that was said. so then we did our due diligence, we did our investigation, liker we do in every other case like this. there are a lot of these cases that fly back and forth between different countries. when we asked for more information on three different occasions nothing was forthcoming. martha: interesting, right?
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steven yates is the former deputy assistant to vice president dick chain here for national security affairs and currently ceo of dc international advisory. welcome. does that add up to you? that russia said look, we are concerned about this guy. they told the fbi and months later they went back and told the cia. according to the congressman, we went back and asked russia for more info, they said we don't have anything, so it got dropped. >> i think we have to take that as a possibility. really we learn with every day more information that gives new color to this. i don't expect this to be the end of the story. for instance if the russians came to us and said that there is someone of high interest and we do our due diligence and go back to them and say, hey we didn't find anything, do you have anything more. if we keep going back to them they may stiff us because they don't think we are taking the issue seriously. it's possible that our investigators are concerned that they are being influenced by a political agenda from russia. russia had its own issues with
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chechnya things like that. we have 0 to in retrospecht that things were missed. martha: that is a very good point. there are basic facts that a lot of people watching this can't if i can out. for one, the cia had of him on a watch list, that makes me ask the question, how did he travel? you know, how did he get through the airport and go to russia and come back in you're on the watch list? that is exactly what it's supposed to prevent. also, when they put out the picture of these two guys, i remember, we were all rivetted, the video had been released. does anybody who who these two people are? the fbi was already on this case. how come when the pictures came out they didn't know who he was? >> that is absolutely correct. this case in particular hits so many alarms about the stove pipes that were supposed to be addressed after 9/11 coming back into the foer, hindering our ability to keep america safe. raoefl i it seems to be increasing evidence that elements in one agency of government folks used on domestic issues was not
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liaisonning effectively with agencies on international issues. even if the russians were not forthcoming with additional information there still are no excuses for why someone with this profile was not better surveilled before and immediately after the event. how is it possible that they were not top of the list of people to go to, go to the houses, immediately look at these are the top priority targets immediately after the event. martha: it's mind boggling. how do you get through an airport when your name its online a terrorist watch list? what good is the patriot act, and the dni, created for the purpose of making sure that everybody is talking to each other if this happens? >> we do have to i think -- it's been more than a decade, we have to go back and review all of thieves institutions. no one should have expected the bush administration in emergency conditions to come up with a perfect system. and it's very, very clear now due to policy decisions, and basically the way these bureaucracies are behaving that
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further reform is necessary. maybe we need to revisit some of the insurance taoupgs institutions themselves. we have a new world of threats, technology, international liization of communications. domestic citizens or new residents that can be radicalized remotely via the internet. there are very different problems that didn't exist in 2001 and we are behind. martha: it's a huge wake up call for everybody. steven yates thank you so much. we'll see you soon. bill: especially on the technology front. and that will continue to change. jenna lee standing by. you're going to have a great day today, aren't you? jenna: it's happened a handful of times in the history of united states, five u.s. presidents gathered after the the same place at the same time. it's happening just -- in just a few minutes, actually in dallas at the new george w. bush presidential center. we'll have that live and we will a hear together from all five presidents. senator jerry moran not so pleased with how the fed are
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handling the sequester especially the faa considering awful the flight delays for us. he will be live in moments. we look forward to seeing you on "happening now."
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bill: we are just mere minutes away from the start of the dedication to the george w. bush presidential library and all the living presidents are in dallas today. this will get a lot of attention and rightfully so. carl cameron is there live as well. hello to you, carl. good morning in dallas. >> good morning, bill. heights a beautiful morning in dallas for the dead weighings of the george w. bush presidential center. of it includes of course the library, a museum, as well as a policy institute. the president says while he's now out of politics he's not out of mol see and this will be a think and do tank for students here at southern methodist aoupblz. university: first speaker we'll hear from today is the
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former president's first lady laura bush will do the introductions. we will hear from former president jimmy carter the 39th president who was often critical of george w. bush in office. we can expect tributes of eight years in office one of 17 presidents to win two terms. we'll go to the 41st president, william jefferson clinton who has become close friends with george h. w. burke who will also speak and then president obama the current president will do the introduction of george w. bush himself. this library and institute is a huge undertaking, $250 million in private donations and sits on 200 acres here. it's high-tech and dedicated to explaining what was the eight years from the recount that started his election to the attacks in 9/11 that defined it. now that we begin the ceremonies, i kick it back to you as we begin to get started. bill: enjoy the day.
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it will be something else to watch. carl camero carl cameron ran is there in dallas for us. martha: the dedication is as you saw about to get underway. we'll bring you that ceremony all of the action as it begins. moments away. try running four.ning a restaurant is hard, fortunately we've got ink. it gives us 5x the rewards on our internet, phone charges and cable,
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bill: we give way to what is going to be american history. right. martha: we'll sit down and watch it unfold on "happening now." which is happening right now. see you back here tomorrow,
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folks. jon: fox news alert. the dedication of the george w. bush presidential center is underway. we are live in dallas. we will soon hear from all five living u.s. presidents. the ceremonies, the speeches, plus in-depth analysis through the next two hours. a live report on it all moments from now. but first, right now brand-new stories and breaking. jenna: we have new details in the boston marathon bombings, how the explosions were triggered, as investigators apparently hit a snag in questioning the only surviving suspect. we'll have that report for you. plus new information on the president's healthcare law could members of congress who passed it vote to exempt themselves from it? there is dedate about that happening on capitol hill. we'll break it down for you. a woman crossing the street is hit by a car and thrown to the sidewalk. her condition, what about this hit-and-run


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