tv Red Eye FOX News April 26, 2013 12:00am-1:01am PDT
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can't say if other people exist. yes, you can. >> actually you can't say if somebody is going to give them to a nosey journalist. >> and by the way you didn't mention a huge failure on your part. >> that guy is a weasel. from a political ideology standpoint. i have nothing in common. it is all of our foibles. and these pictures -- i am not reading your twitter feed.
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>> i think he is a weasel and i don't like anything about him. on the other hand he got cause in the cross hairs and it mushroomed and ballooned. >> here is my problem with wiener. >> his name alone is your problem. he said penis. >> he is trying to do his tour and he is saying it is about personal behavior. it is about sitting down with the journalists and lying to their face. am i right? >> yes, you are right. you follow-up on the news statement of i can't say whether there are any other photos of me. remember when he was asked at the time if this was a photo of his pecker and he said i am not sure.
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>> i know exactly what mine looks like. >> i can pick my own out of the lineup. >> we are not making jokes. we are -- >> i avoided the mushroom joke. >> and bill clinton is on twitter. are you going to tweet him? >> i have nothing funny about this. no, you can tell -- as you pointed out from the first few tweets one of these twitter feeds where it is incredibly boring stuff and everyone follows them because they are not reading twitter anyway, and you are going to have to drop them eventually. they don't understand twitter you are supposed to send out funny interesting stuff. >> there is a person who does this well and he is a guy this network would be familiar with because he owns it. he has his own twitter feed and he clearly writes it himself. they are criminologists.
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the rest of these politicians have flacks writing this. >> does buffet tweet? does he have a twitter feed? >> i thought you were talking jimmy buffet. >> no, warren buffet. >> bill -- >> and your twitter feed is a little boring too. >> are you a big football fan? >> i like sports. >> that's why it works for bill. the twitter feed with the sports , it goes against his public persona. it is great. >> there is bill schulz and then there is bill schulz. >> you tweet many inprop prep things -- inappropriate things all the time. don't you think wiener has already won because he made the conversations about these pictures and about his behavior. he has done the clinton thing. instead of about the fact that he is a liar. he is a big liar. >> he is a big liar or is he just sort of being vague about the whole thing.
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for you it is a lie. for me it is maybe they are out there. >> we don't know. by the way, my twitters are inappropriate. i tweeted before the show, i hope my friend tom shillue does a great job. that was so inappropriate. >> that's why nobody wants to follow you. that's boring. >> you don't say i hope he is going to do a good job. you say i know tom shillue is going to deliver the goods. >> is our lexicon all wrong? goodbye freshmen and hello first year student. they passed a bill requiring all laws be rewritten using gender neutral vow -- vocabulary. that means penmanship will be replaced with words like hand writing. who wants that? other examples fisherman is just fisher. journey man plumber is now
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journey level plumber. i never even used the journey man plumber. >> all of the time. >> and elevator is now lift. it explains the bill's sponsor. there is no good reason for keeping our legal terms acronistitt. speaking of times. >> can you move? >> can you move? >> that was fantastic. >> were the laws causing a problem? do we have solutions in search of problems? >> we have solutions that aren't solutions and insertion
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problems that aren't insertion problems. first of all what nobody thinks about here is imagine that there was some sort of problem. saying journey men -- what was it? journey men plumber. >> it presumes that it was precipitating a wave of sexism in the northwest and the pacific northwest. we have no causal relationship between the word penmanship and the stoning of women or something. so i am trying to figure out, and if we do change this, do these people suspect that this tide of sexism hillary seed -- will recede? it is stupid and absurd. >> you said a lot, but this is the world going moronic at a faster rate. help me out here. the insidious methods of political correctness have brought us to this level here. >> george carlin said are we headed to a place where david letterman will have to change his name to david letter
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person? >> i get it. >> i just looked that up today. in the same monologue he said but we should change the word chairman to chairperson. that is sexism. i say, anne, keep it -- a woman can be a chairman of the board, right? why not keep it chairman. doesn't that show you that sexism is defeated when a woman can be a chairman. >> i think they are called spokes models. in the english language, not all languages are like this we use the male pronoun to mean both sexes. words like mankind. in some languages it is different. you use the female pronoun or the female whatever word. >> the french, don't the french have a different for every word? >> we want our own special pro noun. on the other hand i am glad
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they are doing this. one of my best friends became a magnificent right winger when he was at berkeley and the berkeley council spent one entire data baiting to -- debating whether to change the word manhole covers. >> there are terms like manhole and man lock won't be change. isn't this because they are names of great bars you attend. >> that was good. i got that in there at the end. can we fix the economy? ann coulter discusses in her latest book. and should the smacking -- smoking age be raised to 21?
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>> should teens be allowed to make a toxic cloud? mayor michael bloomburg has reupped on his battle against butts by raising the minimum age of a tobacco purchase from 18 to 21. backlash abound. including from the l.a. times and that is on the other side of the country. in an editorial the newspaper argues that 18-year-olds are adults. they should be allowed to vote. they are allowed to vote. and tight for their country and unlike drinking, a decision to smoke only harms the smoker. the editors note we should curb smoking through measures leaken location and bans on -- measures like education on bans. but should they make decisions that affect only themselves? thank you for that, l.a. times. and thank you for this, leg kitties.
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>> leg kitty. it just works, right, guys? >> it doesn't not work. >> michael you said in the green room smoking should be raised to the age of 30. you would like to gay marry your hero, michael bloomburg. >> i said the gay marriage thing. i just heard me. i would like to lower the smoking age to 13 because i know a lot of clever 13-year-olds. and they look cool when they smoke. >> all of the education in the world cannot change this. >> dino, isn't this true? the people who should be smoking are the kids because then they can quit by the time they are 21 and get on with their life. smoking really kills old people. i don't see teenagers dropping dead from smoking. >> i like mike's idea, science. that's just science, america.
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>> i want them young and cool. >> 13? i thought you were going to say 40. >> the l.a. times makes a great point. smoking, are you only harming yourself and not other people. don't we have laws like seatbelts? >> we are against those two. what about you? >> i don't like to wear the seatbelt. i take it off and try to drive and ding, ding, ding. if somebody wants to smoke, you are 18 years old. you should be able to go in and buy a pack of cigarettes. you can vote and go to war and kill for our country, but you can't smoke until you are 21. >>s this a plot by mayor bloomburg? does he want people to die for their country without cigarettes? >> i actually support bloomburg on this. for one thing smoking is less cool when pimply18-year-olds do it.
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and i think it will move us closer to my fantasy. it is not fantasy. this is a serious goal line of raising the voting age. it is the theory you can drink at 18 and you can be drafted to go to war at 18. we don't have a draft. you can't drink at 18 and you are still on your parents' health insurance to 24. so why not raising the voting age to 24? >> whoa, whoa, whoa. be careful. you will start raising everything when it comes to 18. slow down here. >> bill, how will this affect you personally? >> obviously i only date women that smoke. to your point, kids, you should know smoking gets rid of pimples. >> the reason that this is stupid and it is pointed out in the story is most people start smoking below the legal smoking age now anyway. 90% of smokers have smoked
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before the age of 18. >> remember when they gave out samples? they gave out the samples in the mailboxes. >> they did not give out free samples. >> yes, in the 1970s in massachusetts i will go on record with that. >> that's fantastic. smoking is bad. do not smoke. do not smoke ever. >> e-mail us at fox and do you have a video of your animal doing something, go to fox eye and send us a video. still to come, the half time report from america's sweetheart, andy levy. >> tonight's half time report is sponsored by bees. the winged honey making insects that feed on pollen and nectar. thanks, bees.
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we are back. let's find out if we have gotten anything wrong so far. for that we go to andy levy. i'll give you one name. if you are taking america's sweetheart we will go with that, andy. >> that's why you dropped the tv's? >> i dropped the tv's. >> all right. >> you are not upset by that? >> this will reflect poorly on your review. stuff about the bombers. moynihan you said you couldn't understand what the brothers' mom said, but you are sure it was horrible. one thing she said was, quote, i would have preferred not to live in america. i think we can all agree on that. >> yes, i would prefer she
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never left her stupid hubble in dagishan. she said america has treated us horribly. i think she seems to have it a little backwards there. her family was treated america horribly. i know that is not a revelation to anyone, but just wanted to point out she is a crack pot. >> she said america took my sons. >> yeah. , yeah. no. >> this fairness she has yet to receive the residuals from borat. there were a couple of opening scenes. >> i guess we are sort of making fun of a grieving mom. >> i don't know. i don't have a problem with that. >> i guess i don't either. dino, you have questions about the planning of the attack and about the investigation and you said the investigation is coming from the authorities. >> right. >> who should it be coming from? >> the only thing we have been told that the words from the alleged terrorists in this
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case are coming from the hospital room as told to us by the fbi and the police and so on and so forth. i guess at some point there will be some substantive reporting done. at that point perhaps we will know more. i hope so anyway. >> all right. also you brought up the university of alabama track coach alistair stevenson who was running the marathon and heard the boston police say "it is just a drill." do you find it odd most of those in the vicinity of the blast don't report any of that? >> do i? >> yes. every story i could find that mentioned this whole it is a drill thing, info wars, natural news, my favorite, they all cite they had guy as their source. >> what i want to know is why wasn't this -- why was this man allowed to leave boston the next day? if he saw things that looked out of kilter and were uh skew
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and were certainly red flags and were certainly at the very least -- >> or false flags -- >> or at the very least planted a seed of doubt in someone's mind i would have thought the authorities would have wanted to talk to him completely before going to mobile, alabama. >> maybe he is a crack pot and maybe they can always call mobile, alabama. >> it is unfair to call him a crack pot. why would you call him a crack pot? >> just hang on. because there were tens of thousands of people there. this one guy is going around saying the police said -- >> wait a minute. this is a guy that has gone to multiple marathons. he has run marathons all over the world. i guess if he is a crack pot he has seen things not so right. >> he is a crack pot that is a very -- he is very healthy. >> and on your description of it, andy, he may not be a crack crack -- crack pot.
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maybe he did hear this is a drill. it wasn't a drill. what does he have to adhere? >> this is the stuff that gives legs to silly conspiracy theories. the initial reporting after a tragedy go back to the week after 9/11. we are talking mainstream organizations in the things they got wrong. if this investigation shouldn't be carried out by the authorities, we see how good of a job it was when it was crowd sourced. >> they were fingering people that were not -- they were different runners. >> the same thing at sandy hook. there was a guy in the woods arrested and that lead to all kinds of conspiracy there rears. >> -- conspiracy theories. that stuff does happen. >> we have just supposed to take at face value everything we are told and not ask questions, ever?
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maybe coming up with theories and exploring it from different aping gels. this is -- angles. this is wrong how? >> when you start -- when the theories that are being spouted -- there are theories that are good to get out there. and then there are theories that are -- >> as long as the theory fits in the parameters of the controlled environment which the news is coming out of, that's okay. >> as long as the theory fits in the environment. jay anything outside of the official description, that's insane. >> for example fire can melt steel. >> andy, you know what, the thing is here are you an ambudsman or ambudssheep. i think it is a sheep. >> and they can question them as long as they want as long as it is not used in a trial
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without mir ran dieing them. >> you are going to say no they won't hold them for 10 years? they was a hyperbole, but they could hold them for some amount of time and ask them a lot of questions. the reason that is relevant here is there seems to be qeet enough information to convict this guy without what he says in the hospital room. it is just to the guy he hijacked. it is not like we need his statements to convict him. it would be useful to get some national security information. >> but unless you declare him an enemy combatant, you can't hold him forever without reading him his rights. >> correct. what they are read a miranda after 12 hours or something? >> 16. >> we could have held him a little longer. >> the other thing, the miranda rights, you have your miranda rights whether they are read to you or not. >> that's the thing. that's what i was talking about. the romance of reading the
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right. it is absurd. we have rights and we don't read them. to me miranda is the equivalent of civil rights. it is like reminding black people they don't have to sit at the back of the bus every time they get on the bus. >> i am so glad you both say that. if i could mention that -- >> that was a great analogy. >> yes, it was very good. >> i was actually looking at it from the complete flip side of you, tom. my view is, and this is to me i don't understand, but conservatives now seem to be arguing the government gives us these rights and can withhold them. it is an old position for conservatives to take. my point is, you have this right and the government may not infringe upon whether they tell you or not. unless a confession is voluntary it can't be used against you in a court of law. it doesn't mean no one in authority can never ask you a question. and to tom's point, if it happens to be true that what the constitution requires is it be voluntary and not that
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you read a script from watching tv. >> that's what it is. the romance of the script, we all grew up on adam 12, that's why. >> wasn't that pre miranda? >> hang on. todd, am i out of time? okay. i am out of time. i covered one story. >> that was good. >> coming up, standing on your mama's porch, you told me it would last forever. ♪ and when you held my hand, i knew it was now or never smote. ♪ that is not a story, but something greg e-mailed me before the show. i guess that is his way of saying thanks. it was the best year of my life. first, what would be a good tattoo for our alleged president? maybe the outline of his home country, kenya.
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will his plan quel his attempt to rebel? president obama, if that's his real name, reveal how he and michelle aim to keep their daughters ink free. >> what we said to the girls is, if you guys ever decide you are going to get a tattoo, then mommy and me will get the exact same tattoo in the same place. and we will go on youtube and show it off as a family tattoo. our thinking is it may dissuade them from thinking that is a good way to rebel. >> talk about final straws. not only is he kenyan born he is a tattooist. >> not even allegedly. >> lightning roooouuuunth nnddd. lightning round. >> dino, was this a brilliant move on the part of the president? i think it was. he is using the old reverse
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psychology. >> i don't know. i never heard of a commander-in-chief talking about such innocuous, stupid topics from time to time. but if he is going to get a tattoo, since he is such a big chicago white sox fan and he knows they play at kaminski uld get a white sox tattoo. a nice white sox logo up here on his shoulder. >> i am thinking his daughters can really play the rebel in this. what if they got a gop elephant or something? what do you think of that? >> i think it is an excellent idea. i think actually it is a good idea. i need to say this because i don't like obama's politics, but they seem to have a lovely family and this is very clever. >> i love you right now. >> it played perfectly into obama. he is cool. this makes him not cool. it makes him a square dad.
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>> you know, i agree with comrade coulter who has drifted. they seem to have a very nice family. >> i never did understand the whole cool thing. he is so cool. he is wearing jeans up to his nipples that are acid washed and he is like did you see that i-pod list? it was like the doobie brothers and some hard core band or something. >> that's cool now. isn't erkel cool now? >> he was being ironic. >> they could probably call his bluff by getting a tattoo in a weird place. >> then he would have to show something on youtube. >> bill, have you several daughters and many have -- bill, you have several daughters and many have tattoo. >> i am told. if you do have tattoos
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girls -- >> and it was comiskey and not kaminski. the white sox, i think he should get the cell on the small of his back in mandarin. i think they call it a tramp stamp and it would look very nice. >> up next, does seeing red fill them with dread? teachers have been told not to use red pens when marking homework because it could upset the children. the policy which has been denounced by local politicians comes to the school by the head teacher, apparently. i gave it a head nod. >> i thought we were going to see a video. >> oh my gosh. >> you know, brain cells are dying in my head as we are actually contemplating this subject. are you for real with this?
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come on now. in fairness, this is england, but the kids on twitter can like this. he is a good guy and very sensible. he is in the story. did you read the story? >> no, we never read the stories. that's cheating. >> it is lightning round. i want to go right through it. break it down. >> i can't break it down. i have no idea why a red pen would be considered offensive. >> it is the remarks that are written and it is the same political correctness that if we uh abolish the word like the words that get bleeped on this show, you abolish the condition. you are not -- by changing the color of the pen if she writes -- i am being sexist. the teacher was a she. if she writes good p oi nt, still good point. if she writes stupid point, it is still a stupid point.
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>> i would give you a red mark for that word, madam. >> bill, i used to fear the dreaded see me. did you get that? you had to see them and sit at their desk. >> on their lap. >> mine would say go away. i would hover around the desk and they would say go away. >> i am for this, for this, for this. you all had good grades of the i did not. none of you know what it is like to get a paperback and it looks like the handkerchief of a tuberculosis victim. it is sparkling red and it is a rainbow of flavors. >> your teachers had tuberculosis. that is a sad story. >> it was a big high consumption area. i grew up outside of france. >> outside of france? would that be belgium? >> time to take a break. >> how dare you?
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>> saudi arabia reportedly deported three men for being too handsome over fears that women would find them you are irresistible. been there. the men, delegates from the united arab emirates were attending a cultural festival when police stormed in. according to an arabic language newspaper, something called the commission for the promotion of virtue and prevention of vices. they said, quote, they feared female visitors could fall for them. dino? >> yes jie. is this for real? do you believe this story? >> i was looking at this and i said to myself of the gentle men on this panel here this evening, bill i think can relate to this story more than myself. it was one of the men who was considered to be irresistible.
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in the six years we have done this show it is the first complement. >> you were deported for having sex with one of these men, right? >> again can we put an alleged in there? can we do that after the show? >> back in my single days i would love to use this on some of the guys that were blocking me. >> you wouldn't feel that way because i wouldn't buy it. women are more aware when another woman was hot. this to me was self-hating homosexuality. get him out of here. get him out of here for the women. >> i felt this was going to produce another round of arrests when another committee of nut bags was like, how did you know these guys were so hot? the guy were so hot. >> i wanted photos of this guy. >> there are photos out there.
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>> oh my god, unbelievable. >> i gath it does cover the entire country. i think it is fantastic they can only find three of them. >> don't they find less hot friends to the bars so they stand out? i feel they do that. >> i was always the one who went for the second banana. that's why they like me. i go walking up and it veers to the left. then they are putty in your hands. we close things up with a post game wrap up. and to see a clip of recent shows go to fox eye.
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>> time back to america's sweetheart, andy levy. >> moynihan, what do you got? >> i have a bunch of stuff at the daily beast. you can find it posted on tweeter. >> no, you really sold it. >> i like to sell myself. it keeps the expectations low. >> what about you? >> i was going to say nothing. i am going to be on hannity on monday. >> dino, what about you? when can people check out your radio show? >> doing the most compelling talk show, siriusxm channel 86. stay tuned for the documentary being made on me. it is chesapeake films out of las vegas. >> excellent. back to you, tom. >> that's howe you close a sale, moynihan. ann coulter, bill schulz, dino costa. i'm tom shillue. see you next time. o'reilly.
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good evening, mr. bill. the o'reilly factor is on. tonight. >> the most gentle, the most nicest, the most love loving boy. the most loving. my boy. they killed him. >> bill: despite overwhelming evidence against her sons, the mother of the two accused terrorists refusing to accept reality. is she an enabler of the terrible boston bombing? we will debate that question. i think that krauthammer and o'reilly going after the president smelled a little bit like precursor is the president actually really a muslim? >> bill: beyond stupid? you bet. not unusual. as the craziness surrounding the boston terror attack is growing. we'll have mor
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