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tv   The O Reilly Factor  FOX News  April 26, 2013 1:00am-2:01am PDT

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good evening, mr. bill. the o'reilly factor is on. tonight. >> the most gentle, the most nicest, the most love loving boy. the most loving. my boy. they killed him. >> bill: despite overwhelming evidence against her sons, the mother of the two accused terrorists refusing to accept reality. is she an enabler of the terrible boston bombing? we will debate that question. i think that krauthammer and o'reilly going after the president smelled a little bit like precursor is the president actually really a muslim? >> bill: beyond stupid? you bet. not unusual. as the craziness surrounding the boston terror attack is growing. we'll have more examples.
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also tonight glenn beck says there should be a third terrorist suspect in custody. laura ingraham will tie the terror bombing into the new immigration bill. caution, you are about to enter the no spin zone, the factor begins right now. hi i'm bill o'reilly. thanks for watching us tonight. incredibly dumb stuff surrounding the boston terror bombings. that is the subject of this east coast's talking points memo there is no question that many on the left are very disappointed the two suspects in the terror bombing are muslim. and it is sad to say that many in the muslim world will never believed tsarnaev brothers committed the atrocity. listen to their mother. >> tamerlan was the most gentle, the most nicest, the loving, the most loving
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boy. >> bill: now, there is nothing on earth that can make that woman accept reality. that's a big problem with the terror war. no matter proof, no matter of what you see with your own eyes, it's going to be crazy people who deny reality. that the islamic jihad. nothing to accept it even a powerful institution like nbc news price people
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denigrate the serious issue of islamic terrorism. >> i think krauthammer and o'reilly going after the president saying is he not being tough enough on muslims smelled a little bit like a precursor is the president actually secret lay muslim? >> bill: hard to believe that person is given a national platform by nbc news. almost impossible to believe. i mean, what is comcast thinking? the factor's second rerun 4:00 in the morning beats prime time broadcast. at least it did yesterday. for the record, charles krauthammer and i did not say that president obama is not, quote, tough enough on muslims. we specifically will not use the words muslim jihad in dislibbing the mode of the terror attack. then there is the university system in america. which is now so radicalized it's absurd. listen to georgetown professor charles king. >> at the end of the day if we are looking for motivation for this
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particular act, i think it's going to lied in the way radicalized in the united states. keep in mind, on the elder brother, tamerlan's youtube channel, there are an equal number of rap videos. >> bill: so what? what does that mean? at the end of the day, professor? your analysis flat out foolish. the overwhelming evidence is that these two brothers killed four americans and hurt more than 200 others in the name of allah. period. i know many people who lost because of the wars after 9/11 jihad overseas. they are furious when they hear garbage spouted from the people we just featured. it's insulting to them. and to the memories of the good people they had to bury. so talking points is going on a jihad of another stripe. every time, every time a high profile person starts
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to spout jibber irish about high profile person i will broad. public opinion is the only way to stop this madness. there are conflicting reports about dzhokhar tsarnaev currently being treated in a boston hospital. with us, attorney and fox news anchor megyn kelly who is closely following the story. what is the headline? we are getting a lot of conflicting things here? >> as i see it the headline today is that the fbi in a closed door briefing yesterday went before lawmakers on capitol hill said yeah, you know that incident at the hospital mondayed when miranda rights were read to this most notorious terrorist suspect in the country right now? we, sitting there at the hospital, were stunned when the magistrate judge, the assistant u.s. attorney and the public defender walked in to do that we were not notified, the doj has since released a statement saying yes, they were. the fbi told capitol hill yesterday and it was a very
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senior member of the fbi saying no, we weren't. we were caught off guard. it was to the point where the fbi said to the lawmakers we were sitting there questioning should we tackle the magistrate? short of doing that, we're not going to be able to stop her from stopping us in the middle of our interrogation which they said was not done, which they said they were getting valuable information in, in which they said they wanted to continue and they did not sign off on nor will they consulted on the fact that they were sending a judge over to-mile-an-hour daze the suspect. >> bill: all right. so what key can glean from that is attorney general holder ordered his u.s. attorney in boston to get a judge, a federal judge to marchionne over to the hospital to interrupt the fbi interrogation because there is an exception that the fbi could interrogate the suspect for, what, 48 hours? something like that. >> it's ambiguous for a period of time public issue terrorism where did you get the bomb, anybody help you
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readed subject dzhokhar miranda warning and he slammed up. >> he was providing valuable information and then as soon as he was read his rights, he stopped this is what the fbi said. >> that's what the fbi said. >> bill: there is a fight between the fbi and justice department who is the fbi's boss? >> all we know for sure right now is that the assistant u.s. attorney on the case filed a criminal complaint on sunday and they went in and mirandized him on monday. >> bill: which will had to be under the order of holder i talked to the former attorney general of the united states michael mukasey on my program and asked him if there is any way this happens without eric holder. >> no way. you don't have some rogue usa assistant u.s. attorney. they were not pleased. 16 hours into the interrogation which they believed they had 48 hours.
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here is the bottom line, people who analyze this stuff for a living former assistant u. >> s attorney. this was about eric holder, the doj wanting to shut down the debate that was emerging in the country about how we were going to treat tsarnaev as enemy combatant who we could question without a lawyer until we had the information we needed or as a regular criminal defendant who is an american citizen who is entitled to miranda shortly after getting arrested. i don't want it that debate. i have the final say on it it's going to be the criminal defendant. we are not going the terrorist route. we are going it the criminal procedure route if that many do pro-mizes security. >> bill: so so be it. >> holder has been consistent. he doesn't want anything outside of the criminal justice civilian system this is another thing. so embarrassing from the obama administration to have your fbi at odds for the attorney general because the fbi comes under the attorney general's authority. so embarrassing. >> and to be telling
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lawmakers we were stunned why weren't we giving the heads up. most importantly we weren't done. pointed out earlier today mayor bloomberg and ray kelly, police commissioner here came out and said these suspects were headed to new york next. if they hadn't been stopped they had six bombs. >> bill: that enough is to give you more time. >> they didn't that out of them until further into the questioning. originally the suspect reportedly told them they were going to come to times square for a party. they kept questioning. then they got it out of him there was no party. they were going to bomb times square. who knows where it would have gone if they had more hours beyond 16. >> bill: many on the left have said we have to mirandize them right away. that's our system. you know the gobbledygook. the fbi if i's contention was we have a window and the fbi as you rightly stated. 48 hours. to question without miranda because this is is a public safety problem. >> that's the obama
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administration's too. >> aborted that for no reason. no reason. >> the fbi got clipped by the d.j. that's how it looks right now. the cia and the fbi are at odds overth terrorist suspect. colonel ravel peters will sort it all out. glenn beck says there should be a third muslim suspect in custody. wow. beck will put forth his case upcoming.
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>> bill: impact segment tonight. apparently there is finger pointing going on between the cia and fbi over slain terrorist tamerlan tsarnaev. according to the post they told the fbi to watch tamerlan. also secretary of state john kerry teed off white house bosses by saying this.
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>> we had a young person who went to rush is that shah and chechnya blowing people up in boston. he didn't stay where he went. he learned something where he went and came back with a willingness to kill people. white house spokesman jay carney don't jump to conclusions right away. joining us from boston to sort it all out. fox news strategic analyst colonel ralph peters. let's take the kerry statement first did he say something wrong. >> for once we heard secretary kerry say something honest and right is it is preposterous to think that this already radicalized young american are the tamerlan tsarnaev who is already crazy that he went back to dagestan bordering on chechnya. he went back there and sat in the apartment for six months watching reruns of gilligan's island. he unquestionably went back to make contact with the real terrorists.
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he was a groupy. he wanted to get on stage and he obviously, obviously got training in bomb making and how to set up an attack. to believe anything else in the absence of hard evidence to the contrary, it is just politically correct foley. >> let me play devil's advocate. why couldn't they get a manual or internet guidance, go down buy the ingredients because you know that stuff saul over the place and put it together themselves? >> it is possible. it is also improbable most would be bombers who try to construct that kind of device wind up blowing themselves up or their amples off. it could have been done. this just felt too smooth. now, these guys were amateurs. but they were practiced amateurs who had, you know, the elder brother, i am convinced by how well this was orchestrated strange con juliet.
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expressing jihad sentiments to his mother who is now distraught. that is just such a lunatic. i'm more interested in the chaos as i talk to megyn kelly between the government agencies. now you have got the cia basically saying, look, we told the fbi to watch this guy. and the fbi going well, we didn't watch him for whatever reason. the fbi didn't know he came back from russia. because homeland security didn't alert them. i mean, this is just -- makes americans really feel insecure. >> and it should. and, you know, almost 12 years after 9/11, it's time to reevaluate some of the things we did. mass the department of homeland security been effective? there are many good people in dhs. as an outsider, i will tell you itlikes to me as though it added one more obstructive layer of bureaucracy and badly led. in fact, do we need a director of national intelligence who is just another layer above the old cia director who used to be
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the senior guy. so, as you know very well as you add layers of bureaucracy, thick in the hierarchy. more things get lost. more people to contact. if you look at -- if you had a chart in front of you, bill, of how who reports to who be with al these agencies and across agencies, it would look like a bowl of spatting painted by picasso. >> lock, the customs people, their department of homeland security now. and they are spefsed to flag people coming in or out of the united states with intel from the cia and the fbi depending on overseas cia, and united states that's fbi. but now you have in fighting, finger pointing and even within the justice department itself you have got the fbi as quoting meg begin kelly stunned that their interrogation of the terror suspect is interrupted by holder's guys who come marching in and say hey, that's enough. we're going it mirandize. it really is disturbing to
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me. it doesn't seem like there is anybody in charge of this whole thing. this is a huge story. should not be happening at this level. >> no, certainly it shouldn't. the cia was virtually bigging, according to what i hear to watch tamerlan tsarnaev. they knew he was a danger. the russians have been telling us the guy is a danger. the fbi didn't cover themselves in glory. dhs blew it off that younger brother is going to walk the streets a free man some day. >> bill: no he won't. >> it will be a while. >> bill: he will never get out. >> we appreciate it asking you to vote in bill o'reilly poll. do you believe the u.s. government is doing everything it can to protect us from terrorists? yes or no. give you results on monday. directly ahead laura ingraham tieing the terror bombing into the immigration debate. glenn beck says there should be a third suspect in custody in the boston terror case. beck will be here as well upcoming.
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>> bill: in the week in review from the ingraham angle segment tonight. the terror bombing in boston took attention away from the new immigration bill. the senate has proposed a sweeping new law that could allow immigrants to stay in this country strong on the border and employment circles to combat further illegal immigration. joining us from washington laura ingraham tieing the immigration bill into the boston bombing. how are you doing that laura. >> couple of things. couple of problems with this bill. huge discretion unreviewable and soul discretion. i have been reading the bill gotten up to page 330. sole and unreveeble discretion to janet napolitano for a whole bunch of things. determining who is admissible and who is not admissible. a documentation that will be acceptable for proving
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when you came into the country. so that's a huge problem when it comes to how she'll enforce the law and implement the law. they don't have a lot of credibility when it comes to issue that. on the terror issue, the asylum granted to the tsarnaev family in 2002, the parents and the younger child, it raises all sorts of issues. like why are we giving asylum in 2002 after 9/11 to a family from a troubled part of the world? what documentation was provided? well, the newism congratulation reform bill allows asylum to be made easier and for more family members to come into the country on asylum. we have already seen this administration extremely generous to say the least. it will eliminate the double-check it's called on asylum petitions in the new bill. that ties directly to this issue. >> bill: that -- right now all the focus has been on the work issue of mexican
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and central and south americans coming up to work. it's been 100%. now, because of this asylum deal and college and don't show up. >> the obama administration actually did a couple of good things. people would be shocked to hear me say. this they uncovered two visa mills. i believe one was in florida. one was in california. this was a couple years ago. ongoing problems as you said with student visa fraud. the enforcement part of the bill, the thing that i have gone around and around with marco rubio on and others. rudy giuliani came on my radio show yesterday and i asked him directly, bill, will the triggers in this bill lead to meaningful enforcement?
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he said the word no, i think five or six times no, no, no, no, and no. >> tighten the border if there is is a certified certain criteria and you have those ids for the people who employ illegal aliens they can't ploy people that have them why would that be better? >> first of all, the laws that are on the books now that are supposedly less stringent than those laws are not being uniformly enforced. we know that janet napolitano is being sued by the ice union head, 7,000 members in this border patrol union. ice union, telling them not to follow the law given janet napolitano's past on immigration enforcement. given holder suing alabama and arizona on border enforcement issues, are are we going to think in 2014 when we are up in a midterm election after this law passes, it does, that we
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are not going to have the president knap say well, these restrictions are really we are looking at them again and too onerous for the people in this country. we need to assess how we implement these. there is no credibility on it. >> bill: something has got to be done. >> something, but not the wrong thing. we need to do something. start with enforcement. get it actually done. don't tie it to this so-called trigger that just never going to happen. it's laughable at this point. >> bill: you don't think that bill is going to pass? >> i don't know. it is -- i have read now most of the bill. and it is abominable how much discretion it gives to janet napolitano in successive dhs secretaries. >> bill: laura i can gram. everybody. glenn beck says another muslim man should be scrutinized in the boston bombing case. beck will be here. jesse watters flying high in denver at the big marijuana gathering out there. don't miss this one. we who hope you
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>> bill: in the a r. we crazy segment tonight. at the beginning of the program you heard the mother of the two boston terrorists say her son is completely innocent and her father says that as well. >> somebody clearly framed them. i don't know who exactly framed them. but they did. they framed them and then they were so cowardly that they shot the boy dead. there are policemen like that after your conversation with the american officials, do you now accept that it was your children who carried out
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the attacks in boston? >> no. i don't. and i won't. never. >> bill: question is tonight, are these parents nationals. dr. bonnie for forester and here in the studio dr. wendy walsh. we all know parents who senator how bad kids behave and what their kids do don't admit it and make excuses. that's what these parents are doing. how common is that. >> it's really common. froid invented that word denial. denial means protecting yourself from emotional pain. it's defense mechanism. what's the emotional pain? if they admit their sons did it then they have got to feel guilt and shame themselves. difficult emotions for people to feel. >> bill: how can people include themselves to the exextent those patients have unless they are phoney. they might be. kids caught with the bombs shooting at police. they commit they did it dzhokhar admits he did it still don't believe it. are they just lying?
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>> no. i think they can use as backup for their own defenses the fact that maybe they come from some cultures where the government is somebody to mistrust. >> bill: that's what the guy says. >> who knows. >> dr. forester, again, how common is this? the parents won't see their children for whom they really are. >> well, bill, i think sadly it's pretty common. just a few weeks ago i was giving a talk in the schools and to over 500 counselors. what they said it's the number one issue for them. when they try to get kids help or confront parents about their parenting is what the parents hear. and the parents don't want to pursue getting help for the kids. so, in that sense i don't think it's so much different. thisson a extreme case. and i think here, bill, the reason for the father denying this or r. a little bit different than the mother. the mother seems to have some really constricted thinking. she actually, it sounds like believes in some of the jihadist sort of
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teachings. it looks to me at least from what i was able to gather today. that the father, in fact, moved away in part because he was very concerned about what the son was starting to belief or say about jihadist teaching. >> bill: have things changed, dr. walsh. nuns wrote a letter back to the father that i was a little thug in the class which was absolutely true. my father, i got it i got it twice. i got it at school and at home. in the neighborhood there were parents, no matter how their kids behaved. most of those kids wound up to be heroin addicts. oh no, my little see more didn't do that there is see more holding the knife has chinged changed in society and tilted one way. >> i really think so. i'm a mother in public schools. we had a discipline problem in our class with a few boys recently. we said let's get some parents in the class to help witness what's going on. two of the parents got in a
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fist fight at school. there you go. tree.pples doesn't fall far parents haven't learned how to self-regulate themselves. >> are they are we living in a we are never wrong society. just because it's we, this narcissism, is that what's going on dr. forest? >> i think that's part of it, bill. the issue is i'm going to blame somebody else. i'm going to sue them. it doesn't be my kids' fault. i'm going to blame the teacher because you can't prove you are right and it has to be you and not my kid. and i do think it's a broader break down of society, bill. i also think at least what i have found you find different attitude in the religious schools. people who go to catholic schools or jewish schools in part for the values if you are dealing with the public school system i think you have a different set of values at play and it's a broader gamut. >> bill: i had those dopey
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parents come in and saying my kid -- the kid is sniffing glue. hey, let me tell you about this kid. you better save him before he ends up in a cemetery. >> denial has been around for a long time. >> bill: one footnote, dr. walsh has a new book out called "the 30 day love detox." there it is. when we come right back, glenn beck says there should be a third muslim man in custody in boston. beck is next.
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>> bill: thanks for staying with us. i'm bill o'reilly in the personal story segment tonight. our pal glenn beck reporting that a saudi national in this country on a student visa should be under scrutiny in the boston bombing case. of the 22-year-old was hurt in the bombing, treated in a boston hospital. the situation so intense that homeland security director janet napolitano addressed it. >> he was not on a watch list.
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what happened is this student was in the -- really, when you back it out, he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. weighs never a judge. never reach really a person of interest because he was being interviewed he was at that point put on a watch list and then when it was quickly determined he had nothing to do with the bombing, the watch listing status was removed. >> bill: joining us now from his studio here in new york, to refute the secretary, glenn beck. >> this is amazing, bill. she first says he is not on a watch list. he wasn't even a person of interest. but we put him on the watch list which she just said they didn't because he -- because he was being interviewed. so, in other words, she says we have no evidence so it's her racism that but the him on the no fly list but not a watch list. that's not the same. while she tries to play this down, his apartment was searched for nine hours. his room mace were interviewed for five hours. he was given a designation of something called a 2123
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b. this is front page of the document. given to us by sources inside the administration. and we have about 10 sources on it the problem is the 2123 b is not the no fly list. that is a terrorist designation of the highest order. what others are just taking janet napolitano's word for it why is beyond me. what they are missing is page two which they don't have but our sources have given us page 2 also goes on to say he is apartment and dangerous. you don't put somebody on that. it takes two people to put you on the watch list according to the patriot act. armed and dangerous. in this watch list it says right here on the front that there is a second file on him he has been a terrorist of the highest order o. it says in here oh by the way there is another file. then suddenly after the
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president meets with the saudis and then john kerry meets with the saudis, all of a sudden he is not a person of interest and somebody goes in and tries to delete this file. they try to get rid of all of the evidence after the blaze reports it, they try to get rid of all of it. one other thing he comes in here with a v.i.p. status he has never been vetted before. >> some connection to the saudi family. bottom line is you say that you suspect is he a bad guy. >> no, no, no. the federal government designated. >> all that backup is on the blaze, right? >> they say he isn't a bad guy we thought he might have been but we investigated and he isn't. are we going to find out what the truth is? >> yes. there are six congressman that are looking into it just requires some press that is willing to go along with it? >> here we are, beck, we are always willing to give you a hearing.
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we need journalists that are are not going to give up. why, if this guy is no big deal. why is this and our sources say this has never been done before to a 30 year vet, one of ooyou are sources said i have been doing it 30 years i have never seen anything like it. what it says is are a the blaze started reporting this, i believe it was yesterday this was put out. if you go in to try to look at any of these documents, there is a warning, you are breaking the law. you are not allowed to look affidavit it unless you are right in and part of this investigation. this according to our officials in law enforcement this puts the wall back um that was really one of the prongs we tried to get rid of september 11th. they are hiding the saudi connections. i don't know what they're, but who is this guy? where is this guy? >> bill: supposed to be a college student. >> he didn't show up to his college. no but they said he transferred to boston and he jnches he didn't. there is no record of it in his 2123 b it does not say
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that. >> bill: new information. >> the word of janet napolitano and the dhs. that's like calling the nixon white house and saying are you sure there wasn't a break-in? >> bill: you are skeptical of the secretary. >> skeptical might be understatement. best picture of the year award from robert dinner row or something like that tribeca film festival? >> disruptive interviewer of the year award. the people who are disrupters in different things, i think justin bieber is getting one tomorrow. the guy who did gangnam style. >> bill: you are in good company there, beck. >> and me. >> bill: check out the blaze. it's a serious story. we appreciate you coming on in. beck would like you to know he has a new book coming out april 30th called "control" it's about guns.
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>> bill: back of the book segment tonight, watters world. incredibly the colorado legislature once again failing to pass a driving under the inthruns of pot law. so, everybody in colorado can continue to get as stoned as they want and then get behind the wheel. not not only that but last weekend 10,000 people showed up to celebrate the legalization of marijuana in colorado. among them jessie watters who wanted to find out how dialed in these pot heads really are. ♪ ♪ >> do you kno-ho-co a lot? a little? what's your schedule here? >> man, you know, just a little bit, man. >> did you smoke before you got here? >> no comment.
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[ buzzer ] >> [ laughter ] >> what is that back there. >> a gathering of probably 5,000 friends that i haven't met yet. >> are you hungry? >> yeah. >> double cheese and sausage. >> the sequester, everyone keeps talking about that do you know. >> the sequester? no, i never heard of that. >> federal reserve just the monetary system. >> some of the things that they have been talking about is, i don't know, i'm tired. >> i have to rest for just a minute. >> you don't think you might want to know some information so you could maybe make some decisions that -- >> -- that's really -- hi. >> i think that the federal government definitely needs their part. i wouldn't say that no. >> what's that? >> are you a pot head, faulker? >> no. >> are you worried about this ricin situation? >> no. >> you are not worried about ricin? >> no. >> do you know what ricin is? >> no. [ buzzer ] >> rising? >> [ buzzer ] >> ricin. >> ricin?
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>> i don't know. >> it was just in the news? >> i don't know. a bomb maybe something? >> oh the bombs and stuff in boston were they made of ricin? [ laughter ] >> no, they weren't. [ buzzer ] >> do you know who gabriel giffords is? >> nope. >> she is a congresswoman that got shot. [contradicts -- crickets chirping] >> you are a gun girl? >> yes i am. >> are you a packing heat. >> no i'm not. >> shots fired, people running. >> chaos, shots fired two down. >> the iranians, what are he they doing that's disturbing everybody? >> i don't think they are dog much. i think we are over there. making them bad mad, man. [ laughter ] >> maybe you should worry about the north koreans first. [crickets chirping] >> i don't know who they are. the you're uraniums?
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>> iranian. >> we have nukes too, don't we? >> they pose a threat to us. us being people. but i guess we do, too. pause we have more nuclear weapons than they do. >> i'm concerned. actually, i'm not [bleep] [ laughter ] >> whoa. bill o'reilly, do you know him? >> i do. >> he is number one in cable news for over 10 years. >> says who? >> says the ratings. >> well okay, sugar. >> do you ever feel like you might want to put the dope down and watch a little more tv? maybe the factor? >> i could probably keep smoking the dope and still watch tv. >> he is very honest, which i can appreciate. >> do you ever feel like maybe i shouldn't smoke so much dope? >> no, no. >> i'm so wasted. >> bill: okay. now, here is watters. you had clip in there. there was actually violence at this thing, right?
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>> i was at the can business -- cannabis cup. three people were shot. the gang unit of the police department has taken over the investigation. there was thousands of people at the event. they say two rival gangs crossed paths during a rap concert. exchanged words. fists started flying. one guy got shot in the leg and another woman got shot in the leg and bullet grazed the juvenile. they still haven't found the guy yet. >> is this part of the marijuana eggs exposition this rap concert? >> there are multiple events going on. one of these events downtown was this huge free concert in the park. >> bill: all right. so they attracted these people into this expo center and about 10,000? is that how many showed up? >> yeah. >> did they sell marijuana there? because it's legal in colorado. >> it is legal. >> bill: can you buy this there? >> free samples. >> bill: free samples? >> that's how they play it. >> bill: part of that they had entertainment all over denver. >> yeah they had entertainment. >> bill: when they went to the rap concert shots were
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fired. would it be fair for us to say this kind of element that goes into that would be a violent element at some point? >> i think some of these large events attracted a criminal element tohat because it's so chaotic and there is thousands of people. it's free drugs. >> bill: the interviews that you did made them look like morons. did you just go hunting for morons? >> it wasn't hard to hunt for morons, bill. i probably interviewed 12 people. just two were able to answer a majority of the questions. everybody else failed. and these are really easy questions. this is what is ricin? ricin? >> bill: what's a sequester, who is gabriel giffords, that kind of thing. >> very peaceful at my rally. the only time when there was trouble is when they handed out free donuts, then everybody started tackling. then there is a riot over the donuts. >> maybe they will legalize donuts in colorado. be a good thing to do. factor tip of the day about the five presidents all together in dallas this afternoon. the tip, right after these
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>> factor tip of the day, the five living presidents all together in dallas in a moment. first, the mail. big reaction to the miller segment last night. brad, woodstock, georgia. miller is right. you've got a big stick. use it. to do what, brett? i wouldn't have the big stick if i campaigned for a political party oriolology. the reason the park was the most widely watched program in the world the night terrorist was tracked down in boston is because we're accurate and precise with our commentary and reporting. i use that stick every night. deanne davis, georgia. do not let clinton off the hook. you are our voice. i take that seriously, which is why we have thoroughly reported the libyan debalkle and why we're asking serious questions about the president's definition of the terrorist attack.
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russell, michigan. you were wondering why the president won't call the attack in boston an act of jihad. it's because he's scared. he's afraid of provoking further attacks. is that a fact, russell, or your opinion? can't be a fact because there is no evidence to back it up. but your opinion is valid. you have a perfect right to state what you think. dan johnson, mississippi. as a retired civilian army employee, i can tell you early in the president's first term we were directed to replace the global war on terrorism with overseas contingency operations. said, thailand, you read a letter from a lady in jerusalem to the effect that muslims were evasive. someone had written the same letter about jews. you have not read it. you must be working with the psychic, miss cleo. if a jewish guest was evasive, as was the muslim guest we had on earlier this week, i
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certainly would have read a critical letter. mario garcia, florida. just finished reading "killing kennedy passion -- i have never read a book that was filled with so many vivid details. i appreciate that. thanks for reading my book. from california, my 11-year-old daughter wants to read "killing lincoln." is the material suitable? >> no problem with lincoln. she can read that. kennedy contains some adult stuff. but there is a kids book coming out on "killing kennedy." that will be in early june, a few weeks away. i would wait for that. by the way, both books make great mothers and father's day gifts. if you buy one or both on, you get a new thriller "a matter of trust". finally, the factor tip of the
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day. the five living american presidents all coming together in dallas, texas this afternoon. the occasion was the opening of the george w. bush library, a $250 million project all paid by private donations, which is the way it should be. presidents appeared to enjoy each other's companies and that's probably the case. they like each other, i think. because like all mature people, they put aside political differences and respect each other's patriotism and perspective. so here is the tip of the day: strong beliefs are good and letting people know how you feel is noble. but disliking people with whom you disagree is destructive. if you do that, you will marginalize your own intellect. so be respectful of opposing points of view unless, unless, they are destructive and/or dishonest. then you can let them have it. that philosophy will help you in the long run. factor tip of the day.
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that is it for us tonight. please check out the fox news factor web site, which is different from also we would like you to spout off about the factor from anywhere in the world. name and town if you wish to opine. the word of the day, do not be cryptic. after the broadcast, i'm heading to washington. we'll broadcast from there tomorrow night. barney frank, you know how i laid into barney after the terror bombings in boston of the he wants some reply time. we'll give it to him tomorrow on the factor. thanks for watching me tonight. i am bill o'reilly. the spin stops here.
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>> good morning everyone. >> i am patti ann browne. >> i am ainsley earhardt. it is friday. you made it through your workweek. it's april 26th. >> a shocking admission from dzhokhar tsarnaev. he told officials he and his brother had their sights set on attacking times square in new york. >> molly has more of this claim. >> this comes from a new york city press conference in which officials say they believe the boston marathon bombers were


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