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tv   Cashin In  FOX News  April 27, 2013 8:30am-9:01am PDT

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care regution. - regulation. >> that's it. thanks for watching. senator rand paul joining eric boling on cashin now. >> big brother helping to bust the boaston bombers and now new calls for more security cameras over america to help save us from another attack. is more surveillance japidizing our rights. >> are you okay for surveillance caras. >> hell yeah. >> the more the better. >> tell save liveless. >> more the better. >> keep us safe. >> it is better to keep us safe. whatever we have to do to keep the public safe. >> it is more constitutional not to have them but happy they were caught. >> what are lawmakers going to
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do? senator rand paul is fired up about the debate and will talk about it. >> cashin keeping an eye out for you, right now. >> hi, everyone. i am eric boling, welcome to cashin in. senator you are a huge proposal of rights. where do you stand on the issui sir? >> the government is going to use cameras to watch us. they need to have probable cause and argument to use the constitution to do surveillance on us and then i am okay with it. but willie nilly and in open spaces, i am against that. one thing lost in the debate, almost all . cameras used to catch the young men in boston were private cameras. i am not opposed to protect their property. >> senator we are in times
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square and to the t and very last person, everyone said i want more cameras especially in areas that are prone to attacks they want more. why shouldn't we have more? >> in the aftermath of a terrible tragedy all of us wanted to get these young men who committed the atrocit yesee them tried and convicted there is it a lot of anger and emotion. after 9/11. 70 percent of the people would trade all of their freedom for security. it is back to 50-50 now it is it a slippery slope and some day you may have cameras everywhere. 1984, they inspector your bedroom and in your dining room and you went a moment's notice without being watched. >> senator,ip am in the camp that said more cameras. go ahead and film me, no
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prospect is it unconstitutional for the camera. >> you have to have probable cause for the government to be involved in surveillance. can you put a gps tag on someone's car without a warrant? they have to ask for a warrant and say this guy is committing this crime and involved in this and this is our evidence so far and we'll follow them with a gps. imagine the world we live in if you have politicians that don't like your opponents would you want one side republicans or democrats to have surveillance on enemies. if is a terrible precedent and we need to be careful with the allowing cameras. >> you are putting a tracking device on a person.
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my point is a general area would that be a crime deterrent? >> we have a lot of that. my point is, there is a different standard for government and private businesses. government has enormous power and can be abused. macy's or gimbles can have cam ras to protect their property and if you looked back at how much footage came from government and private cameras. i think you find the fast majority is private cameras and private image. somed said you are were inconsistent and i think you are . would you care to clarify. >> yeah, my policy on the drones and filibuster haven't changed. they will find they used the same exact analogy saying that
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police can usely force and technology is not important. i am against drones and targets and assassinations and huge believer in privacy and bill of rights. >> and we are spending like crazy. i assume you are not in support of growing our debt. would you advocate a shut down to send a message to president obama that we are smending too much. >> no, i would not advocate raising the debt ceiling. you can still make your paymentings. we bring twenty-two billion a month and our debt payment is 30 billion and you can pay social security and medicare and but not research on beef jerky and gold fish or $5000 for a menu to marrings . not raising the debt ceiling is essentially going to a balance budget.
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that is a good thing. >> have the house republicans let you down in this. they seem to be caving in a lot of areings. how does that sit with you. >> i am not sure what they would do for a debt ceiling. they punted it i am for making a stand on the debt ceiling and the country will come behind us. the sequest is a cut in the rate of the increase . the president said the sky was fall he shut down tours in the white house . the same week he agreed to send $250 million more to egypt. there is money and it is irresponsible for the president to lay off air traffic controller we need and sending money to countries we don't have. >> and what is the motivation. high profile things like the white house tours and national park faa and people want to take the flights whampt is the
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motivation? >> to politicalize this . shows that government couldn't exist. but it is back firing on them particularly when they eliminated self gipeded tours in the white house, the same week they sent $250 million more to egypt. we can't afford to rebuild every nation in the world. but we should be able to keep the capitol open. people are seeing through the political games of the president. american people are saying for goodness sakings, the sequester is the least to do. >> and i really appreciate your time. thank you for joining us today. >> thank you. >> millions was americans buried under student loan debt. one city is telling them to come on in. it sounds pricey but is it a
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small price to get the economy pumping again.
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>> hello, federal agents haved a mississippi man in connection to the ricin scare that targeted president obama and senator wicker. he we'll have the latest. new details on the boston bombing. the f.b.i. searched a landfall by the university. this comes as word that the obama administration pull would references to islam from terror training federals. is political correctness allowing them to fall through the crackings . we'll get the latest on the.
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we'll have new information indicate that this syrian government may be using chemical weapons on its own people. >> now a new report out of the new york fed suggest more it goes up, the less likely the economy will fully recovery. does one new york city have the right idea? it is paying off graduate loans . wayne. you say taxpayer money being used is a good thing in this case? >> you are talking about revitalizing a downtown area that is destitute. the idea is to help pay off a student loan but help to pay
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it off, those students will rent or buy a home in a distressed area. the city gains by getting educated people and they have to have a degree. two year or four year degree to qualify this. they are getting educated people and upscale people to come in the downtown area. they will create jobs and spend money and do all of those things that are good for that area. >> johnathon, i am guessing you don't like the idea. >> you are getting wayne, more subsidy and more intervention and wettle destruction. if you are finally done and have $25,000 in student loans and now you are subsidized to live in an area. education is expensive . the reason they have $25,000
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because of government intervention. this is using taxpayer dollars to benefit certain constitiency. you need employers and people to invest in the community and not subsidies. >> i know. let me ask tracey. >> thon they will spend it to rehab the downtown areas. i rather see them spending positive than going down the way. look at any city. you will see that that workings. >> tracey jump in here. this is not the free market. i am guessing. >> no. i kind of a. >> it is not the free market. they would let them find a job. >> it is the state being some what free thinking and saying we have a problem. we'll get a way to do this. they are not decreasing tuition . our students are ladent with great because the federal
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government screwed them and wayne is right. they will come back to town and then you whan, employers will come to the city of niagara and say i want to hire you. >> tracey, you sound just like nancy pelosi. >> oh, get loose. oh, get lost. first of all. you know it is not true. >> hold on, and let me break the tie here. julian epstein . it an economy that is slowly growing and we are constantly spending taxpayer money to buy economic activity? >> i think the record of the stim tim program is at its work. we have gone from nine economic growth, too. with respect to the specific question. there is no difference between a city providing tax incentives for businesses to come there and get italent creatative labor market.
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that is allowing businesses and individuals to keep their more money . what this city is doing, using taxpayer money for people who paid their taxs and putting it to student loans. >> i don't see the difference. in one case you are using taxpayer to attract the business. >> and the difference is the creation versus wealth redistribution. you are talking about taxings. niagara has the second highest property taxes and home value than any place in the corruption and a history of high crime. maybe address some of those issues. >> why not educated to do that. >> go ahead. every econmist tell you it is
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the same. student debt we are talking about the average student about nine percent unemployment average debt $30,000. you have seen reformings. >> i want to stay here. julian hold on. tracey? >> you want them to come back if there is corand let them fix tha town they are raised and they will have a vested interest . so that is part of it. >> that's not a fair shot. wayne, last shot. >> i going to say the same thing tracey is saying, yes. the monep is going to get spent anyway. you have a down and out downtown area is that is destroyed and everything. you bring people back and rehabilitate the city. >> it is it going to increase. >> that is it going to inthe
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economy. >> we have to leave it there. we ran out of time it is it a redistribution. coming up tinsel towns and celebrities living on a $1 50 a day. (announcer) at scottrade, our clients trade and invest exactly how they want. with scottrade's online banking, i get one view of my bank and brokerage accounts with one login... to easily move my money when i need to. plus, when i call my local scottrade office, i can talk to someone who knows how i trade. because i don't trade like everi'm with scottrade. me. (announcer) scottrade. awarded five-stars from smartmoney magazine.
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stars like ben affleck joining a pledge to live on a $1.50 a day. wayne, will this cure poverty or attention to the celebrities. >> it bringings publicity and we are talking about it. it is meaningless in the long wrong. 1.50 and what about the rest of the money. give it to the global poverty project and make a donation . no, no. we have make a stink and do this. it is meaningless. >> tracey, come on. >> a gatorade is two dollars a day. you don't have to go through this. how about you hire these people and employ these people and let them make a life for themselves . then maybe i will talk
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positively about ben affleck. >> julian is your heart bleeding for them. >> no, i am not. but it misses the point. 10 percent of the country has the wealth and 91 percent get it is income gainings. middle income neighborhoods are disappearing and it is not whether he is hypocritical or not but the idea is if he is bringing attention to the fact income quality is threatening the issue. >> johnathon go ahead. >> i am darn sure people on welfare are getting more than 1.50 a day. >> even the poor in america, eric live richly compared to world decandards. i have to hand it to ben affleck. he went on a crash diet and bring attention to himself and assuage the guilt being a america.
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i will eat a pizza a day. an entire pizza every day to thank who ever that i live in this great country. why are poor countriesoo they are dominated by tribalism and not capitalist. if he wanted make a difference he would talk about capitolism. >> allow me to get to julian. you want to know the highest income in inquality gaps are in -- >> no question. that does not lesson the fact that it is it a huge problem as well. >> i am all for the free market. >> i hate the notion that again it comes back to the wealthy get the benefits in this country. it is it a joke. we are almost at 50 percent of people who get welfare and collect earned income tax
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credit and on food stamps. no wonder why they can't get out of the poor. >> wane, it could hefty guys like michael moore. he could use a 1.50 a day for a while. >> we have 11 states in the country and more people on welfare than people who are working and they are making 1.68 a day and people who are working make $137 a day. julian, you have to deal with that . say the rich people are getting richer and the poor people are getting poorer. deal with the facts. >> we have to go. julian, we are out of time. thank you for joining us. we love having you on. coming up. the twinkie making a come back. sweet news for twinkie lovers and all american businesses. tracey is on it. ♪
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better news for the american comings. the company bringing twinkie back not using uniworkerings, maybe they will learn a lesson. >> if you have to look for a turn around check out jc penney. >> interesting and good call. >> you are hot and stay hot? >> biggest sports team in the world not the yankeeses or cubs or 49erings. manchester united won the victory in europe. it is publicly traded and brands are doing well. this is it a stock. >> oh, boy. i go for real football and not the fake. thank you gang. before we go. cashin in wants to say congratulation tots 43rd president on the opening of
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the presidential library. it is good to see heart warming moments before 41 and 43. weigh in on all of the topicings on twitter. have a great weekend, everybody. hello, everybody. i am uma, live in washington. an arrest in this week's ricin letter scare. a mississippi martial arts instructor is in custody accused of sending the ricin-laced letters to president obama and footworks. efvet dutschke wased this morning. >> uma, 41 year old everett dutschke was arrested on unspecified chargings. he was taken without incident in tupelo,


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