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tv   Red Eye  FOX News  April 27, 2013 11:00pm-12:01am PDT

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that is not a better question. and what happens when we send
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bill shultz into times square? hopefully they treat him with kindness and the whole thing is a positive experience for everyone. right? >> you bet. >> i have to say i was surprised bit last piece. >> why is that? >> you say you hope he gets abused in ways you describe graphically. >> it's true. i used to do that. but that is before i was named america's sweetheart. >> you weren't named america's sweetheart. >> i was named america's sweetheart. >> you made a lot of people sing. >> you can't talk to me like that i am america's sweetheart. >> more like sweet bred. >> welcome our guests. she is so hot the sun suing
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her for copy right infringement. in p denver he's considered omelette. and he can strangle with you a strand of his chest chair. mike baker current president of diligence, makers of diligence toothpaste, diligence club soda. if you figured out what we really do, you'd already about dead db. true. >> so what did mom know about the bomb? u.s. intelligence agencies reportedly added the mother of the sfokt a government terrorism data base 18 months ago, a year and a half. officials say the cia asked
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tammerlan and his horrible mother should be added to the terror list in fall of 2011 after russia, russia expressed concern they had become militants. it seems won't we learn more about certain areas of the suspects's lives. massachusetts's governor defended refusal to release information about the brothers saying it's about abiding by the law. >> i think they can't release that information to me. i'll be looking forward to seeing it can you release to it us?. >> it's a fair question. i'm, i understand td public is curious. >> curious about that fleece. yes. we demand answers starting with what happened here. >> is that a sleeve? >> yes.
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>> how did she get in the sleeve? >> it was in the sleeve of a sweat shirt. >> she's mummified. >> did you do something bad? oh, goodness. how could that animal do anything bad? >> that animal is charged with two counts of vehicular homicide. >> you can't say that without knows the facts. >> he hit the victim several times. the victim died you claim to have a career in the cia. everybody talking about how the fbi and cia slipped up by having this information. how do you see it?. >> i have an opinion. it's lovely to be back from boise. >> russians asked for
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assistance. we have to understand russians probably cared less about raid rad cal islamic nature of this as open dwrosd separatist nature. >> they ask about this. fbi does exactly what they're allowed to do within the confines of where they've been put over the years. so they do what they're supposed to do. right? fine f they kept this case open with no junk cause and had gone after him and whatever, you can imagine they're -- this is a poor immigrant. the cia then proceeds to do the same thing. they add him and his mother to the terrorist watch list. i'm not getting where this is a controversy because they have been told this is all you
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can do. you can't do anymore than this, people now complaining about it, meaning media are the one that's most hate the patriot act, which allows for things to happen of this nature. they can't vit both way autos wait a minute. maybe i don't -- maybe you dumbed out while you're talking. >> you notice that had too? >> sheer what i don't understand. the fbi their home office they interstlud guy. how did they not recognize him? when they put his face up think about the people involved in this. right? you have to understand millions of information technology is a wonderful thing. it just piles of mountains of information have you to sift through. the system is never going to be perfect because it's run by humans but it worked in the sense they did what they can do. they had to stop ask close the case. cia did what they're allowed
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to do. saying they put them on the data base. what happened one individual saying the joint terror task force is alerted to his travel but what are they going to do? continually monitor snim that is against the law f you want those things to happen qluf got to shep aur that you're going lose some that have privacy. >> fbi closed the case because russia didn't return their call. that is miflt yaik number one. >> fbi the case. >> then, cia, cia dropped the ball because some agent misspelled a last time of big brother terrorist. those 2004 huge, stupid mistake autos yes. yes. >> she just called you huge and stupid. >> no. i never met her before. i already don't like her. >> no. no.. >> give it time. >> yes. >> the fact the russians didn't return their call has
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nothing to do with anything. >> they that is why they closed the case. >> no. they went up to the line saying what they're allowed to do, then drks not find evidence support further carrying out this case and owe keeping the file open. they shut it and reported back to russians well we don't have anything. >> this is going nowhere. i know this will make it nowhere. here is the thing. are there just too many people on terror lists? >> that was going to be my question for you. big stupid man. is there something to be said that there is too much information? it's run by human beings they've got their fingers in a bunch of different holes. maybe there is just too much. and that is why this slipped through cracks? >> again, here is -- i keep going back to the same thick.
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-- thing. they did what they're supposed to do. right? >> following orders. okay mike sth. >> i'm saying no congress and the media, imposed upon law enforcement in the united states. >> okay. blame the left wing lawyers. >> that is what i'm talking about. >> finally coming up, you're a lawyer z we've got the governor of massachusetts saying they can't release the information on the suspects. sit because it's against the law? can't you get that information? why is it a good idea not to release it? >> i don't think it's a good idea not to release it. i don't think it's going to do much if the notion is that these guys got to buy fire works and crock pots and backpacks because tax payers were pay being for that? that is just going to infuriate us more. it's just going to tick us off. >> they have released it.
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no. the welfare stuff? >> yes. >> they -- i guess earlier today. >> why didn't you tell me that? i didn't write the story. >> no. they d parents received food stamps from january 2003 then again august. the brothers never received welfare there is something to be said about maybe we should be paying these parents but kids never received. >> parents were -- just bleachers? the review gee status. is that real? >> yes. i mean you can argue that the -- we're sensitive to the russian treatment of chechens. she's in pakistan, he's from chechnya. i can buy the fact they ended up here. that doesn't bother me. you know? what bothers me is people now want to act like action
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jackson saying why weren't we on these people? monitoring this guy? and if they step back back and quit and look at what they're allowed to do, they'll see that, is what they did. >> i'm puzzled. in all action characters you chose carl weathers. owed choice but interesting one. >> i love carl weather autos i like him too,. >> i think we've beat this into the ground. >> i don't think so. >> one more thing. another network i won't mention but it rhyme was cnn. i go to bally's. it's they have one station going. it's cnn. nonstop beef cake pictures of the older brother boxing. he's like relaxed shirtless like this. and i'm thinking to myself isn't that this what they want? if you know you're going to die. whether it's -- this is better
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than 72 virgins it's immortality through media. like i'm going to be known forever. all cnn does is show pictures of the guy posing then, the 60 minutes interview like ex-girlfriend stuff like that. by doing that, jonna are we guaranteeing this happens again? it makes it appealing to losers? >> now. he's fame skbrus a good-looking terrorist. the worst kind. >> yeah. yeah. >> you're a good-looking spy. >> yes. one doesn't balance out the other. you know? >> this is one quick point. >> yes. >> okay. here we go. here we go. >> we have we're lost in sim manhattanics. when the explosion touched off, everybody wanted to be -- you
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know they say i don't see a connection to al qaeda. so they want to keep knit this box. and the bigger issue is that this is what radical islam is all about and have been about. we took away from the training base. they want to identify them f i'm someone, i'm a jihadist those brothers who are i'm looking for. whether they self radicalize and they go out and carry out a terrorist attack or as indicated here they did ended up providing training to tammerlan in pakistan it doesn't matter, end result it's still a terror act. that is what they're try owing do. it's a successful campaign on their part. >> exactly. >> we enable it by giving attention to these dirt bags. all right. for terror to teen.
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they made girls kiss and parents are pissed. a middle school held an antibullying program focused on homosexuality. and as part of the presentation 13 and 14-year-old girls were told to is for a kiss two. told to pretend they were lesbians on a date. bill and i have dub r done that many times. the girls advised it's normal for 14-year-olds to have sex and given a sexual vo cab back to you larry list -- vokabulary list. the superintendent stands by the work shop saying it improved on improving communications and self perceptions. do you know what i'd like to work shop? this.
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>> i need to see that just two more times in this show. perhaps forever. the idea of throwing a duck in there? was it necessary? but it made it. it was the side order to an entree. >> yes. >> is this story appropriate? >> the school is in my county. but they took an antibullying work shop turning it into lillith fair. i don't understand why that
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happened. it's not a gay or straight thing. why didn't they take the -- leave the girls kissing and weird words, queer, what did they chant? >> gender queer. >> what does that even mean? >> that is the point. you're right. anything helping reduce bullying is great but this went over the line and fulfill aid stereo type of the left wing college student who comes with their stupid i'd skbraz instead of being don't beat up each other it was about sexual indoctrination feeding into the fear of parents who are told they're idiots for believing there is indoctrination. you've proved sex ed is indoctrination. why did you do sna. >> if these girls were in their 20s i'm all for it. you know? >> you're a hell of a guy. >> but 13 and 14-year-olds? it's pathetic. as a father of young kids i
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would be absolutely pissed if i found out the school is doing this without clearing and saying do you want the option noft having your kid attend something like this? and giving detail autos yes. >> here is the thing. they did this with young girls. they didn't do it with boys. they knew they'd lose their jobs so why do you think they picked girls? because they think it's okay. >> there is that. girls are physically weak. so, it's easier to get them to do things. guys are strong and let's face it. smarter. >> jonna can you just punch him in the face. >> i will do that. >> and this -- this was a no means no opportunity trying to -- how to say no but it's just -- that is universal. not a gay or straight thing. >> right. moronic. >> can i just say no matter
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what happens for the show the highlight is listening to baker correct you and go "gender queer". that should be a sound byte somewhere. on a radio show. just going on -- gender queer. sponsored by gender queer. maker of gender queer. more essential vitamins. okay. we've got to take a break. coming up what is it like to be a cia agent? discussing the book, it's better than your lonely life, you dumb loser. up next. >> should dumb americans be allowed on jury duty?
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a democrat says it will widen the pool from perspective skbrorz help get a great immigrant into the community. the republicans argue it's misguided and premature, which are two words. so what does this mean for the court? is it a family? let's go live to red eye's chief legal correspondent.
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>> we're hit lg all of the videos. >> do you know what that needs? a duck. >> no. no. you know what happened? they had a duck. but they looked at this and they go they don't need a duck. they don't need a duck. that is what you call doing more with less. do you need a duck? no. >> we're told there was a duck, tragically in that video that had been ground up that. is what the cat was eating. facts are facts. >> canned duck. all right this, idea of noncitizens serving on a jury? is that a story we started with? i don't remember. good idea? >> best idea let's only have noncitizens sit on juries because nobody else wants to do it. the only people who sit on
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juries now are retired people and stoners. so -- but we don't have a jury shortage. why is this an issue? >> it's kind of true they're doing a job no one else wants. they can come learn about our system putting people to death. >> i didn't think i'd be the only person on this side of the discussion. i think it's watering down what it means to be a citizen here in the u.s.. i think -- i take offense of the idea nobody wants to do jury duty. i think it's an honor to do that. and everybody should have a time in the barrel. >> it's an important part of being -- . >> what is? a carnival? >> when is the last time you sat on a jury? >> i was in the process but have never been selected. someone would look at me and
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say no. we don't want him. >> easy for you. >> i go and i say it's what you do as a citizen. it's a mistake noncitizens on a jury? ridiculous. >> pish posh. >> the lawyer says take wait. >> he doesn't agree with me on the bombing thing. >> you have two reasons to hate me. it's going to be three. >> i feel like we're in the beginning of "moonlighting". they had sex, then hated each other that. is what happened. >> it's sam and diane. i told you a million times. >> you just told me how the evening is going to end. conservative friends. we have a think tank down stairs they believe this could be the next step for voting for office and then poisoning the water supply. >> your friend is smart. >> i like the cut of their
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jib. >> you think that is true? >> yes. >> that is about voting and running for office? >> i think it's where it would end up, i don't know. i think it's watering down what it means to be a citizen. for some reason we seem to be apologetic. >> we're gone. we are now belguim. the economy there is booming. >> yes. we should why we should move to hershey pennsylvania. have you been to the hershey amusement park? you drive by and smell the chocolate. >> are you is that your wasn't just your apartment? >> you know what? >> i know you don't own a car. >> i was just driving by barbara hershey's house. >> all right. >> i think -- huge lichs. i believe they were fake. >> yes?
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>> no. no. >> i don't know. >> and look it up nobody is going to look it up yes. it's a fact. >> do you know what we need on this show? collagen. >> a duck. >> half time gg to be full of ducks and cats and andy leafy. if have you a comment on the show e mail us. if you have a video of your animal doing something like that, like those guys, go to fox we might use it. still to come the half time report from andy leave yeechl he's like a cat-duck hybrid. >> tonight's half time report is sponsored by baguettes. those long, thin loafs. thank you.
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>> let's talk about boston bombers first. a couple questions if that is okay? >> fine. >> i remind you you're under oath. >> andy could you remind her the show is only an hour long? >> yes. good point. >> all right. >> mike. mike. i want to preface this by
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saying you made it clear people vocal about limiting government pou tror track people, then ask things lining why the fbi say they didn't do a better job tracking tammerlan tsarnaev. why didn't they do a better job tracking tammerlan tsarnaev. >> well, you know what? i hate to be going on with the same thing. >> you hate it?. >> i think you love beating a dead horse. >> yes. >> that is terrible. >> that is not what they do. to answer your question i would have to repeat myself. and i don't want to do that. no reason to. >> yes. >> i hope you answered your question. >> i want to speak with you. you brought up fbi did what they're supposed to do i. >> i agree. people kept saying he slipped
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through the cracks but did he? the fbi and cia determined he had in kecks to terror activities. is it not possible in 2011 he had no connections to terror activities? >> that is right. we know they started to self radicalized and he got ramped up on the trip over to -- i don't understand why it's difficult for people to understand -- he went to pakistan seven months. and people don't understand at this point he came back. the case close there'd was no just cause for the fbi for surveillance. >> also, turning out he ended up being a bad actor, everyone acting as if oh, fsd asked us to investigate.
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>> going back to what rushes were -- russians is this guy going to come here? that is their issue. i guarantee you they have more information about him including -- if you think they weren't paying attention to him while in pakistan? they have information and are not sharing it with us. >> do you know what this reminds me snf if president obama got hemorrhoids, we'd have 340 million amateur proctologists. do you know what i mean? >> i'm first in line. >> with something like a terror act we all read and read and we become the experts and you have people questioning the bombing like
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that guy on thursday night. on "red eye" who -- what was that? anyway. >> sorry about that. >> i don't know how he snuck in. >> suddenly people have knowledge and become experts that. is why i like having baker on. it reminds me that i am an idiot. >> greg what is wrong with boldly asking questions? what is wrong with that? >> all right. jonna, yes, the fbi didn't drop the case because they didn't hear back. case is closed. >> they closed the case because russia didn't return our calls. that is what i'm telling you. is and then, they closed the case. >> love them or leave them kind of case. >> can you ask jonna where she
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is getting her details? >> where are you getting your details? >> the internet. yes. yes. >> last thing on this. the terrorist data margin environment? they just picked words right? >> right. >> you i want to point out we haven't had baker on for a long time because he moved to idaho. i forgot how great he smelled. you smell like the ind side of a fabrege egg. smell him. >> it's good. good. >> this is stunning. >> there is a party in my nose right now and bill is invited. >> bill just said there is a party in his nose and everybody is invited. there is a lot of room in there.
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>> actually. do you know what? there are people running around talking about screenplay autos there is a party in my nose and one man is invited and i'll meet him on 48th and 6th after the show. >> and you asked what gender queer means. it's both men and women, neither man or woman moving between two or more genders or third grernd or other gender. >> thank you. >> baker could you say the word "gender queer? >> gender queer. >> there is no problem with the terminology but why confuse the hell out of a person not equipped, a child? this is what happens. people make fun of people talking about the slippery slope but maybe they're right. >> i realize that was a
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slippery slope. >> i don't know if this is confirmed or not a parent of a student said they put up the guys in the girls and boys taught how to decipher if a girl was a slut based on how they dress or how many boys they date. >> it should be one black and white film p put the guys in one awed tore skbrim girls in another. you learn about bobby has a wet dream at night. that is it. the end of it. then you walk out and look like oh, well. >> i did not see that film but am going to be looking for it on the internet. i'm just writing down the words very to read. bobby and auditorium. >> and the bill to let noncitizens sit on juries.
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>> i -- they're here legally. not talking about illegal aliens. i don't think -- are they a jury of our peers? >> that is a fallacy. >> i stole that idea from someone else. >> and last thing you say you take offense to the idea nobody wants to do jury duty. if you tell foreigners they're going to have to sit on juries they're not coming. >> you get out of the northeast going west if you go out to the heartland and talk to people they view it as an important part of their
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citizenship. >> mike? mike? i'd like to think that. >> the man goes boise. suddenly he's the heart of america. do you have a pickup truck yet? >> i do. i do. >> you do? >> what kind? >> a 1991 jeep wagoneer. >> that is not a pickup truck that. is a cool, retro early on suv. >> i'm a hipster. >> yes. >> what about a remodeled land cruiser sfr sn with a fender and a tire on the back. >> exactly. >> yes. >> all right. >> gender queer. >> did tom cruise love men? he has a lot of life left coming up. >> bill shuts doing something dumb? yes.
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should a viewer beware of a sign in times square? well do you have a times square story to hear about every morning i pass by this bill board featuring four happening hipsters advertising an irritating program called "men at work" that i watch. but interestingly this paint by numbers sitcom slumber has gotten renud for a second season. i decided to have our reigning, killing reporter investigate. i hope he died. >> i've been trolling the blocks of times square asking questions like what is true? what is life? why are we here? there is one thing i have yet to answer. what is that? >> this is a show about four dude that's are living and loving and working in a
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magazine that i believe is about saunas. does it make you want to watch it more or less? >> maybe more, it sounds intriguing, i guess. saun yaz are hot. >> they are. by definition. >> does it look funny? >> what does it look like to you? >> a bunch of guys stalking people. >> this is a thing. is it something you'd watch? >> no. >> why is that? >> i know the characters. i don't like them to begin with. that one from 70s show. >> yes. never impressed me. >> why did he not impress you? his demeanor is in the fact he'd tell drunk girls he's ash ton kutcher at parties. >> it looks boring. >> why? >> they're all boy autos we can agree about boys. gross. >> and four single duding living a life in a men's
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magazine. they're not dying but living with it. >> what does this beard say about you? for me it's successful hip sister. a bit emu. a bit out of touch, a bit in touch. a guy who likes to be touched. touchy, touch. >> yes. >> i think they've been using just for men. >> yes that. would appeal to the logo channel. just for men. and, it would be 18 and over. 18 and over? not for you i've watched it oh, really? >> hold on! wow this, is a moment. nobody here knows what this thing s you've seen it? >> yes. >> i thought it was funny. >> really? what part? commercial part? where you're taken away from the hell that was that show? which do you relate to?
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>> i don't speak color. >> all right. >> i think she said go fox news. >> my final name is pbs? >> used to be good. >> the truth hurts. >> is that like a classic channel? i don't know. is that a classic channel? i don't know. >> pbs? >> hilarious. >> say it like you had a loss in the family. now say as if you're oliver. >> it's very funny. >> in an eastern european accent and just got hit by a car. >> very funny. >> this time you're a guy with a speech impediment. >> very funny. >> and you are the midget in "twin peaks" that speaks backwards. >> pbs. >> funny better. >> perfect. >> is there anything you find salvageable about this ad
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campaign? >> it's in times square, right? that help autos that is all we can say. it's in time square. >> you're surprised about people knowing about this show you and work at red eye. >> i say, i think they have a larger audience than you do by maybe, you know why? do you know why? i'm in the trying to tell our media partner how to do their jobs maybe we need an ad in times square. >> yes. >> this is about a bill board this, about men at work. >> could we get graphics to give me a beard? >> i want a real bill board. i want bill, hammered on our -- a sign alive bill board. >> hammered with nails? >> full. >> i'll see you halfway.
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we'll impale me. >> i enjoy the show because it's -- do you know what it is? from another decade. like a replacement for the show after "friends". >> it's "entourage" for people that think it goes too fast. >> we'll come back we're here! we're going to the park! [ gina ] oh hey, dan!
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i really like your new jetta! and you want to buy one like mine because it's so safe, right? yeah... yeah... i know what you've heard -- iihs top safety pick for $159 a month -- but, i wish it was more dangerous, like a monster truck or dune buggy! you can't have the same car as me! [ male announcer ] now everyone's going to want one. let's get a jetta. [ male announcer ] volkswagen springtoberfest is here and there's no better time to get a jetta. that's the power of german engineering. right now lease one of four volkswagen models for under $200 a month. visit today.
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for under $200 a month. last topic at montana state university a herd of therapy dogs waiting to be petted. they're there to help students relax as they study for their brutal final exams. the program called paws to ease stress. and stressed out sloths are given therapy cats.
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>> we've had amazing video. i was going to fire tom. >> well, now, this is -- the duck should pay. >> oh! >> i like it what in the hell is wrong with this world? this is students with stress. >> it is so pathetic. a continuing decline of america. i've got a daughter a freshman at university. i mentioned this to her she said what a load of cram! >> did she ask about me? >> never mind. so anyway, let's talk bit after the show. >> you're going to kill me. i'm not seeing you after the show. >> are we being too hard on the program that helps a lot of troubled students? >> troubled students? we don't need dogs to help troubled students a couple shots of tequila seemed to
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help. i love dogs so much i think they should serve on juries. >> yes. >> well... i don't know. bill? we got you a therapy dog when ch you ate it was delicious. >> yes. i zront a question other than a comment. >> i've got nothing to add to this, i used to outside bozeman in a ranch and one time a horse gave birth to a skpolt a placenta came out. >> where are you go something. >> a dog ate it. >> the fact you're in front of this ranch didn't qualify as working. >> sounds like broke back mountain. >> i loved in the -- lived in the shed. >> students need dogs to get through class will they need them to get through the real
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world, too? >> they can take their dog work when they get stressed. >> everybody gets a dog. >> exactly. >> andy has been trying to get take your cat to workday. >> he's been vying for a cats take andy to their home day. >> exactly. >> all right. >> give us a little diligence. >> we're going close it down with post game wrap up.
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back with andy leafy for post game wrap up. are you are you doing? >> all right. what is that guy there? mike michaelson. what are you doing? got anything coming up? >> huh? >> what? >> huh? >> all right. >> baker what about about you?. >> that is a terrific event
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last night for cia office's memorial foundation if you're looking for a good foundation to help out, check it out. >> did i smell you again? >> goodbye, everybody. for harris falker. huckabee starts now. >> tonight on huckabee. >> we they were not involve would. america took my kids away from me. >> the bomber's mother america. investigators say they had plans to set off bomb in times square. were there warning signs that friendly and social johar, brainwashed by tamerlan. >> and why are democrats bailing out of the senate? >> inside of the courtroom of the abortion murder trial of dr. gosnel . a tribute to


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