tv FOX and Friends FOX News May 1, 2013 3:00am-6:01am PDT
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finally the ugly. a police officer shook up after his car goes up a light pole on elvis presley boulevard in memphis. the car was chasing down another driver when he lost control. the officer was not hurt. >> "fox & friends" starts right now. have a good one. >>gretchen: good morning. today is wednesday, may 1 already. i'm gretchen carlson. thanks for sharing part of your day today. >> russia's warning about the bomb brothers not the only red flag missed. this morning word that the saudis wrote in black and white. what happened to that information? >>steve: good question. great idea to outsource our space program to russia. guess what? now they're letting us have it and we're paying a lot more. wasn't gutting the space program supposed to save money? >>brian: will the real
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rudy stand up? another rudy running for office and our rudy getting involved. "fox & friends" starts now. >>gretchen: good morning. as we get settled in here for the next three hours, thanks for sharing your time with us today. >>steve: it is may day. may day. >>gretchen: it is. i guess that means we're going to get flowers. one of us at some point; right? >>brian: it could be when we drop flowers. it's the countdown to our summer concert series. >>gretchen: already? >>brian: it started. april 30 it felt like winter. may 1, it's a brand-new day. >>steve: may 1 is traditionally a spring day, a holiday for some, a labor observance for others. however you celebrate it, celebrate it with us by watching the news. >>gretchen: here are headlines.
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police looking for this man in connection with the kidnapping of jessica heeringa. he was seen driving a silver minivan away from the gas station around the time she disperiod friday night. -- she disappeared friday night. now a witness coming forward saying he flirted with her. last night people coming together for a prayer vigil for jessica. >> for every one creep out there, there's a thousand more. keep her safe for the family and bring her home. >>gretchen: jessica's purse and keys were found inside the store and the cash drawer not touched. >> a report revealing saudi arabia gave the united states a written warning last year about tamerlan tsarnaev. officials sebt -- sent a letter saying he might have been planning an attack. they were so concerned they denied a visa to visit the
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holy city during mecca time. >> gabriel gomez winning a three-way chase in massachusetts. he is the son of columbian immigrants. he went to harvard and launched a private equity career. >> i will approach this job with a father's sensitivity and a businessman's experience. >>gretchen: gomez will face democratic congressman edward barkey on june 25. >> rudy giuliani could be back in new york city. you're looking at rudy's second cousin. according to "the new york post" he's planning to run for council in new york. we're hearing the former mayor is doing everything he can to help. who knew there was another one out there?
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>>steve: yesterday the president of the united states had a rather spontaneous press conference. it was supposed to be at 10:15. >>brian: rolled in at 10:45. no opening statement. >>steve: he did say, ed henry because you're retiring as white house correspondent association president, you're going to get -- the first question. it was a two-parter. the second one was about our lead story yesterday that there are whistle-blowers out there who want to explain what happened in benghazi but they are being intimidated. ed asked president about that and the president extraordinarily said this: >> ed, i'm not familiar with this notion that anybody has been blocked from testifying. what i'll do is i will find out what exactly you're referring to. >> they're saying they have been blocked. they're hiring an attorney. >> i'm not familiar with
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this. >>gretchen: how could that be? a lot of people are asking that question, including charles krauthammer saying if the president didn't watch this story, somebody on his staff probably did and probably did inform the president. and don't you think the president would realize that by calling on ed henry since he works for fox and they have been covering the story that he might get that question. here's charles. >> he hadn't heard about it? nobody in the white house heard about it? nobody in the white house has access to fox news? this is slightly incredible. and it's a rather weak response for the president. he knew he was going to be calling on ed henry as the first question because of his role in the white house, the correspondents association. he knew that fox -- or at least his staff knew -- that fox had broken the story, spent a lot of effort on the story and time on the story last night. and he pretends he never heard of it? skeptical.
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>>brian: skeptical or deniability. let's see if the story gets legs now because there were questions on that. it is also extraordinary. doing the radio show at the same time but then i watched the press conference. i'm saying to myself no matter what the president was asked, he kept saying how hard his job was, how much he's pursuing the answers but he actually had no answers or nothing to report especially when it came to obamacare. you're looking at senator baucus, tom harkin, jean shaheen, these are democratic senators saying bad things about obamacare. in terms of max baucus, he said it is a train wreck. when the president is asked about these glitches, he essentially says this program is hard, it is not going to be easy. he seems to step back from it. what issues is his hands getting dirty? for example, in benghazi,
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why isn't he saying i'm frustrated. eight months later we have not a single name or single person under lock and key? when it comes to obamacare, i am frustrated. i worked so hard on this program, and it doesn't seem like anyone can implement it. by the way, it might be unimplementable. >>gretchen: good point. as far as benghazi, he did say he will get back to ed henry on what he finds out about benghazi. it would seem to me he's going to owe him an answer -- and the rest of the press corps, for that matter -- at some point about what he find out. keep in mind, may 8 will be a new hearing. the state department continues to say that this issue is solved. >>steve: there were a couple of columnists who wrote after the press conference yesterday essentially saying the president, that was a really bad idea to have the press conference. what was the point. ron fournier, the headline was obama channels
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clinton's worst day in office. to your point, brian, things are hard, there are no good options, and i can't get anything past those republicans. mr. fournier writes here's the problem. even if you concede to obama every point in his tuesday news conference, a president looks weak and defeated when he shifts accountability to forces out of his control. and dana mill bank wrote in "the washington post" that "a lively leadership is the way to resuscitate a moribund presidency." we need a leader. some are saying there was no leader in the white house yesterday. >>gretchen: maybe the president is hoping on the fact that maybe people aren't paying attention because if you look at the latest poll numbers on obamacare, a lot of the american public appears to not be paying attention. look at this startling number: are you aware of obama, that it is the law of the land now? 42% of americans say they are unaware that obamacare
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is actually a law. >>brian: 54% would vote to get rid of the sweeping changes. a lot of people think -- i think 23 #% -- say they didn't know the status of obamacare. some thought the supreme court tossed it out. they also know if i walk around new york city, which i don't because i am so -- >>steve: because you're looking for your blackberry. >>gretchen: did you find it? >>brian: yeah. amy took it. for two hours i looked for my blackberry and i only went from here to there. amy, who produces the radio thought it was hers and kept it for two hours. i asked her why she didn't tell me? she said i had no way to get in touch with you. you lost your blackberry. i got your phone, by the way. >>steve: amy actually answered it, which is kind of crazy. >>gretchen: she should have answered it. we could have solved the problem a lot earlier. >>steve: let's talk a
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little bit about this. now nasa is blaming congress. hey, we have the to pay the russians a lot more because congress did not pass a bill that would have led to our own implementation. it's a concocted story. here's the thing. we just signed a new contract with the russian space agency for $424 million to fly astronauts up to the international space station. that's about $70 million per seat. we've got to fly six guys and gals up and back. nasa says it would have been a lot cheaper had congress passed the president's suggestion on getting people up into space on our own with seed money. >>gretchen: apparently it's $65 million per person, per astronaut under nasa. it goes up to 70.6. here's the good news. we have some actual american companies that are making way and forward to try and get people up to the international space station. you have the california-based space
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exploration technology. they already do cargo shipments up there. you are orbital sciences corps of virginia, they completed a successful test launch recently. >>brian: we paid for most of it. we designed all of it, the space station, the first one with the space shuttle in the 1970's and here we are in 2013 with no way to get up there. and the russians are doing what every other capitalist country should tkofplt they -- do. they are upping the price each and every time we ask. they are a command economy. every time we ask to go up there, book a seat, it goes up and up and we are being held hostage to go to our own place which we designed and sustained for the world. >>steve: it is an international space station but it seems like we're carrying most of the freight on it. way to go. >>gretchen: coming up on "fox & friends," the city is totally broke, so why is
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sacramento, california, spending millions in taxpayer cash to keep a losing basketball team? stuart varney is scratching his head over this one. >>steve: take a look at this driver. he'll take a full half-hour to squeeze into that spot. was the driver a woman or a man? man? details coming up. [ female announcer ] new lean cuisine salad additions. bring your own lettuce. byol. and we'll dress it up with grilled chicken. crunchy veggies. fruits, dressings and crispy noodles. new lean cuisine salad additions. just byol. find us in frozen. mommy's having a french fry. yes she is, yes she is.
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♪ this thing's sweet! ♪ aaaaaaaah ♪ crash! bam! ♪ i heart weight watchers online! ♪ [ female announcer ] joinor free. and check out our risk-free guarantee. >>gretchen: 16 minutes after the top of the hour. the city of sacramento, california is struggling, but that hasn't stopped its mayor from asking taxpayers to help fund a new multimillion-dollar sports arena. the $500 million deal aimed at keeping the city's nba team, the sacramento kings, from skipping town and heading to seattle. taxpayers would pick up $258 million of that. here now to weigh in is stuart varney. he is hots under -- he is hot under the collar because sacramento is broke. >> another classic example
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of california taxes hurting business. johnson wants to keep the sacramento kings in sacramento. to do that he's prepared to put out $256 million of taxpayer money to keep them in the city. the city is broke. it's got a pension crisis. but they're going to spend a quarter billion of money they don't have just to keep a basketball team in the city. >>gretchen: it may not happen, because in 2006 a similar proposal the taxpayers voted it down. if the taxpayers have to say yea or nay to this, they may vote it down again. keep in mind, this mayor is a former nba player, and he's the mayor of a town. he wants to keep this in place for his own credibility and reputation. >> they got a pension crisis. shouldn't he deal with that instead of spending a quarter billion dollars which they don't have to keep a losing team in the city? another angle: by keeping the team in sacramento, the players -- highly paid --
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they have to pay the highest taxes in the land. they've got a tax rate of 56.7%. if they move to seattle, the tax rate will be 43%. the top scorer for the kings, demarcus cousins, if they made that move -- if they went from sacramento to seattle, he would get an extra $10,000 a week in his pocket. but, no, mayor johnson commits him to staying in sacramento. >>gretchen: what about the money that the team brings in to the local economy? >> they're $200 million in debt, the team loses money. how much money do you think the team brings in? they are a losing team. how much do they bring in? >>gretchen: i don't know. but i think some restaurants nearby and small small businesses may benefit. >> you've got a point. we really should shell out a quarter billion dollars which we don't have because local restaurants might lose some business. >>gretchen: are you a basketball fan? >> obviously not.
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>>gretchen: great debate. have a great show today. we'll catch you at 9:20. that you very much. coming up, this is george zimmerman when he turned himself in. but we bet you won't recognize him the way he looks today. >> so long sloppy joes. for the first time a public schools announce it will bring only veggie meals. (cat purring) and you can make them evene for the more special... with fancy feast mornings. mornings are delicious protein-rich entrées...
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with garden veggs and egg. each one perfectly designed... to start her day with a little love. fancy feast mornings gourmet cat food. the best ingredient is love. how old is the oldest person you've known? we gave people a sticker and had them show us. we learned a lot of us have known someone who's lived well into their 90s. and that's a great thing. but even though we're living longer, one thing that hasn't changed: the official retirement age. ♪ the question is how do you make sure you have the money you need to enjoy all of these years. ♪ but thanks to hotwire, this year we got to take an extra trip. because they get us ridiculously low prices on really nice hotels and car rentals. so we hit boston in the spring-- even caught a game. and with the money we saved, we took a trip to san francisco.
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evidence against the guy charged with sending ricin-laced letters to the president, to a u.s. senator and a local judge. agents found traces of ricin in his marshal arts studio. he is now being held without bond until a hearing tomorrow. >> this man murdered more than 40 years after he packed the chutes used by a sky jacker. police say they have no reason to think he was linked to the cooper case. in 1971 cooper hijacked a plane from portland to seattle. he released the passengers and eventually jumped out of the plane. they never found him. brian, to you. >>brian: who could forget the headlines two years ago this week? this is a fox news alert. bin laden is dead. may 1, the day osama bin
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laden's life came to an end. bin laden shot dead inside this compound in pakistan. >> the leader of al qaeda -- >> shot in pakistan. >> shot in the face, dead and buried. >>brian: since that day of celebration and justice for those who lost their lives in 9/11, has al qaeda changed? are they still around? seth jones would know, the former senior sraoeufrb -- advisor to operations command. seth, what is the state of al qaeda today as you see it? >> unlike what some in the administration argued, i think al qaeda resurged in africa, in libya, and we see them incredibly well armed in syria right now. and the u.s. is leaving from afghanistan. so i think this is definitely a state of play right now. >>brian: in your book you talk about waves and
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counterwaves, maybe the big one being in 1998. then 9/11 and we respond. the latest, are we in a wave situation because the counterwave was the drone strikes taking out 13 of their top 20. >> i think now what we've seen is the collapse of regimes in north africa, especially syria has allowed al qaeda back in and allies back into these areas. i think a fourth wave we're seeing is an increase in sunni jihaddism in north africa and syria in particular. >>brian: you have mali, yemen, libya, nigeria, portions of that and iraq. ryan crocker writes how iraq is teetering again because we're out of there. what does it mean for us here? what does it mean for the overall fight and how should we approach it? >> i think one challenge is the administration has been trying to push to china right now as the dominant threat to the u.s. i think as we're seeing in
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places like north africa and the broader middle east, we cannot leave this area. we need to continue to deploy c.i.a., special operations forces and others that deal with terrorists in these areas that are killing americans and american ambassadors. >>brian: how do you feel about our response to benghazi? our response to the way we left iraq, the way we're leaving afghanistan? what message are we sending al qaeda? >> i think the message is very clear. the message they push out on their internet sites is twofold. one is when you push the americans, they leave. second, that when you attack and kill an ambassador, they don't respond. we have not in general responded for the killing of ambassador stevens in libya. the perpetrators are generally still out there. >>brian: you've got to get his book if you want to know what's going on. "bin laden: great moment for america." but there's a rot of reasons to worry now. seth, congratulations on your book, "hunting in the shadow." straight ahead, the
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morning-after pill for girls as young as 15. this decision causing a lot of outrage. how do you feel? ben affleck made a splash with his beard. now we know why. the science behind the stubble. stubble. next. [ male announcer ] there's something new behind the silver of philadelphia. the rich, luscious taste of fresh milk and real cream... now kicked up with zesty california jalapenos.
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[laughter] [screaming] >>gretchen: that could be me. it's your shot of the morning. a driver's awful attempt to parallel park. it happened in ireland. students cheered as they filmed the whole thing. it took a full 30 minutes for the driver to squeeze into the spot. who was behind the wheel? a man or woman? survey says it was a woman. it could have been me. i've only parallel parked twice in my life. for my driver's test when i
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was 16 in minnesota and in the last five months or so with my daughter in the car as a witness. >>steve: here in new york city if you had to parallel park, you would abandon the car? >> exactly. if i'm with another adult, they do it. >>brian: one thing stands out. that is way too light of an academic schedule for students in ireland. if you're staring out the window watching someone parallel park which they say was half an hour. >> right. watching this possible woman or man. >>gretchen: how an "a" for the tenacity she had to keep trying? >> that's right. she didn't give up. she kept trying for that one spot. she could have pulled away and looked for another spot but she kept trying. >>steve: brian, are you a good parallel parker? >>brian: i think i'm decent.
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what i found out is the key is you start to cut the wheel as you pass the passenger-side door. >>steve: that's what i learned in kansas. let's have a park-off where maria is in an hour or so. >>brian: wait a second. let the girl do it because she has to fight for her gender. her gender has taken a pounding. i'm more than happy. >>gretchen: no, no, no. i do that on a daily basis. >> give us a week. how about we all four do it. give us a week. we'll practice -- gretchen and i -- >>gretchen: i do better under pressure. >>brian: how about this? two girls against one? we'll put you and gretchen. a passenger and a driver. >>steve: girls versus boys? >>brian: that's what i'm saying. >>steve: you and i in one car. you and maria in the other. >>gretchen: i'll direct you. i'll be outside the car. >> whose car are we using?
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>>gretchen: let's get one of those we can program to park. >> one of those little smart cars. >>steve: make sure it has air bags. parking duel coming up. meanwhile, we've got weather. >> that's right. here in new york city it is a chilly start to the day but not too bad. as we head into afternoon, more sunshine similar to what you saw yesterday across the northeast. good news for us, we have very cold air behind a storm in denver. 44 for your high in minneapolis. that storm system, because it's cold enough, we have snow from the storm system across parts of nebraska, parts of colorado, wyoming. some of you could be looking at significant snowfall out here, possible historic snowstorm on the southern side of the storm severe weather will be a concern in texas, parts of oklahoma. large hail, damaging winds possible. take a look at the computer model run.
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it is saying there could be as much as six inches, possibly a foot of snow across northwestern wisconsin and southeastern minnesota. it is the first of may and very unusual to see snow especially of that magnitude. back inside, steve, gretchen and brian. >>steve: old man winter just won't let go even on may day. >>gretchen: a controversial ruling by the f.d.a. to lower the age to buy the morning-after pill. girls as young as 16 years old can get their hands on it and parents won't even know about it. anna kooiman following that storyry. >> the controversial pill is moving from behind the counter to over the counter and girls 15 and older can purchase plan b without a prescription or permission from their parents. all they have to do is prove their age at the checkout counter.
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>> i don't really agree because it's like they're really at a young age and they shouldn't be having sex in the first place. >> a really ridiculously young age to deal with that at all. >>gretchen: until now women have had to ask a pharmacist for emergency contraception and those under 17 could only get the morning-after pill with a prescription. critics say it is the equivalent of an abortion pill. one doctor says the f.d.a.'s decision will lead to more sexually active teenagers. >> you're keeping parents in the dark and having children navigate the dangerous waters of sexuality. there is going to be the plan a, which is whatever contraception they're using. then plan b. when plan b fails they're going to get an abortion and their parents won't know about it. >>gretchen: concerned women for america representative is denouncing the decision. she released this statement. it makes no sense that kids need parental permission to
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take aspirin at school but they're free to buy and administer plan b. over the counter sales of plan b are set to happen in just a few months. >>brian: 23 minutes before the top of the hour. other stories now: george zimmerman turning down a stand your ground immunity hearing. this means a jury will decide whether he's innocent under the self-defense law instead of a judge for the shooting death of trayvon martin. what a difference a year makes. the former neighborhood watchman almost unrecognizable. this is what he looked like last april. this is him at yesterday's hearing. according to reports he's gained 110 pounds. >>gretchen: a suspected illegal immigrant gets caught trying to sneak into the united states from mexico. the man got tangled up in barbed wire trying to cross a fence. firefighters took an hour to cut him loose.
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he was then arrested by border patrol. >>steve: where's the beef? an elementary school here in new york city has gone vegetarian. p.s. 244 becoming the first public school in new york to serve kids tofu wraps and veggie chili for lunch. it all started by serving vegetarian lunches a couple of times a week. now it's the only option on the menu. great. >>gretchen: gentlemen, put down the razors. a new study find women prefer men with heavy stubble. like ben affleck's over clean-shaven guys and guys sporting light stubble or full beard. the reason why? facial hair makes men seem more mature and masculine but also more dominant and aggressive. as to why light stubble loses out to heavy stuff? it is too patchy apparently. that's very interesting.
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i've never seen you with stubble, steve, because you are fair-haired. but brian, your hair starts to grow in as the morning goes on. looks what happens by 10:00 a.m. >>brian: that was yesterday. >>gretchen: that's 10 a.m. right there. >>steve: very nice. that is interesting. you look like mitch miller there. >>gretchen: he looks like dennis miller. oh my gosh. have you ever had a beard, like that. >>brian: in fact, you borrowed my beard for this picture. we are truly men. >>steve: thanks for lending me your beard. >>gretchen: with stubble, from a woman's perspective, i think it's sexy to look at stubble. not like that. light stubble, but it's not good for other things. >>brian: what other things? >>gretchen: kissing. come on, you guys pretend
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like you've never done that. it's not good for kissing, okay? >>brian: i never kissed someone with a beard. i'll be honest with you. i don't really kiss on the lips. i don't know what they're doing in kansas. nba playoff action, nuggets beat the warriors 107-100. game six is tomorrow. grizzlies one game away from winning their series. game six friday. danica patrick races for a living, and she can score much more than just nascar. watch. >> danica patrick. first go. >>brian: she gets nothing but net. center ice for her first shot.
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she was the latest celebrity to do the blackhawks celebrity challenge. that's quickly what's happening in sports. coming up later on kilmeade & friends, mike emanuel will be live. >>steve: meanwhile, help help -- help, i graduated and i'm unemployed. send cash. one girl's college graduation announcement an internet hit, but she says don't feel too bad. she's going to explain this live. next. >>gretchen: think politics is an ugly business? these lawmakers just proved it. it. yes. [ female announcer ] new lean cuisine salad additions.
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bring your own lettuce. byol. and we'll dress it up with grilled chicken. crunchy veggies. fruits, dressings and crispy noodles. new lean cuisine salad additions. just byol. find us in frozen. gives you 1% cash back on all purchases plus a 50% annual bonus. and everyone wants... ♪ 50% more doo wop ♪ 50% more buckarooooooooos ♪ 50% more yeeeaaahhhh!!!! ♪ 50% more yeah yeah [ male announcer ] the capital one cash rewards card gives you 1% cash back on every purchase, plus a 50% annual bonus on the cash you earn.
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protesting austerity measures taken to combat the derecession. unemployment over 27%. >> this is one way to work out if you're in politics. fists flying in venezuela in the parliament over the fallout of the recent presidential election. that's how they solve their battles. looks like a hockey rink. steve? >>steve: thank you, gretch. is the college dream what it used to be? one graduate took the opportunity to announce her graduation by sending this card to friends and families. it says kayla feels inclined to announce her graduation from utah university and her catapult into unemployment. none of that really matters, send cash. here is the author of that announcement, kayla march
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march -- kayla marie north. that got our attention. how much cash have you gotten so far? >> just from my family and friend. i didn't mean to sound like i was begging. just like from my grandparents and stuff. >>steve: you meant this as a joke? >> yes. >>steve: the reaction over the blog sphere has been what? >> it's been crazy. people have called me entitled, said i should have chosen a different major. it was meant as a joke. that's it. >>steve: okay. people suggested -- i saw on-line people said why didn't you get a degree in nursing or engineering or something where there are jobs. initially you had a different major. tell us about that.
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>> initially i was a music major. i realized i didn't want to do that for the rest of my life. i love performing but not something i would want to do forever. so i switched to digital media which is something i love to do. >>steve: a lot of people love digital media and social media. look at mark zuckerberg. if you could follow in his footsteps that would be great. at this point jobs are far and few in between? >> yes. it is kind of hard to get into an entry-level job now. doing freelance work gets your foot in the work. i have a lot of freelance work lined up. i'm excited about that. >>steve: that's good. if the freelance stuff runs out, would you take any job simply to make sure you're working? >> for sure, yeah. i would take -- yeah. i'd work retail.
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i'd work food. anything. but, you know, i'd prefer something that i'm trained in. >>steve: i don't blame you. when i first heard this story, i thought this was probably part of your grand plan, because you were involved in digital media; you would put out this announcement "send cash." it would get picked up, go viral, the next thing you'd know you would get tv shows like this and you'd get a big job. was that part of your plan, kayla? >> absolutely not. i didn't even plan putting it on-line. my friend told me that i should, so it went up and it kind of went crazy from there. >> kayla north, good luck. thank you for joining us from salt lake city. keep us posted when you find full-time work. also happy graduation. 11 minutes before the top of the hour. lawmakers putting thousands out of work thanks to the
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sequester. now those federal workers have been furloughed all the way to the fair way. we're going to explain that. an incredible sight. all five living presidents in one place last week. in one place last week. down in dallas. look what mommy is having. mommy's having a french fry. yes she is, yes she is. [ bop ] [ male announcer ] could've had a v8. 100% vegetable juice, with three of your daily vegetable servings in every little bottle. with three of your daily vegetable servings we are outta here! finding you the perfect place.
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considering all those years with the weight of the world on their shoulders. so what are their secrets to a long and healthy life? pwroeupb i don't know. tkpwre -- >>brian: i don't know. gretchen doesn't know. so let's ask dr. stork, cohost of the doctors. how are they so healthy? >> i think after their presidency they exhale. they do a lot of things i preach on our show "the doctors." they found eating plans that work. >>brian: they always work out. bill clinton was running almost every day. >> running every day. the younger bush, big mountain biker. we know president obama loves to play basketball, work out. the elder bush jumped out of an airplane at the age of 85. they found things they're passionate about and stayed active. >>steve: barack obama, as brian said, does play a lot of basketball. thankfully he did give up
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smoking supposedly a year or two ago. >> that was big because smoking is obviously -- if you want to do one thing to cut your life short, start smoking. if you want to do one thing to increase your life span, quit smoking. i'm really proud of president obama for that especially while in office. because that's the -- >>steve: nothing going on there? >> nothing going on. if you think about it, these men when they are in office, there is probably not a more stressful job in the world. >>gretchen: you can see that in the graying of their hair when you compare year one to year four. let's talk about george w. bush. you alluded to the fact he does a lot of mountain biking. he's 67 years old. he looks good for that and is still apparently running a seven- or eight-minute mile. >> i actually am a big mountain biker and i had friends mountain bike with president bush on his ranch. apparently his resting heart rate is in the 40's.
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>>brian: the biggest transformation is bill clinton. he had heart problems, now -- >> now he eats primarily fruits and vegetable-based diet. if you look at how great he looks, it is not just the weight, he looks wonderful. he looks healthy compared to when he was in office. >>steve: president george herbert walker bush is in a wheelchair last week but all in all. >>gretchen: then of course jimmy carter who is 88 years old, looked great the other day. >> if you see him in pictures, he's still wearing a tool belt helping out habitat for humanity. another great example that age is but a number. >>steve: catch dr. stork later today on "the doctors" where they welcome
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or visit you don't have to go to extremes to protect your dog from parasites. you need trifexis. visit our website to save up to $25. available by prescription from your veterinarian. >> gretchen: good morning, everybody. today is wednesday, may 1. i hope you can start off the month in a great way. i'm gretchen carlson. russia's warning about the boston bomb brothers not the only red flags that our government may have missed. this morning word that the saudis sent their warnings in writing. there is at least one report saying that. so what the heck happened? >> brian: when you get banned from saudi arabia, you know they shouldn't be here. brand if you fox polls being released now. the verdict on obamacare still unpopular. but the president says that is just a little glitch. you'll thank him later. what do you think? why wait? >> steve: ouch. what is that motorcyclist looking at? he plows down two bikers. >> gretchen: wait a minute.
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>> steve: how everybody there made it out okay, even though he did that and that. you're watching "fox & friends" live from new york city. ♪ >> gretchen: you're watching a woman who took 30 minutes to parallel park in ireland. watching that video, the motorcycle take out two bikers, i pass out. so now i don't have to do this one. >> steve: what we're going to do is have a park-off. we're going to find off who does better, boys or girls. that's maria and also gretchen versus brian and me. we're going to park between the two vehicles. >> brian: there is pressure
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ounce. the last time genders took each other on was "the brady bunch." marsha against greg. it was marsha that came out on top. so i'm doing it -- we need the egg. >> gretchen: i'd like to thank pat trick for send -- patrick for sending me the rules. pull up 75% past the car you're parking behind. always turn your wheel fully before backing up. see, i never knew this. each wheel turn, come it a complete stop and completely turn your wheel before moving again. now go get em, girls! >> steve: you've been unable to parallel park for these many years. >> gretchen: and i haven't cared. >> steve: now you're going to learn. >> gretchen: maybe. and i still don't care whether i do it or not. 'cause there is a way to get around this. if you live in towns where you can pull in, you don't have to parallel park. >> steve: we have parallel parking here, so this could be helpful to you. >> gretchen: let's do some headlines. police in michigan looking for this man, a sketch in connection with the kidnapping of jessica
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heringa. he was seen driving a silver mini van away from the gas station around the time the mom disappeared friday night. an eyewitness coming forward. he saw a man flirting with her. he was driving a mini van just like the one cops describe. last night hundreds gathered at a prayer vigil for her. >> for every one creep that is out there, there is 1,000 more that are doing the things for -- do the right thing and bring her home. >> gretchen: her purse and keys were found inside the store and the cash drawer was not touched. saudi arabia gave the united states a written warning about tan tan. they sent a letter to the department of homeland security indicating he might have been planning to attack a major city apparently. saudis were so concerned they denied him a visa to visit mecca. the white house claims no such warning ever existed. we also have learned a family member will finally claim
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tamerlan's body now that his wife agreed to release it. a former navy seal winning the republican primary for john kerry's senate seat. gabriel gomez winning a three-way race in massachusetts. he's son of colombian immigrant. he went to harvard and launched a private equity career. >> i will approach this job with the military managed discipline, father's sensitivity and a businessman's experience. >> gretchen: gomez will face democratic congressman edward marky june 25. i'm not going to watch this. motorcyclist crash noose two cyclists, knocking them off their bike. the entire thing caught on camera. it happened along a stretch of mulholland highway outside los angeles. the motorcyclist took the turn too wide, causing the crash. unbelievably, no one was seriously hurt. >> brian: i'm sure they need new bikes.
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>> steve: probably. >> gretchen: luckily not new limbs. >> steve: they might need some care in a hospital. let's talk a little bit about obamacare. >> brian: what is it? >> steve: what is it? you're not qualified. when the president was selling obamacare, he and the people who were trying to do that, they said, the average price for health care per family will go down $2,500. we're going to bend the cost curve down and if you like your insurance, you can keep it. fast forward to today. none of that stuff happened. the president alluded to it yesterday. there is a new fox news poll out, do you like it? take a look at this. a majority of you would repeal it. just throw it out. right now it stands at 54%. only 41% say they should keep the law in place. >> gretchen: that's if you actually know that the law is on the books. here is a startling number of another poll that was released yesterday saying that 42% of americans are unaware that obamacare is law. almost half the country has no idea that obamacare exists and
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that there may be a lot of problems with implementing it. >> brian: let me tell you some of the feedback. max baucus says i see a huge train wreck coming, democrat. another says it's going to cade coffers. and hearing from democrats saying help me, save me. here is the president in response. >> even if we do everything perfectly, there will still be glitches and bumps and there will be stories that can be written that say oh, look, this thing is not working the way it's supposed to and this happened and that happened. that's pretty much true of every government program that's ever been set up. >> brian: really? 15,000 pages? it will be astounding to think this is going to come off. >> steve: how many times have we heard democrats and people who supported this said, just wait until it's completely
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imcomplemented. you're going to love it. the president revealed yesterday it's pretty much implemented by now. so this is as good as it's gog get. >> gretchen: it's not fully implemented from a small business point of view. a lot of them are struggling with what are we going to do? are we going to provide health care or pay the penalty? that is a common conversation that's going on in every single state right now with tons of businesses. >> brian: it is no longer a political issue. it is a homeowner issue. it is in your house. it's you. you're the issue. are you able to keep your own health plan or get a plan maybe for the first time ever? are your rates going to go up? is that going to be great? when you go to the hospital, is the quality going to be great? when go to the doctor, will you have access? if your insurance company drops you, it doesn't matter if you like the president or not, it doesn't matter if you like republicans or not, it's going to get its verdict in everyone's individual dwelling shortly. >> steve: you know what? yesterday the president did have
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a press event. they announced it just about this time, 24 hours ago. why? because it marked 100 days in office for his second term. >> brian: what was the point of that press conference yesterday? >> steve: i don't know, because the president did not look good. there is some columnists out there this morning who are saying, in fact, from national journal, the headline is obama channels clinton's worst day in office, raises doubts about his relevancy. jonathan carl had a great question for the president and the president had an answer that might interest you. here is the interchange. >> 100 days into your second term. on the gun bill you put everything into it to try to get it passed. obviously it didn't. congress has ignored your efforts to try to get them to undo the sequester cuts. there was even a bill you threatened to veto that got 92 democrats in the house voting yes. so my question to you is, do you still have the juice to get the rest of your agenda through this
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congress? >> if you put it that way, jonathan, maybe i should just pack up and go home. look, we understand that we're in divided government right now. it comes to no surprise neither to the american people, but congress themselves that right now things are pretty dysfunctional up on capitol hill. >> steve: blame the republicans. >> gretchen: he's blaming congress right now and this is a list of some of the things that the president was trying to accomplish so far in his second term which has not panned out. gun control, probably the most -- the one most talked about. >> brian: joe manchin is talking about bringing it back up. >> gretchen: global warning, sequestration, and obamacare, although he would not deem that a failure. but even people in his own party are saying it's going to be a train wreck to try and implement. >> brian: when you talk about syria and the red line, i don't know what he's going to do, but he says he has some options. when you talk about finding out who killed our four great
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americans over in benghazi, we still aren't any closer to the investigation. when we talk about what we're going to be doing when it comes to the boston bombers, he believes it's self-radicalization. we're going to be in the wait and see mode. the whole point of the press conference, let's wait to find out on everything and even closing gitmo, he says, i'm going to focus on that. really? what are you going to do about it that you haven't been doing? >> gretchen: his first executive order was to close gitmo. i found that startling during the press conference that that was going to be a high priority again, that he was going to go back to that. there are so many other issues there. >> steve: his theme was, i could get stuff done, but congress is so uncooperative. it's interesting, he almost sounded like a spectator. he's the president of the united states, the leader of the free world. he looked like a spectator yesterday. i'll like to lead, but they just won't let us. mr. president, if you want to lead, you want to know what people are interested in, also in this brand-new fox news poll
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that came out just ten minutes ago, the number one thing people are interested in that you should work on, jobs, the economy, followed by the federal deficit, terrorism is at 9%, and health care is at 7. >> gretchen: all right. >> gretchen: coming up, the bomb brothers and their family living off the taxpayer dime collecting welfare while plotting to attack america. but the governor of massachusetts doesn't think you have a right to know. he's claiming privacy. we're going to explore that next. >> brian: and it's one of the most popular sleep aids out there. this morning a dangerous side effect landing people in the hospital. what you need to wake up and find out about coming up [ male announcer ] in blind taste tests, even ragu users chose prego. prego?! but i've been buying ragu for years.
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itching for relief? preparation h offers the most maximum strength solutions for all hemorrhoid symptoms. from the brand doctors recommend most. preparation h. don't stand for hemorrhoids. >> brian: one of the most outrageous revelations in the boston bombing investigation, the suspects and their family were collecting welfare, all sorts of it, while plotting an attack on america. just the other day, massachusetts governor patrick accidentally revealed not only were they collecting federal benefits, they were collecting state welfare as well. howie carr is a friend of this program, radio talk show host in boston and joins us live from there. good morning to you. >> good morning, steve.
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>> steve: i know you started in. you filed a freedom of information act. you wanted to know how much of the public dole this family has wound up with. what do we know so far? >> well, the governor, under duress from the legislature, finally turned over 500 pages of documents monday outlining what they were on on the state welfare rolls. we were told by legislators who about briefly looked at the documents monday night that there is at least $100,000 that they received. but we know that's a low ball figure because if you do the math, they were probably collecting at least $100,000 at the very least, in section 8 housing subsidies in cambridge. they lived in one of the most expensive communities in the bay state or anywhere. they were -- we found out yesterday, they're putting it out in little bits and pieces here now, steve. so they think we don't have an adding machine. they were also on mass health, the medicaid program in the state. the older terrorist got $5,500
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in various scholarships and even pell grants to go to two local bay state community colleges. we know the younger brother got $2,500 scholarship at the very least, to go to u mass dartmouth from the city of cambridge. u mass is continuing to stonewall, the boston herald and other papers in massachusetts -- >> steve: you know what? this family came to this country to seek a brighter future. of course, they all turned against us. but we invested over $100,000 in that family and how do those brothers repay us? by trying to kill as many of us as they possibly can. >> steve, it's worst than that. they get into the country and become immediately eligible for welfare. they had to seek political asylum. they came in as political refugees. that makes you eligible for welfare immediately. they claimed they were being persecuted in russia, yet we know they were flying back and
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forth to russia like they were catching a subway car into the city of boston. the older terrorist last year spent six months in russia, maybe being trained as a terrorist attending radical mosques, et cetera. and we believe at this point they haven't confirmed it yet -- that he was getting his ebt card, his welfare card replenished every month with taxpayer funds. >> steve: howie, has the governor been protecting the information about this family? and why? >> yes. he has -- he just has this policy, he doesn't want to crack down on welfare recipients. it's odd that at the same time his u mass administration won't give us the records on the scholarships for the younger terrorist, he's leaking the grades of the younger terrorist to the "new york times." but we've got a pattern here, you have a kyron up or will. he won't enforce the ebt laws.
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there was a crackdown last year by the legislature in the wake of multiple fraud reports. so he signed it saying no booze, no tobacco, no lottery tickets with your ebt card. he said i'll sign it, but won't enforce it. he couldn't get a bill through the legislature to give in-state tuition to illegal aliens, basically free tuition since they don't report income. he couldn't get it through the overwhelmingly democratic legislature, so he issued an executive order, like his pal barak obama did with the so-called dreamers. then the secure communities, this is a federal program that gives states aid to clear violent illegal aliens out of the community, he refused to take part in secure communities until the feds finally said, you reached the deadline. you're going to lose federal assistance now unless you join this program. he just has no interest in clearing these people out of our state. >> steve: eventually i think we're going to find out exactly how much that family got and i
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got a feeling it's going to be a very big number. howie carr joining us from boston, thank you very much. >> thanks, steve. >> steve: what do you think about that? e-mail us. meanwhile, 20 minutes after the top of the hour. one school says guns are so dangerous, kids shouldn't even hear the word gun. so safety lesson was just scrapped. good idea? we're going to tell you about that. and secrets of the kardashians revealed. their former nanny next on what they were like before everybody knew their names. plus, how elvis got the nanny her job. ♪
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>> brian: time for news by the numbers. 220%. that's how much er visits jumped in five years because of the sleep drug zoldam. that's the generic for ambien. more than half of those patients are women. next, 21. that's how many states contaminated ground turkey has been found in, according to "consumer reports." 90% of the turkey has antibiotic resistant bacteria such as e.coli. and 30%. a furlough to the fairways. furloughed federal workers being offered 30% off their greenway so they can golf on their forced days off. >> gretchen: with keeping up with the kardashians, ohm a privileged few are allowed within the tight-knit clan, pam
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knew them before they were household names. she was their nanny. >> steve: she shares her story in "malibu nanny, adventures of a form kardashian nanny" and pom joins us this morning. good morning. how many were there? >> as far as i know, i was the only one. >> steve: you know the story. for people who watch the shows, they seem like they're spoiled today. were they spoiled as kids? >> well, they were very privileged. when you grow up in beverly hills, malibu, you know, yeah, they lived very privileged lives. but they were actually very well behaved. they would have the normal fight over clothes and don't touch me, that kind of thing. >> steve: give me my berken bag! >> exactly. >> gretchen: you were nanny for eight years. you started with linda jenner, who was bruce's second wife, before he married kris. and so were you there when their two girls were also born then as well? >> well, actually i had been
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there already five years when kris got pregnant with kendall. and i actually gave my notice. that was part of the reason, just because i didn't want to get attached to this baby all over. i knew i would never leave. i actually was there for when she was born and she was the cutest baby ever. so it's a good thing i had already given my notice. >> steve: how did a girl from a small town in minnesota wind up as nanny in one of the most famous households in america? >> i think it all boils down to the eldest pin that i wore to my -- elvis pin in my interview. it's elvis. he lives. >> steve: what do you mean? >> well, this is from the late '80s. i had on this white shirt dress in a denim with "i love elvis" pin on it. this is what i wore to my interview. >> steve: you were young. >> and i didn't know who linda jenner was. so i showed up and she casually asked if i like elvis. i said, i love him. do you? and she said, well, i lived with him for four years. so i better.
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>> i thought no way. yeah. she wasn't kidding. >> gretchen: so some people are asking, why would you write this book and in fact, when the kardashians found out about it, they found out about it in a round about way and initially weren't that happy. but why would you write the book? >> first of all, i've had hundreds of thousands of people over the course of the last five years tell me i should write a book. there is a lot of very coincidental things in my book. it's really truly my journey. it talks about coming from a town of 123, how i got the job, how i was in love with sylvester stallone in my younger years and i got to date him. it talks about my years with the kardashians 'cause everybody is fascinated about that. but it talks about also when i left the trials and tribulations that i went through and the vast walks of life that i have actually went through. >> steve: did sylvester stallone date you when you were the nanny? >> yes. >> steve: how old were you? >> 19 or 20. i think i was 20. >> steve: that's fine. just before you go, one tidbit that we don't know about the kardashians. >> what you probably don't know is that they really truly are a
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close-knit family and they were then. they still are now. they do some crazy things that we are all aware of. but they always come back together. i think that's pretty cool. >> gretchen: all right. the book is called "malibu nanny." thanks so much. >> thanks. >> brian: i would like to be the next nanny for the kardashians. coming up next, the white house responding to the whistle blowers. benghazi attack. that story will be next. and no one wants to end up at the end of a police chase like this, especially a police officer. take a look at this. the best part? his cruiser got stuck halfway up a power pole. those stories and more when we come back here on "fox & friends" the makers of one a day believe, as i do,
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that everyone should have access to good nutrition. so they're donating two meals to feeding america for every purchase of one a day women's multivitamins. help families across america get nutrition they need. buy one a day women's, make a difference. even in stupid loud places. to prove it, we set up our call center right here... [ chirp ] all good? [ chirp ] getty up.
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seriously, this is really happening! [ cellphone rings ] hello? it's a giant helicopter ma'am. [ male announcer ] get it done [ chirp ] with the ultraugged ocera torque, only from sprint direct conct. buy one get four free for your business. some changes you liked. and some you didn't. come back to see us. we listened to you.
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>> president obama held a press conference and he said he still wants to close the guantanamo bay prison facility but doesn't know how to do it. he should do what he always does, declare is t a small business and tax it out of business. it will be gone in a minute! one month! be out of there! >> steve: maybe less. >> brian: i don't know what he's going to do. there is a big column, editorial in the "new york times," let them all go. like 80 of them. there is 166 down there: 20 of which are high value. the rest are getting upset because there is no end in
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sight. it's called lifetime in prison for trying to kill us. >> gretchen: some people would like to figure out who actually did the attacks in benghazi, libya, 'cause maybe they should go to gitmo. maybe they should be considered terrorists who should go to gitmo to be tried in a military tribunal. the president held a press conference yesterday and the first question out of the gate was from fox's ed henry about benghazi and the latest information that fox had been reporting starting on monday, that there were some people within the state department and maybe even the c.i.a. who want to come forward as whistle blowers, they have new information about what actually happened in benghazi, and attorneys who want to represent them who are not being given the green light to get some of that classified information. the president had a startling response to ed henry's question. did he know about it? listen. >> ed, i'm not familiar with this notion that anybody has been blocked from testifying, so what i'll do is i will find out what exactly you're referring
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to. >> they're saying they've been blocked from coming forward. >> steve: kind of sounds like lawyer talk. the correct answer -- even if he didn't know that there were people who were trying to come forward, so-called whistle blowers, the correct position the president should have taken was, you k absolutely. if there are people who have information about what really happened, we should welcome them and i will do everything in my power to make sure that that happens. instead, we got that. yeah, i haven't really heard about it, which is extraordinary. does that mean the white house thinks benghazi is so uninteresting or politically radioactive that they're not going to touch? that's hard to believe, to. >> brian: here is charles krauthammer, essentially saying what you're indicating, steve, that he should know this question is coming and he should have a better answer. listen. >> he houston, texas heard about it? nobody in the white house heard about it? nobody at the white house has access to fox news? this is like the incredible. it's a rather weak response for the president. he knew he was going to be
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calling on ed henry as the first question because of his role in the white house, the correspondents association, he knew that fox or at least his staff knew, that fox had broken the story, spent a lot of effort and time on the story last night and he pretends he never heard of it? call me skeptical. >> gretchen: so there you have it. the state department still standing by their stance that it's been there, done that, that they did the investigation. they had the hearings. although -- it has become so political now, unfortunately. congressman darrell issa, the republican out of california, has asked for another round of hearings. they will take place next week on may 8. >> steve: also the spokesperson for the department of state yesterday, given the fact that we had heard the day before from victoria tensing who is representing one of the whistle blowers that they sent out letters, they need the clearance, state department said yesterday no whistle blowers have come forward and no requests for security clearances have been made by any private
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attorneys. that just flies in the face of what we know to be true. >> brian: wow. let's talk more about what happened then. can you imagine being a member of a family of those who lost their lives in libya, at benghazi, on 9-11, 2012 and you can't wait to find out who is responsible for their deaths. can you imagine if that information was available and you can't getting that information? adam housley caught up with this special operator who thinks that the government knows who did it and is sitting on the intel. listen. >> we basically don't want to upset anybody. the problem is if ambassador stevens' family knew that we were sitting on information about the people who killed their son, their brother, on and on, and we could look them as a government in the face, then we're messing up, we're messing up. we have all the capability, all the training, all the capacity
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to kill and capture not only terrorists involved with this specific event of 9-11 and ambassador stevens' death, the terrorists who were feeding other regions, including europe that eventually could affect our national security in the short-term, we're not talk midterm or long-term. this is a short-term. >> brian: all right. so are you curious now? you have the people. we know who they are and could send a great message to the terrorists you're not going to be able to perpetrate this crime and eventually pay with your own life or freedom. but we're sitting on it because it would insult certain people. maybe it's the libyan government might be insulted. we don't know because he's got to go in silhouette for his own safety. >> steve: it will be nice when those guys don't have to be in silhouette and we can hear their stories firsthand. that could be coming up first week in may. we've got other headlines. girls as young as 15 years old can now get the morning after pill without a prescription or permission from their moms and
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dads. or guardians. the f.d.a. making the controversial decision to lower the age to buy plan b, as well as sell it over the counter. teen-agers can get it as long as they can prove their age of 15 at checkouts. >> i don't really agree because it's like a really young age and they shouldn't be, you know, having sex in the first place. >> it's really ridiculously young age to have to deal with that at all. >> steve: ain't that the truth. over the counter sales of plan b are set to happen in just a couple of months. >> brian: a two-year-old girl receiving a life saving transplant, born without a trachea, she could not breathe ore et. she wasn't expected to live. then last month she received a new wind pipe grown from stem cells from her own bone marrow. the surgery has only been done six times. now she can breathe on her own and tasted her first food, a lollipop. >> it's been a long journey for
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her. we're just so blessed that she was able to get this unbelievable opportunity. >> brian: hannah now will learn to eat and speak. but her family hopes to take her home in a month. >> gretchen: wow. amazing story. it's a creative way to teach students about gun safety. >> know what to do if they see a gun! >> gretchen: the houston independent school district having no problem with the message, but a problem with the messenger. it canceled invitations to have eddie the eagle speak to students about gun safety. why, you might ask? because he's sponsored by the nra. parents say it would have been a vital safety lesson. >> without it, then kids don't know. if nobody teaches them to not pull a trigger or gun safety, or about a gun lock, they're going to play with it. you hear about it all the time. >> gretchen: the district says
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groups with an agenda are not allowed at the school. >> steve: doesn't the nea have an agenda? just saying. look at this, memphis police officer all shook up after this accident. his car goes up a light pole on elvis presley boulevard there in memphis. an officer was chasing down another driver who wasn't wearing a seatbelt. he lost control and then hit a cable, sending it airborne. the officer was not hurt, but did he get a ticket of his own for failing to control his car. that's a little embarrassing. >> brian: a big bet for profits and churchill downs is scoring. kentucky derby week's profits soared by more than 15 million bucks in the last five years. how? it charges thousands of dollars just to have the right to buy tickets and thousands more for tickets themselves. anna kooiman is outraged by this. she will be live starting friday with everything you need to know about the big race. she gets in for free, although she'll expense it, which which is a scandal we'll put maria on.
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>> gretchen: it's time to get a look at what we can expect for may day weather. hey, maria. >> hey, good morning. for may day, unfortunately, we're actually talking about the potential for historic snowfall across sections of the north central of the country, from the rockies, up into parts of the upper great lakes. incredible stuff ongoing out there. the reason why we're going to be seeing snow is that we have a strong cold front that's headed east and behind it, it is going to be a cold day. take a look at some of the high temperatures for today. 33 will be your high in denver. only in the 40s in minneapolis. it is going to be getting colder in the city of minneapolis. look at tonight. 32 degrees for your low in minneapolis. 22 overin denver. 25 only in rapid city. so expect that snow to accumulate across some of these areas. the problem is it's been so warm that the road may not allow -- the roads may not be snow coated tonight. snow in parts of colorado, wyoming. on the southern side of the storm where it's warmer, we do have the threat for severe storms in parts of texas and
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also in southwestern oklahoma. heed the warnings if you live out here. that does include the city of austin. back inside, steve, gretchen and brian. >> steve: all right. we thank you very much. 18 minutes before the top of the hour on this wednesday. more americans are buying houses. dave ramsey will tell you how to buy one without going deep down into debt 'cause that's bad. >> gretchen: and your husband is always checking his temperature or his blood pressure? really? anyway, is it normal or nuts? dr. keith ablow's diagnosis coming up. ♪ if loving you is wrong
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where certain fungal infections are common. you should not start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. tell your doctor if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if you have symptoms such as persistent fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness. if you've had enough, ask your dermatologist about enbrel. >> steve: got quick headlines. the web site, yelp isn't just for restaurants tore business reviews. there is now reviews for prisons all across the country. reported inmates, employees, and visitors offer reviews about living conditions, food and location. location not bad, but the food is a stinker. after more than four decades, the eternal flame marking jfk's grave at arlington national cemetery is undergoing repairs for the next three weeks. a temporary torch will do the
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honors. there you can see it being lit while workers install a new gas line and a new burner as well. all right, brian. >> brian: you lead on the entire news update. big news out of the housing market this week, despite a slight increase in home prices, more people are buying with signed deals up to 7% from last year. that's pretty good. so what do you need to know if you plan on buying right now? is this the time to jump in? dave ramsy is with us. dave, when the world was crashing, you predicted housing would stabilize and once again rise. why? >> well, i think it's a base to our economy. i mean, i don't think it requires some kind of profit or real insight to say housing will recover if you give it enough time. same thing as the stock market when it went down, now it has come back up. housing is a staple of our economy and it has recovered. we had a real problem in las vegas and it's up 18%. phoenix dipped way down. it's up 23% in house prices. and as you said, these contracts coming in across the nation are up 7%. housing is really doing real
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well right now. >> brian: so i'm thinking about buying. is this a good time? >> it's a great time to buy. all the prices haven't completely recovered and the interest rates are the lowest in our lifetime. so it's a wonderful time to buy. >> brian: all right. first off, you have some principles everyone should get a pen and pencil ready. number one, be debt free with fully funded emergency fund before you go buy. that's in the perfect scenario. correct? >> well, it's what you should do. home buying is a good thing and owning a home is a good thing. it's a blessing. but when you buy a home and you got a student loan that's been around for so long that you think it's a pet and credit card bills, you're broke. and the home will end be being a curse. get your footing laid under you, good foundation before you buy. >> brian: i'll go through these quick because i want a few e-mails. have at least 20% down payment. number three, go for a 15-year term with a fixed rate. and number 4, payments should be no more than 25% of your take
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home pay. >> exactly. have a good solid down payment and do it on a 15-year fixed. with these low rates, it's silly to take out a 30. buy a little less house and don't have a big percentage of your income. then again, the home ends up being a blessing and you're not one of those broke people. >> brian: rickey from i don't plan on buying a home for five to eight years. is it a better time to put my down payment savings in a good mutual fund so it can grow or just save it in a money market savings account in what should he do with that potential down payment? >> generally speaking, the stock market has done very well over a five-year period of time. we certainly have been through a ten-year period of time where that wasn't necessarily so. but prior to the last ten years, a five-year and inn a good mutual fund would be fine. you are taking a risk. it could be down. but i personally would put mine in a good balanced fund or growth and income fund. >> brian: catch dave ramsey on
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the radio every single day. thanks so much. >> thank you, brian. >> brian: straight ahead, does your kid throw a fit when it's time for him or her to go to bed? you might think it's normal. dr. ablow says no, it might be nuts. he's next. first on this day in 1983, "beat it," which is still on gretchen's ipod, by michael jackson, was the number one song. ♪ ing. mommy's having a french fry. yes she is, yes she is. [ bop ] [ male announcer ] could've had a v8. 100% vegetable juice, with three of your daily vegetable servings in every little bottle.
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14 clubs. that's what they tell us a legal golf bag can hold. and while that leaves a lite room for balls and tees, it doesn't leave room for much else. there's no room left for deadlines or conference calls. not a single pocket to hold the stress of the day, or the to-do list of tomorrow. only 14 clubs pick uthe right one and drive it right down the middle of pure michigan. your trip begins at
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good morning to you. >> good morning. how are you? >> gretchen: i'm fantastic. let's get to the e-mail number one. my 4 1/2 year old granddaughter tends to have panic attacks at bedtime. they start when mom and dad are almost through the bedtime book. mom is worried. dad gets frustrated. i can relate to this one. normal or nuts? >> well listen, the key words here are the panic attacks. so i'm going to say not normal. nuts. and because kids too, by the way, can suffer with anxiety disorders, panic disorder and even depression. this is a good teaching moment to tell people there is help out there. child psychologists and psychiatrists being afraid of the dark is one thing. having panic attacks where their heart rates raised, that's another thing and she might need a little help to get under the covers. >> gretchen: no doubt. okay. number two, my husband is constantly checking his temperature. he'll check under his arms, mouth, ears. when i ask him why he checked four times, he responds to see
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if i have a fever. he also checks his blood and i don't really want to get into how he might be doing that. what do you think? >> maybe she means his blood pressure. and maybe his blood pressure is normal and his temperature is normal, but he's not normal. because he's got elements of objectsive compulsive disorder. this checking phenomenon. see, he wants to pretend this is the unconscious dynamic going on that if his pressure is normal and temperature is normal, everything is okay. which is isn't? go deeper with the psychiatrist. get the medicine you need and we'll see new a week. >> gretchen: i thought he was normal because he was a man and he cared about his health. >> no. he seems to be a little bit too obsessive compulsive about this. care being your health does not equate to checking your pressure every moment. >> gretchen: okay. number three, my three-year-old nephew is incredibly possesssive if his toys get messed with by another kid, the dog, he has a
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melt down and sometimes attacks. normal or nuts? >> we're not jailing this kid. we're going to say that's normal. possesssive, it's not good to attack a kid, but guess what? find out why he's so possesssive. maybe a new kid in the family, maybe he moved, lost friends. you may have him lending out his tricycle to another friend in a few days. >> gretchen: all right. here is the extra question that you didn't know about. there is a study out today that says women are hard wired to prefer men with heavy stubble on their face. not light. heavy. over clean shaven guys. so we decided -- i don't know if you have a monitor there. do you have a monitor? >> i don't. but i can imagine. >> gretchen: it's you in a beard with heavy stubble. [ laughter ] >> i wish they had added in bald men with heavy stubble, face and scalp because after a long weekend, gretchen, you would find me somebody to have coffee with at least. i don't know. >> gretchen: wow. okay. >> i hope. >> gretchen: next time you're here. >> i'm better after the weekend. yeah.
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maybe i'll come on on a wednesday morning with a little stubble. head and face. >> gretchen: bring the sofa. okay. that's all. right back [ female announcer ] a classic meatloaf recipe from stouffer's starts with ground beef, onions and peppers baked in a ketchup glaze with savory gravy and mashed russet potatoes. what makes stouffer's meatloaf best of all? that moment you enjoy it at home. stouffer's. made with care, for you or your family. before i do any projects on on my at angie's list, you'll find reviews written by people just like you. i love my contractor, and i am so thankful to angie's list for bringing us together. angie's list -- reviews you can trust. [ male announcer ] pain not sitting too well? burning to feel better?
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>> gretchen: good morning, everybody. today is wednesday, may 1. it's may day. i hope you're gonna have a good one. i'm gretchen carlson. thanks for sharing part of your day with us. the president says you're going to learn to love obamacare once the government works out all the kinks. >> even if we do everything perfectly, there will still be glitches and bumps. >> gretchen: and wait 'til you hear how many people don't even know that obamacare is actually the law of the land. >> steve: meanwhile, should girls as young as 15 years old be allowed to get the morning after pill without their parents' permission? the government thinks so. some parents think it's a prescription for disaster. we're going to examine both sides straight ahead. >> brian: one of the best parallel parking jobs.
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can steve do any better? what about me? what about gretchen? we're waging an epic battle of the sexes. we're playing the roles of the men. gretchen is playing the role of the women. she'll have maria with her. "fox & friends" starts now. >> i'm rudy guiliani, you're watching "fox & friends," one of my favorite shows. >> steve: one? shouldn't it be my favorite show. >> gretchen: could you come over here and help me parallel park, please. you know the new york streets better than anybody. how is that for an offer? we're going to play, but i'm asking him to be on my team. you are going to see stereotypes played out to perfection here in 30 minutes because i am not going to be able to parallel park. it will be the woman getting the bad rap. >> steve: you know what? i looked on-line and you're getting a lot of advice from people who are good at parallel parking and they suggested how to do it. >> brian: and what do they say? wait for 75 -- past 75% of the car? >> gretchen: that one then,
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another nice gentleman e-mailed me to say, after hitting the rear of the car next to you while following instructions you just received before -- [ laughter ] >> brian: he came out against that. >> gretchen: try this. pull parallel to the car in front of the space with you opposite the driver's door. turn the wheel -- see, i'm already confused. turn the wheel back and slip into the space. how do you think i'm going to do that while i'm reading directions like this? >> brian: that's what mar why is for. >> gretchen: really? she's going to read them or i sit in the passenger seat and she does it? yes! >> steve: you remember the name of your driver's ed teacher? we need to call tt person up -- >> gretchen: heck no! >> steve: say he did a negligent job. >> gretchen: let's call my dad 'cause he taught me in a little pick up truck. >> brian: he got you your license, hasn't been revoked. right? >> gretchen: yeah. >> brian: he did fine. >> gretchen: it's 5:00 a.m. he would not appreciate a call from me right now. let's do headlines right now. a brand-new report revealing
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saudi arabia gave the united states a written warning last year about tamerlan tsarnaev. they sent a letter to the department of homeland security indicating he might have been planning to attack a major city. the saudis so concerned, they continued him a visa to visit the holy city of mecca. the white house claims no such warning ever existed. we also learned a family member will finally claim tamerlan's body, now that his wife has agreed to release it. michigan looking for this man in connection with the disappearance of jessica heringa, seen driving a silver mini van around the time that the mom disappeared friday night. an eyewitness coming forward saying that he saw a man flirting with jessica. he was driving a mini van just like the one police are describing. last night hundreds gathered at a prayer vigil for the young woman. >> for every one creep that is out there, there is 1,000 more.
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bring her home. >> gretchen: her purse and keys were still inside the store and the cash drawer had not been touched. a former navy seal winning the republican primary for john kerry's senate seat. gabriel gomez winning a three-way race in massachusetts. gomez a political newcomer, is the son of colombian immigrants. he went had harvard and launched a private equity career. >> i will approach this job with the military managed discipline, father's sensitivity, and a businessman's experience. >> gretchen: so gomez will face democratic congressman edward marky and that will be on june 25. rudy guiliani could soon be back at city hall, but we're not talking about america's mayor. that's rudy's second cousin on the left. rudy f giuliani, he plans to run for city council in queens. the former mayor will do
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everything he can to help. see, he's a helpful guy. so mr. mayor, if you're listening, come on down and help me park on new york streets. >> brian: it's 15,000 pages high, i'd say long, and it is about -- it's been implemented gradually since it passed in 2010. it's amazing how it's still not popular. people still don't know what it is and they're not even sure if the supreme court repealed it or not. when asked after a fox news poll, should the law be repealed, 54% say yes, it should. january 2011, 56%. so no one has been won over by it yet. keep law if place, 41% say yeah, let's keep it in place. in january, 39%. so that hasn't budged even though it's coming to a country near you. >> steve: also a poll out by the kaiser family foundation, it says the 42% of americans unaware that obamacare is even the law. it's interesting because over the last number of years when the president was selling it and everybody was talking about this
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is what's going to happen, they said, wait until it's completely implemented and you're going to love it. yesterday the president of the united states made it very clear, it's practically implemented right now and 90% of people in the united states are enjoying the benefits of it. maybe not so much. here is the president himself talking about, you know, as is the case with any big program, there are going to be bumps. >> even if we do everything perfectly, there will still be glitches and bumps and there will be stories that can be written that say oh, look, this thing is not working the way it's supposed to and this happened and that happened. that's pretty much true of every government program that's ever been set up. >> gretchen: that's not really a great statement about government programs, that -- >> steve: or accurate. >> gretchen: that every program has bumps and bruises. then some would ask why do you have them? other than that, senator john
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barrasso, he had some other questions about obamacare moving forward. >> he is clueless about what's happening across the country. if you listen to what he had to say. so i don't know if he's woefully ignorant of what's happening with the health care law or if he's woefully trying to mislead the american people. premiums are going up by big amounts across the country. people aren't able to keep the insurance that they have, even if they like it. harder to get a doctor and the new forms are out to fill out to try to join the exchanges. they're way behind time in trying to get information out to the american public. >> brian: it's amazing how many people want to be exempt from it, including congress. they were making moves to exempt themselves from obamacare. also 22,000 members of the unite the union of roofers and waterproofers demanding it be repealed. they jumped off. max baucus, the guy in charge of putting it together said i just see a huge train wreck coming and decides to retire! this is more than just a w bumps and bruises coming our direction. insurers, doctors and now us,
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citizens of america are saying, is this really the plan? small business owners especially. >> steve: sure. plus the future is uncertain because will various employers say okay. you know what? we're going to have to include all you people, so we're going to reduce your hours and make it part-time. there is a lot of stuff we simply don't know, even though as the president said yesterday, it's pretty much all implemented and you'll love it. people don't love it. >> gretchen: another medical story now, should girls as young as 15 get the morning after pill without their parents' permission? the government says yes. some parents think it's a prescription for disaster. joining us with reaction is anna kooiman. good morning. >> good morning. the controversial pill is now being moved from behind the counter to over the counter and girls 15 and older can purchase plan b without a prescription or permission from their parents. they just have to prove their age. >> i don't really agree because it's like they're really at a young age and they shouldn't be
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having sex in the first place. >> really ridiculously young age to have to deal with that at all. >> until now, women had to ask a pharmacist for emergency contraception and those under 17 could only get the morning after pill with a prescription. critics say plan b is the equivalent of an abortion pill. one doctor saying the f.d.a.'s decision will lead to more sexually active teen-agers. >> keeping parents in the dark and you're having children navigate the dangerous to doers of sexuality, so we have this use in unsupervised fashion, there is going to be the plan a, which is whatever contraception they were using, then plan b. when that fails, they're going to get an abortion and the parents will never know. >> planned parenthood calling the decision an important step forward to expand access to emergency contraception. so we asked you at home what, do you think about this? laurie says, one must be 18 to buy cigarettes, but at 15, a young girl can take a pill without parental consent? the moral com pass isn't broken
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in america. it's been completely obliterated. pierre says, i'm thoroughly disgusted that my daughter who is 15 might be allowed to terminate my grandchild. over the counter sales are set to happen in a few months. >> gretchen: all right. thanks very much. >> steve: remember, it is an emergency contraceptive we're talking about there. >> brian: let's talk about space. outer space. >> steve: nobody can hear you scream. >> brian: no one can hear you scream. we are talking about a space station that we put up in the sky and then decided, then remembered, i oops, i remembered we don't know how to get back. we put the spanto museums. we send it to the smithsonian and into los angeles and over on the intrepid here in new york and then realize, since the russians can get there and we have to get there with food and we leave stuff threw and we have to retrieve it, we need a mode of transportation. so we had an idea. temporarily let's pay the russians.
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the russians loved taking us up, especially when we pay $424 million for this contract. we paid per person, per trip, and guess what? the price keeps going up. >> steve: you know what they're doing? they're gouging us because they know that they are the only ticket in town to space and so -- >> brian: what about task stan? >> steve: now it's costing us $70 million a seat. keep in mind, nasa is saying to capitol hill, you know, we know this is a lot, $70 million per ride, but had you actually passed what the president was asking for, the president has said capitol hill needs to invest in a way for nasa to help invest in future commercial spacecraft and rockets as well. but capitol hill didn't do that and so now it's costing us more. so nasa is going, it would be cheaper had you listened to us. >> gretchen: i'm going to say an atta boy for capitalism in
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america today because there are companies out there trying to get the technology going so that they can send american astronauts up, like space exploration technology, space x, they already send cargo up. by 2015, they can be ferrying astronauts. orbital science's core of virginia completed a successful test launch one and a half weeks ago. it could be on the horizon that american companies will step in to save the government and they will actually send the astronauts up to the international space station. >> steve: it does seem short sighted that we're going to cancel the program completely, until we had something else we could do ourselves. we outsourced space to russia. >> brian: if superman was real, we could go on his back. here is the big story of the day, so long, sloppy joe. the first public school ever serving vegetarian lunch only. so are kids crying where is the beef? >> steve: and so much for buying american. $12 million in taxpayer money being used to buy buses that are
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made in china. a lot more to that story, too ♪ there's a new way to fight litter box odor. introducing tidy cats with glade tough odor solutions. two trusted names, one amazing product. trust your instincts to make the call. to treat my low testosterone, my doctor and i went with axiron, the only underarm low t treatment.
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axiron can restore t levels to normal in about 2 weeks in most men. axiron is not for use in women or anyone younger than 18 or men with prostate or breast cancer. women, especially those who are or who may become pregnant and children should avoid contact where axiron is applied as unexpected signs of puberty in children or changes in body hair or increased acne in women may occur. report these symptoms to your doctor. tell your doctor about all medical conditions and medications. serious side effects could include increased risk of prostate cancer; worsening prostate symptoms; decreased sperm count; ankle, feet or body swelling; enlarged or painful breasts; problems breathing while sleeping; and blood clots in the legs. common side effects include skin redness or irritation where applied, increased d blood cell count, headache, diarrhea, vomiting, and increase in psa. ask your doctor about the only underarm low t treatment, axiron.
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resulting in unexpected power and agility. experience the adventurous, all-powerful gator rsx850i. sixty-two horsepower, a fully independent multi-link suspension and a top speed of 53 miles per hour. it's a whole new species of gator. right now, visit your dealer or to get $800 off the gator rsx850i. >> brian: drives me crazy. taxpayer money being used to
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provide big name attorneys for the boston bombing suspect. that news coming out amid reports that witnesses of the terrorist attack in benghazi are being silenced by the federal government. so who is the obama administration more interested in protecting? one of the boston bombers or one of our special forces? peter johnson, jr., fox news legal analyst here with the prescription for truth. this judy clark is going to be defending the boston bomber. she's a master at withholding the death penalty. >> obviously we don't want to protect whistle blowers in this country. the president was asked about the charges give bivictoria tensing that administration officials are threatening c.i.a., state department and department of defense officials and then he plays dumb. let's watch it. >> there are people in your own state department saying they've been blocked from coming forward, that they survived the terrorist attack and they want to tell their story. will you help them come forward and say it once and for all? >> ed, i'm not familiar with this notion that anybody has been blocked from testifying, so
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what i'll do is i will find out what exactly you're referring to. >> they hired an attorney because they're saying they've been blocked. >> i'm not familiar with it. >> you know, one of my daughters since she was ten would say, whatever. i mean, that's what he says. fox is the number one rated -- >> brian: the notion -- >> news channel in the united states and there was a big report the night before, it was covered that morning. it's well-known that there is problems that the congress representative issa said to the defense department, the c.i.a. and the department of state, give us some guidelines that people who want to come forward and testify can have legal protection so their lawyers can register in terms of knowing that. >> brian: here is a poll. what do you think, is this a cover-up over benghazi in 9-11-2012? 46% of the fox news polled say yes. 43% say no. 11% answer like the president. >> here is the final issue, the folks who want to come forward and tell the truth, as many as 30 people may have been injured.
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according to one press report, there may be a person still in the hospital six months after it. why don't we know about it? now, under the president's tenure, six people have been -- government employees have been prosecuted under the espionage act. at the same time, he signed the whistle blower enhancement protection act. so do the two go together? these folks are going to be in jeopardy if they don't lawyer up properly. they could lose their job. they could pay fines. they could get prosecuted. >> brian: lawyer question, judy clark is now representing the boston bomber. that 19-year-old knows everything we need to know about the bombing. can they start talking deal now, avoid death, tell us what happened? >> sure, they can start talking deal, but it becomes a political equation at this point in terms of talking a deal. i think people want to see justice move forward. i think they have to make a determination whether people will be so inflamed by a deal at this point. always the opportunity to get more information. >> brian: we've got to cover the planet trying to trace this
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guy's steps with the answers is in a prison cell. always good to see you. 20 minutes after the hour. do you know our military leadership is meeting with an atheist group to talk about religious freedom in the military? what is that about? then it might be the worst talking job in history. but can we do better? the ethic battle, brian kilmeade, that's me, steve doocy, gretchen carlson and maria, separate cars, one goal, parallel park better than the dames [ kate ] many women may not be absorbing the calcium they take as well as they could because they don't take it with food. switch to citracal maximum plus d. it's the only calcium supplement that can be taken with or without food. my doctor recommends citracal maximum. it's all about absorption.
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tens of thousands of dollars in hidden fees on their 401(k)s?! go to e-trade and roll over your old 401(k)s to a new e-trade retirement account. none of them charge annual fees and all of them offer low cost investments. e-trade. less for us. more for you. bring your own lettuce. byol. and we'll dress it up with grilled chicken. crunchy veggies. fruits, dressings and crispy noodles. new lean cuisine salad additions. just byol. find us in frozen. at od, whatever business you're in, that's the business we're in with premium service like one of the best on-time delivery records and a low claims ratio, we do whatever it takes to make your business our business. od. helping the world keep promises.
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>> gretchen: 24 minutes after the top of the hour. quick headlines. tomorrow country music legend george jones will be laid to rest. the public funeral will be at the grand ole opry house. his tennessee estate now up for sale. the 80-acre property is going for $8 million. long beach, california is buying ten electric buses made in china. the contract is worth more than $12 million. u.s. companies say the bidding was rigged. but that claim is denied. >> steve: practice christianity and you could be court-martialed. that could be the new law of the land for our armed forces thanks to a proposal by a religious tolerance group that claims christian evangelists are predators. groups like the family research council are up in arms over this threat to religious freedom. jerry boykin joins us from d.c good morning to you, general. >> good morning, steve. good to be with you.
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>> steve: it's good to have you, sir. a real pleasure. let's talk about this. the pentagon is trying to think how they should be religiously tolerant going forward and they're meeting with this outfit called the military religious freedom foundation. you have a problem with that. why? >> well, first of all, this organization is not only atheist, but it is viscerally anti-christian. it has a track record of being anti-christian and it, by the way, combined with its friends over at the southern poverty law center, they've made great efforts to try and eliminate all vestages of christianity from our military. >> steve: we're showing an image of the man who heads up the organization. you say he's an atheist and if they're talk being religion, he is not the fellow the pentagon should be speaking to. >> well, that's right.
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look, i think all of us believe that commanders and people in positions of responsibility should never use coercion with regards to religion. but the free exercise of religion in our military goes back as far back as our military, goes back to george washington bringing chaplains into the military. it's a fundamental right and the very people that are now being threatened are the people that are out defending the first amendment right. we find this incredible that they would go to an anti-christian atheist organization like the military religious freedom foundation to even talk to them about religious freedom. >> steve: one of the things they want to do is that organization wants to enforce a regulation that says that military members who pros will he advertise should be court-martialed, right? >> that's right. and look, they need to get their
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terms straight. first of all what, is positive they willizing -- prolizing. it's not about coercion or what they are trying to portray it is. it is very important that we allow our troops, army, navy, air force, marines, to live their faith and be able to talk openly about it. what they're about to do is ruin any hopes of being able to recruit a professional military in the future by sending a signal across america to moms and dads that when your son or daughter joins the military, they will have to check their faith at the door. that's not the way america was built. it's certainly not the way our military was built. >> steve: here is a statement the pentagon gave to us. quote, religious positive they willization is not permitted, court-martials and nonjudicial punishments are decided on a case by case basis. what do you think of that stand?
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>> first of all, again, it's a matter of what do they might by proselytizing. if you're talking about the free exercise of our faith as individuals, especially for the chaplains, then i think that the worst thing we can do is stop the ability for a soldier to be able to exercise his faith. >> steve: surely. all right. lieutenant general jerry boykin from the family research council. thank you very much for your service and coming in today. >> thank you. >> steve: all right. it is now 28 minutes after the top of the hour. coming up, can it be the border fence actually works? you're looking at the evidence. the story behind the video is coming up next. then it could be the worst parallel parking job in h do be? we're about to find out. >> brian: steve, check this out!
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we're going to try to park here. maria and gretchen are going to try to get right here. >> gretchen: yeah, right. >> brian: at stake? male pride and female shame. >> gretchen: i've already given it up. be a man! >> brian: don't let that fool you. she wants to win. >> gretchen: i don't know about you -- no, i don't. i don't want to win this. go, guys from the united states postal service a small jam maker can ship like a big business. !
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[ laughter ] >> brian: there is crowd roars in belfast, ireland. >> steve: it's your shot of the morning, a driver's awful attempt to parallel park. it happened in ireland. a group of students taping, cheered as they watched the whole thing. it took a full 30 minutes for the driver to squeeze into the parallel spot. so who was behind the wheel? it turns out it was a woman. so what we're going to do today is we're going to go ahead because we don't have cars to park around, we're actually going to recreate this and gretch and brian and also maria, here is the challenge. this is pretty easy. all we have to do is we have to be able to park in less than a half an hour. >> gretchen: it's going to take me all day. >> brian: if we have to toss to hemmer from the driver's seat, we got a problem. >> gretchen: well, maria, how good are you? >> i'm horrible.
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>> brian: here is an added twist. we are all going to participate in that. too he have is going to start. i'm going to finish, or vice-versa. gretchen is going to start and maria is going to finish, or whatever your team decides. >> gretchen: can people be creative in their strategy? >> brian: yes. >> gretchen: cool. 'cause i've got a plan. >> steve: so we're going to have the battle of the sexes park-off in just a moment. first let's go to news and anna kooiman. >> the clock is ticking. you have 27 minutes. i'm going to be the judge with my ruler. you better have a good plan to survive and stay on the "fox & friends" island. it's been exactly two years since the daring navy seal raid that left osama bin laden dead. president obama and members of his administration said al-qaeda was decimated since osama bin laden was killed. but a former special ops advisor says we should still be very concerned. >> unlike what some of the administration have argued, i think al-qaeda has resurged in north africa where they have killed a u.s. ambassador, in libya, they killed u.s.
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civilians in algeria, and we see them incredibly well armed in syria right now. and the u.s. is leaving from afghanistan. so i think this is definitely a state of play right now. >> that u.s. withdrawal from afghanistan is scheduled to happen next year. take a look at this. a suspected illegal immigrant gets caught trying to sneak into the united states from mexico. the man got tangled in the barbed wire on top of the border fence near san diego. he was 20 feet up and it took firefighters about an hour to cut him loose and then he was arrested. so where is the beef? an elementary school in new york city becoming the first traditional public school to go all vegetarian. the first meal at ps 244 in queens, new york, black beans and cheese questions dee i can'ts -- questions -- quesadillas. what's worse than two left feet? four furry ones. >> you dance? good boy. you going to go straight to the
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grand final d. there we go. that's called his break dance. >> i love it. that's alex the golden retrieve break dancing. he puts three paws together. his owner says he learned this all on his own. all right, how are we doing on 6th and 48th? >> steve: we're going right now, brian -- here is a problem! oh, no! the bus! >> gretchen: saved by the bus! i'm saved by the bus! >> steve: move that bus! >> brian: we're trying to do a show. >> steve: are you kidding me? >> gretchen: people are trying to go to work. come on, show me your stuff. honk. >> gretchen: go, brian. what are you doing? >> brian: i can't get to my spot. by the way, this -- here we go. >> gretchen: i'll just push it out of the way. not going to work.
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>> steve: so brian -- no, don't pull it yet. okay. all we have to do -- >> gretchen: go brian. >> steve: we have to wait 'til the light -- for the light to turn. >> will there be cars behind us? >> steve: yes, there are. >> brian: i'm going to pull up to just past this. >> gretchen: which space is brian going into? here we go, maria! chulo, get your camera over here! >> steve: brian, that's it, i'll take over. hop out. >> a little bit more. a little more. a little more. okay, okay. now we got to turn the wheel. >> brian: pull back in. >> steve: brian, i'm doing! >> gretchen: brian, i'm doing it! >> slowly turn the wheel. >> gretchen: brian!
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i did beat you! excuse me. we won! oh, my goodness. whoopsie daisy. >> brian: straight continue out. >> gretchen: we got in there first. what took you guys so long? >> you didn't crash into anything at least. >> brian: they crashed? this is a -- you crashed into the gate? who do these bikes belong to? >> brian: i don't know. >> wait, whose car is this? there were a lot of factors. wind speed, tire pressure. >> brian: there is a few criteria, number one, distance to the curb.
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okay? a little bit of an odd angle, anna. 12 inches. two feet. 23 inches. >> brian: now let's take steve's parking job. it took us a few times, right, steve? >> show off. >> steve: i was watching the cabs go by. >> gretchen: what about time to get in the spot? i beat him by a minute. >> steve: we beat the lady from ireland, that's the key. >> you ran over a cone. we have it on video. >> gretchen: that's the third time in my life i've somewhat gone into a parking spot and not run over a cone. >> steve: oh, well. thank you very much to meghan for giving us her car.
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>> brian: i guess -- the revenge of greg brady. >> we need to practice. >> steve: practice, practice. if you want to park in front of the building, you have to practice. >> brian: special thanks to the traffic in new york for slowing down just in time. >> steve: all right. we're going to roll on live from new york city. a favorite of this program has a new book out. he's got some straight talk for the kids who are graduating this season. >> brian: don't go away hey! did you know that honey nut cheerios has oats that can help lower cholesterol? and it tastes good? sure does! wow. it's the honey, it makes it taste so... well, would you look at the time... what's the rush?
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you don't just have our word on it. you've got our name on it. that's how we run. nothing runs like a deere. discover the full line of riding lawn equipment at or your local dealer. >> gretchen: quick headlines now. george zimmerman turning down a stand your ground immunity hearing. this means a jury will decide whether he is innocent under the self-defense law in florida instead of a judge for the shooting death of trayvon martin. he was almost unrecognizable from what he looked like last april. this is him at yesterday's hearing. according to reports, he has gained 110 pounds. a motorcyclist takes a turn too wide and crashes into two cyclists, knocking them right off their bikes. it happened on mulholland highway outside of l.a no one seriously hurt. i don't know how that could be.
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that turn is known to be dangerous because you can't see what's around the bend. including those two bikers. wow. >> steve: we've got extreme weather on the first day of may. colorado is getting hit with snow. denver could wind up with six inches of snow. k. tv r. reporter is the dance -- kdvr reporter joins us live from johns town with more. take it away. ♪ my kind of song ♪ new york is, not chicago, but i like that song better ♪ ♪ my kind of -- brian, gretchen, hello, hello ♪ ♪ this is nuts! i'm calling al gore. i'm calling al. hello, mr. gore? global warming? i bought into the whole thing. what happened? [ laughter ] this is breaking news right now. we are live in johnsons corner. where is that? right next to green acres. you don't care!
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you're in new york! you just want to see the snow in colorado. here it is. but there is a johnsons corner and this just in, guys, rib eye steak and eggs for 15.95. guess where we're going after this. slow down! you're in colorado! god bless you. my kind of town. it's crazy. may 1, coloradoans are dealing with this snow. you don't care because -- yes, sir! ♪ i was born to be an american ♪ i think he's telling me i'm number one. it's what you call the new york salute. >> gretchen: how many drinks of energy have you had? >> sorry. i got to wrap. here goes. >> gretchen: oh, my goodness. i like this guy. ♪ let me good to go ♪ get some snow and i blow my pole ♪ ♪ . >> gretchen: wow. >> steve: last time dan was with us from colorado rapping, he was essentially recreating that scene from "it's a wonderful life" where he took off running
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down the street. >> brian: yes, i remember. i remember tossing to reporters and they actually told us stuff. he kind of just sang to us. important part. it's snowing out there and it's nuts! >> brian: right. >> steve: he had some show tunes in his head. >> gretchen: and he doesn't need to go to the gym after this. >> brian: right. >> steve: ladies and gentlemen -- >> gretchen: he's an entertainment reporter. >> brian: what just happened? >> gretchen: i have no idea. it was snowing in denver. >> steve: yep. >> brian: we love having fun and games and we did enjoy the parallel park. this is the ugly side. gretchen, you owe us a bike rack. that's bent. that will never stand again. >> gretchen: okay. i'll get out my checkbook. can we put that in my office next to the festivus pole? >> brian: yes. >> gretchen: i actually kind of parked! woo! but i got there before the guys.
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who cares? >> brian: parallel parking spied is underrated. -- speed is underrated. >> steve: there is where she parked right there on the bike. >> gretchen: kind of scary. i didn't feel it. >> steve: all right. it's been busy so far. straight ahead, help, i graduated and imunemployed. send cash. one girl's announcement ticked off a lot of people but are her parents to blame. b we'll talk about that coming upi next. new great grains protein blend. protein from natural ingredients like seeds and nuts. it helps support a healthy metabolism. new great grains protein blend. we are outta here! finding you the perfect place.
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bring your own lettuce. byol. and we'll dress it up with grilled chicken. crunchy veggies. fruits, dressings and crispy noodles. new lean cuisine salad additions. just byol. find us in frozen. some changes you liked. and some you didn't. come back to see us. we listened to you. now we'd love to see you. ♪
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plenty to cover. a busy wednesday. martha and i will see you in nine short minutes on "america's newsroom". >> steve: earlier on this program we spoke with a recent graduate by the name of kayla marie north who has been gaining national attention for her brutally honest graduation announcement that both announced the happy occasion and mentioned her impending unemployment. here is what she had to say about that. >> people have called me entitled. people have said that i should have chosen different majors and stuff like that. it's kind of hard to get into an entry level job right now, but doing freelance work kind of helps put your foot in the door. >> brian: she was very charming this morning. larry winget has some advice for her and grads like her getting into the real world. larry, how do you feel about what she did? >> i think the people who called her entitled were probably
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right. anybody who says, i can't find a job doing what i love to do, wouldn't that be great if we all got to do exactly what we love to do all the time? so just send me cash and take care of me. i find that a little insulting. i know she was charming and at least she is trying to get some freelance work. so i'll give her credit for that. >> steve: she also did say she was joking and she did say that if she had to, after the freelance work runs out, if she has to, she'll work in retail. shea work at a restaurant and do anything she can. >> good for her. and that's exactly part of my advice for graduating students right now. obviously college is not preparing them. somebody needs to tell them the truth. their parents should be. if that's not happening, i'm here to tell you exactly what you need to do as a graduating student right now. number one, get a job. any job. you're probably not going to find a career in your chosen field, so just get a job. you're not too good to say, do you want fries with that?
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remember, it is more honorable to be underemployed than unemployed. >> brian: very cool. that's a good statement. number two, it's tough, but true. >> yeah, exactly. move out. your goal is to become independent. your goal as a parent is to raise your kids so they can be independent. so get your butt out and move on your own. don't tell me that you can't afford to do that. find five or six friends, move into a studio apartment and learn about how to take care of yourself and pay your own way. so move out. it's very, very important. next would be watch your money. we've got too many kids who are in trouble too early with their finances. so watch your money, which means you need to learn to spend wisely, which means spend less money than you make. 40% of people don't do that. don't be one of those people. spend less money than you earn. also save. save anything. i don't care how little you make, you can learn to save
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some. watch your credit card. and pay back your student loans. always pay back your debts. those are commitments. become committed to your commitments. >> brian: got you and you also talk about social media from twitter to facebook. be careful. >> yeah. those party pics are going to come back and bite you in the butt. be careful. get a job. be real careful what you post. last and it's one that people overlook a lot. you're not finished learning just because you got a college degree. now is the time that they're learning really -- the learning really starts. studies say over half of kids who graduate never read a nonfiction book again after graduation. that's dumb. keep reading, keep learning. watch business television shows. watch going on in business today and the economy and in the government will determine your future. you need to know what's going on. >> brian: larry, what about telling the kids to buy your book? >> hey, that would be a good idea. buy any of my books.
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that would be a great idea. parents need to buy that your kids book, to teach your kids what they need to know to really be successful. >> steve: we love having you on because you're a straight talker and that's why people love you. the latest book is "your kids are your fault." thank you for joining us today from phoenix. >> thank you. >> brian: more "fox & friends" and gretchen's parallel park damage when we return. issue am ♪
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ask your doctor if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pain; it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. side effects include headache, flushing, upset stomach, and abnormal vision. to avoid long-term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours. stop taking viagra and call your doctor right away if you experience a sudden decrease or loss in vision or hearing. this is the age of taking action. viagra. talk to your doctor. >> gretchen: tomorrow michelle malkin will be here and a wedding workout. but i'm going to be at cinco de mayo. my eight-year-old guy will be
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dancing. >> steve: tomorrow is only mayo dedos. >> gretchen: that's when they're having it. see you friday. log on for after the show show. >> brian: i'm going to el torito bill: good morning, everybody. the morning after pill is moving over-the-counter. the fda announcing plan b will be available to children as young as 15 years old and no prescription needed. welcome to america's newsroom. martha: i'm martha mccallum. this comes days before a court-ordered deadline would have lifted all the
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