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tv   The Five  FOX News  May 1, 2013 11:00pm-12:00am PDT

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government. there aren't many of those, right? let us know what you thought about tonight's show. we'll see you tomorrow night 10:00 p.m. eastern right here. >> eric: we have breaking news on the boston terror attack. three more suspects have been arrested. charges corrupting. azamat tazhayakov and diaz kadyrbayev. two days after the bombings, the three new suspects entered tsarnaev's dorm room emptied a back back jar of vaseline and tsarnaev's laptop. the next day when they released the video of the tsarnaevs, the guys ditched the laptop and backpack in a dumpster because they did not want tsarnaev to get in
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trouble. also in the complaint tsarnaev was texting one of these guys joking about being the bomber quote lol and you better not text me. truly interesting stuff in this affidavit and then the lawyers came out. we the get to the lawyers' reaction in a second. comment on the new stuff we are finding out today. >> andrea: i think in a lot of cases, many of them unrelated to terror people do dumb things to help their friends. i know we haven't really fully gotten the details of this. but, based on the affidavit, it looks like they are just a bunch of morons, nod radical jihadists. they have been charged with obstruction of justice. i don't know if they're going to be charged with aiding and abetting, they could. they need to make examples out of these guys. i think that's what the prosecutors are doing. they are going to throw the full force of the law against them to say you think about covering up a crime or helping somebody, you are going to eat the full force of the american judicial system. >> eric: everything i'm hearing is they are facing five years. that's it. five years and a fine.
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>> andrea: get a stop watch to see who throws the other one under the bus quicker. that's what they will do. put these on the table and they will be throwing each other under the bus if n. two seconds to get off. >> those two guys, tsarnaev that picture we showed from times square the other two are kazakhstanys. you made a good point these two were here on a student visa. >> bob: i think by the way that they were brought in on the student visa documentation and other things, it may be that the five years is really an immigration issue and that they are open to prosecution beyond that for aiding and abetting, but, you know, it does raise the issue. these people were from kazakhstan 7 a% muslim country and it raises the issue again about where these people come from. >> very good question. that's something no one has said yet. they haven't made any ties to any muslim ties or radical islam ties. we will keep our ears on that. dana, two weeks, more than two weeks these guys have
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been floating around. any idea what would take them so long to do something like this? >> no. in fact, so i'm concerned ab the intel failure before the bombing, it looks like -- i think they are on top of it, but is it doesn't inspire a lot of confidence that it took as much time as it did to catch these guys. especicial tipped off on it before. they should have been watched immediately. on the point on the immigration hearing and getting to go through all of these typical type of american legal jurisprudence, i want to go back to you are either with us or you are against us. if you are involved in terrorism you two or. a terrorist. i don't care about your immigration violation. you aided and abedded a terrorist that attacked american citizens. therefore, you are x marks the spot. because we are treating this more like a criminal situation when it is actually a war. and that's why that language. it's actually just coming to me now. i have been standing about
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change in the language global war on terror to global contingency operation. we have a war going on and it's happening right here on our soil. >> this is such huge point. someone stuck a microphone in eric holder's face at the white house correspondent's dinner and say hey why did you-mile-an-hour cran dyes him so fast. we got a lot out of him and we did what he we were supposed to do. i have got to think there is still a lot more out there that we could be getting. >> greg: the vaseline question what is that about? some guy with kinky practices. i don't know. i want to go back to your point. when you look at how benghazi was taken care of and handled, you kind of think about if it wasn't for the carjacking or the boston police in this particular bombing event, the terrorists would be free and the creator of cheers would have been arrested. i have no trust in what's going on with our government. but i want to talk about the other thing about the kind of the tone of these kids after this event a few days after this event. there were dead people.
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there were people who lost their limbs and they treated the blood and the guts and the gore no differently than if it were a movie. let's hide their stuff. it was like a wacky prank. the wacky terrorist is not part of the diversity rainbow of college. but somehow it is. it's no different than the cross dressing lacrosse player. how exciting it is to have these people as part of your friends. i agree, they have to be punished they have to be punished harshly not simply for helping these guys but shattering the dorm room utopia going on right now that lous this kind of thinking to persist. it's disgusting. >> i'm not sure if we have this or even allowed to put this up. we have a facebook picture of tsarnaev and one of thekhstm alleged conspirators. can we put that up? they are not going to put it up for whatever legal reason. >> do you want me to act it out? >> eric: the fbi at least had this guy on a watch
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list before they even put tsarnaev's video up. that happened exactly on a thursday during this hour. that was two weeks ago. i got to think they could have grabbed these guys and started interrogating them at that point. is the fbi at fault a little bit? >> i have said it before. i will stay again, the parallels that this incident is taking on to benghazi are getting more and more similar by the day. a failure leading up to it. eric, i think they did a good job the day of. there is some criticism but i do think they did a good job. there are questions how did the one brother get away. but now we see following this incident there have been balls dropped in hindsight. there were red flags thrown on these guys. just because the feds are going to throw the book at these guys doesn't mean the state can't throw the book at these guys, too. he they might be able to get prosecuted on the state level. it's not double jeopardy if they get a wrap around deal. the prosecutors might say cover us on both levels. they should have state charges, federal charges
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for what these young kids did. >> bob: let's not assume this is the last of them by the way. going back to the bomber who was killed, you know, it turns out that the saudis. >> eric: wait on this? >> greg: saudis refuted it. >> bob: of course they did. want to be involved or pointed out somebody turning in muslims. we had this conversation before there are a lot of muslim countries that do provide us a lot of intelligence. they try to do that in a way that they are not exposed because they have their own muslim constituency. >> eric: eric holder and/or president obama have said the last couple of weeks this is is isolated case. these are lone wolfs. these are self-radicalized individuals, bob, a little premature on that, no? >> i would say first of all radicalized, yes. that we know. >> self-radicalized is the problem i'm having a problem with, the self-part. >> you have got to is yourself some hard questions what happens in the six nonts since you are
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staying in the soviet union and what gets two warnings from the soviet unions about this guy and despite the saudi denial. my firm belief that the saudis did too. >> eric: can i roll a little bit of the attorney for diaz, one of the kazakhstanys, responding to the allegations, go. >> diaz kadyrbayev denies the charges. as we said from the very beginning, he assisted the fbi in this investigation. is he just as shocked and horrified by the violence in boston that took place as the rest of the community is. he did not know that this individual was involved in a bombing. his first inkling came much later. the government allegations, as far as that he saw a photo and recognized him immediately we dispute and will be looking forward to proving our case in court. >> greg: okay. this goes back to the joke i made about the vaseline. you have to ask yourself how did he know to throw away vaseline. if vaseline is is is part
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of making a bomb, that's bologna. you don't just grab a backpack after a terrorist attack that's filled with fireworks and vaseline unless you are going to bob's house. but i mean, you have got to know that this is bad news and it just -- it stinks because it reminds me of a bunch of college kids who aren't thinking. have you quote to think we don't live in a world where good and evil no longer exists. it still exists. >> dana: i'm banning the phrase kid. if you are 18 years old in the united states and you go and volunteer to fight for our military you are a man. if you are a terrorist or you aid or abet a terrorist at 18 years old. i don't care if you are 18, 19, or 20. you are a terrorist. they don't deserve to be called kids. >> eric: whatever they did aiding or abetting after the fact how is it less than a crime. >> that's by i like you are either with us or against us. >> that's the point they are making. >> that's more severe. charged with after the fact which means the maximum, i
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believe is five years. >> so far but, listen. >> those are minor charges, you are right. the ones they are hitting them with. >> bad students. with friends like these. >> i want you now, he gets a text from this guy, this bombing taken place. by the way will you go into my dorm room and get rid of my computer and this other stuff. and greg is right. the stuff at my house requires a lot more than that to make bombs. >> they were trying to help their friend. they pieced it together themselves which is so weird. no one even asked these guys to dispose of this. they did it on their own. that's how stupid they are. >> that's why i think it's not possible that they didn't have some sort of knowledge beforehand. because i'm older than they are. [ laughter ] >> you are a grandmother. >> i didn't know anything about vaseline. >> you nor kid, dana. >> if i saw fireworks and vas felony a backpack i don't know if i would put all those three things together. >> but you would stay for the weekend. [ laughter ]
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>> eric: does anyone think there should not be any sort of additional charges that we should throw out? >> dana: i think they should be held silently for a while. >> eric: did we have to give them miranda. >> dana: no. i agree. >> eric: get intel out of them. >> dana: send back to wherever they are go. to prison get know. refurbished the way congress wants. they want money to refurbish it. choose the cellblock from your country. we will make it just like the jails in your country. and you will get to go back there and you arrive from yemen, then you goat go to cellblock c that's a yemen prison. have fun. >> andrea: are you designing this prison. >> dana: i think it should be a good idea. day. >> greg: you should be the warden.
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>> bob: this is a breaking stories today. we learned about the brothers there is a lot to be learn about these guys. were they in fact muslims? my guess they were. if so, which mosque did they go to back home? were their parents radicalized against the united states? there is a lot of things here. i wouldn't assume for a moment that these were innocent students trying to help their buddies. >> andrea: can they be charged with conspiracy which would give same exposure than tsarnaev did? >> eric: people suggesting student visa thing put a halt and find out what is going on with the students violating visas. apparently one of these guys was violating his visa. >> greg: i was watching cnn. this was the crawl the little thing on the bottom. it said suspect quieter after receiving miranda rights. >> dana: oh, wow. >> greg: man drunker after
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getting drunk. >> dana: i thought the joke was when i was watching cnn. [ laughter ] >> what's at the gym. >> eric: coming up, is the obama administration hiding some important information on benghazi? you will hear fox news exclusive interview that suggests they just might be. we'll be right back with that.
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>> andrea: welcome back to the five. yesterday ed henry asked the administration whether whistle blowers from testifying about the benghazi terror attack on 9/11. >> there are people in your own state department saying that they have been blocked from coming forward. they survive the terror attack and they want to tell their story. will you help them come forward and say it once and for all. >> ed, i'm not familiar with this notion that anybody has been blocked from testifying. so, what i will do is i will find out what exactly you are referring to. >> hired an attorney because they are saying that they have been blocked from coming forward. >> i'm not familiar with it. >> andrea: jay carney was asked about it today. here is his response. >> benghazi happened a long time ago. we are unaware of any agency blocking an employee who would like to appear before congress to provide information related to benghazi. these allegations are part of an unfortunate pattern of spreading misinformation and politicizing this issue. anybody who wants to be heard by congress is is welcome to be heard by
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congress in our view. >> andrea: it happened a long time ago. that's how he opened. dana, that, to me, it really struck me. if this is how they treat. this not even a year but just a couple months ago four americans dead it happened a long time ago. >> dana: they have been trying to sweep this under the rug from the beginning. i have maintained that they should have initially either -- they needed to come clean on the talking points issue. on who pushed the video. who gave ambassador susan rice the bad information. and they owe it to these -- the families of these four americans who were killed to be upfront about it now, if he is saying that they are okay with them testifying, then let's have that hearing next week and darrell issa plans to have -- hold that hearing. i think the other thing that is surprising about that press conference thinking last night when president obama said i'm not aware of that allegation. so, one of our complaints has been that the mainstream media hasn't covered this story as much. but, these guys are supposed to be the social media geniuses of the universe.
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so, where this story has played out is actually on social media. so, i think that they did a poor job either -- they either did a poor job of preparing the president for the press conference or there is something fishy enough that it continues to raise concerns and questions to others. >> andrea: it is very fishy, eric, victoria tense toensing. she says they are playing games. the darrell issa sent a letter to john kerry we know we can confirm and still up to this show they have been giving her the run around at the state department. >> eric: the thought that the white house doesn't know that these people want to testify, the thought that any way, shame, or form unaware of what going on is laughable. it's disingenuous at best. outright lying to cover their own asses. seven months and no one in jail for benghazi meanwhile allegedly the perpetrator, the master minds are
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walking around libya free. and allegedly people know who he is. so go after him. go find him. >> and we do have that sound bite, actually. adam housley has done excellent reporting on this. here is the special ops guy who actually would not reveal his identity, revealing that information. >> if ambassador stevens' family knew that we were sitting on information about the people who killed their son, their brother, and we could look them as a government in the face then we're messing up. we're messing up. >> greg, so now fox news reporting they know who the suspect is. but the "new york times" knew hot suspect is they saw him drinking mango juice weeks later in a cafe. if the "new york times" can find him why can't we? >> talk about a brotherly bond. forget the terrorists, it's the media and the white house. media radicalized to obama.
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benghazi gets a shrug. a gay athlete gets a husmght that's how our media goes these days. if the story is too difficult, they avoid it. watergate, nixon lied, but nobody died. and benghazi, four dead, white house went to bed. >> andrea: bob, we know that this suspect as well as was in tunisia at a certain point that administration could have had him extradited, they didn't. at this point are you willing to say there has been some incompetence on the highest levels at the administration? >> bob: that goes without saying. i think first of all tunisias did not offer one two and i want to give them the benefit of the doubt. they have got this guy and identified him. trying to use him to find other people involved in this. that's the best hope i can get out of this. in terms of people testifying in front of the administration of course they can go forward and testify. are they going to give themselves in trouble for promotions for other things if they do it. a threat like that to somebody is in and ever
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itself against the law. this guy speaking with, you know, his voice covered up in darkness, i'm sure that he believes what he saw, but he still could come forward and i would be shocked if something were to happen to him and he didn't get a promotion that he wouldn't -- people wouldn't be all over about it. >> he is actually not one of the people who wants to testify. he claims that he knows that the perpetrator, the mastermind of the benghazi attack is free. he knows who he is and a lot of people do know it the actually people who want to come forward have been threatened saying, listen, if you do that. >> bob: how do we know that? >> andrea talked to one of their attorneys today for one. >> andrea: that's what their lawyer is saying. she has waited dana a cup peel weeks to go public with it. once she started noticing she was getting the run around she said i'm not keeping this quiet anymore. the president said i'm committed to getting to the bottom of this. then we hear this that they could be threatening and blocking. >> victoria toensing is not
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somebody who seeks a lot of publicity. she has writ years in the "wall street journal." she is an experienced department of justice lawyer. but for her to go public after feeling that frustrated after two weeks. that's why i'm saying there must be something to what she is saying if she would be willing to put herself out there. she is not a lawyer who likes to just get on television. >> bob: she is very tough lawyer. i would be surprised of if she doesn't decide to get pressure out there on them so it doesn't exist. victoria, i know her and i think she is quite a good lawyer it seems to me to be much more here than we know and we ought to be a little careful about speculating. >> greg: it really only is fox news that is calling these people whistle blowers. the rest of the media sees them as counter revolutionaries. >> andrea: don't don't go
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away. >> bob: may day. >> andrea: favorite holiday. is president obama lame duck three months into second term. some of the left wing sympathizers think so. we will tell you what they are saying when we come back.
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maureen dowd still says
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that he still hasn't learned to govern. the headline from national journal obama's worst day in office raises doubts will relevancy. larry sabato tweets obama's second term seems dead in the water. >> bob: bob yes. >> dana: what's the scoop on the democrats' side about yesterday's press conference? >> bob: i spoke to a friend of mine, who is still in the political consulting business, and i said what are you going to do about obama in the 14 midterm elections? and he said i can tell you what my candidates aren't going to do which is invite him to go out and campaign for us. having said that yank of a single president in their second term though has not had a bad midterm election year where they didn't want people to show up. bush had a little bit of that. >> dana: not in the first term, the second term. >> bob: second term. clinton did in the second term because of his various problems in the oval office. the -- but i think that this is -- every time a president gets reelected there is this smattering of
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irrelevancy. let's keep in mind he has one thing that is more powerful than anything else and that's a veto pen. >> if congress isn't passing any legislation. >> i'm sorry, greg. what's funny is is that he blamed congress in the speech yesterday. i'm not getting anything done because of those idiots on the republican side and the congress. everyone hates congress. remember ronald reagan reached across the aisle. he got things done with tipp o'neal. and clinton got things done with hastert. >> bob: that was first term. >> newt and hastert. but, the difference is that was leadership. and what president obama lacks is the leadership to say they might not agree with me but i'm still going to get stuff done. >> dana: interesting because he kept saying, greg, that they don't understand how that they have a job to do. but i actually think that principled opposition that is a job. >> greg: can i go back to the early stuff people like dana mill banks saying that the president is irrelevant. you have heard of the conspiratorial false flag. this is the media false
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fret. they set the stage for obama's defeat. oh my god all of a sudden he can rise from the asses like. >> andrea: what did you say? >> greg: ashes. >> bob: we missed the h. that's more afraid. >> greg: media asses as a phoenix. if you want to understand the nature of the contemporary america right now, the relationship between the media and obama and america, obama is anywhere near row and media is a fiddle and we are rome. >> dana: watch us burn. >> dana: let me ask andrea since she hasn't had a chance to talk. clean up on aisle 3 we have got a problem. or do think not care? >> andrea: i don't know if it's either of those two things. i don't know if they get he it, dana. i think they believe their own hype. if they wouldn't believe
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their own hype they wouldn't have sent him out yesterday as you said without a cogent message. you think he would call a press conference with something to say. he is coming off the heels of losing the gun control battle. you look back and think when do you really ever have that much juice? think about it. obama care was passed because nancy pelosi did that the president has not been convincing no matter how much he talks about these items he hasn't gotten them done. dana his agenda has been birth control and now basketball. if you look at that press conference yesterday. typically shuffles and runs out of that room and they ask him about the gay basketball player. oh, i will answer that question. >> dana: i got that one. >> he doesn't talk about the hard stuff. he doesn't want to talk about syria. he doesn't want to talk about the economy. he wants to do what he wants to do. >> dana: can i blow everybody's mind with a point before we go to the break. i have been warning them. this point is going to -- everybody is going to go oh, that's right. okay, ready? so in unison at the end of this. [drum roll] >> greg: let down by this
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dana. >> dana: a may 2005 social security effort fails for george w. bush, called a lame duck. guess what changed it in june of 2005 and made him immediately relevant again and it's going to happen with president obama. >> caramel popcorn? >> dana: good guess though, nice try. anybody else? >> ending a war. >> dana: june of 2005 something happened? >> eric: 12bg 5. wow, it wasn't a stimulus package. >> dana: here it comes sandra day o'connor announces refusing. immediately president obama is thrust into a supreme court nomination. if president obama has an opportunity to put a -- somebody on the court, his base will rally around him so quickly and he will be immediately relevant again. you will see that. >> greg: you did not blow my mind. >> dana: that's totally mind blowing. >> greg: poll here mind blowing? >> dana: yes, yes. greg greg look at them. >> dana: you guys just don't understand me. >> greg: america left to go to the bathroom.
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>> bob: one quick formula. the things you talk about major domestic issues of george bush was no child left behind was welfare reform for bill clinton. it was social security for ronald reagan. >> dana: i have got to go or we will get in trouble. next on the five why would the pentagon invite a man speaks out religious tolerance greg has got that short story ahead.
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♪ ♪ >> greg: let's start by quoting creepy man quote today we face incredibly well-funded gangs of
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fundamentalists christian monsters who terrorize their fellow americans by forcing their weapon niced and twisted version of vision yant upon their subordinates in our nation's armed forces. now is that from a radical imam or islamic militant? no those words came from mikey weinstein invite to the pentagon to consult on religious tolerance. this nut who calls conservative christians monstrosities runs the military religious freedom foundation which embraces anti-christianity as one of the few prejudices left. maybe he has been tapped by the pentagon to stop all those christian bombings. the story was ignored except as points out a tongue kiss by sally quinn at "the washington post" where the people quoted in the article actually equated preaching with rape. look, when president obama brought up self-radicalization. i thought he meant it was
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bad. with benghazi, fort hood, the 100 granted benefits to terrorists now this as muslim supremist seem to blow us up the government rewards them. maybe i'm missing the point is it possible that labeling christians as feigns he was looking to reward them. are american christians now in line for free stuff, respect and admiration on the huffington post. maybe if i declare myself radicalized will a pop star think i'm cute? remember the story babysitters tormented by a creep calling her on the phone. the scary part comes when she realizes the calls are coming from inside the house. america is that house and the phone won't stop ringing. it's time to answer that call. you know, dana, in the process of doing this story while you were taking a long nap, i got statements from the pentagon, the air force and, again, i guess that was from the air force saying that this happens a lot. people request meetings. it doesn't mean they endorse it. >> i think that that's probably right. this is not something that our military was proposing.
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or i think it's wrong to even say consulted. this guy was asking for a meeting. you invite stakeholders in. it's america. can you come in and state your -- have your statement and then get out of here. that's what they were doing. >> greg: i have got to ask bob. this guy loves the m word monster or monstrous. that's all he calls christians. doesn't that make him a religious bigot. isn't he blinded by the fact that he is fighting islamophobia while doing christian phobia. >> bob: you use the word monster a lot too. >> only when describing you in a lovable way. >> bob: i think this is as dana point out. when i was in the white house too you have real fruit cakes come in there to make their pitch. >> dana: particularly the carter white house. >> bob: yeah, particularly the carter white house. there are maybe element of the christian movement on the very fringe but i think it's a little dangerous to be speaking about this as christian monsters is a
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pretty indictable offense as far as i'm concerned. and any time you use -- take a whole religion like christianity and you paint it in that kind of -- with was an incidence where the military was so indoctrinated in political correctness that that they could not identify even when he told them specifics how he was going to kill. they did nothing about it so i'm wondering if he can get a meeting. can we get a meeting? >> dana: yeah. >> andrea: why doe wasn't ask for one. >> greg: the five? >> andrea: yeah. >> eric: great idea. wasn't it homeland security after the one point a couple years ago put out on -- what to watch out for on terror look for right wing religious extremists? didn't they do that? i believe they did. >> bob: there are a lot of religious extremists. >> andrea: yes. they are blowing up marathons every single day. >> bob: talking about islamists in that group? >> andrea: you cannot compare the two religions, i'm sorry. >> bob: not compare.
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i thought you were talking about islamists. >> eric: kind of dovetails into what this guy is saying we should be pushing. should be locking the door on the oval office rather than letting this guy in. >> bob: you don't equate it with all these other people. christian sects you go to west virginia and go to a snake service some day and you will see. >> greg: they don't lay snakes along a marathon route. >> bob: how do you know? >> greg: you are just asking questions, right? >> bob: yes, i am. >> greg: did you hear that martha stewart is looking for love on we might be able to hook her up here. should she and bachelor bob give her a try. tell you if she is lucky next. the poor lucky woman. ♪ what about love? don't don't you want somebody to care about you. blsh you're on timeout leo!
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some things won't last 25 years. ah! woof! some things will.
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some things won't last 25 years. ah! woof! some things will.
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>> bob: welcome back to the typical e block. martha stewart is looking for love and signed up for a dating web site. take a look at. this do you like dating? >> oh yeah, love it. >> do you really. >> yes. i have been thinking about going on >> are you serious? >> you have agreed to take this to the next step and allow us along with sam and dan -- >> -- in the spirit of adventure. because i am an adventurer. >> what are you looking for in a relationship. >> i would like to have breakfast with snget i would like to go to bed with somebody. sleep with somebody. >> i think it would be very popular online dater. [ laughter ] >> bob: okay. now, a few people, my friends here, have suggested that i might get on and look up martha stewart. before i give you my comments. what do you think? >> i will just couple things she was looking for someone who is intelligent. check. established, check. curious, check. relishes adventure, check. can teach me a few things, check, check. young active perfect match. >> eric, she is not check
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so he won't. >> bob: dana, what do you think? what advice would you give me. >> i have had advice from the white house today. i think he should have called martha stewart and said i can make a love match for you picked one of his friends and think of the publicity he would have gotten for that i don't think he is going to recommend you. >> no, i don't think so either. i think she might enjoy going out on a date with you. >> um-huh. okay. greg, what do you think? >> she used to -- she has a magazine called martha stewart living. after dating you it would be called martha stewart, please kill me. [ laughter ] >> dying. >> bob: very good. [ laughter ] do you friend, what think? >> andrea: i don't agree, bob. i have seen so. ladies you have dated. she is 50 years too old. she is american. she could teach you how to bake your own pastries and you wouldn't have to eat the ones in the groom green
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room. quick question is the beckel foreign exchange student getting shut down with this whole. >> bob: no, i have excluded foreign students. let me make -- >> andrea: just wondering. >> bob: first of all she is 50 years old for me. here is her interest, she says cooking, gardening, landscaping, museums, antiquing. now, i have about as much interest in those as i do getting a bad case of the flu. plus the fact everything she would -- the place would be too clean number one and secondly she would have flowers everywhere and remind me flashback to the 60's. >> eric: could i add one more thing? >> bob: what's that. >> eric: she is a billionaire. >> bob: i thought they took her money when she went to prison. >> eric: fair share and unionize her workers. >> bob: very liberal by the way. that part of it i would give her credit for. all right. one more thing and not that is up next.
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>> time for one more thing. i will explain why i like the guy. even though my conservative friends don't like me liking the guy. chris christy and the money he secured. >> any knuckle head neighbor. you sign thatiesment and christie is building showers for people and bathroom and hot dog stand and before you know it is a dairy queen and it will be unbelievable. let me use a word that is indelicate here. i see children here and cover their ears.
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([bleep]) that's what it is. >> i like the guy. you look at it that's what the republican party needs. i'm sorry. >> i agree. you know the bills he gets on his desk. he has a total bum rap and he is a good republican governor in a blue state and i agree, chris christy, you are awesome. >> he had pushed projects so. >> yes, you are awesome, governor. jay leno had a funny joke. >> president obama held a press conference earlier today and still wants to close the guantanamo bay prison facility, but he doesn't know what he should do it. declare it a maul business and push it out of business. one month and it would be out of there. >> now nbc is sure to let him
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go. >> i spoke last week about doing a hiatus on muslim student visas and this is not an i told you so because of the two guys who were picked up in potential suspects. the point is taken, there is a lot of muslims here who are not identified or somewhere in the country and we need to take a hard look at that. those of you who are critical of the tv personality. can i ask you to consider what i suggest is a policy that might make sense. >> i thought that jasper was with my sitter, taking care of him. he might have been with bob. where else would he learn take a look. this morning, come out and find out he got into all of the money and holding a five dollar bill bob. >> that is. >> he playing poker?
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>> never mind. >> he's a good boy. >> i can't get enough of the jasper picture. can we do a hole hour of jasper. >> i have some good ones. >> you are disgusting. >> all right phrase. disingenuous. you are trying poop face. >> what is the poop fasnatation? >> that is. what is disingenuous mean? >> most people don't kno what it means. >> i think you are disingenious when you take a picture of jasper. they are staged like the moon landing. >> we have to go. >> stick around. special report is up next
12:00 am
welcome to "red eye." it is like the girl with the dragon tattoo if by tattoo you mean hidden adams apple and strong, caring arms. let's go to tv's andy levy for a pre game report. what is coming up on tonight's show? >> coming u didn't nba player jason collins give his exfiancee a heads up when he came out earlier this week? we will find out. just kidding, it is just the panel talking about it. and is america held hostage by the tear raw thee of political correctness? and finally three students are arrested for helping dzhokhar tsarnaev cover his tracks after the boston marathon


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