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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  May 2, 2013 3:00am-6:01am PDT

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world. givers and takers. if you're a giver and your partner is a taker, then get out of it. thanks everybody who responded to that. >> "fox & friends" starts right now. have a great day. >> good morning. today is thursday, may 2. i'm alisyn camerota in for gretchen this morning. >> they did not call police. instead they helped them hide. these three men charged with covering up the boston bomber trail. this morning disturbing new text messages revealed. >>steve: a breakthrough in the terror attacks in benghazi. indifference from the white house. >> benghazi happened a long time ago. >>steve: really? a long time ago. why this may all be part of a coverup strategy. we're going to discuss
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that. >>brian: police going after the -- p.c. police going after the actual police for the way they're describing suspects saying black or white, boy or girl is no longer crept. do descriptors really discriminate? up next. >>steve: if we had to use a descriptor for today's show it would be? >>alisyn: we have a lot of interesting stuff. >>brian: normally alisyn walks right by us unless she's on the show. this time we can talk to her. >>steve: she's going to talk to us for three hours today. >>alisyn: you're lucky. here is new information. because their friend was on tv accused of bombing the boston marathon, so they tried to cover his tracks.
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his three buddies of dzhokhar tsarnaev are charged with hiding evidence after the boston attacks. >> we are learning a lot this morning about text messages sent between dzhokhar tsarnaev and his alleged accomplices while tsarnaev was on the run, including an exchange between dias and tsarnaev sent about three hours after the f.b.i. released the photo. >> tsarnaev was texted and told he looked like the man on television. tsarnaev said you better not text me anddom my room and take whatever you want. kadyrbayev said when he went to tsarnaev's room and
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saw fireworks in a backpack with the powder emptied out, he knew tsarnaev was involved in the bombing. so to help him avoid trouble, kadyrba why ev and two others removed the bag and threw it away off campus. there are also very big questions this morning about why the suspect was even allowed in this country because he left school on january 4, which should have invalidated his student visa. but he reentered the country two weeks later on january 20 and officials said the customs agent didn't know the school reported he left. now the two kazak suspects are due back in court on may 14. the american is due back in court in boston on monday. >>steve: it sounds like what they did was, the guys were looking in the dorm
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room, took it out to the garbage, truck picked it up the next day. amazingly they found it. >>brian: they took it out of a dorm room, took it to his new bedford apartment. he knew exactly what to do with the backpack, the explosives. they decided, they knew he was guilty. this is clear -- wasn't clear in the very beginning. they decided let's try to cover his tracks even though technically he wasn't asked to cover tracks. now some are making excuses saying they are new to the country. they don't know our rules and laws. they were being loyal to the bomber. are you kidding me? are you going to let that fly? >>alisyn: we know a little bit more about the two from kazakhstan. an image of a license plate was seen. we now know it belongs to these two.
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some say they have a lot of money. they appear loaded. always in sports cars. he had a bmw which he wrecked and the next day showed up with a new bmw. some people said where did the money come from for this attack and for -- the older tsarnaev brother's way of life. he had fancy clothes, a fancy life in some ways. we know he was on welfare. we know these guys, their friends, had some money. >>steve: we heard live from boston that the family itself got public assistance to the tune of over $100,000 for the year, so they did have money. maybe this does explain where the money came from. apparently this one kid, kadybraev wound up with three beamers. according to some, they liked attention. apparently that area they'reed they'reed from in
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kazakhstan has been transformed by oil and a number of parents send their kids to american universities. the father of the kid said that license plate has nothing to do with the fact that he likes to stay up late and party and it was a gag gift from some of his friends from spain. >>brian: everybody knows that's the perfect name for someone who likes to party. terrorista. >>alisyn: if you grew up in the 1990's, you will remember this song. ♪ jump, jump ♪ the mack daddy ♪ make you ♪ jump, jump >>alisyn: the mack daddy will make you. i remember it well. this morning sad news about one half of the rap duo, kris kross dead at 34. he died of an apparent drug
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overdose. they were formed in 1991 after being discovered in a shopping mall. >> in seattle a may day protest turns into mayhem. police used pepper spray to break up unruly demonstrators. in return the crowd began chucking rocks, bottles and lit fireworks at police. eight officers were hurt. >> two planes preparing for takeoff did not make it off the ground because they clipped each other instead. this happened at newark airport in new jersey. the left wing of one plane clipped the tail of another. both jets went back to their gates. no one was hurt but the accident delayed flights for 45 minutes. the f.a.a. is looking into what caused this. >> a justice department appealing the decision to let 15-year olds get the
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morning-after pills. the f.d.a. not only lowered the age of which people can buy plan b but decided the pills could be sold on drug store shelves instead of being locked behind pharmacy counters. >>brian: this week we saw adam housely sit down with one of the special operators who witnessed the raid in benghazi, the battle that lasted eight hours, the first phase of which ended after the first few hours where no help came on the way. we finally got our firsthand account even though they are in sill wet with their voices changed. it may seem like a long time ago but it was only september 11 when the benghazi raid took place and think about how unprecedented the killings were. four americans killed, including our ambassador. the first time in decades we lost a u.s. ambassador of the nation. yesterday jay carney was asked about this. he said that happened a
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long time ago. is there any coincidence with these whistle-blowers coming forward and the fact that the white house released images of three separate would-be terrorists -- people of interest -- on that benghazi raid that happened all that time ago? here are the three photos. if you see them, find them and turn them in. >>alisyn: what took so long? why are we only now seeing these photos of people that the f.b.i. want to question? they say that they were on site during the attacks. why now, seven months later when we've had these pictures for a long time? >>steve: let me connect some dots. that is the first public evidence from the probe in seven and a half months. it comes just a day or two after. brian, you pointed it out. fox news ran an interview with the special operator who was on the ground who said we know who the mastermind is and he's walking free over there. jay carney was needled about this benghazi thing. he wants it to go away but
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it won't. here it is. >> benghazi happened a long time ago. we're not ware -- aware of any agency who blocked an employee who would like to appear before congress. the state department said they are not aware of any security requests in connection with the benghazi investigation. what you have is an attorney saying she represents somebody, claiming that she's not getting the security clearance. and yet, the agencies involved have no information about that at all. so, you know, which falls into the broader story, allegations are part of an unfortunate pattern of spreading this information. >>steve: let's talk about spreading misinformation. who spreads misinformation in the very beginning? the white house. it was the white house who said, look, obviously it was a protest. some of the images that the f.b.i. released yesterday, does that look -- do those
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guys look like protesters? one of the guys seems to have a gun. also the white house sent out susan rice to say what she did. charles krauthammer said this is part of the administration's strategy. seven and a half months is a long time when you play the waiting game. >> benghazi happened a long time ago? that's the definition of chutzpah. this administration which has stonewalled every inquiry and delayed answers and not released names and told all kind of stories are now saying, well, it's an old story. i have argued from the beginning, the administration strategy has always been string it out over time and count on the media, the mainstream media to be uninterested in this story. that worked up until now. it echoes what hillary clinton said at her hearing. what difference does it make at this point? well, because if you wait
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that long, the evidence will fade. >>alisyn: there are two separate issues here, both of them troubling. one is there are some whistle-blowers who say there is some sort of coverup. we need to get to the bottom of that. more importantly, where is the justice? somebody would attack our consolates, our u.s. technically soil, our ambassadors and there is no one arrested, no one charged? there was a guy in tunesia, i guess, who would held for awhile and now he's out. where is the justice? we know what they are capable of after the boston bombings, the f.b.i. look at how they got those pictures from surveillance cameras immediately from the public to help locate and find these suspects. we know the f.b.i. can do it overnight. where's the justice? >>brian: i'm not sure. i know this. it took them way too long to get on the ground. meanwhile reporters were
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walking around finding evidence. >>steve: the good news is darrell issa is promising new facts and details that the administration has been trying to suppress at his hearings next week. >>brian: straight ahead, she was declared dead, vanishes without a trace. this morning a missing mother for a decade has been turned up alive. we'll look into that. you won't believe where she's been and what she has to say for herself. >>steve: we told you about that shocking poll where many say they don't know obamacare exists. know obamacare exists. more on that. [ female announcer ] new lean cuisine salad additions.
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>>steve: from wars in the middle east to nuclear weapons perhaps in north korea and china owning a lot of our debt, america faces countless threats around the world. but what if we could fix all these problems without leaving our shores? we have the president of the council of foreign relations, and he says our national security depends on how we handle things back home, including the bills. he joins us live. good morning to you. if we want to be strong around the world, we've got to be strong at home first? >> absolutely.
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for the united states to lead in the world, we need to have capacity, resources whether economic, military -- you name it. sure there's all sorts of threats out there, but the biggest threat is ourselves, the fact that the economy is growing less than half its historical rate. we're not restoring the basis of american power. >>steve: what are we doing wrong? >> how much time do we have? >>steve: three minutes. >> we've got to get our fiscal trajectory on a course where our debt gets in line. we've got to expand trade. >>steve: the administration doesn't get that. >> people say there is not enough bipartisanship. there is actually too much bipartisanship. both parties are to blame. we need to move ahead with trade agreements, better k-12 schools. get talented people not just educated here, let them stay here. they will innovate. >>steve: right now we've got this terrible situation in syria. a lot of people around the world are going if anybody is going to do something,
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it will be the united states. >> things like syria are one square on a global chess board. we've got to ask ourselves what can we accomplish there? i would say not that much. second of all, how is it we look at syria against the backdrop of everything else? we've got to worry about iran, china. we've got to put it against the context of the resources we need to devote here. if we devote them here, we'll be better able to deal with challenges there. >>steve: were we right to get involved in libya? >> for me, no. >>steve: what about iraq? >> it was a war of choice that i think was ill advised. >>steve: what about afghanistan? >> we were right in the beginning. where i think we went wrong in stpeug under this administration was -- went wrong in afghanistan under this administration was to triple our force levels. >>steve: we've got to be smart with what we do with our resources?
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>> stop overreaching abroad and underperforming at home. >>steve: he has written "foreign policy begins at home." we face threats from all sorts of countries. it is time to take a look at how we're keeping the store. 20 minutes after the top of the hour. coming up, a new bill wants to ban police from using descriptions to track criminals. is that giving the bad guys more rights than the good guys? plus, jennifer aniston's wedding plans hit a major roadblock. oh no! and angelina jolie gets the blame. blame. i'm kidding.
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>>alisyn: 24 minutes after the hour. time for quick headlines. michigan police continue to question people in the dis appearance of jessica heeringa, the mom who worbd at a gas station. a man was pulled over and brought in last night but has since been released. police also releasing more surveillance video of the minivan they think belong to the suspect. >> the navy is unveiling a new squadron of drones today at the naval air station, north island base in california. let's go to brian. >>brian: the p.c. police going after the actual police for the way they are describing suspects. chances are you've heard officers say they're looking for a guy or girl who may be black or could
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be white. but a new law in new york city would ban them from stopping suspects based on descriptions alone. how would that disturb the job and make the job harder for detectives like rod wheeler, a former detective. he's joining us this morning. rob, you can't say white male running away with somebody's purse. black male running the other way with somebody's car? >> that's right, you can't do it according to this law. they call it the community safety act in the city of new york. actually i think it does everything but keep the community safe. i can tell you, brian, a lot of police departments as well as a lot of community groups oppose this crazy law. it's really ridiculous. here's the thing so the viewers understand. apparently in some precincts in the city of new york they have an issue with some renegade cops overstepping their boundaries in terms of stopping suspects. we get that. but there's ways to deal with that, and the way not to deal with that is by not handicapping the entire police force restricting
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them from making stops that are good stops. >>brian: you can't say there's a cross-dressing pickpocket at times square. go get her or him? you cannot say things like that. you can't say anything about race? you can't say anything about color? you can't talk about religion, ethnicity? >> right. >>brian: how do you describe? a human being is running away with my wallet? >> it sound ridiculous because it is ridiculous. you can say the person was a male. you can say that the suspect was a female. it's -- if the person walks with a limp, you cannot say that physical attribute about that individual because that could be considered profiling. it has to be one of the most ridiculous laws i've heard of. >>brian: what kind of power does a police force like the nypd have when politicians try to be politically correct? >> unfortunately they don't have a lot of power. police officers, in the
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city of new york, they do a terrific job. are there issues and problems? yes there are all across the country, not just the city of new york. there are ways internally we can deal with those issues but you don't handicap, you don't handcuff the police officers with a law that is as barbaric as i've seen. >>brian: there is a big debate here about stop and frisk. commissioner kelly say it's keeping some people alive. some african-american parents are out raged. they say it's profiling. where do you stand? >> the data is clear that the city of new york as well as all metropolitan areas across this country, the crime rate has dropped significantly. it's not only because of the community being involved, but it's because the police officers, i think, are doing a better professional job. i think overall we're doing a great job. are there problems? yes, there are. but this kind of law takes us a step back and it is not a law that's good for the betterment of all
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people. >>brian: it was good as one male to talk to another male to talk about things in a generic way. i appreciate, detective wheeler, you joining us. >> next, a word for all you women getting dressed right now. new details about what's in your lipstick and it's not pretty. >> we showed you this shocking poll. many americans don't know obamacare exist. that's just the beginning of what people don't know. think you're smarter than that? that? stick around. look what mommy is having. mommy's having a french fry. yes she is, yes she is. [ bop ]
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[ male announcer ] could've had a v8. 100% vegetable juice, with three of your daily vegetable servings in every little bottle.
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>> a scary moment for vice president joe biden the other day. a trip to the high country for vice president joe biden in air force 2 has run into problems. after landing the plane's engine sucked in debris and had to be grounded. unfortunately because of sequestration cuts, this is how the vice president had to get home. >>steve: hilarious. you could be one of a large number of americans who have no idea who joe biden is. >>alisyn: 41% of americans cannot identify the sitting vice president according to a pew forum poll. that's from 2010. maybe by now they know who joe biden is. >>steve: here's an easy way to remember it's joe
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biden. who is the guy who is vice president? he's the guy biding his time to one day be president. >>brian: we should not need name tricks in order to name the vice president. >>steve: we told folks a couple of days ago -- what is it? 42% of americans did not know that obamacare was the law of the land. that's sad. >>alisyn: but there's more. 41% from the pew poll couldn't identify the vice president probably from a picture. then there's also -- >>brian: 46% cannot name a supreme court justice. >>alisyn: 44% of americans did not know president barack obama's religion according to a 2012 gallup poll. 26% don't know from which country the united states won its independence. >>steve: come on. >>alisyn: that is from a 2010 poll. everyone knows it's bulgaria. >>brian: a heck of a job
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beating them in their red coats. >>alisyn: come on. >>alisyn: why do you think -- >>steve: why do you think so many people know so little. in the run-up to the election we heard the low-information voter, they're just paying attention now and seeing the tv ad and going i like that go. >>brian: tweet us at "fox & friends." why do you think so many people tpho so -- so many people know so little? >>steve: i don't know. we're going to send somebody out to do a man on the street interview. >>brian: let's not use gender. let's just say we're going to send a human being out on the street to talk to other humans. >>steve: you're trying to use as few descriptors as possible? >>brian: that's it. i think we should be identified by gender, height and weight. >>steve: that was an interesting interview. >>alisyn: the absurdity
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of both. >>brian: that i would be chosen to do the interview. >>alisyn: no. >>steve: we've been doing the show for 16 years, first time i've heard anybody described as a cross-dressing pickpocket on times square. any way, 25 minutes before the top of the hour. we've got headlines. she was missing for 11 years, even declared dead at one point. you know what? she turned up alive. brenda heist approached police in florida and explained she abandoned her two kid in the spur of the moment leaving behind her old life in pennsylvania to become a bum. she wandered from place to place, eating out of garbage cans. she was going through a divorce at the time and her then-husband was considered a suspect in her disappearance. >> there were people in the neighborhood who would not allow their children to play with my children because of what they perceived i might be. >>steve: that's the
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ex-husband. heist went on to tell the cops that she within the to the cops because she was at the end of her rope and she was tired of running, and now her story is out, and she is alive. >>brian: got some mental problems there. new information about the woman charged with spiking bottles of juice with poison and putting them in display case in starbucks. she is a trained chemist. police in california say the 50-year-old works for johnson and johnson. she is refusing to tell police why she allegedly put the bottles there. >>alisyn: it turns out that lipstick might make you look good but could have ugly side effects. there is a new study that said 32 common lipsticks and lip glosses have lead in them, chromium, aluminum and other metals. some are potentially toxic.
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chromium is a carcinogen that leads to stomach tumors. the study was done at university of california berkeley. >>steve: the high price of beauty. >>brian: watch who you make out with. >>steve: okay, brian, i will. did jennifer aniston put her marriage on hold because of brangelina? sources say the actress pushed back her summer wedding to avoid overlap with brad and angelina's big day. >>brian: i can't deal with another jennifer aniston break-up. as a country, we can't be put through that again. >>alisyn: i agree. >>steve: so few people know joe biden is vice president but everybody knows what's going on with brangelina. >>brian: let me tell you
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what's happening in sports. what's the real reason tim tebow did not work out with the new york jets? tebow's release from the jets has owners and players weighing in. you've got the owner woody johnson saying it was a weird situation for tebow to be in. defensive end justin tuck said tebow didn't fit in and needed to be somewhere where he could help the team win games. imagine the chicago cubs not playing at wrigley field. the owner says he would consider moving the team to a new field if his plan for a 6,000 square foot video board is not approved. he said he needs the advertising to fund renovation without costing taxpayers a dollar. local owners say the video board will block their view from the rooftops where they sell seats for fans to watch the games. rick parliamentary inquiry inquiry -- rick pitino
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appearing at the racetrack. he has a tattoo now. five to one odds to win saturday's race. anna kooiman will be there listen to kilmeade and friends. the new york knicks could not take out the boston celtics hast night. highlights next hour. >>steve: we've got highlights on the weather. may flowers will have to wait in colorado. snow and freezing temperatures causing multiple accidents. black ice blamed for a lot of those fender benders. let's go to maria molina on the streets of new york city. >> good morning. good to see you. good morning everyone.
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we're talking significant snowfall occurring across sections of colorado and even up into parts of minnesota. there are reports that as much as 28 inches of snow fell along sections of colorado. incredible stuff to be seeing snow coming down on may 2. temperatures very cold. 15 is what it feels like in denver. feels like 32 in minneapolis. feels like 16 in garden city. this front is headed east. areas in texas will be looking at chilly temperatures. dallas, you're not going to make it out of the 50's this afternoon. 40's for kansas city. meanwhile, new york city not bad. 73 degrees for your high temperature. still looking at snow across parts of colorado and even as far south as parts of the texas panhandle. we're seeing snow from parts of oklahoma into sections of the upper great lakes. wisconsin, you're included. another big story is an area of low pressure producing very heavy rain across parts of the gulf coast.
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we're talking ten inches of rain that fell across parts of alabama. there are flood warnings out here. big concern and more rain expected over the next several days as well as snow. take a look at forecast totals. we're talking maybe a foot in parts of iowa. back inside. >>steve: april showers bring may blizzards. >>alisyn: i can tell a man wrote this piece. >>steve: why? >>alisyn: coming up, why do women claim they're cold more often than men? not why are women colder or feel cold. dr. marc siegel from the fox medical a team will set the record straight. >>steve: people thought we make that stuff up. it's written down.
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>>brian: the morning-after pill. judge andrew napolitano is ♪ [ male announcer ] pain not sitting too well? burning to feel better? itching for relief?
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delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long-term injury, seek immedte medical hel for an erection lasting more than 4 hours. if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, or if you have any allergic reactions such as rash, hives, swelling of the lips, tongue or throat, or difficulty breathing or swallowing, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. ask your doctor about cialis for daily use and a 30-tablet free trial. from the united states postal service a small jam maker can ship like a big business. just go online to pay, print and have your packages picked up for free. we'll do the rest. ♪ some changes you liked. and some you didn't. come back to see us. we listened to you. now we'd love to see you. ♪
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the wright brothers became the first in flight. [ goodall ] i think the most amazing thing is how like us these chimpanzees are. [ laughing ] [ woman ] can you hear me? and you hear your voice? oh, it's exciting! [ man ] touchdown confirmed. we're safe on mars. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ hi. [ baby fussing ] ♪
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>>steve: quick headlines from the control room. how is this for saying "we screwed up"? >> it's no secret. recently j.c. penney changed. some changed you liked and some you didn't. >>steve: j.c. penney's ad trying to win back unhappy customers. customers left after coupons were done away with out of the local paper and established clothing brands were cut as well. now they say we're sorry. >> one from the stupid criminal file. two guys in a ladies room in a movie theater found themselves busted. the two peeping toms fell through the ceiling. they climbed through the men's bathroom and crawled to the women's bathroom. they thought they were geniuses until they came crashing down. ali, to you and the judge. >>alisyn: there is a major showdown shaping up in washington over the plan b morning h-f an -- plan b
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morning-after pill. last night the president's department of justice filed an appeal getting right into the middle of this controversy. now states are considering stepping in with their plan b laws of their own. joining us to sort this out is fox news judicial analyst judge andrew napolitano. >> you never give me the easy ones. >>alisyn: no. i think the constitution did not spell out how to deal with plan b pills but does it give us guidance? >> the constitution keeps the power in the states to regulate for health, safety, welfare and morality. the congress also has given congress the power to regulate interstate commerce. these two things are clark. congress set up the f.d.a., and the f.d.a. -- the food and drug administration -- stkaoeuts what drugs we can -- decides what drugs we can take and who can take them. the f.d.a. says girls as
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young as 15 can take the morning-after pill. states say we don't want to encourage 15-year olds to have sex. we think they should be older. so you have the right of the states to protect the morality of young women versus the right of the f.d.a. to decide who can take the drugs, and they're going to clash and clash in a federal courtroom and a federal judge will make this decision. >>alisyn: the recent decision by a judge was the plan b pill could be sold over the counter. >> over the counter at any age. that is a very controversial decision. that is the one you indicated in the introduction, the justice department is going to appeal. you have a federal -- you have lawyers for the federal government appealing this decision by this federal judge saying you've got to draw a line somewhere. and you have lawyers for the federal government saying to the state, you keep out; we'll decide. >>alisyn: how is this going to end up in terms of the state? will every state make its
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own decision about how plan b will be disseminated and to whom? >> that's how the states would like it, but it ultimately will be up to the supreme court. is there one size fits all declared by the f.d.a. no matter what the states want, no matter what the level of morality or need for education is? or can this be done state by state? because the constitution retains to the states the power to make these decisions. that decision, that dilemma will be decided by the supreme court. your new friend, justice antonin scalia, with whom you had dinner with recently, i'm so jealous, will have to way in on this. >>alisyn: yahoo's c.e.o. sparked controversy when she banned employees from working from home. this time she's creating
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controversy over maternity leave. how long is the right amount of time? we report, you decide. plus do you hold your breath when you have the hiccups? does it work? dr. marc siegel is here dr. marc siegel is here with fact versus fiction. [ female announcer ] new lean cuisine salad additions. bring your own lettuce. byol. and we'll dress it up with grilled chicken. crunchy veggies. fruits, dressings and crispy noodles. new lean cuisine salad additions. just byol. find us in frozen. i don'without goingcisions to angie's list first. just byol. you'll find reviews on home repair to healthcare written by people just like you. with angie's list, i know who to call, and i know the results will be fantastic. angie's list -- reviews you can trust.
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>>steve: why do women claim i'm cold more often than the guys do? >>brian: some think because guy's bodies run at a cooler temperature. >>steve: but dr. marc siegel says it is one of medical myths. men's body temperatures are colder than women's?
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true or false? >> that is a myth. maryland researchers have shown that women have .4 degrees warmer body core temperatures because they have more body fat. slightly more insulation, more body fat. .4 degrees warmer. but their hands are about two to three degrees colder. they don't tolerate the cold as well because of the extremities. >>steve: women are hotter except their hands? >>brian: your stomach and your throat feeling when you're on a roller coaster? >> when you're riding on a roller coaster, you feel like your insides are coming up your throat. it is actually your intestines shifting. your vital organs are stapled down. they ain't moving. but your intestines are flopping around so when you're on a roller coaster, you feel them going up. >>steve: if you hold your breath, you can lose your
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hiccups. >> it actually works. it's a fact. don't hold it too long, guys out there. not more than a couple of seconds. or take a deep breath and hold it -- >>steve: holding your breath does work? >> right. the co2 is acid -- the carbon die dioxide is acidic. >>brian: your teeth shifts even if you had braces as a teen? >> that's true. there is a genetic factor. it has to do with grinding your teeth. there are several reasons your teeth shift as you get older. >>steve: how about -- >> on tv, we fix them. >>steve: at room temperature, room temperature coffee tastes bad because of our taste buds? >> that's actually true. cuban researchers looked at this. there's two or three. hot coffee actually
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suppresses those bitter taste buds. when coffee is hot, it is more aromatic. the smell affects the taste. as it cools off, you realize what it's really like. it ain't tasting as good as you think. >>brian: that's the first cuban research i've seen emerge. you've got to go to a communist nation to get that fact. fantastic. >>steve: dr. marc siegel, thank you very much. >>brian: do you carry on your luggage to avoid baggage fees? don't bother. one airline now charging. will more follow suit? plus, couples who work out together stay together. we're going to explain why those happy couples could be together forever. >>brian: i think one is getting married.
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>>steve: including anna kooiman. kooiman. kooiman is in the middle.s, yes. [ bop ] [ male announcer ] could've had a v8. 100% vegetable juice, with three of your daily vegetable servings i had[ designer ]eeling enough of just covering up my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. i decided enough is enough. ♪ [ spa lady ] i started enbrel. it's clinically proven to provide clearer skin. [ rv guy ] enbrel may not work for everyone -- and may not clear you completely, but for many, it gets skin clearer fast, within 2 months,
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and keeps it clearer through 6 months. [ male announcer ] enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal events, including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, nervous system and blood disorders, and allergic reactions have occurred. before starting enbrel, your doctor should test you for tuberculosis and discuss whether you've been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. you should not start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. tell your doctor if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if you have symptoms such as persistent fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness. if you've had enough, ask your dermatologist about enbrel.
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>> good morning, everyone. today is thursday, may 2, i'm alisyn camerota in for gretchen this morning of the they did not call the police and instead, these guys allegedly helped the boston bombers get away. three men now charged and this morning the disturbing text messages between all of them revealed. >> brian: a major breakthrough on the terrorist attack in benghazi and it comes just hours after a government whistle blower turned up on fox news. but why bother? even looking into it so long ago? >> benghazi happened a long time ago. >> brian: right. he can talk as much as he wants, but it's time for me to talk now. a long time ago. why this may be part of a cover-up strategy. >> steve: and surprise, it's
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president bush. >> do we know who this is? >> steve: that's awesome. george w. making the day for the first visitors to his presidential library at smu down in dallas. "fox & friends" hour two for thursday starts right now, y'all ♪ going to the chapel ♪ . >> brian: anna kooiman is here. >> steve: they're all paired up. we're looking for another person. >> gretchen: is >> this is really just a workout. >> steve: believe me, marriage is a workout. >> steve: it's good for your soul. people who work out together stay together.
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>> anna looks fantastic. that looks like a hard workout. >> brian: how many people here got married in a tuxedo shirt? >> steve: we're going to find out all about that as we travel outside. we thank you very much for joining us on this thursday morning. ali is in today for gretchen. >> great to be with you guys. >> brian: the only thing to add to the workout is a lot of couples need the time away for each other. >> steve: people should work out just at different gyms? >> brian: that's what i'm thinking. you weigh in. >> let's get to your headlines and tell you what else is happening at this hour. if you grew up in the '90s, you no doubt will remember this song. ♪ jump, jump ♪ . >> this was a great song and this morning there is sad news
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about one half of the rap duoriss kross. chris kelly dead. new video out of seattle where a protest turned into complete mayhem. police used pepper spray to break up dozens of unruly demonstrators. the crowd threw rocks, bottles and lit fireworks at police. police arrested 18 people. eight officers were hurt during this. two planes clipped each other's wings in newark airport. the left wing of the scandinavian airline plane clipped the tale of the united express jet. both planes went back to the gate. the passengers were forced off. no one was hurt.
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the accident did delay flights for 45 minutes. the faa is looking into what caused this mess. the george w. bush library is open for business and the first students selected to tour it got quite a surprise. >> do we know who this is? >> i'm not sure those little guys in front were alive when george w. bush was the president. the 43 students were taking pictures in the replica oval office when george w. bush himself stopped by. the kindergarten through 12th graders were chosen by school administrators. two had visited all 13 presidential museums in america. well done. >> brian: i hear it's amazing. i think people are going to go there. three friends of the boston bombers busted for trying to cover up their crime. now we're finding out more, including disturbing texts between them and one that's revealed. peter doocy live in boston with
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more. hey, peter. >> hey, brian. we know when some of dzhokhar tsarnaev's alleged accomplices recognized him on the news in that f.b.i. surveillance video that was taken here on boylston street minutes before the marathon bombing, they didn't call police. instead they texted their fugitive friend and here is how the f.b.i. summarizes one of the conversations. in the criminal complaint, it says suspect dias kadyrbayev texted tsarnaev ask told him he looked like the suspect on television. tsarnaev return text contained lol and other things he interpreted as jokes, such as you better not text me and come to my room and take whatever you want. there was another text from tsarnaev to kadyrbayev that said, i'm about to leave. if you need something in my room, take it. and that text led another alleged accomplice, azamat tazhayakov, to think he would never see his friend, dzhokhar, alive again. so along with american citizen
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robel philipos, they decided to take that backpack from dzhokhar tsarnaev's room full of fireworks that was emptied of their powder, as well as a laptop and throw them away. dzhokhar allegedly said a month before marathon monday that he knew how to make a bomb and these three did the math and decided to help him stay out of trouble. we've also now learned that alleged accomplice, azamat tazhayakov, was allowed to reenter the u.s. on january 20 this year even though his student visa was invalidated when he left school january 4. the department of homeland security is now telling us that customs officials never got the word from the school that he was no longer a student, even though they had reported it. we're expecting to see the two men in court on may 14. the american citizen is going to be in court here in boston on monday. back to you. >> steve: all right. thank you very much. by the way, other attorneys showed up out front and spoke to the press yesterday. they all insist yeah, our
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clients are all absolutely innocent. >> brian: they were friends with him. covered up for friends. >> steve: right. one of them lied to the feds. >> brian: repeatedly. >> steve: that is against the law. that's the american citizen. and the other two reportedly tried to destroy vital evidence. so they can play it the way they want to. had they seen the kid on television, hey, that's our friend, they should have contacted him. since they did, then called the cops. >> people were dead. this was a terrorist bombing and rather than go, hey, can we help you with anything and go hide your laptop and backpack. >> brian: for that, they have not recovered the laptop. >> steve: i think they have. >> brian: you have heard they have? >> steve: catherine herridge said last night apparently that before the bombers took off, they did not wipe their laptops. >> brian: i thought they were still looking in the yard for that. essentially why would you toss a brand-new laptop? why would you get rid of it if it was hey, grab my stuff. i just wanted to help him out so they end up putting them in
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their apartment. after a week of searching, they come up with it. before you get into details about the license plate, do you know the person with all the answers to this entire mystery sits in a prison hospital, the 19-year-old. he knows what the other ones were doing. he knows why they were doing it. he knows where they trained and the links were overseas and what the 26-year-old had to do with it, who trained him to make the bombs. we do not question him because he's lawyered up. >> steve: we did question him for 16 hours. >> brian: and it stopped. >> steve: then he was mirandized. >> meanwhile, department of homeland security secretary janet napolitano came out and she was quick to say that this was not part of any broader plot. that's interesting, since it seems as though investigators are still trying to connect the dots. where did the money come from? where did the training to build the bombs come from? it seemed like that was a premature assessment on her part and it reminded some of the premature assessment after what happened in benghazi.
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here is senator lindsey graham on this. >> she has no idea. it sounds like susan rice all over again. right after benghazi, there is no evidence in the al-qaeda connection. this is a spontaneous riot caused by hateful video. did you see the three guys that the f.b.i. released photos of in benghazi eight months later? did they look like protesters to you? >> steve: that's a good point. what's he talking about? extraordinarily, yesterday the f.b.i. finally posted images of people of interest that they wanted for questioning regarding the attack. keep in mind, these are images they had the day of the attack. and do those look like guys who were going to just a protest over a movie? absolutely not. in some of the images, it looks like they're carrying guns. >> that one has something in his hand. >> steve: exactly right. so anyway, finally after -- and i'm sure it's just a coincidence -- but in the same week that fox news channel broadcast an exclusive interview with a special operator who was
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in benghazi that day and saw with his own two eyes what happened and also says, look, the federal government knows exactly who did it. mastermind and he's walking free, suddenly they release this. jay carney was quizzed about benghazi to his dismay yesterday. and then extraordinarily, listen very carefully to what he says at the beginning about benghazi. >> benghazi happened a long time ago. we're not aware of any agency that blocked an employee who would like to appear before congress. as you noted, the state department and department of defense have made clear that they are not aware of any request for a security clearance for a private attorney having been made in connection with the benghazi investigation. so what you have is an attorney san diego she represents somebody, claiming she's not getting the security clearance and yet, the agencies involved have no information about that at all. so -- which falls into the broader story here, which these
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allegations are part of an unfortunate pattern of spreading misinformation. >> brian: he's now asking, if they're talking about missed information after eight months, the f.b.i. now releasing photos, i don't know, did they just come in from the kodak store? now they're asking libyans and people around the world to help them out if you know these three. what about the guy they actually have locked up that senator lindsey graham made a phone call to get the f.b.i. access to? did he help at all? >> steve: i got a e-mail from victoria toensing who she is referring to and she finds it extraordinary that he says i don't know what she's talking about. darrell issa sent the department of state two different letters over a week or so asking for the attorneys to be given the tools to represent these whistle blowers. and after she was on our air yesterday, apparently the correct person then wound up e-mailing them and now they have submitted the information so they get the clearance so they can represent the whistle blower or whistle blowers.
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>> brian: so she did not do the paperwork right the first time? did she not make the request? >> steve: they were doing everything right. it was not until they showed up on television talking about hey, the administration isn't doing anything that apparently the administration was shamed into doing the right thing. >> now the attorneys have submitted, we're sure, the letters for the security clearance so the whistle blowers could come forward starting now. we'll start the clock now, and they can come forward and tell the story that they say they have been prevented thus far from talking about. >> steve: they have submitted the request for clearance. so that's all they can do at this point. now it's in the department of state and administration's court. >> maybe we'll get some answers and maybe by releasing the photos now the f.b.i. might get some leads on where these guys are. as we know, it's about the 48 hours after the crime that you need to act because who knows what country those three guys that they think are involved could be in now. why we're only seeing them seven months later. >> brian: maybe they've gone on the straight and narrow since that time.
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>> actually they all look like they're holding something. >> brian: there is video of these guys huddled around the ambassador's body that we've all seen on-line. straight ahead, do you carry on your luggage to avoid baggage fees? don't bother, one airline now charging. >> steve: and you spend $50 billion bailing them out. how does general motors thank america? by shipping american jobs through china. stuart varney, not happy about that k9 aantix ii not only kills fleas and ticks, it also repels most ticks before they can attach. the leading brand kills, but doesn't repel. a tick tt isn't repeed or killed may attach and make a meal of us. get veterinarian recommended k9 advantix ii!
4:14 am
are with premium service like one of the best
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on-time delivery records and a low claims ratio, we do whatever it takes to make your business our business. od. helping the world keep promises.
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>> brian: hard earned tax dollars helped bail out general motors and chrysler in 2008. to thank you, the company now ramping up operations in china? gm is on par to invest $11 billion there by 2016, creating thousands of jobs overseas. that's nearly $2 billion less than the auto giant spent here in the u.s. in 2009. stuart varney, do you have a problem with this? >> i think it makes good business sense and let me explain it. i think americans are entitled to ask what is going on here? our money bailed out general motors, now they spend money in
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china. they don't spend it in america. they create jobs in china. they don't create jobs here. i think you're entitled to ask what are we doing here? the answer is, the president, the administration and gm are in a box, a box of their own making. china is their fastest growing market. they've got to service that market with low priced products. that's what they've got to do. they cannot produce cars, build a new factory in america. they're not allowed to go and build in a nonunion state. if they build a factory in a union state, then you're not going to make any money. you've got work rules to contend with. they're in a box. they've got to expand in china. frankly, brian, it does make good business sense to do that. >> brian: right. but they have knocked off 72,000 jobs from 2005 to 2012 here in north america. this is good news if i have gm stock, though. correct? >> yes. >> brian: my company is doing well. my stock will be worth more. >> the only hope for american taxpayers to get their money back is to get the stock to $53 a share. while recently it's gone from
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about 23, 24, to 31. it's moving up a little bit. but we're still very much in the hole. if you want to get your money back, general motors has to make a lot of money. profit. to do that, it's going to china. >> brian: right. where so many japanese companies and south koreans are building here because they're nonunion. >> they're always going to nonunion states. you don't see them or german companies go to where they enforce unionization. >> brian: it's okay to go to china, add jobs, value the company, do a good business, move. >> i think we're entitled to ask what's going on here. >> brian: right. actually i asked in my intro and you answered. varney and company, the guy with the full torso shot. yes, at 9:20 on the business network, you can watch him at his best. this is how you bring your a game. you come here to warm up. >> you know what we're talk being today? package deal for pot smokers going to colorado.
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how about that. >> brian: how about that? >> that's different, isn't it. >> brian: i didn't know you were going to insert your own promo. it's a bit of a surprise. possibly messed up the next segment. yahoo ceo sparked controversy when she banned employees from working from home. now she's at it again, creating controversy over maternity leave. do women get too much? we debate. you decide. i apologize to alisyn. thousands getting furloughed because of the sequester. not white house staffers. wait 'til you see how jay carney and others are raking in. let me just say goodness gracious, great balls of fire? ♪ i'm so glad you called. thank you.
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we're not in london, are we? no. why? apparently my debit card is. what? i know. don't worry, we have cancelled your old card. great. thank you. in addition to us monitoring your accounts for unusual activity, you could also set up free account alerts. okay. [ female announcer ] at wells fargo we're working around the clock to help protect your money and financial information. here's your temporary card. welcome back. how was london? [ female announcer ] when people talk, great things happen.
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>> steve: news by the numbers for this hour. first, more than 172,000 bucks. that's the salary of white house press secretary jay carney and many other white house staffers despite the sequester, they're doing just fine. next, 41%. that's how many college graduates from the last two years are underemployed. they work in a job that doesn't require their degrees. that's the finding of a new poll from global management firm. and more than 1700 calories. that's how many calories are in sonic's new peanut butter and bacon shake if you get a large. it sounds delicious. it comes with whip cream, a cherry, as well. if you're interested, bottoms up. looks great. ali? >> alisyn: thanks, steve. yahoo's ceo set off a fire storm earlier this year when she banned working from home and she
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order employees to go back to the office. well, now she's back in the spotlight for a very different reason. she is extending leave benefits for new moms and dads. yahoo is doubling the amount of paid leave that new mothers are eligible to take, from eight paid weeks to 16. and letting new fathers receive eight weeks of leave. so what is the right amount anyway? joining us for a fair and balanced debate is margie, author of "stop playing safe" and suzanne, also an author. and vp at the center for marriage policy. thanks for being here. >> thank you. >> alisyn: what do you think of the new idea to expand paid leave from eight weeks to 16 for moms? >> i think it's smart. it's bold and strategic. mayer is under the spotlight because she's a woman and she's attractive and everyone loves to find fault with her decisions. the company's number one competitive resource is its
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employees. and she is just doing what she think it is takes to make yahoo a more attractive place to work that will attract and retain top quality talent. it's the same reason she made the decision a couple months ago to get people back into the office. she knows she needs to have people collaborating, innovating and that's what it it's going to take to turn the ship around. >> alisyn: suzanne what do you think of the 16 weeks of maternity leave? isn't that about the right time? >> i can't speak to melissa mayer's motives, but i will say that you really have to ask yourself what -- who the parental leave is designed to serve really because in a lot of ways, what happens is the longer you're actually out with your baby as a mom or even as a dad, the longer -- excuse me, the more difficult it's going to be to return. so there is a whole nother side to this debate that we don't really talk about, which is let's get the focus off of the businesses, per se, and really what we're talking about here. if we're talking about trying to make it easier for mom and dad to be with their babies more, which presumably is what
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parental leave is about, then ultimately it's almost like postponing the inevitable and making it harder to come back. so i'm not not in favor of extending the maternity leave. but the reality is unless you extend it, i don't know, three to five years, what is it really going to do? because the conflict that exists between work and parenthood does not end at four months. it just begins. >> alisyn: to your point and margie, make you can comment on this. would it have been easier if she had allowed the telecommuting again, whereby they could work part of the day and care for the child part of the day? >> i read about this in my book -- write about this in my book because it's important for people to come to work and she needs to do whatever she thinks it's take to make them a more innovative organization. but just to speak to the point on the amount of maternity leave and coming back to work, i do think maternity leave is just one aspect of what it takes for
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organizations to create structure and support that allows employees and women juggling career and kids to be able to really give their best work while having the flexibility to care for their often conflicting demands of raising children. >> what happens if they end the maternal -- if at the end of the maternity, again, that postponing the inevitable, no company policy can possibly solve the dilet me ma between work and -- dilemma between work and family. >> alisyn: they're trying to come up with some sort of magic number that will allow for this balancing act to happen. but of course, it is such a tough one. thanks fort debate -- for the debate, ladies. we'll have you back, no doubt. thanks. up next, a major showdown shaping up in washington over the morning after pill. why the doj has just stepped in to this controversial fight. then we have proof, marriage is hard work. anna is live on the plaza to
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panels and wind farms that never really worked. no, i'm sorry, that's when we did here. i'm sorry. i had it backwards. i had it confused. >> brian: i just wonder if that is part of the reason why jimmy fallon is in and jay leno is out 'cause he's the only guy taking shots at the president and this administration and they're funny. >> steve: it is the second term. where were the jokes the first term? not so much. >> brian: i thought he had a few of them. >> steve: not so many. >> brian: i know this, the "tonight show" is coming here and somehow they did the calculus, which i thrive in that. it's going to be $100 million. >> steve: per year. >> alisyn: wait, wait, what? >> brian: it's going to bring $100 million. >> steve: the benefits for? >> alisyn: just because people will be coming in. >> brian: right. >> steve: that's what they say. >> brian: i have no idea. >> alisyn: your calculus only goes. >> brian: i don't want to describe my calculus of what goes into it. i just give the answer. >> steve: because the state government is kind of going, why did you give the "tonight show" that gigantic tax break.
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>> brian: and why not ellen? >> steve: they said look, it's going to produce $100 million worth of benefit for the state. >> alisyn: wow. >> steve: we don't know if it's true, but that's the headline in new york city. >> alisyn: that sounds strange. >> brian: think about all the usher money we're going to bring in. they got to hire ushers. >> alisyn: i thought you meant the real usher. >> steve: they use pages. >> brian: think about the page jobs, maybe six. >> alisyn: do you have anything more you would like to say about this? >> brian: you're somewhat frustrated. i understand. >> steve: you'll never be a page. >> brian: is that it? not everyone can be a national anchor, ali. >> steve: turn the page. >> alisyn: thank you. i'll get to your headlines and tell what you news is happening at this hour. listen to this crazy story. she was missing for 11 years. she was even declared dead at one point, but she just turned up. she's very much alive. brenda heights approached police in florida and explained that she had abandoned her two children at the spur of the moment, leaving behind her old life in pennsylvania to become a
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bum. she wandered from place to place, eating out of garbage cans. she was going through a divorce at the time and her then husband was even considered a suspect in her disappearance. >> there were people in the neighborhood who would not allow their children to play with my children because of what they perceived i might think. >> alisyn: she says she went to the police now because she said she was at the end of her rope and was tired of running. >> brian: president obama justice department appealing judge's order that would have provided women of all ages with the plan b morning after pill that's over the counter as well. the u.s. district judge issued a ruling last month requiring the f.d.a. to remove all age restrictions on plan b by may 5. the f.d.a. under pressure from the white house health and human services sebelius said it would comply for girls 15 and overment the judge's ruling still stands even though the f.d.a. has not complied. >> steve: the earlier ruling
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where they would give it to anybody. that's crazy. any age, that is to say. eight-year-olds, maybe. the sequester forcing -- according to oklahoma republican tom coburn, pictured there, the national park service has wasted money naming 13 new historic landmarks and new monuments since the sequester started. in a letter to the department of the interior, the senator argues it makes no sense expanding those sites while visitors to the parks are being turned away because of the sequester. >> alisyn: get ready for new fees if you fly frontier airlines. the carrier announcing this summer it will start charging between 25 and $100 per carry-on and 1.99 for in-flight drinks. it says the fees are only if you use another web site like orbitz or hotwire to book flights. if you use their web sites, you get a free carry-on, frontier's
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ceo says the fee will give loyal customers more room for their carry-on. >> steve: save 100 bucks. sign me up. mr. kilmeade, tell butts playoffs. >> brian: it happened last night. two nba playoff teams staying alive. the celtics beat the knicks to the stunned garden crowd. 92-86. the celtics head back for game 6. down three games to two. but with all the momentum in their corner. and jordan crawford and anthony exchanging words before the two teams had to be separated. and the houston rockets with a big win in oklahoma city against the mighty thunder. they play again in houston on friday. also with three games to two in favor of oklahoma. >> steve: let's look at the weather with maria molina out on the streets. >> hey, good morning. today we're talking about snow. look at these images coming out of colorado where some areas actually reported up to 28 inches of snow in just a day.
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so yesterday was may 1 and we're still talking about significant snowfall out here. so crazy stuff, up to nine inches reported in section of minnesota. it's still coming down, anywhere from parts of oklahoma, parts of texas, into sections of minnesota and even into the great lakes. incredible stuff with that storm. otherwise temperatures as well, very chilly with current wind chills only in the teens in denver. garden city. rapid city as well, very, very chilly start to your morning out there. bundle up as we head out. keep in mind the snow will be sticking around throughout the day. otherwise another big story is the heavy rain across sections of the gulf coast. we're talking ten inches of rain. that's across sections of southern alabama. just yesterday producing flooding, flood warnings are still in effect and more rain expected throughout the day today. steve, ali and brian. >> steve: all right. thank you very much. >> alisyn: did you know that exercising with your partner can boost motivation? of course you knew that. just in time for you to get in shape for wedding season, anna
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kooiman is live on the plaza with great exercises that the good and bride can do together. >> good morning. i'm not just doing jumping jacks for cardioand sculpt my cavs. a couple that works out together, stays together. that's the idea behind a brand-new wedding season class at the new york sports club and all their affiliates across the country. this is my hubby. you can take that off. he's my stand-in hubby just for the day. part of the class is massage. so you can do that as well. joined by jennifer and evan. these are the instructors. good morning. >> good morning. how are you? >> i read some research that a couple that works out together has a 90% chance of sticking to the regiment. why is that? >> well, couples that work out together, it helps build trust and stamina and it helps keep you motivated. sure, you'd like to stay in bed in the morning and cuddle. but if you got a partner, they will help you get up and get moving. >> working out is a very important thing. what's the name of the class?
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>> it's called tough love at new york sports club. we're offering a it for free. bars, bands and blindfolds. we are channeling "50 shades of grey." next is the wheelbarrel. >> it's going to work your core, help build stamina. walk forward and backward. good job! so working those shoulders, getting nice and toned up. you guys look great. have you done this before, anna? >> not with a partner. >> good job! >> next sup what? >> some trust squats. working those legs, getting back to back. you got to really push into each other so that you help each other get down and up. beautiful job. >> i'm working my quads.
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>> your glutes and you're trusting your partner. that was awesome. >> finally we'll get to one more thing. >> here we have a little bit of bondage over here. so this is the old ball and chain. >> i love the name. >> again, toning outer thighs. so getting into it. getting low. try it. >> here we go. nice. >> i'm enjoying this rihanna, too. >> alisyn: why are you the only one wearing a blindfold? >> he's wearing one, too. >> steve: what does the blindfold do? >> this is what is building the trust. >> steve: okay. >> because of the popularity of "50 shades of gray." but it's at new york sports club, it's called tough love. it's at all their affiliates across the country.
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>> alisyn: that's great. i love that you turned to your partner like, married only for the day. just for the day. [ laughter ] >> steve: he was hoping -- >> brian: he was hoping for the honeymoon. >> yeah. we need to get in shape. let's get back to it. >> steve: all right. very nice. workout available at new york sports club and their affiliates. 18 minutes before the top of the hour. did you know today is national prayer day? but the guy picked to be part of president obama's cabinet says it shouldn't be called that. he's calling this a national day of reason. we'll tell you about that. >> alisyn: the company that just went belly up ♪ [ female announcer ] recently, jcpenney changed.
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some changes you liked. and some you didn't. come back to see us. we listened to you. now we'd love to see you. ♪ i'my body doesn't work nothe way it used past mprime? i'm a victim of a slowing metabolism? i don't think so. new great grains protein blend. protein from natural ingredients like seeds and nuts. it helps support a healthy metabolism. new great grains protein blend.
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nespresso. where there is an espresso to match my every mood. ♪ where just one touch creates the perfect coffee. where every cappuccino and latte is made at home. and where i can have exactly what i desire. ♪ nespresso. what else? i did?
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when visa signature asked everybody what upgraded experiences really mattered... you suggested luxury car service instd of "strength training with patrick willis." come on todd! flap them chicken wings. [ grunts ] well, i travel a lot and umm... [ male announcer ] at visa signature, every upgradedxperience comes from listening to our cardholders. visa signature. your idea of what a card should be.
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>> alisyn: time for quick headlines. electric car maker cota filed for bankruptcy. since hitting the market in march of last year, they sold no more than 100 cars. so why did the car hit the skids? it's high dollar, $37,000 price tag, for one. republican governor rick scott vetoing a bill to end permanent alimony in florida. he says he could not support the legislation because it was retroactive and would mess with
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existing divorce settlements. let's go over to steve. >> steve: well, forget the national day of prayer. today, charlotte mayor and newly minted obama cabinet member anthony foxx proclaimed today a day of reason saying the application of reason more than any other means has proven to offer hope for human survival on earth. ceo and president of concern women for america, penny nance joins us live. good morning to you. >> good morning, steve. >> steve: okay. so today is the national day of prayer and yet, this mr. foxx guy is calling it a national day of reason. what's going on there? >> well, i'm not sure. he comes from north carolina which has the 7th highest church attendance. clearly he's not running for reelection since he's up for transportation secretary. but you know, gk chesterton said the doctrine of original sin is the only one in which we have 3 1/2 thousand years of impeercal
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evidence to back up. clearly we need faith as a component and it's just silly for us to say otherwise. you know, the age of enlightenment and reason gave way to moral relativism and moral relativism is what led us all the way down the dark path to the holocaust. i saw -- i just got back from jerusalem where i saw the holocaust museum there where there was thousands and thousands of shoes of little children who died in that 1 1/2 million. dark periods of history is what we arrive at when we leave god out of the equation. >> steve: we should point out that this national day of reason was created by the american humanist association, an atheist organization. it was created to raise awareness about government threats to religious liberty and to up the profile of the nonreligious community. what is troubling to some, though, is that they would take the national day of prayer and
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then essentially co- opting it by saying okay, it's also a national day of reason. it looks like they're trying to get publicity to get us talk being it. >> they succeeded. here we are. but what a great opportunity to talk about the difference. john adams said that our constitution depended on a moral and religious people. by contrast, morality arrives at the muzzle of a gun, we must have faith in god in order to arrive at the very things they want to do. they want to contend for their beliefs and i support that. welcome to the argument. we think our ideas are better. >> steve: all right. she is the ceo and president of concerned women for america, penny nance, we thank you very much. >> thank you. >> steve: joining us on this national day of prayer. if they want to pray, go ahead. if they don't want to, it's america. you don't have to. 11 minutes before the top of the hour. are government regulations strangling individual freedoms? >> every two years, all 50 states convene to compete for
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the title of most free state. the winner will receive more residents, fewer rules that slow growth, and fewer nanny state regulations. >> steve: john stossel is on deck. there he is right there. you're going to tell us what states are the most free and the least free. first, back in 1989, madonna sang this one. number one. ♪ i'll take you there ♪ it's like a dream to me ♪ [ male announcer ] in blind taste tests, even ragu users chose prego. prego?! but i've been buying ragu for years. [ thinking ] i wonderhat other questionable choices i've made? [ club scene music ] [ sigh of relief ] [ male announcer ] choose taste. choose prego. as well as they could because they don't take it with food. switch to citracal maximum plus d. it's the only calcium supplement that can be taken with or without food. my doctor recommends citracal maximum. it's all about absorption.
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to fly home for the big family reunion. you must be garth's father? hello. mother. mother! traveling is easy with the venture card because you can fly airline anytime. two words. double miles! this guy can act. wanna play dodge rock? oh, you guys! and with double miles you can actuay use, you never miss the fun. beard growing conte and go! ♪ win! what's in your wallet?
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>> every year all 50 states convene to compete for the title of most free state. winner will receive more winners, fewer rules that slow growth and fewer nanny state regulations. i'm wondering how new york will do? they don't look too good. >> the states are ready to kick
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off at the fiscal policy swim. bang! and they're off. >> brian: are government regulations strangling individual freedoms as that cartoon illustrated? it looked real to me. if so, which states are the most free, alisyn? >> alisyn: johns to system here to reveal the answers. hi, john. >> hi. it's good we have 50 states because when one state starts to strangle you, you can move to another state. >> alisyn: but how did this center define freedom? >> they have personal freedom as one category and you can question the judgments like are you free to own a gun or smoke weed? you may agree or disagree. but the more interesting one is economic freedom 'cause that makes so much difference as to how much money you get to keep and where the jobs are. and number one was north dakota, then south dakota, tennessee, new hampshire and new mexico at the top of the list. >> alisyn: those were considered the most free states where what? >> i'm on the wrong list. ten continue, new hampshire --
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>> alisyn: those five states are considered the states where you get to what? keep the most of your income? >> keep the most of your income and where personally you are most free. and the states where you are least free, people tend to leave, like our state, new york, then also california, new jersey, hawaii, rhode island, and you can see money moving from the least free states to the more free states. >> brian: right. it's taxes, too. >> humans giving up and taking their talents someplace else. >> brian: why is mr. freedom sitting in the most unfree state? >> because fox is here. >> brian: that's right. and alisyn is here. >> alisyn: but if given your druthers, you would move? >> the weather in california is nice. they say people are warming to warmer states. people go where the jobs are and the jobs happen where there are no state income taxes and fewer
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stupid rules. >> brian: that's where we're leaning towards, more and more as indiana and louisiana try to go tax free. >> yes. that's true. but some governments are leaning that way. but government keeps pass -- always passes more rules all the time. we're leaning toward more restrictions. >> brian: john, we watch your show tonight at 9. but i also watch you on the weekend. i love seeing stossel on the weekend. >> i never know when they're going to repeat it. >> alisyn: excellent. thanks so much. >> brian: fox news free to air your show whenever they want. they're the boss. >> we have to live here. >> alisyn: there has been another major breakthrough in the benghazi investigation. this one only after fox news exposed an attempt to silence the whistle blower. is this part of a white house strategy? michelle malkin has thoughts at the top of the hour. >> brian: and. >> alisyn: another big euphonsment from david petraeus. stick around for that ♪ if loving you is wrong
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♪ i don't wanna be right [ record scratch ] what?! it's not bad for you. it just tastes that way. [ female announcer ] honey nut cheerios cereal -- heart-healthy, whole grain oats. you can't go wrong loving it. heart-healthy, whole grain oats. trust your instincts to make the call. to treat my low testosterone, my doctor and i went with axiron, the only underarm low t treatment. axiron can restore t levels to normal in about 2 weeks in most men. axiron is not for use in women or anyone younger than 18 or men with prostate or breast cancer. women, especially those who are or who may become pregnant and children should avoid contact where axiron is applied
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as unexpected signs of puberty in children or changes in body hair or increased acne in women may occur. report these symptoms to your doctor. tell your doctor about all medical conditions and medications. serious side effects could include increased risk of prostate cancer; worsening prostate symptoms; decreased sperm count; ankle, feet or body swelling; enlarged or painful breasts; problems breathing while sleeping; and blood clots in the legs. common side effects include skin redness or irritation where applied, increased d blood cell count, headache, diarrhea, vomiting, and increase in psa. ask your doctor about the only underarm low t treatment, axiron.
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>> alisyn: good morning. it is thursday, may 2. i'm alisyn camerota in for gretchen this morning. thank you for joining us. instead of calling police, these three accused of helping the boston bombers hide evidence. wait until you see the text messages these bomber sent these guys. >> steve: eight months later, the f.b.i. wants to talk to these men about the benghazi terrorist attack. those three right there. but it doesn't sound like they're going to get any help from this white house. >> benghazi happened a long time ago. >> steve: yeah, right, it happened a long time ago. michelle malkin weighs in on that incredible statement coming up. >> brian: it feels like a long time since we had michelle on. a turf war brewing between two ice cream truck drivers who want to serve the same town.
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one is in good humor. and dressed in all white. "fox & friends" starts right now >> brian: the ice cream you ate growing up as a child i think really has to do with where you were raised. from the midwest issues it was either tasty freeze or dairy queen. but i know you folks in the east got good humor, you got carvelle, baskin robins. >> alisyn: i had carvelle every night of my summer. >> brian: that will clear up your skin. by the way, the best thing about the good humor truck, they would hop out, they were happy to be doing it, and they would open up the refrigerator on the side. wasn't that great? they don't ring bells anymore. they play songs. >> steve: they play the same song and that thing is so -- >> brian: i don't want to hear a song. i want to hear a bell. tell me you're there. don't sing me a song.
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okay? >> alisyn: off lot of rules about getting your ice cream. >> brian: right. >> steve: he wants to stick his hand in. >> brian: that's all i want to know. i don't need "it's a small world" every day throughout the entire summer. we know it's a small world. >> steve: we do. it's a small world and there is a lot of news in it. >> alisyn: i'll take that cue. if you grew up in the '90s, you will, of course, remember this song. ♪ jump, jump ♪ . >> alisyn: brian doesn't remember this song. i don't know how you couldn't. this morning there is sad news about one half of this rap duo, kriss kross. chris kelly is dead at just 34 years old. he died in an atlanta hospital of an apparent drug overdose. he and his childhood friend formed the group in 1991 after they were discovered in a shopping mall.
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and two planes clipped each other in a newark airport at newark airport in new jersey. the left wing of the scandinavian airline plane clipped the tale of the united express jet. both planes then went back to their gates and the passengers were forced off. but no one was hurt. the accident did delay flights for 45 minutes. the faa is now look into what caused this mess. there is new video out of seattle to show where you a may day protest turned into complete mayhem. police used pepper spray to break up unruly demonstrators. in return, the crowd threw rocks and bottles and lit fireworks at them. police arrested 18 people. eight officers were hurt. and months ago we learned former c.i.a. director david petraeus accepted a second teaching job. he will teach part-time at usc on subjects like international relations, government, and
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leadership. the retired general will also mentor veterans. petraeus previously announced he would teach at the city university of new york. meanwhile -- >> brian: lucky college. >> alisyn: absolutely. for that expertise. let's get to the news today, the breaking news that these three friends of the boston bomber was busted, arrested and charged for trying to cover up their crime. this morning we can reveal the disturbing text that went back and forth between all of them. they've just been revealed. joining us live from boston with the brand-new details it peter doocy. hi, peter. >> hi. that's right. when the f.b.i. released surveillance footage of the tsarnaev brothers walking down boylston street with backpacks minutes before the explosion, these accomplices allegedly recognized dzhokhar, but didn't call police. instead they texted their fugitive friend and here is how the f.b.i. says that conversation went down. it says, suspect dias kadyrbayev then texted tsarnaev ask told him that he looked like the
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suspect on television. tsarnaev returned text contained lol. and other things he interpreted as jokes, such as, you better not text me. and come to my room and take whatever you want. there was another text from tsarnaev to kadyrbayev that said, i'm about to leave. if you need something in my room, take it. and that led, that one text, led another alleged accomplice, azamat tazhayakov, to think he would never see his friend again. so along with american citizen robel philipos, they decided to take a backpack from dzhokhar's room full of fireworks that had been emptied of their powder, along with a laptop, and just get them off campus as soon as possible. they dumped them the next day. now, dzhokhar allegedly said one month before marathon monday that he knew how to make a bomb. so the three allegedly did the math and admittedly say that they did their best to keep their friend out of trouble. but one of these alleged accomplices wasn't even supposed to be here in the u.s.
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from kazakhstan, his name is azamat tazhayakov. he left school on january 4, which should have invalidated his student visa. butanely customs agents never got the word and allowed him to enter, reenter the united states 2 1/2 weeks later on january 20. so right now there are a lot of questions about why customs agents never got word about this invalidated student visa. furthermore, it is important to point out that these three men are all being charged with very serious crimes. two are from kazakhstan. one is a united states citizen. but they are not being accused of helping plan these attacks and despite these arrests more than two weeks after the bombing, police say that they do not represent a greater threat to the public. >> steve: thank you very much. >> brian: it all could be a plot to get more charges to get him to confess even more dawes it scares the daylights out of them to be in shackles. >> steve: michelle malkin joins
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us from colorado springs. lol. lmao. >> omg. >> steve: no kidding. let's talk a little bit about something. thanks to the blogosphere which you're big in, fox radio, talk news, we have continued to bang the drum. we've got to figure out who killed the four brave americans over in benghazi. and yesterday jay carney said something, he had a statement and this has got everybody talking. sputnik was a long time ago. the invention of the cotton gin, a long time ago. benghazi, 7 1/2 months ago. here he is. >> benghazi happened a long time ago. we're not aware of any agency that has blocked an employee who would like to appear before congress and as you noted, both the state department and the department of defense have made clear that they are not aware of any requests for a security clearance for a private attorney having been made in connection with the benghazi investigation. so what you have is an attorney saying she represents somebody,
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claiming that she's not getting the security clearance and yet, the agencies involved have no information about that at all. so, you know, which falls into the broader story here, which these allegations are part of an unfortunate pattern of spreading misinformation. >> steve: do you see a pattern there, michelle? you're guilty of this? >> i would say that it's his mouth that has a long pattern of spreading misinformation. and the smugness of this mouth piece of the obama administration, of course, that all comes from the top down, but there is literally nothing that will wipe that smirk off his face at a press briefing when he's tackling a topic that doesn't just concern immediately the families of those who lost their lives there in that bloody outrage, but every american who is concerned about our national
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security and sovereignty. the idea that 7 1/2 months agos with a long time ago, wow, that sure explains a lot about our post-9-11 posture because 9-11 must seem like the dark ages! >> alisyn: it sounds like what he was trying to say is seven months is a long time ago, why didn't they come forward further? why didn't they come forward and make their concerns known, these whistle blowers? why the seven-month lapse from when they came forward. >> well, the fact is that many of these whistle blowers have been chilled and -- >> brian: threatened. >> felt intimidation by the obama administration, which has a long pattern, which i have documented, of harassment and intimidation and gag orders on whistle blowers in all corners of government. these people are heros and the fact that you have the white
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house press shop trashing them and by proxy, of course, through their lawyer, i think bespeaks of exactly the kind of disturbed attitude that a lot of americans have towards this administration and how they've handled n with a special operator n silhouette with his voice change, he's being intimidated. here it is last night. >> i broke a big story for "special report" this week. we disclosed that four whistle blowers on this case, three at the state department, one at c.i.a., have been threatened with reprisals, according to attorneys representing them and are now seek security clearances so they can provide information to congress. there are certain elements that are lacking here in order for this to become watergate. one is the interest of the news media at large, beyond fox news and a handful of other reporters. the other is the math on the senate floor. normally a big scandal, you would have a special investigating committee of the congress. that's not going to materialize.
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>> brian: only in the house. >> steve: yeah. the crazy thing is, there is no statute of limitations on murdering americans abroad. i mean, it's like the white house is watching, okay. let's get through this. come on. run out the clock. >> yeah. exactly, steve. and there certainly should not be an expiration on outrage that all americans feel not only about the crime itself, but, of course, the cover-up and a big salute to james rosen and the few and the brave out there in the media who continue to tackle this story on behalf of the american public. >> brian: people like to label michelle malkin as someone only who wants to talk sports. again, this is going to do nothing but back up that label that you have on you. you want to talk about rg 3 and political correctness? >> well, it's fascinating. one of the reasons why i started twitchy is because so much of the amazing raw conversation about things like race and political correctness and the topics that people don't want to touch happens on social media. he has, i think, one of the most
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interesting twitter feeds. his handle is at rg 3 in roman numerals, iii, i'm not getting any compensation for plugging it, but we curate a lot of his tweet. i think in light of the conversation about jason collins, he had an interesting tweet about the tyranny of political correctsness. >> brian: in a land of freedom, we are held by political correctness. >> steve: what kind of fallout did that have? >> of course, there was a huge backlash. i think a lot of people read into it that it was a defensive that espn writer, who happens to be a fellow alumni of mine from progressive liberal observerland college and he got in a lot of trouble for basically saying he was a man of faith, a christian, and voicing his contrary opinions about all of that matter. i think that rgiii's reaction
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was in response to that. and he did get a huge backlash. on the other hand there were a lot of people who supported him out there. and it's always perilous when sports figures dip their toe into politics and don't hold the conventional opinion. >> brian: right, espn is standing behind chris broussard. >> steve: rgiii responded to the fallout he said, if we speak, we say it the wrong way. if we do not speak, we are cowards. michelle, thank you very much for joining us on this thursday from the springs of colorado. have a great week. see you next week. >> alisyn: meanwhile, warning for all of you women getting ready for work at this hour. new details about what is in your lipstick and it is not pretty. >> steve: we might have to take yours off. >> brian: let's get a team of scientists. then shocking poll finds many americans don't know obamacare exists. turns out they can't name the vice president either. can you? we're putting americans to the test. who is the bald guy, screen
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left? that's the secretary of state, right? >> brian: yeah arigato! we are outta here! finding you the perfect place. cheryl burke is cha-cha-ing in depend silhouette briefs for charity, to prove that with soft fabric and waistband, the best protection looks, fits, and feels just like underwear. get a free sample and try for yourself. we're not in london, are we? no. why? apparently my debit card is. what? i know. don't worry, we have cancelled your old card. great. thank you. in addition to us monitoring your accounts for unusual activity, you could also set up free account alerts. okay. [ female announcer ] at wells fargo we're working around the clock to help protect your money
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and financial information. here's your temporary card. welcome back. how was london? [ female announcer ] when people talk, great things happen. [ agent smith ] i've found software that intrigues me. it appears it's an agent of good. ♪ [ agent smith ] ge software connects patients to nurses to the right machines while dramatically reducing waiting time. [ telephone ringing ] now a waiting room is just a room. [ static warbles ] mommy's having a french fry. yes she is, yes she is. [ bop ] [ male announcer ] could've had a v8. 100% vegetable juice, with three of your daily vegetable servings in every little bottle.
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with three of your daily vegetable servings i'll just press this, and you'll save on both. [bell dings] ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, llllet's get ready to bundlllllle... [ holding final syllable ] oh, yeah, sorry! let's get ready to bundle and save. now, that's progressive. oh, i think i broke my spleen! it shows. we don't run like that. we build john deere equipment the way we always have: the right way. times change. our principles don't. you don't just have our word on it. you've got our name on it. that's how we run. nothing runs like a deere.
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discover the full line of riding lawn equipment at or your local dealer. and you'll dump your old duster. but don't worry, he'll find meone else. ♪ who's that lady? ♪ who's thalady? ♪ sexy la ♪ who's that lady? [ female announcer ] swiffer 360 duster extender cleans high and low, with thick all around fibers that attract and lock up to two times more dust than a feather duster. swiffer gives cleaning a whole new meaning. and now swiffer dusters refills are available with the fresh scent of gain. >> alisyn: we've been reporting to you about the three friends of the boston bombing suspect who were being charged with helping dzhokhar tsarnaev. listen. >> my client, azamat tazhayakov, feels horrible and was shocked to hear that someone he knew at
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the university of massachusetts dartmouth was involved with the boston marathon bombing. >> smart smart denies the charges as we've said from the very beginning. he assisted the f.b.i. in this investigation. he is just as shocked and horrified by the violence in boston that took place as the rest of the community is. >> alisyn: so what's next in this case? joining us now, peter johnson, jr., our fox news legal analyst. great to see you. so these guys are arrested. they are charged not with helping to plan the bombing, certainly with helping to cover up the crime. what wll they be looking at? >> obstruction, conspiracy, and they were so shocked and so horrified in the words of their lawyers that they decided, according to the f.b.i. complaint, to remove the backpack, to remove the computer, to remove the remnants of the fireworks that were allegedly used to provide gun powder for the explosives. >> alisyn: instead of calling the authorities. >> it raises two issues.
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a, the two kazek students are being held since april 20 on student visa violations. and then we have an american as well. so the first issue is student visas. how are we policing student visas in this country? what should we be doing to insure that police know where they are and what they're doing? >> alisyn: clearly we're not policing it well enough since they were held on violations, something had already gone wrong with them. that raises another criminal justice point, which is they're not u.s. citizens. so what happens? might they be sent back to kazakhstan instead of being prosecuted here? >> i hope not. i think we need to send a message and the department of justice needs to send a signal out that yes, it's obstruction. yes, it's a conspiracy. no, there doesn't to be appear to be evidence they were part of some plot or some cell to do this beforement in doing what they allegedly did, getting rid of the evidence once they knew -- and i don't think there is any question in my mind n my
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opinion based on the complaint that's been brought, that they knew that their friend was being sought for this, that we need to crack down on this, big, big time. >> alisyn: how much time are they looking at? >> they're looking at five years, eight years, depending on the particular charge. but if we get into a thing where we say, they're just students, they're just friends, they're young boys. they were confused. these are a couple of wealthy kids from kazakhstan that came to take advantage. we need to say material support for terrorists before or after the act is unacceptable. >> alisyn: we need to learn a lesson from this horrible situation. thank you. it sounds like something out of a sci-fi film. a fish that walks on land? well, one was just found in one of america's most popular parks. and they make sacrifices at home to support their husbands fighting for our freedom. today we're giving back, a great deal for military spouses next
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>> brian: quick headlines. here we go again, moments ago we learned hackers i want the department of labor. a spokesperson saying part of their web site was compromised. it was immediately taken down for an investigation. no evidence yet any info was stolen. one from the stupid criminal files. two guys spying in a ladies room busted. the two peeping toms fell through the creeling and they were arrest -- ceiling and they were arrested and dusted off. >> steve: if you're in the military family, starting today you can save big money on beauty products. joining us right now is kathy, the founder of pride beauty.
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good morning to you. >> good morning. thank you very much for having me on, steve. thrilled to be here. >> steve: we're going to talk a little bit about your products in a moment. we're going to meet some of those gals. but tell us some of the proceeds for the project are going to go to what? >> absolutely. we actually give partial proceeds from every single pride product back to dogs, cats, all kinds of elephants, for bringing dogs back, shear a reunion we did at jfk, reuniting dogs with soldiers. then we decided let's take it one step further. after all, it is nearly mother's day. and let's celebrate the women and the military wives and women in the military and we're offering a all military forever more 50% off any pride product. >> steve: all right. let's take a look. this is karen miller, good morning to you. >> good morning, how are you? >> steve: fine. thank you very much. so tell bus your husband. >> he's actual lee deployed in -- actually deployed in afghanistan.
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>> steve: how about a shout out? >> hi, aaron. >> steve: what product do we have? >> i'm going to use our most popular item, our ageless throat cream. i'm going to massage it. even though she doesn't have any aging yet, you don't want to get that nasty turkey neck and double chin. so there we are. we're going to leave her as smooth as a swan. >> steve: do you have some of that left for me? >> i have a jar hidden for you, steve. >> steve: very good. tiffany king. tell us about your husband. >> my husband is actually deployed as well in uae and he's security forces. >> steve: you want to give him a shout out? >> hi, baby. i love you and i miss you. >> steve: all right. kathy, what do we have? >> this is something else you might love, steve. i've got some beautiful pure 24 carat gold caviar. you can see the gold glistening. if i pop a teeny bit across your face, you'll see a beautiful golden sheen appear.
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true gold and takes off ten years. >> steve: it's a special thing. you look fantastic. everybody looks great and finally jessica salter. >> yes, sir. hello. >> steve: tell us about your husband. >> he's a canine handler and he's been back for a while now. so thankfully he's home. >> steve: kathy's got a little something special for you, too. >> now we're going to show you something that is almost like an energy drink for the skin. you pop it on and as you see it, it looks like a pale pink syrup, but it pops up like a burst of champagne bubbles and you can see, you're getting a tingle. >> i am. >> vacuuming out and giving you -- >> steve: can you drink it? >> you can try. >> steve: you better not. listen, it's a wonderful program that you and pride are doing. ladies, thank you very much. and keep in mind, it's not just for these gals. anybody watching can get the discount, military families. our web site has more details.
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>> alisyn: thanks so much, steve coming up, girls as young as 15 -- >> brian: get back in here, steve. >> alisyn: allowed to get the morning after pill without their parents' permission. can states fight that? >> brian: no reality show needed here. ice cream truck wars are real. one driver using his music to freeze out the competition. this one is getting really nasty. and chris chulo found a classic picture of a good cream truck which will, if we can pay for the rights, he'll share it with us. ♪ why can't we be friends [ female announcer ] a classic meatloaf recipe from stouffer's starts with ground beef, onions and peppers baked in a ketchup glaze with savory gravy and mashed russet potatoes. what makes stouffer's meatloaf best of all? that moment you enjoy it at home. stouffer's.
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made with care, for you or your family. some changes you liked. and some you didn't. come back to see us. we listened to you. now we'd love to see you. ♪ [ babies crying ] surprise -- your house was built on an ancient burial ground. [ ghosts moaning ] surprise -- your car needs a new transmission. [ coyote howls ] how about no more surprises? now you can get all the online trading tools you need without any surprise fees. ♪ it's not rocket science. it's just common sense. from td ameritrade.
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>> brian: fox business aeither. labor department releasing brand-new jobless numbers. >> alisyn: 324 first-time unemployment claims were filed, less than the week before and it is less than was expected. >> steve: so 324 is the weekly number. meanwhile, we got other headlines. brand-new information out about the woman charged with spiking bottles of juice with poison and then putting them in a display case at a starbucks. turns out she apparently knew what she was doing. she's a trained chemist. police in san jose, california say the 50-year-old works for johnson & johnson, tests revealed that she mixed rubbing
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alcohol with the juice. she's refusing to tell police why she did what she did. but she's in trouble. >> alisyn: and lipstick may make you look good, but it could have ugly side effects. a new study tested 32 common lipsticks and lip glosses from drug and department stores and the findings are that they have a lot of toxic ingredients, including cadmium, chromium, aluminum, lead, and other metals. some potentially toxic levels. chromium is a cars jen linked to stomach tumors. it was done at the university of california-berkeley. >> steve: think chap stick until until we find out, nobody lick their lips. franken fishin' individualing one of the most popular parks. it's native to china, russia and korea. it's believed it's in a lake in new york central park. it eats frogs, crayfish, and swedish people.
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>> steve: it does not! >> brian: and has the ability to live out of water in certain conditions. get out of here! >> steve: it's true. >> brian: it's a major threat to the eco system and plus joggers. anyone who catches one should not throw it back. they should wrestle it to the ground. >> steve: no, you're supposed to set it aside, put it in a bucket and call the local ranger. really are. >> brian: is this one of those things where one story is not true, name the one that is? >> steve: that is a true story. >> brian: all right. >> steve: as is this one. >> alisyn: no good humor here. a driver of a snow cone joe truck and his girlfriend arrested on harassment and stalking charges. this all happening in the town of gloversville, new york. joshua and amanda scott are accused of following a mr. ding a ling driver yelling, quote, you don't have a chance. this is my town! >> steve: ice cream smack down. >> alisyn: they're also accused of following their rival truck blasting music, then trying to
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lure customers away with promises of free ice cream. both face jail time. that's a crime? free ice cream? >> steve: ice cream war. meanwhile, it is not -- >> brian: by the way, can we take a chris look at chris chulo's ice cream truck? look at that. that's the truck that i love. the guy got u. he had a white outfit on. he opened the freezer just for you. he'd go out and everyone would get a toasted almond, no matter what we ordered. >> steve: flashing back to the old days. we've got a lot to do. very little time. you know what? may flowers will have to wait in colorado. freezing temperatures and snow take over, as you can see, a lot of accidents as well. maria molina joins us from outside with a preview of the coming day and there is some snow out there, isn't there? >> yes, there is. 28 inches of snow fell across secs of colorado with that snow storm that is actually still producing snow in through areas across kansas, nebraska, iowa, minute money, and even --
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minnesota and in wisconsin. looking at possible accumulating snowfall out here. as we head southward, we don't have snow here action but we have very heavy rain that's posing other kind of issues like flooding. reports of flash flooding during the overnight hours in parts of alabama. up to ten inches of rain fell there with some of these storm. incredible rainfall. otherwise temperatures in the plains, because of the snow and storm system, we're looking very chilly out here. some places feeling like the teens early this morning. bundle up. >> alisyn: yikes. >> steve: thank you. ♪ he batted around ♪ i like it ♪ . >> brian: george jones, one of the greatest singers in history will be laid to rest today. >> alisyn: last night celebrities and singers from all over attended the private wake, including our own mike huckabee and the governor will deliver
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george jones' eulogy just a few hours from now. he joins us with a preview. hi, governor. >> good morning, alisyn. it's great to be with you this morning from nashville. although normally i come to nashville, it's a great occasion. today it's kind of a sad reason to have to come to this great city. >> alisyn: of course it is. let me lay out some of the names that will be there. laura bush, kenny chesney, charlie daniels, alan jackson, winona judd, patty lovelace. oak ridge boys, ronnie milsap. the whoa's who in the music world. what will you say in the eulogy in front of everyone? >> very good question. i've never been so nervous in my life. but i think it's one of those time when people from all walks of life come together to celebrate the life of a man who didn't just sing to us. he sang for us. his voice is irreplaceable. he had that quality of not just singing the notes, but singing the very soul of a song. every time you heard a george jones song, you knew this was coming from deep inside of him.
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>> steve: yeah. governor, what was your connection to george jones? >> well, a big fan, for one thing. he was on my show in 2009, one of the great honors of my life was getting to play music with george jones. not because i deserved to or was good enough, but because it was my show and he couldn't throw me off. it was as simple as that. he and his lovely wife, nancy, watched our show every week and that was amazing to me, that he even knew who i was. so his wife is just delightful and lovely and it's just a heart break to all of us who knew him and loved him and respected him as really a country music and an american cultural icon. >> steve: right. you're going to make your comments later today at the grand ole opry. tell us what happened last night, because i know you've got some sound bites for us. >> it was a pretty remarkable night. it was supposed to be just a private visitation for invited people and i was thinking okay. there will be a few hundred people there.
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there were a few thousand people there. it was absolutely stunning. it was a collection of essentially anyone and everyone that ever not only graced the stage, but the greatest song writers, record producers, musicians, people who drove buses, and you just forget how many people are involved and how george touched their lives. in just talking to people, i was standing behind the governor of tennessee and barbara mandrell and we were just talking about how this man over so many decades reached in and mentored young musicians and helped them. he's just a remarkable person. >> steve: let's listen to some sound bites from last night. >> we need to celebrate his life, sure. we're going to be sad. we're going to love on miss nancy and try to give her strength. >> he never did anything -- he had just creativity. he always made everything he did so special. >> do you get ten singers in nashville to sing the same song and the one you would remember is the one that george sang.
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>> i lost a great friend and the world has lost a great voice. >> there was no generation gaps in his appeal. he appealed to every generation. >> i'll never forget george. i don't believe the business will ever find anybody like him. >> steve: well, so that is later today there at the grand ole opry. you got -- this is a tall order for you today, governor. >> well, it is. and it's an opportunity, though, to say on behalf of all of his fans, thank you, george jones, for being a voice for just common, everyday ordinary people, which that's what he was. >> steve: well put. >> alisyn: governor, we want to get your comments on one of the big news of the day. that's that the rules changed for the plan b morning after pill, 15 yearlies and up can now find the pill over the counter. >> steve: no permission. >> alisyn: they don't need permission from parents. but that's better than 11-year-olds, as had previously
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been suggested. so 15-year-olds, i mean, obviously the debate is whether or not it's better for them to be able to buy this and prevent an unwanted pregnancy obviously is the goal here. >> sometimes you wonder if the government is trying to prevent unwanted parenting. this really ought to be a decision which parents are involved. and the fact is if we don't let is a-year-olds vote or drive and we don't let them buy alcohol, we don't let them go to the military and sign contracts, what makes us think they're suddenly mature enough to make a decision about ingest ago drug they may not take properly? here is the irony, mothers and fathers have to sign written permission so their daughters can get an aspirin at school, but they can go to the drugstore and get plan b one step? this is a political decision. not a medical decision. >> brian: can states fight back? you're a governor. >> i think they can to a point, but probably can't override what will become a federal law.
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you know, it's i think a bigger issue of why would we ever think that mothers and fathers ought to be excluded from the parenting process? it's one more intrusion where government is trying to take the role of mom and dad. i still will always believe mothers and fathers raise better kids than the government will. i know some people say, not all parents are involved. that's no excuse, though, for preempting parents who are involved from the handful who are not. >> steve: all right. mike huckabee today joining us from nashville. speak later today at the grand ole opry for george jones. thank you very much. good luck today. >> thank you. >> brian: you can watch the governor saturday and sunday at 8:00 p.m. on the fox news channel. meanwhile, it's no secret hollywood leans left. is the table about to turn? the new film pitting hillary against hollywood. >> alisyn: many americans do not know that obamacare exists. it turns out they also can't name the vice president. we're about to put you to the
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test, america. >> brian: they do believe in the easter bunny. >> vice president joe biden had a little trouble today playing air force two, apparently stuck in arizona because of problems with its engine. officials say they're trying to fix this as fast as they can and obama was saying, no rush. [ laughter ] the kyocera torque lets you hear and be heard
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even in stupid loud places. to prove it, we set up our call center right here... [ chirp ] all good? [ chirp ] getty up. seriously, this is really happening! [ cellphone rings ] hello? it's a giant helicopter ma'am. [ male announcer ] get it done [ chirp ] with the ultraugged ocera torque, only from sprint direct conct. buy one get four free for your business.
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♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] there are hybrids. ♪ then there are turbo hybrids. introducing the first hybrid you'll actually want to drive. that's the power of german engineering. ♪ [ multiple sounds making melodic tune ] ♪ [ male announcer ] at northrop grumman, every innovation, every solution, comes together for a single purpose -- to make the world a safer place. that's the value of performance. northrop grumman.
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>> alisyn: time for quick headlines. the man accused of pushing a toddler while dressed as cookie monster turning down a plea deal. he would have gotten two years of anger management and two days of community service if he pleaded guilty. but he maintains did he nothing wrong. and frontier airlines will start charging between 25 and 100 bucks per carry-on plus 1.99 for in flight drinks. it says the fees are only if you use another web site like orbitz or hotwire instead of using frontier's sites. let's go to brian. >> brian: could a new movie about hillary clinton's past derail her chances at the white house in 2016? the movie is called "rodham" and hollywood reporter joins us now. he's been following this story. is this going to be a bad movie for her? >> i don't know if it's going to be good or bad. but i think if you do the math, this movie is going to come out right about the time of the 2016 primaries. that's going to remind a lot of people of the early years of
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hillary. especially remind people about the clintons' marriage, which was one of the great soap operas of the 1990s. >> brian: if you look at the documentary which was successful but didn't really hurt president obama at the ballot box, i don't would a documentary now affect us differently? >> well, you have to remember, brian, this isn't a documentary. this is a feature film. it's a screen play. it's got a hot indy director attached to it now. so this is going to remind people of the young hillary clinton, the young bill clinton, how ambitious they were, how they were really looking to the white house as early as 1973. i think that reminds some people of one of the major criticisms of hillary clinton that she was interested in power purely for power sake. >> brian: right. do you feel as though we turned the page when you look at bill clinton's approval rating, considering he was essentially impeached? >> well listen, i would say this, bill clinton has done very well in rabbiting himself in --
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rehabilitating himself in the hollywood's mind and public's mind. hbo has a new documentary about president clinton also coming out in the near future. i have to tell you, big bundlers here in hollywood, people who contributed big money to president obama's reelection are already thinking about 2016. >> brian: do they want to be left out and not be on the hillary train? >> i think the hillary train is leaving the station and they've already got a ticket. >> brian: interesting. dominic, powerful way to end it. thanks so much. we look forward to that movie. >> thanks. >> brian: straight ahead a shocking poll finds many americans don't know obamacare exists. turns out they don't even know who the vice president is. can you answer those two questions? i know somebody that can, martha mccallum knows everything. >> i think i can come up with those. thank you. good morning, everybody. so big question this morning. why did the white house wait so long to release the photos that they had of the benghazi suspects? and why did they pick now to do
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just that? interesting timing on this. former attorney general john ashcroft joins us this morning. democrats' biggest headache now is the health care bill that they fought so hard for. surprising new poll numbers on health care. bill and i will see you right here at the top of the hour. from the brand doctors recommend most. preparation h. don't stand for hemorrhoids.
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>> alisyn: welcome back. we are putting you to the test today. as we have been reporting, 42% of americans are unaware that the affordable care act, also known as obamacare, has actually become law and is law and it exists. this is according to the kaiser health tracking poll. >> brian: so that's not the only poll america flunked. we're putting you to the test. in fact, i have two of my finest reporters, steve doocy and anna
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kooiman out there to find out from the people and some of the questions about the identity of the vice president, can they name a supreme court justice are some of the answers that america can't seem to get. >> steve: that's right. 41% of the people in the united states of america cannot identify the vice president. let's come here to this guy right here. what's your name, son? >> i can't tell you. i'm on a post office wall. >> steve: which of these images is of the vice president? >> which one is of the vice president? this one. >> steve: that's larry hagman. >> oh, it is? >> steve: yeah. what about on this side? >> i think he'd prefer to look like this but this is obviously this. what are you doing? >> steve: 41% of the people in the united states can't pick the vice president out of a line - up. >> well, maybe it's a smart thing. i bet they could pick out steve doocy. >> what's funny about this poll we're doing, unofficially in times square, or in midtown manhattan, i didn't know who some of these guys were.
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this is jimmy buffet. >> alisyn: is it? >> brian: bob barker. he's wasting away. >> alisyn: he does look a lot like joe biden. >> steve: he does. what are you smoking? >> i can't tell you. it's against the law. >> brian: go to colorado. it's legal there! >> come on over. >> steve: hi, how are you. >> did you happen to see what we were doing? >> i think you're asking him questions about famous americans? >> steve: yes. where is the vice president in this picture? >> right here. >> good job! >> steve: congratulations! >> can you name a justice of the supreme court? >> justice sanford? >> can you name -- what else do we have on the list here? >> brian: obamacare. the law of the land or not? >> is it in place or not, obamacare? >> yes. some of the things have gone into place and some are going
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into place. >> ding, ding. congratulations. we have another one. >> steve: i was going to go over here. >> ali has got one. >> alisyn: from which country did the united states win its independence? >> the u.k. >> very good. >> alisyn: we're going to give her a present. i'm not sure what is thank is. >> steve: bring your camera over here. what's your name? >> victor. >> steve: victor is a limo driver. which is the picture of the vice president of the united states? you know what? very good. you're exactly right. what we have learned here is if you are in front of a news channel, you generally know the news. so keep watching. >> brian: back in a moment. don't go away. steve, you either. >> steve: okay. byol. and we'll dress it up with grilled chicken. crunchy veggies. fruits, dressings and crispy noodles.
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new lean cuisine salad additions. just byol. find us in frozen. just byol. we are outta here! finding you the perfect place. mommy's having a french fry. yes she is, yes she is. [ bop ] [ male announcer ] could've had a v8. 100% vegetable juice, with three of your daily vegetable servings in every little bottle. that's not much, you think. except it's 2% every year. go to e-trade and find out how much our advice and guidance costs. spoiler alert: it's low. it's guidance on your terms, not ours. e-trade. less for us. more for you.
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>> steve: as we wrap things up, tomorrow geraldo, and dr. ben carson and an 2345, you're going where? >> to the kentucky. >> alisyn: see you tomorrow. bill: good morning, everybody. 9:00 and a fox news alert. investigators say they tried to destroy evidence for a friend, a friend who is a the boston bombing suspect. we're getting new details on these three men under arrest charged with obstructing justice and lying to investigators repeatedly lied until the truth came around. at least what we can report here today. i'm bill hemmer. welcome to "america's newsroom.". martha: they could be in hot water. good morning, bill. they went into dzhokar's dorm room. destroyed a backpack that have gunpowder that may have been used in the boston bombings. lawyers for one. men say he did not do


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