tv Red Eye FOX News May 3, 2013 12:00am-1:01am PDT
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>> that's it for us on the five. see you tomorrow report is next. >> welcome to "red eye." i'm andy levy filling in for greg gutfeld who is on assignment. let's go to tom shillue for our pre game report. tom, what is coming up on tonight's show? >> coming up on tonight's show, have you ever run a foul of the southern poverty law center? when you were trying to have a good old time you might be a red neck or the southern poverty law center may have a bug up its ass. and one does a former child star need to do to get attention these days? amanda bynes has a series of questionable selfies, girlfriend. and many will welcome allah
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and after reading amanda bynes' twitter feed, i do too. i love the amanda show, but she is getting out of hand. >> we will talk about this more as it develops. now our guests. i am here with author, columnist and fox news columnist jedediah bila. things are different now. she has to protect the one thing she can't live without. and a first time guest. he is comedian joe list. he is not a man. nothing more than a maniac. bill schulz, some people call him a terrorist, and he considers himself a teacher. and next to me, former new mexico governor gary johnson. he builds neat stuff and has a great girl. >> a block. the lede. that's the first story. welcome to the worst day of your miserable life, america. >> thanks, a lot. it was meant to be fun, but offended everyone. the student council at an arizona high school had a red
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neck day and encouraged everyone to dress the part leading up to the big year-end dance. it was supposed to be like the show "duck. nasty" but -- "duck dye dynasty" but some were not amused. he wore a confederate flag which said the confederacy represents the institute of slavery and that is a direct attack on african-americans. and then there is a matter of offending the appalachian american population overall as a woman from the southern poverty law center noted some of the students traced their roots to the south and quote maybe they don't feel so great about being called red necks. they issued an apology, but i think they know all of us -- they, no all of us can learn something about this symbol of america's enduring spirit.
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♪ >> bill, i asked you not to show my whole movie. >> you never see me coming. are we doing "ironman" stuff? >> no. governor, welcome back to the show. >> great to be here. >> is it possible to think this red neck day was a bad idea and maybe a bit of an over reaction? does the southern poverty law center need to get involved in this? >> which is more stupid, hosting it in the first place or getting work done? really divided. it is stupid all the way around. >> jedediah, it is safe to assume that there are kids who planned this and they meant no harm. but maybe shouldn't an adult have stepped in and maybe said this is not a good idea. >> that's what i thought. who was the administration with this? a whole team of teachers and administrators and knot one person thought we may be
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offending a bunch of people by this. maybe if we can't to do something that is like "duck dynasty" maybe we can do something else that doesn't insult a whole group of people at once. >> when you were a teacher you used to run racially devisive programs once a week? >> twice a week. i like to keep it fresh in people's minds. >> keeping it real you used to call it. >> and the good old days. >> keeping it real with the beale. >> you were there. you were in the audience. a lot of people were touched by that. >> joe, red neck day could offend white people. wearing a confederate flag clearly offended black people. it was like a perfect storm, wasn't it? >> my favorite part is they made him take the shirt off which is much better shirtless. to me-to-be a grim reminder
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that leonard skynard is still touring 30 years later. >> he is a keyboardist and a bunch of people pretending to be leonard skynard. the rest went bye-bye. >> i am trying to think of an appropriate school spirit day all kids can enjoy without offending anyone. kill bill schulz day? and give your answer in your best genteel southern voice. >> i will say that in a very genteel way and by the way i was offended by the first part of the transference. and if you can call me manatee gray. that's my pen name. i write southern fiction. it mostly takes place in florida. now here this thing is all about semantics. if you call it red neck day, that offends. if you call it appalachian america appreciation you can go willy nilly with your barrels and suspenders over there as all southern americans wear, and no one will have a problem with it
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aside from certain african-american types. and this for all intensive purposes is a swee tea. >> not shine? >> this a miranda and jedediah is an over sized fan. i used to be a colonel. i am not done. thou shall rise again over aggression and whatnot. >> are you done. >> no, you are done. >> jedediah, the director of the the -- the director of the center's teaching tolerance program says she predicted that people who said they were offended by this were told they were being too sensitive. are they being too sensitive? >> i think it is uh fen tiff. offensive. i am not terribly offensive. she also wanted a do no harm
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philosophy at school. that cannot kiss. no matter what you -- that cannot exist. no matter what you do you will offend somebody. we are all different people and different backgrounds and are offended by different things. to say this was a little offensive wasn't the best way to go about it, particularly at a school. >> you believe a better motto at the school is do harm. >> i did a lot. >> governor, joe brought up the one kid who wore the confederate flag and the assistant principal made him take it off. were there issues there? >> well, it is back to the stupidity of holding the event in the first place and then getting worked up over it. a lot of attention brought to it and probably won't have anymore red neck days any -- anywhere. >> they are going oh, i'm glad they didn't uncover us having our red neck day. from red necks to
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redskins. does rg iii hate all things pc? as they say in spanish, wee. the washington redskins star tweeted in a land of freedom we are held hostage by the tear raw knee of political correctness. he followed that up with a definition. tierney, a condition opposed by some outside agency and force. living under the tierney of the clock or political correctness. what is wrong? it could be a response for the council to get the redskins to change their name from a, quote, derogatory racist one to the washington red tails meanwhile the city council ignores this situation. >> all right, jedediah, rg iii
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says he wasn't referencing orie ferring to any one thing in particular when he tweeted about the tyrany. >> i think he was referring to owe bough ma you, andy -- referring to obama, andy. i think it is a ridiculous situation. when i was a kid my dad loved saint john's basketball. it used to be st. john's red necks and then it was the red storm because everybody was sensitive. and then you couldn't have the indian as the asks pot. i think people go over board. i don't see how redskins is offensive at all. what is offensive? i don't get it. i genuinely don't get it. >> do you get it? >> i don't get it. >> governor, some people do think rg iii was talking about the redskins thing and the others think it was the reaction to jason collins coming out at gay. he says he was speaking generally. was it bad timing on his part? >> the reality of that is the redskins are going to change their name. that's the reality.
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isit has become associated with something that is racist or derogatory. the owners are going to end up doing it. that's the reality. that is going to be the last page of the book. >> joe, you said they agreed dash you agreed they should change the name, but you said they should be the redskin redskins. i don't think that will please anybody. >> i don't recall thinking that. >> you shouldn't have said it. >> i was drinking. how about the white skins? how about changing it to white skins? i am not offended by that as a white man. >> that's not going to fly. it is not fierce. that's not what you call a football team. >> i don't know. i think white skinked people have done a lot of -- white skined people have done a lot of killing. the most killing really. >> bill, rg iii is popular in dc in a way you are not anywhere in the world.
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have you considered calling yourself bs infinity? >> very long winded question that was not a question. >> flk is precedence for this. -- of course there is precedence for this it used to be the irish [bleep] and then they had to change that in the early 20th century. there was at chattanooga eagles and they had to get rid of that. the cleavland indians are not as offensive as the redskins, but the indians have a mascot and that is a guy we called chief wahoo. i will do my best impression. he is the indian brave and he looks like this. when you look in chief wahoo, you can hear him making that sound laughing. he is smack dab in the middle of the hat. this year -- they are doing it
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better than the redskins. this year we have wahoo who is not on the hat anymore. they still put him on the patch because everyone in the city loves chief wahoo, but i think it will wing way to under the arm pit and then maybe there is a couple of fan knee packs the year after that. and then poof, chief wahoo has gone to the great spirit horse in the sky and eventually it will be the cleavland malls. by the way, you suck. >> governor, you say the team will definitely change their name? >> the associated press said 79% of americans think they should keep the name. >> right, but it is the owner's decision. the redskins have become associated with something derogatory. it is as simple as that. if bill would have talked as eloquently as he did about chief wahoo.
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less question, jedediah, how about the proposal changing the name to red tails which would honor the tuskegee airmen who broke the color barrier. >> when i think of red tails i think of somebody leaving with their tail between their legs. for a sports team that is odd. i also think of my halloween kosten with the long red tail which won't work. >> do you have a picture? >> think about it. the best uniform and the best franchise is the chicago blackhawks. lots of places like chicago and atlanta, they are not making fun of the people, they are celebrating the warriors. the native americans don't want to have anything to do with that. your mascot is a noble black man , well an air force troop
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that served in world war ii. it is the same as the blackhawks and the same as the braves. i assume that could rub people the wrong way. on paper you are celebrating, but people can say this is a person or people that is a mascot. >> i think they should be the washington bullets. >> i miss the wizzards. the washington wizzards. no wonder your basketball team sucks. >> from redskins to red skin. would you get a brand for a few extra grand? a reality firm is offering 15% if their employee gets their name tattooed on their body. what am i an advertisement some some have accepted the inky offer which has no limitation on size. he got the idea after one loyal and stupid agent got the logo tattooed on their own.
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they do charity work or benchmarks speaking of loyalty. >> i suppose if greg was here he would say something about gay marriage. >> which is a good thing. i love that stuff. >> would you buy a house from a guy with the logo tattooed on him? >> i would love to be in a position to buy a house. i netted $8,000 last year. now i'm sad. . >> i'm really sorry we did this story. you should have told us. >> governor, there is something creepy -- it is like
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a science fiction movie. >> 1100 employees and i would have a fake tattoo put on my ass and show it to the owner and get the 15% rate and pope benedict want -- and nobody would want to see. >> first of all you are in great shape. b, i disagree. i would love to help you put that tattoo on. you are a gorgeous man. i wish i didn't hear you say that. i. >> i wish i didn't hear you say anything. >> jedediah, some choose getting tattoo than over charity work. that's pretty bad. not a good reflection on society. i guess if you have a ton of tattoo it can blend in. if you just have one on your arm -- i think if he was going to go bay it make the logo a little more appealing for somebody like me.
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if i am going to stamp it somewhere it is going to look good. >> it is like a kitty cat. bill, last question. does it booster you that fox pays you extra not to get an fnc tattooed or not wear any gear with the fnc logo on it? gee it is even -- >> it is even a tiny, you know, mole. everybody who washings at rapid reality could easily have been a star in the boiler room. it is the same time of people working for them. when i get a real estate agent that has a tattoo i am thinking a floor walk up and that's all they will offer to me. >> when you are here, you are family. >> is that olive garden? >> no, they took it from them. >> it is cool that fox gave you a waiver and let you get john gibson tattoo on your
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back. >> that's because his hair is so white you can barely see it. coming up, should president obama be impeached and tried for high treason? jedediah bila on her new book h to the l to the yeah. and first, is amanda bynes mentalgood lord, no. quite the opposite, actually. you are watching "red eye" on fnc. stick around.
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it depends. the poll conducted by cnn after the boston bombing found that 81% favor increasing the use of camera surveillance on streets and public places. 55% say they support authorities monitoring internet chat rooms. and just 38% backed expanded government monitoring of cell phones and e-mail. anyway, somewhat less importantly how can dogs protect against kisses? >> of anything i have ever
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seen on this show, that was horrible. >> everybody is a critic. >> it was a slow day with the animal videos, guys, back off. >> i don't think it will be as big of a hit as "gangnan style" for psy. you said in the green room the government should do whatever it takes to protect us which surprises me. 49% of americans say they are not willing to give up civil liberties to curb attacks, but 81% want cameras on the streets for surveillance. that's just not considered civil liberties ? >> boston, really brought into focus the surveillance cameras. well, what is wrong with surveillance cameras as long as there is a judge looking over the shoulder of law enforcent in to quickly say yes it is okay to go into the con tepts of the camera to -- contents of the camera to find the perpetrator of somebody who has done harm as opposed
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to being able to go out and arrest without due process? fourth amendment of the constitution, due process of law. this is what has been highlighted with the boston bombing. drones, is it okay to have a surveillance drone? yes if the judge can look over the shoulder of law enforcement and say that's okay. should we have militarized drones, but somebody will get killed and that's a focus that i don't think has ever happened before. and this allows us to jukes tau pose what was happening abroad. we are killing a lot of innocent people. and that's why we are being villa fight. due process as a part of this is so important. did highlights the patriot act. look, there is no due process with the patriot act. there can be and it can be timely and that's the basis for this country. we are a constitutional
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republic. >> governor, if you are not passionate about this just say i don't care and we can move on without a problem. >> jedediah, they asked if they were more concerned of one of two things. 31% said they were concerned the government would fail to enact strong, new anti-terrorism policies. 61% were more concerned they would enact strong new anti-terrorism policies that would restrict the average person's civil liberties. >> i think people were concerned about civil liberties, but when you talk about street cams they consider that to be personal. when you deal with cell phones that's why we are hearing about a cell phone and it is personal for them. if you are walking down the street and there is a camera and watching you go in and out of a diner or go in and out of your office people don't have a problem with that. 24r is a flesh hold. >> surveillance cameras. the issue is i don't want to
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get a ticket in the mail because i am talking on the cell phone i can talk on the cell phone and drive at the same time. now we are back to crime. crime having been committed and due cross -- due process. as long as there is due process engaged. >> i think people are willing to sacrifice their freedom as long as it doesn't impose on their personal fear. >> and surveillance camera. i don't want to be picked up for speeding. >> you break a lot of laws. >> for a guy who is governor of a state you threw out the law a lot. >> the issue with speeding is the government's attempt to regulate reckless driving is to establish speed limits. 55 miles an hour posted speed limit is sometimes reckless driving. other times of the day you could be going twice that amount of speed perfectly safe. >> that's why i hate speeding.
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>> and he loves speed. >> joe, would you care if the government monitored the e-mail? >> can't wait. by the way, i invented the foot spoon. >> i don't think i do, actually. >> bill, you claimed the government is monitoring your chat room. but it is a bathroom closet and the only ones are hobo carl and a dead squirrel named francine. he has to be replaced real soon. >> it is funny you said that, jedediah. people are comfortable with getting a little bit of their freedom. i am reminded that those who will get a little bit of liber tee deserve neither of that
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crap. that was benjamin martin who said that or johnny tremain. it was true today. you think about that history majors of -- majors. >> what did you just say? >> you know exactly what i just said. >> johnny tremain was not a founding father. >> it was benjamin martin. >> got a comment on the show? e-mail us. it is red eye at fox do you have video of your animal doing something? go to fox eye? the half time report from tom shillue. >> tonight's half time report is sponsored by clouds. the visible masses of water in the atmosphere which rain and other forms of precipitation fall. thanks, clouds.
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we're back. let's find out if we have gotten anything wrong so far. we go to you know who, tom shillue. and tom's new comedy cd "halfway there" is now available. >> that's beautiful. >> isn't it though? i like your "bully" one better. >> that's a classic. that's a few months old. >> that was three cd's ago. andy, i have a question for you. it is great for you. you know how to do this job here. >> well, allegedly. >> do you ever go out of order? i want to jump into the civil
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liberty thing. >> no, you can go out of order. >> i am overwhelmed by a wonderful sense of freedom now. >> keep your clothes on. >> do it. >> i want to talk about the civil liberty thing. let's talk about your quote. those who would give up essential liber tee deserve neither liberty or safety. >> we decided it is benjamin martin. >> franklin, benjamin franklin. >> no, and heath ledger died at the hands of the red coats. >> call the red coats, the red tails. >> they did say sometimes it is thomas jefferson. >> thomas who? >> some people say jefferson and some say ben franklin.
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benbenjamin martin aka, the ghost. >> tom seems to have as good of a handle as you do. >> do you know what benjamin martin did to the french in the french and indian war, he wouldn't tell heath ledger about it. >> you don't understand your references. >> well, he saw him and then he took his time. >> jedediah, people are willing to give up freedom as long as it doesn't enter their personal sphere. people in this survey said they love cameras in the public space, but they are against tapping phones. it is funny because when you think about it, cameras in the public taif everybody. tape everybody. nobody gets away from the spying eye of the government. with cell phones we know what happens with cell phones.
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we went over this. you couldn't wiretap the phone. they couldn't tape a conversation unless one party is in another country. >> you know what else is interesting? people are generally okay with governments going into chat rooms which i would think would be personal. you can be doing text and chat room. it is interesting they don't view the chat room as a personal space in the same way they view e-mail and phones. it is all about what is personal to them and what is not. >> i honestly don't use internet chat rooms. >> this one does. >> remember the days in the chat rooms? that was fun. in mac world you would go over to the community center and check your mail. it was fantastic.
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governor, you said i don't want to be picked up for speeding because of the cameras. and you know -- well i want your take on this. but these traffic cameras cause accidents. people see them and see something flashing and slam is his brakes and then the guy behind him hits him. >> they cause traffic accidents. it is a fact. >> and another one cell phone laws. everybody loves the cell phone lawe accidents. i know because i see -- everyone is texting now like this. you can see them texting. they are hiding their phone from the police officer. >> maybe you can't drive and talk on a cell phone. i can. i understand the whole thing. this is government's attempt to control all of this. with me, i can do it.
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if you are skilled enough you can do it. >> back in the old days it was like la, la, la. >> why would you sing? >> i am the governor of new mexico and they want to pass open container laws and that's why we have trash on the sewed of the road. it is against the law to have them in your car empty. they are trying to ditch the can when the fuzz pulls them over. let's go back in time to the first story. those were good days. red neck day. which is more stupid, planning red neck day or getting worked up about it? are we going to blame the kids for wanting to have fun. we are talking about the government. we can blame the government, can we no? >> it is a shared responsibility. no denial. >> jedediah, you said
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something something -- you thought it was a dumb idea as well. back in my day we had 50s day. i dressed up like the fonz or richie -- every day on "the 50s". and i went with richie. >> it is a tad bit different from red neck doo day. >> people are proud of their heritage. jeff foxworthy is opening up a $200 million theme park. it is clue collar comedy park. >> they don't call it the blue collar day. >> it is also a school.
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it is not an amusement park. it is a school. you have kids and you have parents. regardless of whether or not you think it will be a problem, it is going to offend somebody. you are running a school. >> i took two years of latin. do you know why? >> we had chariot races at the end of the year. i used to look at that and say i will take latin because i want to do the cherry races. >> i believe that. >> yes, the superintendent says queen creek high school did this to saderize "duck dynasty." do any of you elitists watch "duck dynasty"? >> the family is rich than half of our anchors put together. they need. it they have a lot of kids. it is like a reality show of
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the waltons. >> they all pray at dinner. >> what they should have done is a duck dynasty, everybody. this week in kent, washington sunny crest scheduled white trash elementary -- white trash wednesday in which barbecue would be served on trashcan lids. don't you wish they did that? we could have had them so the show. last one reality of the -- bill pronounced it -- he gave me the reality pronounce yags. it is reality. >> reality. it was a mistake. you referred to this company as a company. >> i am thinking of our founding father.
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should we pay no mind to amanda bynes? the actress swears she is not bat poop crazy or addicted to drugs, but others are not convinced. she tweeted several photos of her topless and in her underwear. yes, that's her topless and in her underwear. >> i don't buy it. >> so is this, bill. you can stock your internet sources now. it took the cops being called on her. i just spoke to amanda bynes
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is she is so messed on messed on messed on the up on drugs. find her and help her. i don't know her address at tmz. and general me mccarthy followed, police are at amanda bynes house. i hope they tbet her help. enough of this circus. bynes tweeted back, police were not at my house old lady. shut the [bleep]. you look 80 compared to me. why are you talking about me? >> you pitched this story to us. what is your take? >> the amanda story? >> yes. >> that you said in all caps. >> you said if i am on the show we are talking about amanda bynes.
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>> such a compliment bill about your ass. and now i have to start thinking about my own. i never thought prior to bill. >> and i may send out the butt shots -- your bud shots and then hash tag 20016. i will be your campaign manager. i will run that campaign. the most important thing is jenni mccarthy and amanda apologized. amanda said, i'm sorry i offended you. i was lying. they should get together and do an am russ -- am russ thing and tweet that out.
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>> i don't know who amanda bynes is. >> but i will follow her on twitter. >> jedediah, on a serious note, should thee get help? >> she is on a lyndsay lohan/ britney spears disaster scores. disaster course. she says she is allergic to alcohol and she is smoking in one of the photos. if i was tweeting this and i would hope somebody i love would intervene. good for them. maybe now they can know. i love you, but i would never intervene. i won't say you go girl. >> amanda says the police never came to her house. kim kardashian's expublicist says they went to the house.
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>> you always believe the expublicist. joan what part of the business you are not understanding. we have a pod cast on fox news if you haven't listened to it, check it out. we try to have saw sign ments where we get celebrities to tweet us back. we notice if you compliment her, she hillary ply to you. we have done a couple. the first was giiiiiirrn. i know you are a princess. nothing. i sent oud i'm a fanda of amanda. seriously let's get some coffee and then ride out to are new blood. >> nothing. >> jeremy mcnicy, he replied. >> the kid who you said, you
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are way better than amanda. >> you found somebody on a lower level. >> he is training to be an ultimate fighter. >> don't you think lyndsay lohan is sitting at home going thank you, thank you. >> there is a flip side too. time to take a break. when we return a performance from the musical guest the gap band.
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last topic. writer was somehow able to survive without using the internet a full year. paul miller went 365 years without e-mail, google, twitter or cat so he could focus on other activities and find himself whatever that means. in an interview the finishing he is looking forward to see the most the internet culture that i missed. governor johnson, could you go a full year without the internet? >> i wouldn't want to. i just wouldn't want to.
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it enables all of us to do things we wouldn't go to otherwise. >> you can be in touch, but they are terrific. i wouldn't want to. >> i have at&t and there are times i don't have anything -- i don't think i can go a full year. >> i sometimes can't pay my bill. >> i wish this was another story we hadn't done. >> i would like to think i could go without an internet. as a median people are -- i hand hold.f they were holding jedediah, the closes thing this guy did to -- on the internet was he went to the card catalog website of his local library.
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>> that's old school. >> i guess that doesn't count because it is not full internet? >> no, but it is old school. >> i am week. i'm weak. of course i have an uh district tiff personality so i would be obsessed with testing. i would find a loop poll that i could focus on. maybe if he did it for a week it could have a healing affect. >> bill, last word. >> i don't understand these tasks. the internet is good physically. it is like this guy may have as welled said i am going a year without tipping. you are welcome, america. i am going to be you not being polite to anybody. >> it is information over load. my head feels like i am swarming.
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new "red eye" saturday at 11:00 p.m. eastern and 8:00 p.m. pacific. that's saturday, 11:00 p.m. eastern. tom shillue, post game. >> all right, governor, tell us quickly about your mountain climb in argentina. >> kids and i, the family go to argentina to climb on the summit day. the guide sits down at 21,000 feet and says he is too cold and he is going back down. the guide. we made our way to the top without him. >> excellent. >> jedediah, you have a new q and a column. >> against my better judgment i am doing a q and a column. there is a contact form. >> joe, where is that gig?
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>> may 30th, 31st, june junest. >> thanks, everyone. i'm tv andy levy. 'reilly factor is on. tonight: [explosion eight seattle washington police officers injured by loons running mild on may day. why is this not a front page story? we will tell you. >> i was interested to see a bible by your bed. you actually find time to read it? >> i sure do. every god damn day. >> bill: big controversy brewing about god and the u.s. military. is there a violation of church and state going on? we'll have a special report. also tonight, megyn kelly on the university of massachusetts refusing to give out information about the accused
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