tv Americas News Headquarters FOX News May 4, 2013 9:00am-10:01am PDT
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bearish. >> see you next week. >> their identities have been kept under wrappings for months and known only to high powered attorneys and government officialings. breaking news bengazi. today fox news learned the nameless was three bengazi whistle-blowers that will be testify nothing a high-profile congressional hears. they will be challenging the official review board saying they were not allowed to offer up what they knew about the fateful day. i am uma in washington. molly is leading off with the breaking newings. >> three men are going to tell their stories wednesday before the house committee. two of them not heard publicly before now .
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there is back and forth between the congressional republicans and obama administration over whether these three have been prevented from telling their stories to congress. eric nordstrom top security officer in libya in the months leading up to the attack. he spoke and told congress that he and others asked the state department for more security for the bengazi consalate and turned down. he has more information to testimony congress. >> two other men who describe themselves bengazi whistle-blowers, gregory hickings second highest ranking diplomat and mark thompson. a state department counter terrorism official. darryl issa said his committee may hear from additional witnesses. our committee has been contacted by numerous individuals who have direct knowledge of the bengazi terrorist attack that are not
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yet prepared to testify. they are concerned with the retaliation at the hands of the employers. the obama administration pippered about whether the height height or state department tried to silence the bengazi survivors. the white house insisted anyone who want to testify before congress is it welcome to. >> bengazi happened a long time ago. we are unaware of agencies blocking . employees who will like to give information to bengazi. >> that is the names of the men. it clolcely guarded secret in washington who will provide that information on wednesday. >> thank you very much. doug collins served on the oversight committee and will be in the hearings. thank you for joining us today. >> thank you. >> and what is your reaction to the news breaking about the
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whistle blowers and several memberings of - members of your committee would not get access to the identity of the witnesses that survived that day. >> it is a process we are seeing, they are dragging their feet. even the comment that bengazi happened such a long time ago. it is fresh in people's mind and they are tired of the administration and state department dragging their feet and not allowing security clearance for attorneys and documents coming forward. we have to get to the answers so that the american people can have assurances that the ambassador and otherings did not die in vain and we are learning lessons from the tragedy in bengazi. >> one of the whistle-blowers said he threatened by unname would administration officials not to come forward. do you believe that? >> i have to take him at his own word.
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it is going forward in the investigation and the new knowledge that appears weekly with the information coming from bing -- bengazi. we'll ask the questions and challenge the administration to be forth right . without hiding behind rhetoric that continues to hinder this investigation. >> when asked this week about survivors being blocked from testifying, president obama said he not familiar with those accusations. what did you think? >> it continue to show a disregard for are the concern that the american people have about this. the question of bengazi is one of the top calls in e-mailings that we get. people are concern body this. this is a situation where we had a u.s. ambassador die and otherings die in the case. we know they requested will extra security and denied extra security . the response was inadequate
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and we want to have those questions answered and we are not going to stop it is not going back and saying this is all about politics and it is it about the missions in the world who we want to make sure they are protected and know that america has their back when they are out there doing their job. state department employees do a wonderful job. we want to make sure we can move forward and prenth them. >> the state department of inspector, is probing bengazi and looking to see if there were holes in the report particularly when secretary of state hillary clinton was never interviewed. do you see it as a positive move? >> i do. it highlights questions that we asked and they gave a favorable report to high level officials and now the internal is saying there may be flaws in this, because certain officials were not questionsed.
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i have been a part of others in congress to look at how the accountability review board wills are set up and move forward to hold tholce accountable. amms were not negligent. this is something we want to change and working with the accountable review board process . it is significantown internal ig there may be faults because some folks asked quis. that is a problem that people need to hear about. >> this is not about politicings. but many democrats are saying it is it simply a republican witch hunt that is going on regarding the bengazi investigation. how do you respond. considering what we are investigating is the liveless of americans that are lost. we have missions in hostile areings. we are taking an event that we hope never happened . yet instead of look making
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these solutions better. we have to have the answers to look ahead . our diplomatic corp can make sure they are safe and they can do thatwhat they are paid to do. that's what we are looking forward to. we look at the past to look at the future and that's what i am trying to do and this committee is working on. >> thank you for joining us with your remarks and we'll be following the events unfolding closely in the hearing next week. >> take care. >> we'll have more on the developing story. we urge you to stay with us. a revealing interview and a attorney urging a whistleblower who has inform're -- important information to share. my one on one coming up at 12:20. turning now to israel where war planes struck syria for a second time this year. u.s. officials are confirming that the strike against the
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weapon's facility. they were intercepting weapons bound for hesbollah militants. here is the latest, conor? >> uma, israeli officials say thursday night and friday morning, israeli jets struck a shipment of advanced long-range missilings headed for hesbollah fighter in lebanon. a stock pile of conventional weapons and not chemical weaponings. the syrian government did not respond. israel is watching for weapon transfers and beefed-up the border of syria. turkey and jordan are terrified that the assad regime will use chemical weapons and transfer them to hesbollah. it is it believe thad syria has somewhere between 15 to 20
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chemical weapon sites and there is evidence that they have used them on a small scale against the rebels. president obama said the use of chemical weapons cross , a red line and forcing u.s. action and stopped short of the saying what action it would take. president obama ruled out putting american troops on the ground. they have given nonmilitary aid to rebels. whether it is the transfer of chemical weapons or hesbollah and a lot of people in this region are nervous. >> in afghanistan today,s, news that u.s. troops have died. this is less than a week after the taliban targeted military bases and diplomatic areings. turning now to the latest in the boston bombing story. a massachusetts funeral
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director is having a tough time finding a cemetery to take tsarnaev. tsarnaev's death certificate said he died from gunshot wound and blunt trauma to the head and torso. peter is joining us with the latest, peter? >> uma, we have brand new information to share with you coming from our producer nicole bush who is in the funeral home. she has seen tsarnaev death certificate and the way those injuries shot by police and dragged by a motor vehicle. she reports to us that tamerlan dead on ariveral at 1:35 on april 19th and the family. the tsarnaev family is judging for a happened independent autopsy. from where i am standing block
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away from where the first explosion occurred on marathon monday. an hour from here is where the body is in massachusetts. the people in the town had no idea that an alleged terrorist was coming to the community and they are very upset about it. >> he just bombed us and we are taking care of him not fair. >> they should have asked if we want that to happen here. we would have said no. >> but the funeral director said that everyone deserves burial and argues he's doing the job the same way the doctor saved it is younger tsarnaev and did their job. >> we are not burying a person but a dead body. if we were doing something for him, i suppose they would be upset for what they are doing for the brother.
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he is a dead body. and tamerlan tsarnaev's widow katherine russell is assisting investigatorings according to sources that are close to her. but other sources said she talked to tamerlan tsarnaev in the days after the bombing and they exchange would and sent him one e-mail with an attachment on it and there is a possibility we are told that that attachment contained a picture of the f.b.i.mented poster that had his face on it. uma. >> thank you very much. at long last firefighters in southern california may be getting much needed help from mother nature this weekend. wildfires destroyed many homes and property. cooler winds from the pacific ocean should help bring the fires under control. joining us live at malibu with efforts to get the flames under control. >> you can probably see the
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ground smouldering here behind me. thankfully overnight we had cool moist air coming off of the and that will help the fire crews after yesterday were battling fires in 98 degrees temperaturings and in need of relief. the temperature dropped 10-20 degrees and that will help the effort going ahead. we have a spring fire at the moment and in ventura county they are focusing on it is a 43 square mile inside and 28,000 acres. we have seen 15 homes damaged there. 4000 are under threat and they dedicated fire personal to fight that . it is it rising to 30 today . the real concern is the thousand oakings community. that is it under mandatory
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evacuation and it is quite an afluent area it is a tough fire for them to tackle and biggest so far this week . also of concern is the panza, fire northwest of butte meadows, 6700 acres of land are burned. 20 percent of that under control by fire personnel. it is it a bit of an unstable situation. you have a bunch of timber that keeps catching fire and moving through the canios there and firefighters are trying to tackle that right now. you can see just out of the shot we have a marine layer building up and that is more moisture that will move in over land and improve the conditions and quell some of the fires that is raging through the conditions. not entirely sure how far inland that marine layer is coming in. but they said they don't
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expect any changings today in acres or containment. they will have a update later on in the year -- oring i should say. that is good news for the fire crews if the marine layer builds up comes inland. >> thank you for much. we have more ahead here on america's news headquarterings. the state department called her a liar. the attorney who represents one much bengazi whistle-blowers fires back. >> this is it a cover up. why wouldn't they ask the secretary of state what happened that night and how much her involvement and what she did or didn't do that night. they didn't even question her? >> coming up at 12:40. marines dying from toxic water? it is it a decades old issue
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that is getting new attention on capitol hill. stay with us. for seeing your business in a whole new way. for seeing what cash is coming in and going out... so you can understand every angle of your cash flow- last week, this month, and even next year. for seeing your business's cash flow like never before, introducing cash flow insight powered by pnc cfo. a suite of online tools that lets you turn insight into action.
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>> welcome back. attorney is representing one of the bengazi whistle-blowers and demanding an apology from the state department. she said she is blocked from getting security clearance in order to help her client and her client has been threatened by unname would administration officialings. >> she's been in touch with us directly. >> she said she -- >> she's making false statements. >> that is lies? >> we think that false statements are lying and we have someone on national television saying they are blocking them from a security clearance that. is not true. we think it unfounded to go on tv to say i am being blocked. >> earlier i spoke with toensing. she will not reveal the name
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of the client. the house overnight -- she will likely appear in the hear accusing the state diameter of a cover up. >> this is mr. ventril. i don't know his first name. he is making up things that he attribute to me saying and i haven't saying it at all it is an old debating trick it is call would the strong man argument. darryl issa sent the state department two letters by the time he said that . two letters asking for a process to clear the lawyers and he was ignored and not even, oh, we are going to get into it. nothing no response until i started going on fox tv and complained about it and finally we got something. this man just made up something about employees asking for it and said that is
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not true and therefore she is not telling the truth. it is insulting and the american people deserve better and they deserve for their government to have integrity and i am surprised that secretary kerry is allowing somebody in the press office to make up things about people and call them liars. >> are you asking for an apology. >> yes, i can. there is no transscript where i said an . eye tried to request an clearance or what i say by not giving yous the process to do it has caused a problem for their employees. >> talk about it for a moment. i know you are doing this work pro bono and your client is being call would a whistle-blower. what type of testimony can this person add to what is already said soy far? what can we expect in the
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hearings next week? >> i think for sure it will be announced on sunday. that is up to chairman issa. my client is ready to testify and whether it is next week or the following week, my client will be testifying at some point. let me just tell you, because i will not identify my client before he or she is identified by the chairman. here's what you are going to have. i think there are three witnesses. the overview of their testimony will tell what happened with the security issues prior to september 11th, and what happened the night of the september 11th, and what happened afterwards including retaliation against the employees. >> does that moon your client was on the ground in bengazi. >> you are trying hard, but i will not do that until we get permission from the chairman
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to say who the client s. >> how do you think it will play out? >> in say cover up. why wouldn't they ask the secretary of state what happened that night and how much her involvement and what she did or didn't do that night. they didn't question her. >> victoria, thank you for joining us and we'll look forward to your information and the client that comes forward to testify. we'll be in touch and stay connect to the story. what did they think the 24 year old widow can tell them? we'll ask former c.i.a. operative to expand . the grimming season beeves up. beef prices are going up and find out why and how much. it is it that time when you choose the story in the news.
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killing four babies alive. >> if you are looking to grill burgerings, wholesale resale prices hit a all-time high. price for choice beef going up that is up 50 cents from the previous high. >> as investigators in the boston bombing story try to piece together the details, they are looking at what tamerlan tsarnaev's widow may have known. katherine russell communicated with her husband after the bombing, this comes amid reports that radical islamist material were found on her computer. joining us is the insight cia operate identify. thank you for being here. >> thank you. >> we have a lot to talk
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about. we are hearing that the folks in the law enforcement community are focusog the widow because they believe she may offer up more information about what may have led up to this bomb what her husband knew and communicating with. what do you make of this? >> that's the place to start. if you have to pick a ground zero, that's where you have to start. i am absolutely certain beyond any shadow of a doubt that the f.b.i. and cia and dta and atf, they have all had the agents scouring here background and her communicatations . what she knew and how. there is no way in my humble opinion, that you can live in the same environment and have this type of an event take place and this woman did not know about it. >> especially if they were making the bombs at home?
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>> yeah, not only making but planning this. so the plannings- plans, the buildings of the bombs and who they communicated with . remember as you know, i have said all along, you can't build this type of a bomb, we can go on the internet to see how to do it. it is another to build it and drag it around new york city without it detonating and stability factor become a monumental thing that guys like me look at. how did he get to to work . how did they get the bombs to where they were placed without them detonating it. someone trained them. >> speaking of that. the area and city in dagestan, where we are learning about is a hot bed for hardened islam i felt and people who are battle we're -a weary and driven out
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of chechnya are holed up and tamerlan spent six monthings. >> no one knows where he was and no one has told us yet. this is not the about the soviets in my opinion. this is not the soviets. listen, they are taking the brunt of what we saw in boston. they are getting this all of the time and you know that when you have a, a, when you have a group of individuals who are prepare tod go nobes slan and camenture an entire elementary school and slaughter the children. >> that a horrible story. >> absolutely. you have to go well, no, that is not the russian mo. they will not do that. but the guys in boston will do that . so i think everyone in this instance. the russians need to figure out who it is . they want us to ben nit from
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that and they want selfishly and rightfully take out the enemyings. the enemy of my enemy is my friend. >> we'll talk about the friends who are under arrest. the three people who are being named in this. raising questions on this issue of the expire student vis a. one of them was allowed to come. homeland security according to the reports is ordering border agent to check all of the kids coming in and out and make sure the visas are valid. isn't that standard operating procedure all along particularly after 9/11? >> i think that is a great question, uma. the answer is, that we have 750,000 students coming in the nation. 200,000 coming from china and ep i plus camming from saudi
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arabia . yet, we have no mechanism to do the background check. who are these people and how do we handle this? we don't have it do we have the technology yes. but we haven't done it >> wayne, thank you for your insights. >> and turning to president obama who is wrapping up a three day trip to mexico and coasta - costarica. edhenry is joining us live from sunny san jose, costa rica. the president is set to speak in an hour? hi, ed. >> great to see you uma. the president wanted to talk up economy and trade in mexico and costa rick a. immigration reform overshadowing.
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he crossed the 100 thres hold and largely empty handed on the legislative victories. gun control and grand budget deal. he is expressing optimism . noted yesterday that he would nomit necessarily make same-sex benefits for coupilings under the immigration reform bill and that a deal breaker and sign it and he might anger the left and win conservative. take a listen to the president. >> this kind much immigration bill has an opportunity to do something historic that we have not done in decades. i don't expect after we are finished with it, people are going to say, there is not a single problem about the immigration system. >> it has nothing to do with latin or central america. it is syria, with the news of israel launchings the air strike to prevent chemical
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weps spread to hesbollah and used in israel. the president said he's not planing to put any u.s. military booklets on the ground in syria but exploring others. >> thank you, ed. we'll see what develops in the events regarding sir yampt >> ahead. toxic water is a killer issue on one . premiere military bases in the united states and a problem for deck aleds. after the break, congressman dingle who is on the forefront to clean the water in the base . we'll talk to a marine that said his daughter killed by cancer that caused by the toxic waters. stay with us.
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northern italy. amateur video is showing the cone over the town whipping up debris. the media said 11 people were injured and several homes were damaged. >> a story of environmental contamination. at issue. toxic water contamination in camp lajune military base in north carolina. a new report for toxic substance and disease shows that it may go back as far as 1953. michigan congressman john dingle is calling for more . he is here along with ir who said his nine year old daughter died of luekemia from toxic camp water in camp lajune. thank you for joining us .
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this is a important story. one million people may have been affect would by the toxic waters. people who have either died or babies born with birth defects. how has the issue gone on so long without final remedy? >> it is a problem which is not peculliar to camp lajune it is in several formings. first much all, we have a terrible problem with contamination in all military bases and most military bases and we have a strong lack of cooperation from the military in their refusal to clean up and be honest about whamed . sergeant can tell you more about what happened in lajune. it goes beyond that. the military is still seeking exemptions from federal laws which relaid to the environmental protection and
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the public generally from the kind of contamination that we are talking about. it is serious. the amount of contamination in some cases. the limit is 5 parents per billion and they are coming up with 7cent 0 parts for billion. that is many, many timings >> indeed. jerry, i know your daughter died of luekemia at the young age of nine. we are sorry for your loss. did you have trouble convincing folkings that your daughter's illness was traced back to the water? >> yes. when i first started in the fight in 1997, i was told by representatives of the military both the department and nave yemarine core that all agency for toxic substance and disease registry was blowing it out of the
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porportion . that the levelings of contaminant in camp lejeun e were minute or trace . we didn't have anything to worry about. the further it went along. i found out the truth that started coming out. the truth that camp lejeune is known as one of the worst contaminated drinking water incidents in the history of the world. >> it is unbelievable. congressman, let me ask you, i read many marine camp are having trouble getting disability from the va because they have to prove a direct connection between the medical condition and the water. that is difficult in and of itself because there are so many efforts made to say that you have to have scientific
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proof that there is it a direct tie and for these people they can't get it. >> i think that is corrected or at least i hope it has. last august. in 2012, the president signed legislation in this which was in good part name would after jamie, the sergeant's daughter. alm you have to establish there is that the president serve would there or was a member of a family which served there at the time. there is it however, a serious problem and that is we are finding out instead of 1957, it actually about neven 53, and so there are four years of people who are not taken care of. i am not doing it alone. senator bird and other members of the senate and dave miller, also and senator hagin have
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worked on this and legislation will be introduced to correct this. i have to say, this is like peeling an onion. more you peel the more you fine. >> i am running out of time. jerry, where do you go with this and what are your goals to bring it to a close? >> first and foremast. we need the whole truck about what happened in camp lejeune and how it happened and how did it get to this point and we need the truth from the military leadership. leadership of the united states marine corp and department of the navy and we need the whole truths as to how it happened and how it was covered up after all of these years. >> let's hope you get answers, soon. thank you for joining us and wish you both all . best. >> thank you. >> switching gearings.
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>> welcome back. it is time to get those gorgeous big hats and pour yourself a mint julip or two because it is derby day. we are going to hear why today is the very historic day in the run for the roses, anna. >> race fans are getting water logged today. 160,000 people are expect would to pack churchhill downs here and it is it a historic day as you mentioned. 29 year old kevin is the first africa-american to win since 1962. take a look to the jockey right now. and the laws kept the race trackings seggated since the 1950s and there are very few africa-americans who are jockeys. >> a lot in the sports right now is playing with baseball and basketball and football .
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that is what i guess it turned into. people are calling you a trail blazer, how does that make you feel? you brought along your son and how much support are you getting from your family in this? >> i am getting a huge support for them. they are happy and excited right now. >> unfortunately, you can see the mint julip and floppy hat and seer sucker and fancy outfits are getting soak would. it is at 6:24 tonight . security is on high alert. add to the list is coolers banned from coming through the gate and purses that are large in any direction and backpackings. >> it is a sign of the times
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unfortunately when we have to be careful. you look ravishing and i love the pink hat as well and you will have a lot of fun. thank you very much. >> okay. >> still to come. a special surprise for a little girl battling brain cancer, stay with us . this heart warming story coming your way after alec, for this mission i upgraded your smart phone. ♪ right. but the most important feature of all is... the capital one purchase eraser. i can redeem the double miles i earned with my venture card to erase recent travel purchases. d with a few clicks, this mission never happened. . , what's this button do? [ electricity zaps ]
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nothing runs like a deere. discover the full line of riding lawn equipment at or your local dealer. welcome pack as we told you the president is in san jose costa rica where he is speaking to the business and trade. let's listen in to his remarks. which has a wonderful reputation throughout the region. we have two former alumni who now are presidents of gawted. and that the origination of this idea was when president kennedy visited 50 years ago. and i think recognized at that time the enormous potential for the private sector as a critical ingredient in progress and development for the hemisphere as a whole that
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when you combine good government with a thriving free market, that then that was an extraordinary recipe for opportunity for all people. and for me to be able to visit 50 years later and to see how much progress has been made both in the region and in the ties between the united states and central america, i think indicates that president kennedy's vision was sound and it also speaks to, i think, the importance of us continuing to willed these kinds of networks and relationships for the future. you know, i have been interviewed several times during the course of. >> the central american business forum where he is taking questions and wrapping up a three-day trip talking about trade and immigration there. we apologize to our viewers who were waiting to see the results of our viewers
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choice on the stories that you selected. we'll have to post that online so you can go there and find out which story won. in the meantime, that's the news for me i'm uma pemmaraju. make it a great day. fox news alert the identities of the so-called benghazi, libya whistleblowers finally revealed. hi, everybody i'm jamie colby. >> and i'm kelly wright. welcome to a brand new hour. fox news confirms all three men high ranking state department officials are set to testify before a congressional hearing next week. lawmakers hope their testimony will shed light on events that led up to the night of september 11th last year. that's when heavily armed gunmen stormed the u.s. consulate in benghazi killing four americans, including u.s. ambassador to libya. chris stevens. our molly henneberg is live in washington with more details on this. molly? >> kelly, jamie good afternoon. three men,
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