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tv   Justice With Judge Jeanine  FOX News  May 4, 2013 6:00pm-7:01pm PDT

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then how'd i get this... [ voice of dennis ] driving bonus check? every six months without an accident, allstate sends a check. silence. are you in good hands? >> judge jeanine: when kids are little and they have done something wrong and they are caught red handed they almost always profess ignorance. i didn't know! actually, a lot of adults mostly defendants i have met up with say the same thing. like the driver of the getaway car loaded with guns outside the bank waiting for the bank robbers. i didn't know! this week, excuses keep coming from washington about the boston marathon bombing and if it weren't so deadly serious and the security of this nation weren't on the line, it would be humorous. hello he and welcome to "justice." i'm judge jeanine pirro.
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thanks for being with us tonight. the obama administration says it couldn't have done anything differently about the two tsarnaev brothers. one facing a charge now of using a weapons of mass destruction in the boston marethon bombing and, of course, the fbi did everything it could have and should have. >> what we do know is that the fbi took action in response to that notification, investigated the elder brother. and investigated thoroughly and came to the conclusion there was no derogatory information. no indication of terrorist activity or associations either foreign or domestic at that time. >> the russians warned you twice. the saudis warned you and your own cia warned you and you say there was no indication of terrorist activity? and by the way, why is it that the russians reportedly had enough information to get a wire on tamerlan talking to his mother about an attack and our fbi gives him a clean bill of
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health? and why is it that we are so clueless about the dangers that these brothers posed? okay. forget that the other governments told you. forget that your own cia told you. what about the radical jihadi videos posted by tamerlan on you tube? something about this reminds me of benghazi when the brits got out and the red cross got out and our people begged for more security and we he did nothing. speak of benghazi, take a listen to the president from yesterday. >> i think that this is a very difficult challenge when you have individuals who are self-radicalizing, they are not part of some massive conspiracy or network. >> judge jeanine: mr. presiden, how can you be so sure that they are not part of some massive conspiracy or network? kind of reminds me of that old spontaneous protest about the video.
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why are you, mr. president, so wedded to those narrate ives? could it be that if the brothers were self-radicalizing and if the video caused the massacre of four americans in benghazi, then you could keep spinning that you broke the back of al-qaeda and that they are on their heels. and oh, i foregot, of course, they are on their heels you killd that old geezer watching those porno films. but you say it like it is a fact and you are certain that nothing else could be done. >> the fbi followed up on it but the fbi can't arrest somebody just based on a rumor and that is part of our system of law. >> judge jeanine: of course, the fbi followed up and exactly how was that? they interviewed tamerlan. he says he is okay. they say he is okay. let's call it a day. and they say they get thousands
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of tips. how could be possibly know which ones are real? i have an idea. how about you isolate the tips that come from foreign governments that have no obligation to tell us anything in the first place. especially the countries that we don't even give money and f-16s to. and what about the fact that tamerlan shouldn't have been allowed back into the country after six months away in his homeland? >> yes, the system pinged when was leaving the united states. by the time he returned all investigations had been -- the matter had been closed. >> judge jeanine: and so it didn't ping when came back. i have an idea. get a computer that pings. maybe even get one that certain people can sign on to like the ones that you guys used as you watched the benghazi massacre unfold. and how about the three college friends of dhokhar, the cleaners, the ones who destroy evidence all here on student
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visas one of which was tamerlan was let back into the country even though his student visa status had been terrorist he was thrown out of school. he didn't come here to learn. and, of course, the border agent at the airport says he didn't have access to homeland security student exchange information so he couldn't stop him. you're kidding, right? does anybody integrate your computer systems? i thought it was all resolved after 9/11. one guy comes back in who should have been stopped but by the time he came back the matter is closed and another guy comes back in because they didn't have access to the computer information that would have stopped him. i guess you didn't get that pi in ng either. i have an idea. why do we even have student visas? they come here and we give them scholarships and they leave and take all of the information assuming they even came here to learn in the first place and then they leave.
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it is called a brain drain. so what do we he get out of their coming here anyway? and then after not listening and not putting two and two together when you are criticized you say it's not your fault like your pal eric holder. he says it was the magistrate who decided to mirandaize dhokhar at the bedside. >> the magistrate -- we did not give anybody. >> judge jeanine: really? this is the most important terrorist case we have got. who filed the charges? who assigned the assistant u.s. attorney to handle this? who told the assistant attorney to go to the hospital? who arranged for security at the hospital? is it just me or have i seen this one before? ♪ oh, i love to dance with the backstep, now they see me now they don't ♪ ♪ ooh
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>> judge jeanine: i guess in the end we will do one of the lessons learned like the lessons from the benghazi accountability review board which came up with pretty much the same conclusions that the 1999 board came up with after the brutal bombings in kenya and tanzania. we will keep working on fixing those problem hs or saying we didn't know. with me now, american center for law and justice chief counsel jay sekulw and david rasmen with me he here from new york. jay, why does the president keep insisting on saying these are lone wolfs and not radicalized? >> because it is not fitting the president's narrative. what is the difference about learning about radical jihadism from an imam in a mosque or on the internet? that is not self-radicalized.
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this is coordinated. not fitting the narrative number one. and number two, the termology used here. first it was two and now we have three more. these are not lone wolfs. someone organized this, paid for this and arranged for it to happen. could it be the two brothers and then the three accomplices that try to hide the weapons that were utilized after the fact? or were they part of it before? we will find out i guess unless they already mirandaizeed them which i'm sure they have. nostop spinning the narrative. is whole self-radicalized idea we got to get off of this. there is technology now. >> judge jeanine: david, you tried the zacarias moussaoui case and that was the case that involved one of the planner hes of the 9/11 attack so you are very familiar with it. does it make it difference to you whether or not they were self-radicalized or whether tamerlan went back and was trained in his homeland?
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>> it matters in terms of national security. in terms of the prosecution itself the elements of the offense don't require that somebody be radicalized in the united states or abroad. so if you are talking about a prosecution, it doesn't make a difference. in terms of protecting the homeland. >> judge jeanine: right. >> obviously it makes a huge difference. >> judge jeanine: when eric holder said it was the magistrate who gave him his rights, of course, the judge gave him the rights to remain silence. you though there are some of these terrorists we have held in custody for longer than 48 hours before we charge them and give them miranda rights. could this case have been held a little longer before he was arraigned? >> in the cases you are talking about it is usually because the defendant for one reason or another decided to waive a speed. >> presentment and has a right to go to court usually within 24 to 48 hours. in this case it was unclear
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whether anybody going t was goo waive or not. >> judge jeanine: do you agree that the fbi didn't have enough time knowing what you know to get the information they would need in a case of this magnitude? >> you always want as much time as you can get. it is completely unclear exactly how much these guys know other than what they planned in boston. >> judge jeanine: because we didn't give them a chance to tell us is. jay, i will go back to you. look, we have the three guys, his college buddies and people are saying they are just kids, just from college, not really a big teal. >> people are acting like they uncovered a cheating scandal on the campus. this is no different than someone finding a murder weapon that a buddy utilized to kill people and then hiding the weapons. it was a weapons of mass destruction and killed multiple people and injured hundreds. we have to get to the bottom of it.
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is something else that troubled me from the beginning of the case. remember when the fbi and police came on and showed the picture of the two suspects and said we need your help the american people in identifying some of you know who these people are. >> the fbi already interviewed them. how did they not know who they were? >> they could have said that is the guy we interviewed 18 months ago. >> judge jeanine: i want to get to these three guys, the college roommates. i know what they are charged with but they will go to jail i assume. >> they will go to jail for a very long time. this is a very serious crime. it is the most important investigation in the country and these kids started to take evidence and doug destroy it. it doesn't get any more serious than that. they have only been charged in the complaint. there will be additional charges filed perhaps more seriously he. >> judge jeanine: thanks for being with us and jay. and now to the insta-poll question. we want to know what punishment should the college friends of
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the boston bombing suspect dhokhar tsarnaev get for their role in disposing of the evidence? let me know on facebook or twitter @ judge jeanine. >> next, a special operator who witnessed in real time the attacks in benghazi. he said help was available. >> we could have provided medical evacuation for the injured. have you eaten today? i had some lebanese food for lunch. i love the lebanese. i... i'm not sure. enough of the formalities... lets get started shall we? jimmy how happy are folks who save hundreds of dollars switching to geico? happier than dracula volunteering at a blood drive. we have cookies... get happy. get geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more.
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but there are people in your own state department saying they have been blocked from coming forward but they survived the terror attack and want to tell their story. will you help them come forward and say it once and for all? >> i'm not familiar with this motion that anybody has been blocked from testifying. what i doll is i will find out what exactly you are referring to. >> benghazi happened a long time ago. we are unaware of any agency blocking an employee who would like to appear before congress
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to provide information related to benghazi. >> judge jeanine: did i hear that right? the two-step just goes on and on. but now, several hessl whistle blowers are coming forward hoping to tell the truth about ha happend that night when four courageous americans were murdered and whether the state department threatened people to keep them quiet. the house oversight committee will hold a hearing on that next week and oklahoma congressman james langford who is a member of that very committee joins me now. good evening, congressman. >> good evening to you. >> judge jeanine: i understand you will be on the panel and you just heard the president say didn't hear anything about that and carney says it is just old news. should we all go home and call it a day, congressman? >> they are trying to say that the state department already investigated the state department and didn't find any major problems so it should all go away.
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there have been five committees that have done their work to look at what happened in benghazi. we colleggedded the report of all -- we coh collected the res of all five of those and the hearings start on wednesday and we have a lot more of unanswered questions that still need to be resolved. >> judge jeanine: congressman, people want to hear from the survivors from benghazi and it is almost against human nature for it people not to want to talk about it and not to come forward. and so now we have got these whistle blowers who are petrified as i understand and and afraid to come forward but willing to coul do so. >> what kind of protection can you give them? >> theyster whistle counsel. the federal government has whistle blower statutes in place. we will step forward as a committee and be able to have counsel there to be able to help protect them in their
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future career. these are career state department diplomats and people committed to what we do as a nation and around the world. they see there are things never been told and they feel pressure youd to not tell it and stories of heroism that no one has heard. everyone has heard the bits and pieces of what have been heard. the families affect valentine's and we think the stories needft to be told as well. >> judge jeanine: when you think about doing an investigation without talking to hillary clinton and the idea that as i understand it they didn't talk to any of these whistle brothers. blowers. >> some did share things with the accountability review board. they were not allowed to be able to see the final documents as they were finished to see what they had said was in the final document and then the same thing that you heard over and over again we have as well. hillary clinton and higher ups
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in the state department that were part of the decisions made that evening were not even asked to be part of the process. there is some major gaps there. when the state department reviews the state department they will have their own review on it. we have to do a more thorough review and be able to take care of anything. >> judge jeanine: it is like the accused in the criminal case saying i will have my buddy be a judge on this one wench and a nod. it is scary. we -- wink and a load. we look forward to the hearings and i will be there wednesday as well. >> good. there is a lot more information coming forward on wednesday. >> judge jeanine: we look forward to it also. >> coming up, a dire warning from this special operations whistle blower who actually witnessed the attack in benghazi in real time. and later, another bombshell in the jodi arias murder trial as the case heads to the jury. ♪
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they had no plan. they had no contingency plans for what if this happens. and that is the problem that the state department is going to face in the future. they are dealing with more hostile regions is. hostile countries. this attack is going to happen again. >> judge jeanine: that benghazi whistle blower speaking exclusively with fox news and with a stunning revealation. he says that help could have arrived in time for the second atam and members of the special ops community with knowledge attacks have been threatened into silence. with me now, retired lieutenant colonel tony shafer and the former commander of the uss
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cole that was bombed in a terrorist attack in 2000, kirk liphold. thank you for being with us this evening. >> thank you for having us. >> thank you, judge. >> i will start with you commander. what is your reaction to what anonymous is saying there? >> i absolutely agree. you don't have a review board conducted by the organization that is under question itself. and you don't expect them to do what needs to be done. one or two hearings are not going to give answers. four people died. families deserve answers. the american people deserve answers and quite frankly congress needs to push to have a larger and broader investigation. >> judge jeanine: to get into the whole issue of whistle blowers and tony shafer you were a whistle blower regarding the 9/11 failure. >> right. >> judge jeanine: what is going to happen to these guys and what kind of protection can any one give these guys? >> that is this issue here. catherine herridge first say
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the way it is playing out on the 17th of september. that is the problem here. this record is so detailed now with so many pieces missing. these guys have to fill in the pieces and they will be excoriated. only their real friends will stick with them. there will be a whisper campaign and things said about them and one of the things going on the hill for the past few days is a vetting because these guys have to go through a vetting just like anybody that is going to be a witness to make sure there is nothing in there background that can be used against them. they will use any detail, any flaw in their character to try to make their character less reputable for the purposes of discrediting them and they will be saying damaging things and that is what they will be attacked on. >> judge jeanine: back to commander lippold. we have another sound from another whistle blower. let's see if we can play that, guys. >> we basically don't want to upset anybody and the problem
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is if ambassador stevens' family knew that we were sitting on information about the people who killed their son, their brother and we could look them as a government in the face then we are messing up. me are messing up. -- we are messing up. >> judge jeanine: commander lippold, you reaction to that ? >> we as a nation have to be strong enough to look at the fact that there were flaws in the entire investigation surrounding benghazi. have a thorough investigation into it and be he open and honest. put the politics aside. we do not need to be putting people in harm's way for the sake of this nation's security and not give them the support they need on the ground when things start to go bad or when they do go bad and we he investigate it if things went wrong let's be honest and open it up and learn from it. if we he don't it will happen again. the families deserve answers and so do the american people.
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>> judge jeanine: you were on the uss cole. we saw what can happen to americans and we keep hearing about the accountability review boards over and over. i read them. they are all saying the same thing. why is it that this is a problem that you think we are going to continually come up against? >> because a lot of people like to use accountability as a substitute term for responsibility. and the reality is when it comes to responsibility for who put these people in harm's way, why they did it, what was the information that they were using, why weren't they backed up, none of those questions have truly been answered and until they are, these families aren't going to do it. jay carney's comment from the white house was cruel. it was cruel. >> judge jeanine: no question. >> these families it wasn't like it was a long time ago. for every family that wakes up without a loved one it is as if it just happened yesterday.
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>> judge jeanine: tony shaffer go ahead. >> there was a 15 august memo that outlined, catherine herridge reported this that outlined how the worst the case scenario would happen. they actually spelled out, judge, how they would die in the memo. you have to fix things if you want to prevent them in the future. we have to have accountability and real change to prevent the next attack. >> judge jeanine: thanks for being with us this evening. >> thank you, judge. >> judge jeanine: what kind of monster stab an 8-year-old girl to death? we will talk with the sheriff who is on the hunt for the killer. and closing arguments not the jodi arias trial. was there a knockout punch that will decide whether or not jodi gets life or death? we will let you decide. stay with us. [ male announcer ] straight from red lobster's chefs to your table for a limited time! it's our seafood dinner for two for just 25 dollars! a handcrafted seafood feast made to share. first you each get salad
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rafferty. nra leaders assuring members that the fight against gun control is far from over. the vow delivered this weekend at the nra annual convention in houston. the group is gearing up for more battles in congress and next year's mid term elections but members are being told they will never have to surrender their weapons. a small group of protesters has been demonstrating outside the arena. a video showing a large explosion shaking the syrian capital of damascus. claiming those are the result of an israeli attack on a mihm terri research center near the capital and unconfirmed reports of deaths and injuries. yesterday, war planes targeted a tok pile of weapons that the jew youish state believes were going to be ship to the militant group hezbollah. i'm marianne rafferty. now, back to "justice," with judge jeanine. >> i just want to thank the entire community the and all of
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our family and friends for the overwhelming amount of support that you have given my family. it will never be foregotten. thank you. >> judge jeanine: the search is on for the killer of 8-year-old lila fowler discovered stabbed to death in her own home in valley springs california a week ago. police say they are making progress. sheriff gary kuntz of the calaveras county sheriff's department joins me on the phone. sheriff, thanks so much for being with us this this evening. >> thank you. >> judge jeanine: sheriff, what is the latest on the case? >> could you repeat that one more time, please? >> tell us what the late seventh on the case and on the investigation? >> we have gone forward with combing through all of the evidence, cams in the neighborhood hoping to pick up more -- canvassing the neighborhood hoping to pick up more leads and in the process
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of processing the evidence and looking at dna. >> judge jeanine: and sheriff, just for the benefit of our viewers, there was no sign of a forced entry of any kind, is that, correct? >> that's correct. >> judge jeanine: all right. and there apparently was a 12-year-old brother was lila who was home at the time, correct? >> that's correct. >> judge jeanine: and it's my understanding he says he didn't hear anything, correct? >> yes. >> judge jeanine: so i mean where do you start? start with pedophiles? how big is the circle and how far do you go? >> well, we have started with air search and then patrol. we have contacted all of our parolees in the area, sexual offenders and probation people and also put together a hotline, tipline and we were going through all of those. >> and sheriff, did she have a cell phone or a computer that
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she used? >> she may have, yes. >> okay. and i assume that you you have those and you are analessing them? >> oh, yes, yes, we have taken pretty much -- we have taken quite a bit of furniture et cetera from the home and are in the process of having them processed. >> judge jeanine: sheriff, thanks s so much for joining us and good luck with that investigation. >> thank you very much. >> judge jeanine: joining me mark fuhrman. former prosecutor dan shure. thanks for being with us this evening. mark fuhrman, right to you. you and i have seen this too many times. a little weird, isn't it? this someone a little weird -- this one is a little weird? >> very weird. i don't like it and it makes me uneasy but i have to say that the suspect is probably be or thee the family report
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suspect knows the family. in the middle of the day on a weekend day, a saturday. the house is okayfied. no forced entry and what really bothers me is that the police said they are looking for a knife that was possibly in the house that was used to stab the 8-year-old. so that means that the suspect came unarmed. motive unknown right now. murder occurs. knife is cleaned and put back or it doesn't even -- it implies that it wasn't taken. there is no missing knives that they are actually looking at knives for dna evidence. >> judge jeanine: right. >> disturbing to me all the way around. >> judge jeanine: i have done these child abuse homicides for years and pedophiles, sexual assault. it is rare that someone actually stabs an 8-year-old to death. it is usually a smothering, a strangulation. highly unusual, a stabbing, do you agree? >> i totally agree and the
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other thing that i find to be a little unbelievable is this is a violent type of death. this is a death where somebody will scream out, there will be a struggle. there will be loud screams. >> judge jeanine: absolutely, absolutely. >> this is not an easy death. >> judge jeanine: dan shore talk to me. >> a lot of strange facts here. first of all, how did the 12-year-old not know what was going on. the sheriff said they have dna evidence you would presume that would be blood of the killer. they are casting a wide net so this doesn't say they don't know yet who killed the little girl are. >> judge jeanine: the 12-year-old i understand took a lie detector. >> sadly history has shown us that whenever there is a child abduction, a child murder you want to start inside the immediate family, the extended family, friends. i would hate to think that is 12-year-old or any family member could possibly be involved in something this
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heinous but one of the first things the law enforcement want to do is look at polygraph exams to exclude members of the family and that knew the little girl. >> judge jeanine: and it can't be admitted into evidence. really an investigative tool that law enforcement uses all the time. you and i both know, i prosecuted 12-year-olds for murder. they do it. but i'm not suggesting in this case that that is the case at all. >> it is also a very personal angry way to kill somebody. stabbing someone multiple times. someone who had a beef with the girl or a family member and going through cell phones and computers, looking at chatroom conversations and skype conversations. >> and the parent parents havea legitimate reason to be out of the home? >> sound like it. certainly not unusual to leave an 8-year-old home with a 12-year-old particularly during the day time. one other thing about polygraphs is it is not only an investigative tool.
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as a defense attorney i have wanted my clients to submit to polygraph tests when they are under suspicion. it is a great way to show look, my client doesn't have anything to do with this. >> where do they go from here? >> well, i think they are already probably a lot farther than we think. when you give a polygraph you are not necessarily telling the person that is being examined what the results are or you could say yeah, you are fine, you passed with flying colors. it is an investigatory tool so they want somebody to relax or actually think they are in the clear. that is the first thing. the second thing is a witness that said that she saw the man leave the residence, she recanted her story and the sheriff said that that didn't hurt the investigation it actually narrowed it. and i think i know what that means. i'm not going spec speculate ot but it means it is focusing now
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in a tighter circle not a broader one. >> judge jeanine: and tells me that the 8-year-old and the 12-year-old and the corroborating witness had talked ahead of time and agreed on a story. the corroborating witness recants. now, you got to go back to the original -- to the start of the case. i'm with you on this one. >> absolutely. >> judge jeanine: thanks. stick around. coming up, the latest from the never-ending jodi arias trial. her fate now rests in the hands of the jury finally. and vote in our insta-poll, what punishment should the three friends of boston bombing suspect dhokhar tsarnaev get for their role in disposing of evidence. and we may see your response straight ahead. stay with us. ♪ ♪
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it is not even about whistling or not you like jodi arias. nine days out of ten i don't like jodi arias. >> judge jeanine: even her own attorney admits he doesn't like her. closing arguments in the jodi arias murder trial finally brought a painfully long trial to an end. it is now in the hands of the jury and with us dan shure and tom. h her attorney may not like her but how do you think the jury feels about her?
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not you, the jury. >> she lied multiple times and told an implausible story that she he toesent remember how she killed him. the fact that factually she told them to believe things that were not true and before the trial she said no jury will h ever convict me. >> what did he also say during the closing she is not on trial for lying. she is on trial for murder. i got to tell you, i would use that line. the prosecution. >> judge jeanine: does it work? >> sometimes. >> the prosecutor objected. i disagree with the judge sustaining the objection because often the defense attorneys don't get to pick and choose their clients. often though are loathsome people but not liking them is not a reason for convicting them. >> juries are human beings and they don't like to be lied to it their faces repeatedly for days and weeks. >> is that enough to send someone to the lethal injection chair? >> judge jeanine: they have the little evidence live the camera that she tried to wash in the washing machine.
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>> they have a lot of evidence. too much evidence. why did the trial take four months because the prosecutor lost control of courtroom. >> judge jeanine: you think so? >> and if it was so open and shut -- >> judge jeanine: the bottom line is that the defense gets to put a defense on and we as prosecutors and you know because you worked for me. >> i did. >> judge jeanine: are not allowed to tell the defense. >> i'm in a much higher tax bracket now by the way. >> judge jeanine: good for you. >> the prosecutor did take too long. asked too many questions and fought with scleroderma jodi over little points, however, he he fought with jodi arias over little points. he pointed out the points. using a .25 caliber weapon stolen from the grand parent's home. >> judge jeanine: is that premeditation. he says going to break up with her and going to mexico with a new chiquita and her parents
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end up losing a gun. >> the gun debate that has been raging in the country since sandy hook. there is a lot of .25 caliber guns out there. >> hogwash. take a listen to the prosecutor. we have sound from the prosecutor. >> even after stabbing him over and over and over again and even after slashing his throat from ear to ear and then even after taking a gun and shooting him in the face she will not let him rest in peace. now, instead of a gun, instead of a knife, she uses lies. >> judge jeanine: yeah, what do you have to say about that. you trashed the victim. he is six feet under. he can't answer for himself defense attorney. >> he is reciting the facts of the case. the facts aren't in dispute. this is a question of a specific intent crime. premeditation. that is something that juries.
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>> the defense made an argument for manslaughter on the closing argument saying if she is guilty of anything manslaughter, a reckless crime. >> judge jeanine: why manslaughter? >> that he started the fight and she fought back not in a way that makes that a legal justification but enough to bring it down to manslaughter. the injures are so inconsistent with that. 27 stab wounds. throat slashed. that is not feeing back in a way to preserve your own life. that is angry. >> if you are a female going against a stronger bigger tougher male and you are fighting for your life. >> judge jeanine: then shoot them in the head first and then stab him in the back 30 times and slit his throat. >> you don't lie about it afterwards. if you are defending yourself you are trying to get help right after. >> there is many reasons why someone who may have committed an act may lie about it. they are going to do that. >> judge jeanine: bottom line, gentlemen, is she going to be convicted and of what? >> first-degree murder.
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>> you think first-degree. >> it as premeditated crime. >> judge jeanine: what do you think? >> i could see second-degree or manslaughter or a hung jury. 12 stranges in a room for four months. hard to agree on anything. >> judge jeanine: if it as hung jury in the jodi arias case i will buy you dinner. >> i will take you up on that. >> judge jeanine: this jury is too smart. tell us why. >> so much evidence showing that she planned it out. the gas can. the gun stolen. no way this is not -- >> judge jeanine: i tell you uestions the jury asked indicate they are smart people. thanks for being with us. >> thank you. >> one more week until mother's day. did you get your mom her gift yet? and we will find out what we have is for this mom who walked out on her kids. then, i was honorrd to speak at the nra convention in houston yesterday. it was a blast and i have a little clip for you, right after the break. ♪
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>> judge jeanine: now, our creep of the week. 11 years ago, brenda heist went missing. the pennsylvania mother of two young children seemed to vanish without a trace. police found half done laundry, a dinner defrosting. she was going through a divorce at the time but it was amicable as an am montreal separation. everyone that knew brenda said there was no way that brenda would leave her children. they were wrong. she resurfaced this week in florida two years after her husband had her declared dead. she says she just snapped.
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she says that fateful morning 11 years ago she dropped her then 8-year-old daughter and 12-year-old son at school and joined up with three stranges and they hitch hiked to south, florida. abandoning your children is never okay and that is what makes brenda our creep of the week. but she may have done her children a favor. in the past 11 years h her son graduated from college and plans a career in law enforcement. her daughter is a freshman at a community college. congratulations to those children and a bronx cheer to brenda who is currently in jail on an outstanding warrant. hope she never sees the light of day or certainly never celebrates mother's day. now, for the insta-poll results. we asked you what punishment the three friends of dhokhar tsarnaev should get for their role in disposing of the evidence. the majority of you want the maximum punishment.
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for most that would be life in prison without parole. patricia says place paragraphs of the victims mameed and bloody in their cell wall and let that be a constant reminder every day in their miserable pathetic lives. they should get life. life is justified for the three. and brenda says life in prison with the biggest meanest inmate for cell roommates. and for others the maximum punishment means death. frank says death because by their silence a police officer was murdered and ellen says like i want any more of my taxpayer dollars to feed these dirtbags and house them. adios suckers. voters wake up wrote if they were in a muslim country what would happen to them for breaking the law. others suggested sending them to gitmo.
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daniel says an island vacation on a caribbean island at tax gitmo.pense, read, geithner >> i had a chance to speak at the nra convention yesterday and guess who i took aim at. >> last week i trashed the jihadi mom, the mother of those boston bombers. [ applause ] >> and you know, i got a lot of criticism that i was denigrating all muslims based on the actions of a few. now, i have an idea. how about you not blame all gun owners for the actions of a few? >> judge jeanine: my thanks to the wonderful people of the city of houston and the nra and the good folks at that nra convention. it was a blast. that a is it for us tonight.
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thanks for joining us. remember to friend me on facebook and follow me on twitter @ judge jeanine. see you next week. oh, boy. [ groans ] ♪ ♪ [ engine revs ] ♪ i did? when visa signature asked everybody what upgraded experiences really mattered... you suggested luxury car service instd of "strength training with patrick willis." come on todd! flap them chicken wings. [ grunts ] well, i travel a lot and umm...
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