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tv   Happening Now  FOX News  May 6, 2013 8:00am-10:01am PDT

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bill: we've got to make this the best 10 seconds of our life, martha. the pressure is on. martha: seven. same idea. "happening now" starts right now. bye-bye, guys. jenna: brand new stories and breaking news to bring you this morning. jon: we're awaiting testimony from three whistle-blowers, all state department officials with knowledge of the deadly terror attack on the u.s. consulate in benghazi. this as we get new information on how the administration talking points were altered and by whom. also the feds back at the home of the dead boston marathon bombing suspect. what they're looking for and what they still hope to learn from his widow. a live report coming up. and a high school soccer game turns into unthinkable tragedy. a teen player punches a ref because of a penalty. now that ref has died. what charges will the player face? those stories are and breaking news all "happening now."
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jon: and as we get rolling on this monday morning, three whistle-blowers set to shake up washington this week with some shocking new testimony on the deadly terror attacks that took the lives of four americans in benghazi, libya. good morning i'm jon scott. >> i'm jenna lee, -- i'm heather nauert in for jenna lee. jon: easy to get those things mixed up in once a in a while. >> on a serious note the state department employees who claim to have knowledge of the hours long siege will speak publicly for the first very first time. we have interview one. men inside the attacks. gregry hicks is his name. he tells house oversight committee that he thought it was terrorism from the very beginning and he reported it that way. despite initial comments from the obama administration that it was a protest that spiraled out of control.
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congressman darrell issa who heads the house oversight committee said earlier this morning on fox news that hicks's information was not welcome at the state department and i was ultimately silenced. listen to this. >> he will be the one who can tell what the last words, outside of benghazi were of the ambassador, which is, greg, we're under attack. he will be able to explain when he expressed that, both in realtime and then later to beth jones at the state department. these were unwelcomed truths and ultimately he was cut out of the process of those famous talking points that got changed by the statent do and perhaps the white house. >> steve centanni is live for us in washington. good morning there, steve. what are we hearing that we will learn about benghazi later this week? >> reporter: right. well the basic point you're talking about hicks's testimony and others will woo hear that on wednesday. the congressional hearings "this week" we'll hear from whistle-blowers who know what happened in benghazi
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because they were there. they're expected to tell congress that the obama administration put out a false story about the events of the consulate. one of the whistle-blowers as you heard was gregory hicks. he was the deputy chief of mission at the benghazi consulate who told house staff in advance of his testimony, quote, i think everybody in the mission thought it was a terrorist attack from the beginning. i never reported a demonstration. i reported an attack on the consulate. of course despite this, you know u.n. ambassador susan rice went on all the sunday talk shows saying it was a demonstration that got out of hand. hicks says he wishes he would have gotten a head's up. even on sunday morning i could have been called. the phone call, could have been hey, greg, ambassador rice would say blah, blah and i could have said, no, that is not the right thing. that phone call was never made. the house oversight and government reform committee will hear the testimony. back to you, heather. >> steve, what are we hearing that we may learn that is knew about former secretary of state hillary clinton? >> reporter: fox news has learned that a state
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department whistle-blower will testify this week that clinton an and an aide tried in a sense to keep their department's own counterterrorism unit out of loop in the aftermath of that attack. of course some members of congress are clearly frustrated by all this, by all the administration's actions. >> to hear from the administration there is nothing wrong here, the accountability review board has looked at this and there is nothing wrong and what you're doing is just political. but what we have established despite 4 1/2 months after the tragic thing, secretary clinton still came to the united states congress and testified that the people on the ground made the decisions about security. that never happened. >> reporter: and those hearings of course get underway on wednesday. heather? >> steve centanni, live in washington, thank you so much. jon: right now, syria is threatening retaliation against israel, calling airstrikes on key military installations near damascus this weekend an act of war. a senior israeli official reportedly says the attacks
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targeted shipments of long range guided missiles destined for lebanon's hezbollah militia. israel has made it very clear they want to keep these weapons out of the hands of hezbollah as it activates its iron dome missile system. iran's says, israel is quote, playing fire. leland vittert is in israel keeping an eye on all of this. leland? >> reporter: john, we're just about five miles from the syrian border. israel is making it very clear and by words and actions they are not looking for a war but they are certainly ready for one if it comes. behind me the tanks that could be the tip of the spear if this turned here into a ground war. we have watched these soldiers today all tinkering with their tanks getting ready for a battle if it should come. more likely though there would be a battle from the air. that is why israel moved its iron dome missile defense systems up to the northern part of israel to intercept any missiles that would
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either come from hezbollah in lebanon or from the syrian regime themselves. that is what this all began over, which was missiles over the weekend. we had a number of israeli airstrikes into the heart of damascus. that is where sources tell us the syrians were in the process of transferring these missiles called fatah 110 missiles from syria into hezbollah. israel has said that is a red line for them. that would be a game-changer if hezbollah got those missiles. they will do anything necessary in order to stop them. this is the third time this year that israel has hit inside of syria to prevent the transfer of weapons. normally iranian-made weapons there from syria into lebanon the question going forward, how many more times can israel do this? many liken every time they have one of these strikes pulling a trigger in a high-stakes game of russian roulette. at some point the syrians will respond. syrians said next attack we will respond. the question would they
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attack, jon, here into israel's homeland and start a war or will we see continuation of behind the scenes war? meaning some type of attack on israeli interests or jewish interests around the globe by syria or hezbollah, something they have done in the past with deadly consequences. jon? jon: tension obviously getting thicker there, leland vittert not far from the syrian border. thank you. >> the question is how does this affect the united states and our position. let's talk more about this. aaron david miller served as advisor to six democratic and republican secretary of states here in the united states and author of the book, the much too promised land. good morning thanks so much for joining us. first off, give us some of the telltale signs that you believe this was in fact israel's strike >> the reality is who else would have been responsible. israelis have red lines even if the united states
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doesn't. they have three. the number one the deployment of chemical weapons in the hands of opposition groups. number two, attacks across the golan, the quietest space in the middle east since june 1st, 1974. and finally, transitting of sophisticated service to service missiles. most likely supplied by the iranians via syria to hezbollah. i mean after all, neither hezbollah nor the syrian regime wants these weapons to fall in the hands of opposition elements. so you will see a frequentsy of transfer in order to secure these. the israelis presumably acting on real-time intelligence acted. heather: to underscore that, that is the big, big concern. that iran was supplying hezbollah with weapons that could go against, against israel of course. so i wanted to know how effective was this strike do you think militarily and just as important psychologically? >> look, the reality is this
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is part of a much broader iranian-israel cold war. the israelis do have a stake in demonstrating that they will not allow iran to change the power balance in lobe none through the supply of these weapons systems even though hezbollah has an estimated 30 or even 40,000 rockets and missiles, many of which are in fact capable of striking downtown tel aviv. second, is the iranian nuclear issue and the is rally concern that their own own deterrent capacity is being undermined. i think for the small power who want to demonstrate it will act in defense of its own interests, this had psychological value as well. heather: okay. so, when we hear about a possible retaliation against israel, what kind of form do you possibly see that taking? >> i've got three possibilities. number one the syrians will respond directly. it seems to me given the headaches that the assad
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regime has right now, this is probably the lease likely scenario. second would be hezbollah under iran's direction, would in fact engage the israelis with their massive use of high trajectory weapons, rockets and missiles. but i'm not --. heather: iron dome deployed over the weekend. that would certainly help protect against that. >> right. i'm not sure the iranians however right now want to start this. syria's weak and i'm not sure hezbollah wants to get into this either. finally is the possibility of an attack against israeli or jewish interests somewhere outside of the middle east. heather: yeah. that's what our reporter leland just mentioned that aspect of it. we just have a few seconds left, so i want to ask you what does this mean to the united states rand how does this possibly drag the united states into this? >> i think we to get over one basic reality, there are no game changers here. the introduction of cw, chemical weapons was not a
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game-changer. israeli strikes even if they're repeated will not be a game-changer. this is chinese water torture, syria. it will roll out in drips for months to come and i'm afraid even though our own military involvement, i think will escalate providing weapons to carefully-vetted opposition groups, there is very little we can do to change the overall arc of this crisis. heather: all right. so this could get a whole lot uglier in the near future. thank you so very much, aaron david miller. appreciate it. >> pleasure. jon: new developments in the boston bombing investigation three weeks to the day after that deadly terror attack. just minutes ago prosecutors said one of three new suspects facing charges in connection with the attack can be released under strict conditions, including we're told, gps monitoring and home confinement. he was arrested last week as you probably know on charges of lying to investigators, to the investigators who are
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looking into the bombings. just yesterday federal authorities in hazmat suits were again at the home of deceased bombing suspect, tamerlan tsarnaev. as the funeral director handling his remains says he can not find a cemetery in massachusetts willing to bury tsarnaev's body. chief intelligence catherine herridge is live in washington with more. catherine. >> reporter: thank you, jon and good morning. as investigators sharpen their focus on the widow of tamerlan tsarnaev federal investigators returned to their apartment in cambridge, massachusetts where earlier explosive residue was reportedly found in at least three areas of their apartment. fbi spokeswoman confirming the search warrant as investigators, some wearing white suits as you see here interred the apartment. it is not immediately clear whether any items were taken as part of the marathon bombing investigation. two sources familiar with the case tell fox news catherine russell, the widow, communicated with her husband tamerlan after the bombing. one source said it included with one phone call with the second source describing an e-mail possibly containing
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attachment which included a surveillance photo released by the fbi the lawyer for katherine russell did not respond to e-mails from fox news requesting comment. chairman of the house homeland security committee sighs russell has a lot of questions to answer. >> hard for most people, most investigators to believe she could be living in a premises where bops are being put together, where there is explosive residue and for to know nothing about it. there is strong feeling there has to be some level of involvement on her part. >> reporter: fox news also confirmed there was an independent autopsy of tamerlan tsarnaev which took place on saturday night, jon. jon: all right. catherine herridge in washington. catherine, thank you. >> reporter: you're welcome. heather: it was supposed to be a happy night out for a bachelorette party in california but it ends in tragedy for the bride-to-be and four of her friends when a fire turned her limousine into a complete deathtrap. we'll have the latest on what might have caused this.
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more on the bombshell testimony on the terror attack on our consulate in libya including claims a counterterrorism group was deliberately was cut out of the loop on the night of the attack the karl rove weighs in on the political fallout next ♪
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jon: right now washington is preparing for bombshell testimony from three whistle-blowers on the deadly terror attacks in benghazi. fox news was first to confirm to, confirm the identities of three men, all state department officials. they will come forward and publicly together for the first time on wednesday. now there's new information that then secretary of state hillary clinton may have tried to keep the counter terror bureau out of the initial decision-making process. republican jason chaffetz, who sits on the house oversight committee says in this week's hearing we'll hear details that will conflict with the administration's initial talking points. >> we heard things, for instance, that there was no military option. there was no ability to get any of the military
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personnel there. i think you're actually going to hear some testimony that says, we did have some military options. we could have got some people there and they were told to stand down. jon: meantime house democrat steven lynch hinting that politics may be at play in these hearings, saying information from this investigation is not being equally shared between republicans and democrats. listen. >> the democrats have been completely kept out of this whole process. this has been a, a one-sided investigation, if you want to call it that. there has been no sharing of information in a significant way with the democratic staff members who usually conduct this type of an investigation. i think it is disgraceful to be honest with you. jon: joining me now, karl rove, the former senior advisor and deputy chief of staff to president george w. bush, and a fox news contributor. we have heard both from former secretary of state hillary clinton when she was testifying in front of congress and we also heard essentially the same thing from the white house spokesman a week or so ago
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that benghazi happen adlong time ago, and what difference does it make to paraphrase hillary clinton, what the source of the rioting was. is it the hope at the white house all of this just will be kind of pushed aside and forgotten about? >> oh, sure. their message was leak was this is old news, don't pay any attention but it does matter. it matters very much if our policies are up is that we are not taking into account serious threats to u.s. diplomatic facilities and personnel abroad. and if we are, if the white house and the state department and the defense department are taking a lackluster attitude towards providing the kind of resources and the kind of material force that could be brought to bear on an attack on a diplomatic facility of the united states of america. remember, four of our personnel, including a united states ambassador were killed in this assault so it is really important we get to the bottom of this and fix whatever is wrong. jon: stephen hayes at the week i standard has done a great article on the cia's
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talking points and what was cut out of them by the white house. we have a graphic that illustrates that. the original talking points provided by the cia and then the version that was officially released by the white house. what does that say to you? >> yeah. first of all it is a superb piece by stephen hayes the senior writer for "the weekly standard." as he recounts it by piecing together documents, on friday, september 14th, at about 11:15 in the morning cia has prepared a set of unclassified talking points in response to a request by the ranking democrat on the house intelligence committee, in response, in turn to a classified testimony by cia director petraeus. and at 11:15 a.m. on friday they circulate this to responsible parties inside the government. this is generally called the deputy's process where these kind of documents are reviewed by appropriate people. excuse me, they're prepared at 11:15 in the morning. they're circulated just before 7:00 that night.
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within 45 minutes the communications director, the press secretary spokesman for the state department, victoria nuland weighed in saying this was wrong, we don't want this. later that night, ben rhodes, national security council press operative we'll settle the question what these talking points are on a white house meeting saturday morning, september 15th. and version one is the cia version. version two is the what apparently comes out as a result of that meeting and these conversations. it removes the references to the cia's message on 9/10 about, intercepting traffic about how people are encouraging jihadists to show up and storm the embassies. it removes references tos islamic extremists in front of the crowd in the benghazi facility. removes reference to wide availability of weapons an fighters. removes all efforts of al qaeda's influence in
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libya and attacks on diplomatic interests in the country. we don't know who pulled those out. jon: eight months later. so many questions still remain. karl rove, thank you. >> thank you, "happening now" will be right come here, boy. ♪ there you go. come on, let's play! [ male announcer ] there's an easier way to protect your dog from dangerous parasites.
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strikes targeted key syrian military installations and is mills believed to be going to hezbollah. our next guest says
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hezbollah's sponsor, iran, is playing an influential role in sowing more instability in the region. we have the defense editor for the telegraph, and the author of, churchhill's first war, young wins ton and the fight against the taliban. we have an awful lot of players here. let's start off by asking, is israel prepared for a proxy war where hezbollah starts fighting israel and then we get weapons coming up through the south which we'll show a map in just a bit? is israel prepared for this kind of thing? >> israel is monitoring the situation very closely and, israel is very concerned at the growing influence iran is playing both in the conflict in syria and in providing weapons to hezbollah in southern lebanon on israel's northern border. heather: we're looking at this map right now. >> right. heather: so the concern would be that hezbollah would funnel weapons down through lebanon and then attack israel. we've seen that before. >> saw that in 2006, yes. heather: we have another map, look at the second one. that is where weapons would come up through the sinai,
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there it is right there. and go to hamas and get at israel that way. >> well, again in the past we know that iran has tried to supply weapons to hamas, the radical palestinian group. so basically what iran wants is to have weapons stockpiles on israel's southern and northern borders with these very radical groups. if israel is going to attack iran for any reason, to do with its nuclear program, or israel gets involved in the syrian conflict then these groups can be ordered to fire their missiles at israel. and there are enough missiles being fired at israel it would be very difficult for israel to stop them coming into the country. heather: far more serious threat is iran and nuclear weapons but does this serve to kind of take israel's eye off the ball where they may be focusing on these other groups, closer to the home front than iran? >> well, heather, this is all about putting pressure on israel. basically putting pressure on israel to stay out of the
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syrian conflict and putting pressure on israel not to attack iran's nuclear facility. >> how can israel stay out of that if in fact weapons are going to hezbollah and could end up hurting israeli citizens? >> that is a very good question. in the past of course israel used military action to stop this happening. israel went to war with hezbollah in 2006. it is more recently invaded gaza to take out hamas's weapons stockpiles. no sooner have you gotten rid of them they're built up again. it is a very difficult game. all i can say that the israelies are monitoring this very carefully. this has all the ingredients of making the situation in syria a lot worse. heather: oh absolutely. and there is a major i have did rens between now and the war in 2006. that is, iran as we believe it, is further along in its push to get nuclear weapons. >> yeah. i think most western intelligence agencies are
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convinced that whatter ran is doing is building nukewer -- nuclear weapons and the big debate is how far advance they are. no one watches this more closely than israel. israel says if they reach a certain point in iran israel will be obliged to take action. heather: we have con cooughlin, the defense editor of the telegraph and author of, winston churchill's first war. fight against the taliban. sounds like an interesting read. jon? >> thank you very much. jon: a group of whistle-blowers about to testify about the terror attack in benghazi that left four americans dead. instead of fearing terrorists they instead are worried about retaliation. we'll get into that. plus a bride is among five women killed when her limousine bursts into flames. what investigators are learning about this deadly fire. an eyewitness describes the horrifying scene. >> as we got closer we noticed it was a limousine.
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jon: fox news alert. and the fbi says it believes it has thwarted a terror attack after the search of a home in western minnesota. montivadio, i hope i'm
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peannouncing correctly. they found bombs and molotov cocktails at the home after man, buford rogers, 24 years old. he is charged with one count of being a felon in possession of a firearms. that tells you that he has a prior record. fbi believes they saved the lives of several local residents by preempting this attack. more information as we get it, p haing now. -- "happening now.". heather: we've been telling you about a group of benghazi witnesses who want to reveal what they know about the deadly terror attacks that left four americans dead nearly eight months ago but they are reluctant to come forward because they fear government retaliation. listen to this. there is a high-profile whistle-blower who works at the pentagon and he tells fox news that there is good reason for them to be afraid. national security correspondent jennifer griffin is live for us at the pentagon this morning. hi, jenner if. tell it us what this whistle-blower had to say about this possible retaliation.
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>> reporter: i spoke to a marine that served in the iraq and later worked in the pentagon. he noticed a problem in the 2006-2007 time frame, a request for heavily armored mine-resistant weeks, mraps slowed down by the pentagon and to the marine corps. there was two-year request for vehicle known as mrap he and others believed would save troops lives. he spoke to then senator biden's office. he agreed to speak to "usa today." he testified openly on capitol hill. i asked him why he decided to come forward to take on the entire marine corps and pentagon? >> well, because the issue was solving the issue at hand was more important than, then allowing it to remain silent. chain of command didn't work at some point. i was shut down in terms of what i was, needed to share with the office of the secretary of defense. and at that point i realized that the only way to do this
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was to go around the chain of command. >> reporter: eventually he got the attention of defense secretary robert gates who ordered the mraps to deploy immediately, no matter the cost. a decision that did save lives. france gyle said the retaliation against him began almost immediately. >> and then finally, this led to my suspension for over one year, was sent home, with pay, understandably but it was the road to my firing and stripping of all my clearances. without my clear ans i can't do my job. >> reporter: marines say if whistle-blowers in the pentagon or others have problems with what happened they can go to the inspector general. they would not comment specifically on france gyle's case. heather: in another kind of case there is precedent here and this could happen to the benghazi guys. what advice does he have for the benghazi whistle-blowers? >> his best advice to get a
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lawyer and reach out to the nonprofit group on project for government oversight and pogo and government accountability project. that is who he reached out to. they help whistle-blowers like himself. >> i sympathize with these folks who would like transparency on this issue of benghazi which i know nothing about, ma'am, i've got to tell you. i'm coming here as an individual, not representing the government at all. but i sympathize with them. and, they would like to throw gasoline on that issue so it doesn't happen again in the future. that's what i was doing to. i know what they're going to go through. >> reporter: the bottom line, france gyle, a prominent whistle-blower here in the pentagon as much as the government says it protects whistle-blowers he himself has had a very difficult time the past five years as a result of coming forward. heather? heather: what a shame. jennifer griffin thanks so much, live for us at the pentagon this morning. jon: investigators in california are trying to
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figure out what sparked a deadly limousine fire. it killed five women. among them was a bride about to celebrate her wedding. five other people in the limo, including the limo driver managed to escape. claudia cowan live in san francisco. any further word on what caused all of this? >> reporter: jon, we're hoping a press conference later today will shed more light on what caused the fire that trapped five friends in the back of a limousine, a horrible tragedy on what should have been a night of celebration. these dramatic cell phone pictures show the 1999 lincoln town car engulfed in flames. there wasn't any accident. just this one car involved. happened saturday night around 10:00 p.m. on the san mateo bridge as the new bride, just 31 years old and her friends were heading westbound to a party near san francisco. officials say someone smelled smoke in the back and banged on the partition for the driver to stop. coring to the "san francisco chronicle" he mistakenly believed the women would asking whether they could smoke. by the time he pulled over to check out what was going
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on, the back of the limo was filled with thick black smoke. the driver said the spread so fast he could only help a few of the women escape. he is reportedly devstated. coroner said all five victims were found huddled near the front partition in the driver's seat. one woman managed to squeeze through the partition to escape. she and three other survivors are at local hospitals recovering from smoke inhalation and burns. jon. jon: what are authorities looking at now? >> reporter: well they are going over every inch of that limousine. its maintenance records. how the seats were configured and whether the doors and windows worked properly. whether something short-circuited and caught on fire. autopsies on victims will include toxicology tests whether there were any accelerants like alcohol or gasoline present. the driver of the company that owns the car, limo stop, are cooperating fully with investigators as are the four injured survivors. jon, back to you.
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jon: just an awful story. claudia cowan, thank you. heather: all right. a little bit of breaking news to tell you about right now. we're looking here at brooklyn, new york and that is where a cherry-picker at a construction site apparently overturned, trapping at least one worker underneath. now as we understand it, that worker fortunately has been freed from that site. i believe the gentleman that you can see being loaded into the ambulance right now is the man who was trapped. a cherry-picker overturned in brooklyn at an area, to many new yorkers is well-known. belt parkway area, is a major, major thoroughfare in the brooklyn area right there. you can see part of that cherry-picker, this video i believe is just a little bit earlier where you can see that overturned that happened at 11:00 a.m. eastern time. we'll keep you updated with developments. he is one of the terror suspects in the boston attacks but investigators
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jon: right now there are new questions about how deceased bombing suspect tamerlan tsarnaev spent his time
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overseas in a hotbed of jihadist activity. we know that tsarnaev for months visited the russian republic of tag guess span, right next to another volatile region in russia, the caucuses. a russian report says there was online communication between tsarnaev, this man a boxer and muslim convert who reportedly fled canada and died battling russian security forces. fox has not been able to independently confirm this report. just in the last hour we learned that secretary of state john kerry will meet with russian president vladmir putin tomorrow in moscow. one would presume the boston terror investigation along with syria's civil war would be part of their conversations. glen howard is the president of the jamestown foundation and a regional expert on the caucuses and central asia. mr. howard, thanks for joining us today. >> thank you for having me. jon: what would be your question to vladmir putin if you were meeting him tomorrow about this case? >> well, the first thing i
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would be asking him what did they exactly know about tamerlan tsarnaev's time, his seven months that he spent inside of russia? particularly in dagestan. what was he doing? the next question i would ask, did the russians have him under surveillance at that time, and what did they know about it? the other part i would like to know, why didn't the russians, if he was traveling there and under suspicion and fbi was alerted about him, why didn't the russians arrest him or even detain him during the seven months he lived inside of russia particularly in dagestan. it is intriguing question and begs a lot of answers and very important for us to know what is going on and develop more answers to many of these unresolved riddles what he was doing in russia during that time. we do know he became radicalized after he left russia. that is what he started posting a lot of his things on line. but the larger question for the states united states and this issue, february of next year we'll send 3,000 western athletes will be
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going to the north caucuses. this is hotbed of regional instability in russia, north caucuses. you will have 500,000 western athletes traveling to that region. this part of the russia that is major hotbed of russian instability and unrest. jon: you say this could be the most dangerous olympics in 40 years. back to the surveillance he russians did alert the united states to keep an eye on this guy. was that before or, you know, during the time he was, he was in russia? or did that warning come after he had come home? >> that was before. in 2011. and the fbi followed up with three queries where they were asking the russians for additional information but there was only silence. when we know he went to russia after that period. if he was on the russian radar screen why didn't they put him under surveillance? what did they know? why didn't they put him --. jon: you're not faulting the fbi for dropping the ball,
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you're saying the russians did not come through? >> i think they're trying to discuss whether he met some dead militants during that period of time inside of dagestan is important. you have to remember any werner who travels to that part of russia, dagestan, is put under russian intelligence services they put them under surveillance. if they're putting westerners and americans under surveillance and this guy is already on the radar screen what did they know? why didn't they detain him during that time? that is a very important question i think needs to be answered. jon: one of the bigger questions you have about the number of chechens who have left that war-torn region. you say they are ripe for recruitment it be the kind of terrorists that tamerlan tsarnaev turned out to be? >> well, i would say most of the chechens that have left chechnya are living in western europe. the majority of chechens that have left that war are not like the tsarnaevs. they don't have this type of hatred or hostility towards the west. like the tsarnaevs. this is an anomaly.
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most chechens really love the united states and have a respect for it but their enemy has always been russia. this is why what happened with the tsarnaevs is very bizarre. jon: that is an interesting question. we know you are both, you know, a scholar on, in this area. also fluent in russian. glen howard from the, from the jamestown foundation. glen, thanks for joining us today. >> thanks for having me. heather: we'll look forward to that one a whole lot more in further segments. jon: a whole lot of questions to be answered there. heather: could today be the day we get a verdict in the sensational murder trial? jury deliberations starting a short time in the jodi arias death penalty case. we'll bring you the decision as soon as we get it. a family suffers a tremendous grief after a father and a referee dies from a violent attack on the soccer field. we'll have a the report on the heartbreaking story and what is in store for the
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teenager accused of causing his death. >> we always have to wait until something happens, a tragedy until they can do something about it. it happened to us. it happened to my dad. it's monday, a brand new start. with centurylink visionary cloud infrastructure, and custom communications solutions, your business is more reliable, secure, and agile.
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adam, this was awful from the beginning but bring us up to speed what transpired over the weekend. >> reporter: yeah. heather, you hit nail on the head. it is truly a sad story. this happened back on the 27th of april during a soccer match in tailorsville, utah. a 46-year-old referee, ricardo portillo he book ad player with a yellow card. if you don't know when you get a foul and get two you are out of the game. when you do the foul you have to write in the little book ref fer res keep in their pocket the play ear's name and number. the player came every was
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upset and punch the referee in the side of the head. the volunteer of ferrie was taken to the hospital. he would fall into a coma and eventually pass away. on saturday they had a memorial service for him in his town. his family spoke and they are completely heartbroken. >> and it's not fair that other people come and do this to them. they don't think that, they have family behind. he was a father. he was a friend. he was a grandfather. he left a whole family behind. >> reporter: that's some grandchildren behind as well. ricardo portillo, 46 years old. soccer was his love, heather. he loved doing that outside of his family. heather: this is just a game. people get so heated and worked up about little things like that. that is awful. >> reporter: yeah. heather: tell what the legal situation is now. >> reporter: well it is 17-year-old player of course they originally tack him in for aggravated assault on
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monday. this happened more than a week ago. about a week ago he was brought in on aggravated assault. now the of ferrie passed away the charges are effected to being kicked up a notch could be as much as first degree or second-degree murder. they haven't put that out. they will be more serious than they stand. the people intae lorsville say this is really a sad situation all around. heather: adam housley, thank you for covering that from los angeles today. jon: al qaeda seems to be spreading hate and violence in a new way. branching out with franchises in difficult low kags, all of them -- locations all of them working on plans to launch deadly attacks. president obama's commencement speech, was you pushing -- hey! did you know that honey nut cheerios
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has oats that can help lower cholesterol? and it tastes good? sure does! wow. it's the honey, it makes it taste so... well, would you look at the time... what's the rush? be happy. be healthy.
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jon: prapbd new stories we are following on "happening now" . the jury deciding jodi arias' fate will be back behind closed doors today. we are live outside the courthouse. brand-new details about the boston bombing investigation and just how involved the younger brother's friends might be in the case. and controversy over the immigration bilk debated in congress, why critics shall calling proposed background checks for illegal, quote, weak and meaningless. what could be a game-changer in the benghazi terror attack investigation, welcome to our second hour of "happening now." i'm jon scott.
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>> i'm heather in for jenna lee. days from now state department whistle-blowers will testify about the terror attack in benghazi and the testimony is expected to be explosive with charges that then sec of state hillary clinton tried to cut the department's own counterterrorism bureau completely out of the loop on the night of the attack last september the 11th. and that is not all. there are also accusations that senior administration officials revised those talking points on the attack in order to remove references to al-qaida and also islamic extremists. and now lawmakers are vowing to get to the bottom of this all. let's go down to washington where chief -- >> this is why we're fighting for the truth. none of this would have come out if the oversight committee, if darrell issa, if we didn't continue to pursue this we have been told bike the rest of the world by the obama administration, go on, there is nothing wrong here it's a video gone arye.
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>> let's go to james rosen at the state department. >> reporter: the three witnesses who are so far confirmed to appear at wednesday's house oversight committee will include a former security officer,er hick nordstorm, he testified at last october's benghazi hearings. then the two called whistle-blowers, greg hicks the deputy chief of mission at the u.s. embassy in libya. the second highest ambassador in the country one of the last people to speak with ambassador stevens. and mark thompson a former marine and six years a senior official in the state department's counterterrorism bureau. last night we reported that thompson will testify that then secretary of state clinton and undersecretary of state for management patrick kennedy who oversees all the state's operations sought to cut the counterterrorism bureau out of the chain of decision making on 9/11. a source from inside the same bureau voice he the same complaint back in october. >> what would have been her motivation for doing that do you believe? >> bill, i think that is an important question.
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if you wanted it to seem like it wasn't terrorism, keeping them out of the room allows you to play with this false truth that somehow it was a video, the same as the protest in egypt, which of course from the get go everyone knew just wasn't true. >> reporter: the man who headed the counterterrorism bureau on 9/11, daniel benjamin tells fox news this morning i can say now with certainty as the foamer coordinator for counterterrorism that this charge is simply untrue. though i was out of the country on official travel set at the time of the attack i was this frequent contact with the department. at no time did i feel that the bureau was in anyway being left out of deliberations that it should have been a part of. a democrat on the oversight committee suggested that the talk of threats and intimidation of the so-called whistle-blowers is itself over blown. >> the state department is more than willing to cooperate but they haven't asked for this. the only retaliation i've heard of here is that one of these witnesses wants a reassignment
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and a promotion, he hasn't got even the promotion that he wanted, and he's saying that that somehow is retaliation. >> reporter: lastly the two men who ran the state department's benghazi review board former u.n. ambassador tom pickering and former chairman of the joints chief of staff admiral mike mullen are defending the work of their panel. they are telling fox news exclusively this morning they had unfettered access to every one and every document they wanted, however, they did not interview secretary of state clinton. heather. >> that is interesting. thank you so much. we'll learn more and the hearings later this week. thank you. we are hearing from you about the controversy regarding benghazi. a new fox news poll asks if the obama administration is covering up what happened there. 46% of those surveyed said yes. while 43% disagree. just 11% say they they are not sure. when it comes to the investigation another fox news poll asking if congress should subpoena the survivors of the
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benge arattack, and here an overwhelming number of those surveyed, 67% say, yes, that congress should subpoena. while 26% say no to that. we'll have a lot more on the fallout from this when the anchor of special report bret baier joins us live later in the hour. jon: there are major developments to tell you about in the boston marathon bombings. prosecutors have agreed that the teenager accused of lying to investigators can be released, but only under strict molly line is live in boston for us. his name is robel phillipos, molly, he can be released from jail? >> reporter: well, we are still waiting on official word from the judge. right now president 19-year-old cambridge man accused of lying to federal investigators could possibly be released. essentially what's happened is that there is a joint motion regarding conditions of release that the government and defense attorneys have essentially come to an agreement upon, specifically the parties have
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recommended that the court impose the following conditions, home confinement, a 24-hour monitoring via electronic bracelet and the release will also be secured by a bond of a hundred thousand dollars. that is ultimately up to the judge as to whether or not that will be permitted. but thus far the defense has come to an agreement essentially with prosecutors that that would be what would be recommended. jon. jon: robel phillipos' attorney says the kid is not a flight risk, right? >> reporter: right. and the argument they are making is that this is someone with long-time ties to massachusetts, lived here his entire life, not a flight risk, has no criminal record. according to an fbi affidavit he essentially went to dzhokhar tsarnaev's dorm room in the wake of the boston bombings following the release of tsarnaev's photo on the news along with two other friends, tad r- tahitian r-r and omar kadr. there was backpack taken from the room and a computer. ultimately when robel phillipos
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was questioned about this investigators say he changed his story a number of times and said he wasn't there fact there. his lawyers have made a different araouplt in this case. they say this case is about a frightened and confused 19-year-old who was subjected to intense questioning and interrogation without the benefit of counsel and in the context of one of the worst attacks against the nation. they are essentially arguing that this is a young kid that didn't have counsel with him when the questions were being asked and that he should be allowed to go home and they have even come up with the conditions now. we'll see if the judge ultimately agrees to that. jon. jon: molly line live in boston with that update. thank you. as we first reported last hour the fbi says it believes that the terror attack was disrupted after agents raided a home in western minnesota. agents arresting a 24-year-old man named buford rogers. the fbi releasing this statement saying several guns and explosive devices were discovered during a search of the residence.
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the fbi believes that a terror attack was disruplted b disrupted by law enforcement personnel and the lives half citizens were saved. >> jury deliberations resuming in the case of the jodi arias, 323 years old facing first-degree murder charges in the brutal of hu her boyfriend travis alexander occurring in 2008. dan springer is live with the latest. hi there, dan. >> reporter: hi. the jury just really got this case late on friday so they are just starting deliberations now. they could go until 4:30 today and have to come back again tomorrow. some people believe that this could be a quick verdict because of the mountain of evidence against jodi arias, and all the lies that she was caught in. during closing arguments on friday defense attorney kirk nurme said something amazing, he acknowledged that nine out of ten years he doesn't even like jodi arias, and then told the jury if she's guilty of anything it's manslaughter.
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even he was calculating that the jury wasn't buying her story of abuse and self-defense. prosecutor juan martinez used the victim's own words in his closing argument putting up a text message from travis alexander which read, quote, you jodi arias are the worst thing that ever happened to me. he pushed hard for a conviction of first-degree murder. this case has been watched very closely by many around the country, websites devoted to it. last night there was a candlelight vigil held for the victim, about 50 people attended, including a friend of travis alexander's who was supposed to testify to the fact that alexander never owned a gun. remember arias claimed that she used travis' gun to defend herself. the friend has been convinced from day one that she is guilty. >> there was no soul to her. she spept a wee spent a week in my house as our guest and w we probably exchanged a couple of sentence eps the entire time. he finally decided to move on with his life and i think jodi
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had a hard time with that. i thin think she saw travis as her ticket to freedom. >> reporter: and if arias is found guilty of first-degree premeditated jury then the trial goes into the phase of whether or not there was aggravating circumstances. we have learned that the prosecution will go for the cruel an heinous and depraved manner of death which means that alexander suffered during the murder. we'll send it back to you. >> thank you so much. in phoenix for us. you'll bring us that verdict as soon as we get it. >> reporter: yep. jon: well, major spring storms causing big-time flooding in georgia. soaking areas that just cannot take any more water. >> look at all that water there. plus, a very special honor for six educators from sandy hook elementary school, how the nation is paying tribute to those who tried to save the lives of the children there. angie's list is essential. i automatically go there.
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>> welcome back. a moving tribute will take place in newtown, connecticut this afternoon and has heee when the congressional medal of honor society gives its highest civilian award. honoring the six educators who were killed in the mass shootings at sandy hook elementary school last winter. the society says they exempt practice replied courage, sacrifice and selfless necessary in trying to protect those students from the crazed gunman. the medals will be presented to the families of six of those women. jon: new inch fall on the benghazi terror attack investigation as congress gets ready for a key hearing two days from now. lawmakers on capitol hill will hear from are a series of whistle-blowers including eric nordstrom former regional security officer. gregory hicks the number two to ambassador chris stevens at the time of the deadly attack and mark thompson, deputy coordinator for the department's counterterrorism bureau. bret baier is the anchor of
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special report, and joins us now. bret, i was just reading some of the testimony from gregory hicks who says that he couldn't believe that the military response was not forthcoming and that he thinks if they would have done something as simple as flying an f-15 over the compound it could have ended the attacks right on the spot and basically saved the lives of many of those who were ultimately killed. >> reporter: he's not alone. there are many in the military who believe that that fly over could have broken up at least some of what was happening on the ground, just by the low fly over, and as you know being a pilot, that kind of jet presence can break things up, and perhaps disperse some of the things that developed later on, which was when the mortar attacks happened on the navy seals on that cia base, the cia outlet afterwards,
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after that. you know, the testimony of greg hicks, i think is going to be really interesting on wednesday. he is the number two, as you mentioned. he became chief of mission after ambassador stevens died. jon: right. >> reporter: he testifies that he thought it was a terrorist attack and said so up the chain from the get go from moment one, and also testifies, you'll see in that testimony, that he will say that he tried to get special forces from tripoli onto a c130 with libyan forces right away, but was told essentially not to do that. how that developed, where it came from, i think we'll find out more on wednesday. jon: it's pretty as stoupbding thaas stoupbding that the number two person on the ground in tripoli is telling his superiors in washington this is a terrorist attack and we get the whole thing about this was a spontaneous demonstration inspired boy a video. >> reporter: i think that is another part of the story. and steve hayes has done great reporting on this at "the weekly
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standard" where he has the actual document as it's evolved, the talking points from september 14th in which you see version one, version two, version three, and the mark out, and the lines and the drawing in the margins of what was changed. and it is a dramatic change from what was started from the intelligence community, talking points wise to what ended up being given to susan rice before those six sunday shows. jon: those talking points were scrubbed, then? scrubbed? >> reporter: and why were they scrubbed? and victoria new land, there are emails that are tied to her, the state department spokesman. also ben rhodes at the white house. and others are named according to sources that steve hayes names. i think there will be more that comes out from the hearing on wednesday. we have to be careful that whenever any lawmaker says that these will be explosive hearings, we've heard that before, and it all depend on how they are handled.
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republicans obviously have something, you know, to show here, they want to get to the facts, but if it is a fact-finding mission and not a political hunt, that is the line that they have to walk. jon: going back to when jay carney, the president's spokesman said, you know, libya happened a longtime ago, what is the thinking there in the white house? that because it was september of last year that it no longer bears investigation? >> reporter: i don't know. and i think the questions will continue to come because -- well we keep asking them, a few outlets keep on asking them. largely they've been ignored, and the story has for the most part been ignored. jon: and nobody has been arrested, nobody has been, you know, i mean the fbi put out the pictures of those three guys that they are looking for, but
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there's been no response, no retaliation from this country thus far. >> reporter: that's right. and where we are in the investigation eight months later, for those pictures to come out from the fbi on the same day that the white house press secretary said it was a longtime ago, well, it was just unfortunate timing, perhaps. jon: we'll let our viewers decide the significance of all that. bret baier, thank you very much. you can catch more of b ret every week night 6:00pm4 eastern on "special report." he'll have more obviously on the aftermath of this benghazi attack and the investigation into it. >> such an interesting point there, even an airplane fly over may have scared those guys away and prevented it from getting so much worse. jon: the libyans who had seen the accuracy of american air power during the effort to remove gadhafi. they knew that some of these laser-targeted bombs, if they spot you with laser you're gone. >> more tonight on special report.
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we know that osama bin laden was killed two years ago, but the threat from al-qaida is still very, very real. the terror network's new tactics, we will he'll tell you about that and where it is apparently setting up shop now. and all eyes are on the oracle of omaha. we'll tell you what billionaire warren buffett has to say at a shareholders meeting, than a other stars of the world. we'll go live with that story next. i was cooking dinner for my family. boom. heart attack. never once did i consider that i might be having a heart attack. it can happen to anyone at any time. the doctor recommends bayer aspirin to keep this from happening to me again. [ male announcer ] aspirin is not appropriate for everyone, so be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. it's workin'. six years and countin'. know the symptoms, talk to your doctor.
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competitive sports but you know what he had a little help with the globe trotter. earlier you may have seen in the tees leading into this segment about how he was having a newspaper talk with bill gates. both of them used to be
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newspaper delivery boys, and the warren buffett has bought regional newspapers, he believes they will give him a 10% corn return. what you see with the huge crowds is interesting. it was 1982 where they had the first meeting with just 15 people in a local cafeteria, and back then it was warren buffett and his vice chair charlie munger, 89 years old. they were best friend for decades. they disagree on certain things. we had a rare moment to get them to walk them disagree in a fox news exclusive right here at warn's building this morning and we watched as they discussed corporate taxes, they are on either side of this one. listen h. >> well, i think it's a disadvantage to have your tax rate less than the tax rate elsewhere in the world, and so i don't think we are in total control over our own tax rates, meaning i think we should -- i i
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think it would be crazy to have a tax rate in the united states 50% and have it 20% generally throughout the rest of the world. i am all for higher taxes, they should be on individual and consumptions and so on. i like a lower corporate tax rate. >> do you think it should be considerably lower? >> no, no. >> sph warn, do you disagree? >> yeah, interestingly charlie and i have disagreed on lots of things. we've never had an argument in over 50 years. we do disagree sometimes, and u.s. taxes are -- corporate taxes are 1.7, 1.8% of gdp. frequently, i mean if you go back some years they were 4%, we did well under those conditions. business is doing extraordinarily well. and since we have to raise money from some place, and i see these
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returns on equity, and business compared to interest rates being at incredible levels, i just think that if you're looking to tax more i think corp. race,s should be part of that act. >> reporter: here is what interesting, those two gentlemen who started this company in the late 50s got to announce something big at this meeting, and that is they ended up creating the 4 fifth largest company in the united states behind microsoft, exxon mobil, apple and google. and they are still going strong, jon. it's unbelievable. they are continuing to buy, they just bought hien hienes. they bought oriental trading company, which is a god debag central type of joint. they are still very much in the game and they say they never want to row tire they'll have to be dragged kicking and screaming out. jon: why would those two guys ever have an argument?
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they've been making all this money over the years. >> reporter: warren is worth about 50 billion, charlie is not far behind at all. they did it by doing everything right here in omaha. jon: that's right. thank you, liz. >> maybe we can pick up some tips. jon: a lot of people are. >> let's talk about something serious now, tracking al-qaida right now, two years after the death of osama bin laden. there seems to be something of sort of a terror revival going on with the al-qaida network evolving into a centralized movement, in northern africa, nigeria. while al-qaida lost a key haven in afghanistan it got full-fledged support from pakistan, yemen, somalia and other places. joining us to talk about this is frederick kagan the direct he shall of the american enterprise institute critical threats project. you've been looking at how al-qaida has moved around.
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we know that there have been a lot of these groups in these various countries. al shabaab in somalia. why are they aligning themselves more so with al-qaida? >> it's not a particularly new thing for them tho to be lining themselves with al-qaida. this is something that's got even lost in the shuffle as the last administration and then even more so this administration has really zoomed in on osama bin laden and the core al-qaida group. most of these groups were recognized as al-qaida affiliates five or ten years ago, and they have been there as part of the network. so, it's been more of an issue of us not paying enough attention to these threats, rather than them becoming new threats, although certainly the arobject spring, and the explosion of weapons from libya and a variety of other factors, and our withdrawal from iraq and the syrian civil war have accelerated in process. >> part of your point is you are saying they are aligning
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themselves. like al shabaab has made a bunch of money from holding people ransom and some corp. raeurgss pay them off to get their hostages go. why would their groups want to do more with al-qaida? you'd think they would have to kick money up the food chain. >> this goes to the core of what the leaderships of the groups are all about. what they are about is global jihad. there is a lot of confusion out there about whether they are mafias or fundamentally business interests, they are not. these al-qaida franchises, al-qaida and the islamic meghreb, al shabaab, these are ideologically motivated groups and important parts of the global al-qaida network. we really need to take them seriously as enemies and not just as money-making organizations. >> the united states what can it do about it? it's expanded its operations in africom where we have u.s. forces there. what more can we do than put
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people in certain regions of the world. >> our expansion in africa has been trivial. we announced we have been deploying ten guys to somali. >> we sent special forces over to mali to train some of the forces there. what more can we do? >> i'm going to give you the frustrating answer. we could actually develop a global strategy for how to go about dealing with this problem, which is something that neither this administration nor its predecessor has done. and it's not something that is easily stated and it's not something that is just about, you know, sending troops and invading this and attacking that. it's about actually really seriously understanding the global nature of this threat, and the local nature of this threat, how they fit together, and evolving a real strategy to deal with a real threat. we're four years into this administration and we've yet to see anything resembling a comprehensive description of the threat from them, let alone a coherent strategy. >> this issue is not going to go away. we'll have you back to talk about this one some more.
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jon as he also points out, thank you have a good day. he also points out the caucuses and that becoming a real hotbed region as you were talking with our earlier guest about. jon: it's a huge problem. we'll be right back. aw this is tragic man, investors just like you could lose tens of thousands of dollars on their 401(k) to hidden fees. thankfully e-trade has low cost investments and no hidden fees. but, you know, if you're still bent on blowing this fat stack of cash, there's a couple of ways you could do it. ♪ ♪ or just go to e-trade and save it. boom. ♪
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>> tpwhaou fallout from reported israeli air strikes on syria over the weekend. a senior israeli official saying that the attacks targeted missiles that were reportedly heading to lebanon's hezbollah militia. syria calling this an act of war
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and now the white house is weighing in. senior white house foreign affairs correspondent wendell goler is live with that story. what is the white house saying? >> reporter: heather the white house won't confirm the israeli air strikes which apparently occurred on sunday, aides traveling with the president to a commencement address at ohio state university yesterday defended the israeli's rights to help defend themeses. these are thought to be fairly sophisticated missiles, perhaps proceed jivedded by iran and as you say destined for hezbollah. josh earnest told reporters, the israelis are justifiably concerned about the threat posed by hezbollah obtaining these advanced weapon systems. israel as a sovereign government has the right to i can ta the actions they feel are necessary to protect their people. as the violence in syria's civil war intensifies the pressure is on mr. obama for more aggressive u.s. involvement. his national security team said to be coming together around the idea of providing weapons to rebels, despite concerns that
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al-qaida-related extremists may wind up with some of them. even that is not enough for arizona senator john mccain. he says syria's alleged use of chemical weapons shows the president's red line was drawn in invisible ink as he put it. he wants a no-fly zone and save haven for the rebels. he says the israeli's air strikes aren't as strong as the pentagon warn they are. >> the israelis seem to be able to penetrate it fairly easily. one thing i've learned about some of our military leaders, if they don't want to do something they can invent lots of ways not to do it. the fact is we are capable of taking out their air o on the ground with cruise missiles. >> spec particulars say that might draw russia into the fight. secretary of state kerry headed to moscow this week for talks likely to focus on syria. >> one of the kw*efs i
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questions is what is the domino effect of all of this. have a great day now. jon: president obama sound a bit like an underdog up against powerful forces. the president was addressing graduates as ohio state's commencement yesterday, the usual up lifting messages, giving way at times to a less inch sphaoeurg tone. her inspiring tone. here is the president taking jobs at familiar boogie men as well as members of congress. >> they whisper in in the government's ear for special treatment that you don't get. that is like a small number of lawmakers defeat something a vast majority of constituents wants. we get consumed by small things when we are a people called to do great things like rebuild the middle class and reverse the tides of inequality.
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>> it was one commencement speech, what about the media coverage and what about what the president had to say. jim bing ker ton is a contributing editor and wire for a conservative magazine. alan colmes is the host of the alan colmes radio show and author of thank the liberals for saving america. to hear the president everything would be better in america and especially for graduates of ohio state if the evil corporations and so potter weren' weren't getting handouts. i'm not sure what he was referring to. >> i'm not sure either. the president gave a populous speech calling young people to action. but if the president really meant it when he said he wants to, you know, stop special treatment for insiders he might look to his own new cabinet secretary nominee, that would be penny pritsker who is supposed to be the next secretary of commerce which is an important job in the obama administration
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and she of course has been sitting on hundreds of millions, maybe even bill kwrops o billions of offshore accounts. the atlantic magazine called hero bama's mitt romney. you would think if the president really meant it about taking on the powerful he would take a good look at her and maybe not appoint her. more to the point the media should be all over it. the media should be saying this is hypocrisy for the president to be denouncing special issues and having attacked mitt romney all through the campaign for his overseas accounts then he hires somebody that has a lot more money than he ever did in her own grand caymen accounts. >> it was because he talked about one thing and did another. the election he lost because people don't relate to offshore accounts. he might have a point about penny pritsker being on the inside. he was talking about the big money interests that get people elected, citizens united that he didn't mention directly resulted
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in. you've got to have big money or raise big money in order to get into the government. only one person like president obama can't by himself change the system. he quoted george w. bush in the speech about sometimes it's good to be a full crime citizen. nothing this president can do is without the conservative media attacking him for anything he says, a fairly bland not terribly exciting speech but it was an inspirational spraoefp for the students in room. >> he says you've got to reject cynicism and stay engaged. isn't interest a little cynical for the president to decry citizen's united. >> no. jon: wait a minute. and wag his finger at the supreme court in front of them, and then start taking unlimited contributions for his political, you know, action team. >> i think it's good for him to talk about changing the system. but as long as he's in the system, should he diminish his own ability to get elected by not doing what opponents
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do. let's talk about how we need to change it for everybody. it's not being hypocrite kral to play the game the way everybody else does by talking about how you can make the better and inspiring a younger generation to help make it better down the road. jon: i'm sorry, jim i've raised some kids and i know the one thing that they don't like is, well, is do as i say and not as i do kind of behavior. >> i think that can be summed up in the word hypocrisy. >> what do you want him to do? nobody likes it. the president out raised both john mccain and mitt romney in 2012 he's got more liberal billionaires on his side than the conservatives do. penny pritsker is even more egregious. in 2009 she was slated to be the commerce secretary because the bank she honed superior bank went bust in a cloud of scandal, and that seemed too hot for the president as he was seeking re-election of course in 2012. now that he's been safely reelected they think they can do
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it. where are the media? the media were all over scandals and s and l scandals in the past. when it concerns this president and administration they didn't seem very interested. >> you want the media to attack the president for an inch accu cuss speech he gave in ohio where he didn't go out on a partisan ledge or do anything outrage just. you want the media to attack that speech? >> i want them to have one standard when it comes to the special interests and rich and the powerful . they were all agreeing with president obama when they were attacking mitt romney last year now they are silent when president obama has his own mitt romney in the cabinet. >> conservatives go after penny pritsker having of 0 shore accounts but no problem with mitt romney dock the same thing. >> the president is the one in charge making these choices. he didn't have to pick her. there are lots of people who could be commerce secretary that don't have offshore accounts. >> that's not what the speech was about. jon: you'll probably not hear
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the president talk about menee pritsker and her offshore accounts. gentlemen, thank you, good discussion. >> a major wash out to tell you about in the southeastern part of our country, some heavy rains soaking an area already saturated. this day calls you.
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they argue that the checks are easy to beat and they just don't work. william la jeunesse is live for us in los angeles. hi, mr., william, really they are easy to beat, huh? >> reporter: critics say the background check is super figures and actually protects law breakers because criminals and gang members can't be deported based on that information. reform supporters contend that the bill is written that way to encourage as many illegal immigrants to come forward as possible. with millions of illegal immigrants living in the so-called shadows immigration reform supporters say background checks will make america safer. >> we are a better nation when we have these 11 million people coming forward. >> reporter: critics say the check is no more than a rubber stamp, with no personal interview, reference check or state issued id required. >> the idea here is we're supposed to be weeding out the bad apples. one of the big problems with the bill is that it doesn't require those who are denied the amnesty to leave the country, or the government to find them. >> reporter: that means felons,
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fugitives, those with three or more misdemeanors who are not supposed to be eligible for legal status can remain where they are. >> i don't mean to be flip about it, but i mean this subheading, this section could have been subheaded, no illegal alien left behind. the goal really seems to be to get as many -- get amnesty for as many people as is physically possible. >> reporter: supporters admit their bill isn't perfect. document fraud will happen and some criminals who support families will be allowed to stay under a hardship clause. but reform they say makes today's broken system better. >> if we could have mandatory e~verify where an employer can tell if it's somebody presenting themselves for workers the person they say they are, if the social security number they carry is valid that will be a huge advance from where we are right now. >> reporter: now some republicans may try to tough even this bill but honestly the i is so tightly negotiated, heather that any change could kill it for good. back to you.
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>> the senate taking it up this week. thanthank. jon: a weekend air show ends in horror. [screaming] jon: you can see the fireball there, the plane plumb help thes to the ground during a maneuver erupting into a huge fireball. where it happened and what authorities are saying about the cause of this tragedy, just ahead. julie banderas is
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covering the story. >> reporter: it seems that beliebers can't get enough of justin bieber. while at the piano at stage in due by one fan grabbed bieber from behind pulling him practically off of his piano. he was hauled off by security. the piano by the way was knocked over in all the ka eggs month. like a true professional bieber continued the show like nothing happened, and in true bieber form he took to twitter soon after and tweeted, due by nothing stops the show, two more to go, hashtag believe tour. moving on now. dame helen mirren had her performance interrupted. shaoef was dressed in pull queen elizabeth garb, she stopped mid show, stepped off stage and
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confronted street drummers in london. the potty mouth queen told them to shut the bleep up. she actually used the f-word about 20 times. for a second the musicians could have mays particular even her for her majesty dressed in her trademark royal outfit. tame helen won an oscar for her stunning betrayal in the 200 2006 film "the queen." you don't want to peeve off the queen. jon: and f-bombs in the high british accent don't go off well. >> reporter: i think think word sound nice with a nice british accent. jon: i agree with that. i'll give you that. running a mile in her shoes, a father participating in a marathon wearing a blindfold, he's doing it to honor his little girl.
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>> great story here. a father in pennsylvania running a marathon blindfolded for a great cause. thousands of runners taking part in this year's pittsburgh marathon, but at least this one won't see the course. mike bruno is running wearing a blindfold while tethered to another person. his 7-year-old daughter, kathy, is legally blind because of a medical condition she's had since birth. mike and his friend raising money for his little girl and others who are blind. we wish them well. >> how much it must mean to that father.
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>> so personal. >> thank you for joining us. >> great working with you. >> good to have you here, heather. "america live" starts right now. >> megyn: fox news alert, we ary knowing what caused a limousine to burst into flames on a san francisco bay area bridge, killing five women trapped inside. including a bride and some of her wedding party. on the left side of your screen, footage of the limo on firearm the side of the road saturday night. on right, we are expecting a press conference with the authorities any moment to see whether they have determined a cause for this bizarre explosion. the women were celebrating a friend's wedding when smoke started pouring into the vehicle. by the time the driver pulled over, authorities said it was too late. five people were killed, including the bride to be. the california highway patrol, the local fire department, and the county coroner are expected to attend this briefing. a lot of folks are


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