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tv   Hannity  FOX News  May 8, 2013 6:00pm-7:01pm PDT

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word of the day, do not pettifog when writing to the factor. i'm bill o'reilly. please remember the spin always stops right here. we are definitely look out for you. >> welcome to hannity. this is a fox news alert. there are a number of developing stories and you can be sure we will have complete coverage of the jodi arias conviction. but we begin with capitol hill with three hay level state department officials now known as the benghazi whistleblowers testified before the house oversight committee. their message to lawmakers was very powerful and it was emotional. it helped confirm once and for all in the wake of the terrorist attack, the obama administration engaged in a widespread national security coverup and it was all done simply to ensure that president obama was re-elected. since you were probably not able
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to watch all seven-plus hours of today's hearings, we did it for you. we put together the highlights. let's take a look. >> our goal in this investigation is to get answers because their families deserve answers. >> i'm a career public servant. until the aftermath of benghazi, i loved every day of my job. >> do you believe you were kept out for political reasons? >> do not politicize my job, madam. >> was there any awareness that the events occur because of a youtube video? >> the youtube video was a nonevent in libya. the only report that our mission made through every channel was that there had been an attack on a consulate. >> not a protest? >> no protest. >> there was never an attempt to actually get these military aircraft over there. >> fast forward, mr. hicks, to the sunday talk shows and ambassador susan rice, she
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blamed the attack on the video, in fact she did it five different times. what was your reaction to that? >> i was stunned. my jaw dropped. i was embarrassed. >> did she talk to you before she went on the five sunday talk shows. >> no, sir. >> you were the highest-ranking official in libya at the time, correct. >> yes, sir? and she did not bother to have a conversation with you before she went on national television? >> no, sir. >> when ambassador stevens talked to you perhaps minutes before he died, as a dying declaration, what precisely did he say to you? >> he said, greg, we're under attack. >> did he mention one word about a protest or a demonstration? >> know he did not. >> at about 3:00 a.m. i received a call from the prime minister
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of libya. i think it's the saddest phone call i've ever had in my life. he told me that ambassador stevens had passed away. >> incredible testimony. earlier the white house was asked to react to today's hearing. let's take a look at this. >> it is our view, and it is a simple fact, that from the early hours of the attack there have been attempts by the republicans to politicize what was a tragic attack on our facility in benghazi that led to the deaths of four americans, including our ambassador to libya. >> joining me now to respond to those charges the two men who were on has been for today's testimony from the house oversight committee, congressman jason chaffetz and mr. gowdy. >> this was at times spellbinding, these guys were incredible, believable. congressman chaffetz, let me
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start with you. there are three components here. we know they were denied the additional security they requested. that's number one. number two, we learned from the people there that youtube was nonevent issue here. there was any protest, no spontaneous protest, and that was the spin we got after. then when he heard, you know, about susan rice's testimony, i was stunned, my jaw dropped, i was embarrassed when she blamed the youtube video. what do you make of what happened today? >> we had three people who did a very difficult thing, did a very honorable and patriotic things, they stepped up. these aren't appointees. they have a combined 75 years of foreign service, marine service, all kinds of service and they stepped up and told the truth. that's what made the white house so nervous. when he said their jaw dropped, there are a lot of ramifications
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for telling these lies. they testified one of the reasons we couldn't go the fbi in there for 18 years is the fact we embarrassed the president of libya who had gone to benghazi and in his own political peril said this was a terrorist type of event. and yet susan rice undercut that and it impeded our ability to catch the terrorists who did this, they are still on the run and there are still four dead americans who don't have the truth about what really happened. >> congressman gowdy, what did the american people, what are they to con cued here? you had a great line of questioning here. they never talked to mr. hicks before they went on these shows. we know that the talking points originally got it right before they got it wrong, that they were altered. do you believe that the american people were purposely deceived and lied to to coverup something before an election? >> oh, there is no question. anyone sitting in that committee room today would draw that same conclusion, that there was a concerted effort shortly after
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benghazi to protect the president's re-election bid, and right now there's a concerted effort to insulate and protect secretary clinton. for once congress did their job today. it's our job to provide oversight. there's no statute of limitations when it comes to the truth, and the least we can do for our four murdered fellow americans who were serving on our sted under our flag is it find out exactly what happened. we took a big step today. but, sean, today is just one step. we need to have more hearings with more firsthand eyewitness accounts. >> when you look at the before no security request that was granted and you look at the milling, troops that were ready to go and help, were toll to stand down we learned today, congressman chaffetz, and then the after, a concerted effort to lie and coverup. of those three aspects, what's the worst to you? >> to hear the fact we had four special forces there on the ground in libya ready to risk their lives. they wanted to get in the fight.
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their fellow americans were under attack. they were being killed. and these brave people had their guns, they were ready to go, they were getting in the convoy, and then word came down and said you had to stand down. that's not the american way. that's not the american military i know. but we've got to find out who made that order. we were told by the president, we've been told by everybody that they did everything they could to save those people, but we heard testimony today from the chief of missions that they were toll to stand down. and that is just -- that is not going to stand. we have got to get to the truth. >> congressman gowdy, where was the president? we know he was briefed by leon panetta. is there any case that the president ever inquired as to an update when our embassy was under attack and that our ambassador was in trouble? was there ever any communication that's been confirmed or that he just win to bed and got up and went fundraising the next day?
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>> there was nothing brought out today by our colleagues on the other side of the isle that would indicate what the president was doing while this seven-hour long siege took place. so i want to be fair to him, but the simple fact is i, even after eight months, cannot tell you what the commander in chief was doing when our people under our flag were being murdered and under assault on a foreign land. it is sad that a member of congress after eight months can't answer your question. >> congressman chaffetz, you went to benghazi. you met with mr. hicks. apparently he was he he escoriar daring to talk to you. it sounds to me like there was an attempt at obstruction. this was hillary's chief of staff, as i understand it? >> i did go to libya. i didn't go to benghazi but i was in tripoli. i did meet with mr. hicks. and we heard testimony mr. hicks
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was coached ahead of time and did not allow me to speak to three individuals there, including mr. hicks. that the state department sent along a baby-sitter and take notes and minder of everything i did. this person, mr. hicks, was chastised by hillary clinton's chief. staff. >> i guess to cover their story or to merge their stories? >> an idea a member of congress trying to seek out the truth and they are being told not to allow that member of congress to have that conversation, i mean that's pretty stunning. >> one last question and i'll throw it out to both of you. do you see any obstruction issues, any potential criminal issues in all of this? >> well, i'll take that only because i'm a former prosecutor. i think it's too early. again, it's embarrassing to say that after eight months, but we are still going through documents. we are still gaining access to documents. it's too early to make that call.
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but it's also this, it's too early for jay carney to say that was a long time ago. jason and i watched a row of grieving parents and spouses and children and i promise you to them eight months was not a long time ago. >> i appreciate both of you. it takes your breath away what happened and how it was covered up, and i hope you both will continue to get to the bottom of it. thank you both. >> thank you. >> thanks, sean. >> we have complete coverage of the jodi arias guilty verdict and new news out of cleveland has the kidnapper has been formally charged. but first the father of one of the benghazi victims will join me along with michelle malkin and juan williams. also we are asking your help you have get to pick the video of a day. you will see part of each of these option throughout the night. winner will run at the end of the show in it's entirety. here's option one. is this the video of the night?
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>> let's be clear, benghazi happened a long time ago. >> the fact is we have four dead americans. was because of a protest or was it because of guys out for a walk one night that decided to kill some americans. what difference at this point does it make some. >> i think this is probably the
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ninth or so hearing the house has had on that issue. maybe it's time we look at how to protect our embassies the best way we can rather than going theough and rehashing some of the same old stories. >> now just a few of the insensitive remarks democrats have made when speaking about the terrorist attacks in benghazi who killed four brave americans. the last comment was made just today in front of the victims' family members, including my next guest. my friend charles woods is back on the program. charles, thank you for being back. >> thank you, sean. >> i'm really interested to hear your reaction. if i were you, said this to you before, my reaction would be anger. what was your reaction today? >> my reaction was encouragement. it was so good to see both the democrats and the republicans working together. they had obvious differences. but the first thing that i did when the hearings were over with, i went up and i shook the hands of congressman cummings,
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who is the democratic leader and i thanked him for the spirit of cooperation that we saw today. there are good men on both sides who are trying to find out exactly what the facts were so that this will not happen again. >> what did you think about his comment when he said that death is a part of life? a lot of people were very critical of that. >> you know, i -- he mentioned that to me afterwards, and i told him that i totally agreed with him that death is a part of life. see, that's one of the reasons why our family is taking this so well. we know where ty is. i'm looking forward to seeing my son and giving him a hug one of these days, and i hope when he sees me he will say, dad, you sad what i would have said. i'm very proud of you. thank you for doing what you did. >> but you also learned to that the line that was fed to the american people and to you and your family, that this was related to a youtube video, was not true, that this was
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spontaneous, that that was not true. and never talked to mr. hicks, that the administration changed what were the right talking points to the wrong talking points. do you not feel there's a coverup here, there was a coverup? >> you know, this is the one thing, when i was approached by hillary clinton at the coming home ceremony of the bodies at andrews air force base and she said we are going to go out and we are going to prosecute that person who made the video, i knew that she wasn't telling the truth. and i think the whole world knows that now. she's smarter than i am. she probably knew that well. but what i hope comes from this is we need to have political leaders that we can believe and we can trust. it shouldn't be a matter of having a weigh, well, is there a little bit of truth here or not? hopefully one of the good things that will happen is that the truth will come out. >> let me ask you -- >> and the people who do present evidence will give us truthful
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answers as well. >> it is eight months later -- it is eight months later, and my interpretation of this is, a, your son is a true american hero that was told to stand down, that disobeyed orders and lives were saved because he put his life on the line. but yet people that could have saved him, they were told to stand down. now, the bigger issue for me is who made that order, and number two, do you not have a sense, a feeling that the government lied on purpose so that barack obama wouldn't have to deal with this issue so he could get re-elected? because that's what i feel about it. >> there are two questions that need to be answered. one would be who. not necessarily for political reasons, but so that we can ask the person or persons who made the decision to stand down, why did you make this decision? we want a truthful answer so
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that this will not happen again. >> what about the issue that what you were told that we now know had nothing to do with it. there was no youtube video, no spontaneous demonstration, that they knew from day one what the truth was but they altered the truth and went out on public television and public events and they said something that was categorically false, and all the evidence shows that they knew it was false? >> okay. the whole world knows, everyone, including all of the parties know that those were false statements. hopefully that will be a catalyst so that no more false statements are made. we need to know the truth. >> all right. you and your family still remain in our prayers. good to see you. >> thank you very much, sean. >> appreciate it. >> thank you. >> coming up next, we have new evidence that the state department's benghazi review board aided in this coverup. and jodi arias has been found guilty of first-degree murder. we will check with our legal
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panel. will she get the death sentence? later tonight you will hear from jodi arias herself. we will air it, it was done after she was convicted today. and charges have been filed against the chiefs kidnapper. by the way, video of the daytime, you get to select our video. it's time to look at option two. a brave journalist removes her head scarf with a radical islam terrorist. needless to say, fireworks ensued. all business purchases. so you can capture your receipts, and manage them online with jot, the latest app from ink. so you can spend less time doing paperwork. and more time doing paperwork.
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>> i think i would point you to the accountability review board
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and what -- i think i would point you to the report that they put out. i would point you to what the two heads of that board, ambassador pick ring and put out in a statement this week, quote, from the beginning of the arb process we had ungetterred access to everyone and everything, including all the documentation we needed. >> now the coria continues. that was white house press secretary propagandist jay carney. but he's leaving out one key fact. the former secretary of state was never interviewed by the board he cited. but today we learned she wasn't the only key player who was ignored by the board. watch this. >> were you interviewed by the a. r. b.? >> i was not. >> you were not interviewed? okay. and you were on the job during this period? >> i was at my desk that night
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until 2:00 in the morning. >> and you were not allowed to convey information to the -- >> on the 17th i conveyed my request to be interviewed before the board. >> so they did interview you after that some. >> no. >> have you ever been interviewed? >> i have not. >> never. pretty unbelievable. joining me now with reaction. columnist michelle malcan and juan williams. guys, welcome to the program. i want to hear you say this, juan. they requested additional security, it was denied. that's a failure. during the attack they didn't send help that was waiting in tripoli, a c-130 to assist these guys. that was a failure. and afterwards they got the story right until they changed the talking points for political purposes. do you agree with all of that? do you have any disagreements? >> i have totally disagreements. >> where? >> we know from the military, former defense secretary
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panetta, from general ham, we can go down the line, the joint chiefs of staffs, the military made this decision. not the state department, not the white house. >> so we don't have a command in chief -- >>. >> wait a minute, we don't have a commander in chief or chain of demand and that somebody along the way, we don't know who eight months later made a decision and told them to stand down while americans were under fire and getting killed in benghazi? is that what you are going to say? >> you know, you are wrong. >> no, i'm not. >> nobody was under fire at the time. attack starts at 9:45. >> and keeps going. >> the first team gets there at 5:00 a.m. there was a second attack and then people, even then, what we heard today was people in tripoli wanted to send four commandos in but they wouldn't have got there until after the second attack, sean. >> let's play the video from earlier today and get it right. >> we determined that we needed
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to send a second team from tripoli to secure the airport for the withdrawal of our personnel from benghazi after the mortar attack. >> were any of these u.s. military personnel not permitted to travel on a rescue mission or relief mission to benghazi? >> they were not authorized to travel. >> what happened with those personnel? >> they remained in tripoli with us. the medic went with the nurse to the hospital in his skills to the treatment of our -- and care of our wounded. >> how did the personnel react being told to stand down? >> they were furious. >> michelle, i'll and you. they screwed up before, they screwed up after, and then they lied about it. i think it's pretty well chronicled. tell me where i'm wrong. >> that's right. of course you are right and anybody who actually sat and watched the entire hearing process, i did. i wonder if you did, juan, because only somebody who did
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not honestly watch that comprehensive hearing today could remain as you do, juan, and as so many of these media lap dogs do in this bubble of unreality. everything that hillary clinton said at that january hearing where all of the media praised her for her brilliant performance was a lie. lies, lies, lies, yeah. and they are going to get to hillary, eventually they will. you will be held accountable. and i think in particular the testimony of greg hicks, and he mentioned that hetalked to hillt the situation, that at that very moment in realtime hillary clinton and the top brass at the state department were being told that this was an attack. that greg hicks never, ever said that there was some kind of protest or street mob going on, really needs to be put in armageddon type font on the
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front page of every newspaper. it won't be, but guess what, that's why we are here talking about it. >> let me ask juan a question. juan, the original talk points of steve haze was able to show us the early version of this, they admitted it was a terror attack. nobody said this was spontaneous. i never her of a spontaneous demonstration, oh, let me pull out a rocket propelled grenade out of my back pocket, i happen to be here spontaneous, but that's what they told us. my conclusion is they did this because it goes against their narrative, they were two months out after presidential election, and they purposely, willingly lied to you, all the people watching this program, the american people, so they could get elected and maintain power? that's what happened, juan. let me hear you say it. >> here's the thing, sean. you have a case to make that the obama administration did not handle this well -- >> no, they lied. they changed the talking points. >> but when you start with the conspiracy theory, when you go
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banana as like that, there was a decision made -- the head, director of national intelligence, that is a directive that we gave -- >>. >> if i had a picture of barack obama on videotape robbing the bank and he robbed a bank and it was on video and you told me, well, he was going to give the money to the poor, that's what it sounds like to me. >> if you get him on tape robbing a bank, he's robbing a bank. there is no such smoking gun here. >> lying about a youtube video that had nothing to do with this. last word, michelle. >> what youtube video? what are you talking about? >> it's clear he did not listen to the testimony from these three brave veteran whistleblowers. one of the bottom line quotes from greg hicks, quote, the youtube video was a nonevent. this is the biggest lie from this administration and from this woman who still has political aspirations. >> thank you, guys. we will continue to stay on the
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story. just ahead, complete coverage of the jodi arias verdict. will she get the death penalty? our analysts will be here. and ainsley erhard is live on the ground with the latest. you will hear audio of the 911 call that was placed by charles ramsey, very compelling. don't forget, stop by "hannity live." you get to select the option, the video of the day. time to lock at this video from pakistan, plummeting offstage. ouch! the humble back seat.
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>> areaial castro held three women captive for over a decade. they were subjected to sexual and psychological abuse. for the latest on the investigation, we turn to our very own ainsley erhard. she's live, she's on the ground in cleveland tonight. ainsley. >> hi, sean. big headline, as you said today, area where he will astro acted alone according to police. seven do you understand. kidnapping against him and three counts of rape. the through brother, pedro and o'nil, not connected according to police. they are being held on outstanding maryland charges. we had the press conference today with law enforcement. i asked them obvious questions and questions i thought were obvious that hadn't been answered yet. take a listen. >> good evening, sir. my name is ainsley erhard and i work for fox news out of new york city. a lot of our viewers want to know did these girls over the course of that ten year peer, 11 year period, ever try to escape? were there drugs involved? was ariel astro drugging the
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girls to prevent them from escaping and what window of opportunity allowed them to escape this time? >> number one, we aren't positive about any type of drugs, if they were drugged. that is yet to be determined. number two, the only opportunity after interviewing the young ladies to escape was the other day when amanda escaped. so they were in that home, i don't believe -- they don't believe that they had been outside of the home for the last ten years respectively. >> were they kept together in one room? >> they were not in one room, but they did know each other and they did know each other was there. >> and one more question. what is your relationship, the child's relationship with the father? what will that be? >> that is amanda's daughter and as far as the relationship, it hasn't been determined. there is going to be a paternity test taken. there was a search warrant executed on the suspect to
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obtain his dna. >> thank you. >> now, they say the women only saw the light of day twice over the last ten years and that was only to walk from the house to the garage in the backyard in disguise. unbelievable. now tomorrow, sean, you got to wake up early. you have to watch my show fox and friends first at 5:00 a.m. and fox and friends because we have a great interview. we talked to one of the girls here, a local reporter. you pull up to gina dejesus's house and you see the reporters outside. the family let one person inside, no camera, no notebook. she wanted to talk to the family and she's been able to do that because she's been covering this story for ten years. we have an exclusive interview with her that you have to watch tomorrow morning. back to you. >> thanks so much. for more on the kidnapper, we turn to someone who played alongside ariel castro in a band, tito dejesus.
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thank you for joining us. >> thank you. >> tell us what you knew about this guy. you knew him, he was this a band with you, tell us what you know. >> i knew him from about 20 years ago. i met him through the music industry here in cleveland and i shared a stage with him with several bands. i didn't know him personally but i knew him as a musician. we shared many moments on stage, really good moments musically. music is such a big thing in my life. >> weren't you in bands with him for 20 years? you say you didn't know him, about you really did know him. i mean you knew him for many, many years. >> yeah. personally meaning he was a quiet person. he didn't talk about his family, he didn't talk about anything personal. but whenever we did rehearse always, we joked around, we would laugh and everything, talk about music. he seemed like the kind of person that didn't want to share his life and we all respected that. but either way as a musician we
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shared that thing, that a musician shares. it's hard to explain. >> now tell me about, you have been in the house and at a time when presumably these girls were being held captive. tell us about that experience. >> yeah, it was about two years ago. i was moving out of my house to an apartment and i sold him a couple appliances, a washer and drier, and he saw i had a bunch of stuff in the garage and he said can i have that stuff? i said sure. he said help me out and take the stuff to my house. i said not a problem. we unloaded the appliances in the driveway and i said help me with the small stuff and put it in the house. so i went inside the house, the living room. it looked pretty normal to me. i was in his house probably 20 years ago when i first met him. but when i walked in there, it was like i had no idea at all what was happening in that house. >> yeah. >> only if i had known.
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because when i walked in there, everything looked normal. he had furniture but basically what i paid attention to was all his base guitars, his amps because i'm a musician and he's a musician and we use that as furniture almost in our homes. ii didn't really hear anything. pretty much it looked like a house where a single man lived in, that's when it looked like. >> you hear the news, a guy you've been playing music with for 20 years, and i think the most recent time you were in his house was 2011, and this news brakes and it's him. what do you think? how does that strike you? >> when i first heard it, i was -- i mean, i was speechless. my wife saw me. she said you look like you saw a ghost. i said that's what i feel like. it's hard to believe something so close to home, especially with, you know, a person who i consider like family because we have the same last name and people consider us family, i have known the families for
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many, many years, and to know the situation going on for ten years and to know this person has been close to me in the music industry for 20 years is the one that did it. and to know that i was in the house two years ago and the girls were there. it's like, it comes back to haunt me sometimes. like if i would have known i could have done something about it. and it is really hard to understand and comprehend actually. >> tito, thank you for being with us. joining me with reaction, former l.a. pd mark furman. still a lot of unanswered questions, mark. i was a little surprised today when they pretty much exonerated and said the other two brothers weren't involved. i assume that came from the three girls that were held. >> absolutely. it came from the victims. they had to wait a period of time until they were medically treated and then they got an interview. and i'm really glad. i'm glad i was wrong about any speculation that the brothers
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involvement because they were arrested it just makes it simpler. it's cut by two-thirds now to be able to track the comings and goes of one suspect instead of three. makes it much easier. i think it will hurry the investigation along. >> yeah. what do you think when you hear the charges? i was surprised. seems to me like there will be a lot of other charges probably added. wouldn't you expect, down the road? >> absolutely. they are doing the obvious. doing the kidnapping and abduction and rape and everything else, torture, imprisonment, all of that will come later, multiple rapes, several counts. it will be complicated by the time it gets to court. >> stay right there. you will stay with us because coming up next jodi arias has been found guilty of first-degree murder. will she be sentenced to death for brutally sleighing her ex-boyfriend? we will check with mark and our legal panel and get their predictions next. don't forget you can still vote
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>> state of arizona versus jodi ann arias, count one. we the jury, duly sworn, do find the defendant as to count 1, first-degree murder, guilty. >> there you have it. earlier today jodi arias was convicted. first-degree murder in the brutal shooting and slaying of her ex-boyfriend. she was accused shooting him in the head, stabbing him up to 30 times, slitting his throat back in 2008. one of they are claims were that her actions were in self-defense. after 67 days in court, 217 juror questions, and she was found guilty of first-degree murder.
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tonight at 10:00 p.m. on the record we will air an exclusive interview with arias that was done after the verdict. joining us is mark furman. from the camera, this is a no-brainer. a palm print was there, she changed the story, she lied, denied it, admitted to it and then said it was self-defense. there was no question in my mind she was going to be found guilty. >> none in mine, either. i know you are shocked. but the funny thing is, this is a serious case -- >> i had a 50-350 chance of being right. >> but i think about how i was call the stage 5 clinger before and i have been maybe a little obsessed with guys -- your phone -- >> my daughter just texted me. >> you ruined my whole thing. but this woman sends stage 5 all the way off the richter scale. she was absolutely insane. she had insane, for lack of a better word, not clinically insane,, but she had no defense
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whatsoever. there was never any question that she committed the crime. that wasn't the issue here. the issue was she told the jury that she was justified in self-defense. >> but that was the second story. mark. >> the third story. she lied twice. >> that's right. mark, anytime you get the change in stories and there's the palm print right there and she tried to clean up afterwards and hid the gun, this was kind of -- even i could have, as a detective, figured this out, mark. >> you could have solved this, sean. you could have solved it the first day on the job. not only did she continually lie, but i believe that the detective that was interviewing her from the onset, from the first and the second story, already new, he allowed her to commit to more lies along the way. she bought the gun, she premeditated, she planned the trip, she got gas cans, she stabbed him, she takes the gun
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with her. she had three attempts at premeditation, three attempts to actually break. she shot him, she could have stopped. she stabbed him, she coof stabbed, and she cut his throat, she could have stopped. >> one of the things that fascinate me about how you view crime issues is your experience in interrogating people and analyzing their personality. you know, i still have a hard time understanding people that are just cold without a conscience, without a soul. and seemingly she's that in this case. now she's going to, in this interview coming up at ten eastern, she's going to say, well, i want the death penalty. what kind of personality do you see in her? >> well, i mean, certainly she doesn't fall, you know, with society's rules. she's a sociopath. she's probably some kind of bipolar disorder. she's got some kind of narcissistic issues. i'm not a psychologist, but what i do see is somebody who is ripe for interrogation.
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if you give them enough rope, they will hang themselves. and the best prosecution case in this trial was the defense case and putting their client on the stand for two weeks. >> she almost seemed at times like she enjoyed the attention. did you get that impression? >> i did. >> i don't know if she enjoyed it. >> i did. >> i think she was just numb to it and that's kind of the behavior of a sociopathic personality is. similar to drew peterson and scott peterson, they are pretty much numb and they think they are not going to be found guilty period. but the other thing is, she had no proof of being abused. none at all. she had no background whatsoever of reporting this to police, you know, her boyfriend liking little boys, which is what she said. abused that day. she would called 11 and say he beat me up, come take pictures,
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here are my defense wounds, none of that. >> death penalty? yes or no. >> yes. >> mark? >> yes definitely. >> coming up next, we unavailable the video today as you selected right here on the "hannity" show. welcome to the new buffalo... where new york state is investing one billion dollars to attract and grow business... where companies like geico are investing in technology & finance. welcome to the state where cutting taxes for business... is our business. welcome to the new buffalo.
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>> time for the video of the day and tonight you, the viewers, get to choose. the fiery videotape between a female and a cleric. the cleric did not want to hear it and he demanded for her to put the scarf back on to begin the interview. and it escalated quite quickly from there. take a look.
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>> don't you wish we had just brave journalists here in america? there's something to think about. how egyptian women are being forced to live under radical islam. how their rights are being taken away every day. and by the way, we are giving them f-16s and tanks and at
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one point $5 billion. that's all the time we have left this evening. thank you for voting and thank you for being with us. greta is mechanics to go on the record. her interview with jodi arias straight ahead. >> this is a fox news alert. and you are just about to hear from convicted killer jodi arias. today an arizona jury finding arias guilty of first-degree murder, and tonight arias is in a fight for her own life. she could now face execution. you will hear from arias right here in seconds, but first the verdict. >> we, the jury, duly empanelled and sworn in the above entitled action upon our oath do find the defendant as to count 1, first-degree murder, guilty. >> so what is jodi arias's reaction to the guilty verdict? anchor troy hayden asked


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