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tv   Happening Now  FOX News  May 9, 2013 8:00am-10:01am PDT

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cleveland as well. we watched ariel castro in court earlier today, age 52, now held on $8 million bond. heather: watching jodi arias as well. thank you. good to be here. bill: "happening now" starts right now. jon: and we begin with brand new stories and breaking news. jenna: a jury finds jodi arias guilty of first-degree murder in the grisly death of her lover. now they will decide if she gets life in prison or the death penalty. what we're also hearing from jodi arias herself. you don't want to miss that. the ohio man accused of holding three women captive for a decade making his first court appearance as we learn new horrifying details what these women say they went through over the last decade. and it is as much a part of the miss america pageant as the roses and the crown but miss america will be waving good-bye to this tradition. we'll tell you about it. it's all "happening now."
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jenna: some new reaction today to a riveting account of the benghazi terror attack. hello, everybody, glad you're with us i'm jenna lee. jon: i'm jon scott. whistle-blowers giving explosive testimony on capitol hill raising new questions about the september 11th attack that killed four americans and the administration's response to it. the testimony extremely emotional at times. >> it matters to me personally and it matters to my colleagues, to my colleagues at the department of state. it matters to the american public for whom we serve and most importantly, excuse me. it matters to the friends and family of ambassador stevens, sean smith, glen
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doherty, and tyrone woods, who were murdered on september 11th, 2012. jon: chief washington correspondent james rosen is live for us in d.c. right now. james, it was a riveting hearing yesterday but democrats and republicans on the house oversight committee not surprisingly emerged with very different views of what it contributed to the story of benghazi. >> reporter: that's right true, jon. good morning. as we heard from house speaker john boehner he and his fellow republican are pointing to new evidence documenting the roles in the shaping of the benghazi narrative by key aides to then secretary of state clinton. all kinds of new e-mails that we got from the six hours of new testimony that produced this critical new evidence. they say it bowls sisters their charges that the obama administration knew there had never been a protest in benghazi, knew immediately it was terrorist event orchestrated by affiliates of al qaeda, facts that obama administration didn't fully acknowledge for two weeks during the presidential election.
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republicans point to new evidence documenting roles shaping of benghazi narrative which key aides to secretary of state hillary clinton. this includes chief of staff cheryl mills acting chief deputy of secretary of state. beth jones and spokesman victoria nuland. >> ambassador hicks, they knew it was a terrorist attack. that was communicated in real time. that there should have been no doubt that before anyone made statements here in america about that. additionally we've seen specific parts of the arb that are either incomplete or in fact are just wrong. >> reporter: arb of course is the blue ribbon panel that reviewed the benghazi for the state department but whose 100 plus witnesses did not include clinton herself. democrats for their part saw the republicans advance claims for this hearing, quote, fall apart. >> there was no evidence of a conspiracy to withold military assets for political reasons. no evidence of a cover-up. no evidence that the
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administration deliberately misled anyone. no evidence that anyone was threatened for coming forward to testify. >> reporter: cummings also noted that the father of ty woods thanked him for the panel's work, jon. jon: there was some important news that broke after the hearings and it came with something of a surprise. both sides of the aisle are saying that they agree on the need for more hearings? >> reporter: that's right, the chair and co-chair of the ar. about, former u.n. ambassador tom pickering and former chairman of the joint chiefs of staff admiral mike mullen who were actually reversed on the screen there declined to appear as witnesses before the committee to defend the final report that they unveiled in december which is now under challenge. after yesterday's hearing, democrats agreed on the need for the two to step forward. >> we've got to now do everything in our power to get to the bottom of this. we probably still need to hear from pickering and mullen and others. >> reporter: and others. no word when we might see further hearings but as we just heard on the channel if
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you're watching just in the last few minutes, house speaker john boehner, republican of ohio, now calling on president obama to release in full some of these unclassified e-mails. jon? jon: we'll see if he does. james rosen, in washington, thank you. >> reporter: thank you. jenna: now to the group reportedly behind the attack in benghazi. the number two diplomat in libya at the time saying that he and many others knew it was terrorism from the moment it happened. greg hicks talked about receiving several phone calls that night about ambassador christopher stevens who was missing at the time being at a hospital and who ran the hospital caused greg hicks some serious concern. >> at this point, this response team looks like it may be a hostage rescue team. that they are going, we are going to need it send them to try to save the ambassador who was in a hospital that is, as far as we know, under enemy control. because we knew separately from david that the
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ambassador was in a hospital that we believed was under ansar sharia's call, we suspected that we were being based into a trap. and so we go send our people into an ambush. and we didn't. we sent them to the annex. jenna: we have the director of the africa center at the atlantic council, looks at all these groups especially in north africa. peter, what do we need to know? about ansar al-sharia? >> jenna, ansar al-sharia is a name commonly used for a variety of groups that share a common ideology, a common modus operandi although they're separate. they cropped up first in yemen in 2011. then in libya later that same year. and they have now shown up also in tunisia and egypt and they're inspired by a
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slightly different model than the al qaeda which tried to unify all the jihadist groups into one global entity. instead you have local groups operating locally but sharing a common global ideology of violent extremist. and in libya the group is headed to two fellows well-known to the counterterrorism community. he was a former guest at guantanamo until he was released in 2007. sent back to libya and from there disappeared and formed this group. along with another fell maimed mohammed al-sawa a prisoner of qaddafi until the libyan revolutions. he was an another islamic extremist. jenna: they're under the same umbrella of whyeddology. what does that ideology feel about the america? >> their name, ansar sharia,
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means supportersofsharia, supporters of islamic law and they want to impose islamic law people muslim or non-muslim, willing or unwilling throughout the arab and muslim lands. they do this trying to win people over locally. in benghazi they ran the hospital as the segment before noted. they have also reappeared in benghazi since the beginning of this year, manning checkpoints, allegedly stopping illegal immigrants and drug trade but, really aiming to recruit, they even have a facebook page, aiming to recruit young people and win the local population over to their radical agenda of imposing islam on the population and fighting western and including american interests wherever they can encounter them. >> i read this on the air yesterday. this is something from the state department, a press release, about terrorist designation for ansar al-sharia as an alias for al qaeda in the arabian peninsula. but within the press release,
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ironically released a couple weeks of at terrorist attack in benghazi the press release makes distinguishment between ansar al-sharia in yemen and the group in libya, almost suggesting they're different. while one group should be designated a terrorist group and alias for al qaeda and perhaps the other should not. what do you make of that? >> well, there's a, there is technical precision and then there's the bigger picture. technically the state department release is correct. the group in yemen doesn't have any direct tie of command-and-control with the group in libya or the ones operating now in tunisia which also carried out violent attacks or the ones growing i egypt. that being said they share the same ideology. they share the same linkages with figures who have a history of gloal terrorism, including as i said in the case of the libyan group of a fellow who was inturned for a number of years in guantanamo. they are connected by
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ideology, the modus operandi and agenda even if command-and-control is localized thing. jenna: we had someone suggest almost as franchises set up around the world. where there may not be a central headquarters these franchises share a lot in what you're describing, peter. if you would, take us out a little bit to the bigger picture that you mentioned as well. what kind of a threat does this group pose the united states and what can you tell us about how the group is operating now several months after we have had this terrorist attack in benghazi. and quite frankly don't really pay that much attention to the area other than talking about what happened on september 11th? >> well, immediately after the september 11th and the attacks there the group kind of went underground. local community was kind of tired of their presence and the bad publicity those attractings to area. so they kind of went underground. since january they resurfaced. they're back to running their:ic.
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they're back to manning checkpoints in benghazi. in fact they're holding public meetings to recruit new people. and this, you have to take into context of libya where the government is exceptionally weak. doesn't really control much of the territory. is in fact afraid to take on this group. as a result, large parts of libya are ungoverned and groups like ansar al-sharia and other militias control the territory and they're linking up with the al qaeda in the islamic maghreb in northern mali. they're filtering and connecting with terrorists in southern libya. there are terrorists operating in tunisia and egypt. so the borders become meaningless as these groups, these fran choices if you -- franchises if you will, link up with each other if not command-and-control, certainly in sharing resources and providing cover and occasional sanctuary for each other. so we're seeing a conglomerate coming together from the bottom up if you will as opposed to al qaeda's attempt from the top down in the late 1990s.
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jenna: that is scary momentum as you're describing it. i have to run but real quick where are they getting the money? because you have to get money if you're going to grow. so who is supporting these groups? >> a variety of racquets. they control neighborhoods. they control checkpoints. they're literally i can shaking down mom-and-pop but also in other areas they engage in criminal networks, protecting smuggling routes toward europe. there is big money to be had. some of the al qaeda franchises in northern africa are implicated in narc cotraffic of coy cain and can any bus rest send. jenna: what about other countries? >> money coming into gulf in so-called charities when the charities are fronts for these groups. it becomes very fungible at that point. we need to be worried about that as well. jenna: sounds like another segment we could have you talk about, peter. thanks for your knowledge as always. look forward to having you back on. >> thank you. jon: the ohio man accused of terrible crimes holding
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three young women captive for a decade or more making his first court appearance this morning as the horrors these women say they suffered begin to come to light. we'll have the latest from cleveland next.
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jenna: well this just in. the ohio man accused of holding three women captive for years is back behind bars today after his arraignment this morning. his name, ariel castro and he's facing kidnapping and rape charges. derek penny live from cleveland with more. garrett? >> reporter: jenna, as we expected it was a brief hearing this morning as we got our first look at ariel castro since he was arrested on monday. throughout the arraignment his eyes were cast down toward the ground. he was biting his color. he avoid making eye contact with anyone in the courtroom and did not make a statement. it was hard to hear parts of proceedings from sounds of cameras around the world, snapping photos of this
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alleged kidnapper. the prosecutor, using strong words to describe these charges. deliberate, depraved, saying these women endured repeated beatings. and even took a personal shot at castro near the end of his remarks saying, now he's the captive. jenna? jenna: castro's brothers also appeared in court. they were part of this case at the very beginning but what is the latest with them, garrett? >> reporter: yeah, jenna. onil and paid dry castro appeared before the judge on charges not related to the case. he was fined $100 for open container. his case was 12 years old, so the judge dismissed. police saying they don't currently have any evidence to suggest that the brothers were involved in these kidnappings. they have said that they have a lot of evidence that they're going to go through and they certainly let that possibility open down the road. jenna? jenna: so many questions, garrett. we know you will stay on the story. more as we get it. thank you.
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>> joed did i ann air was, verdict, count one, we the jury duly empan they would and sworn in the above type action upon our oath do find the defendant as to count one first-degree murder, guilty. jon: jodi arias watching there, stone-faced as the jury in arizona returned its verdict, finding her guilty of first-degree murder for killing her boyfriend travis alexander after a four-month trial filled with gruesome testimony. the jury is returning to court today to begin to decide whether she gets the death penalty. attorney and psychologist brian russell joins us on the phone now. you're a good man to talk about all of this because you can look into both sides of this issue, the legal as well as the psychological, brian. she has been in the courtroom for with these jurors for four months. a lot of people assumed that, you know, her defense attorney kept her on the stand for these 18 days
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because they wanted the jury to get to know her as a person, to get some feeling for her. do you see the ability for this jury to sentence her to death? >> well, jon, good morning. i think that just as the prosecution team and the family were able to breathe a collective sigh of relief yesterday, that they had received a just verdict for travis alexander, jodi arias, ever the scene stealer jumped in and said she would like to have the death penalty as opposed to life in prison without parole. jon: do you believe that? >> in my experience, fox news viewers are some of the smartest viewers in cable news and i don't think i need to tell them, just like i probably wouldn't need to tell the jurors to be highly skeptical of that. i think that was, as you said the defense strategy to keep her in the room with those jurors for long enough for them to find it hard for them to put her to death. i think that was not a safe bet at all, based on the fact that they were unanimous in finding
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premeditation. they were very, when they were polled and asked individually, if that was their verdict, they were quick and strong in their responses, yes, your honor, it was. so i think that a lot of folks in jodi arias's position fancied themselves as master manipulators. i'm not sure she has manipulated anyone here, jon. jon: well they could give her life in prison without the possibility of parole. they don't -- that is what they will be called back to decide, life or death. do you see that, i mean is this a jury that is not inclined to give the death penalty for any reason? >> well, two things, jon. this is a two-step process that happens now. first the jurors need to finding a straighting factors. that will be easy in this case. that the murder was committed, in other words in a particularly depraved or heinous way. if they find that, which i think they will, then they will decide whether to recommend the death penalty. now this will be a death
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qualified jury. meaning all of the jurors said there are circumstances under which they will entertain the death penalty for somebody. but there could always be somebody in that mix who would have to have, for example, someone like saddam hussein or adolf hitler to actually believe that the death penalty was warranted. jon: yeah. >> and that's what we can't know. jon: from a psychological standpoint what do you think she thought she was getting out of that interview yesterday? >> it looked to me, as i said, people like her often fancy themselves master manipulators. i expected a amateurish attempt at reverse psychology. try to influence the jury to give her life in prison without parole making them think it was worse punishment in her eyes. actually, jon, the jury should not have seen that interview. so it probably didn't have any effect in that regard. jon: brian, thank you for that information. we'll play some of that interview for you a little bit later on when we talk to
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our legal panel. thanks very much. there are just three women on death row in arizona right now. will jodi arias join them? more with our legal panel coming up.
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jon: it was a day of riveting testimony and new disclosures in yesterday's hearing on the deadly terror attacks in benghazi. whistle-blowers revealing some brand new details and challenging the official version of events offered by the obama administration. so how did the big three networks handle this bombshell day of testimony? well it was the second story on all three of the major network evening broadcasts. "cbs evening news." offered the most coverage allotting it 4:41. nbc giving it 2 minutes, 59 seconds on nightly news. got the least coverage on
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abc news "world news tonight" at 2 minutes, 24 seconds. let's talk about it with charlie hirt, columnist for "the washington times." a.b. stoddard, associate editor and columnist for "the hill." our "news watch" panel today. charlie, did it surprise you this story did not get a whole lot of attention especially on abcn and nbc? >> i get a lot of reports saying this is an event happened sometime ago in the midst of a big presidential campaign where people were focused mainly on the economy. it happened far, far away and things like that but the bottom line you had a terrible attack on american interests. you have four people that were dead and then you had the administration, you had politicians come out and give a explanation blaming the attack on some, you know, anti-muslim video that was posted online in order to sort of minimize the importance of the event. and it turns out all that is not true. it was a coordinated attack
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by terrorists, and by any definition that sounds like, i mean that is a cover-up. and i don't, i, normally cover-ups in this town dominate the news and they become, you know, the stories that everybody follows without any regard for, you know, partisan politics or anything like that and, for whatever reason that is not going on now and i guess, i guess they have to explain why they're not so interested in this. jon: let's take a look, ab, some of the newspaper coverage. i hope you're able to see a monitor where you are. in "the wall street journal" yesterday before the testimony there was one little front page mentioned in the what's news column, way in the left-hand column there, just one little paragraph. and then you had to jump inside to page a-6 to read the story. after the testimony, this big front page, right hand column, diplomat airs details. in "the new york times" virtually no mention on the
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front page on wednesday. then on thursday, after the testimony, all of a sudden things get interesting, and you get a right-hand column, envoy questions libya, envoy testifies. libya questions led to demotion. "the washington post" basically, no coverage on the front page on wednesday. except the column, gop probe of benghazi turns aim to clinton. that is suggesting it is all political. and then on today's paper, after the testimony, you get that top right-hand column, officials facts on benghazi withheld. it seems to have changed the tone of the coverage in the newspapers, having heard these people testify. >> no, i agree. the testimony was quite shocking and disturbing and it has become a huge story and i think it will remain one until we get more answers. the interesting turning point for me was sunday when we learned who gregory hicks was. that there were other
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high-level diplomats that were going to come forward and be whistle-blowers, share their stories and not only about the discrepancy about the facts on the ground of what happened, but what has happened to them since like gregory hicks and the fact he has been scolded and demoted. so i think that is what is interesting before we even learn that three women were abducted in ohio and held in captivity for 10 years we knew of gregory hicks and he was the one name we knew most prominently and what he was going to say because the chairman of the committee previewed that. now, it is understandable that people approach these, these hearings with some caution because they don't know actually how it will go and whether or not the witnesses will end up saying in public what they said to the investigators in private but for me the turning point really came on sunday when this became a much more damaging story about facts being withheld, security being withheld, and
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inadequate response during the fight on the ground on september 11, and of course what happened in the review of the facts later on both with the accountability review board and with the fact that people who wanted to talk to congressional delegations were discouraged from doing so. jon: not only did "the washington post", charlie, have that right-hand column article on today's front cover but they also have, i think, a riveting photo there in the center of the page. the woman in the middle there is dorothy woods. she is the widow of tyrone woods, one of the ex-seals, navy seals, who died when a mortar shell exploded on the roof. it is our understanding that he actually survived the initial attack but bled to death because they couldn't get him to the hospital in time. it's absolutely, it's just heart-breaking. >> yeah. and while ab is exactly rife, a lot of these details sort
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of jump to the forefront starting on sunday and as you pointed out it became very dramatic yesterday but a lot of this stuff had been trickling out for a long time before now. for months. and, starting very shortly after the attack, a lot of little details started to come out. in my book it's their job to take tease little pieces -- these little pieces and follow them and track them down and try to illuminate what did happen, and that is what i think is lacking in this story and has been with the exception of a handful of reporters and that, of course, the more conservative press has been going pa nanas about it -- bananas about it. but that's not a healthy news environment, i don't think, where you just have people doing, you know, things that, reporting stories that make their side look good. jon: we'll see what kind of coverage this generates as it goes forward.
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ab stoddard and charlie, thanks very much. charlie hurt from the washington times. >> thanks, jon. jenna: just minutes after jodi arias was convicted of first-degree murder in the death of travis alexander, she's facing the very real possibility that she could be executed. and in those moments she decides to give an interview. we're going to play part of that interview, and our legal panel will weigh in on whether she will get the death penalty. there are we got adt because i walked in on a burglary once.
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jenna: welcome back. right now the jodi arias saga is entering a brand new chapter. an arizona jury finding the 32-year-old guilty of first of degree murder yesterday in the death of her boyfriend, and now arias awaits sentencing and a possible death penalty. harris faulkner's live from our new york city newsroom with a look back at how this all up folded. >> reporter: you know, going back really puts a fine point on why this case has captivated so many people, the details were just unreal for us to even imagine. first, the romance. jodi arias was an aspiring sales woman and photographer living in california. travis alexander was a salesman and motivational speaker live anything mesa, a suburb of phoenix, arizona. they met in september of 2006 at a work convention in las vegas. they quickly began a long distance relationship. by november of that year, jodi converted to travis' religion and became baptized as a mormon. but things were bumpy, so much
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so the couple split up in june of 2007. but as we learned in the days and days of raw trial testimony from arias, they continued to see each other in 2007 for sex. weeks later jodi moved to arizona to wait tables and clean travis' house for extra cash. then a few months later she moved back to california in early 2008, and it was if may of that year -- in may of that year a 25 caliber gun was reported stolen from the home of jodi arias' grandparents where she was staying. a month later on a road trip to utah to see another coworker and love interest, jodi arias took a detour to arizona to visit travis alexander. they had sex at his home and then take those provocative pictures of each other that we've come to know. and on that day, on june 4th in 2008, arias killed her ex-boyfriend. the next day, june 5th, she continued on that road trip to utah where she saw the oh man. june 9, friends found travis'
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body in the shower and called 911. he had been shot in the head with a .25 caliber gun, stabbed, slashed nearly 30 times. police found arias' hair and bloody palm print at the scene. along with a time-stamped picture in a camera discovered inside travis' washing machine. the road to justice was winding and filled with drama; lies to investigators, bizarre behaviors of jodi doing yoga moves in the interrogation room and more lies. finally, on jodi arias' birthday, july 9, 2008, a grand jury indicted her on fist-degree murder -- first-degree murder. of flash forward, now, to february of this year, jodi arias takes the witness stand. there she is now telling her side of what happened to travis alexander. i'll spare you all the steamy and sometimes awkwardly-detailed sexual escapades that she described as she tried to weave a tale of self-defense in the
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killing. that went on for 18 days, as you'll recall. fast forward now to yesterday. jurors return that guilty verdict on that first-degree murder charge. it's been a long journey both for that family and for those of us covering it and watching it. jenna? jenna: we can't forget travis' family in all of this, too, it's so much attention on jodi. harris, thank you so much. >> reporter: sure. jon: so what's next for jodi arias? what will determine whether she gets the death penalty or not? let's bring in our legal panel today. doug burn is the a former federal prosecutor and criminal defense attorney, carrie hackett, a criminal defense attorney as well. so, carrie, if she were your client and she's just been convicted of first-degree murder, but now you've got to try as best as you can from the death penalty, what do you say to these same jurors who are going to hear that phase of the case? >> her defense attorneys really have an uphill battle here, because the jury did not believe her explanation of the events.
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so her attorneys really need to present as many character witnesses as they can, they need to present testimony from mental health professionals that she's not sound. i mean, she may not be, um, incompetent for trial, but she could be mentally unsound. and then finally, i think that her defense team really needs to argue that it's going to be more difficult on jodi in the long term to have, to spend out the rest of her life in prison than it is for her to receive the death penalty. jon: she is said to be on suicide watch now, doug, because she said in that interview with our fox affiliate after the verdict came in that she would rather die than spend the rest of her life in prison. do you think that's accurate, or is that a ploy for jury sympathy? >> what an ironic postscript, jon, to a trial in which the defendant had lied three and four times, walking in the door for trial in the first place, she had already lied. so she started the trial with no credibility whatsoever. this jury threw the back at her
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because of those lies. one of the funny things about jurors is they have tremendous common sense. think about it. the case was defended on the idea that she was a battered woman, and she was afraid of them. well, the first question is why did she sol isen tearily go over there? so this interview yesterday was just another horribly ill-advised move. jon: all right. she, she had some comments about the prosecutor, um, we'll get to that in a second, but i want to play for you that segment where she says that she would rather spend the rest of her life in prison. this is what she said just after the jury convicted her. >> the worst outcome for me would be natural life. i would much rather die sooner than later. longevity runs in my family, and i don't want to spend the rest of my natural life in one place, you know? i'm pretty healthy, i don't smoke, and i would probably live a long time. so that's not something i'm looking forward to. um, i said years ago that i'd
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rather get death than life, and that still is true today. i believe death is the ultimate freedom, so i'd rather just have my freedom as soon as i can get it. jon: but, carrie, she also said that she was planning to commit suicide after tris' death, and she never went think with that. through with that. should we believe it this time? >> right. no, i don't think so. and what is she thinking? i cannot imagine that her defense team knew that she was about to give this interview. and what purpose, why did she give the interview? it doesn't help her. the jury's sequestered. she has proven time and time again that she's interested in the fame and the publicity that goes along with appearing on television. and i don't think that this in any way has helped her or made her more sympathetic. jon: doug, what about that interview? did it do her good or harm her case? >> i think it was, as i said earlier, a very, very poorly, ill-advised move. because, you know, you have one theory is, okay, you want death,
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we'll give you death. the other one is that it's a very mickey mouse reverse psychology ploy. but the prosecutors real quick, jon, are going to have a very good argument that this was a cruel, heinous and depraved killing, so it'll be interesting to see what happens. jon: well, juan martinez, the prosecutor, asked the jury are you going to let her scam you in his closing arguments. we'll see what happens when they consider the death penalty. doug burns, carrie hackett, thank you both. >> my pleasure, jon. >> thank you. jenna: well, in another legal case, nearly four years after michael jackson's death, some new abuse allegations surfacing against the pop star. what they are, next. [ male announcer ] running out of steam?
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jenna: well, right now some new allegations against michael jackson, and they're coming from choreographer wade robson. robson testified eight years ago at jackson's molestation trial that the pop star never touched him, and now he's changing his story. julie banderas has nor. >> reporter: that's right, jenna. even in death new revelations are coming out from jackson's alleged victims of abuse, the latest from a man who once came to his defense. choreographer and television personality wade robson is filing a claim against the pop star's estate alleging he sexual abused him as a child. now, this is majorly contrary to what robson said when called as a key witness in jackson's molestation trial in 2005. his attorney says the abuse lasted seven years, and now the
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30-year-old suffered a breakdown last year. no comment on how much money robson is seeking if a judge allows the abuse allegations into court. attorneys for jackson say robson was one of their strongest witnesses, and he was always adamant he was never improperly touched or molested, telling the associated press, quote: this makes no sense. mr. robson's claim is outrageous and pathetic, end quote. robson is an australian-born choreographer and has appeared on the series "so you think you can dance." play the music. ♪ ♪ pleasure. [applause] and there she is, miss america. meanwhile, soon this all familiar tune will wave good-bye. the song there she is, miss america, is as much a part of the pageant as the girls and their gowns. the song was written by the late
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bernie wayne. his widow, phyllis, filed a lawsuit last year accusing the panel gents of not properly licensing the song for the 2011 and '12 events. both sides reached a settlement which apparently includes it not playing anymore, sadly. so the song won't be play inside 2014. by the way, this isn't the first time thai done away with the -- they've done away with the song. we have reached out to miss america pageant officials, so far no comment. but i don't think it'll be the same without that tune. jenna: what do you replace it with, like heavy metal? a little bit of rock and roll? >> i'm too sexy more my crown? jenna: i like that one. we'll have you sing it. >> i'm going to head into the studio. [laughter] jenna: the next venture. all right, julie, thank you. jon: and practice your pageant walk on the way. do you think you need to spend hours in the gym to get in shape, right? well, you might want to cut your next workout short. jenna: seven minutes, jon.
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that's all you need. jon: that's all i can give it. [laughter] the doctor's in, next. i did? when visa signature asked everybody what upgraded experiences really mattered... you suggested luxury car service instd of "strength training with patrick willis." come on todd! flap them chicken wings. [ grunts ] well, i travel a lot and umm... [ male announcer ] at visa signature, every upgradedxperience comes from listening to our cardholders. visa signature. your idea of what a card should be. before i do any projects on on my at angie's list, you'll find reviews written by people just like you. i love my contractor, and i am so thankful to angie's list for bringing us together. angie's list -- reviews you can trust.
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♪ ♪ jenna: well, start your clocks, because seven minutes may be all you need to get in shape, or at least get the health benefits of regular exercise. some new research suggests that short, intense workouts provide many of the same health benefits as prolonged endurance training. joining us now, dr. alexis halperin to tell us whether or not this is too good to be true. is it, docsome. >> not really. jenna: really? you only need seven minutes? >> well, seven minutes if you're looking to increase your body strength, if you're looking to decrease your body with fat, if you want to work on the health of your heart, seven minutes if you do it at the intensity that they suggest which is hard, that
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is hard workout. jenna: so they have several different specific exercises. and by the way, this article was published in the american college of sports medicine's health and fitness. they were taking a look at athletes, and this one performance clinic was part of the article that said, basically, you'll get the same benefits as whether or not you're doing these hour, two hourlong workouts. they have some specifics. you need a chair. you can do high knees, dips, planks, if you exercise you probably know some of these, but you have to do it specifically, and why is that important? >> it's important because you want to use the big muscles of your body to increase your aerobic metabolism as much as you can and increase your heart rate as much as you can. and the reason it's designed the way it is is because you can increase your heart rate doing, say, squats, and then you can change over to push-up, and they have a very specific order they want you to do it in. and with the intervals, your body will have enough time to recover in terms of your heart rate, the other muscles you're
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not using at that time to get a very intense workout in a short amount of time as long as you follow it specifically. jenna: so push-ups, planks, dips, i'm describing some of these workouts, i was hoping we'd have some images to show, but they are on line, so you can check them out as well. if it's seven minutes, why can't it be five minutes, right? can it be a little bit less? >> well, because you have to work at such a high intensity to actually get the effects. the truth is you might want to do three sets of seven minutes, because most of us are going to -- even very, very well-trained athletes and people who we consider to be in good shape are going to have a hard time working to the amazing, amazing intensity, more than 100% of what you can possibly do to actually get those effects. so say you're trying your hardest, but you're not really as high as you can be, maybe do it again, and then if you have 20 minutes, do it one more time. jenna: but it seems manageable.
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we could have done quite a bit right -- >> we could have done it here. jenna: jon would have been halfway through when this segment was over. jon: i did it? [laughter] jenna: it doesn't even look like you broke a sweat, jon. we appreciate it. jon, let me see -- i don't think -- you look extremely comfortable. i don't think you did any dips or push-ups at all. jon: another time. jenna: we'll hold you to it. jon: there are some new details to tell you about on what happened in cleveland, that awful story there. what went on inside the house where the women and a child were held captive for years? ♪ [ femalannouncer ] from more efficient payments. ♪ to more efficient pick-ups. ♪ wireless is limitless. how old is the oldest person you've known? we gave people a sticker and had them show us.
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we learned a lot of us have known someone who's lived well into their 90s. and that's a great thing. but even though we're living longer, one thing that hasn't changed much is the official retirement age. ♪ the question is how do you make sure you have the money you need to enjoy all of these years. ♪
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[ female announcer ] from meeting customer needs... to meeting patient needs...
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♪ to wireless is mitless.s... jenna: coming up in the next hour, the jury's next decision could mean life or death for jodi arias. what the woman just convicted of first-degree murder says she would prefer. we have an exclusive interview coming up. as the suspect in the clearland house of horrors case faces a judge, new details come to light about what the missing women say they endured during that decade in the captivity. plus, the royal treatment on capitol hill as prince harry arrives in washington. what he's doing there. we're live with that story. ♪ ♪ jenna: well, the verdict may be in, but the jodi arias trial is not over yet. hi, everybody, i'm jenna lee. jon: welcome to the second hour of "happening now," i'm jon scott. we are now awaiting the next phase which begins, really, just
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a few hours from now. jurors, the same jurors, will decide whether jodi arias' crime was heinous, cruel and depraved enough to warrant the death penalty just a day after the jury handed down its verdicts. >> we, the jury, dually impaneled and sworn upon our oaths do find the defendant as to count one, first-degree murder, guilty. five jurors find premeditated, zero find felony murder, seven find both premeditated and nonny. signed, foreperson. jon: jodi arias apparently fighting back tears there, but minutes after her conviction she spoke out saying she actually wants to receive the death penalty and calling death the ultimate freedom. >> was it expected, do you think, in the verdict? >> it was unexpected for me, yes, because there was no premeditation on my part. i can see how things look that
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way, but i didn't expect premeditation. >> it seemed like some of those jurors didn't believe what you were telling them, didn't believe your story. what are your thoughts on that? >> i can understand that, i think, because of what i was -- realized that i told them in the beginning to try to cover up this, cover up that. >> so if you had to do this all over again, you're in the desert, you notice that you've got blood on your hands, how do you handle it? >> i would turn around and drive to the mesa police department. >> and what do you think would have happened to you ten? ten -- then? >> i don't know, but it would have been the right thing. >> do you have a sense of where the public feeling is about you, whether you're liked or not liked? >> i get the sense that there is great division on both sides, but i believe the majority is against me. jon: that interview taped just moments after the jury verdict. dan springer live for us in
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phoenix. really unusual, dan, in all the murder cases i've covered, i can't think of a time when a defendant is talking to the cameras so soon after a first-degree murder conviction. >> reporter: no. i've covered a lot of trials like you, jon, i have never seen that where somebody gives an interview so soon. that interview was given to a fox reporter in a holding cell at the courthouse just within an hour after the verdict was read, after she was found guilty of first-degree murder. the verdict was exactly what the victim's family wanted, what they were hoping for. siblings and friends of travis alexander smiled and hugged each other after it was read in court. they felt all along that it was premeditated and only got more angry at arias as she tried to paint alexander as an abuser. they are in favor of the death penalty for arias. >> liars lie, first of all. i mean, that doesn't surprise me. she's dug herself in deep on this defense story that he's a bad guy. they couldn't find anybody that would say he was a bad guy other
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than paid witnesses and jodi, who we know lies, so her testimony is irrelevant. but, yeah, it doesn't surprise me. >> reporter: and check this out, the guilty verdict also pleased a large crowd that had gathered outside the courthouse minutes before. they were chanting "justice for travis," and that verdict was read, cheers all throughout the steps of the courthouse. again, hundreds of people out there, many of them, most of them pleased with that verdict, jon. jon: so the penalty phase, is it getting underway right away? >> reporter: yeah. two different phases. at 1 p.m. today local time, about four hours from now, you're going to have all the parties back in that courtroom; the jury, the judge, the attorneys, arias, family, friends, and they will start what's called the aggravation phase. now, prosecutor juan martinez will argue the murder was done in such a cruel and heinous manner that arias should be eligible for the death penalty. the jury has to be unanimous on the existence of an aggravating
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factor. if they agree with the prosecution, the trial dose to a mini trial -- goes to a mini trial penalty phase. the same witnesses will hear arguments for and against execution. we're told that could take a week, perhaps two. the three options are 25 years to life, mandatory life sentence or death by lethal injection. if she is sentenced to death, she will join three other women on arizona's death row. jon? jon: wow. dan springer live from phoenix. dan, thank you. and we want to play for you now more of that exclusive interview with jodi arias. >> why did you -- [inaudible] at the beginning? >> well, mostly because i was scared, and i also didn't want certain aspects of my relationship with travis to come out, and i was ashamed of what had happened, how it happened, how it escalated. i don't know if there's really a word at least in my vocabulary
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to describe it, but i think mortified is one of the closest words, ashamed. things like that. >> do you -- [inaudible] or what are your thoughts on that? >> i typically avoided eye contact. travis comes from a family where they all sort of look a lot alike. so when i see their faces, i see travis, and i see the man that abused me, and i don't want to look at that. >> and just a recent tweet, you were talking about -- you just mentioned the word "suicide." i mean, how are you doing right now? >> well, i'm not really looking forward to what comes next, but -- >> explain that to me. >> well, i just, it's just more court, just keeps going on and on. i just wanted to get it over with. >> are you focusing on the court, or are you focusing on what could be the worst outcome
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for you? >> well, the worst outcome for me would be natural life. i would much rather die sooner than later. longevity runs in my family, and i don't want to spend to rest of my natural life in one place. you know, i'm pretty healthy, i don't smoke, and i would probably live a long time. so that's not something i'm looking forward to. i said years ago that i'd rather get death than life, and that still is true today. i believe death is the ultimate freedom, so i'd rather just have my freedom as soon as i can get it. >> so you're saying you actually prefer getting the death penalty than being in prison for life? >> yes. >> that might surprise some people. >> well, i think that if you look at, um, things eternally, it's not as scary. i mean, we do get attached to our lives, and i'm attached to mine. but i don't know, i just, i can't fathom staying in one spot
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for the rest of my life. i've been everywhere. and i think it would just drive me a little crazy. >> if you had to look at some of the tougher parts of what you've been through the last four months, what would they be? >> just coming to the witness stand, what i put people through. my family and everyone else as well. that's the part i'll always regret. >> tell me more about that. what do you mean? >> well, just the way everything happened. i think that the i had been honest from the beginning, i'd be in a different place. and so would everyone else. and because of what i've done, a lot of people will hurt for a long time. jon: what do you think?
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honest answers or more manipulation? the aggravation phase of her trial begins less than four hours from now. keep it here for continuing coverage and analysis of the jodi arias case. jenna: back to that story, of course. but also "happening now," the immigration reform bill facing its first congressional test. the senate judiciary committee is considering proposed changes to that 834-page legislation with some 300 amendments pending. so lawmakers could be at this for a while, and this is as the cost of passing so of called immigration reform is drawing more scrutiny this week. this after the conservative heritage foundation released a report that says the measure will cost american taxpayers trillions and trillions of dollars. however, each some fellow -- even some fellow conservatives and tax hawks are having trouble with that very report saying that the numbers are wrong. so who's right? how much is this going to cost us? our william la jeunesse has been crunching the numbers, and he joins us live from los angeles. william? >> reporter: well, jenna,
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every analysis depends on what costs you include, how much to implement the bill, processing costs, border patrol. whatfinally, the benefit that nw immigrants bring to the overall economy. opponents say this isn't about immigration, but education. and if you don't finish high school -- legal or not -- you will consume more in public benefits than you pay in taxes. and according to the center for immigration studies, basically you've got 66% of those without a high school degree live in or near poverty. 71% of new immigrants earn even less on average, just $10,000 a year. and with that education level, 59% will require welfare to get by, food stamps, free health care, subsidized housing. and with that low income, p -- 70% will not pay a federal income tax which is why critics say legalizing 11 million undocumented immigrants represents a net cost to
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taxpayers. >> the problem with legalizing illegal immigrants is we think that nearly 80% have no education beyond high school. so there's no way for them to pay enough in taxes to cover their consumption of public services. >> reporter: now, reform supporters say that analysis is short sighted and incomplete. not only does american business need the labor, but for the first 13 years, most of these illegals are unentitled to welfare. as immigrants climb the economic ladder, the american economy will grow. >> this isn't just some increase in the economic health of the country, it's $2.7 trillion in advantage reducing the deficit by having more people working, more people working, more people paying taxes is not a tax increase. it is deficit reduction without a tax increase. >> reporter: so supporters say america needs the labor and the taxes that are going to be paid
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by more skilled workers being brought in. that's going to offset the costs of the unskilled people in the public benefits. and by doubling those merit-based immigrants, jenna, that we are going to boost the birthrate which will help pay for people's social security. it all depends on how you slice the pie. back to you. jenna: it always does, doesn't it? that pie always gets you every time. william, thank you. jon: interesting arguments on both sides. and telling testimony today on capitol hill about security mistakes and intelligence failures in the weeks and months before the boston terror attack. we are live with new details from officials who were on the front lines. also, the suspect in the kidnapping of three girls found alive ten years later is in court today as we learn new information about the horrors those girls faced over the decade and the road ahead for them in their newfound freedom. i'm here at my house on thanksgiving day,
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jenna: well, "happening now" on capitol hill, the first congressional hear only the boston terror attack. lawmakers are focusing on apparent mistakes leading up to the bombing, and former connecticut senator joe lieberman said that homeland security just flat out failed to do its job. >> i believe that though it would not have been easy, it was possible to have prevented the terrorist attacks in boston. in a literal sense, the homeland security system, we must acknowledge, that we built after 9/11 to protect the american people from terrorist attacks failed to stop the brothers. jenna: catherine herridge is live on capitol hill with more. catherine? >> reporter: thank you, jenna. really this morning the testimony in many respects was devastating. twelve years after 9/11 and billions of dollars spent, the boston police commissioner told lawmakers that his guys on the jttf, the joint terrorism task
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force in boston, simply didn't know that the fbi had investigated that'll land tsarnaev in 2011. >> were you aware of the russian intelligence warning regarding tamerlan and the fact he may travel overseas to meet with extremists? >> we have three detectives and a sergeant who were assigned to the joint terrorism fashioning force -- task force. one of my detectives is actually in the squad that investigated that. we have access to all the databases. but we were not, in fact, informed of that particular development. >> reporter: in 2011 the russians contacted both the fbi and the cia warning them that they had information that tamerlan tsarnaev along with his mother were believers in radical islam and that specifically tamerlan planned to go overseas to join a terrorist or what the russians refer today as an underground group. then in 2012 when the fbi
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investigation had closed finding no evidence of terrorism, tamerlan returned after six months in russia, and this was also not known to the boston police officers on the jttf. >> we know there was a department of homeland security officer in the joint terrorism task force who was alerted of mr. tamerlan's overseas trips. a trip to russia and the chef yang region. were you aware of that information before the bombing? >> -- i was not. >> were the officers that you assigned to the joint terrorism task force aware of this? >> they tell me they received no word on that individual prior to the bombing. >> reporter: and then in the hearing the boston police commissioner added that if they had been aware of that information, they would have felt that tamerlan tsarnaev in 2012 deserved a second look because of that tip from the russians. we've asked the fbi to respond, and we're waiting for that response, jenna, but what they have insisted to us is that when they looked at tamerlan in 2011, they found no evidence of that
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time that he was an extremist or potential terrorist in this country. jenna: catherine herridge live there on capitol hill where we're continuing to follow this story. catherine, thank you. >> reporter: you're welcome. jon: and here is one the ladies will want to follow, because he's back. britain's prince harry returns to america! not just for fun, though, the royal prince's special mission while he is here in the states. and he was of the voice of wholesome charlie brown as a boy, but as an adult he got into a heap of trouble. the judge's parting shot to him lifted right out of the cartoon classic. [ male announcer ] citibank's app for ipad
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citi tablet apps. easier banking. standard at citibank. helps him deposit his checks. jay also like it when mother nature helps him wash his car. mother nature's cool like that. citibank mobile check deposit. easier banking. standard at citibank. jon: well, right now britain's prince harry will soon give congress the royal treatment
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when he arrives in the states to visit with america's wounded warriors, carrying on a cause his late mother, princess diana, championed. peter doocy is live from capitol hill. >> reporter: and, jon, prince harry's first stop in the states about three hours from right now is going to be an exhibit on land mines right here in the russell rotunda, about 20 feet below me right now. they're setting up two mannequins in blue jump suits and protective mine-clearing gear for this exhibit that's put on by the, that is sponsored by the halo trust which is a group that works to clear mines all around the world. and it's also a group that ari's mother, his late mother britain sis diana, worked very closely with. she raised awareness for by visiting some of the most dangerous places on the planet before her death back in 1997. now, from the capitol this often prince harry's going to aide across town to a reception at the british ambassador's residence. that's all tonight. then tomorrow morning he will lay a wreath in section 60 at
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arlington national cemetery. prince harry himself has served in afghanistan, and section 60 is where many americans who were killed there and in iraq are buried. now, prince harry is also tomorrow going to get a demo of prosthetic technology at walter reed, then he'll meet with wounded warriors rehabbing there before jetting out to colorado where a team of wounded british veterans will be competing against wounded american veterans for the first time in the warrior games. the prince is then going to come on back east to new york for fundraisers, to new jersey for a tour with governor chris christie of the shoreline still hurting after superstorm sandy and then to connecticut to play in a polo match. no nevada on this trip. so the possibility of embarrassing las vegas headlines or camera phone pictures does not exist, although the prince is still going to hit six states and the district of columbia just in the next few days before he heads back across the pond. so he has got a full plate, jon. jon: yeah.
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because what happened in vegas didn't stay in vegas the last time, right? >> reporter: never does. [laughter] jon: peter doocy, thank you. jenna: very polite about that incident. i'm a fan of prince harry. not because of the poker incident, but because of his service in afghanistan. jon: yeah. he's done some great work. and he's got a full plate this time. jenna: so we welcome him. jon: yes. jenna: now, we heard it for years, you're a good man, charlie brown, but the actor who was the voice of the legend dare character maybe not so much. he's just been incidenced to eight months in -- sentenced to eight months in jail for threatening his ex-girlfriend and her plastic surgeon. apparently, he was unhappy with some cosmetic work that the surgeon did can. in addition to the jail term, robbins was put on probation but could face four years if he violates it. the judge offering the former child star some advice. >> if i can borrow a line from peanuts, sir, i'm going to grant probation. if you adhere to those terms,
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you won't go to prison. so don't be a blockhead. jenna: a little smile. i mean, the judge's attempt at humor might be better placed elsewhere. robbins was also ordered to pay $15,000 in restitution to the doctor. jon: court has a sense of humor. jenna: a little sense of humor. we'll take it. jon: as some horrific new details emerge about what three missing women endured during years in captivity, we are going the take a look at the challenges that still lay ahead for them. and the struggle these young women face, i should say, in putting their lives back together. plus, the man chairing the hearings on the marathon terror attacks weighs in on charges that homeland security dropped the ball, and the crucial information that wasn't shared about the boston bombing suspects.
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jon: court action in the cleveland house of horrors case with ariel castro now held on $8 million bond on kidnapping and rape charges. this as we learn more about what the missing women went through over the last decade or more. we have it warn you some of the information is very disturbing. police say that the women were bound by ropes and chains and that they were only let outside the home twice during the entire period of their captivity.
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they endured years of sexual, physical and psychological abuse. michelle knight telling police she got pregnant five times but castro caused her to miscarry by punching her in the stomach. knight says she helped deliver amanda berry's baby who was born in a kiddie pool with castro warning knight, if the baby dies, you die. the women say castro would tomorrow meant them by leaving door unlocked and lurking outside. if the women tried to escape he would beat them. he also served them cake on the anniversaries of their be a introductions and forced them to watch tv coverage of vigils held on their behalf. how do they recover? joining us now, dr. daniel bober, a forensic psychiatrist who specializes in child and adolescent psychiatry, and john ryan, ceo of the national center for missing and exploited children. john, i want to start with you because you have some recent experience with perhaps of the best example
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of somebody coming out of this kind of captivity, jaycee dugard. how is she doing and what can her case tell us about how these women can expected to recover? >> right, jon. we, national center hosted our annual courage award dinner this year and we in fact honored jaysee see dugard and her family, particularly her mother terry. we had some time to spend quiet time with them and catch up. they have been working since the recovery in 2009 with trained professionals who are experienced with working with families of long-term missing children and their survivors themselves. and what was even more courageous was jaycee offering her own advice and counsel to these three young women in cleveland based on her own experience. first and foremost she said, stay with your families.
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surround yourself in a small circle of trust. that is your family. also, connect with trained professionals as soon as you can. they can help you and they will help you in this process of healing because we've learned that reunification is a long process, not an event. jon: dr. bober, i want to ask this question and i do not want to be seen in any way as criticizing jaycee or anything, because who knows what kind of psychological torment these people are under in a situation like this but jaycee, for instance, was out in public with her abductor, same with elizabeth smart. she was seen out in public and didn't say anything. does it surprise you that in this case amanda berry was, you know, had the wherewithal after 10 years to make the escape she did? >> well, you know, these situations are often much more complicated than they appear. after a while, you know, being in captivity sometimes
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the victims will actually develop some sort of bond with the captor. you see this a lot in abusive relationships where people will stay in the relationship even though they're being abused and in some way, they habituate to the trauma. they become used to it and it starts to become normal after a while. >> so for amanda berry to make that break, again, after 10 years to scream out the door, saying hey, let me out of here, what, she must have had tremendous fortitude to be able to do that? >> well, i'm sure. after going through so much physical and psychological trauma. her spirit had to have been beaten to the ground but i guess in one last desperate attempt to muster all her strength she was able to finally ask for help. jon: yeah. john, we thought we would hear, we're looking at pictures of amanda arriving yesterday at her sister's home where we thought she might say a few words to the press. ultimately she didn't. is that a good idea, do you
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think? >> no, i think the way she handled it and her family is perfectly gnatable. they need time to get reacquainted, talk about the range of emotions that they have, you know, been going through. there is, challenges for the family as well as amanda as the survivor in this situation. so they need their quite time. the community interest is quite understandable but they should respect their privacy and that will help this family in the healing process. jon: one of the thorniest questions it seems to me, doctor, what about that little child? a 6-year-old old apparently the product of, you know, a rapist. how do, well how do you move forward with that little girl? >> well, you know in some ways kids are actually more resilient than adults. i think it will take a long time but, you know, sort of the, with adults the die has been cast. with kids there is still
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some room i think to work through some of these issues. so it may not seem so at first but i think she will actually do pretty well but i think it will be a long road to recovery. jon: obviously a lot of challenges ahead for all of these women, but again, fantastic news that they are free. dr. daniel bober, john ryan, thank you both. >> my pleasure. thank you. >> my pleasure. jenna: we'll look at the markets today. stocks really have been on a roll this week as they closed now, above the 15,000 level for the dow, for the first time ever. investors today are digesting though, weekly report we get on jobless claims. the number of americans who filed for first time unemployment is at a five-year low. for this week 323,000. economists say it is a level consistent with a healthy economy but warned while the job market is improving much of the job growth has come from fewer layoffs, not increase hiring, which begs
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the question whether it is real job growth at all. time for us to talk to business entrepreneurs whose businesses are thriving in economic times. we're checking out the mountain t-shirt company. it is a company that sells unique t-shirts as you can see on your screen. they not only look 3-d, but they're apparently popular. we have the vice president of production at the mountain. jeff, where did this idea come from? >> this idea was something that was dreamed up from our art director, michael and he thought it would just be a great idea to, you know, big-faced animals on shirts. we first heard the idea we were, we thought, wow that could be good but --. jenna: you really did? you thought that's a winner? >> it ended up being stupendous. oh, yeah. jenna: i'm giving this one to jon. i will hold this one up. i sort of think about jon --. jon: that is me what i look
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like when i wake up. jenna: they're very cool, jeff. i mean they are, but how many of these t-shirts can you tell and make? >> well, we have a pretty high level of production. we can produce comfortably about 100,000 t -- pieces of t-shirts a week. and we're trying to sell all of them of course. and with the great faces that are on there, they're attracting a lot of attention. and people just seem to connect with them. jenna: jon is laughing at the bunny one, jon? jon: was that a bunny or a gerbil? jenna: i'm not actually sure. i have to go back to the books on that one. one of the things your company does, a company out of new hampshire, you try to focus on making your products locally. you also try to make them green. you want to make sure the dyes are not toxic at all. how has that impacted your company and why do you make that decision?
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>> well, it just comes naturally to us. we started 20 years ago and we just decided that, that was, you know, how we were going to do things from the get-go and it is just, like i said, it has come natural to us and, you know, we've been able to reap the benefits. in today's marketplace where everyone is trying to go green, it is just a natural thing for us. so --. jenna: you're hiring, jeff, is that right? >> we certainly are, yeah. we've got 230 employees right now. we're looking to hire 10 more employees and hopefully more. jenna: jeff, i can't believe you didn't show up with a shirt on. come on. what is your favorite, jeff? i like the eagle. >> the eagle's great. the pug is one of my favorites. jenna: well, i, i don't know. looks like a good wardrobe shift for us. jeff, thank you so much. appreciate the time.
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best of luck. >> you're welcome, jenna. jenna: i don't know, i like the eagle. this would definitely add a different dynamic to the show if we had one of these on. jon: take it to the wardrobe department. see if they go for that. there are some disturbing new details emerging from the hearing on the boston terror the attacks today including a critical communications breakdown. wasn't that stuff supposed to end after 9/11? homeland security committee chairman michael mccaul joins us live next. i want to make things more secure. [ whirring ] [ dog barks ] ♪ our business needs more cases. [ male announcer ] where do you want to take your business? i need help selling art. [ male announcer ] from broadband to web hosting to mobile apps, small business solutions from at&t
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jon: some revealing testimony on the boston marathon bombings today on capitol hill. we are learning of glaring omissions and gaps in information-sharing between federal and local officials that might have allowed the two main suspects to slip through the cracks undetected. >> did you get any information about there was some concern about the visas dealing with the senior brother and then the others? >> we did not. we have a homeland security analyst in our bric. boston regional intelligence center and neither the bric nor -- >> you are confident you could have acted on that information or at least had
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a structure in your operation that could look at that? >> we certainly had a structure that would have looked at it, yes. jon: homeland security chairman michael mccaul is presiding over that hearing. he is giving up part of his lunch break to join us hundred. congressman, we appreciate you doing that. >> thank you, jon. jon: you said this morning my fear the boston bombings succeeded because our system failed. what do you mean by that? >> well, when i asked the boston police commissioner, it was actually quite insightful today. i asked him did you know about the russian intelligence lead? no. would that have made a difference? did you know about the fact that the fbi had an investigation open on him? no. did you know about his foreign travel? no. did you know about the fact that customs had a flag and you've got two police officers assigned to this joint terrorism task force, did you know about that? no. if you had known, would you have acted differently? the answer was absolutely. they would have monitored this individual. they would have looked at his youtube we ebb site and
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seen the jihadist material. he is clearly radicalizing. it is astounding this long after 9/11 and billions of dollars that we still can't get this right. the feds in my view shut out the state and locals and the police chief of boston who is in charge of the entire city for their security has no idea what's going on in his hometown. jon: yeah. and senator joe lieberman w one of those to testify, he basically asked that request, why didn't the boston police department get a notice when tamerlan tsarnaev left the country, headed for russia in why wasn't anybody in boston alerted about that from homeland security? >> it is astounding. the state and locals are the eyes and ears on the ground a force multiplier for the fed or the homeland security or the fbi and in this case they were shut out even though they were participants on the task force. so we're laying ground work here. we wanted to have the police commissioner first come testify, to tell us about
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what he knew. and now we have the answer that he knew nothing about these tamerlan and his brother prior to the bombing. a great job after the bombing but prior to the bombing the dots were not connected. jon: so stovepipe something still a problem? we came to know that term after 9/11, 2001. >> that is the whole reason the department of homeland security was created in first place. and, obviously it didn't work in this case. look, i'm not here to point a lot of fingers. i'm here to to fix things because we have invested a lot of money in this and i want to make sure that we fix it to protect american lives. we're putting american lives at risk when we stovepipe this information. when you got them on the radar, cia, the fbi, homeland security, and none of this information is shared with state and locals, who could be of great assistance and great value in terms of stopping threats, to me that is just shocking. jon: this story, which, you
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know, you have attributed to islamic inspired terrorism, inspired terrorism or islamists inspired terrorism, has, bears some relation in one way to the hearings yesterday on capitol hill. the, your speaker boehner has called on the president to release e-mails from one of the high level state department officials, blaming the benghazi terror attacks, describing them as, terrorist attacks, islamic terrorist attacks on our diplomatic facilities in libya. do you concur? should those e-mails be forth coming from the white house and do you expect the white house to cooperate? >> we need transparency when you have a u.s. ambassador killed. i questioned secretary clinton on this very issue when they warned of more security in march and in may and in august, 16, classified cable. turned down at every request.
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when the council twice, went once by an ied and turned down all this request for security and 9/11 happens and they allow the ambassador to go there and he gets killed and then the narrative is, oh, there is no war on terror. this is not a an act of terrorism. this is some video. similar to what i'm seeing in this matter where right after the suspects were apprehended the narrative was, it's not, there is no foreign connection here whatsoever. even though the fbi had just begun its investigation and sent u.s. teams overseas to the chechen region to interview people that had been in contact with tamerlan, there is a wider thing here that, some narrative throughout the administration where they just don't want to admit who the real enemy is and confront the enemy head on and that is radical islam. jon: michael mccaul is from texas, chairman of the house homeland security committee and a former federal prosecutor. congressman, thank you. >> thanks so much, jon. jenna: more fallout from
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benghazi. dick cheney blasting then secretary of state clinton's handling of the terror attack. what the former vice president says must be done. plus, what is the cost to taxpayers for the jodi arias trial? we'll have that next. anyone have occasional constipation, diarrhea, gas, bloating? yes! one phillips' colon health probiotic cap each day helps defend against these digestive issues with three strains of good bacteria. live the regular life. phillips'.
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jon: a fox news alert. a sad story out of ottawa, kansas. three adults found dead there. caylee bailey, 21, along with 31-year-old steven white and andrew stout. her 18 month daughter was missing. apparently kidnapped by whoever killed them. police are saying they do not believe that she is going to be found alive. they have made an arrest in this case.
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but a very saddened to this story. lillian that bailey not -- little lana bailey not believed to be alive. ottawa police are continuing the investigation in kansas. jenna: a long sensational try bring as guilty verdict for jodi arias as we wait to see if the jury will recommend the death penalty. harris is looking how much the trial cost the taxpayer because there is price in all of this. >> there is a huge price in all of this, jenna. 19 weeks of drama courtesy of the taxpayers of maricopa county, arizona. that sent them back 1 million $887,000s. that is the low end. the tab is still open because does not include jail or court costs like today's proceeding to determine if she will get the death penalty or life in prison. i reached out to the district attorney's office to see what the final bill could look like. i'm still awaiting word on
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that. but at one point word that the defense attorneys did not want to know the price breakdown and it could impact the attorney/client privilege and right to fair trial. it came out on the stand eventually. two experts hired by the defense and paid by the county revealed in their testimony, they charge hundreds of dollars per hour and they were in fact working. aside from the math, the to on both of the families, the murder victim, 30-year old travis alexander and killer's family. team jodi, they call themselves on her website for the innocence. her friends and sister put an updated statement. having thought about things overnights very much looks like the jury took easy way out. there is more to it of course but that is just the headline. jenna. jenna: wow, harris, thank you. >> sure. jon: well you heard of a bird's-eye view, right? get ready for the bear's eye view. what happened when the cameras were rolling.
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that's next.
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>>. >> jon: yogi said he was smarter than average bear. we have a way to find out. alaska game and officials attached cameras to bears. this shows a bear's eye view playing with a cub. ah, and it was time to cool off. just time to take a little swim
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and all that activity builds up an appetite. here is this guy having a little snack. good moose. that is what they do up in anchorage. >> jon: thanks for joining us. >> jenna: america live starts right now. >> megyn: fox news alert on the kidnappings in cleveland as we get man accused of holding women o hostage for 10 years is on suicide watch. i'm megyn kelly. ariel castro reigned on multiple charges of rape and kidnapping. his bond set at $78 million. the women now in their 20s and 30s vanished when they were 16, 14 and 20 years old respectively as you see on the vaccine. horrors they endured are just starting to be revealed am authorities are trying to understand how the women were kept in the house for


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