tv Americas News Headquarters FOX News May 11, 2013 10:00am-11:01am PDT
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make it a great day, everybody. a fox news alert, an emergency spacewalk going on right now outside the international spacestation where you can see astronauts are looking for the source of a serious leak on the station's cooling system. they have been outside for nearly five hours now. the astronauts first noticed flakes of frozen ammonia coolant on thursday. nasa has never stayed such a fast expim prom few spacewalk for a space crew. nasa called it significant, but said it is not a safety threat to the crew. we'll bring you more on this story as we get it. meantime, another fox news alert on a stunning admission by the internal revenue
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service. hello, every. i'm kelly wright. >> and this is an interesting story. good to see you,. i'm jam mooy colby. several lawmakers including senate republican leader mitch mcconnell are calling for a full scale investigation of the tax agency after senior officials and the head of the agency's tax division, lois lerner, admitted to unfairly targeting conservative groups for additional reviews during the 2012 election. we have been tracking the story and molly has more details. molly, what do we know? >> hi, jaime. hi, kelly. it means requests for more paperwork and information about their groups and contacts. here is how one tea party leader described the increased irs scrutiny. >> every facebook post and comment on our facebook page, every e-mail we send in the names of any congressman or
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sthor or staffer that are supported around the country talk to is a complete violation of the first amendment rights. we have a right to talk to our congressman and senators as citizens. the irs doesn't need to be asking for that much information from us. >> certainly conservatives are singled out and they had words such as tea party or patriot in their name. the law allows 501c4 tax exempt status even if they do political advocacy as long as political advocacy is not their main mission. the irs said there was an increase of groups applying for 501c4 status, but officials looking for a way to find out which are not meeting the legal requirements and started with the names. >> they didn't do this because there was political bias going on. they did it because they were working together.
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this was a stream line way for them to refer to the cases, and they didn't have the appropriate level of sensitivity about how they might appear to others. it was just wrong. >> senate republican lieder mitch mccome slammed the irs with, quote, slugish practices. and republican congressman darrell issa said the government was engaged this, quote, political retaliation. both are calling for the obama administration to investigate. here is the white house's reaction. >> there is no question that if this activity took place there needs to be action taken and the president would expect it be thoroughly investigated and action would be taken. >> the irs says only low-level staffers were involved in this singling out of conservative groups and higher ups were not aware. jaime? >> molly, i'm sure there will be more on this. we will check back with you. thanks, molly. coming up later in this hour, we will take a closer look at the admission by the irs and also even though there is
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bipartisan calls for more detail, what about the potential political fallout for the obama administration and the democratic party as a whole? take a look at that coming up. the white house reportedly scrambling to contain the latest fallout from the benghazi scandal. according to reports newly released e-mail excerpts expose what some critics describe as the watering down of the intelligence community's report on the attack. this was used as u.n ambassador susan rice's talking points when she went on five sunday talk shows the sunday after the terror ambush. doug mcelway has the latest from washington now. >> afternoon, kelly. a tough day for jay carney. for the first time since the benghazi attack happened, the white house press corp, not just fox, ganged up on carney who is struggling to find answers to yesterday's abc news report that 12 revisions were made in the benghazi talking points. first issued by the cia.
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the first draft said, and we quote, we do know they participated in the attack. the final draft after the 12 revisions which susan rice delivered on the five talk shows made no mention of al-qaeda. her remarks attributing it to an anti-islam film was not true given what the cia knew. shear one of carney's attempts to explain that. >> we knew that -- we believed based on the intelligence assessment ks stream mists were involved, and there was suspicions about what affiliation the extreme mythses might have of the there was not hard, concrete evidence. >> one of the people now at the center of the controversy is victoria in newland, the spokeswoman. in e-mails obtained by the weekly standard and abc she objects to the wording of repeated cia warnings about the deteriorating situation in benghazi quoting, the early cia draft could be abused by
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members of congress to beat up on the state department to not beat up on warnions. warnings. she signs it, concerned. when the re-advised talking points included references to al sharia, we don't want to prejudice the investigation. newland wrote that the talking points didn't go far enough for my building's leadership. when asked on msnbc about the benghazi affair, nancy pelosi said much of what is being said by my colleagues out there is not true. congressional investigators are said to be interviewing more whistle-blowers. we shall say. back to you. >> you are right, we will see. we will have much more on this story coming up. we'll speak with republican congressman about this and he is a member of the house committee on oversight and government reform. new details on the boston marathon bombing investigation. u.s. officials now saying that
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russia withheld crucial intel before those bombings. deceased suspect tamerlan tsarnaev was interested in joining militant groups russia blamed for attacks in the carcassasa region. i hope i got that right. now they collected masses amount of evidence linking the brothers to a gruesome unsolved triple homicide from 2011. and following a nearly month-long search for a cemetery that would accept his body, tamerlan tsarnaev has been buried at a muslim cemetery in rural virginia. residents say they were caught completely off guard by the news that it had taken place. disturbing new details in the ohio house of horrors kidnapping case. dna tests show accused suspect ariel castro is the father of a six-year-old girl who is accused accused -- castro of course was accused and believed to be her mother
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amanda berry and two other women. police say the three victims were repeatedly beaten and sexually assaulted over the 10 years they were locked in his home. meanwhile in anent view, gina de jesus' mother says castro asked her just last year how she was holding up without her daughter. another victim, michelle knight, apparently suffered multiple miscarriages after castro allegedly starved her and punched her in the stomach. her grandmother describing how bad she was hurt. >> when she was severely beaten and he beat her so bad she needed facial reconstruction and lost hearing in one ear. >> garrett is live in cleveland with the latest on this story. garrett, this is -- it just gets more disturbing every day. >> it absolutely does, kelly. you mentioned michelle there and she has been having a really difficult time since she was freed from the home of
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ariel castro on monday. she was held captive the longest of the three women. you heard the description of what she went through from her grandmother there. we know she has been in the hospital the longest and now even her homecoming has proven to be difficult. she was released from the hospital yesterday and still has not seen or spoken to her family. amanda berry and gina de jesus, the two other women, are back at home with their families and requesting privacy as you can understand as they begin the transition to life outside captivity. with all of the media coverage this could be -- this could prove to be difficult and the day jesus family putting up a tarp to offer a sense of privacy for the girls. the man who held the three women captive, ariel castro, he is in the county jail, isolated in a small cell by himself. he is under suicide watch meaning a corrections officer is standing by his cell 24/7. as you mentioned the results of a dna test confirming that ariel castro is the father of amanda berry's daughter. that dna test was run through
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the state system here in ohio to see if it had any connection to other cases and nothing came up. the fbi is now running that through the national database to see if there is any connections with other crimes anywhere else in the country. kelly? >> garrett live right now in cleveland. thank you. we are following closely an emergency situation going on up there on the international spacestation. coming up, we will look live as the astronauts work to repair a leak that is threatening the station's power system. >> and a very tense situation out in new jersey today. police trying to negotiate with an armed man holding multiple hostages inside this home. >> plus, the irs has issued an apology after publicly admitting they targeted several conservative groups during the 2012 election cycle. what this could mean for the obama administration, the democratic party and government in general? that's next. >> we've had groups who have been waiting for three years, and this is a complete and
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quick -- now it is time for a quick check of the headlines. police are in a standoff with a man holding people in a home. it is not clear how many people are being held or how they are related to the man. an advisory board in nowtown -- newtown, connecticut to tear it down and rebuild it. the propose sol will go to the local school board. and journalists and others evacuated from the white house after smoke was seen in the west wing. white house officials say an over heated transformer was the cause. they say president obama and his family were not affected at all by this incident. well, there is potential new political fallout over a really stunning admission that came from the internal revenue service on thursday. the tax agency apologizing for targeting conservative political groups during the
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2012 election cycle. here is the who it house press secretary -- the white house press secretary jay care into. >> the irs is an independent enforcement agency. i believe as i understand it contains only two political appointees within it. the individual who was running the irs at the time was actually an appointee from the previous administration. but separate from that there is no question that if this activity took place, it is inappropriate and there needs to be action taken and the president expected it to be thoroughly investigated and action to be taken. >> a former campaign manager for former governor huckabee for president and ellen ratner, fox news contributor and the bureau chief for talk radio news service. welcome. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> great to see you. chip, first let me ask you this, there has been calls from both sides of the aisle to investigate and get to the bottom of this, but is the president the captain of this
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ship sph. >> that's the case for a lot of con i have -- a lot of conservative groups that this is the worst scenario for the irs. the administration told the irs to target things like the tea party and with those with patriot in their name. this has a lot of potential fallout. if you ever wanted to know what it was like to be a punching bag watch the irs for the next couple weeks, because it will get bad on both sides. >> it is fair to say the actions were on their face politically motivated? >> there is a holdover from the bush administration, so i am not sure we can make this political. the irs has looked into people's tax returns for a longtime. there has been a lot of political discussions. i have a solution. every 501c3, a nonprofit, that the irs is looking at, why don't we put on public, on the internet everybody they are investigating. not private income tax returns, but public charities and 501c3's.
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>> why robert they doing that they way? if you get special tax status shouldn't they make sure they cross the t's and dotted the i's? >> yes, let's have openness and transparency. the public can decide for themselves whether certain groups are being audited or not. >> maybe that's something that comes out of this that there will be a closer evaluation. they are having trouble getting the refund checks out though. will they use that as an excuse? >> they are going to try to use that as an excuse and they will use an excuse that they had so many applications they were overwhelmed and then they tried to sneak in in the sequester we didn't have enough money in the budget items. i think they will backpedal and backpedal. they have got no allies on either side that will come to their aid. they will be at the center of a firestorm the next couple weeks because it is easy political theater. what they did was absolutely wrong. especially the conservative groups and the republicans will tee off on them. >> they admitted it.
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the question is how much responsibility does the white house have to take over the internal revenue? how much influence did they have over the internal revenue? and why hasn't anyone said how many liberal groups were also looked at? >> there have been a lot of liberal groups looked at in different administrations, but this is the situation. a 501c3 which is a not for profit tax exempted cannot lobby as i understand it. they can do advocacy, but not lobbying. that's where the situation is questionable. that's where they can use the reason or excuse as you may be to look more into somebody's tax debts. >> once they get the letter whether you are an organization or a person you have to come clean and you have to put it all out there. what do you think should happen in this particular case, chip, with these organizations? and what should the president say about it? you heard jay carney. >> jay struggled a little at
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his press conference talking about this because it is a challenge. even though jay is right, there is not a lot of political appointees, but this will get blamed on the administration because the irs is part of the obama administration. the president will have to come out and be strong and say we have to get this fixed. you can't say oops, we're sorry. this is one of the issues that can fesser and get into the grassroots part of it. the president will have to come out strong and do something that can apease everybody. >> allen, have you been a strong advocate for this president. looking at this and looking at benghazi, how do you think he is holding up? what else does he need to do? the approval ratings, the congressional ratings, we are looking at the economy and then on the other hand we have all of these questions and investigations. >> more transparency. bring back the on record, but not for television so you don't have a lot of grandstanding.
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gaggle that used to be at the white house. try to get as many records as possible on the internet such as these. >> you are in favor of a closer look at this? >> absolutely. >> thanks to both of you. >> always great to have you here. kelly? >> good to have that. right now hundreds of miles high above the earth the international spacestation is orbiting the planet and astronauts are on an emergency spacewalk as we speak. we are live with the trouble on the spacestation and nasa is just giving us word of an update. we'll fill you in. >> and an ohio man is now accused of keeping three women captive for more than a decade and has been charged with several counts of kidnapping and rape, but could murder be added to that list? >> plus there is new fallout from the benghazi scandal following a series of e-mails that reportedly show the state department removing references to al-qaeda. what this all means for the obama administration next. >> the fact is we had four dead americans.
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welcome back. it is the bottom of the hour. it is time for the top of the news. new calls for an investigation after the irs admits targeting conservative groups during the 2012 election. agents singled outdoesens of organizations for additional reviews because they included the words tea party or patriot in their exemption application. president obama paying tribute to some of america's finest at the national association of police organization top cop awards today. >> we know that when we need you most, you will be ready to dash into danger to protect our lives even if it means
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putting your lives on the line. that's what these folks are all about. >> and a new video of prince harry in colorado attending the warrior games. more than 200 wounded servicemen and women are competing. prince harry says he wants to use this trip to the u.s. to raise awareness of members of the military injured on the battlefield. fox news alert, an emergency repair at the international spacestation. astronauts fixing a leak on the station. the pair suited up high above the earth and ventured outside their floating home for a spacewalk to install a critical new piece of equipment. we have just now gotten word of how that mission is going. steve is joining us live from miami. steve? >> jaime, this has been an emergency spacewalk which has been going on for the past five hours. the goal has been to replace a pump leaking ammonia. that leak discovered on
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thursday springing forward to an emergency spacewalk. two astronauts have been outside the international spacestation 255 miles above the earth working to try and find the leak and fix it. right now nasa officials say the pump they suspect that was leaking ammonia has been replaced, and right now is performing solidly. ordinarily these spacewalks spacewalks are cor yaw graphed weeks in -- choreographed weeks in advance. so this was in 48 hours and it was a scramble to prevent the leak. the ammonia powers provides electricity to the international spacestation. nasa officials expressed throughout the situation that there was no danger to the six crew members on board. it was actually the crew themselves that noticed the leak on thursday. flakes like snowflakes were seen drifting off from the spacestation. that was really bits of frozen ammonia. throughout this process the crew has had an extremely positive attitude. the commander of the 6-person
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crew tweeting this is what we train for for years. it will be a fun day. as of now the leak on thursday appears to have been fixed successfully and they are now testing the pump and so far performing solidly. jaime, back to you. >> that's great news. thank you so much. there is new fallout in the benghazi scandal. you have been following this no doubt. new leaked e-mails reportedly show references to al-qaeda were actually removed from talking points on the attack. the same talking points used by u.n ambassador susan rice on talk shows the sunday after the deadly ambush, and now the white house is on defense. >> ambassador rice in those shows talked about the possibility that al-qaeda might be involved or other affiliates could be involved or nonal-qaeda libyan eke stream mists which -- libyan extremists which shows it was a reflection that we did not
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and the intelligence committee did not and others in the administration did not jump to conclusions about who was responsible before we had an investigation to find out the facts. >> all right, to find out the facts. certainly that's what republican congressman is on the committee of government oversight and reform. he is trying to find out the facts as well as other members of the committee. sir, good to have you. let's get to it. 12 versions of the talking points that paved the way for u.n am ambassador susan rice to say the attack was on the benghazi consulate, and it was based on a spontaneous demonstration and protest of an anti-islam film. that's what she claimed. her statement turned out to be false because those were statements that were scrubbed. now we know the state department, at least one member of the national security council and the white house were involved in those changes. what do you as a member of congress do to get to the
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bottom of this mess and find the truth? >> i think we continue to investigate and continue to hold hearings. it was whistle-blowers who brought this to light. we may have more whistle-blowers and an e-mail trail. the whole thing doesn't make sense from day one on the ground they were saying it was an attack. and then we get a report back on the sunday shows from susan rice saying oh no it was spontaneous. there is one logical explanation. it was political. we were two months before the election. the narrative was, look, we have al-qaeda on the run. we have bin laden, the drone attacks are working. had this actually come out as a terrorist attack it would have destroyed those talking points and been bad for the white house. >> congressman, as you said it is political and the owe bay you ma administration has accused republicans of making benghazi political. republicans as you said accused the administration of avoiding calling benghazi a terror attack because of the electoral politics going on at that time. as you know and as we have
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seen jay carney being grilled by reporters in search of the facts. he went on to talk about what was going on. you personally though as a member of congress hearing what jay carney had to say, what's your personal reaction in terms of his statements? >> you know, i just shake my head and say why couldn't you have told the truth in the first place and we wouldn't have been in this? if you learn anything from watching the history of scandals developing in washington it is the cover up that gets you. tell the american people the truth the first time around. >> are you accusing the white house of covering it up? >> well, look, they certainly changinged the talking points -- inning chaed the talking points from what came from the cia. originally they threw the intelligence community under the bus and said this is what they have. and then the e-mails came out and say it is the state department and administration taking words like al-qaeda and terrorist attack out and replacing it with demonstration. >> and clearly you can see that from the reporting at fox news and other networks now
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about victoria newland and the state department taking the statements of al-qaeda out because she didn't want members of congress to attack the state department. in the midst of this we have not heard from obama's national security chief, tom donely. do you expect him to come forward to explain what he knows about this attack? >> again i think we will have some more hearings in the government oversight and reform committee. we now know what happened. we thousand need to find out why it happened. who made the bad decisions? >> do you need to hear from him? and what do you expect that he might say? >> listen, if i were writing the witness list he would be on there. >> and why would he be on the witness list, sir? >> i want to ask the questions who was involved and why was this done? he is possibly somebody that would have information. we are going to get -- we are going to do our homework and then get the right witnesses to ask those questions.
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>> congressman, as you know this could go on and on. the bottom line is and we have to keep this in mind amid all of the questions being asked about what happened, four brave americans are dead in service to their country. what steps should now be taken to be sure that better security measures are implemented for embassies operating in hostile environments throughout the world? >> we need to make sure our emergency response teams are in place. we had testimony in benghazi that they weren't even scrambled. why not at least put them on a plane and get them moving in the direction this -- in the concerns me that we can't get a fighter jet over any place in the world in seven hours. there had been a battle going on in libya that we were doing air support for, and the libyan people knew to be a little nervous when they heard a fighter jet go. even we just buzzed the facility we might be able to run off some of the attackers and save some lives. why can't we get a fighter jet anywhere in the world in seven hours?
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>> based on what you are saying i keep going to the testimony of greg hicks the number two man in charge of libya and hearing what was going on, he was in trip polly the night it was going on. he was the last person to talk to ambassador chris stevens and he just sat there feeling helpless that no one could respond to this. >> they were ordered to stand down. there were special forces troops -- not many, but there were people in tripoli who had transportation on a libyan c130 to benghazi. they were ready oned in their chain of -- they were ordered in their chain of command to stand down. the military attache said it was the first time we see the diplomats more courageous than the military trying to go this there and fight. the military folks on the ground in benghazi ordered to stand down like the emergency action team. why are we standing our people down? >> and that is why are you trying to find the answers. congressman, thank you for joining us this saturday afternoon. good day to you, sir.
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>> good day. another top story we are following, the ohio man who held three women captive for about a decade is -- he is being charged there in cleveland with rape and kidnapping. prosecutors are looking for more severe punish meant it turns out. just how hard could it booy for prosecutors to bring murder charges in the case? wait until you hear what our legal pam has to say. they are here -- our legal panel has to say next. >> this child kidnapper operated a torture chamber and private prison in the heart of our city. the horrific brutality and torture the victims endured for a decade is beyond comprehension.
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driver allegedly abducting three women when they were only 14, 16 and 20 years old. police say castro kept them chained in a basement of this home in cleveland, locked them in rooms for 10 years. he also is accused of terminating pregnancies by force. prosecutors now say they may seek the death penalty geeps castro. one of the victims, michelle knight, released from the hospital yesterday. according to reports may even need facial reconstructive surgery. right now she is not speaking. she is asking the public to give her her privacy. investigators say her testimony though would have a major impact on even being able to bring the case. joining me now defense attorney david wall, former prosecute you are faith jenkins. great to see both of you. >> hi, jaime. >> it is a gruesome story, first. it is so difficult to even talk about the circumstances. i can only imagine what impact it could have on a jury. but let's talk about first one
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of the victims not wanting to talk to the media at this point and how critical are the women's testimony for this prosecutor? >> as you know there are four counts of kidnap scg three counts of rape charged. there are no murder charges, but the d.a. is looking to do that. the trouble is they need more than just michelle knight's statement that ariel castro assaulted her five times and caused the death of her unborn child. they need forensic evidence. they need evidence maybe a fetus they haven't found yet. and it may be the prosecutor has not charged the brothers of ariel castro because they have agreed to turn states evidence. perhaps they witnessed something. perhaps ariel castro admitted or confessed what he did to them. you can bet this will end up a murder prosecution before long. >> faith, that's very interesting. a lot of people have asked why weren't the brothers charged? is it common practice the prosecutor would sit down and say what do you know?
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if they get a nugget that will help their case to give them immunity? >> here is the thing, you can't charge someone for knowing about a crime being committed and not reporting it. that in and of itself is not a crime. however, if the brothers did something, any to aid and abet castro in this kidnapping and imprisoning of these young women, then they can be charged with something. it can be something as small as purchasing food for them or fixing a leaky toilet in the house so they can use it. it doesn't have to be anything major, but any small, little thing to aid and abet they can be charged. knowledge alone is not enough. >> aiding and abetting, i don't know about the fixing the toilet scenario, but an accessory after the fact, david, after the crime is committed and even covering it up in someway, it is just amazing that they have walked away. how influential can a prosecutor be that they need to help the case? and how influential for these women to have to recount what they went through? >> it would be horrible for
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them to have to go to trial, jaime, but that may be what happens because this will end up a death penalty case. accessory after the fact is helping him cover things up. he was 10 years with these three girls. 10 years concealing them from the whole world and chaining them in the house. you have to believe in someway, shape or form he had help concealing this whole thing and keeping people and the residents in his close knit neighborhood from knowing about it. it may well be that they have the knowledge. if they have the energy the d.a. would have said, look, you cooperate or you are going down for many years as well. that could be what is happening. they need evidence and if they don't have the fetuses they need to make the case beyond a reasonable doubt. you can't just make it by michelle knight saying, yes, he assaulted me five times and then aborted my unborn children. they need more. >> i assume all these girls have been examined and any evidence that was able to be -- i mean they went through the house pretty thoroughly. faith, i am interested in
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terms of the police. there are reports that there were calls over periods of time, neighbors had seen these women, and they were only out of the house twice and only in the backyard, that they had seen them chained with leashes. the fact that the police didn't find them sooner, do you see liability on their part? we know they have some sovereign immunity where you can't sue a municipality, but what about that? >> jaime, if people could sue police departments for their belief that the police weren't doing their job they would all be bankrupt across the country. there is a reason why police departments have governmental i'm hewn tee. immunity. in this case we have heard reportedly from these young women they were only out of the house two times over 10 years. even then they were in disguise and went to the garage in the backyard of the house. some of these reports of people saying they saw the women may not be accurate. according to the women themselves, they were virtually kept inside of the
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home for the entire 10 years. >> david, we don't even know if there were more women. maybe there were other women coming in and outment this investigation is in its early stages. do you think the police will lawyer up and internal affairs will take a look? what do you think? >> mr. is precedence -- jaycee dugard was held captive for 18 years, as you recall. he lived in a home where parole agents inspected his home. they went in and out of his home. law enforcement officers went in the back of the yard and they didn't find her in a little shack where she had been kept for 18 years. the state of california paid out $20 million to her for this settlement in her lawsuit. there are exceptions to the governmental immunity when the conduct is so reckless and so negligent that it does harm to the general well being of the community like it did to her. faith is right. in general governmental immunity will stop any lawsuit, but don't be
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surprised if cleveland reaches a settlement given the horrible facts of the case. >> have i to leave it there, guys. a painful discussion, but an important one to have. thank you. >> thanks, jaime. >> kelly? some of you may be suffering with this, the sniffling, the sneezing and the watery eyes, oh my goodness. all symptoms of seasonal allergies. now a new health concern about all of this that could make it harder for some people to breathe. that's next.
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wheezing right now, you are not alone as we are in the height of allergy season right now. if suffering from seasonal allergies isn't tough enough, wait until you hear this. a new study finds allergies may boost the severity of lung disease and respiratory problems in some people. so a member of the fox news medical aid team and the chief of the division of robotics at mount sinai hospital is here to weigh in on this issue. we are talking about -- i mean smoking is bad enough. it can lead to some definitive problems with your respiratory. now you compound that with allergies. how do we deal with this when we know allergies may lead to a greater symptom? >> this is absolutely the perfect time to talk about allergies. that's when the season starts to come in and you can see alled everything. as you mentioned, smoking is one of the highest risk factor for the copd that consists of
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bronchitis and emphysema. it is obstruction of the airways and that's when people have cough and shortness of breath. they end up having the mucous, et-cet re a. we still think smoking is on the top of the pyramid. now this study coming out of john hopkins looking at 1400 patients they find out allergies could be a huge risk factor, almost as bad as smoking. it can cause a lot of triggering of some of the symptoms they may have. they looked at half of the people that have no allergies and just copd alone and the other ones that have allergies and copd, and they find that the ones with allergies have worse cough, worse shortness of breath and longer treatment with antibiotics. guess what. instead of throwing the cor taco steroids and medications to take care of copd, take care of the allergies? that can make them feel better. this is the first study being published right now in relation between allergy and copd. that's why it is interesting.
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>> what's your best advice to avoid these kinds of allergies? >> if you talk to a lot of allergy doctors they say find out exactly what the trigger is. besides smoking it could be air pollution, hayfever, ragweed, pollens. once you know what the trigger is, stay away from it. that's simple. that's the first thing. i think a lot of wonderful treatments are coming and merk came up with this medication called danex which is an anti-inflammatory that is effective and more exciting is if the pollens are triggers causing your immune system to make the antibodies and his staw mean and a lot of times we take antihistamines and now they are going after the immune system. they come up with a medication you put under your tongue for about a year and gradually the the -- it desensitizes your immune system so it won't react and over time gradually you will be perfect. very exciting. >> that's something i would
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try. i would try that in order to avoid the kind of copd complications -- >> absolutely. that is coming up in the first quarter. it is in the second phase and it will come up in the first quarter of 2014. very exciting. the other thing i want people to toe is if you have copd make sure -- i know jaime has always talked about this on sunday house call, get your pneumonia vaccine. they are more susceptible to get pneumonia and that's how you protect yourself. >> good advice. >> we recommend that. and sunday house call will be tomorrow at 10:30 a.m. with dr. siegle. great to see you tweeting and facebook. the doctors are always in. >> always making the house calls. >> good to work with you on another saturday. >> you are the best. we will see you soon. right now the journal editorial report will be coming up on fox. don't forget tomorrow morning we will have more health and wellness information for you at 10:30. but we feel great and you will make us perfect, right? >> to all of the moms out
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there, happy mother's day for tomorrow. >> love you, m month. love you, mom. [ male announcer ] i've seen incredib things. otherworldly things. but there are some things i've never seen before. this ge jet engine can understand 5,000 data samples per second. which is good for business. because planes use less fuel, spend less time on the ground and more time in the air. suddenly, faraway places don't seem so...far away. ♪ to prove to you that aleve is the better choice for him, he's agreed to give it up. that's today? [ male announcer ] we'll be with him all day as he goes back to taking tylenol. that was okay, but after lunch my knee started to hurt again, and now i gotta take more pills. ♪
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