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tv   Americas News Headquarters  FOX News  May 11, 2013 3:00pm-4:01pm PDT

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thank you for watching. have a great weekend, everyone. happy mother's day. "special report" is next. happy mother's day! >> rick: hello, everybody. welcome it a brand-new hour inside america's news headquarters. i'm rick folbaum. >> arthel: i'm arthel neville of the topping the news, benghazi fallout, the growing backlash against the obama administration. new e-mails reveal the initial talking points about the attack were purposely altered to remove any references to al-qaeda. >> rick: also today, president obama reportedly trying to sell thousands of graduates who are getting out of school on the benefits of his health care law. what does it say about the health of the president's signature legislation? >> arthel: also, astronauts at the international space station
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breathe ago sigh of relief after fix ago huge problem affecting the power system. we begin with new fallout from a bombshell admission by the internal revenue service. the tax agency apologizing for unfairly targeting conservative political groups for extra scrutiny during the 2012 election. here is the official who is in charge of the irs division that oversees tax exempt groups. >> we made some mistakes. some people didn't use good judgment. some of the applicant high school to wait longer than we would hope. so for that, we're apologetic. but we've now corrected these issues and don't expect that any of this will be repeated in the going forward. >> arthel: however, her acknowledge doing little to calm the growing outrage in the nation's capitol. molly henneberg is live in washington with more. molly? >> or the growing outrage among conservative groups who had
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applied for 501 c 4 tax exempt status and were suggested to those -- subjected to those increased scrutiny by the irs because they had words like tea party and patriot in their names. here is how one tea party leader described it. >> they wanted every single facebook post and comment on our facebook page, every e-mail we sent and the names of any congressman or senator or staffers that are supporters from around the country talked to. it's a complete violation of our first amendment rights. >> now there are questions in washington about how long this has been going on. the associated press reports today that there will be information coming out next week from the treasury department's inspector general showing that some irs senior officials, including lois learner from whom you just heard, that she and others knew about this practice in june, 2011. learner's former boss at the irs said in march 2012, quote, there is absolutely no targeting.
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senate republican leader mitch mcconnell slammed the irs for, quote, thuggish practices. and darrell issa says they were involved in political retaliation. both are calling for the obama administration to investigate. here is the white house's reaction. >> there is no question that if this activity took place, it's inappropriate and there needs to be action taken. >> the irs insists there was no, quote, political bias going on here. rather irs officials were looking for a way to sort through a large increase in groups applying for 501 c 4 status and trying to find the ones that may not be meeting legal requirements and started with the names of those groups, which they now say was mistake. arthel? >> arthel: as the calls great louder for a full investigation into the irs, we're going to discuss whether a special prosecutor is needed to get to the bottom of all of this. that's going to come up a little later in the show. so stick around for that.
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>> rick: next, new fallout from the benghazi scandal. according to reports, newly released e-mail excerpts expose what some describe as the watering down of the intelligence community's initial report on the attack. now the white house is apparently scrambling to contain the controversy behind the attack that left four americans dead, including our ambassador to libya, chris stevens. doug mckelway has more now from washington. >> a really tough day for white house spokesman jay carney yesterday. for the first time since the benghazi attack happened, the white house press corps pretty much ganged up on him to find answers to yesterday's news report that 12 revisions were made in the benghazi talking points, first issued by the c.i.a. the first draft said, quoting, we do know that islammic extremists with ties to al-qaeda participated in the attack. the final draft which u.n. ambassador susan rice delivered on those five sunday talk shows made no mention of al-qaeda. she attributed to the
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anti-muslim film were not true given what the c.i.a. knew. >> we knew that or we believed based on the intelligence assessment that extremists were involved and there was suspicions about what affiliations those extremists might have. but there was not hard concrete evidence. >> one of the people at the center is victoria nuland, in e maiming obtained biweekly standard, she objects to the c.i.a. warnings about the deteriorating security situation in benghazi. quote, the early c.i.a. draft could be abused by members of congress, she wrote, to beat up the state department for not paying attention to warning. why would we want to feed that either? she signs it concerned. when the revised talking points still included references to ansar al-shariah, she said we don't want to prejudice the investigation. she ultimately wrote the changes in talking points didn't go far enough for, quote, my building's leadership. when asked today on msnbc about the benghazi affair, house minority leader nancy pelosi said, much of what is being said
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by my colleagues simply isn't true. but congressional investigators are said to be interviewing more whistle blowers. rick, back to you. >> rick: doug reporting from washington. thank you very much. the family of the four americans killed in that attack still demanding answers. all the families, that is, including the mother of information management officer sean smith who voices her frustration on tonight's episode of huckabee. take a listen. >> i'm still waiting for answers to just about everything. i do want to say one thing, though. i want to wish hillary a happy mother's day. she's got her child. i don't have mine because of her. >> rick: powerful interview. you can watch it tonight on "huckabee" tonight and tomorrow night, 8:00 p.m. eastern time only on fox news channel. >> arthel: we have new developments in the investigation into the deadly plant explosion in texas. word today that a paramedic who treated victims at the scene will plead not guilty to
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possessing bomb making materials. the attorney for bryce reed says his client had nothing to do with the blast and that he looks forward to his day in court. police arrested reed last week, but so far have not linked him to their ongoing investigation into that explosion at the fertilizer plant in west. the blast killed 14 people and injured hundreds more. >> rick: stand-off in new jersey stretching past the 24 hour mark. police say a man with a number of hostages remains barricaded inside his home in south trenton. it all started yesterday when police got a call about the suspect. they say they found him inside holding a gun. the officers quickly left the house and set up a perimeter. local media reporting a woman and teen-ager are now dead. >> he's a guy from the neighborhood. she just had met him. she's new to the neighborhood. they made acquaintances. they were friends and it's a about three months. i don't know what went wrong or
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how it went wrong, but this is what we have now. >> rick: homes in the area have been evacuated as a precaution. we'll keep you posted if anything happens. >> arthel: well, severe weather pounding parts of the nation this weekend. showers, a few strong thunderstorms drenching the mid atlantic and northeast today, but the question we're all asking, what about mother's day? meteorologist janis dean live in fox weather center. give us the news. >> i was listening or watching rick's twitter feed earlier on today and he said he was under his desk, he was so afraid with the storm coming. >> arthel: are you kidding me? are you kidding me? >> no, i'm joking. >> rick: talking about the lightning and thunder outside. i went under my desk. >> i'm just joking. you're a strong man. [ laughter ] better weather in store for
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mother's day, but it might be a little bit more snuggling that we'll need because a cold front is moving through. we're going to see temperatures drop so cold, we might even see some snow. let's take a look at the threat for severe weather today. one cold front moves through the northeast. this is a storm that made rick go underneath his desk. i'm just joking. we do have the potential for severe storms tonight. so certainly watch your local forecast, your local fox news stations. we do have a severe thunderstorm warning in the baltimore area. certainly lightning. seek shelter as this front moves through. we're going to seat temperatures drop as well. looking at green bay at 49, 59 in detroit. ahead of the front, that's where we've got the warmer sultry air. 64 in new york. 78 in d.c this front will continue to move lieu and the possibility for severe weather. as you see shaded in yellow here from north carolina all the way up north of new york city. so again, just keep that in mind and watch those watches and
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warnings as they come in. talking about snow. yikes! across the upper midwest, across detroit, northern michigan, snow flurry activity. nothing that's going to accumulate. but certainly it's going to be cold enough for some snow flurries tonight and into tomorrow across the great lakes. so just some extra hug time with mom on mother's day. back to you. >> arthel: that's a good way to look at it. extra hug time. >> that's right. >> arthel: happy mother's day. >> thank you. >> rick: mission accomplished at the international space station. astronauts venturing out into space. look at this, spending hours to repair a radiator leak that the crew had noticed on thursday. you got to fix those leaky radiators. steve harrigan is live from our miami bureau. how dangerous was the situation, steve? >> throughout this process, nasa officials said there was no threat to the six crew members on board the international space station, traveling about 250 miles above the surface of
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the earth. this was an emergency space walk. ordinarily they're planned a long time in advance. this one was just really scrambled together, 48 hours after they noticed a leak coming from a pump on the space station, which had leaked previously. it was an ammonia leak that has to do with the cooling system which eventually powers the station. but it was unlikely it would lose power. the pump has been replaced and right now it seems to be holding up, rick. >> certainly good news that there was no risk to the astronauts. how did they discover the leak in the first place? >> it was actually the crew members who saw white flakes, looked like snowflakes coming out of the international space station. that was drops of ammonia freezing. so there was real concern there. the space station had leaked in that same place previously back in november. but the attitude of the six crew members on board was extremely positive throughout the process. the commander tweeted early this morning, this is exactly the kind of mission that we train for for years.
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it's going to be a happy day. so far it seems to be happy and successful. rick. >> rick: great news from the international space station. steve harrigan bringing it to us live. thanks. >> arthel: back here on earth, britain's prince harry meeting with wound service members in colorado today. the combat helicopter pilot attend ago paraolympic style event. his spokesperson says the prince is visiting the wounded troops because he believes they deserve recognition. this is part of his week long tour of the u.s. the 28-year-old has been deployed to afghanistan twice with the british army. >> rick: coming up, a dramatic turn of events for one of the kidnapped victims who was rescued from an ohio home earlier this week after a decade in captivity. michelle knight reportedly shunning her own family in favor of different living arrangements. we'll tell you where she's going, coming up. >> arthel: also this, the west wing of the white house forced to evacuate after smoke poured in to the building. new details on the fire scare at
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1600 pennsylvania avenue. [ indistinct conversations ] [ pizza dodging man's mouth ] ♪ ♪ [ camera shutter clicks ] [ male announcer ] fight pepperoni heartburn and pepperoni breath fast with tums freshers. concentrated relief that goes to work in seconds and freshens breath. ♪ tum...tum...tum... tum...tums! ♪ tums freshers. fast heartburn relief and minty fresh breath.
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and associates' customer service award 4x in a row. there are countless reasons. but one choi.
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>> rick: thanks for spending part of your saturday with us. advisory board in newtown, connecticut, approving a plan to tear down sandy hook elementary
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school and build a brand-new school on the same site. 20 adults and six children were killed in the massacre there in december. the proposal now goes to the school board for final approval. heavy smoke caused an evacuation in the west wing of the white house. secret service says a transformer overheeded. the first family not affected. chrysler recalling nearly half a million jeep suv world wide. the affected models are 2005 to 2010 grand cherokees and 2006 to 2010 commanders. the auto maker reporting transmission problems in the suvs. >> arthel: pakistan where an historic day happened as millions of voters head to the polls in general elections that will hand off power from one civilian government to another. the turnout surprisingly strong today despite threats and dead levi less than across the country. voters taking their pick between a cricket star turned politician and the president. conner powell has more now from
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kabul,high across pakistan, particularly in cities and urban areas. but it has been marred by violence. more than 130 people have been killed in the run up to the election with at least 17 dying today. many of them from attacks by the pakinstani taliban, in addition to the violence, there has been reports of widespread ballot stuffing and other irregularities. there are three parties contesting for power, the people's party of pakistan led by president zadari and the pakinstani muslim league headed by sarif and a third new party led by former international cricket star. he's seen by many as a refreshing change from the older and largely corrupt political class. he's particularly strong with young pakinstani voters. he's also vehemently anti-american and promised to end the u.s. drone program if elected. u.s. has been a large part of the campaign with several candidates vowing to rein in
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america. u.s. relies on pakistan for military support for the war here in afghanistan. but pakistan's military is the single largest supporter of the taliban. the reality is no matter who wins today's election, pakistan will still largely be governed by the military and the secret intelligence service that has run pakistan for decades. arthel? >> arthel: conner powell reporting from kabul, afghanistan. thanks. >> rick: as we told you, late breaking developments on our top story. we reported some revelations from the irs today, acknowledging it gave extra scrutiny to conservative groups during the 2012 election and apologizing for examining their tax exempt status, this after the former head of the irs said just last year that the tax agency never played politics in its decision making. >> we pride ourselves on being a nonpolitical, nonpartisan organization. there is absolutely no targeting.
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this is a kind of back and forth that happens when people apply for 501 c 4 status. >> rick: as a former commissioner of the irs and he said his last point that the conservative groups claim tax exempt status under 501 c 4 of the federal tax code, for social welfare groups, unlike other charitable groups, these organizations are allowed to take part in political activities. but their primary activities must be social welfare. but today the news is from the ap that a federal watchdog's upcoming report that's about to be released disputes what we just heard from that gentleman saying the irs officials knew that agents were targeting tea party groups as early as 2011. joining us now, jehmu green, former president of women's media center, fox news contributor, dede banker, corporaller campaign aide to president george w. bush. what's going on? we heard from the former commissioner last year, we don't play politics. now we see the inspector general report is coming out saying not only do they play politics, but
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have known about it for a long time. >> that's a big doozy of a mistake. but we have to start by noting that that former commissioner, mr. shulman, he was a bush appointee. this was not an appointee by president obama. i think people make mistakes all the time. this is something that career service, government employees, they made a mistake. the irs has owned up to this mistake. they were trying to streamline a process and it didn't work, clearly they messed up. is this something that there is a conspiracy in the obama administration trying to go after their enemies? no. but of course, boehner, mitch mcconnell, they will try to make it that way. >> rick: are conservatives going to buy this that this was an attempt to streamline the process and that doug shulman didn't know the truth about what was going on when he testified last year to congress? >> actually, here is a bush appointment or obama appointment it's wrong. do you really think the irs is going to streamline anything? to talk about anything streamlined or simplified is
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wrong. here is the disturbing thing. obviously they were targeted and they apologized for something they did and then they're trying to blame lower level staffers. well, what is it? are you inept that you don't know what they're doing or were you part of it that now they're saying of course, the upper level agents, the irs representativeknow about it. so there is lying going on already it sounds like and i do think there should be an investigation. it looks like the republicans probably will push forward for that and should. >> rick: yesterday jay carney said that while these actions were inappropriate, and that they should be investigated, he seemed content with the inspector general's investigation that i guess we're going to hear more about in the coming days and weeks. do you think america should be satisfied with an internal investigation from the i.g. or do you think that perhaps some kind of an outside independent counsel should be appointed to look into what was going on here? >> given what i know about this situation, i don't think an independent prosecutor is necessary. i don't think we should be spending our tax dollars in that
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way. it's an investigation -- if an investigation has been done, if they're going to make it clear this isn't going to happen again. but we also have to keep in mind that the waters when you deal with nonprofit status on the left or on the right, it is so murky. i would prefer for the irs to double down on investigating both sides as meticulously as they were doing for the conservative groups. and i think people should be more up in arms that the nfl is a nonprofit organization. come o. they make $9 billion a season. there are lots of different issues with nonprofits that should be fixed. >> rick: i think you scored a point there. but dede, this has not been a great week for the white house. the benghazi hearings and they want e-mail, the revisions of the talking points that came out yesterday morning. now we have this irs story. that doesn't directly go or at least not yet, to anybody at the white house. but still it seems like republicans who some have said have been treading water a little bit, like they finally have some stories that they can
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be telling that maybe get their base riled up. >> benghazi is obviously upsetting because the truth keeps coming out and more and more things are coming to light which there was no video. now you got the irs, which no one is going to defend. good for you, jehmu, to defend them is little bit. the tax code is a problem. the tax code is murky. it needs to be changed overall. that's for folks to be in the irs that are basically running the place and talk about having tax exempt status, that needs to be looked at and looked at a lot closer. i do agree with jehmu on that because what it is, there is supposed to be welfare organization that aren't supposed to be overwhelmingly political. what does that mean exactly? it's really kind of broad. >> rick: jehmu, at the end of this week the white house on its heels a bit? >> look, i think if the republican party is going to survive by only going after investigations and not providing an actual vision, no, the white house isn't on its heels and
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democrats will do just fine in 2016. >> they are gentlemen jet mate issues, but that can't be their saving grace is going to be investigations. >> americans died and money -- people are being targeted, political things, it's not good. >> it was a bush appointee. >> it doesn't matter. he was wrong. >> president obama picked up the phone, called a bush appointee and said do this for me on the down low. >> rick: nice to see you both. thank you for coming in. arthel, over to you. >> arthel: when we come back, new developments in the house of horrors in ohio. one of the women found after nearly a decade of captivity apparently refusing to reunite with her own family. we're live in cleveland. >> rick: also the fed is considering a new plan to help americans budget for retirement. but why wait? we'll tell you what you can do right now to get a better handle on your financial future ♪
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>> rick: it's the bottom of the hour on this mother's day weekend. let's get you caught up on the headlines. the white house in full damage control mode over the benghazi attack. newly revealed e-mails show state department officials pressed for changes in the talking points that ambassador susan rice used days after the terrorist attack. >> arthel: in benefiting la dish, doctors say a woman who was rescued from a collapsed building yesterday is suffering insomnia. the 19-year-old survivor was pulled from the rubble 17 days after the collapse. >> rick: wow. and prince harry visiting wounded service members in colorado as part of his week long tour of the u.s.
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the combat helicopter pilot has been deployed to afghanistan twice with the british army. >> arthel: we are learning more about the current state of the three women who escaped from an ohio home earlier this week. after being held captive for nearly a decade, one of the victims, 30-year-old michelle knight, has been released from an area hospital, but apparently she's refusing to reunite with her family. instead, several reports suggest that she has decided to live with the family of one of the other two kidnapped victims. garrett is live in cleveland, ohio right now. so gary, do we know where michelle would like to live? >> yeah. arthel, i spoke with michelle knight's grandmother actually yesterday. she said that they still today have not heard or seen michelle knight since she was rescued five days ago. so michelle not wanting to meet up with her family it seems like. no word on exactly where she is. authorities tell us she is safe and she is surround by people who care about her.
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the now 32-year-old, she was held captive 11 years, the longest of all three girls. she told polic that she suffered multiple miscarriages during her captivity after ariel castro repeatedly punched her in the stomach, even starving her for two weeks at a time. so understandably, she's been having a really difficult time. authorities say it's likely going to be a long healing process for all three of these women. amanda berry and gina dejesus are back at home with their families. gina is laughing, smiling, even telling jokes. meanwhile, ariel castro is at the county jail, alone, in isolated, in a small cell. he's under suicide prevention watch. meaning there is an officer standing outside his cell, keeping an eye on him at all hours. dna testing now confirms that ariel castro is the father of amanda berry's six-year-old daughter. authorities ran that dna through the database to see if it matched any other crimes that were committed here in ohio. nothing came up. but the f.b.i. is now running that dna through its national database to see if there is any
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matches with any other crimes committed elsewhere across the country. arthel? >> arthel: garrett, thank you so much for that update. >> rick: from one tough story to another, one of the victims of the boston bombings who came to symbolize the horror of the attacks last month is finally heading home. jeff baumann, seen here in his unforgetsable photo, credited with helping the police identify one of the suspects who put a backpack down moments before the explosion. he will continue his recovery at home after being released from the hospital. he lost both legs and suffered hearing damage in the bombings last month. >> arthel: the feds could soon require employers to start giving retirement income estimates. the goal is to help american workers budget better for their future, but is there something we can do right now to get a better handle on our 401(k)? joining us now, ed, the managing partner of chatwood investment. good to sigh. >> hi.
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>> arthel: i went to the web site where they have this lifetime calculator, lifetime income calculator set up. you punch in a few numbers and you get some predictions. i know you went there. first i want to ask what you think of the calculator. do you think it's accurate and are there enough places to plug in variables? >> it's good. the subject is necessary and everybody should go there because it starts the dialogue that you need to have about when can i retire? how much money do i need to retire with? it's not a great calculator, but any information that you get that helps you get better clarity and perspective on what you need years from now is a good move. so i encourage everybody to go to it. >> arthel: we have the web site there on the bottom of the screen. i went to it. before we move on about that, let's talk about the common variables that a lot of us make mistakes when we're predicting and budgeting for retirement. i didn't think about that. >> right. and what i encourage people to do, and i've done this for many
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years, helping people plan for retirement, really i've done it for 27 years. the number one problem people have when they plan for retirement is that they underestimate how much it costs to live year over year, meaning not just how much it costs today, but how much it's going to increase. so i actually encourage people to overestimate their expenses and underestimate how much money they're going to make on their money. the better thing to do is whenever a you spend today, multiply that times 1.3, 'cause there is so many expenses we can't plan for. >> arthel: that's good pointful i went to the web site and plugged in random numbers. i set my retirement anal at 65 -- age at 65. current account balance being 150,000. current annual contribution of 5%, i put in. 7500. years to retirement, ten. so this is what i got for the projected lifetime income per month with joint survivor annuities. so that means basically to me,
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the participant i would get per month, $1,471 and my spouse, who would get 50%, would get $736. so again, when you kind of look at those numbers, it sounds like a lot of money, but maybe it's not a lot of money, right, ed? >> right. and here is the key to this. this is not an annuity. all they're doing in this situation is saying, your life expectancy, whatever that number might be, this is if you took equal distributions. this is how much money you would get per month based on that life expectancy. again, not a great calculator, but a good framework to work with. because 401(k) plans and other plans don't have periodic distributions. you can take as much money as you want out 'cause what they're called are defined contribution plans, not defined benefit plans. the defined benefit plan, which some big employers have will tell you exactly how much money you're going to get every single month. not a 401(k) plan, that tells you how much you can contribute
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to it. >> arthel: right. but they're now saying that look, again, we want to remind people that this is just an idea that again, that the labor department is thinking about requiring the employer to provide retirement income estimates on the 401(k) plans, so it would be right there front and center, easy to read of what your projected income might be. what do you think of that notion, because of course, some people have already raised the idea that perhaps there could be some liability and confusion. but wait a minute, you told me that by the time i hit 65 and i retire, that i'm going to be getting x number of dollars per month. >> yeah. that's not the case. the department of labor is following a rule that was passed many, many years ago and what they say is that an employer doesn't want to give investment advice, but they have a responsibility to give investment information. we all need that. we need a lot more financial literacy in this country and this is a step in the right direction. again, not a great calculator. there is others out there on the internet. and i encourage -- i continue to tell you, everyone needs to get more knowledgeable about how
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expensive it is for them to live in retirement, how long they're projected to live, and at the same time, how much money that they have. somebody going to be held liable? of course not. they're not going to be held lionel. they're just going to give people an idea of a framework so they have some sort of idea because most people have no clue how expensive it is to live in retirement and how long they're going to live and how much money they need. they're clueless. >> arthel: you're right. most of us are. ed, thank you very much and a step in the right direction is a good thing. thank you. >> rick: thank you. for people in some parts of the country, outdoor grilling season is here. it's coming for everybody else. time to get your backyard in tiptop shape and coming up, "consumer reports" on how to give your patio a makeover. >> arthel: plus, president obama asking his commercials to talk up the national health care law during commencement speeches.
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is >> rick: welcome back. the president reportedly ordering his cabinet members to praise his health care law when giving commencement speeches around the country this spring, telling the cabinet members to talk up the health plan's benefits. the president apparently sees the law as a major part of his legacy and right now it's up against a few stumbling blocks as we head into its full implementation. so far only 15 states have agreed to set up the health insurance exchanges at which millions will begin shopping on october 1 of this year and that leaves 34 states that have not implemented it yet. joining us now, professor of law and political science at university of southern california, fox news contributor susan estridge, always good to see you. it's not just the states that are not complying and the republicans who try to get this law repealed every opportunity they get. it's the american people who don't even seem to know that
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this is actually the law of the land. >> well, there has been a lot of confusion about obamacare. i think that's probably an understatement and i think it's fair to say that the administration has not been entirely successful in communicating what it should to people about the program. now having said that, obviously it was an issue in the the president got reelected. we've got a program that's beginning to take place and i think ideally we all should be hoping for its success and part of the problem here is that the atmosphere is so poisonous that you just know that the first thing that goes wrong and many things will go wrong, we'll have political capital being made. >> rick: is it political, is it all political or as people learn more about the law and what it will mean for them, the way the premiums have gone and may still go up, is it a political problem or is it the fact that the more
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people know about obamacare, the more they don't like it? >> well, i think it depends. i think what the administration will tell you and what they're banking on is that if you stand at a college graduation right now and an audience full of 22-year-olds with no jobs and their parents who worry about health care for their children, it's very popular as a parent i'll say this. it's very popular that our kids can stay on our health care plan. that's one piece. i saw a report that at one point they were going to ask people to fill out some 21-page form to participate in the system. that would not be popular. i think that's going to have to be cut back. so there are a lot of issues here. i think the substantive issues will be ones we have to deal with. there are probably going to be parts of this plan that aren't going to work out the way they're supposed to. but again, the political problem has gotten so huge on virtually every issue, that it's almost
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hard to sort out what are the real substantive issues and how much of this is political smoke and mirrors on both sides? >> rick: okay. so if you were working at the white house and you were advising this administration, as you have other democratic administrations in the past, what would you tell them? how could they turn this around? i mentioned the president asking his cabinet members to go out and talk up obamacare. they've actually hired a pr firm and they're paying them like $8 million to wage some kind of national public relations campaign to tell people how great obamacare is. what could they do to turn this thing around? anything? >> what they have to do is make it work. look, pr, as you were saying, pr only takes you so far. i can reinforce something that's true. i can encourage you to see something you weren't aware of before. but if something is broken, all the pr in the world isn't going to put it back together again. so while i think it's a good idea to focus on communication,
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certainly there is nothing to be lost by telling people you're getting something good from this administration and from this policy, i think the real important thrust has to be is the administration doing everything it can, working with governors, including especially republican governors to make sure that as this rolls out, it causes as few problems and helps as many people as possible. >> rick: as far as you mentioned republican governors, as far as republicans go, they're going to be talking about repealing obamacare long after president obama has left office, don't you think? >> well, it depends. there are a lot of -- i'm not getting into hot water here, but there are a lot of folks who weren't for social security and weren't for medicare. and those programs within a few years became so established that we stopped hearing about any efforts to repeal them. what remains to be seen is whether obamacare will go the road of medicare and become, well, obamacare, or whether it will continue to be a hot
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potato. >> rick: we'll be watching along with susanest ridge and don't forget you can read susan's syndicated crop in newspapers every wednesday and friday. thanks so much. arthel, over to you. >> arthel: happy mother's day, by the way. okay, so the stakes are perfectly stevenned. the grill is ready to go. is your patio ready for guests? coming up, how you can revamp your outdoor space with stains like this without spending a lot of money or a lot of time. stick around
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>> arthel: start licking your chops. grilling season is upon us, officially. but perhaps more important than what's cook up on the barbecue might just be the look and feel
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of your outdoor patio. >> rick: here to tell us how you can get your backyard summer time ready is the editor for "consumer reports." thanks very much for joining us. >> arthel: so you brought three stains. right? >> i did. >> rick: three top stains. >> arthel: so let's start with bare. i can buy this at home depot. >> it's their brand. this was the best of the solid opaque stains. they last longest. you're looking at stains still looking great after three years outside. that's the bare deck siding. one of these, i can't even tell a difference. that's one that's freshly applied and it's hard to tell a difference. this is after three years outdoors. this is protecting against cracking, color change. >> arthel: this is fresh, this is three years? >> exactly. i'm having trouble telling the difference. >> arthel: that's not bad. this is the opaque one. >> this is opaque. that's pretty well solid. that's why i call it that.
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it lasts longest. it actually beat out a distant second, benjamin moore at $20 more per gallon and that wasn't even as good. this is interesting because this particular behr isn't the premium version. mostly premium is best, top of the line. this one actually beat the brand's premium version. >> arthel: this one, i'm interested in because this is the one that it's it's semi. so it will show more of the grain in the wood. >> it's transparent, so you're seeing some of the grain and getting sop of the longevity of the opaque, but you're still going to have to do it more often. after basically the equivalent of two years, this thing still looked very, very good. this still looked good after two years. this wonderful after three. but what you're seeing is some of the grain. >> arthel: i like the grain. >> i do, too. it's beautiful. >> arthel: if you really want to see the grain. >> rick: this is the one where -- 'cause it's the clear. >> exactly. >> rick: you see everything. you see the grain. >> you see everything. that's thompson's water seal.
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it's the advanced. there is a nonadvanced. i don't know what they call it. doesn't do as well. this one actually is the only one of the clear that still looks presentable after one year. this is the thing. you want to see all the grain, you're going to be doing a lot more work. most of these start looking shabby well before one year. >> arthel: a lot of times people want to do it themselves, but if you hire someone, you tell us make sure it's in the contract how many layers and what they're going to use? >> yes. find out what. ask for two coats. you can't really see that, but there is a little bit of a difference, two coats better than one typically. so you want that in the contract. if you have a deck that's built in 2004 or older, it's president-elect obama got arsenic in the body -- probably got arsenic in it. >> arthel: always good information. >> rick: mother's day wishes to my mom, eileen, and my wife, kelsey. hope everybody has a fun day tomorrow with their mom. >> arthel: and to my mom, doris. love you. and to all you moms and thank
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you so much for spending your saturday afternoon with us. and happy mother's day to harris faulkner coming up next with the fox report. see you next week ♪ ♪ ♪ . with the mr. clean magic eraser extra power. the capital one cash rewards card
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>> this is the fox report. tonight irs is targeting conservative americans for. it was low- level employees doing bad things. is it possible that the people anyhow conservative groups were singled out to pay more taxes? we should mention they did say they were sorry. >> the tax agency inappropriate low targeted the groups with patriot and tea partyn


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