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tv   Red Eye  FOX News  May 15, 2013 12:00am-1:01am PDT

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unveil it and michelle obama is going to hand them out everybody. >> greg: i think she lying. that is it for the five. see you tomorrow. special report is up nex welcome to "red eye." it is like back to the future if by future you mean my white paneled van under the overpass. let's go to andy levy for our pre game report. what is coming up on to night's show? >> our top story, did the justice department go too far in subpoenaing phone regards -- phone records from the associated press? some say maybe. and the latest in the over blown story about the honest mistakes made by the fine working people at the irs. and would you make a hamburger made from beef muscle tissue made in a lab? what if it cost $350,000? that's what i thought. >> thank you, andy. >> you are welcome, greg.
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>> let's welcome our guests. she is so hot that all of her buttons are hot buttons. the founder of the children's rice institute and director of the law fare project, fer of which -- neither of which exist. and he is should sharp that pour could you pines find him uh sten day shoes. the future foundation chairman and not sure if that exists. and in kansas he is considered lawn furniture, bill schulz. and his mustache holds a phd in being awesome and a ba in fu. john bolton, the former u.s. ambassador to the u.n. that's one of my favorites of all time. i have to say i am proud. and fox news contributor and also the president of "red eye." yay. >> a block. the lede. that's the first story. love you on "game of throwns" greg. >> still laughing at that, ba and fu. they were seeking to stop the
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leaking, but too sweeping with their peeping? on monday the associated press , not an exercise, revealed the justice department seized two months worth of phone records from the phone lines. the ap called it an unprecedented intrusion. some former attorney generals have agreed that the operation was highly unusual. the dog -- the doj says the snoop was necessary to determine where the leak came from. a leak that attorney general holden says one of the most serious he has ever seen and it put the american people at risk. hopefully jay carney can do something to all or -- or can add something to all of the press reports. >> he found out about the news reports yesterday on the road. we have seen from the press reports the information about attempts to seek phone records. our information comes only from the press report. we have no knowledge of any
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attempt by the justice department to subpoena phone records of the associated press beyond the press reports. >> the press reports. well he can reassure us that the press should be unfedered. >> the president is a strong offender of the first amendment and a firm believer in the need of the press to be unfedered. we need the press to be enfedered in the pursuit of journalism. the press to be unfederede. the press to pursue and unfedered. an unfedered press. the need for reporters to be in an unfederded way pursue journalism, pursue in an enfederde way journalism and be unfedered in that pursuit. >> there is something under rated about being federed. you went to a club for four
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hours and we were federed. >> i don't think you are trying to understand what he is trying to say. we have to have an unfedered press. if there are birds in the press room, it goes against the foundations of journalism. can you imagine the poop alone? jay he is right. we need an unfeathered press. >> it would put the white in the white house in a bad way. >> now that that is out of the way, here is how -- i don't know if this is a scandal or not. it can be a scand, like half a scandal. the left should be going nuts over this. they are supposed to go nuts on any strap pelling of first -- trampling on the first amendment. and the libertarians are in that way. i can't go nuts because i feel like it is hipocritical because i like the patriot act. so maybe i am a weird owe, but i know these guys who chastised bush at the drop of a hat. so i want to go after him. basically i am helpless. i can't do anything. >> well, that's much like the white house on almost any of
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the scandals we have seen. this is less of an intrusion. we are not talking wiretaps here. we are talking about records of who and what phone number called what other phone number on what date at what time and for how long. obviously what they are trying to do is who called people in the government who had knowledge of the sensitive information that was leaked, and it helps narrow their investigation. with that said, i think the impression is this is much too broad and they could have done it more narrowly. i think there is is a more fundamental po nie t here. the administration has said it conducted twice as many prosecutions as the predecessors put together. i don't know if that is accurate, but that's what they are saying. you have to ask why. do you think they care that much about national security? i think the real question is looking at who they are prosecuting and which leaks they are prosecuting. i bet they didn't prosecute the leaks in the killing of osama bin laden and on and on and on. i would like to know what kind
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of atmosphere of intimidation is created by the prosecutions to see if they are i'd logically motivated. >> that is an intelligent answer, brooke. does it put people like me in a bind who hate liberals? >> it does, it absolutely does. i agree with the ambassador. it is not wireless -- sorry, it is not warrantless wiretapping. it has this chilling affect. it is ironic that they are using the excuse of national security to go about doing what is essentially dragnetting, collecting months and months and hundreds of phone calls to determine after the fact whether or not they were relevant. >> do you hear something funny? i i do. >> i hope people at home aren't hearing that. >> that is the justice department wire p taying. >> no, we've got one of those birds in the press in our crew room, and that's the feeters going up -- feathers in the mic. >> no birds in the press. >> isn't that funny.
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camille, even if this is a scandal or not a scandal it is funny to see the mainstream media get mad at obama. he wasn't supposed to do this to the ap. >> yes, and it is weird. initially my reaction was let's look at the left. why -- this is a huge deal and they should care. it is highly unusual. the spectrum, the broad spectrum of time as well as the unusual way they went about observing all of these numbers and calls that were happening. it comes on the heels of something else. the aclu makes a freedom of information request related to whether or not the federal government has the ability to do the warrantless monitoring of text messaging. and they get 16 pages back that are completely redacted. this is something we should all be concerned about. this is the predictable outcome of a foreign policy which is a domestic policy. we have given cart blanch to
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do all kinds of investigations with regard to a war on terror that is boundless in terms of scope and time. this is a pretty big deal, and this is about the hard cases when it comes to civil liberties. we have to care about it even when american lives are at risk and the rule of law is absolutely important and it matters. >> he convinced me. >> but he said cart blanch. keep it english, frenchy. this is an american show. >> that means seize the day, right? >> i think it is a blank cart, an empty cart in wal-mart. >> i was reading off the tele prompter. >> bill, you are the expert on this because you leak constantly. you are a damp expert. what is your take on this? >> i started off the show with one opinion, but after listening to you good people i am starting to change my mind. maybe the press should be feathered. follow me on this. what was malard fill more? the wonderful duck in that cartoon. was he not a member of the press? did it come with hilarious
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results? i think the press should be feathered. >> and tared as well? >> well, maybe. >> depends on if that is hilarious. >> it is charming. >> he is a duck, right? he speak's the queen's english and smokes the cigars. >> it is not normal. >> we have been enjoying him on the sunday page for 30 years now. more power to him. >> it does not get old. not like kathy. >>ack. >> ack indeed. did they only stop because the story got hot? the irs reportedly ended their targets because stories started appearing in the press. documents showed that in march of 2012 the top officials including the current acting chickser quote, discussed concerns with the media attention and the tea party applications were receiving.
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also other officials in washington were aware of the agency's abuse more than a year before that challenging the irs' claim that the low-level employees at a cinncinati office were to blame by late april. the irs was cleaning up its act with the title of senior technical advisor to the acting tax exempt and government entities commissioner was sent to cinncinati. not important to the story. i just wanted to save his awesome title. for more let's go live to this dog. oh my goodness. what were we talking about? oh yes, brooke. so the irs stops targeting the tea parties because -- not because of the actual behavior being bad but because people might catch them.
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>> well, because of their ideology. this was egged on. the new york times and the guardian all published op-eds calling for the irs to scrutinize organizations. not because they allegedly engaged in the fraudulent behavior, but because their opinions were different than that of this administration. and also what i find appalling is that you have the islamic society of north america, a muslim brotherhood front operating with the charitable status. you have the -- you have care and now they build itself. you have the national iranian american council that just lost a lawsuit because it is a pro iranian law group in violation of fara and the administration is not going after these groups. >> you left out ayso. >> the american yemeni situation on going. >> thank you. no, it was the american youth soccer association. >> oh. you can't bring islam into
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that. >> nobody was in ayso growying up? i was. >> have i eight million trophies to prove it. >> i was most improved every year because i was so bad of the ambassador, what is your take on this mess, and have you ever been audited for your beliefs? >> i was audited for the first time in my life in the spring of 2010. i would like to know -- >> the president of "red eye." >> we need -- we knew it was coming and we tried to hit it off. this is a huge deal. this is a huge deal. it is not that there is necessarily a smoking gun from somebody at the white house saying audit those tea party groups. there is a culture here. who joins the irs? how many libertarians do you think work for the irs? they can see if the president and his top advisors and the establishment are saying the tea parties are a bad thing, if they can serve up these on a platter that's the route to promotion. i think there should be a very extensive congressional investigation of the culture of the irs.
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>> what scares me is that it is so beautiful outside, and this stour is complicated. just move on. the thing is, these are the people that will run obamacare, am i right? these are the enforcers. i think what is important here is again perception that sort of moved them away from the story. it hospital surprise anyone -- it shouldn't surprise anyone that a government organization runureaucrats is upset with politics and perception and that is what is motivating their actions. they did thought take steps to stop this activity when they had some idea that it was going on and that is a huge deal. this is a perfect example of how absolute power corrupts. people abuse power. >> it makes me think beurocracy -- it is like having the answer key this class and only sharing it with the kids you like. that's being a bureaucrat. if anybody disagrees and you don't like the kids in class they don't get the answer key. bill, were you told about the irs targeting the tea party in 1987. why didn't you speak up?
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>> two fold, the tea party didn't exist in the current form then, and two for me to sound the alarm i would have had to convince them that i could time travel. and even to this day, greg, people do not believe me. 1.21gigawatts and you add a little flex capacitor and you have some time travel. >> look at his hair style and you know he is from 27 -- >> this is god's brown before it went dwrai, yay. it went gray, yay. what were we talking about and have i brought anything to this conversation? >> nothing. >> i have made this show significantly worse. >> this title, senior technical advisor to the acting tax exempt and government entities commissioner. is that title what is wrong with government? >> how about administrative assistant to the assistant administrator for administration. >> that is a real title. >> that is real.
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exactly. >> don't knock that stuff. my dad used to run in alpha graphics and they lived on those business cards. that could feed us and clothe us for weeks on titles like that. >> your dad ran like a kinkos. >> alpha graphics, sir. print shops of the future. i don't know what this kinko crap is. >> i always thought kinkos was a cult when i went in there or run by a cult. let's move on. we have time for this. from inter that will revenue to a kid's point of view. can kids pack heat with something sweet? he asked the vp. milwaukee-based second grader wrote joe biden with a suggestion for making america safer. create guns that shoot chocolate bullets. the kid got the surprise of his life. that is not saying much since he is only 7 when joe didn't say no. on monday little miles received a response from the president that reads dear miles, a fitting intro. i'm sorry it took me so long to respond to your letter.
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i really liked your idea. if we had guns that shot chocolate, not only would our country be safer, but it would be happier. people love chocolate. you are a good boy. joe biden. meanwhile, there has been a development in another story we have been following tonight. >> this goes on for days. it is a 24-hour channel. camille, the fact that the kid wants to use m&m's as bullets or biden has enough free time to respond. >> i think the first point is the one that is bothering me. it highlights crisis in education. chocolate bullets are not safe. they are dangerous and you can put someone's eye out. >> it would kill the dog. >> i don't think biden ran this by mayor bloomburg.
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i think this is a serious problem. invisible bullets trump chocolate bullets. this kid needs to be chasenned. >> chasenned? >> yes. >> what does that mean? >> should he be responding from letters from grade schoolers or should that be his official duty? >> did anyone read this as a joke? >> i thought this 7-year-old was super smart and he says you want gun control, how about this? and then he says you are a good boy. people love chocolate. this is a brilliant choke on the vp and he didn't get it. >> i didn't even see it that way. the liberal simplistic world view works perfectly when you are actually corresponding with the second grader. then it makes sense, right this. >> joe has found his intellectual equal. what can go wrong? >> the kid is great. the kids think like that.
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but you shouldn't, bill, bill, you shouldn't indulge a child because then he really does think that chocolate bullets will work. >> i think he is just happy he has a souvenir from our delightful vice president. i am not going to tell the republicans how to do their pr campaign. what you are looking at is a seriously adorable story. the response would be is to say that's adorable. if you make fun of biden, do so at your own something bad. this is a imr story. you should embrace stuff like this. this is a great thing. i don't like the way he talked to a kid like a dog. who is a good boy? >> let's get down to it. is this enough to stop hillary's campaign for the nomination? >> that kid's last name, benghazi. you might be on to something. >> all right, we have to take a break. coming up, what are the keys to diplomacy? ambassador bolden discusses
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his new book "i can do wheellies in my dune buggy" and what city was named the most red neck by a real estate company? i haven't been this angry about a story since menudo split up.
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should we take pity on a red neck city? a california real estate brokerage firm named atlanta the most red neck city in the country using criteria like the number of nascar trackss and wal-marts. the san mateo-based company, i am ashamed. that's where i am from called novato tallied the number of taxydermiss and gun stores and those who haven't completed high school on their list. the other cities were kansas city, oklahoma city, nashville, tulsa, oklahoma and in a surprise 6th place showing bob hoskins.
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>> what? >> i know he is not a city. reaction has not been positive with one commentator saying, quote, this is a total useless e elitist article. it is hard to know that somebody got paid for this. it is like teachers anding a pied to open a can of soda. -- like teachers anding a pig to open a can of soda. i guess you can. >> the pig wasn't even looking. this ticks me of on. how can you air arbitrarily name cities. why not the most urban ghetto or asian suburb? >> they deserve it or something. actually i'm pretty sure there is a real housewives joke buried in here somewhere.
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i am just not smart enough to figure it out. th is really, really, really stupid. >> it is very stupid. that's the extend of my contribution to this conversation. >> are they the last group to make fun of? we have a lot of viewers down there and they will eat you up. >> i thought it was a compliment. i thought they said atlanta was a great place to live. i was surprised oklahoma city didn't win. i think they clearly qualify. this is the sort of believe a sis that only on the left coast could you find somebody -- >> san mateo, where i am from. you disgust me. you know what it is? brooke it was a little twerp who thought it was cool and never south of san jose, california or even mill pea disfor -- milpidis or san carlos or bellmont. i am just working my way down the peninsula. a d-bag did this, brooke. >> total, total d-bag.
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i discovered recently that h i was looking for apartments i discovered there was a law in new york state that made it unlawful for real estate agents to talk about the demographics of the area. like you said it is de sense tau tau -- de sense tie swraition to make fun of white people because we will not threaten to kill you. but it is ridiculous. i would like to know if there is the same law in california. if you were to say this is a heavily -- an area heavily populated by muslims muslims or heavily populated by african-americans there would be outraged. >> or jews. >> don't say it like that. that's terrible. >> that would be a good place to move though wouldn't it? >> don't try to save yourself. >> does san mateo have any right to make fun of thib? >> look what they produced, nothing but pure unuh dull traited crap for the last 47
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years. it hasn't stopped. the only person not angry about all of this, and yes i am per son gnaw fying the city is atlanta. they will turn lemons into moonshine with this as all southern places have done with the red they can games and the honey boo boo's and the "duck dynasty." they embrace it and they don't care. i think they will wear it as a badge of honor and with that i hillary tire to my veranda and have my sweet tea and make love to the maid. >> i don't like the fact they use stuff like nascar and wall hart to create -- and wal-mart to create the idea of a red neck. you get the idea it is a 24-year-old recent graduate trying to be funny and did this stupid thing. i just think it is bigoted. you know what, i am boycotting san mateo for another three months. how about that? except caramont shopping
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center. they have a great starbucks. >> the gas and sip. >> bill, that is not a gas and sip. >> i am talking about my hobo friends, gas and sip. don't get those two together. >> they do more than gas and sip. do you have a comment on the show? e-mail us at fox do you have a video of your animal doing something still to come, the half time report from andy levy, jerk. yes, jerk. >> tonight's half time report is sponsored by bottles. the containers designed for holding liquids. a narrow neck and no handle. thanks, bottles.
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let's find out if we got anything wrong so far. hi, andy, how are you? >> good, how are you man? >> still angry. >> why? >> i am a san mateo kid, and i am just angry. >> all right. when we get to that i might make you angrier. >> really? >> i got some info. >> you have any trivia? trivia, only important stuff. >> got any snacks? >> department of justice goes after the associated press. ambassador, you noted the obama administration has conducted twice as many prosecutions per week as all prior administrations. you would like to see if they were i'd logically motivated, but politically motivated. basically if it helped the administration they are to are
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it, but if they think it hurts them they go after it. >> that's impossible. and that's why when you line them up look who they have prosecuted and who they haven't. my bet is you could find it pretty interesting pattern. that's something -- what is it called the white house press corp. if they are not lap dogs, maybe she that look into that. >> look at the positive versus the negative leaks. that's all you have to do. >> you said your initial reaction was let's look at the left. they should be apaplectic and they are not. i think they are this time. >> a number of them are. there are certainly folks making apologies for the administration . granted all of the facts are not out and we don't know everything we will know about the story, but there are a number of people whose immediate ray action was to start to explain away what is going on here. >> groups like think progress and media matters and why would anybody take them seriously? >> i agree.
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that's not the most important point. that was my first instinct. but it wasn't the right one. >> i accept your apology. on behalf of america i accept your apology. >> i never apologize. >> it has already been accepted. >> he does this all the time. three guests have committed suicide over this. >> brooke, i have a question for you, attorney general holder says the leak says the justice department is trying find them and he put them at risk. he called some of the most serious leaks he has ever seen if his 800 years of being a prosecutor ssments but the ap in responding to the department of justice says assuming this is all about the u.s. foiling a plot to bomb an airliner out of yemen, they held the story until the government told them national security concerns had passed. what gives here? >> right. let's give them the argument. there is a major national security threat. there are still rules and regulations about how you can go about collecting information when you have the
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greatest national security threat of our time, islamic terrorists, homegrown radicalization. we face that. it has to be narrowly tailored and signed off by a judge and the person has to be warned. they have to be informed. none of that happened. >> i guess the justice department is claiming there are spcial circumstances -- special circumstances they are envoking here. >> but there isn't. >> the laws matter. >> ticking bomb special circumstances? there isn't. it was after the fact. >> there was a provision and i don't want to get in the weeds on this, but there is a provision they don't have to notify them if they think it will hurt their investigation. >> i don't think it means there is no remedy. what happens if ap can now show the subpoena was defective and the procedure wasn't followed and it was over broad, then i think the government is exposed to what is called a bivens action which is a civil lawsuit for damages for violation of ap's constitutional rights.
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it may come a little late, but talking about future governments it could have relevance. >> does that have anything to do with bel-biv-devo? >> schulz and i are the dumbest people at this table. >> why bring me into this? i am sitting here minding my own and nodding solidly which can be construed as smart. did you see that? i was doing this. >> he was. >> he did have that whole feathered thing going on. >> and can i show you a little trick? >> no, no. i have to move on. brooke, you mentioned the new york times and the guardian -- actually urnalled the irs to target organizations based on ideology. i assume you mean the organization that supported israeli policies that the administration doesn't support? >> those were among some of the organizations. but it is funny how when they altered -- i forget what it is
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called, but they have the warning signs and they alter the language to be those organizations add -- advocating for the constitution to protect america. and apparently that is counter to this administration's policy which in and of itself is telling. >> what do you expect from a kenyan muslim? >> you said it and not me. >> i laughed because i know that was a joke. >> you usually call him a lady hating interloper. >> me or the president? >> camille, you noted the irs did not take steps to stop this when they first had a chance. by the way, the irs inspector general report came out and it blames in effective management for the problem. >> shocking. >> and nobody involved has been fired. >> they are getting an award of some kind.
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>> joe biden agrees we should have chocolate bullets. greg you asked what is worse and i forgot the first thing, but the second one that biden had time to respond to this. he is the vice president, dude, what else does he have to respond to? this is all he should be doing. >> you are right. >> ambassador thank you for bringing up mayor bloomburg. given the obesity crisis that this great nation is facing, how irresponsible is it for the vice president of the united states to be promoting chocolate bullets? >> i think bloomburg might be okay with small chocolate bullets if they were small enough not to have those excess calories it might be okay, but biden didn't even ask. >> that's what i'm saying and that's why he should be impeached. >> biden or bloomburg? jay i will -- >> i will settle for either one. here is the worst part of the story. the school's reading specialist who was sitting with a student when the student came up with the idea, this is what shooy says, quote, he said if we have chocolate bullets nobody would
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get hurt and nobody would be sad. i am going to start crying because he was so insightful. >> it is not the kid's fault. >> i am not blaming a seven-year-old. >> anybody angry should write in. >> i think little miles what is his name is adorable. >> and wrong. >> seven years old. >> send him a tape of the show and see what he has to say. >> no excuses. >> i think that would be considered punishment abuse. >> atlanta is the most red neck city in america. so the woman at movodo, the company who wrote a blonde post on how they did this study, shooy is a real piece of work. she starts off by explaining how this came about. she is from austin, texas. >> i am doing what she is doing now. >> but then she says which is generally fine except when you
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talk to foreigners and you have to explain they are from texas and they say oh like george bush? >> love her. >> ambassador you said the red neck designation is a complement. i don't use the term negatively at all. this is after she says, quote, regular people all over the country are surrounded by gun-toting country bumpkins. >> you know where the term red neck comes from? the farmers out in the sun and their necks got red from working outside. that is a term of honor. >> thank you. i had acne all up my neck when i was in high school. i was made fun of. but i was a hero. y. >> i should have gone out in the sun. >> and for a designation that is not negative it is weird they use percent of population in one of their things. greg, we should call on america to boycott movodo. this should be our project. >> i am behind it 100%. >> and stupid of a real estate
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agency to be doing this. >> yes, yes. this real estate agency just basically said in those cities they will not have a successful business there because other real estate agencies will point out oh you will work with them? they call you red neck. >> exactly. >> i think this woman didn't have to go to atlanta. >> the most embarrassing thing is i have an i will legitimate daughter named movodo. >> and she is in atlanta. >> last i heard. she may be in atlanta. call me, movodo. >> terrible. coming up, is walking for losers? brooke goldstein discusses her new book "i strapped two turtles to my feet and let them do the walking for me." good for you, brooke. how should we feel about lion meat tacos? it is the story lion meat taco .org doesn't want you to hear.
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should they get slapped for exploiting the handicapped? well according to the new york post which is owned by our parent company, evil space ninjas, rich new york moms have figured out a way to cut long lines at disney world. by hiring disabled people to pose as team. the so-called black market disney guides cost $130 an hour or about $1,000 for an eight-hour day, i did the math. disney allows anyone who needs a wheelchair or motorized scooter to bring up to six guests to a special entrance at most rides. said one mom who hired a scooter-bound guide through a company called dream tours florida said one daughter waited one hour to get on it's a small world and the others waited two hours. this is how you do disney. discuss in the lightning rooooouuuunth nndd. lightning round. >> brooke, you were saying in
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the green room how you said it was a genius idea because you hate children. you are an awful person. >> why hire someone to sit in the wheelchair? why not buy your own wheelchair and pre tented you are handy -- pre pretend you are handicapped? >> that's awful. >> i couldn't help but laugh at this story. it is hysterical. it is so sad. >> it is bizarre. and that's why i question whether it is real or not. that quote -- that was -- when you see a perfect quote, when not attributed to anybody and it is perfect like they said, you know, this person waits a few minutes and this person waits two hours, it is just so perfect. maybe it is real. i could be wrong. ambassador, what do you make of this? is it disney's fault for making lines so long that people have to resort to this kind of craziness? >> i think one reason to believe the story is not
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accurate is do you think the disney uh 10 tepts -- attendants don't see the same people in wheelchairs day after day after day. how many times a year are these people going to disneyland with different families? it can't be. >> that's true. boy, you have a large family. yes, i have 300 relatives. yes because you have been here every day. is there any positive -- >> absolutely. this story should be called generous hero mom creates jobs for the disabled. gives free trip to disney world. perception is everything. this is the market. it works. >> you have been bringing two groups together that are mutually beneficial. these people cut in line and the disabled get in for free. they have to put up with a really obnoxious, rich family who are using you. but that's okay because you can do the rides and stuff. it is actually kind of fun.
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why spill the details of this scam? >> they are done with disney world. they just want to ruin it for everybody else. they went so much times that they are sick of it. that's what happens when you don't wait in the line. it gets old real quick. i know a better way to bypass the lines and it is free. become a member of the press. i have done stories on disney world, universal studios, seaworld et-al and i don't know what et-al means. they give uh pass and that pass means you can bypass the regular line. it means you can bypass the handy p cayed line. it means you can bypass the rich people in the handicapped line. you know what i do? i laugh and i laugh and i laugh. i go to it's a small world over and over and over again. nine times out of 10 i don't even write a story. >> that's true because you work for me and you never did a story. >> i never did. hope you liked your new york post story. >> this is why it is hard to get upset.
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>> real expensive tickets. didn't do anything. expense it to news corp. oh me. >> what is wrong with him? >> that journalist. you know what this that is journalism. >> what is gernalism? >> great journalism. >> there is a call for bill. >> yes, i display to leave the show early. take a break. don't even think of leaving now. "the joy of hate" autographed copy g check it out. it's beautiful.
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because the lame stream media refuses to give you what you want it is time for taco news. a tampa restaurant received bomb threats for receiving lie -- for serving lion tacos, taco fusion. it has exotic meats like gator, bear, zebra and peruvian pool boy. they took the item off the menu after some uproar. nailed it, uproar. the owner had a change of heart and as of tuesday the $35 taco was back on the menu. we actually called them.
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that's called journalism, ambassador. camille, just like saying that out loud, they didn't get complaints when they sold shark meat, yet with lions -- is it because simba is cute and jaws is not? >> speciesism. i find it unacceptable. i stand with you for the right to serve lion tacos. >> i am glad you are taking a stand on something so important in this modern era of injustice and intolerance. ambassador, if they are not endangered, why should lions get special consideration? >> i don't think they should get any special consideration. i thought it would be more appropriate to talk about the waffle taco. you can have it for breakfast. this is a civilizational advance. >> that's right. it is the waffle, sausage, egg, syrup and you can smear it all over your face. you know what, ambassador? mustache, syrup, not a good
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call. brooke, if a lion saw you in the wild it would rip your face-off, so why are we so eager to make sure nobody is eating them? >> it wasn't wild lions they were killing. it was poor cage -- caged up sickly animals from zoos they were shooting and using as taco meat. it is interesting. they said they had bomb threats because of this? it seems like with this press released they are doing it to piss people off. they said we use shark meat, but nobody was angry. we thought it would cause an uproar so we used lion meat instead. that was their press released. >> bill, you are a human taco, a hard, crusty shell with tasteless goop pouring out. >> that could be taken as a complement. tough exterior and untasty meat so you don't want to kill me and eat me. i have been to tampa a lot,
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exgirl friend -- ex-girlfriend and don't want to talk about it. i thought this place needs more tacos. they did not have enough. if we can bring more meat into it, thank god. taco shortage, tampa, learn about it. >> lion tacos. i don't know. i don't have an opinion on it. >> i am going to tampa tomorrow. i will bring back a report. >> expense it. all you have to do is write a sentence about tacos and you can expense it all on bill. >> i will mail it to the associated press. >> there you go. we will close things out with a post game wrap up with tv's andy levy. he is our taco. he is a tough exterior and a mushy center. go to fox eye.
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andy levy, post dwaim wrap up. >> ambassador, as president of "red eye" do you have plans to
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subpoena the obama administration? >> i planned to subpoena the associated press, but they got to me first. now i don't know what to do. i think "red eye" viewers should let me know who to subpoena. >> "red eye" viewers, let him know. >> a sub-pena, that's what it should be called. >> i heard you were with a group in michigan? >> it was an honor to speak to the friends of israel evangelical group in michigan. i was with judy schaefer and they bring injured american vets to the wonderful rehab program. the next event is at the park east synagogue. tickets on sale now. go. >> camille, i am hearing rumors. are they true? >> yes, the rumors are true. honor flight is available on itunes and video on demand and amazon instant. greg said it was the best movie. >> 10 seconds, what is it about? >> world war ii vets, of course, and who doesn't like
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world war ii vets? go see the movie unless you hate world war ii. >> if you don't see the movie you hate world war ii vets. we have to go. that does it for me. i shall see you tomorrow. caution. on. tonight. >> do you know who told rice to do it? >> we know talking points came from. >> do you know who told rice to go out and mislead everything? >> the a.p. thing is a scandal. >> the idea that he we're giving the administration the benefit of the doubt. >> bill: i'm not giving the benefit of anything. >> you are saying it's not a scandal it is a scandal. >> wild morning with both the left and the right challenging me. we will show you what happened and analyze the growing pressure on president obama. this is about getting to the truth so people can be held accountable and we can prevent this from happening again. >> what does senator rubio think about


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