tv Happening Now FOX News May 15, 2013 8:00am-10:01am PDT
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martha: there is that too. it will start pretty soon. jenna: we'll take it from here. we have brand new stories and breaking news. jon: there is new fallout from the irs scandal. because of his political beliefs. members want to testify before congress. ambassador john bolton weighs in with that. plus a murder trial getting underway for a so-called female james bond accuse of killing an aspiring model. is all "happening now." jon: but, first, bombshell revelations on this wednesday. in a new inspector general's report about the irs unit that targeted tea party and other conservative groups. good morning to you, i'm jon scott. jenna: i'm jenna lee. the report blaming so-called, first line management for the problem, allowing irs
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workers to create a quote, be on the lookout list, targeting hundreds of conservative groups resulting for substantial delays for them. holding up their applications for tax-exempt status for years in some cases. however, con pick with usly missing from the -- conspicuously missing from the report, how the tax agency came to target the groups. specifically who ordered who to do all of this. this as the fbi launch as criminal investigation into the scandal. today lawmakers on capitol hill will have their chance to demand accountability. chief congressional correspondent mike emanuel is live on capitol hill with more on this story. mike, you just spoke with senator mitch mcconnell. what can you tell us about that conversation? >> reporter: jenna, there is definitely some i told you so from senator mitch mcconnell because the republican leader was one of the lawmakers up on capitol hill hearing from constituents, tea party groups that they were being harassed by the irs. mcconnell told me a short time ago he thinks this is part of a much bigger problem.
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>> tried similar stunts at hhs, at the sec, the fcc this is an administration who believes if you disagree with them they need to shut you up. >> reporter: mcconnell just does not think it is isolated to irs. democrats on capitol hill are also annoyed by the irs behavior and also the fact that the irs did not reveal to lawmakers what was going on. one key democrat says it is time for answers. >> there is serious mismanagement within the irs handling this. they had various, various structures that they used. they went from one to another to another. also they failed to keep the congress informed. >> reporter: mitch mcconnell says some of this behavior could be criminal. we will see. but he is promising that congress will fully investigate the matter. jenna? jenna: very serious accusations on those other organizations as well by mitch mcconnell. we'll look into that. what are we hearing from the
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tea party groups the specifically the ones that were targeted allegedly by the irs? >> reporter: they say they were asked questions by the irs that they felt that the irs had no business of knowing. for example, who their donors are. then there were those delay tactics. >> every two months we would call and kept saying oh, we're still reviewing your application. it was not until 14 months later that i get a letter in the mail, with 80 questionnaire, 80 questions on this pamphlet and saying that they couldn't process our application until those questions were answered. >> reporter: there are many lawmakers up there on capitol hill who feel like these delay tactics for these small groups that wanted to express whatever opinion they have may have in effect killed them. jenna. jenna: interesting. we'll speak to congressman levin who you also interviewed, mike. we saw the sound. he has been part of the house ways and means committee that has been investigating this for two years. it will be interesting to hear what he has to say
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later on in the program. back to you of course as news develops. mike, thank you. >> reporter: thank you. jenna: we're also hearing from some of those who say they were targeted by the irs for audits because of their political beliefs. you heard from the one lady. we have another voice for you. his name is frank van der sloot. you may remember he was idaho businessman was criticized by the obama campaign after donating one million dollars to former republican presidential candidate mitt romney. he spoke to neil cavuto last night. >> you were completely exonerated. and i remember former labor secretary ray donovan, was found innocent of dozens of various charges that were thrown against him. and he famously asked, how do i get my good name back or to that effect. what about you? bitter, angry? >> no, hopeful that our country will not continue to go down that path. hopeful that we'll have leaders of our country that will make sure that we don't go down that path. i think it is unfair for
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president obama to nail the target up and, then say, well, if people shoot at the target, now i'm going to go after them, i think what he said yesterday. he will hold them accountable. i don't think it's fair. sure, i hope he does go after them. >> do you think he will? >> we'll see. we'll see. but it's unfair. maybe they're doing, he has to expect they're going to do something when he puts the list up there. so my point is he made the list. he put the target up there. he knew something was going to happen. i don't think he knew exactly what but sure enough it happened. jenna: neil will surely have more of the conversation and on this topic on his show at 4:00 p.m. you heard van der sloot he is hopeful. he became the focus of two irs audits and a labor department audit of one of his businesses. he had to spend $08,000 to defend himself which is
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another side of the story. we'll continue to follow this. this is certainly one of big stories of many stories today. jon: lots to cover. we're awaiting new testimony from attorney general eric holder over the justice department's decision to seize telephone records from journalists from the associated press of the he likely will face very tough questions on the investigation at today's congressional hearing. yesterday, mr. holder, said he had recused himself from the probe into a leak that led to an ap story about a disrupted al qaeda plot to bomb an american passenger jet. >> i don't know all that went into the formulation of the subpoena. this was a very serious, a very serious leak, and a very, very, serious leak. i've been a prosecutor since 1976 and i have to say this is among, if not, the most serious it is within the top two or three most serious leaks that i have ever seen. it put the american people at risk.
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that is not hyperbole. it put the american people at risk. and trying to determine who was responsible for that, i think required very aggressive action and as i said, i'm the subpoena as formulated, based on the people that i know, i don't know about the facts but based on people i know, that subpoena was done in conformance with doj regs. jon: let's take closer look at all this. peter barnes is live for us in washington. peter? >> reporter: hey, jon, that's right. the house judiciary committee has a lot of questions for the attorney general about why the department secretly collected two months worth of ap phone records last year. their evidence in that criminal investigation into who may have leaked information to the ap for that story last year about the failed terrorist plot. the ap says there was no justification for the broad subpoena of its records for 20 of itself lines. the chairman of the judiciary committee wants to know why the justice department felt it needed to do this.
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>> we have a lot more to learn about this. so we shouldn't draw conclusions hastily but we definitely should be asking requests about why that fishing expedition was as broad as it was and why there wasn't anymore targeted approach to finding out what they needed to find out. >> reporter: now with some democrats concerned about this as well, holder can expect a grilling from committee members on both sides of the aisle when he recused himself, holder turned the case over to his deputy, james cole. in a letter to the ap yesterday, cole defended the justice department's handling of the case saying it issued the subpoena only after conducting 550 interviews and reviewing tens of thousands of documents. he said the subpoena was limited to a reasonable period of time and did not seek the content of any calls. cole says he believes the department of justice struck the proper balance between press freedoms and a effective law enforcement. expect to hear those same arguments from holder today. jon?
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jon: peter barnes in washington. peter, thank you. so from the irs and the ap to benghazi, it has been a tough week for the obama administration. charlie hirt is a columnist for "the washington times." he has written about the various scandals enveloping the obama administration. first of all, charlie, from your standpoint as a reporter how do you think they're handling, their response to all of this? how do you think they're doing? >> i think that has been one of the biggest problems we've seen this week that their responses have been tepid. president obama has been very short of tepid in his rebuke of the various scandals that are sort of emerging. i think that they're, sort of taking half measures is. i think robert gibbs, former press secretary robert gibbs talked about some of this on sunday saying the administration should probably come out and be a little more forceful about it. trying to say, well, we need to wait and find out what happened inside the irs. obviously nobody needs to, you don't want to take immediate, drastic measures
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without first investigating it but my goodness, you can condemn it with the, i mean, this politicization of one of the most invasive agencies in the federal government, or the most invasive agencies in the federal government, you know, to politicize that, you can't go overboard in condemning that sort of thing. and i think that president obama has been very sort of, standoffish about going after it, as forcefully as he should. jon: although i thought it was interesting on monday when the president made that brief appearance in front of reporters in the east room in that joint statement with the british prime minister he summoned up every bit of presidential ire and aggravation that he could to condemn the way the benghazi attacks have been characterized on fox and now in some other media. and then "the washington post", which is generally pretty friendly to this administration gives him four pin noek yos for it.
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-- pinnochios for it. >> that is fascinating. when you look at all the scandals and it is sort of hard to keep them straight. you forget what the three are, but when you step back and ask yourself what is the common thread that goes through all of them, the common thread that goes through all of them it is taking politics to a whole new level. whether it is the irs going after political enemies or covering up what happened in benghazi before an election because you didn't want, you don't want the incompetence and the dishonesty that was apparent dishonesty that your top officials were using to sort of cover it up. and then the final thing with the doj going after the ap, you know, it smells like, it smells like the government going after a media organization that had reported on something they just didn't want reported. and all of this, it amounts to this one single thing. that is taking politics to a
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new level, infusing politics in every aspect of the federal government, and i think that goes across party lines. it's not just conservatives or republican who is are upset about it. at the beginning with the benghazi thing it was. now that it spread into these other completely different scandals, i think that's why we're starting to see democrats get a little nervous and step out and start condemning some of it. jon: charlie hirt, from "the washington times." i know you're waiting for somebody, anybody to get fired in all of this. if it happens get on the horn to us, let us know, okay? >> indeed. thanks, jon. jenna: as we continue to watch the big stories today we have this one we're keeping an eye on. opening statements are about to begin in the trial of a woman accused of murderering a aspiring young model. julianna reading was killed by a so-called female james bond. a bizarre twist in the trial coming up next. the man accused holding three young women captive for a decade is expected to
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plead not guilty today. what this could mean for those women who have already endured so much. we'll take a closer look coming up. hey mom, is there a dressing room around here? no. mom, check it out! energy drinks. no. hey mom! dare me to do a back-flip? no. 1, 2, 3, 4! no! it's rated for class five white water. no! whooooooo! no, no! no, huh? yes!
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jon: right now some new information on some crime stories we're keeping an eye on. we're learning the man accused of holding these three women in ohio captive for a decade is expected to plead not guilty to charges today. ariel castro's lawyer says he has admitted nothing to them about the kidnappings you about has said he loves the little girl. fathered with amanda berry. we're awaiting a new york judge's ruling on whether there's enough evidence to bring paid tree hernandez to trial. he accused infamous 1979 disappearance after eaton patz. he confessed to the crime but l he says hernandez was mentally ill and the confession was false.
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the man accused of the fertilizer factory explosion. bryce reed -- reed has not been linked to the blast that has killed 14 people. jenna: there are a lot of comparisons. we're sure you heard some of them to the troubled presidency of richard nixon. watergate comes up with the investigation as well. doug mckelway with comparisons. tell us about what you uncovered. >> reporter: too early to say whether the scandals rise to the level of watergate and nixon administration. it was only yesterday after all attorney general eric holder announced to the criminal probe of irs handling of tea party groups. watergate from the actual break-in to the president nixon's resignation esolved over more than two years.
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perception in politics count for a lot and comparisons to nixon are sprouting up like dandelions in springtime. >> let me say this i never seen anything like this except in the past during the nixon years. >> reporter: not just orrin hatch referencing the irs scandal. democrats and the president's loyalists are also troubled by it and the associated press scandal. listen to senate majority leader harry reid on the justice department's monitoring of the associated press telephones. >> i don't know who did it, why it was done but it's inexcusable and there is no way to justify this. >> reporter: watergate really gained a lot of steam when republicans started desserting president nixon the obama administration is also hearing really for the first time, jenna, intense criticism from a lot of its supporters from the media, from chris matthews this morning, maureen dowd in a column in "the new york times." "politico" had a scathing piece this morning on the damage done to the white house by these scandals.
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jenna. jenna: we'll speak with senator hatch coming up in a little bit. we'll ask him about the comparison because he has been in office for so long. it will be interesting to hear what he thinks about this, doug. the president hasn't been linked directly to the irs scandal nor to the ap scandal and that is very much key in all of this, isn't it? >> reporter: yeah. in fact, he expressed outrage at the irs scandal but, jenna, he has been linked to the benghazi scandal. as they say, it is the cover-up which can be most damaging. certainly was in the nixon administration. even "the washington post" fact checker just yesterday gave the president four pin yoke knows for his claim that he called benghazi a terrorist attack in the rose garden ceremony september 12th. here is ron kessler on the president's defense of that remark. >> i saw the face of richard nixon. i saw the same anger, the same contorted expression and the same arrogance. everybody knows what obama
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said or didn't say, yet he is claiming that he said something that he didn't say. >> reporter: so, we're just beginning these investigative processes. we'll find out much more in the weeks and months to come. but there is no doubt that incalcuable damage has been done to the white house's ability to carry out its second term agenda. whether or not it is irrevocable remains to be seen, jenna. >> we'll see where it goes from here. thank you, doug. jon: on the benghazi attack there are new developments the heads of the independent panel that reviewed what is went wrong in libya say they want to go before congress. why they want to testify now. iran suspected for years trying to build a nuclear weapon is heading a u.n. forum on disarmment. how did that happen and what is the united states going to do about it, coming up. ♪
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jenna: right now some new information on the benghazi terror attack that killed four americans. the leaders of the panel that independently reviewed last year's assault say they're now prepared to testify publicly before congress and they want to consider what they say is unfound criticism of their work. so they're taking on the critics. they have more to add to this conversation. ambassador john bolton is a former u.s. ambassador to the u.n. and a fox news contributor. so, ambassador, there's a lot of nois from all sorts of sides on this benghazi terror attack. what are the big questions left to be answered? >> well, i think there are a huge array of questions that the accountability review board did not cover because by statute its mandate is limited. so with all due respect to the board, i think it is kind of a sideshow to be arguing about whether they testify in public. here are some of the key questions.
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why did we have a facility in benghazi at all, particularly one that wasn't up to state department standards? and why were repeated requests for security enhancements denied beforehand? that's a policy question. i think the argument is that the administration wanted a consulate in benghazi at least in part to show things were going great there. and that's sort of policy question i think a informs what happened after the attack with the story about the mohammed video. jenna: there are some differe angles surfacing in response to the question about security. for example, the mcclatchy news organization yesterday had a story that ambassador stevens denied an offer from the military to give him some sort of reinforcements. david brooks in "the new york times" said yesterday the state department talking points were only changed to protect the cia that was having very secret operations in benghazi. what do you think about those different factors introduced to this story eight months later? >> you know with the presence of a large number
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of cia operatives in this annex in benghazi, there isn't any happening. you have a bunch of americans in the city who are out doing something, probably buying weapons. believe me it was no secret. the whole argument that the cia was being covered by the consulate doesn't hold water since they were in two different locations. how much cover does that provide to have them so separate? so i think there are a lot of issues but again, i don't think the arb tells us that much because its mandate was specifically limited to looking for responsibility within the state department. jenna: and specifically focused on security. >> on security, yes. jenna: not necessarily some of the policies. speaking of policy, what is the effect of this internal political debate on how our enemies perceive us? what do you think this means for our stance around the world? >> well, i think the failure of the administration eight months after the at -- attack, either to retaliate,
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avenge the killing, make it clear to the terrorists that they can't do this and get away with it is much more serious. but our dithering now or unwillingness of the administration to take a hard-line tells the terrorists you can attack americans with impunity and that is very dangerous. jenna: ied is that question in part because of a question we're looking at today. we're doing a little background. rick is standing by in the newsroom. rick, we learned that iran is going to chair the u.n. conference on disarmy mament at the end of the month. give us a little background on all of this. >> reporter: first time you hear it, general ma, you think -- jenna you think it is a made upheadline from the onion. but it is the truth. courtesy of our good friends at the u.n. that they would allow a country currently being sanctioned for its illegal weapons program to be in charge of something like this is of course ironic and infuriating but the u.n. mission says it is unfortunate and highly inappropriate. the spokesperson saying, quote, while the appointment
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is largely ceremonial allowing iran to hold such a position runs counter to the goals and objectives the council on disarmament itself. as a result, the u.s. will not be represented at am bass dorl level during any meeting presided over by iran. that is erin pelton, the spokesperson for the u.n. mission. in the past the u.n. conferences produced major international treatise on nuclear and chemical weapons. it will be exactly what treaties the iranians shepherd through as they take the helm of this conference at the end of the month, jenna. jenna: rick, thank you. ambassador bolton, you worked at the u.n.. >> the conference on disarmament is a joke. it has been deadlocked for 15 years that is probably a good thing from the u.s. point of view. i'm sure iran will try to press things like arms race in outer space treaty, which is intended to limit our ability to surveil from
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outer space. this is a way of iran gaining legitimacy in the u.n. system. they used regional group. it was probably asia's turn. they campaigned for it. it is a way for them to show they are not isolated despite what the administration says iran is not isolated. >> what is the overall effect of that especiallyly as we continue to watch and experts tell us they're racing toward the nuclear program and getting closer by the day? >> it provides them more cover. nobody will be affected by a strong signal we're not sending an ambassador to wait time on the disarmament conference meetings. the economic sanctions are not slowing down their nuclear weapons program. and every day that goes by means they just get closer to that objective. jenna: you said sanctions actually is working its way, gone through congress and, still questions ahead especially in the summer and the fall. >> well, unfortunately it gives people the impression we're actually doing something when we're not. jenna: ambassador, great to have you on set.
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appreciate it as always. jon? jon: another event involving diplomacy. u.s. and russian officials wrap up a high-stakes meeting in moscow this morning after an american diplomat is accused of spying for the cia so what happens next? plus congress schedules the first of many hearings into the irs audit scandal. it's due to take place on friday. coming up we'll speak to a ranking member of the ways and means committee about what that committee hopes to accomplish. new honey bunches of oats greek yogurt and whole grain.
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jon: some new information now on the american diplomat briefly arrested in moscow and accused of spying. the russian foreign ministry demanding a meeting today with the u.s. ambassador to russia after the man you see here, ryan fogle, was arrested. the russians say he was wearing a disguise. they accused him of trying to recruit a russian intelligence officer to spy for our cia. amy kellogg is keeping track of all the cloak and dagger developments live from london. >> reporter: hi, jon. we're still getting pretty much silence on the american side about this incident but an aide, jon, to russian president vladmir putin said he was surprised by the quote, crude and clumsy espionage activities of the united states and russia. in the meantime, america's ambassador to russia was summoned to the foreign ministry in moscow today where was handed a formal protest over the incident. at the same time russia's
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foreign minister who met with secretary of state kerry at an arctic council meeting in sweden said the subject of the spy never came up at all between the two of them. neither broached it making it less than a diplomatic incident it appeared to be yesterday. secretary kerry for his part at a news conference said he had nothing to further add about all of this with no further comment from the united states, not even a confirmation in fact the man russia named ryan fogle is actually ryan going fell, this leaves room for observers to ponder whether this was something real, staged, semistage a tit-for-tat, a signal to the americans or for domestic russian consumption. also still so many questions why the man arrested was carrying wigs, three pairs of sunglasses, an atlas, baggies of cash and very precise direct recruitment note along with his u.s. embassy identification. russian state television apparently aired more footage today, this of an ssb, which is the
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intelligence services operative, kind of in semidarkness saying they had caught and deported another cia operative back in january, also mentioning that ryan fogle had been shadowed, jon, by the fsb since he began his posting in 2011. we have not seen that video and the u.s. government has not commented on that second piece of video that apparently has come out and finally, this very aide to president putin i mentioned just a moment ago said that nikolai petrusev, the head of russian security services is planning a trip to washington this week and he may have a message, a direct message for president obama from president putin. jon? jon: there is always more to these stories. we'll stay on top of it. thanks very much, amy kellogg from london. jenna: we're still looking for the reset button, right? jon: yeah, what happened to that? jenna: maybe he will bring that back. a murder trial is getting started today for a so-called female james bond,
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accused of killing an aspiring model. the background on all of this coming up. [ male announcer ] erica had a rough day. there was this and this. she got a parking ticket... ♪ and she forgot to pay her credit card bill on time. good thing she's got the citi simplicity card. it doesn't charge late fees or a penalty rate. ever. as in never ever. now about that parking ticket. [ grunting ] [ male announcer ] the citi simplicity card is the only card that never has late fees, a penalty rate, or an annual fee, ever. go to to apply.
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jenna: right now back to one of our top stories today, the first of many hearings in the irs audit scandal is now scheduled for this friday. the house ways and means committee, which oversees the irs wants the agency to turn over all documents related to the deliberate targeting of conservative political groups. michigan congressman sandy
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levin is a democrat, a ranking member of that very committee and he is calling for the dismissal of senior irs officials involved in the targeting. congressman, who needs to be fired? >> what i said is that several should be relieved of their responsibilitis. the acting commissioner and the person who has been heading up the exempt organization portion. i think there's a need for new leadership there. so i called for relieving them of their responsibilities, of those responsibilities. the irs, the report from the, from, that you have read from the inspector general makes it very clear there was very much mismanagement, there was a failure, i think, for oversight. there was a failure to keep in touch with this congress. that's why i said i thought they should be relieved of those responsibilities. jenna: beyond the irs, how high up do you think this goes?
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>> well there is no indication that it goes further up. the ig report indicates what was going on within, really the exempt organization portion of of irs. that is what we know so far and that is what we have to act on. jenna: there have been four total comlyit has been investigating the irs for two years now and yet no one has been disciplined thus far. why? >> because we did not until yesterday have the ig report that gave us an extensive coverage of what was going on. we received that report and as i said, i think it spells out mismanagement. i think total mismanment. i think it spells out the lack of oversight. and also it was really clear that mr. miller and miss learner did not comfort and give us in the congress, in
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our committee, current information. that is why i said i thought they should be relieved of the responsibilities that relate to the inspector general's report. jenna: do you think you have been lied to? >> i think they failed to give us current information. they came before the committee. they later had in some cases further information. they should have come back to the committee and given us that. when they were asked questions, i think they should have been sure that we had the full picture of how it was managed. i think the inspectorneral repos mismanagemented. that is what the says. it leaks out from the report the level of mismanagement. this is a difficult area, 501(c)(4)s. people have no tax liability. they don't have to disclose who gave them money. they can be, they have to be primarily social service.
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and so there's a question, are they basically social service or political organizations? i think the evidence is that in many case, this is on both democratic and republican sides there have been organizations who say they're primarily social service who probably are not. so the -- let me just finish. jenna: sure. >> had a difficult, a difficult task but they mismanaged that task and i think that's what we should focus on, the mismanagement and the failure to come forth adequately to the congress. jenna: and what do you make of the "usa today" article, for example, that points out specifically that while conservative groups were targeted, progressive groups, in any terminology related to progressive groups were not looked at? in some cases streamlined faster than groups on the opposite side of the aisle? how do you feel about that as a ranking member and a democrat on this committee? >> also some democratic groups were treated the same
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way. there were inappropriate criteria applied here, and not much of that applied to more conservative groups but there was a failure to manage across the board by the exempt organization portion of internal revenue service. not the entire internal revenue service. but that portion relating to 501(c)(3)s and 501(c)(4)s. jenna: so we'll have to run here. i want to be clear about something that you said because it might be something new to us, that you have evidence or you've heard that also progressive or democratic or liberal groups have also been targeted or mismanaged by the irs in the same time period that the inspector general's report says that conservative groups have also been looked at? >> yes. look, there was mismanagement across the board. the inappropriate criteria that labeled, affected tea party or patriot, that was absolutely inappropriate. but the mismanagement
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applied across the board to groups, whatever. they held some applications for 20 months or longer. so there was mismanagement. the president said, those who managed and mismanaged should be held accountable and that's what i said this morning in terms of those who were in charge of this particular effort. i think they should be relieved of responsibilitis. that's what i said. those current responsibilities. jenna: congressman, nice to have you back on the program. we look forward to the hearing on friday. we look forward to having you back. >> thanks so much. jon: well, britain's prince harry wrapping up his trip to the united states. he is going to be in connecticut today, playing in a polo match that has a history of hosting royal visitors. julie banderas joins us now with more. julie? >> reporter: yeah, the royal tour taking yet another stop today after touring the storm-ravaged jersey shore
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where i reported all day at seaside heights. the prince along with his guide, governor chris christie, toured two of the most damaged areas. where the two played carnival games an surveyed the badly damaged area. in mantelokin, all 520 homes were badly damaged or destroyed. when you drive into the area it looks like the storm had only been a couple weeks ago. in fact it has been over 6 months since superstorm sandy hit the jersey shore. moving on to baseball, play ball. prince harry wrapping up the american tour, going inner-city youth baseball program, this was actual yesterday, having a great time in harlem, new york. he moved onto a fund-raiser, a royal one, in new york city, one that he actually founded. today he makes his way up to connecticut to a polo match at the valley polo club in greenwich, connecticut. talk about a well-rounded
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tour. he is expected to arrive at the polo club any minute now, 11:40. he will have a lunch, take a tour before playing the match in an event. it will include presentations and team photos. i would say quite the royal rounded trip, wouldn't you say? he has done it all here in america before leaving. jon: it is good to be the prince, isn't it? >> he was treated like the president of the united states yesterday. i can't even explain to you the security sweeps we had to go through. it was great to see him. he's cute. i got to say, i'm sorry. he is a cute kid. jon: talking about chris christie? >> no. no, i'm not, jon. jenna: i do like chris christie's sunglasses for what it is worth. got the retro thing. >> noticed a little weight loss. i will not lie. he had the surgery. he supposedly lost somewhere around 40 pound. jon: good for him. >> a little trimmer. his pants looked baggie. jon: julie, thank you. >> thank you. jenna: observations made on the jersey shore. you never know what will happen out there. jon: always has the 411 for us. the trial is about to
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begin in the murder of an aspiring model. jenna: that's right. prosecutors believe she was the victim of a murder-for-hire plot carried out by a woman described as a female james bond. why do they give her that description? we'll tell you. and there is a new twist in this bizarre case. why the defense says there is someone else police should be looking at. as a kidid, i made a a list ol ththe places i i wanted toto . m mars, but thananks to hotwtwire's incredibibly low traravel price, i can affoford to crososs more things offff my list..
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this year r alone, we went toto the top o of the e statue of f liberty, enoughgh to go to texasas-- to a a real dude rananch! ececks the coetitioion's rates s every day, so w we got our r four star r ts for half p price. nextxt up, hollywood!d! -w-w-i-r-e ♪ ♪ save up toto 70% on any weweekend stayay.
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jon: opening statements set to begin in the next fuse hours in the murder trial of an alleged female james bond. she is accused of gilling aspiring model, julianna redding. rick folbaum live in the newsroom art report --. >> reporter: we wouldn't want anyone to go a while without a murder trial. the beautiful model was strangled to death in 2008. the accused killer is
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accused of being a female james bond. she was hired by one of redding's former boyfriends to kill her off. the suspect's name is kelly soo park who was originally ordered to stand trial in 2010. prosecutors say park's blood, fingerprints and dna were found at the murder scene including on the victim's neck and the victim was strangled. in pretile hearings they tried to get per mission to up little kate another -- implicate another suspect. one of her previous boyfriends. she ride tried to break into showbusiness. she landed few acting and modeling jobs including a spread in "maxim" magazine. opening statements begin today. jon, we'll keep you posted. jon: rick, thank you. we have former prosecutor and legal analyst lis wiehl and former criminal prosecutor and defense attorney, doug burns. this is interesting. her attorneys are trying to suggest to the judge, the court, the jury there is really this other guy out there, the former boyfriend
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who is really responsible. >> there was somebody else who did it. it was a hail mary. doug, what you defense lawyers try to do put the blame on somebody else who has no dna there, nothing there there. >> i throw a pass that is able to be caught not just a hail mary. >> football analogy. >> lis is right, this is uphill battle. idea of that the boyfriend hat a history of domestic violence might have worked but his forensics are not there. >> air-tight alibi. by the way he is one who called police and he is missing and his family is worried about her. all those things. a way to try to get to deflect from the real killer. >> i don't think the judge will let them go. apparently it is a pretrial application to allow them to get into and i don't think they will prevail on that. >> the judge will say no, you can't bring in extraneous testimony that has nothing, no basis in fact. jon: there was apparently a significant, maybe even a brutal fight before this woman was strangled. she was bruised all over the
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place. her fingernails were badly torn. >> right. jon: whoever went after her took quite a beating, himself or herself. and this ex-boyfriend -- >> nothing. not a scratch on him. jon: right. >> but there is a defense point in there, just working off you quickly, which is the defendant on trial, similarly did not leave a huge amount of blood and dna. >> but there is some dna. jon: one would expect if he is an ex-boyfriend one would expect to find some of his dna in her place, a hair. >> absolutely right. >> but nothing on his body that would indicate a struggle. >> it is a uphill battle but the defense lawyers are doing their job you. >> guys got to do their job, i guess. jon: apparently in the interview with police when they told him she died and he was breaking down whimpering. they will bring an expert in court to say -- >> defense bringing in expert that is confession on audiotape. you have listened. that is gibberish. >> i worked with tapes as lis has for years, tapes are
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like song lyrics. you need lyrics to be following what is said. if you really enhance it you will hear him confessing. >> how much was the expert paid? jon: i buried paul from the beatles. the judge said, the judge said it sound like gibberish. >> playing the record backwards, we'll keep following this case to let you know what happens. jenna lee, over to you. jenna: thank you, jon. congress is getting ready to demand answers in the targeting of conservative groups by irs. lawmakers are about to grill attorney general eric holder who ordered a criminal investigation of the scandal. it is a busy day down on capitol hill. we have all angles covered for you next
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jon: high noon on the east coast april we can now tell you there is a sentence reached in the conviction of abortion doctor kermit gosnell. the people you are looking at on the screen some of the jurors who voted to convict him. the judge sentenced gosnell to life in prison without parole for the murder of baby a in this case. he was also sentenced to two and a half to five years for the involuntary manslaughter of a woman who died in his care. he also received ten to 20 years for a handful of conspiracy charges. the judge declared no further punish. for the remaining charges, including performing abortions after 24 weeks and violating the informed consent laws. gosnell's life sentence will run
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consecutive to his previous life sentences. all other charges will run concurrently. he showed no emotion while the judge read the sentence. when the judge asked him if he would like to say anything he smiled and look at his attorney and said not at this time. under an agreement with prosecutors, he cannot appeal. >> reporter: another fox news alert. dramatic testimony in a courtroom in las vegas, nevada. live pictures from inside that courtroom where oj simpson is going to testify today. the former football hall-of-famer trying to convince a judge to set him free or at least grant him a new trial to appeal his 2008 conviction on armed robbery, kidnapping and other charges. simpson's got bad legal advice to not testify in the trial where a jury found him guilty of busting into a hotel
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room where memorabilia dealers were trying to sell his former possession -gs. possession. testimony from oj simpson and we have it covered for you now as the second hour of "happening now" starts right now. jon: attorney general eric holder on the hot seat facing tough questions today on capitol hill about several scandals engulf financing the obama administration. welcome to "happening now," the second hour. i'm jon scott. jenna: i'm jenna lee. the house judiciary committee is planning to grill our top law enforcement official on several fronts today. they want to question him on targets ranging from the irs targeting conservative groups to the justice department's secret seizure of phone records at the "associated press." mr. holder says the phone snooping was crucial to finding out who leaked classified information about a terror plot in yemen. >> i've been a prosecutor since 1976, and i have to say that this is among, if not the most
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serious, it is within the top two or three most serious leaks that i've ever seen. it put the american people at risk, and that is not hyperboly. of it put the american people at risk. and trying to determine who was responsible for that i think required very aggressive action. jenna: more from the attorney general later today. our chief intelligence correspondent catherine herridge is live in washington with more. >> this morning senior republicans setting the table for what promises to be an extraordinary hearing before the house judiciary committee an hour from now where the attorney general eric holder is the only witness, tpeurgs to th first to the irs. >> my question isn't about who is going to resign. my question is who is going to jail over this scandal? >> they have tried hoop similar stunts at hhs, the fcc, this is the administration, it believes if you disagree with them they need to shut you up. >> reporter: on the ap records the media group posting this
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statement to their website, pointing to a little known fact in the case, which is that the ap worked with the administration and held the story before publication until, quote, the government assured us that the national security concerns had passed. indeed the white house was preparing to publicly announce that the bomb plot had been foiled. with only five reporters working on the original report detailing a thwarted al-qaida bomb plot in may, 2012. ap senior lawyer is questioning why phone records in four different offices, effecting one hundred journalists are justified in an interview with greta. >> the problem with what happened here is that there were regulations put in place after the watergate scandal, specifically to help mediate that determination, and there are a number of restrictions put on the department of justice that seemed to have been violated here or ignored here in a rather dramatic way. >> reporter: the attorney general and his deputy insisting that seizing the phone records was a last resort after 550 interviews and thousands of
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documents. >> i'm familiar with all that went into the formulation of the subpoena, i was recused from that matter, but i'm confident that the people who are involved in this investigation, who i know for a great many years and who i have worked with for a great many years followed all of the appropriate justice department regulations, and did things according to doj rules. >> reporter: in that hearing before the house judiciary committee begins in an hour from now. jenna: catherine, thank you. jon: the white house and justice department are facing a legal and political firestorm right now, a series of explosive scandals putting intense pressure on the administration to answer agreeing list of tough questions. we are waiting to hear live from white house spokesman jay carney the a the bottom of the hour, shortly after that from attorney general eric holder who 4 testify before the house judiciary committee. let's talk about it with juan williams a fox news political analyst. juan, jay carney is not getting
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particularly high marks from observers as to the way this is all being handled in washington. is it his fault? >> no, i don't think it's jay's fault, i think you've got very little to work with here. i think the press, i think is agitated especially over the ap story. the question is what does he have that would satisfy them? when you hear all of the analogies to nixon, in terms of the irs investigation. when you hear the level of acrimony coming from the press all of a sudden, and, you know, you can't help but remember that so many people have viewed the press as too kind to president obama, but when you hear it at that level i don't know that there is anybody who could be the white house spokesman who would be anything at this point but a target. jon: is it the ap story that really tipped this thing over the edge? the benghazi story, fox news was reporting on it for a longtime, not getting a lot of our brethren in the media to follow,
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then all of a sudden when the ap gets targeted apparently by the justice department, that's when all hell broke loose. >> it's when your cow gets skwerered. >> there are real questions about the extent of the threat being face eld. the one point i would make is that the just disdepartment had made clear to the ap that their source was leaking at the time when in fact their cia covert investigation was stopping this airliner bomb threat coming from al-qaida. so the fact that the ap held the story, you know, that is an after thought, in terms much the leak. but for reporters, the idea is it's a chill on the interaction between source and reporter, which is key to a free,
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democratic government where reporters are able to report on the activities of the powerful in our society, the government. jon: it seems like there are other shoes yet to drop here, juan. i mean "usa today" is reporting today that not only did the irs sort of target conservative groups for extra scrutiny, it helped grease the wheels nor liberal and progressive groups to get them their tax exempt status. you have president obama's half brother receiving irs approval for a tax-free charity that he supposedly started and getting it from the same lois learn erp at the heart of all this. you have hop goolsbee telling talking about the koch brothers and how they paid no taxes in 2010. he wasn't supposed to have that information. is the irs a political tool here? >> we don't know exactly the links between the irs and the white house.
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so far there is no clear link, jon. what you have just listed, that accumulation of stories is creating a narrative that makes it seem as if, gee there is something here, there is smoke here, there must be a fire. we don't have the fire as yet. the thing about looking at someone like miss learner at the irs, she doesn't have any history of political involvement. there is no clear partisan bent to her, that is just not her history, it's not what reporters we here in washington have been able to determine as yet. the go about goolsbee is a bigger one. because austin goolsbee is clearly a mythical player. jon: all of that smoke will suck the oxygen out of whatever the obama administration tries to do in the future. >> i think the agenda gets hurt no question in congress. jon: good to talk to you, thanks. jenna: the growing scandal at the irs is putting the issue of tax exempt status front and center. some are suggesting including congressman levin just on our
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program is part of the problem is our incredibly complex tax code and who asks to have the tax exempt status and who doesn't. elizabeth mcdonnell has been looking into this. what about the argument that the irs needed to have more scrutiny about groups because there was so many a phaoeug to not pay taxes. >> if there's hearings you can bet that the irs officials will number one say we can't discuss this due to the nixon era confidentiality laws unless they can get a waiver from the nonprofit groups skwraout niced. he will site the skew bream court citizens united case and including social welfare groups. that happened in and around the same time. the supreme court decision occurred at the same time the cincinnati office was launched in 2010 a computer spread sheet that said, quote, be on the look out for tea party groups. jenna: was there an indication that they were worried specifically that the tea party groups themselves would be
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applying for tax exempt status because ideologically they were concerned about that being their purpose? what do we know about why specifically they looked at these groups? >> that is an important question. we do know where the irs seems to have crossed the line according to the treasury ig report. he they asked for the dollar amount of donations from donors, not only the names of donors, but the political affiliation -gts of speakers, a detailed list of issues you'll be talking about. they asked for conversations -- jenna: is that legal? sph not according to the laws and rules that i have looked at and according to the ig report that crosses the line. jenna: i have a quick final question for you then we'll have to run. you've looked at the irs controversy for years over different administrations. how does this truly compare? is it just further evidence that the irs is used as a political tool as the "wall street journal" says today for multiple administrations? or is it something different.
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>> i've said the irs is not an acultural thing like a sewing machine. it's populated by people under political pressure. when you start asking about jobs outside of their group, outside of their nonprofit group that crosses the line. this is a really, really serious continue verse sear at the irs that they'll have to deal with. jenna: thank you. jon: new tkhaoe tails in the widening irs scandal investigation. senator orin hatch says over the last year he reached out to the irs three times about at tkpwaeug -gs of political targeting. senator hatch joins us live to talk about the agency's response. we are also waiting for oj simpson to take the stand in a las vegas courtroom after more than four years in prison and a lot of pounds he'll try to make the case that he deserves a new trial on robbery and kidnapping charges. a look at oj's argument with our legal team coming up . ♪
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jenna: fox news alert out of las vegas where oj simpson has just taken the stand. remember, he did not testify in his previous trial that has sent him to prison for more than 30 years. according to that sentence he's arguing for a new trial. let's take a listen here. >> yale. as i said he had a good relationship with the media and consequently i was in the media a lot, so that gave him opportunity to go on tv a lot. >> do you know whether he used your name to advertise his criminal defense business in other ways? >> 4 no. he has told me that representing me had helped him in his
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business. >> okay. but you don't know whether he put your name in his ads. >> no i didn't look on the internet or anything to see. >> and he didn't ask you for permission to do that? >> no, but there's no problem. >> okay. we heard the testimony from ron slate yesterday regarding mr. slate's being your attorney in the civil matters involving the judgment in california. >> yes. >> 4 iis mr. slate your attorney that handles all the judgment matters in california? >> where he. >> and it sounded like mr. galanter would be involved in that a little bit every now and then? >> what would happen is situations would come up, for instance -- jenna: one of the crucial parts of this case has to do with his representation and the role potentially of his lawyer. william la jeunesse knows the story frontwards, backwards and
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every which direction. tell us a little bit what oj is talking about right now and why the lawyer is so important. >> well, you know, this petition for a new trial it's 96 pages long. over the last two days they've really focused on three points. that oj's defense attorney at the time yale galanter did not inform his client of a plea offer and he had a duty to do so. and second that galanter had for knowledge of oj retrieving his items from palace station. he said he did. he used florida law not nevada law, that he could go in and do it as long as he didn't threaten or trespass. oj paid galanter $500,000 and we heard he didn't hire a single expert to analyze anything within the hotel room, a tape,
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for chain of origin, suppliesing, et cetera. if he can prove that that means he did not get a fair trial and he deserves a new one. there was a lot of testimony including critical stuff from the former clark county district attorney who put oj behind bars. he made two critical points. number one that, yes, he did make an offer of 30 months in jail for oj. he took that to galanter, galanter said okay i'll take it to my client and get become to you. he got back to him and said no, oj said not any more than one year. oj is going to stay on the stand critically, no galanter never told me that. galanter said in court. simpson said i didn't know anything about it, i had nothing to do with it, and i was not there. oj is going to say, yes he did. he advised me. this is going to come up there is this white suv and the origin, and i believe what they will say is galanter was there shortly after oj got his items back.
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that would have meant that galanter would have been a witness in the case, that he would bflicted out and he could not be his attorney of record and yet he was. those are the things that we will be listening for today. back to you. jenna: if you're viewers would like to watch this testimony by oj simpson you can do so it's streaming online on jon: a little grayer and a lot heavier. well a life or death decision for jurors in the jodi arias trial. a live report on the sentencing phase after the jury found that woman guilty of first-degree murder. plus, continuing to watch oj simpson, monitoring his testimony, we'll have any big updates for you as they cross. >> stuff of mine that was for sale, some real and some bogus. i spent the last ten years raising two kids, you know, through their keane age years to get them in college. i wasn't going to go chase any of this stuff. but he called me, i mean really
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insisted excessively, and once he sort of let me know that i might know the guys, then my -- look what mommy is having. mommy's having a french fry. yes she is, yes she is. [ bop ] [ male announcer ] could've had a v8. 100% vegetable juice, with three of your daily vegetable servings in every little bottle.
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jon: fox news alert and a bit of a hail marr mary, oj simpson on the stand trying to get a break in his armed robbery and kidnapping conviction. let's listen in for just a moment. >> away at college at this time. these are all things that they should have, not some guy selling it. >> were some of those things, things that you had earned during your career? >> yes, yes, football for instance, i've collected
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footballs for my son, so, whenever i interviewed somebody like joe man tan a or jon elwood -- jon: what a difference five years in prison makes. oj simpson about 30 pounds heavier, his hairline receding. does he have a chance for a new trial. lis wiehl a fox news legal am list. doug burns. >> let's start with the proposition that a habeas corpus petition doesn't usually have a chance of success. i'm no apologist for oj simpson. i will say if a plea was communicated, 30 months in prison and for whatever reason, i'm not going to blame galanter who i know and he's a fine lawyer. if he didn't community that that to simpson that is a serious matter. he says yale galanter may be conflicted.
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you can't be a witness and the lawyer. we are in a situation where we are at a meeting during the case you may be called as a witness, you have to step aside. yale galanter doesn't want to do that. >> let's look at the legal standard, it's really a high standard. you have to show that the lawyer that represented you at trial was so incompetent, so below the bar, than the average guy, and the other part of the test is under strickland v washington, you have to show that but for the lawyer's incompetent you would have been acquitted. jon: and yale galanter is no slouch lawyer. >> there is another claim and i've seen this as a defense lawyer where you're presented with voluminous amounts of tapes. there is a claim that there is a tape in there that would have helped him and yale didn't properly identify it. >> help him overturn the conviction? >> it's got to be very compelling. jon: when he was convicted a lot of people were saying, oh they only convicted him because they really think he should have been
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convicted for kill his wife. >> that has nothing to do with the lawyer. we can't look inside the jurors' minds and decide exactly why the judge -- >> jon is making a point which i'm glad he's making, which is that everybody felt, including me that there was an element of pay back for the first case. jon: you got off the first time. >> frankly the other point by the way is that yale galanter misadviced him apparently on some technical point of law about retrieving his own property. bottom line, if he were tried originally back in 995 for this so-called kidnapping thing he would have been acquitted in two seconds. >> nit's a he said she said type of thin. if you have to believe oj or yale galanter you'll probably go with yale galanter. jon: i'm happy i helped doug make his point. let's go to jodi arias is about to find out whether the jury gives her death in the first-degree murder conviction
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that it already returned. first of all the good news today, she is off suicide watch. the maricopa county jail says she is no longer a threat to herself. what are the chances here? the same jury heard horrible things that she did to her ex-boyfriend. >> i think the prosecution has a good shot here. what they've got to show is aggravated murder, a heinous part to this. and going through and showing how travis suffered, saw what was tkp-g on an going on and suffered. this was the know a quick bullet through the head, that is aggravation. >> you have heinous, cruel and depraved. it's the only one she qualifies for. that really doesn't matter. the fact much the matter is if they showed that it was cruel, heinous or depraved this jury threw the book at her pretty hard. >> 27 stab wounds and a shot to -d head. >> i think they have a shot at the death penalty. i have to revise my view.
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0. jon: that 18 days that she spent on the stand didn't do anything to inch dear her indear here to the jurors. >> the jurors kept peppering her a dull th with questions. >> and the jury was problem me thinking, you told all these versions, why should we believe you now. jon: thank you both. jenna: the irs is under fire today for the way the ancy trash getted conservative groups in what some are calling a mismanagement of their records. we will speak with senator orin hatch about his long-time concerns and waving the irs told them, that he does he was lied to in all of this? he's our guest coming up next. i'm here at my house on thanksgiving day,
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jon: just in, jurors in the kermit gosnell trial speak out after the sentencing which just concluded. listen. >> obviously it was emotionally tolling for everyone involved. there was a lot to deal with, and it took us a very longtime, about almost two weeks to go through everything. it wasn't easy, but we did the best we could with the information we got. we went by the law and everything. jon: under sentencing -- >> that was tough for me to look at and process.
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and it's hard for me to put into words. seeing those photos, and like just having to say to myself, you know, this did happen to those kids. there were children who died at the hand of this man, you know, that was really hard to me to admit that that kind of evil exists in this world. jon: under a sentencing agreement where prosecutors doctor kermit gosnell will spend the rest of his life if prison. he is not allowed to appeal. >> my question isn't about who is going to resipe. my question is, who is going to jail over this scandal? jenna: speaker of the house john boehner responding earlier to the stunning revelation that the irs was actively targeting conservative and conservative groups. we are waiting for the attorney general eric holder to appear before the house judiciary committee. he'll be facing a lot of questions after the inspector general's report that just has blasted the irs for inappropriate activity when it came to reviewing applications
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for tax exempt status. of course the attorney general is also asking questions and has launched a criminal investigation into all of this. senator orrin hatch says over the last year he's reached out personally to the irs three different times with concerns about mythica mit political profiling. what he got back was a letter from acting irs commissioner steven miller reading quote, revenue agents used sound reasoning based on tax law and training and their experience to review applications and identify the additional information needed to make a proper determination of an organization's exempt status. utah senator orrin hatch joins us now, the ranking republican on the senate finance committee. senator, do you feel that you were lied to? >> well, let's put it this way, this is either a case of gross incompetent or it was deliberate -- deliberate lying by the people down there at the
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irs. you know, this is a very concerning thing to all of us because the irs is the premiere organization in our country, which is supposed to be above politics, and if it doesn't get above politics and starts using its great unlimited power to come down on the side of one side or the other and to play politics freedom is going to be gone in this country and liberty will be gone. that's what is involved here. jenna: a lot of our viewers, including our team, this is a big story that really bloomed over the weekend, a big story for this he can with. but you had some concerns over the last year that provoked you to write the letters to the irs. give us a little bit of the back story. why did you have concerns? >> first we had some indications that some of the democrats were playing politics and trying to get the irs to do some things that they shouldn't have done. jenna: you mean democrats on capitol hill? oh, yeah. jenna: senators and congressmen? >> i think i nipped it in the bud by writing a letter, hey,
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look, let us know what is going on here, and that kind of stopped it. we then started to find that, you know, people were complaining, people were coming to us, and so i sent three letters to the irs, and like you say, mr. miller, who is the acting commissioner of the internal revenue service answered a letter and basically white washed the whole thing, that there really wasn't any problem. now we find there were huge problems. then they tried to say, well it's just a few obscure employees in cincinnati. give me a break, cincinnati is a big part of the irs and it wasn't just a few obscure employees in cincinnati, it was some pretty important people, plus the head of the one department, and it actually comes down to washington itself. so this is not some itty-bitty problem. jenna: how high up do you think it goes? >> well, i think that's what the hearings i hope will show, because i don't know, you know, my letters made it very clear i was concerned about these type of things. there should not be partiality
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from the internal revenue service and they shouldn't be playing politics. one of the things that triggered it is they were asking questions about donors and we knew that wasn't part of their responsibility nor do they have a right to do that. jenna: what specific democrati senators were encouraging the irs to take a look -- >> i'm not going to get into that, because i think we stopped that. so i don't want to accuse anybody of anything. there were some indications that the democrats were going to play politics with the irs and we just wanted to make sure that was nipped in the bud, think i think it was. i'm not going to blame anybody on the democrat's side at this tpoeupbt. jenna: what i point. jenna: what is the solution here, senator in. >> we've got to have really, really intensive hearings. i think some people are going to have to leave the agency. i do believe that there may even be some criminal problems here. i think the attorney general has
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indicated that he thinks there might be some criminal problems. and we've got to get to the bottom of it. because if the american people cannot rely on a even terrible revenue service, as powerful as it is, the most powerful agency in government to do what is right, and to not pick sides and especially politically pick sides then we are in real trouble in this country and the american people aren't going to believe in much of what is going on back here. jenna: senator, thank you for the time today. we look forward to having you back as we continue to follow this story, sir. thank you very much. >> well, thank you. jon: well the aftermath of a really close call in the wilderness, what a couple had to do to escape a land lied roaring toward their cabin with second to spare. plus, hold the salt, it's bad for your heart. we hear that all the time, right? a new study may let you pick up the salt shaker at least a bit more. next. anyone have occasional constipation,
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jon: right now here is what is happening in washington. we are waiting for the daily briefing, jay carney the presidential spokesman will soon appear in the brady briefing room to answer more questions about this trio of scandals that is inch srefl opening washington. when he takes to the microphones there we will certainly take you there live. and this. what it looks like when a mountain falls down on you. a couple out camping in a
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lakeside cabin in alaska counting their lucky stars. they were docking a canoe when a landslide slips down. they wound up getting swept out into the water. mountains of earth and rocks top plaining toward them. they are recovering with scrapes and bruises. sadly they seem to have lost their dog, no sign of their border collie mix. he may have been crushed by the landslide. jenna: right now pass the salt maybe. let's not get crazy. a new study from a highly respected group of experts finds current guidelines on daily salt consumption may actually be too low. so how much is too much? what should we make of this? dr.~march siegl is with us. on this team we like our salt. this certainly got our attention when we saw that this commission, this group that was commissioned by the eubs future of medicine said maybe the guidelines are not giving us enough salt every day. what do you make of this? >> first of all the institute of
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medicine is a very revered institution and they have the centers for disease control behind them on this. on the other side is the american heart association who is saying, don't agree. 1.5 milligrams of salt a day is all you need. they are saying, stick to the same guidelines as before. they are really disagreeing. what i want to say is this. i'm worried that viewers out there are going to say, oh, no problem, go back to the processed foods, okay. i can eat all the salt i want, when americans already have too much salt. jenna: that seems to be the difference, right, isn't it doctor? we buy a lot of processed foods that have a lot of sodium and sometimes when you hear something like this it might keep you from reaching for the salt, but that doesn't mean that you don't have salt in your food already. >> especially processed food. i don't think people out there are looking to see how many milligrams they are getting of salt. jenna: do you walk a round with a teaspoon? >> i don't.
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all of my patients have too much salt. we have groups that we specifically want low salt. if you have heart failure, if you already have high blood pressure we try to lower your salt intake. salt works in a positive way in the body. we like to say in medicine water follows salt. it's salt that keeps water and blood in your veins. if you have a normally functioning kidney you can get rid of the excess salt. not everybody has a normally function kidney and over the years of excess salt intake it can increase your risk for high blood pressure and heart disease. jenna: something that was pointed out is that some of us get too little salt and the guidelines don't address that. what about that? they are right to point it out as long as people don't get the wrong conclusion. the kind of salt they are taking about, the lower ones 1500 milligrams down in that range if anyone actually gets down there be, i don't know what they would be eating, maybe
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lettuc only, you could risk problems with your nervous system, you could have a problem with the use of insulin in your body and ultimately you could get heart disease from too low salt. so, yes it's a worthy discussion. but i'm worried about the conclusion. i think since most americans, we average over 3,000 milligrams a day. we average too much salt. jenna: that is more than double what is already the guidelines. big picture is what? >> pig picture is americans have too much salt, americans needless salt. we don't need an excuse like this coming out. none of us are actually there with our measuring tame on this. all of us have to cut down on processed foods, eat nor vegetables and tkpraout. mediterranean diet. jenna: thank you very much. jon you wrote the entire team today and said maybe some potato chips. jon: i want chips in the post show if we can eat some salt. >> sorry jon not a chance.
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you can have the stalt free. jonsalt free. jon: boring. two events we are monitoring, attorney general eric holder about to take the hot seat. the new questions that mr. holder could face when he testifies before a congressional committee just moments from now. also, the white house, jay carney expected to take to the brief room. we'll hear what he has to say about the scandals that are enveloping the white house. that is coming up . [ male announcer ] from red lobster's chefs to your table our seafood dinner for two for just 25 dollars! first get salad and cheddar bay biscuits.
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doesn't have the cash it needs to keep itself operating. here is part of the reason why. the city's deaf sift is expected to reach $100 million by next month. that is the end of the fiscal year. its population has plummeted to 700,000. that is less than half of what they had about a decade ago. unemployment in detroit is at 17.5%, more than twice the national rate. steve moore is a senior economic writer for the "wall street journal." we have a lot of big stories to get to today, but when it comes to the economy we don't want to forget that. and you say that detroit is a canary in the coal mine form the country. why do you think that? >> it really is, jenna. let me just say this. this is a very sad story, as you said, an iconic american city, a motor city, the it used to be the hub of industrial progress in this country and to see how low it has fallen is really a sad story for the country. what worries me and the reason i think this is the canary in the coal mine is this is a city that
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cannot pay its bills. it is running out of money. it is teetering on the edge of bankruptcy right now, jenna, and i worry that this is going to happen in a lot of other major cities, and the reason for that, jenna is cities have -- you and i have talked about this on the show many times, these huge pension time bombs that are embedded in city budgets are now coming back, they are now detonating on cities, they can't pay their bills because they are paying all these retired people that aren't even providing services. jenna: for every one person employed in detroit there are two people reretired. >> isn't that unbelievable? jenna: there is the other side of the story too, which is that the police department in detroit has had a series of police chiefs over the last few years. the other major issue is that the fire department, a fifth of them may not be working. where do you even start here in a city like there to get it back on its feet? >> about a year ago or so i
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interviewed for the newspaper the "wall street journal" where i work, dave bing who is the mayor. he is doing everything he can. i have a lot of faith in him. but, you know, i think the real problem is these embedded what we call legacy costs of contracts, and obligations that were made long, long ago that are now coming back and haunting the city. and this could happen throughout the country. i mean, in california right now, jenna, there are four or five major cities that are in the same financial straits as detroit is. we can see this rebound. let me just make one other quick point. jenna: that is the question, though, what do you do? >> that's just where i was going with this. jenna. what these cities are going to do, i mean i'm going to pre ticket this on your show. these cities very soon are going to come to washington and request a federal bailout, a tax payer bailout from citizens around the country to bailout these cities. it's something i don't think most americans want to do. how many times have we had to bailout michigan and detroit in the past? we just, you know, bailed out
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the auto industry. but i think that is where this is going. i think these cities are going to come to washington, hat in hand and say give us money. jenna: one of the union leaders in detroit says this whole restructuring or attempted restructuring is a sham, a cooked deal for them, meaning the people to come in and take control of the city and its assets. we'll have you back to talk more about this story. it's not going anywhere unfortunately . thank you. >> see you soon, jenna, thank you stpwhao an ancient pyramid reduced to rubble? how could that happen? and why archaeologists say it was no mistake. that is coming up. ,.
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>> don't, don't, don't, don't. >> we could play that for a lot of stories today. some construction workers are channeling their homer simpson for this one. they destroyed one of the largest myan pyramids in belouise. they plan to use the crushed rock for a new road. the government says it vigorously investigated how this happened. the pyramid dates back 2300 years. the head of belouise head of institute of archaeology. this could not have been a mistake. the pyramid was with known it did not look like a natural hill. it really doesn't. but they bulldozed it. so. >> jon: it's apparently a very flat region and everybody should have known what this thing was but now
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it's gravel. >> maybe they needed a plaque or something. what do you say to something like that? >> jon: go figure. >> now it's gone. sad, actually. >> jon: thanks for joining us. "america live" starts right now. >> megyn: fox news alert, any moment now attorney general eric holder will take the hot seat before congress where we could see some fierce questions and big news on a couple of growing controversies. welcome to "america live," everyone. i'm megyn kelly. let's get right to it the attorney general is expected to face aggressive questioning on several important topics, including the d.o.j. investigation of the irs now for its admitted improper targeting of groups that support conservative policies. all right? so the irs targets conservatives and now the doj is looking into why the irs did that and whether it may have committed a crime. the
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