tv Housecall FOX News May 19, 2013 7:30am-8:01am PDT
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at the medical center and author of the inner pulse unlocking the secret code of sickness and health. >> jamie: that is what we do on sunday morning, unlock the secrets. >> may as you know is stroke awareness month. what can we do to tell people how to avoid strokes. they may be at the tipping point of having one and not even know it. >> this is serious health hazard. we have spoken about it many times. over 700,000 americans are affected by stroke but a lot of it is preventable, as a result of high blood pressure or diabetes, you can prevent this by looking at what you are being and exercising. there are many different types of strokes. the most correspond one, a blood clot will go up and blood can't get to the brain you would have a brain attack, it's like a heart attack.
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the sooner you get the diagnosis and get the patient to the hospital the more of the brain you are going to save. we've talked about the stroke, "f" stands for facial weakness. we ask them to smile, weakness on one side, you have that. have them one raise their hands, that is another sign and speech, time of s of the essence, sooner you call 911 time loss is brain loss. if they get to the hospital before three hours we have strong agents we can get the blood flow to the brain. >> kelly: some people survive the strokes and function with their lives as they did before. perhaps even better because they now know what they need to do. what else can be done in order to move and when you can avoid a
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stroke and what do we need to do. >> first pointed david said people are in denial a lot of times when they have these symptoms they think they are going disappear. they are going to go away or frightened or hoping they will go away. so they delay. they think the worst is going to happen. you can't delay. you got to call 911 right away. you have a problem with slurring your speech, can't form your words, you are dizzy you have headache, weakness, you got to call 911. ambulance ride they may give you an aspirin and hospital they may give you a clotted buster. that can decrease the amount of rehabilitation station you need. rehabilitation, learning to balance again, learning to speak properly again. the point what causes stroke is something i deal every day in my practice. i look to lower cholesterol, to get people up and exercise. i need to get blood pressure under control, diabetes have to
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be under control and two big ones, alcohol and smoking. smoking really affects this, how smoking does it. it interferes with your blood vessels in the brain. it starts to clog them. then the clot will hit the brain or the vessel in the brain bursting which is hemorrhagic. >> and the point that mark brought up, something known as t.i. a. -- this is short term. the patient would have this, they would get similar symptoms. it's the way a light bulb, it starts to go out. that is t.i.a.and you can prevent that. >> i wont wonder if i can ask this question, oftentimes when people have a headache, people think i'm having a stroke.
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do you take an aspirin? >> i don't think you should do anything, you being patient. i think you need to debt get the doctor in the loop. because if you have a sudden headache and that is your only symptom that could be a bleed i don't want people like that taking an aspirin. ambulance on the way to the hospital makes that decision. aspirins are helpful in this situation if we don't think its bleed going on. it will decrease the mortality, the amount of damage from a stroke dramatically. stroke is number one cause of long term disability in the united states. it's the number one reason for admission to nursing homes. >> jamie: i ask if people wants to help someone, call 911 is the way to go. so much more. new questions over getting a surgery before you have a cancer diagnosis. angelina jolie made headlines. she announced she had a double
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>> they suppress ourselves from growing like haywire. when the gene is working primarily, the genes don't grow out of control. but everyone's saying, angelina jolie has an 87% risk. but the risk for braca is 60%. well the answer is, everyone's different. so another point david and if i are making on the show -- you say a family history, that contributes. she has a family history of her mother with ovarian cancer.
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>> everybody has a family member -- it could be a mother or a sister with cancer. a lot of people do. how close? what age did they get the cancer? what cancer did they have? the other myth i want to bust here, i don't want people to get this test because they are watching this program, do you know how many people are rushing to the doctor? they don't understand that only 1 in worn00 have the braca, so it's called dominant, it's going to penetrate. it is not in isolation, you would know because your doctor sees that someone in your family got cancer early. >> who should have the test? >> the physician should tell you. >> doctor, you told me, it is not just a female family member, it could be a male member, and not just breast cancer there.
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>> yes. the gene is part of the chromosome 17. it deals with the dna repair. so if you fix it and you are healthy. once it goes -- you have a mutation, now it can't do its job, the cells will start to grow. it's responsible for breast cancer, ovarian cancer and prostate cancer as well. so you want to be very careful with this. what we know about this and who should be testing this. if you have a first generation family -- sister, mother, with breast cancer, ovarian cancer, you are at high risk, if you test positive for this. which is only 5% of all breast cancers out there. there are other options, which is the watch and wait and you will get mris and mammograms. but i think she did a good job. her mom had ovarian cancer. her aunt had stage 4 breast cancer. she says, this is her statement. kitell my children that they dont need to fear they will lose
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me to breast cancer. this is a very powerful statement from someone coming as a celebrity, empowering women with breast cancer that you don't need to be scared. but she is looking at her risk and benefits. and the risk stratification is what i do every day with cancer patients. your doctor has to sit with you. for example, ascanausy jews are althigher risk. they need to be tested and more aggressive -- >> bottom line, are her kids at risk, even though she had this procedure? >> they had to be tested. they are at risk. i want to make a final point here. david and i talk about the psa, and i was thinking last night, as i prepared for this, what a great test. the american urological association is coming against this. this helps us follow an organ deep in the body that you cant find anything. with ovaryings, we don't have it, that's why angelina jolie is
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considering having her ovaries out. >> preemptive surgery is called for? protocol? >> it's prudent person to consider. the riivetion is 50%. it's up to the individual. but it's wise. we are talking about women and breast cancer, but men are also susceptic to breast cancer. >> it's very malignant and dangerous. but this is different. i think in in particular case, going back to the ovarian cancer, the consequences are different than nipple-pairing mastectomies or implants. you are dealing with hormones and osteoporosis, but in her particular case with the high risk of 87 with breast and 50% of ovarian cancer -- >> a very courageous thing for angelina joel tow do. >> new concerns over exercise and blood clots.
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>> new studies show that simple lifestyle changes could help reduce the risk of blood clots. we got a viewer email from betty thomas, who asked, doctors found a bloody clot behind me knee after a broken foot. i am afraid of too much exercising because i am afraid the blood clot will break loose. the foot doctor told me the body
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gets rid of its own blood clots. >> i appreciate the email. i am glad she is getting a second opinion. blood clot in the knee is dangerous. it's diagnosed with sonogram. that's the deep venous thrombosis. we talked about stroke, this could go to the heart and make it to the brain and she could have a stroke. why does this happen? when your heart pumps the blood to your arms, how does the blood come back up? there is no pump. have you to walk. that's one of the reasons you get into the plane, you get to los angeles, you can put your shoes on, it swells up. one reason is the traum a. or you can have cancer or immobility. make sure if have you a pain in your calf to get the sonogram. and it has to be treated. a couple of things. first of the all, the question of whether it can break off with exercise. if it's sitting there, you could dislodge it. you want to figure out whether she has an underlying
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predisposition. we are talking about family history today. a factor deficiency is very, very common. dpt decreases risk with age. after surgery, have you a 20 times greater risk for getting blood clots, after a fracture, like she has, it's 10 times greater of a blood clot in the leg or the lungs. so you have to be on the lookout for anything that immobilizes you, a fracture with a cast on does that. it is not that alone. not everyone has a fracture that will get the blood clot. but if you have a tendency, you might. >> great question. thanks for addressing the emails. it is said, your mom told you, it's the most important meal of the day -- breakfast. is it healthy as it could be? you can get the most out of your morning meal if you stick around.
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do we have a mower? no. a trimmer? no. we got nothing. we just bought our first house, we're on a budget. we're not ready for spring. well let's get you ready. very nice. you see these various colors. got workshops every saturday. yes, maybe a little bit over here. summer's here. so are the savings. not bad. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. get special buys on select toro products, like this self propelled mower just $274.
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>> here's a news flash, a mimosa is not breakfast. okay? it is one of the most important meals of the day. there are numbers of foods that have big-time benefits for your health. so doctor, what do you want us to have for breakfast? >> don't skip it -- >> i'm guilty today. >> that's the big message. what you eat in the morning sets the tone for the rest of the day special your sugar balance. i like easy stuff. i'm a surgeon, i have to get to work. i think oatmeal topped with berry and banana. i love coffee, it helps with stroke and everything else in the body. >> i did have coffee but that's not enough. >> the guy who usually sits in your chair has greek yogurt every day. he is going to convert you.
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it's very high in protein i. not flavored -- >> exactly right. have you to add berries. they have to be added. i like oatmeal, anything with fiber in it delays digestion, so you don't pick up a lot of sugar. oatmeal does that. berries. tea is very, very good for you. on the program, i have to say, i'm a convert to coffee. david has been saying this for over a year now. my own internist told me, coffee is great forue we have talked about -- for the record -- we have talked about all the medicinal benefits. if you don't have heart burns. i love coffee, too. >> there you go. >> skip the heavy cream. >> skip that. >> i saw grapefruits came up. if you eat grapefruits for breakfast, if it interferes with medications, a lot of people will ask that. great, great show. thank you so much. >> thank you. >> well, new reactions into growing scandals over the irs's
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admitted targeting of conservative groups in the 2012 election cycle, as the first committee vows to dig even deeper. good morning again. >> yeah, they were there, taking oath to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. i'm jamie kol bee. this morning, the white house is insist that this president knew nothing about the targeting allegations of the irs. and g.o.p. lawmakers are insiferting, we will answer that, what they knew, when -- or knew nothing at all. they are vowing to, quote, get to the bottom of this. peter doocy's tracking this for us live in the bethway. good morning. >> good morning. not only does the white house say they were oblivious to the white house policies that were unfairly targeting conservingative groups, but a white house senior adviser
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