tv The Five FOX News May 20, 2013 11:00pm-12:01am PDT
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... you thought wrong. get up to 50% off memorial day hotels. final days. book now with travelocity. this is a fox news alert. death and devastation. in the nation's heartland today. a monster tornado slamming into moore, oklahoma. a suburb a 10 miles from oklahoma city. right this very moment, there is a massive search and rescue operation across that ravaged community including an elementary school. rescuers looking for missing third graders and teachers said to be buried under the debris. >> confirmed death toll stands at 51, surely that will go up z some of them are children. trapped inside of that school where the tornado struck. the oklahoma city medical
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skmer says we can expect casualty big figs to keep rising as the search goes up. >> let's see you some of the videos. witnesses say it's a half mile wide, packing winds up to 200 miles per hour staying on the ground they say almost 40 minutes. cutting a deadly path of destruction. >> doing everything we can to get resources out throughout the community. other areas were dealing with right now. and we will spare no resource bring every single resource out that we can. we've had offers from other governors and president obama sends his prayers for the state and offered to do anything that he can to speed up our federal assistance and noi kind of red tape that
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might northbound our way. >> president obama has now declared parts of oklahoma a major disaster area making federal fwundz available for several of the affected counties. joining us now live is alicia. describe what it's like there. >> it's quiet and active. if you can imagine that. quiet in that this was a neighborhood and from what i'm told it's a densely populated neighborhood. it's active there are search and rescue crews back there in that pancaked school z we've been told these crews are going to work throughout the night. sadly, we've seen this whole flank of ambulances sitting there waiting to take people to the hospital however, they
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haven't moved since we've been here, we have seen are vans from the coroner's office go back in there to do their work. there have been estimates of up to 24 children and higher and there are teachers inside. rescuers tell me they've been talking to staff members from this school to try to figure out what this building looked like before. however in talking to other folks in that area to see the rubble they say it's pancaked and we've heard that term a number of times. and have heard the term when talking about oklahoma city bombing. people talk about pancaked buildings when the tornado of 1999 ripped through here, now, we're talking bit again. so i can tell you a lot of homes here like in this neighborhood behind me across the street from the school a lot of the homes nrt path this, is the path of the tornado. they're also in the path of
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the 1999 tornado. which means these homes were built since that last tornado. and weren't able to survive this time. so preparation that's went underway from the last one, rebuilding is going to have to happen again. so work continues tonight. there are people waiting news of their children. they have been warned news probably not going to be what they want to hear. we're watching people walk through here, recovery, covered in mud. it's been rainy it's sticky and dirty. they've been trying to gather belongings and put them in bags and boxes and things they can find and some people snuck back in and gotten their belongings and kicked out. it's dangerous back here. >> we can see bright lights behind you. it will continue all night long, we understand.
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how are they doing it? i would imagine they use too much heavy machinery it could cause further collapse if there are survivors you don't want to kill them in the process of trying to save lives. are they digging with just shovels? and hands? and removing debris that sfwhai. >> they have heavy equipment that way. they have shovels and a lot of the search dogs. part of the problem is that they've got a lot of metal, shards of metal, glass, concrete. it's collapsed on to each other. so it moves easily. because it's pancaked kit move easily z can hurt the rescuers they want to avoid that. now, you talk about the delicate process governoring about, trying to find children
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that they believe are buried inside of the rubble. but the way it's described to us is anything but delicate. td commissioner described it, he said he went back into the parking lot aefr and he could see scrapes across the parking lot made by the cars dragged by the powerful force of the winds. it's violent. and incredibly devastating for people here to imagine their children were any part of that. >> so sad to know families at their houses on that property without their children today. i was reading a teacher draped herself over six of the kids there and reegd they evacuated fourthth graders fifthth graders and sixthth graders but not third graders. is there an indication of why third graders stayed snind. >> we're not sure what happened with third graders but i heard the same with
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regard to third graders they are third graders they're looking for. when you talked to officials on the ground here and just people wandering around, no one is sure why people were still in there. so there is still many questions and so many answers. to be sought throughout this. that is one of the things we don't know. >> what about the cars? have you seen any x's on cars? does it indicate no victims inside? >> yes. we've seen that on homes when we're kind of going through the neighborhood we saw that on homes and cars one reporter was talking to a guy who saw this happening in kansas. got on the road with some church friends and came to help. he was searching and found a survivor so that was good news.
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so yes. we've seen xs on the cars and homes. they've been continuing to do that. they're still looking for survivors but this is a everywhere. as far as the eye can see this, is all you can see. just see devastation. it's covered in mud and it's wet. whit started to rain it makes it more difficult for folk folks they're trying to get what they have left. it's wet. it's a mess. >> alicia, asking whether that school had maybe a small cellar or basement in it. the governor just didn't know. i wonder have you heard from folks there on the scene whether there was such a cellar or basement? or nooks and crannies below ground? >> right. you know, i talked to the county commissioner here.
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and you said he didn't know. but he is getting that same question as well. talking to neighbors here they weren't sure but i mentioned a lot of the homes here have been -- this is newly built since 1999. the schooling was newish. and there are folks here who are older and attended this school. they are around here, and they are talking about how they used to go here, so i don't know how well prepared this school was. because that is one of the first questions people x i can just tell you very small kids and a third grader she goes to school in colorado when they they have tornadoes there is a warning they put them in bathrooms they don't have shelters. i'm not sure that is what they have here. so the question isn't as pertinent as it would be here. >> you would think in a place like oklahoma, kansas, every
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home, business and school and store would have below ground shelter but apparently that is not the case. >> yes. one official said 4th, 5th and 6th graders were evacuated to a church. but it sounds like they hadn't gone there. >> thank you very much we're going to check back to you as the search and rescue for the missing children continues. this hour. >> on the phone is congressman tom cole of oklahoma. it appears your state is going need a lot after sis stance from the federal government. incoming days and weeks we're hearing the president agreed to sign a disaster declaration to give awe sis stabs. what can we do? people watching overnight wanting to know how to help. >> first thing you can do is pray. it's my home town i've lived in it 53 years so very fornl
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me. there will be a variety of reputable organizations like red cross and salvation army you can reach out to. they'll funnel it to victims. third thing if you don't have business there, and you're not a first responder please don't come. i know people want to help. but they're trying to dot right thing but first responders in that community its large tornado in 15 years are very virks well prepared. surrounding communities are experts as well. they're there. the governor is mobilized national guard. they need to not be worried about people other than victims in there. so would be help ffl you gave the opportunities an opportunity to do a good job. it's just a horrific situation. >> a lot of people here on the east coast smrk experienced
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this the way you do. tornado alley. and we were wondering you know, you got warnings of this, the meteorologists telling you about this. if i were a parent sending my skild child to school, if you knew about warnings and schools don't have cell yarz to accommodate the children why do these parents still send their kids to school? why did that happen? >> the schools probably the safest building there. if you look at surrounding houses most kids come from the immediate area. there is another school less than a mile away. so... you know they're, you know, it is an older school built in 1960s. does not have a cellar, most buildings in oklahoma don't but they do tend to have reinforced interior areas and concrete safe rooms a school like the interior hallway is
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safer than most houses in the immediate neighborhood. so if you're above ground and a f 4 or f 5 rolls through you can do everything right i have no doubt they did drit thing but a direct hit, then, there is going to be casualties. >> 200 miles per hour winds. >> we're lucky if that is all they are. this could be a f 5. >> we'll have to see. but maybe tomorrow, officials will. >> will take two, three day autos congressman cole we appreciate you being with us. >> thank you very much. >> the 1999 f 5 killed 40. this is for now an f 4. and it has killed more than 51. that number is going to go up. soits interesting die namics
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11:16 pm'd it go? well, dad, i spent my childhood living with monks learning the art of dealmaking. you've mastered monkey-style kung fu? no. priceline is different now. you don't even have to bid. master hahn taught you all that? oh, and he says to say (translated from cantonese) "you still owe him five bucks." your accent needs a little work.
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weather map and oklahoma city in the middle of a tornado hit by a monster tornado at least a half a mile wide roaring through the suburbs and in particular the city of moore flattening the neighborhood and disrupting an elementary school. winds up to 200 mimp, at least 51 are dead. some homes there lit ablaichlz others leveled to the ground. banks and stores, homes none were spared and all were hit. congressman jane langford, he was in a suburban neighborhood in shawnee. and congressman thank you for
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being with us. what you saw from yesterday's tornado is, i suppose nothing compared to today. >> what is amazing is that this is a two day storm. we saw just devastating results of that. and if this won't have been a rural area, it would have been worse. and today, even worse that it went through an urban area. so two major areas back to back. >> i was talking to a lady this morning who said they got notice her husband said i think we're okay. their house was destroyed. she had to leave her cat and watched and her kids run up and they're all in tears that was one of the personal story
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that's struck me northerning what are some of the stories you're hearing from your constituents? >> one walking through seemed distressed and what is left, there is nothing, nothing on the lot. the family left the home. the home is gone. >> you work your life to build a house to build a family, memories and in one second, it's gone. >> we have good weather forecasting south so we get great weather forecasting and so we had advanced warning. >> our thoughts and prayers with your constituents. thank you for taking a few meemt moments to speak with
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we continue to follow events live in oklahoma. where there are at least 51 people dead. the death toll may go frup that tornado that struck. joining us now is amy elliott with the chief administrative officer. the office has been tracking the death toll from the devastation. thank you for taking moments on a difficult and busy day. can you confirm 51 dead and among those, how many children?
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>> 51 is confirm as dead ask a minimum of 20 of those are children. >> and are you expecting as watching live on television a rescue effort you're expecting that number to change? >> yes sir, i am. >> can you give us an estimate of how many more you can expect? do you have an idea? >> i have been told officers are bringing in upwards of 40 more. >> 40 more on top of the 51? >> they are not here yet. >> do you know how many may be children? >> i do not know. i would assume majority. >> amy have you had a chance to call parents? what is the process? how do you notify the parents? do you wall kaul them? >> well, law enforcement will be informing them. there are people calling here and asking if loved ones might be here. >> do you have family members
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come there to match identities? >> no, ma'am, we don't. >> how does that work? >> what we're doing is asking for identifying factors and going with that route tonight. tomorrow, we'll set up a command post and welcome families to join us there. >> aim eye ways reading there is a warren movie theater being used as a collection point. doctors there, nurse there's. police. can you explain what's happening there? >> i can't. i was unaware they were doing that. we can get agents to bring deceased to office autos in your experience, you probably live in tornado alley for a whi. do you experience anything like this? >> well, tornado wise this is the most significant. >> without getting too specific, did most victims
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suffer major head injuries? what kinds of injuries? >> there is a multitude going on right now. i don't have specifics right now. >> talk to us about what it is you do. you're professionals. you're accustomed to having to deal with death and destruction. is this a difficult day for us?. >> yes. i believe it is. it's 11:30 at night. very a full are yaif people here and folks out in the field. and we'll have our next folks coming to relief us. we do not stop until it's complete. >> we have been talking with about the children from plaza towers school. and we're hearing third graders were there at the school them. were not evacuated. most victims that are there,
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their bodies are they mostly from plaza towers elementary school? >> i can't confirm that. i assume they would be. there is a high volume to where i can disperse it out. i know they're coming for more. >> thank you. >> you bet. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> joining us now is nick nazar, the city manager for new castle, oklahoma just outside of moore. his office sent the warning to rez dentsz helping safe many lives in that area, hello. thank you for your help. tell me about the warnings. >> here in new castle are warning process is watching weather closely.
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and there is a reverse 911 system. we have a 15 minute warning time on this tornadoes. >> new castle is a close to the town of moore which had a direct hit. talk to us about the number of homes damaged or destroyed. and injuries i understand, no fatalities there. >> that is correct. the damage path went across. an area where it couldn't be a huge amount of damage. and that is what we're guessing. >> we had 40 homes destroyed and one series. we expect it for early
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warning. >> what is that serious injury? >> it was a person that was rushing to get into a shelter. there was a apparently one of his legs was damaged. >> nick, i know small towns. you're so close to each other. being in new castle where we're seeing video up right now is hit badly or extremely badly. do you know anyone affected? what are some of the stories you can share with us?. >> one of our police officers had his home destroyed and he
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and other police officers also more. had basic situations. he is are devastating. we have lt peopleoes. we take them seriously because of that. and you know, what more is going through right, there are communities here, we send our people out today, some of our firefighters there after our situation is under control. to help. >> our thoughts and prayers are with the city, we're going take a short break on the other side of the break we've got our meteorologist who will tell whaus we can expect. stick around.
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as we continue our team coverage out of moore oklahoma there are devastating tornadoes over last few days our meteorologist with the fox weather jernt has been watching this all night for us. what is the latest we expect more severe weather in that snaer. >> yes. we can. i want to go over details we're getting from the national weather service. so this two-day event, 48 reported tornadoes and ef 4 it looks like. a 20 mile path, this storm carved. at one point two miles wide, 40 minutes on the ground which is a long time for a tornado to be on the ground. they had 16 minutes advanced warning as the tornado sirens went off and the tornado touched down. taking a look at watches and warnings now, we still have tornado watches. this is the latest one until 5:00 a.m. local time stretching into
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parts of kentucky and indianapolis. we stril a watch stretching from oklahoma into parts of arkansas and this is really the first time i have not seen a tornado warning since p.m. so severe thunderstorm warning, yes. no tornadoes on the ground which is great news. that is not to say we couldn't see severe weather overnight tonight. severe weather threat to texas we stril a red shaded area. that moderate risk. we can see more damaging tornadoes unfortunately into overnight hours. and never theless make sure you know whether radios are on. taking a look at the forecast going through time here. overnight, watching through parts of arkansas and indiana we'll have a clearing time tuesday morning into the mid day but look what happens as we head into 11:00 a.m. local time on tuesday. oklahoma city in and around
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this area we can have storms again, severe thunderstorms erupting in this area. i know they don't need to hear this news but we want to make sure people are head of the storm, then, these storms will push into parts of north texas and arkansas. we stril 48 hours to watch the phone shall for damaging storms. tomorrow's threat a repeat of what we've seen over the last couple days. the storm moves slowly. slight risk of severe thormz back through texas then this bull's eye here for parts of tex into louisiana, up towards arkansas. more hail and tornadoes. i dontd think they'll be as violent. we want to make sure people aware. forecast for moore, oklahoma they try to clean up to do search and rescue we're dealing with tow ten shall for more storms, unfortunately, tomorrow, wednesday, clear day. wednesday, thursday, friday,
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and into saturday threat of thunderstorms in the area. i know people are talking about tornado alley why does this happen. and this is a textbook set up. and a lot of gulf moisture, winds from south here, then we have a strong jet stream. wind upper levels of the atmosphere helping to turn those storms with height. we've got dry air coming in from the southwest bringing us potential for outbreak. this is the bull's eye. >> thank you. >> if you're joining us we spoke moments ago with medical
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examiner's office in oklahoma she confirmed that there are 51 deaths so far but among those are 20 children, however, they're expecting 40 more to arrive in the medical examiner's office, she did say she expected a majority of them, also, to be children. now on the phone is major general with the oklahoma national guard. what can you tell us latest in the recovery efforts? i know many people's thoughts and prayers now are on the plaza towers elementary school. the children believed to be trapped in the rubble. >> well, first of all the recovery efforts will continue until the mission is complete. we have first responders from around this part of the state. rushing to decide to assist
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the local first responders in any way they could. and national guard is there. and we're assisting first responders and trying to take up some slack just to provide the support to them in any way possible. >> we just received word the governor of texas ordered they're elite texas task force, search and rescue team, 84 members to get their equipment and personnel up to moore, oklahoma to help out. these are first responders specialize in victim extraction, fed medical treatment. there are some canines, physicians, all kinds of help son the way from gr
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g.neighbors in texas. >> absolutely. there is a chance to go to hurricane katrina to louisiana and with generals we share a strong bond willing to reach out to one another to help whenever we can. force the state to have a great experience with this kind of disaster. maybe not tornadoes but more of the hurricanes we'll share that. >> very find to go assist these individuals. you say they did this when hurricane katrina hit. and other national zafters have they seen anything like this? how do they compare this? >> it's just a different kind of disaster. and fact is that it's sheer
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magnitude just heart wrenching. where as hurricane katrina in a different manager wa was -- manner was heart wrenching. it was more floods and people trapped. the search and rescue is not as immediate. it is if you're there. the fact is that until you've seen a tornado ripped through cities like this, it's hard to understand devastation. and when you talk about a school just devastated and young lives are lost it's just heart wrenching. >> major general miles many thanks to all helping in the search and rescue. to repeat the latest news we received in the medical skpaers office there are 51
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confirmed deaths of those 20 are children but they're expecting at the medical examiner's office 40 more, a majority of which may likely be children. the search and rescue and the hope remain as live this hour. some missing children in that school buried beneath rubble, some may be alive. the rescue effort continues and will throughout the night. so our coverage. we'll be right back. ♪ ♪
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city at 3:00 p.m. monday afternoon. you can see the disaster. the results of that tornado looks like a junkyard. this used to be a neighborhood. a school house. the school, flattened. two schools flattened, tossing cars, crushing those schools and flattening homes. 51 people, daedz. the medical examiner confirming 20 of those are children. they're expecting 40 more individuals to be brought to the medical examiner office and a majority of them, they're telling us will be children. joining us by phone is the lieutenant governor, todd lamb. thanks for joining us. we're so sorry for your state and what your constituents are going through today what. is the latest, todd? >> it's devastating.
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and but, the doubt is that we might not find any. >> >> lieu tenant governor. it is devastating. we are looking at the video of what used to be homes. people work to raise their homes and these are hard-working americans in the heartland of our country. have you talked to these folks that were affected and if so what are they telling you? >> have i talked to one dad extra hard tonight then he went out to deal with this,
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and took parts of the program already. the >> it this in a metropolitan area has been struck by a tornado. in 1999, worst tornado history of the planet went through this corridor. and most horrific ever. the loss of life today,, there is a greater loss of life tonight. >> governor lamb, thanks for joining us. best of luck. our thoughts and prayers with everyone in oklahoma. joining us now is jennifer rammy with the american rod fr red cross. they're always there to help. we need relief efforts. jen ferks boy imagine you have
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people on the ground. can you tell us what the red cross is doing? >> sure we had a response in motion but with this devastating tornado that hit this afternoon, we have mobilized additional volunteers and additional 25 emergency response vehicles that are headed this way. >> people have lost their homes they're not going to be able to rebuild for a very, very long time, efforts of the
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red cross goring to have to stretch for not just week buzz maybe, maybe months. but you're up to the task. >> absolutely. we always say long after, you know, the disaster leaves the spotlight and to ensure the community is back on their feet, able to get back to what they can as a normal live following something like this. >> we have on the bottom of the screen to have the number where people can contact the red cross. and obviously, money is always the best thing for the red cross because you know, what you need to use that money to buy. what about -- what about blood donations? do you get involved in that? >> blood donations are always needed. the red cross has a full organization manages 40% of the blood supply. so we always encourage to make a financial don yailgs, great, but also go down, give a pint
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of blood. you never know where it may be needed. >> there are so many people contacting fox news wanted to find out how to help the victims who are affected by this, talking to a lot of officials throughout the day who said we appreciate that help. but please, don't come down to this area. you're going to clog our streets we have power lines down. you can't get n we prefer you not to come down and help unless emergency crews trained to deal with disaster to come in. but yes. many people do want to help the red cross. if they dough do want to come in to volunteer, how do they do that without interfering with what is going on there in moore, oklahoma? >> well, our initial teams on the ground have been trained and are serving meals to first responders and things like that. anyone who wants to donate now can go to red back slash okc and get information classes we're holding for
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>> this is a fox news weather alert. >> part of america's heartland in ruins tonight and many parents without their children. a deadly and devastating tornado slamming into the suburbs of oklahoma city, literally flattening neighborhoods and destroying elementary schools. at this moment rescue workers are out at plaza towers elementary school looking for graders and teachers that are lost, buried under all of that debris. >> the connish ifed death toll -- the confirmed death toll at this hour is 21. at least 20 children are among the dead. many of those children were trapped inside tha
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