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tv   FOX News Watch  FOX News  May 25, 2013 11:30am-12:01pm PDT

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we hope to see you right here next week. in the headlines this week, big news. the department of justice spying on more journalists and this time it's personal. fox news is the target. a respected reporter in our ranks labeled a co-conspirator for doing his job. media react as did our fox news chief who warns, we will not allow a climate of press intimidation. >> i have not done anything wrong. >> a key player in the irs scandal is shown the door, put on leave for her role in targeting conservatives. but some in the press try to spin the story, ignoring the scandal and wrongdoing. >> i never heard you say, i'm sorry. >> i don't think i used those two words. >> the jodi arias murder trial attracts big attention.
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the convicted killer using the media to plead her case. the press sweeps into oklahoma following a monster twister, reporting on the death and destruction, some using the tragedy to push their agenda. and has obama spin man jay carney found a new groove? >> before you decide that shb somebody's culpable you need to get the facts first. >> covering the coverage next on "news watch." on the panel writer and fox news contributor judy miller, columnist cal thomas, jim pinkerton, contributing editor, american conservative magazine, ellen ratner, talk service bureau chief and richard grenell former spokesman to the last four u.s. ambassadors to the united states. i'm jon scott, "fox news watch" is on right now. >> i believe we must keep information secret that protects
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our operations and our people in the field. to do so, we must enforce consequences for those who break the law and breach their commitment to protect classified information. but a free press is also essential for our democracy. that's who we are. and i'm troubled by the possibility that leak investigations may chill the investigative journalism that holds government accountable. >> president obama there attempting to quiet the backlash over his administration's spying on journalist. a "washington post" report earlier in the week broke the story. turns out the justice department did some spying on the news gathering activities of a fox news reporter as a potential crime in relation to classified leaks from the state department about north korea. chief washington correspondent james rosen is the target. in one document an fbi agent labels rosen a co-conspirator. investigators pulled rosen's security badge records, phone
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logs and his personal e-mails. but they never charged him with a crime. reaction is fierce. executive vice president of fox news, michael clemente, we are outraged to learn james rosen was named a criminal coconspir for tore doing his job as a reporter. in fact it is downright chilling. as the story develops and details about the scope of the investigation emerges fox new chairman roger aisles reacted. the attempt to intimidate fox news and its employees will not succeed and their excuses will stand neither the test of law, the test of decency, nor the test of time. he will not allow a climate of press intimidation unseen since the mccarthy era to frighten any of us away from the truth. so jim, what about that comparison to the mccarthy era? that was a pretty dark day in america. >> that was early '50s and many people lived in fear of telling the truth and i think the periods are comparable.
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i think it's quite something and i -- i'm intrigued to see that president obama declares himself to be, quote, troubled by this but then, of course, at the same time, keeps the same attorney general who did all this. as jennifer ruben pointed out in "the washington post" it's not believable to think that holder wasn't doing this even if he said he recused himself. why is he in his job if he's doing a policy the president doesn't agree with. >> the reaction from editorial boards and journalist hases been fierce, including the "new york times" your former employer. they wrote, the obama administration officials often talk about the balance between protecting secrets and protecting the constitutional rights of a free press. accusing a reporter of being a co-conspirator on top of our zealous and secretive investigations shows a heavy tilt towards secrecy and insufficient concern about a free press. pretty strong from that newspaper. >> pretty strong as far as the "new york times" goes. there are really, the most
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fundamental questions about what this justice department is up to are raised by this kind of a search warrant, not only against james rosen but also against the ap. and the fact that eric holder doesn't remember how many of these warrants he signed, how many he turned back, for modification as he called them, but that the president continues to maintain confidence in him, raises a lot of questions. >> well, rick, we're also getting word that guy assigned to sort of investigate these issues within the justice department, is the head of the justice department, eric holder is going to be investigating himself. what's been the reaction to that in the media? >> well, the whole story has been kind of poo-poo it from the beginning. this is not the obama administration going after leakers. they're going after leakers who make the obama administration look bad. you cannot compare the fact of james rosen and say david sanger
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at the "new york times." david sanger has been getting intel from someone at the obama administration from four months in when he started reporting on north korea. he has not been given the same scrutiny of that james rosen has, simply because david sanger reports in a very fluffy way and a positive way towards the administration. james rosen has not done that, the ap didn't do that and they're the ones getting pressured. >> i want to get your reaction, ellen, to what dana milbank in "the washington post" wrote. to treat a reporter as a criminal for doing his job, seeking out information the government doesn't want made public, deprives americans of the first amendment freedom on which all other constitutional rights are based. so if the administration is spying on reporters and accusing them of criminality just for asking questions, well, who knows what else this crowd is capable of doing. your thoughts? >> well, you know, i am a member of the white house press corps,
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the white house press association. it took a while for them to react but i have to tell you i was in the basement of the white house when a lot of this broke and people were pretty outraged. not only has james rosen been a colleague of ours, but between the ap and the james rosen stuff, it's frankly very chilling. >> john, policy is set from the top, from the beginning of this administration, robert gibbs, the first press secretary, to david axelrod who has gotten on various network programs, fox news has been singled out as a special target, not only of the white house, but at the left generally. axelrod has said that this is not a legitimate news organization. robert gibbs, when he was press secretary, mocked some of the questioners from the white house correspondent. i think that sends a certain message throughout the administration that fox can be a target. >> you know, it's interesting because who except this administration could unite both the far right and far left because the left basically came out with an article that said, if this had been done under bush
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or reagan there would have been a lot of screaming. >> here's what nbc reported, jim. i want to get your reaction to this. they say eric holder signed off on a controversial search warrant that identified fox news reporter james rosen as a possible co-conspirator in violation of the espionage act and authorized seizure of his private e-mails back in 2010. in may of this year, before the house judiciary committee, eric holder said this, with regard to the potential prosecution of the press, for the disclosure of material that is not something i've ever been involved in, heard of, or would think would be wise policy. >> as karl roving, writing for fox news opinion on friday, said it would appear that holder misled the congress. others can decide what the misleading works out to in terms of implications but he said over and over again i recused myself. he couldn't find his recusal document. the rare lawyer that doesn't
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write things down and keep records. >> a lot of press questions that should be asked and need to be answered. next on "news watch" the liberal media spin on the irs scandal. >> employees in this unit targeted groups with names containing tea party, patriot, and other terms associated with conservatives. >> congress, pushing for more details in the irs efforts to target conservatives, as the media takes note. is the coverage to the point or has political spin buried the lead? answers next on "news watch." hi, i'm terry and i have diabetic nerve pain. i worked a patrol unit for 17 years in the city of baltimore. when i first started experiencing the pain, it's, it's hard to describe because you have a numbness... but yet you have the pain like thousands of needles sticking in your foot. it was progressively getting worse, and at that point i knew i had to do something. when i went back to my healthcare professional... that's when she suggested the lyrica.
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trying to expedite a way to -- >> you still don't know that this was political? >> excuse me? >> you still don't know that this was political some. >> i defer to the inspector general. >> i'll tell you this, mr. shulman your predecessor said he wasn't sure if it was partisan and that requires the listener to be as stupid as the speaker. >> south carolina congressman grilling former commissioner doug schulman why he could not explain the agency's motivation in targeting conservative groups -- conservative groups i should say. it was an interesting moment, judy n front of congress this week. are the media taking it seriously? >> i think the media are taking it seriously, because this is part of a trifecta of scandals and one of the three legs involves us and that's why. however, i think we have to -- i have to point out that just because she took the fifth amendment, that does not mean that she's guilty of anything. and i realize ta people -- a lot
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of people are uncomfortable with that but as a civil libertarian i have to point out you have to give her the benefit of the doubt. >> talking about lois lerner of the irs whose office was in charge of determining who got tax exempt status. jim? >> i think i heard judy say that the media are giving this adequate attention. i did hear you right? i couldn't believe my ears but i want to confirm. look, kyle drennen, brent baker and noel shepard at media research center have extensively documented that, for example, the exciting news about obama's picture at senior prom from 1979 got way more attention on the morning talk shows than did the irs scandal. come on, give us a break. >> what about it? rick? there seems to be a medimmedia here, that gop overreaction to these scandals is going to hurt them in the next election cycle, it's all about the reaction to the scandals than the scandals
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themselves? >> yeah. this started, jon, in march of 2012, alan fram at the associated press, wrote about the irs targeting conservatives. march of 2012. except his whole take was, this is just typical complaining. and fast forward to this week, we had npr doing two different stories, brian naler interviewing a liberal group saying, well, it took us a very long time to get our tax exempt status as well, so this is just pretty typical, and then you had scott horsley, the npr white house reporter, who just chalked the whole thing up to the law is just confusing. i don't think judy is right at all. i don't think the media is taking this seriously. >> some critics say the coverage leans more towards political partisanship than really uncovering wrongdoing. >> there certainly was. some people who are reporters leaned in to past reporting, such as chuck todd from nbc, who said well this -- reporters or
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republicans better not overreach because this would come back to haunt them. i was shocked when i heard him say that. >> why? >> because he's supposed to be a reporter not a commentary person. >> that's a new one. >> is it possible, cal, for republicans to look into this without appearing partisan or without maybe getting tagged with partisanship? >> everything is partisan in washington. i mean you'd have to be completely neutered, you would have to be, i don't know, from another planet not to be partisan. these hearings are very, very useful. carried on fox live, carried on c-span. they don't allow -- now in the old days, you had to rely on the three broadcast networks to use snippets and putting through the prism of their bias. people who can actual tune in now and watch these clowns up there squirming after taking their oates and disassembling is very, very useful especially with the irs which nobody likes. >> that is correct. we're going to have to move to a break. next on "news watch," the challenges of covering disasters.
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a monster tornado hits oklahoma. death and destruction in its wake and the media descend to report the story, but some used the tragedy to push their bias and agenda. details next on "news watch." the boys used double miles from their capital one venture card to fly home for the big family reunion. you must be garth's father? hello. mother. mother! traveling is easy with the venture card because you can fly airline anytime. two words. double miles! this guy can act. wanna play dodge rock? oh, you guys! and with double miles you can actuay use, you never miss the fun. beard growing conte and go! ♪ win! what's in your wallet?
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what do you say to people you're doing these sort of interviews because you're trying to manipulate people and trying to manipulate the press? >> well, there's no possible way to manipulate the press. if anything, they'll twist my words. whatever i say is going to be edited and sliced and put together however they want to
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put it together. >> that's convicted murderer jodi arias in one of the bizarre interviews she gave to the press while the jury struggled to decide if she gets death or life in prison. they hung on that question. so what about it? did she play the press, cal? >> i don't think there's any question. we played right along with her. in the history of war, art and in film, there has been the tradition of the fem fatal. we are seduced by her in more ways than one, apparently. this is what captures the imagination. this is not only the femfatal this is trailer trash on steroids. we love this stuff. it is low balling. >> do cases like this get too much attention? >> it's sky news said what made the press so interesteding is graphic details impossible to ignore. >> jon: jim, what about it. every time she spoke the cameras were there? >> she is the perfect tv personality.
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he is a good talker. he is a murderer of course and so other tv career will be cut short if she goes away. she is good with the media. >> jon: if she goes to death row she loses rights if she gets life in prison she can continue doing interviews. >> that horrifying. speaking against capital punishment but we in the press are her enablers. she convict murder and deeply disturbed woman and media have allowed her to blame us. it's truly very appalling. >> jon: let's move on to the other big story. the monster tornado that hit oklahoma. news media do their best to try and tell that story. >> coming up, we'll show you the entire path of the tornado that raked across this oklahoma city suburb. we'll show you the damage, the
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destruction the recovery efforts and you'll meet the people in the middle of it all. >> jon: so, rick, what about that. trying to convey the damage and the heartache in a story like that, it's really tough for reporters to do. what is your assessment of their performance? >> i actually think they did a very good job here. it is a terrible story. the visuals show the terrible story. there are heartwarming moments of humanity i think they did a good job to pull out. i know that columbia jumper review, they didn't like it. there was too much happy moments within the tragedy, but i think that the visuals shows incredible tragedy and the human interest stories need to come out. people wanted to see that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. >> jon: let me just for our viewers add to that what they wrote.
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jay said with too many tragedies to reported in such a short period of time, newtown, boston bombings, hurricane sandy, the deadly explosion at a texas fertilizer plant and others, there seems to be a desire to move from the tragic to the silver lining. do you agree? >> yes, i found that a very moving and persuasive piece. we are journalists but we are also human beings and people reach out important silver linings and sometimes it's somber but we reach out for them >> jon: but you wanted to hear the good news? >> you do, but reporters, will butcher talked to a woman that survived u thank the lord for this. you thank the lord don't you, i'm an atheist. you have to watch, but the other things, global warming angle, bill nye this is global warming. >> jon: cal?
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>> here is one question the media didn't ask. in areas like the floods along the mississippi river, fault lines along california and tornado alley where it was the second tornado to come in there in recent years. if you are going to live there, adequate insurance, shouldn't expect the federal government in and keep repairing your destroyed house. >> that would be insensitive. >> jon: did you hear jay carney has changed his tone?
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>> serious concerns concerns about what has been record. i think i need to get the facts. i'm not going to commented on the investigation. >> jon: president obama spokesman jay carney, his job of developing his boss and spinning the news has been tough of late. he is taking criticism for not knowing the facts and changing the story as details surface. so the "washington post" to the rescue. on wednesday, also jay's birthday, this article appeared about carney's new tone about the press citing expects how he praised reporters for being smarted and, quote, there is legitimate concerns how the white house has handled the irs scandal. if that wasn't enough, there was a full page piece about jay and his favorite band. we'll keep an what they'll do next to put jay in a
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happy place. that is wrap for fox news. thags to our panel. i'm jon scott. we'll be back with another edition of news watch next week. >> gregg: fox news alert. new allegations in the irs abuse scandal. attorneys representing tea party groups now say they do have evidence linking a top agency official to targeting of conservative groups. the woman at the center of this controversy is lois lerner, she last refused to resign and now on administrative leave but, she is still taking a paycheck. hello, i'm gregg jarrett. welcome to a brand-new hour inside america's news headquarters. >> heather: i'm health health. new heather childers. >> the law of justice claiming the targeting of conservatives went onlo


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