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tv   Fox News Reporting  FOX News  May 25, 2013 7:00pm-8:01pm PDT

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everybody get involved. [ applause ] thank you very much. that is all the time we have left. as always, thank you for being with us. let not your heart be troubled. the news continues. we'll see you back here monday night. this hour, wow, it's huge. >> it's gigantic. >> every step we take. >> did you read the terms of service and what they do with that information. >> every move we make. >> you have information on 250 million people? >> sure. >> big data is watching us. >> they'll dive right into whatever it is and figure out the implications of it later. >> does the government know too much? >> whoa, we never could have gotten away with half of the obama administration is now doing. >> can it be controlled? >> we balanced life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness all the time. >> mining data. >> they're like drug files of the voters, the guinea pigs. >> the democrats took it to the next level. >> fox news reports. your secret is out.
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from washington, d.c., here's john roberts. it was in the u.s. capitol behind me that the age of instantaneous electronic communication arguably began. samuel morris officially opened his first telegraph line between here and baltimore in 1844. the first message he transmitted? four words from the old testament. what hath god wrought? today we might wonder what hath samuel morris brought? practically all of us generate with our computers, phones, and devices a continuous trail of electronic data. that information can be stored who knows where, analyzed by who knows whom for who knows what purpose. what does it all mean for the rest of us? our investigation unfolds as a series of stories that would have seemed unconnected a few years ago. a mysterious new spy center rising in the utah desert. an unusual sixth grade class in
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massachusetts. an unprecedented get out of vote effort here in washington. in today's world, they all tie together. we begin with a visitor to my home in atlanta. hey frank, john. >> nice to meet you. >> great to meet you, too. come on in. >> in a prior life, frank ahern of new york city made a living as a skip tracer. a sort of private investigators who tracks down people who have skipped town and don't want to be found. he'd use the proverbial paper trail, which back in the day was literally made of paper. phone bills, credit cards, receipts and so on. he agreed to come to my home outside atlanta to follow me around, to show how today's paperless paper trail makes it almost impossible to hide. >> so frank, just look up, had had a cup of coffee, pull out the laptop. data gathering.
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where does that begin? >> the minute you turn it on. you're letting your i.p. company know you're there and ready to rock google knows about us, yahoo knows about us. the e-mail company knows about us. >> i'm going to send an e-mail to the lawn service company. >> ahern says he never had this kind of detailed information back in his skip tracing days. >> you would skip phone records that would say frank called ted at whatever hour. with e-mails, frank e-mailed ted and this is what he wrote. >> according to intel, the chip maker, we send over 204 e-mails every minute. each one generating raw information about ourselves that is ahern says, indelible. >> if we delete things from our account, is it actually deleted? >> the only delete button you have on your laptop. there's no delete button on the internet. >> it's forever? >> oh, yeah. >> of course, it's not just e-mails that can last forever. on average, every minute at
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least six million facebook pages and 1.3 million you-tube videos are viewed. >> i just turned on my television set, frank. what have i done by doing that? >> you let the cable tv company know, one, you're home and changing the channel. plus they know what you're watching. >> let's pause here for a second. you probably figure the cable company knew that. later on, we're going to tell you how data mining experts working for president obama's campaign drilled into that information as part of an unprecedented get out the vote effort in 2012. did your tv remote help re-elect the president? stay tuned. netflix analyzes when you pause, rewind, fast forward or dump out of a show early. in fact, netflix used this data to develop the hit series, house of cards. frank ahern says something similar is happening with my kindle. i do more and more of my reading on it.
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books and the daily papers too. >> from what i understand, frank, some of the e-readers are reporting back to the company how quickly i'm reading the book, the words i'm highlighting. sentences or pair graphs i'm underlining. that's incredible. >> this is a prime example of what next. you buy a book online and find out wow, they've been tracking me. >> so i've left a fairly substantial digital trail so far. barely even left the house. now we're going to run some errands and see what other breadcrumbs we drop. >> as we hit the road, ahern points out that my gps tracks everywhere i go. that's not all. the national highway traffic safety administration proposed regulations for event data recorders. better known as black boxes in all new cars beginning in september 2014. some insurance companies already offer lower rates if you install one in your current vehicle. >> but how much is your privacy worth? you already give up so much
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unknowingly. >> first thing i do is punch in my customer loyalty number here. >> did you read the terms of service and know what they do with that information? >> i didn't. i have no idea. >> let's pause here again. it turns out many of those terms of service agreements are a way to learn more about you as a consumer. >> these are relationships where you're saying this is my identity, here's my name, my address. >> brian kennedy is the ceo of epsilon. a leading data driven marketing services firm. his company builds profiles on consumers to help businesses market to them more directly. >> you have information on 250 million people. area code plus telephone, bank card, bank card issue date, education level, income, child date of birth, dwelling type. would you be comfortable giving up as much information about
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yourself as you have about a lot of people out there? >> yes, absolutely. no qualms. >> no qualms because, kennedy says, that peek into your private world will make your life as a consumer much more satisfying. which brings me to my next stop with frank ahern. the pharmacy. >> so frank this is pretty innocuous. it's nasal mist. what information has been added to my digital profile? >> your credit card company knows you have a child and the pharmacy has a record of you having a child. >> if i sent an e-mail, go get gas and gi to the pharmacy and pick something up, what can you learn about a person? >> you can learn a lot. you've been traced and tracked all along. consolidating is the big problem and the scary part. >> a quick stop by the atm, where my picture is taken and my bank records the transaction.
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as i take off down the road, any number of traffic cameras record my route. >> frank, coming up to the toll booth here. what are we watching for? >> cameras, number one. and taking pictures of your license plate. if you have the pass, they got a record of where you're going. >> where you came from. >> i finally arrive at the office. inside i can hardly make a move that isn't recorded in some form. like most big companies, fox news uses security cameras and warns us that our online activity may be monitored. other companies are going a lot further in this regard. sociometric solutions makes the badge that senses and records how employees interact with their colleagues. it gauges how much someone talks versus how much they listen. ceo ben waber predicts that in six months many companies will be using this as their i.d. badge. >> tells you, are you moving
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around. we can look at posture from that motion sensor by looking at changes in acceleration. are you leaning in during conversations, are you sort of leaning away. i mean, that indicates a lot about, again, the interaction. the whole point with the technology is to make places better places to work. make people more productive. >> back in my office, i asked ahern about another device that promises increased productivity. the smartphone. >> that's the gold mine of information. i mean, your phone calls, your texts, your physical location, the apps you use. the e-mails. it's near unlimited. >> by now, you are surely thinking that all that digital information has made the job of the skip tracer, the tracking and finding people who would much rather stay lost, a lot easier and you're right. but as we said at the beginning, back in new york city, ahern is no longer in that line of business. it turns out, big data has
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opened up a more profitable line of work. he is now helping people disappear. >> people who are victims of stalkers, high-end business, make sure their homes can't be located, personal things about them familywise. >> but he says he gives his clients the same warning he gives me. >> is it really possible to erase your digital footprint? >> absolutely not. coming up, data mining for political goals. is that how president obama won a second term? where companies like geico are investing in technology & finance. welcome to the state where cutting taxes for business... is our business. welcome to the new buffalo. welcome to the new buffalo. welcome to the new buffalo. new york state is throwing out the old rule book to give your business a new edge, the edge you can only get in new york state. to grow our start your business, visit
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visa signature. gestarting may 20th atts participating bay area stores. ♪ >> there's a lin there's a line attributed to thomas jefferson. an informed citizenry is the bull work of democracy. what happens when politicians know so much more about us than we know about them?
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my colleague, peter boyar joins me from new york. welcome to the team. >> thanks, john. the obama campaign did know a lot about us. that may have helped him win a second term. >> thank you, america. god bless these united states. >> i sew wish i would have been able to fulfill your dreams and hopes. the nation chose another leader. >> nearly half of america, election night 2012 came as a shock. but the terrible economy and high unemployment at home, new dangers and uncertainty abroad, president obama seemed so beatable. >> my heart and my whole soul was we're going to win. i was there. >> i think we were convinced that we would win. we knew that the energy and passion was with our voters. and we saw polls that showed
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that i would win among independents in places like iowa. >> but romney didn't know what obama knew. >> obama's team had used the advantages of incumbency, time and money, to create something new in politics. >> it sort of created the perfect political corporation. >> sasha eisenberg literally wrote the book on this new science of blpolitical campaigning. by harnessing your data and running experiments borrowed from behavioral psychology, the obama campaign made a virtual profile of every single persuadable voter in the country, targeted them with personalized message and coaxed them to the polls. >> it's like drug trials, the pharmaceutical trials where the voters with the guinea pigs. >> it was developed in this plain looking washington, d.c. office building home to the labor giant, the afl-cio. inside is a secret affinity called the analyst institute.
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>> it's a consortium of liberal groups, parties, campaigns and consultants. >> it was designed specifically to do science in secret to help democrats win elections. >> eyes en berg likens this to a political manhattan project with the goal of developing political super weapons. it was first seen in a michigan governor's race six years ago. a couple of researchers were testing a concept called identity salients. >> they assigned the voters to get one of pre-election get out the vote reminders. one said dear peter, here's your neighbor's vote histories and then there was a threat. >> a threat to tell your neighbors you didn't vote. >> this increased turnout among the people who received it by 20%. >> the obama team recognized that behavioral psychology could help them shape what voters thought and influence how they behaved. a consortium of psychologists helped obama to define mitt r m
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romney. even the scripts with voters -- >> do you plan to vote on tuesday? what time do you plan to vote? what will you be doing beforehand? we know from experiments that having you make a plan and visualize yourself doing this in advance make to follow through on it. >> the campaign embedded several people from the analyst institute into the reelection headquarters in chicago. >> so what was the cave? >> the cave is where we put the analysts. >> carol davidson was director of integration and media targeting for the obama campaign. >> the hardcore analysts were in that room for multiple reasons. this was our, like, more top secret work, right? you don't want press coming by to see what was on the screens of everyone. we actually during the election didn't even really want people to know the group even existed. >> the tech team of the president worked algorithms to determine who the persuadable voters were in the battleground states. carol davidson figured out how
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to get the obama message to those specific voters. she developed something called the optimizer. it showed her what television shows the persuadables were watching and when. this information was sold by some cable companies. >> we were able to get the data from our vendor and at the same time pair that data to the voter file data. >> there's also a lot of people find this creepy, used in a political campaign. >> at the end of the day, you get e-mails and mail sent to your house all the time that you didn't know the person who sends them to you and they knew your name. >> i could say hi peter, this is barack obama. that might be jarring and it would freak you out. is it just different or is it really a concern about your life. >> give me an example of a program that i didn't expect -- >> we've aired stuff on judge judy and all over the place. >> did you have a way of testing whether or not the optimizer was
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working? >> if you're defining success like we won the election. if we define success how did the optimizer specifically do it, the only thing i can look at is we got more impressions, we had larger audience and paid less for it. that was because we were willing to buy things in like untraditional places. >> at one point during the campaign they were running shows on 60 different cable stations whereas the romney campaign was running them on 15 different cable stations. >> he's a republican consultant preaching to his party for years about the political power of data. >> is one side doing better than the other? >> i don't think this is a question of being ahead and behind. i think it's being on two different planets. >> that's an extreme view but he's absolutely right. >> karl rove is a former white house chief of staff and contributor and he's close to the romney campaign. >> the democrats have an advantage. the democrats took it to the next level. >> rove says the difference is republicans based their analysis on a single snapshot while
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obama's team constantly updated their data. >> the brilliance of the obama campaign was to say we need to dynamically do this. as events intrude into a campaign, so that we can exploit those openings -- >> on election night, the romney camp had no idea what was hitting them. i wondered if that was behind one of the evening's most talked about television moments. >> here we go. >> one of the biggest blocks of votes out in the state are the republican suburbs inside hamilton county. >> rove was talking to the romney campaign. and they still believed their man could win. >> they believed it? >> they believed it. they believed it. as a matter of fact, at the end of the night, hamilton county, historically republican county gets carried by republicans in most elections went into the obama cal um. >> rove insists that republicans can compete and will win the new arms race that will excite gop partisans who just want a victory. will this new way of politics
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just give us better manipulators better than leaders. >> what happened to trying to sell an idea to people and convince voters this idea is worth voting for? >> you put your finger on a good thing. if you rely on the data to dictate everything to you, you make no room for leadership. responsibility of leadership is not simply to follow but to mold public opinion in the right direction. >> as we've just seen, data is power. so how would you feel about a new government data center big enough to collect and store every phone call, e-mail, surveillance video and internet search from around the world? [ man ] on december 17, 1903,
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the wright brothers became the first in flight. [ goodall ] i think the most amazing thing is how like us these chimpanzees are. [ laughing ] [ woman ] can you hear me? and you hear your voice? oh, it's exciting! [ man ] touchdown confirmed. we're safe on mars. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ hi. [ baby fussing ] ♪ over any other carrier? many choose us because we have the largest 4glte network. others, because of our reputation for reliability.
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[ merv ] mr. clean magic eraser extra power was three times faster on permanent marker. it looks like mr. clean has won everything. the cleaning games are finished? and so are we. [ male announcer ] clean more, work less, with the mr. clean magic eraser extra power. but first you've got to get him to say, "hello." new crest 3d white arctic fresh toothpaste. use it with these 3d white products, and whiten your teeth in just 2 days. new crest 3d white toothpaste. life opens up when you do. >> the 4th mainedment the fourth amendment to the constitution declared among other things that a person's papers would not be subject to unreasonable searches. the founders felt strongly that
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we should be able to keep our letters, diaries and writing private. 140 years later, 1929, secretary of state henry l. stim son echoed that sentiment when he shut down the cipher bureau. the agency that decoded foreign communications. he declared, gentlemen don't read each other's mail. much has changed. a new electronic age of e-mails, tweets and blogs. and a new political age posing threats we can't ignore. pearl harbor taught america what it didn't know could hurt it very much. there was a need to be up on enemy intelligence. >> this form much treachery shall never again endanger us. >> after world war two came the cold war and the threat of global communism. it sparked a fierce debate at the highest levels regarding
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citizen's rights versus national security and out of that debate ultimately came the national security agency or nsa. in the 1950s, the spy center was so secretive, the joke was the initials stood for no such agency. >> what did the president know and when did he know it? >> after watergate, however, people wanted to know what the spy agencies were really up to. in 1975, general lieu allen became the first director of the nsa to testify publicly before congress. the agency once so secretive was exposed. the public learned that the nsa headquartered at fort meade, maryland was eavesdropping on messages sent into and out of the country. the federal government passed a foreign intelligence surveillance act requiring the nsa to get warrants from special
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fisa courts before it could perform surveillance within the united states. the nsa adapted and moved on. with the fall of the soviet union, its mission seemed less urgent to many and the nsa lagged behind in the latest technology. as general michael hayden, the nsa director who took charge in 1999 put it, in an age of telecommunications breakthroughs, the nsa was becoming deaf. but 9/11 delivered a shock that was loud enough for everyone to hear. the nsa got a bigger budget and a new mission, stop the next attack, which leads us to a massive data center being built by the nsa in the utah desert. its capacity to collect and analyze data so enormous, it has even former nsa staffers worried. >> it's really a turnkey situation where it can be turned quickly and become a toe tal
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arian state. >> how comfortable are you with the government being able to know so much? that's next. flying is old hat for business travelers. the act of soaring across an ocean in a three-hundred-ton rocket doesn't raise as much as an eyebrow for these veterans of the sky. however, seeing this little beauty over international waters is enough to bring a traveler to tears. we're putting the wonder back into air travel, one innovation at a time. the new american is arriving.
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so you can capture your receipts, ink for all business purchases. and manage them online with jot, the latest app from ink. so you can spend less time doing paperwork. and more time doing paperwork.
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and don't get heartburn in the first place! ♪ don't our dogs deserve to eat fresher less processed foods introducing freshpet recipes so fresh the only preservative we use is the fridge freshpet fresh food for fido >> even even ee electric tons take up space. but not much. i just bought this memory card. $59, 64 gigabytes. this can hold almost 30,000 copies of this book, war and peace. staggering. but what's even more
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staggering is an nsa data center. five times the size of the capitol behind me. essentially filled with memory cards and computer chips. you may not know about it, but as katherine herrage reports, it may soon know about you. >> bluffdale, utah, 25 miles due south of salt lake city and just west of the middle of nowhere, a massive construction project is nearing completion. the heavily secured site belongs to the national security agency. >> people call it the spy center. >> the spy center. that's what jasmine and amy who work at the local sandwich shop told me last summer. >> do you know what they're going to do there? >> collect data. >> as good a guess as any for the gargantuan facility the nsa is named. the utah data center.
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>> a lot of rumors, it's monitoring. no one knows. >> we were approached a couple years ago about possibly bringing water. >> he's the city manager. he was asked how to figure out how to supply the center with extraordinary water requirements. >> we build a large pump station and a 3 million gallon tank to store the water. >> a 3 million gallon water tank, just to run the air conditioning to cool the computers. the nsa will neither confirm nor deny the specifics. but some estimate the facility will be capable of storing five data bites of data. to give you how much is in a data bite. one iphone five has 16 gigabytes of storage. oneter a bite would be 62 iphones. stacked, that would be 19 inches high. one pet a bite is 62,000
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iphones. 62 million iphones reaching higher than the international space station and one zet a byte is 62 billion iphones. stacked, they would reach past the moon. if it has five zeta bytes. it could store every e-mail, cell phone call, google search and surveillance camera video in america for a very long time. what are they going to do with the data center? >> i don't know. it's classified. >> gary herbert is utah's republican governor. >> you've seen the reports, e-mails, phone records, banking records, all of that. >> i've been the tour, seen the facilities. given me a general overview. but the specifics and the details you need to get from them. >> all the nsa would tell us is that the utah data center is a facility for the intelligence community that will have a major focus on cyber security. >> we weren't given access, but we could see it from the sky.
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>> i want to you look real close. right now we're 500 feet over the utah data center. this is as close as you get without a security clearance. >> you can see the cranes at your 12:00. >> wow. from the sky, it's huge. >> it's gigantic. >> raises the most serious questions about the vast amount of data that could be kept in one place from many, many different sources. >> tom drake was a senior official at the nsa from august 2001 to 2008 before he resigned for reasons we'll in a second. where does this data come from? are we talking about e-mail traffic? are we talking about facebook postings, telephone calls, travel itineraries? >> i don't know precisely. nsa is not saying. the speculation was just about any of that and perhaps even more. >> drake says americans should be concerned about letting the government go too far in the name of security. >> the only way to have perfect security is a perfect surveillance state.
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that's george orwell, that's 1984. that's what that would look like. >> drake is not alone in feeling that way. >> whatever you did electronically, they could capture. >> bill benny worked at the nsa nearly four decades, starting as a data analyst in the days before desktop computers. after 9/11, the nsa began a warrantless surveillance program approved by president bush. >> it started with the telecoms providing billing data records of people in the united states calling people in the united states. my estimate is that they were collecting 3 billion a day. >> 3 billion phone records? >> 3 billion, yeah. that's internal for ththis coun >> nsa was spying on americans within this country. >> he thought it was wrong and quit in protest. someone leaked a story of the surveillance program to "the new york times," which exposed it in 2005. in 2007, the nsa officially
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discontinued that program. the same year suspecting he was a source for "the new york times" leaks, the fbi raided bill bin i's home. >> my son answered the door and they pushed him back at gunpoint and then they came upstairs. i was in the shower. the one guy came in and pointed the gun at my head. >> an fbi agent points a gun at your head and you're naked in the shower. >> i had a towel. >> good thing. >> binny denies being a leaker and ultimately was not charged with any crimes. but a fellow whistle blower was. remember tom drake? his house was searched too? he was indicted on five counts of espionage. the government ultimately tropd the charges where he pleaded guilty with misusing a government computer. >> i had a contact with the reporter but i would not share anything that was classified in in any way, shape or form. >> i continue to believe it was effective, lawful and appropriate.
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>> as the director of the nsa from 1999 to 2005, general michael hayden was drake and binny's boss. >> they may have a different view. god bless them. this is america. have a different view. i think it made america safe during a period of great danger. >> hayden says binny and drake were simply wrong, uninformed when they said the program was illegal. apparently congress, which in 2008 explicitly legalized much of the surveillance going on, and president obama who recently reauthorized the law agreed. that makes drake as worried as ever. he believes president obama has used that power even more aggressively than the man accused of shredding the constitution, george w. bush. >> the reaction is whoa, we never could have gotten away with half of what the obama administration is now doing. if anything, it's significantly expanded. >> far less transparent than the bush administration?
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>> slul actually, yes. >> that's another reason that they're fierce critics of the utah data center. >> the real mission is what will the government do with it, what could they do with it snoo what are the controls or oversight. >> one man we hoped would answer it, general keith alexander. when he declined requests to sit down with us for an interview, we stopped by the offices of a washington think tank where alexander was speaking. >> will the utah data center hold the data of american citizens? >> no. we don't hold data on u.s. citizens. the people there at nsa. they take protecting your civil liberties and privacy as the most important thing that they do in securing this nation. and so when people just show out, they're going to have all this stuff at utah data center, that's baloney. that's just ludicrous. now i'm not going to come out and say here's what we're doing
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at utah. that would be ridiculous too. it would give our adversaries a tremendous advantage. we're not going to do that. >> binny says it misses the point. this is not about the character of his former nsa colleagues. it's about the stunning new capacity to collect, score and analyze data will tempt less than noble leaders if not now, then in the future. >> it's really a turnkey situation where it can be turned quickly and become a totalitarian state pretty quickly. the capacities to do that is being set up. if we get the wrong person in office or in government, they could make that happen quickly. >> life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. we balanced those three virtues all the time. the question people like me ask the american people is, so how much more do you want me to do? >> what can a government computer know and how can it
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know it? with the nsa mum, we go to silicon valley for answers. and a little later. >> how many of you have an iphone or galaxy? >> wow. >> teaching kids how not to ruin their lives with a smartphone. ♪ ♪ c'est aujourd'hui ♪ ♪ et toujours ♪ me amour ♪ how about me? [ male announcer ] here's to a life less routine. ♪ and it's un, deux, trois, quatre ♪ ♪ give me some more of that [ male announcer ] the more connected, athletic, seductive lexus rx. ♪ je t'adore, je t'adore, je t'adore ♪ ♪ ♪ s'il vous plait [ male announcer ] this is the pursuit of perfection. ♪ s'il vous plait playtime is so much more with superhero by your side. because even superheroes need superheroes.
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>> ruthless people, risky busin ruthless people, risky business, the man who knew too much. these are all videos that recently judge robert bourque once rented. how do we know? because when bourque was nominated to the supreme court, his rental history was leaked to the press. this privacy violation so outraged people that in 1988, congress made it a federal crime to disclose someone's video rental records. now it seems numerous websites don't merely know what you've watched but what you want to watch next. most people assume the nsa can know a lot more than that.
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can they? claudia cowan reports. >> when we data mine, we're teaching the computer how to go through large amounts of data and look at large patterns and understand what they mean. >> gary angel is head of a company he founded over 15 years ago. that makes, he says, one of the most experienced players in the data mining game. >> i'm using a tool here called a listening tool. this tool collects information on things like twitter. >> a big part of what the folks here do is scan the web and analyze data. it's not unlike what the nsa will try to do at the utah data center. sift through the noise of all the world's electronic communications, isolate the fragments of troubling data, then connect those dots before a threat materializes. >> what do you think would surprise people most about data mining? what don't they know?
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>> i think how clumsy it is. how much work goes into getting the simplest conclusions out of the data. i think there's a sense that computers can do far more than they actually can. >> the biggest challenge isn't collecting and storing the information. it's making sense of it all. >> i picked a selection of terms that national security person might be interested in. so things like radioactive or nuclear power or bridges or stations or airports. but here's the tricky part. if we miss stuff, we don't know it. that's really bad. >> right. >> on the other hand, if you turn up lots and lots of things that you say might be threats and none of them are, people lose confidence in the data. they stop looking at it. the old crying wolf syndrome. >> according to angel, even big brother faces roadblocks. if the nsa wants to track you, the utah data center will likely have the ability to do it. >> that being said, i think people should be realistic. there's no human reader going through and looking at your e-mails.
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it's impossible. they're going to look at the things the computer throws out as interesting or important. >> do you think people have basically accepted in this post 9/11 age, they're going to trust the government to do what's right with the digital data? >> would any of us go back to work without the internet? i think not. the world is probably better. along with that, we've introduced a new set of risks. when we return, growing up at an age where all those stupid things you do can live forever on the internet. e billion dollars to attract and grow business. where companies like geico are investing in technology & finance. welcome to the state where cutting taxes for business... is our business. welcome to the new buffalo. welcome to the new buffalo. welcome to the new buffalo. new york state is throwing out the old rule book to give your business a new edge, the edge you can only get in new york state. to grow our start your business, visit
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sofa... desk... you know what? why don't you go get some frozen yogurt. i got this. you're so sweet. you got this, right? i do got this. let us get everything off the shelf, and to your home.
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sofa... desk... you know what? why don't you go get some frozen yogurt. i got this. you're so sweet. you got this, right? i do got this. let us get everything off the shelf, and to your home. >> in the late 1800's future supreme court justice louie brandeis worried about new phenomenon, snapshot photography. if newspapers could snap and print anyone's picture, what would happen to our privacy?
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years later, on the bench, he wrote that the right people valued most is the right to be left alone. if that's still true, why are so many people putting so much out there on-line? >> what do you think are some of the things you need to think of before you put a photo on-line. >> welcome to this elementary school in southampton, massachusetts. >> can't be inappropriate because then you have a reputation for that. >> kevin hajjson is teaching his sixth grade class how not to ruin their lives with their iphones or whatever gets them on-line. >> we have been doing it for about three years. partly because i was noticing my students were talking about their lives on facebook and it was clear they weren't sure how to navigate through that. >> you should ask yourself, do you really need to put this up there. >> do you really need to put it up there, good question.
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one thing i notice they are fearless will technology. they will dive in and figure out the ramifications later. >> what harmful effects can posting something be. >> developing a digital personality that will impact when they are going to jobs in the future and college. that is hard for an 11-year-old to grasp. >> i tell my kids you can't do and say things in a certain way because it will follow you. >> her son is in kevin's class and she has a tenth grade daughter. both have lap tops and ipads. what are your concerns about that. >> i want them to go to college someday. i want them to not have the admissions office come and say, well, this is happening when you are in high school, when you were in 7th grade and things like that. >> reporter: of course it wouldn't be surprising if some kids thought their parents worried too much. after all, think of those ridiculously famous rich people that got that way thanks to a
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parent's worst nightmare in an internet age. kim kardashian's sex tape was uploaded on the internet and soon she was a reality star and multimillion-dollar empire. paris hilton was a new york socialite. her sex tape on the internet helped to make it happen. charlie sheen's career was teetering on the brink. he tweeted out all sorts of embarrassing messages and posted videos that in an earlier day would have finished him. as it happens, these days you can dig yourself out of a hole by shoveling deeper. >> they would rather have fame and celebrity than a sense of self respect. henninger of the "wall street journal's" editorial page calls it the age of indiscretion do you keep that in the back of your mind that your son or daughter may do something outrageous just to get known? >> i haven't thought about it
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with my kids. now that you told me, i'm thinking oh, my goodness. >> it's out there. >> it's scary for me to think that way. >> reporter: her fear captures one of the great paradoxes of the digital age. half a century ago george orwell imagined a society in which our every movement is monitored by an all-seeing figure called big brother. today, big data has far more ability than any venn other belle well imagined to see, record, analyze everything we do. to know much of what we think, but one thing would surely surprise other well. instead of citizens demanding their privacy, they can't wait to give it away. >> if the root end is behaving like a moron, i think a lot of people are willing to give up their privacy, sense of shame, give up their embarrassment. >> reporter: the problem is, there's not enough fame or fortune for everyone with a digital camera and a broad band
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connection, but the capacity to screw up your life does seem limitless. domino's pizza employee fired and criminally charged after posting a video of themselves doing gross things to food they were preparing. a high school math teacher put on leave after tweeting pictures of herself topless and allegedly smoking pot. >> i'm announcing my resignation from congress. >> reporter: and who can forget anthony weiner, forced to resign in disgrace after a tweeted picture of his privates went viral. >> there was a point in the past if you were about to do something like that there would be a voice in the back of your head going, i don't think you should do this. how many of you have an iphone or an android or ipad or galaxy. put up your hands.
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wow. which brings us back to the massachusetts classroom. the question is with all of the mixed messages out there, which choices will these kids make? as a parent what do you do, just trust? have blind faith? >> yes. i hate to admit it, but yes and try to keep the conversation open. >> reporter: two generations ago gordon moore, the found other chipmaker intel predicted computers would double their capacity every two years. this prove sod accurate it is become known as moore's law. modern data collecting and mining has expanded with breath-taking velocity. the question is whether there are social, political and legal institutions can keep up to ensure big data doesn't turn in to big brother. ultimately, it's only as aware informed citizens. in other words, by carefully watching for ourselves what's going on around us that we will get and keep the country we
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