tv Hannity FOX News May 26, 2013 1:00am-2:01am PDT
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weekend. but thank god for those who gave it to you. from new york, this is mike huckabee. good night and god bless. [ applause ] >> welcome to the special audience edition of "hannity." tonight i will be joined by somebody who had the internet buzzing following his remarks at last week's national prayer breakfast in washington d.c. dr. ben carson is one of the most accomplished physicians in the entire world. but despite his many accolades, which includes the medal of freedom in 2008, he was an unknown quantity to many americans. that is before he stepped up to the podium last thursday morning and with the president sitting steps away, he eloquently and politely described his vision for saving americans.
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let's look at the preview. >> one last thing about political correctness which i think is a horrible thing, by the way. i'm very, very compassion national, and i'm not ever out to offend anyone, but pc is dangerous. because this country, one of the founding principles was freedom of thought and freedom of expression, and it must have else's people. it puts a muzzle on them. why is it so important we educate our people? because we don't want to go down the same pathway as many other nations of that preceded us. i think particularly about ancient rome. very powerful. no one could even challenge them mill fairly. but what happened to them? they destroyed themselves from within. moral decay. fiscaler responsibility. they destroyed themselves. and if you don't this that can happen to america, you get out
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your books and you start reading. >> we are going to have much more of the doctor's speech as we continue tonight. but whenever someone has the courage to speak truth to power, particularly when it involves the president, he or she quickly becomes a bit of a political lightning rod. that happened in the aftermath of dr. carson's comments as some describing his comments as disrespectful. he will have an opportunity to respond to those critics tonight. whether he also hear him about turning around the economy, and restoring credibility to the healthcare system. we are with a group of voters tonight that dayaled his speech and do they think he might have a spot sometime in the future at the white house? that lies ahead. with we welcome the author of "america the beautiful," dr. ben carson. welcome. >> thank you.
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>> doctor, you have gone viral. maybe not something you predicted in your life? >> yeah. usually in medicine when we think of viruses it's not a good thing. but this one turned out to be very good because i have been just overwhelmed by the responses. so many people are just overjoyed to hear some common sense." and i don't think that i put forth anything that is that intellectual challenging, it's just it's so much better than what we are hearing from washington. but it seems like great revelation. you know, the important thing i think is to begin the dialogue. you know, some people say, you know, you can't say something like that in front of the president. when did this become a monarchy? we are the people. president works for us. you know, we need to remember that. this is a country that is for of and by the people, not for of and by the government. that is the big battle that we
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are in right now. we need to make a decision with our eyes open which country do we want to be. >> it's interesting because you made the comparison of ancient rome, and you said this could happen to america s that something you fear? >> i definitely fear it because we are in very much the same position that they were in. so powerful, a pinnacle nation in the world, no competition, going to be there forever, so they thought, and then all the military ex-passionism started and tap purchasing this group and that group. , that requires a lot of people when you capture people to keep them under control and they quickly began to run out of money. then they are looking for any kind of scheme to get money from the people, and the rich people, they have a lot of money so let's come up with some schemes to get their money. that erodes another aspect of confidence and creativity within your society and they just continued right down the path of
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destruction. >> and that could happen here? >> it's in the process of happening. the real question is are we smart enough to stop it. can we actually learn from those who have gone before us or must we go down the same path as all those people who preceded us and done the same thing? >> let's hope not. you actually used the phrase on my buddy neil cavuto's show, you talked about somebody has to stand up to the bullies. define the bullies you are talking about. >> the police. they come in many forms. certainly a lot in your business. >> i'm very aware. >> the media who try to define what you are supposed to think. unfortunately i think it's the very thing that our founders were talking about when they said it's so important, and our system of government is based upon a well-informed populous
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because if they are not well-informed they are very easy to manipulate. all you have to do is look at some of those jay leno segments where they go to the people on the streets -- >> jaywalking. one of my favorite. >> your background is amazing. your mom was married at age 13, one of 24 children in. >> yes. >> and you were a trouble makeer. >> i was perhaps the worst student you have ever seen. i thought i was stupid, all my classmates thought i was stupid so there was general agreement. >> but that was in fifth grade. >> that was in fifth grade. you know, fortunately for me my mother believed in me when no one else did. she just said benjamin, you are much too smart to be bringing home grades like this. i brought them home anyway. but she was always saying that and one day she just came home after being at work and being inspired by looking at all the books that her employers were
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reading, and she said you guys are going to read book and you are going to stop watching so much television. and she made a prediction which is really quite uncanny, she said if you start reading books, one day people will be looking at you on television. hi, everybody. [laughter] >> very well-said. but it was even deeper than that. she had a third grade education herself. >> yes. >> you made a comment in that speech that she would look over your report. you had to write a book report. >> right. she said we had to read two books a piece and submit to her written book reports that she couldn't read but we didn't know that. she would put checkmarks and highlights and we would think she was reading them, but she wasn't. but i hate it had so much because everybody else was outside playing and having a good time. my brother and i were stuck in the house reading the books but after a while i actually began enjoy reading the books.
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because even though we were desperately poor, i could go anywhere, be anybody, do anything, and i began to read about amazing pee. i read about booker t washington. his autobiography called "up from slavery." he was a slave and it was illegal for slaves to read. that right there is a topic in and of itself that a lot of young people should be thinking about why was it illegal for slaves to read? because the slave owners knew that if they could read, they could liberate themselves. and the same thing goes today. those young people who are not availing themselves of the educational opportunities are intentionallien slaving themselves. >> the latin phrase for education, to bring forth from within, predisposes all these kids were born with their talent. that's their gift. you had a particular talent, too, in school where you could push people's buttons i read a
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commencement address you gave in 2007. there was a particularly good talent of yours. >> i would study my classmates to figure out what made them angry. i would figure it out and irritate them and irritate them until they were about to explode but i would never push the last button until we were in the classroom and the taacher was nearby. [laughter] >> all right. stay right there. dr. carson we have a lot more to get to tonight. still ahead an open forum between dr. carson and our audience. plus, is there any talk about recruiting the doctor for potentially a 2016 san francisco we will check in with frank and his focus group. he may have found some campaign volunteers for team carson.
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>> what about our taxation system? so complex there is known who can possible comply with it. what we need to do is come up with something that is simple. when i pick up my bible, do you know what i see? i see the fairest individual in the universe, god, and he's given us a system. it's called tied. we don't necessarily have to do a 10%, but it's principle.
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he didn't say if your crops fail don't give me any tides. he didn't say if you have a bumper cop give me triple tides so there somebody something inherently fair about proportionality. >> for months and years we've seen president obama talk about pay your fair share. finally someone stood up to the president. it came when dr. carson issued a forceful challenge to the president's liberal approach to last week's liberal prayer breakfast. but the doctor's comments were much more than meaningful bluster. he backed them up with facts and policy proposals including the flat tax. join me now to talk with him about his approach the saving the economy. welcome dr. ben carson. i don't know if anyone asked you this yet, what was the president's reaction personally to your speech? did you talk to him?
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>> i talked to him afterwards and he came over. he was very gracious. he said, you know, thank you for your speech. he didn't say he enjoyed it, but he did say. [laughter] >> and he said he admired me >> i suspect you might have known that going in. let me play -- you said something, in talking about the economy, that really hit home with me. and that's about the deficit. $16.5 trillion we have. >> that is a number that is so mind-boggling. that's why i said if you counted one number, one number per second, it would take you 507,000 years. more than half a million years. it's a number that's just staggering and it's continuing to grow. you know, we sit around and we talk about maybe we can keep it from growing further. we need to reduce it. and the way to reduce it obviously is to get the economy
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growing again. you know, it doesn't really do any good to keep taking from this tree or that tree and squeezing it down. you know, i talked -- i like parables so in the book i give a parable of two identical brothers. they are put on deserted islands with their families. one had the philosophy -- they only ate trees and products of trees. one had the philosophy i'm going to eat what i need and i'm going to let the others grow. pretty soon he had an entire forest and another enough food for everyone. the other, as soon as a sampling came up he was on it and was eating it, and he and his family eventually starved to death. basically the same thing, if you keep taking and taking rather than create a situation where you can grow. you look at the fact that we have the highest corporate taxes in the world. and then we wonder why companies
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are going offshore. well, we need to go back to basic business school and understands that companies are there to earn money, not to be social welfare organisms. >> let me play for you a history. this is president obama, has said many, many times that he was going to fix the debt and the deficit, and he spoke earlier this week at the state of the union. let's go down memory lane here. >> now, what i have done throughout this campaign is to propose a net spinning cut. and i want to go through the federal budget line by line, page by page, programs that don't work we should cut. >> today i'm pledging to cut the deficit we inherited by half by the end of my first term in office. >> i will use the money we are no longer spending on war to pay down our dealt. my plan to cut our deficit by $4 trillion. >> but what my opponent didn't tell you was that federal spending, since i took office, has risen at the slowest pace of
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any president in almost 60 years. >> $6 trillion in new debt since he became president. i'm not scug a political question. to me this is more of a morale issue. you can't steal from your kids and grandkids. >> and the people before world war ii is when it really started deteriorating and always felt we needed to pay our debts down. again you will see lots of quotes in the book about what our founding fathers and some of their predecessors thought about sending debt to the next generation. that, in fact, it was immoral. we've completely forgotten about that now >> i think that's the defining issue of our time. >> it is. you know, the other thing is we need to create a situation that has everybody involved. everybody has to have skin in the game in order to make this work. we talk about an egalitarian
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society. if everyone is paying according to their ability, which is what the tieing system was, it's proportional, you make a lot you pay a lot, you make very little you pay very little, but your skin is in the game. the reason our government, as it stands now, doesn't like that is because if everybody has to be in the game, it makes it a whole lot harder for you to raise taxes. now you have to be accountable to everybody and you can't just make 1% or 2% or 5% mad. >> we will take a break. when we come back dr. carson will share with us his prescription for curing america's failing healthcare system. then carson for president? that was the headline at a recent wall street journal editorial. are politics in the doctor's future? we are glad you are with us.
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>> here's my solution. to which money can be contributed pretaxed from the time you are born to the time you die. when you die you can pass it on to your family members so that when you are 85 years old and you have six diseases you are not trying to spend up everything. you are happy to pass it on and
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there's nobody talking about death panels. >> welcome back to the special studio audio edition of hannity. joining me for the hour is dr. ben carson. ever since his remarks he's become a leading voice against government run healthcare. but he isn't just complaining, he's offering real, reasonable answers to help fix the problem. we welcome back dr. carson. again, thanks for being here. you gave a speech, a commencement speech in 2007. you used a great analogy about if you give people their own accounts, and you used food stamps as an analogy. you said people don't by a port-a-house on day one. >> exactly. there are some government problems that do work and food stamps do save people's lives. probably it's been abused a little bit and gone beyond that point but it serves as a great
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model. when people get their stamps, they learn how to allocate, so don't go out and buy porterhouse steak right away. if you make people responsible, believe me they aren't going to run off to the emergency room where things cost five times as much, they will bow to the clinic. they get the same treatment, but the difference is in the clinic if they have some chronic disease, hypertension, diabetes, now you will get that undercontrol too so you are not back in three weeks with another problem. it begins to make a great deal of difference. also with the health savings account you are going to develop a relationship with that healthcare provider. it's not this big nebulous third party. it's you and the provider. you are not going to allow that provider to say you need five ct scans when you only need one, nor is he going to suggest that because he knows that's coming
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directly out of your hsh and it will bring medicine more into the free market because people will now be competing. and this is the way it should be. >> it's interesting, i have never been able to figure out government never put our social security money in a lock box. they aid they would. medicare is headed for bankruptcy. we talked about the debt, $16 trillion. why do you think so many people put their faith, hope, trust in government to be the answer? and what do you think of obamacare? >> well, i think that we've been programmed unfortunately to become a victim and to think that somebody should be taking care of us. we've gone to a can nation to what can you do for me nation. you go to school now and they don't want to give the outstanding academic award because everybody is outstanding. and don't want anybody to feel bad. come on, give me a break. but, you know, you start all of
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that stuff. >> can't play dodgeball either, doctor. can't keep score. >> so it perpetuates itself throughout their lives and all of a sudden you wind up with a bunch of people that want to occupy everything because it's theirs any which. you didn't deserve that, it should be mine. >> doesn't that go back to a lesson your mother taught you about you control your destiny. and you even said the poor and indigent, there would be a way to help them. >> right. because the government is already spending enormous amounts of money on healthcare dollars on indigent people. taking not all of that money, only a portion of it, but divvying it up into people's hsas over which they now have some control would make a huge difference. now will it be necessary to do some fine-tuning? and will it be necessary to create some encouragement for
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people who are not indigent to put money into their hsas to encourage their employers to put money into their hsas? yes. but these are things we can work out. what we need to do is get out of the framework of as soon as somebody saying something saying no, no, that can't work and say, you know what, that can work and here is how it can work. if we put our minds together and understand the concept we are aiming at, and that is bringing some personal responsibility into the healthcare arena, we can solve that problem. we've got to get over the ideology. if we strain everything through an ideal logical screen we will never make pro. >> how many people in the audience, if i can get an audience shot that's correct the republicans articulate when had dr. carson is saying. you are laughing. how many do you think obamacare wouldn't have pass shad show of hands. so there's a failure on the political opposition's side of
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that debate too then. >> and i don't know why that is. >> i don't know either. >> i'm not sure why they aren't coming up with the right kinds of answers here. >> that dovetails perfectly into our next segment about your potential political future. when we come back, carson 2016 has a nice ring do it but are politics in the doctor's future? i'll ask. and frank luntz and the focus group dialed his marks and what caused the dials to go through the roof across party lines. all that as our spepepe
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run for office. an editorial board recently published a column that was entitled, quote, ben carson for president." i will ask him about that but first pollster frank luntz asked them to watch and dial the doctor's popular speech. >> sean, the words of benjamin carson has struck a chord with a lot of americans. we are here with a group of voters and we want to see what they think of his language. but before we go to them, we will go to the red and green lines. man, does this guy score well on the deficit and debt. >> our deficit is a big problem. think about it. and our national debt, $16.5 trillion. you think that's not a lot of money? i'll tell you what, count one number per second which you can
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even do because once you get to one thousand it takes longer than a second. do you know how long it would take you to count do 16 trillion at one number a second, 517,000 years, we have to deal with this. >> clearly that language connected. now tell me, carson, describe. >> polled and real, analytical, self reliant. >> sincere. >> believable. >> provocative. >> is this the kind of guy you can't to see in politics? why yes? >> he's a guy -- he speaks his mind and he's very open-minded. >> why yes? >> he speaks for physicians, i think. >> elizabeth? >> i like his sense of fairness. i felt he was very fair in what he was saying. >> what is it about him that cut across partisan lines? you never see that in politics these days. >> he seemed to care. he seemed to genuinely care about what he was talking about.
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>> to me he was just like me. he was just a regular ordinary person. >> do you think that he was too aggressive? the president was there. some people thought that it was inappropriate for him to say what he said. you are nodding your head no. you think it was appropriate? >> i think it was appropriate because you have to hit on the topics people want to talk about and you can't keep candy-coating everything. >> this is our country. >> what does that mean? >> it belongs to all of us, not just to the people in washington. all of us. >> do you think that people in washington listen to you? >> no. >> do you think he listens to you? >> he, being -- >> dr. cars on. >> so there's a language there. keep going. >> like you said it's un-american to bite your tongue and hold back and not say what you think. >> do you guys agree with that? >> yes. >> a good way to get out of the segment. sean, there aren't many people to have the language to talk to the american people. but there is something about the
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doctor's message and delivery that really does connect across partisan lines. very impressive. back to you. >> all right. sounds like frank may have found some carson campaign volunteers. and still talk about the possibility of a career in politics, the man himself, dr. ben carson. just a quick poll, how many of you would like to see dr. carson run? >> okay. that's everybody. >> well, i've always said the only way i would go into politics is if god grabbed me by the collar and stuck me there. it's not something that has been an ambition of mine, but i have a great desire to get our populous educated because 23 we get our populous educated, they will be able to decipher the truth from what is false. if we don't start doing that, we are going to go down the same path as all the pinnacle nation that is preceded us.
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>> you have said, and i read a lot of speeches you have given and comment men's speeches and i think you mention it in this speech that doctors played a very pivotal role in terms of our founding and our framers, and you want to see doctors more involved in politics. >> i do because doctors and scientists learn to make decisions based on facts. they use empirical data as opposed to idea logs who don't really have any facts to make their decisions on. >> can i ask, you retire in june. >> yes. >> i'm even hesitant to ask you this but i think i have to because it's on the table, do you consider -- are you aligned with the party? would you want to answer who you voted for for president? >> i'm an independent. >> okay. >> and, you know, i tend to align myself closer with parties that are doing things or
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advocating things that would be good for the country. that should tell you who i voted for. i won't go any further than that. >> oh, okay. anyone want to take any bets? all right. when we come back, we will have a lot of fun. we will open all this up to our audience. and much more as they, along with dr. carson, they offer of their solutions to help save america, whether it's the economy, healthcare. all issues on the table. all issues on the table. our studio audience will if you're suffering from constipation, miralax or metamucil may take days to work. or faster relief, try dulcolax laxative tablets. dulcolax provides gentle relief overnight unlike miralax and metamucil that can take up to 3 days. for predictable relief try dulcolax.
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>> welcome back to the special studio audience edition of "hannity." dr. ben carson is with us. are you ready to take the audience questions? >> absolutely. >> let's start here. jason. >> i want it ask about kids growing up in circumstances that you grew up in today. in the ghetto in particular. what's missing? are there not enough adults with that sort of mind set? is it a leadership break down? what's the problem. >> combination of the things you happened. there's a great family break down. for instance, when you look at the african-american community, 70% of the babies are born out of wedlock. you are in the supposed to talk about that because all family situations are supposed to be equal these days, right? but they are not equal. that father is very much-needed.
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producing the right kinds ever role models for the children and giving them a value system because if you don't provide them with a value system at home, they are going to find it somewhere else. and it may not be a good value system. so you combine that with the fact that when they go to school, in many cases they are surrounded by a bunch of politically-correct people who begin to indoctrinate them in something other than the can-do attitude and we've got a problem. >> dr. siegel? >> dr. carson, i'm not so priced, a doctor like you, who is a top neuropediatric surgeon who literally has the brains of children in your hands that would be your first idea. you started talking about health savings accounts and skin in the game. how do you feel about this idea that if patients knew what they were buying, how much a cat scan
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cost, how much an mri cost. instead we have a temperature that all of it feeds together with physicians who are afraid of malpractice, afraid of being sued and so many tests are being ordered. on the patient side they don't know what they are getting and on the doctor side they are afraid not to order it. what do you say about that? >> of all the countries in the world, we -r9 ones that have a big problem with malpractice. so what is it here that isn't everywhere else? the trial lawyers association. special interest groups. anything in our society that comes out of washington that doesn't make sense is attached to a special interest group. they become, as i alluded to in the speech, the fourth branch of government. until we deal with that we will keep doing things that don't make sense. >> dr. carson, i want to thank you for your leadership. do know the black liberal establishment is not going to be happy but. and i'm talking about the community activists, some of the
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pass stores, some of the politicians and the black media because it's your story of success that they don't want communicated to the black community because they thrive on talking about blacks are victims and need special treatment. so i want to thank you for all you are doing for your leadership because we need more leaders such as yourself to communicate this story that america really is an exceptional country. >> absolutely. thank you. and i have heard from a lot of black leaders, actually, since this time, who are very thrilled with what i'm saying. i'm sure there are some that are not, but people are starting to think for themselves. this is what i really enjoy. black people, white people, brown people, yellow people, think for yourself. don't be a puppet. >> so the government accountability office came out with a year-end fiscal report back in january and they said we heed to start running surpluses of one percent over the next
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century just to keep the same debt to gdp ratio we have today. the senate can't even -- or process a budget in the senate right now, how do we shift the narrative to start talking about surpluses? >> i think we would get surpluses almost immediately if we changed our policies. if we took away a lot of the burdensome regulations, if we dropped the tax rates. you would see money flooding back into this place if we just gave people the kind of incentives that they used to have. and you look what happened in this country when we didn't have an oppressive government, and when we did encourage entrepreneurship. we skyrocketed. it's all pent-up right now ready to go. look at all the money that is in wall street. that money would be invested immediately if people felt that there wasn't some nefarious government out there trying to figure out how to get their money. >> and the money wouldn't be in
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the caymans, as you mentioned in your speech, and also if we would drill. >> you look at north and south dakota, montana, you look at all that shale up there. >> it's crazy. >> we could just blow saidio arabia off the map economically. >> i love not being pc. >> dock, to i'm taking care of my 93-year-old mom so we have a few doctors in our lives. one of them left practice for a another practice and another is concern about his practice and his role in his own practice. can you talk a little bit about how this obamacare is affecting doctors in the medical community? >> yes. first of all, recognize that you have to go back and look at this historically. when medicare, medicaid first came along, doctors who took care of those patients knew that they weren't going to make any money, but they were okay with it because the insurance companies at that time did have to pay for the ones who did have insurance. and just about every doctor,
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dr. siegel can tell you, had a percentage of their practice that was indigent and they didn't care. we've always taken care of those patients. but now, because the margins are so narrow, because the insurance companies can do what they want to do, they aren't capable of doing that anymore. you know, i do think we need some of that reform also. insurance reform. one of the major pillars of our system is insurance company who make money by denying people care. we need to deal with that situation because that's an inherent conflict of interest. i'm sure we could figure out a way they can make an adequate profit and people can still be taken care of. remember when we go to the hsa situation, the insurance companies will have a very different role because they will be doing bridge insurance, and we also will have a way to take care of catastrophic insurance. >> we will take a break. we will come back with our
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flush. >> welcome back to this special edition of "hannity." this will be the lightning rod because we don't have a lot of time. >> sure. i think one of the biggest questions after listening to you ton, it's been an absolute pleasure, is have we gone too far? do you think that america can come back from where we are today? >> great question. >> i do think -- that's why i wrote the book because i think we have what it takes to do it. we are just going to have to speak up. that's the key. >> january, 2017, you have just been inaugurated president of the united states, what would be your top legislative priorities? >> assuming that things are continuing the way they are now, we have to get the economy working again because that will take care of the jobs. productivity rather than just
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mindless jobs. >> all right. leslie. >> doctor, when you say things people don't want to hear, usually there's an immediate effort to delegitimate advertise the speaker. were you concerned about that behalf of before you made that speech with that forum with that audience. >> i wasn't concerned because there's nothing they can do to do that. they will try. good luck. >> you said in one of your speeches live a clean life, and don't worry. >> exactly. >> and don't lie. >> that's good. >> and you have socialized medicine for the ama. the ama made a complete 180 and was speaking out for obamacare. what happened? >> first of all, only 23% of the doctors belong to the ama and they grab those and say this represents the ama. enough said. >> i would like to know how you would solve this problem as a doctor and also as president of the united states. checks sun 1311 of the law.
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>> that's the healthcare law. >> the obama health kau and empowers the federal government for the first time in history to dictate how doctors treat privately insured patients. even if you bought a plan and paid for it yourself. how will you protect that doctor-patient relationship? >> probably by rewriting that law. [laughter] >> good answer. doctor, thank you so much for speaking your mind. i certainly hope keep it up in the future. who in the current debates reflects your values and views of anybody, anybody in politics or public life. >> i certainly enjoyed what senator rubio had to say last night. i'm sure there are many up-and-coming young people, bobby jindal, and we will just have to keep looking and hoping that people are courageous and forward thinking. >> etta. >> does the message of personal responsibility sell politically anymore? we've seen president obama
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suggesting universal prekindergarten care, basically telling parents it's not their responsibility to prepare their children for school, but rather the government's. i don't think your mother would have bought that message. she understood it was for you to do that but we seem to be ex-expanding things that the government can do instead of individuals. can the politicians stand up and say, sorry, we aren't going to give you any more programs, it's for you to take care of your lives? >> i think it can sell but we have to start talking about it. see, the political -- the politically correct police have silenced the debate. we have to create the debate again and allow the people who are in the middle will have an ah-hah moment. >> the speech, the part about your mother touched me so deeply. i'm a mother of young boys. i'm wondering how can we best limb the government in a way this creates a million mrs. cars sons and raising herself and her
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sons out of poverty into prosperity? how do we do that? >> we become smart voters. a lot of people go to the voting oting for thatthere's a name i one. if you don't know more than that you probably should not vote or you need to teach yourself because you could be voting against your own interests. >> doctor, i was hoping with everything that happened that he would come up to you afterwards and say i heard you. do you think he heard you? >> i'm praying that he did. if he did, you should see some changes in his actions. >> you are paced in baltimore. you touched on medication earlier. as you know the health outcome of patients on medicaid are a poorer than they are for patients with private insurance. but this is a big debate in countries around the country, whether they should expand their medicaid programs at obamacare requires them to do. if you were advising the governor of maryland what would you tell them to do with the
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medicaid expansion some. >> i would say we need to start talking about something that makes sense. it doesn't make a lot of sense to invest a lot of our eggs in something that doesn't work. >> real quick. >> i'm a former teacher and dean and i just want to know how do we get young people to care about the debt and deficit? >> i think we have to give them examples like the one i gave, 507,000 years so they begin to understand what we are faying. >> go ahead, quick. >> i was going say it's easier to be ignorant and reliant than it is to be responsible and informed. how do you change that? >> well, one of the things we are going to have to do, and i don't have a lot of time to get into it, but we have to use technology. there's some wonderful ways we can use that. virtual classrooms, it can help us enormously. i'm working on that project with something in baltimore right now. >> of your scholarship fund. >> carson's
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everyone get involved. [applause] >> thank you very much. >> that is all the time we have left. as always, thank you for being with us. let not your heart be troubled. the news continues. with will see you backivivivivi tonight on huckabee. >> i couldn't let it go. witnessing the human suffering. veterans back from the battlefield. with this and mental scars. >> we were putting on the new roof, the sound of the nail gun i dropped to the ground. >> they lived through the war. >> there is relation. six times in the last ten years, i thought about it. 22 veterans takes their
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