tv The Five FOX News May 27, 2013 11:00pm-12:01am PDT
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that becomes something more. >> again, thanks for watching us tonight. i'm bill o'reilly. please always remember that the spin stops right here. we are definitely looking o and! ♪ ♪ ♪ hello. this is the five, welcome to our memorial day special. i'm kimberly guilfoyle along with our panel. we hope you have been enjoying your holiday weekend. it's the unofficial kickoff of summer but the day we honor those that have served our country and especially those that have made the ultimate sacrifice. a little bit of history on memorial day. it was observed in 1868 as decoration day after the civil war, a time for the nation to place flowers on on graves. but it wasn't declared a
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national holiday until 1971. we want to bring troubling problems for vets. many have been waiting for months and years for their disability benefits but the department of veteran affairs has a backlog of 600,000 claims. veterans for america are not happy and they want the secretary of veteran affairs replaced. >> in october of 2009, 164,000 backlog. it's now 630,000. what is wrong here? >> veterans in the last four years have joined us in unprecedented numbers. >> this is an illustration, the two wars were going to end. this is not a lack of caring but this lack of something. >> normally when i run into situations like this, this is leadership issue. >> kimberly: this is unacceptable because many on the left and right agree.
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>> clearly the lesson appears to be if we could take the same urgency and enthusiasm and clarity of vision you need to get elected to government and apply those to governing, can we fix some problems? yes, we [ bleep ] can. [ applause ] >> kimberly: all right. you agree with jon stewart. you like what he has to stay. >> eric: he has been very outspoken on this issue. look, president obama said he is literally says we have to fix this. then he doesn't do anything. that is exactly what the two soundbites talked about. it's a failure of leadership. it starts from the top down and if president obama doesn't make it an absolute urgent thing on his agenda it's going to fall where it falls. without months without fixing it and our veterans that risk our lives for our freedom should be waiting months, sometimes years
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to get the benefits they deserve today. >> kimberly: there is a bipartisan support on this issue and you have been vocal about it as well. >> bob: here is the thing. i'm always accused of blaming bush. it was only 100,000 during bush. it's 600,000 of people waiting. you have to anticipate you were going to have a lot from the war and afghanistan and iraq. why somebody wasn't prepared nor and this guy is still the head. v.a. it's disgraceful. these people that fought, 624 days to get their veterans benefits. that is unacceptable. >> kimberly: what are they supposed to do in the meantime,. >> dana: there has been a history department of defense and veterans' affairs not communicating well on medical health records for what, they were supposed to do it for the
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last 15 years? and they can't get something done. one, president obama has met with his cabinet four times. the irs commissioner testified last week that he had been to the white house 118 times over a two-year period. you could actually get all those smarted cabinet secretaries in a room, okay in 30 days i wanted this cut in half. i want a plan. second thing i would say, the obama administration has deep, good relationships with the high-tech companies. i don't think it would be asking too much a google or facebook, to say can we have some of your smartest minds to help us figure out from the technology standpoint get this done faster. i would bet you, they might be surprised that there is some private sector will talent. if the military can't do the logistics of getting this done, perhaps to ask and rely on the
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private sector to come in and help. >> kimberly: exactly don't be too proud to ask for help. >> tim cook was the expert guy of efficiency that steve jobs put in. now he is running apple. how do we make this better. bring in my system. there is a partnership down on the war on terror that commissioner kelly put together, private, public sector coming in. sadly, history says we don't treat our veterans right. we found a letter, army sergeant where she writing a letter, i got a bullet in my back. i can't work. can you help streamline the situation so i get some benefits because i can't make any money. we treat our veterans bad for generations. >> bob: on top of that michelle obama has made it her key issue. if i were her, i would go to her husband, publicly try to get it
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and they can't get their benefits. >> kimberly: this is terrible. >> eric: the irs is going to hire 15,000 new irs agents to administer obamacare. how about they hire another 5,000 agents that can make decisions for veterans that are waiting to on get benefits. a lot of backlog, people will sue each other. i think i need more. we say look, let's get 10,000 agents for the veterans administration and let them make the decision on exactly what they can do. be generous when you are making those decisions. >> bob: and department of defense is late in getting the files of these guys who are veterans to the v.a.. these guys file for benefits and the v.a. comes up with nothing. we don't know this guy was injured. meantime, the defense department
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haven't been talking to them them how injured have they been. we don't have you on record bruising your arm. it's back in the defense department. >> eric: they need bodies. >> bob: they need bodies and they need to have some intelligence here. if you can run a military which is best managed operation of the federal government you surely can take care of the people that work for you. >> kimberly: we were definitely ill-equipped to deal with this. every available resource should be dedicated to this. we should hold our heads in shame 'if we can't fake care of them. it's bad enough in benghazi. >> dana: and we talked about private sector efforts to hire veterans. that is working very well especially for officers on some levels. however, there are still complaints the department of
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defense doesn't do a great job to try to reach to soldiers to tell them what their options are. the infantry guys need the support from the v.a. as well as more support from an employment standpoint. >> hire the guys that need the jobs, that don't need benefits, hire those guys to administer the benefits. that is genius. they will generous. >> that is great idea. >> bob: there are a lot of things out there. they take care of lawsuits but they are trying to figure out a way, infantryman that works in a company. they have a mission and they can be fearless. >> you have a work force you aren't going to find people with those values and i think you could train them. >> kimberly: something that burns me when doing the research
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for this. let's talk about the fort hood shooter. major nadal hassan. he has been paid $278,000 in benefits, these people that have suffered and lost lives and he is getting paid and they are not. how do you justify or reconcile that, bob? >> bob: this is what happens when you don't declare eight terrorist act. the regulations say there is workplace violence, the person can be relieved of their job but can't be relieved of their pay. if you had declared them a terrorist then it would be a different story. he is under the military code of justice. he is still an active member of the service who has been put on leave but with pay. >> eric: it happened 12 wounded. we know that 32 wounded, 12 are dead. we find this fascinating the president in his speech late
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last week that mentioned fort hood in a terrorist attack context. he mentioned it in a comprehensive defense policy. how are we going to fight the war oner from but he has never been asked that question directly. why is that workplace violence? he quotes from specialist logan, i lost five friends, i watched seven people die in front of me, that seems like a war classification for him that would give him benefits and retirement funds. >> let's not forget, hassan yelled al akbar. >> bob: biggest issue against it was it was communication between him and radical cleric. that seems to be do it. i don't agree with it and i can understand a postal officer gg
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get something. >> this is an observation why it's workplace violence because the obama administration didn't want another terror attack. >> bob: the department of defense made that judgment. could he reverse it? >> kimberly: who do they work for? like the irs. >> i don't think that is accurate. >> somebody at the postal service went postal as they call it. they go in and shoot somebody in the post office, they are not terrorist. that is workplace violence and they are pout leave. do they yeah, al akbar. >> they yell the words that i used to yell on this show. >> number one he was contact number one terrorist and how many signs we missed and afraid of being labeled anti-muslim.
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so we let this guy run wild. as soon as he scheduled to go to afghanistan he goes crazy and kills people. >> bob: the guy from boston, he learned radicals, why can't you do him? >> i worry about the backing log piece and hassan, the possible problem with recruitment going forward. if you are a young man or woman in america and you see the military is a possible career option or you think that might be something good for me from a leadership standpoint. i want to serve my country, but if there is any hesitation, but, if i take the risk and sacrifice a limb, is my country going to be there when i get back? if that dampens any sort of recruitment effort that is something the administration should be looking at. >> bob: that is good point. i wonder if it is down. >> no, it isn't.
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>> dana: we could take the memorial day to thank the moms and dads that raised these young people that are willing to serve our country. they are so amazing. they are great for the fact that we stay on top of these things. on this one on the backlog issue remember cbs apologized, you could start a new thing. >> bob: this is one thing we could get on. i would hash tag the veterans administration and get them to say it is time to get this done. these people deserve it. they have worked for us. they have died for us. they deserve to be taken care of. >> eric: let's remember chris stevens and glen doherty. >> when we come back, which would you rather 6, more money or more days off of work this
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days off instead. republican congressman a married woman of two has introduced a bill that would allow employers flex time. now, the senate needs to pass it, too. >> it's about any mom or dad and they tell you they wish they had more time. they wish they had one more hour in the day to make life work. moms and dads need time to take their child to doctor and pta meetings. >> dana: not everybody is happy about the idea. nancy pelosi says the bill is, quote, an assault on worker's wages and the 40 hour workweek. in 1938 fair labor standards is passed and it says you have to pay 50% in the hours they worked. over the years, there was a law
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passed that exempted state and local employees from being under that so a lot of them have the fleck built. under this legislation you could choose, instead of time and a half or pay and a half you could get time and a half. so instead an hour, you get 1.5 hours of pay, would you get 1.5 hours off. a lot of families are saying, look, this makes sense. you told me something interested the other day. if you had at choice, money or the time off. what would you take. >> kimberly: i would take the money. >> dana: you are frugal. >> kimberly: i would rather work and be paid for it. >> bob: you were at beach made up with your makeup on. >> kimberly: where did you see this? >> dana: that was over the weekend. >> now i'm totally confused.
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>> dana: if you want to compete, do you think it's bizarre for democrats to oppose the legislation. white house says they will veto it. private sector why don't we have the same opportunity that the government has. >> eric: you and i talked about this a lot. let the businesses decide if they want to pay the people money or give time off. i'm a bad example. i would take the money too. >> dana: i'm shocked. >> eric: i use one week each of the last two years. >> bob: that is exactly right. you don't take any time off because you don't want to get off the shows. most people that get hourly wages depend on time and a half in order to make it through a year's living. >> dana: but what is wrong with having a choice. >> if you have a choice, question is some people are
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going to suggest some of the employers are going to say take the choice. >> dana: there is councilman has put safeguards, say you take the option of time off. if you don't use that in 30 days the company -- you can choose to say i'll take the money instead. >> from my point, if i wanted to take time off, i have no one to hang out because all you people will choose to work. you'll take your time off to do o'reilly. so rather than giving up the money, you do it for free, i had no idea. no one ever says i wish i worked more. maybe we should take more days off. >> bob: let me ask you a question. you have five weeks vacation? >> i don't take any time.
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>> you can only carry over ten days. >> this wasn't designed for people like us. these this was designed for people that work hourly. >> white house wants to veto it. because they don't want this. as obamacare gets implemented, people will start laying people off. we can't make you a full time employee. that this will be push towards that. >> dana: i think this is white house war on women. some of the women are asking for this are mothers of special needs children. they are saying, i have to send my son or daughter to an extra therapy session, time is money. you can't tax time. if you get paid your overtime, you are actually, then you pay a tax on that and the time -- what does that work. the irs can't tax you.
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why wouldn't you take the time? >> eric: the other part of the question, you actually reducing tax revenue if you give time instead of payment of time. also, economically as a business i would rather give people time off. you have three people and 30% of the time off instead of time and a half. >> firemen, police officers, so many people budget, if they can get a certain amount of overtime they can support their families. >> bob: they need overtime to make a living. by the way, eric, you don't need overtime to make a living. you should take it anyway. what would you do if you had five weeks? [ laughter ] >> dana: he could come up with more genius ideas. i think that president obama ought to call you for the next
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cabinet meeting. how does bob have a picture? >> he won't show. >> i had a hat on, right. >> you practice good sun protection. >> a hat, sunscreen, everything. >> dana: coming up next, five of us will answer your questions. send us your questions via facebook and we'll answer them when we come back. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ fun, fun, fun until your daddy takes your t-bird away ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ we're cracking down on medicare fraud. the healthcare law gives us powerful tools to fight it... to investigate it... ...prosecute it... and stop criminals. our senior medicare patrol volunteers... are teaching seniors across the country...
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ all right time for some answers to some of your questions that were submitted on our facebook page. a huge response. so, thank you for participating. i have the questions right here. nobody has seen them. bob is up first. honest the truth, true story. okay, bob, i wanted to hear about your peace corps days, where were you assigned and what was your assignment. >> bob: i was assigned in
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philippines group 44 and hit some of the best, our job was to help them export sugar. a night my job was to take care of the legal economy at the bars. >> dana: why did you get kicked out? >>. >> bob: i woke up first day with all those lizards and mosquitoes. i got throw out in 18 months and they gave me six months and look for potential sites, i was down in bali and this little guy,, call for mr. beckel. where the hell are you? >> dana: you were living the dream. >> eric: all right. next. >> dana: is this about me dating bob? >> eric: when will kimberly do
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"dancing with the stars". can you dance? have you ever seen west side story. >> i wanted to do "dancing with the stars" with greg but he won't do it. >> he was the star. >> i could do it. >> i would do it. >> you would do great. >> tom delay did it. >> i wouldn't vote for. you lot the leg forces it and i know you can dance because of your ethnicity. it is true. >> dana, when did you first meet
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george bush what was your fun days in the white house? >> great question. i think i met anymore 2003, maybe 2004. then i became deputy press secretary in january 2005 and in that photograph there. there were so many great things. i remember when the queen of england came. i didn't get invite to the main dinner, but i sat next to angela kelly who is the queen's dresser. it's amazing story. i will tell you on twitter. how she got her job as the queen's dresser. it's amazing. >> bob: you met him in three months and three months later you were deputy press secretary? >> it was after 9/11. i was working at justice department. waits working for the attorney
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general. because i was white house council and they pulled me over to the white house and i went from there. >> eric: we have to move on. brian's question is next. as a kid, did you spend a lot of time in the principal's office. >> brian: here is the deal. no, i was scared to make a mistake. i was scared to do anything wrong. i was absolutely not. >> dana: you've made up in your adult years. >> brian: i've been going backwards. there is no cure. >> bob: i got caught throwing a where but ri bomb down the toilet. >> dana: i got eric's question. can eric tell us a story from his glory days of playing ball. >> eric: glory days, i tell you how glorious days were.
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in minor league baseball we had to push started the bus. whole team would get behind the bus and the coach would poptd clutch and we would get on the bus. minor league baseball is nothing about glory or honor. by the way, some of the best times ever. >> bob: in your college years and minor years, what was your best batting average? >> in the mid 3's. major college sbb better than single "a" or double "a", better baseball. >> what did you play? >> third or fourth in college. >> it's performing. >> we have two questions for
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everybody. you want to do those. next time. we'll have questions for everybody. up next -- do you want to see them? >> a heartwarming movie about our nation's veterans and tha is worth seeing this memorial day. honor flight. listen. >> i'm going make it to the world war ii memorial. >> we fly them at no cost to them. ♪ ♪ >> we bay tribute to the greatest generation directly ahead on the memorial day special. don't go anywhere. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ larry ] younow throughout history, folks have suffered from frequent heartburn but now, thanks to treating with prilosec otc, we don't have to suffer like they used to. [ bell dings ] ♪ [ horse whinnies ] getting heartburn and then treating day after day
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♪ ♪ ♪ memorial day and we are proud to salute our military heroes including the greatest generation, world war ii veterans. there are 1.2 million veterans remaining on this planet of the 6 million that served back in world war ii 70 years ago. the documentary some show four living world war ii vets coming together to give them the trip of a lifetime. here is a look at some of the surprise thank you letters written by their families.
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>> a proud man and a good man. >> four boys and four girls. >> world war ii, served our country. some of the moving moments for the first time, i understand that these vets are getting thanks for their service and what they did. a lot of them got on with life and flown in within 24 hours to see this memorial in washington and relive those moments. >> dana: the memorial in washington was a subject of controversy for many years. you'll remember that. it is so beautiful but the veterans had not been to washington on see that to have a moment and be thankful. they come on the flights and assigned a person to help them through the day. they get to go to all sorts of different things, you are seeing a memorial there. they have a chance to be thanks.
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i love that they added the part about the families thanking them in writing. there is something about the written word. i think this honor flight that all young children should see. they might not necessarily know that served in world war ii. my grandfather did and i loved that and i learned from them. the documentary produced by dan hayes, steven hayes son. >> if you go to the washington monument and lincoln memorial that is where it takes place. >> bob: i was so delighted to see this get through. i was days after it opened, i've also been down and see people come on these flights. world war two veterans, they never talked about much of what they went through. they kept themselves and went
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back to work. to see these gentlemen that are now in the 80s, many of them in wheelchairs. every state and territory has its own column in the memorial. it's just a very moving place. i think they did a terrific job putting it together. >> it was completed in 2004 when the honor flights took off. >> i whole hatly concur. this is the type of thing children should be experienced as part of their education about this country and about our fine history. >> brian: and a lot of times your kids get visited by veterans. when they talk to them, the kids are riveted. really young kids. >> eric: great stuff. and probably pushing 90s now which really fascinating when you see these guys in the hats and world war ii veteran hats, to go up and say hello and shake their hand. they are so happy.
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they are so proud of what they did. >> what really neat when they arrive at the airports and come home, people line the hallways of the airport of the concourse and applaud them all the way. some of them in wheelchairs. they get so much love from america. in some ways they feel shocked by it. maybe they never asked for anything. >> bob: they are -- i don't want to say shy -- but they didn't brag what they did. can you imagine the people did that? i give churchill great credit for holding it by himself but what a lot of these guys did is an amazing thing. >> we would be living under hitler if it wasn't for them. >> i think it's one of the great things. it's bad, good, win, loss,
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afterwards servicing murky. is this a police action. is this domino theater, war on terror, that was simple, get the bad guys and we're not going to worry about prosecuting them. >> bob: eastern front we did have joe stalin and western front was terrific. >> and it's on video on demand. thank you very much kimberly >> coming up straight ahead, a california community is bent out of shape over yoga being taught if public schools. courtroom battle that yoga is a religion and want to remove it from the school curriculum. bob will way on the downward dog and the fight that is downward dog right after this.
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> bob: get this through your head. in california -- there are parents schooling a school district because they do yoga during the physical education period. they say it's religious. now, let me ask you something. you tell me that this is religious? is that religious? what is that called, dana.
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>> dana: that is tree post. >> bob: there is nothing religious about tree post. this is ridiculous. yoga is good thing but it ain't a religion. don't give me that. >> this is what happened in school. you used to play dodge ball but you can't play dodge ball everybody is having yoga classes. >> bob: you go to yoga classes. >> dana: i do. >> bob: do you think it's religion? >> no, i use it as exee same asl yoga it's pretty much pain for nap time. i can't recommend it highly
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enough. >> bob: downward dog. what about you? >> we did a segment, is yoga a religion? if yoga is religion. so they can watch you do a yoga pose. >> bob: downward dog. >> okay. no, that is crow pose. >> that is mudra. >> bob: what is it called. >> a in pludra. >> so you can bring the good energy in and you really advanced move if you add the pinkie that is bringing love into the heart. >> bob: the only thing about yoga and women and outfits. >> it's like a seance trying to get in touch with spirits. >> bob: behind here, there was
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downward dog. >> what is terrible with yoga is when you have a heavy breather. [ laughter ] >> might be suffocating. but are you pro yoga? have you done it? >> i have done it. >> isn't there a hot yoga. >> i hate hot yoga. 90 minutes, you have to get there early and it's 90 minutes, the same poses over and over and hundred degrees in there. >> that the only yoga i have down. >> you have to cool it down 15 minutes by the time you are done you could have played golf. >> bob: for me, it's good stretching. you don't believe in exercise. there is a way to stretch. yoga is very good. >> you do yoga? >> come on!
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a collapsed trachea and there is one in 200,000 babies born with this. they didn't think he could leave the hospital alive. they used plastic particles and 3-d filter to help the baby. >> to know that something worked and it means everything to me. >> when he gets older, you can tell the story about his life. how he made it. how he is doing and how far he is going to go. >> kimberly: very heartwarming. very happy for the family and for the innovative doctors that saved this little boy. keep up the good work. >> good look for a 3-d layers paris printer. >> dana: okay, i have something
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that everyone is going to want to know about. a california teenager, her name is esha. she won a science project intel science and engineering fair last week. she created a super fast charging gadget. she could create the technology that will charge your cellphone in 20 seconds. not 20 minutes, not 20 hours but 20 seconds. if she sosms this, we are going to have nothing to complain about. >> it. i hope she becomes a super billionaire of the world. >> and pull the full screen, memorial day and couple people close to my heart who is military, my father is upper right. u.s. navy, deceased world war ii vet and uncle eric, u.s. navy also deceased, killed in action
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over the south pacific. upper right that is my nephew, national guard and i'm sorry, upper left is colton and lower left is jeremiah which is my other nephew, u.s. marines. >> bob: i wanted to recommend you go to and read this letter from karen ross who a ceo of shared decisions about hiring veterans. she has things, veterans can handle themselves in a myriad of environments. best of leadership capabilities that go over to civilian work force. they seek other things that employees can't see. when i did it was the best thing for my company. so go out and hire vets. >> also they are trustworthy. >> they very reliable and highly
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desirable. >> we don't hang out with anybody that isn't supportive of the military. you say sooner or later i'm going to do it. armed forces foundation focusing on guys that after they come back from war and c.i.a. memorial foundation, first war they have bone wanted front lines. they have lost a lot of guys. kids need scholarships. >> can i add one? companion for heroes and match up wounded warriors with ptsd with rescue animals that hopefully get out of the house and feel good about themselves. >> bob: thank you for your service. >> kimberly: thanks for joining us on memorial day. we'll see you tomorrow.
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welcome to "red eye." it is like my two dads if my dad you mean pearson. look it is an dpi dressed in black. what a surprise. >> thank you, greg. coming up on the prompter scrolling, president obama says cynicism threatens our democracy. typical politician. plus will 3-d printers be used as star trek food replicators to feed the hungry? quite possibly won't get it to tonight or ever. finally did morgan freeman fall asleep during an interview with michael caine morgan freeman says no but everyone else says yeah. >> w h
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