tv Red Eye FOX News May 28, 2013 12:00am-1:01am PDT
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welcome to "red eye." it is like my two dads if my dad you mean pearson. look it is an dpi dressed in black. what a surprise. >> thank you, greg. coming up on the prompter scrolling, president obama says cynicism threatens our democracy. typical politician. plus will 3-d printers be used as star trek food replicators to feed the hungry? quite possibly won't get it to tonight or ever. finally did morgan freeman fall asleep during an interview with michael caine morgan freeman says no but everyone else says yeah. >> we have a great show tonight.
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i'm not even going to talk to you. >> you sgloun why waste my time bantering with you when i have great guests. >> go away. >> i want you to know how little standing you have with me right now. >> you don't need to tell me that. >> no, i really don't want to tell you. >> move along. you have good guests tonight. >> glad you understand. let's welcome our guests she is cuter than you know corns devouring a cake made of puppies, former white house secretary and one of my cohosts, there's like 30 of them and she loves to get men off because she is a defense attorney. it is remy spencer. and bill shultz is probably naked and unconscious, filling in for him is michael moynihan. glad you got dressed and if
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hilariousness were a swivel chair i'd sit on him and spin. the legendary comedian and wonderful dresser greg kroops. >> you can be blaz say about something fwhu isn't one of them sglur getting close, aren't you? she took a whack at the big mac and said the happy meal was a bad deal when mcdonald's ceo hosted the shareholder meeting on thursday, she probably wasn't expecting to be grilled like a chicken sandwich by a 9-year-old girl seen her. adorable actually. it will 8 anna robertson had plans that weren't adorable. >> something that i don't think is fair is when big companies try to trick kids in to eating food that isn't good for them by using toys and cartoon characters. it would be nice if you didn't trick kids in to eating food all the time mr. thompson, don't
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would you want kids to be healthy so they can live a long and happy life. >> no, he wants dhoirn die young. he point out that they offer salads, apples and salads and he says he is hoping to make more changes in the future. anna attended the meeting with her activist and nutrition blogging mom. whose website today i ate a rainbow, monster. her brother was forced to stay at home and exercise. so like the obama administration. dog chasing a ball around a safe. i don't know what that meant. >> why do we need metaphors. >> not all can be winners or
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even losers because that was beneath a loser. always great to see you. you look fantastic. is she your new hero and should president obama be impeached. >> no to one, two to yes, a to the first one. i think mcdonald's isn't tricking anybody. we all know when a clown is inviting you to eat food -- when we were children back in the '40s we'd get cereal boxes with records on the back and we had to cut them out and i didn't think it was a trick. i thought it was an inducement to eat sugar cereal. the idea that mcdonald's will sell you an apple is revolting. i go for shamrock shakes and mcribs. >> you know who tried to get us to eat an apple, the snake in the garnd of eden.
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>> some people have to have dreams. >> that by the way, think of the press for your funeral. dana you hate children. was this child used as a prop? >> i'm not okay with it. i don't like it. it reminded me of a time on capitol hill there's a global warming hearing and a little girl got up and started to read and said mr. chairman, while it is true that polar bears can swim, they can't swim forever. everybody sighed. she got so much attention and the trickery is on the younger generation for this is teacher her to not believe in capitalism and she's going to be fed a bag of lies about global warming in the future. >> is that a fact that polar bears can't swim forever? >> i had a stole r story book where the polar bear circumnavigated the globe. >> the only reason they like
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them is they are white. they hate black bears. it is a bona fide fact. look it up. try to find in any global warming article anything about black bears. these people are racists. no evidence of that whatsoever soy eel take that back. moynihan, isn't it amazing how parents have no say in what their kids eat because of big companies like mcdonald's. >> the wheels came off so early. >> i'm sorry. i'm trying to process. this whole thing drives me crazy. anytime kids are involved, you know it is bull [ bleep ] pretty much. for the cigarettes it started with the coalition for tobacco free kids which wasn't the target. they weren't sbresd in kids not smoking. that's when it's cool when you are young. >> true. >> eating rainbows, smoking cigarettes and all of these things. she doesn't understand what advertising -- it's all trickery. it is not just mcdonald's trying
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to trick us to eat your products or whatever. that's what it is all for. >> this is all about a mother using her child. i'm sure many of your defendants, who are poor and murderous are fed by mcdonald's. why are they treat sod poorly when they feed so many of your defendants? a round about question, i admit but one i noent insult you. >> i said it on the show before. i will say it again. i'm a big fan of mcdonald's. i get there at least once or twice a week. no, i think your question, i think it was to dana earlier about exploiting question is the key here. you know this mother probably spent hours upon hours training her child to memorize whatever she had written in her blog. oh, isn't this so cute. apparently it has more credibility because it is from a 9-year-old. it is free enterprise. >> if it was a tea party mom
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teaching child about patriotism they'd get an audit. >> like george washington every morning and -- >> you know what it would be like. it would be like me as a 48-year-old going to a tree house where there are 6-year-olds and yelling at them. you and your stupid gays by the creek have to stop. the guy, mcdonald's has done so much for the world. it fooe feeds more people than something that feeds a lot of people. >> what a comparison. >> i know. >> you can't yell at a child. what happens is they created an invisible shield. this guy can't yell at a child. what can he do? what would you do? if a child came up and said your comedy is disgusting and negative to society and hurts children. >> were you at my show last night. >> that was me in the front row.
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>> that is unfair. >> she was 17 and she snuck in with a fake i.d. >> i don't think that is a fair question, greg. >> so what if she is right. >> it is a good point. what can he do in that situation? even if he doesn't yell and is tempered in his tone. >> the kid didn't get there by herself i don't think. >> yeah, that's the point. >> sent her with a google map, find it. the thing that's amazing and i have said it in the show before because these stories come up quite a bit. different characters but the same thing. >> in fact, we don't even know who you are at this point. >> i don't either. i was walking down sixth avenue smoking a butt. kids don't have money. why are you enticing me? it is like you are annoying. your mom controls the money. >> the best thing about mcdonald's on the menu is the
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diet coke. they have the perfect formula of the diet coke. >> is it different than other formulas. >> i don't know. it is perfect. i love it. >> really? >> it is that balance of soda and fizz and sugar. >> i like the holiday ones. like the eggnog shake. >> half way through you are like this is such a huge mistake. i don't care how stoned you are. an eggnog shake half way through is -- >> the first mcdonalds in san mateo was on el camino and belmont. do you remember when ronald mcdonald would show up what a big deal it was. you would go and wait in line. better than santa. it was a huge deal. >> the big macs came in a foil thing. that's how long ago. >> not the clam. >> that was -- we had the foil. >> in wyoming that was a big deal and then you got to go to denver and i had the ronald mcdonald cake for my birthday
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and it was filled with sugar. great memories at mcdonalds. >> where did you people grow up? >> mcdonald's brought joy. these folks are taking joy out of people's lives and i think the mother should be arrested. >> audited at least. >> audited or then arrested, impeached. she should be impeached from her blogging. can you impeach bloggers? >> i think so. >> we have done enough. >> saying this guy is keeping kids from growing old, that's just a cheap shot. >> companies now -- >> it's not true. >> exactly. it's not true remi. >> you should start to smoke when you are young. it is ridiculous to start when you are old. >> start when you are like 14, 15. >> i started smoking at prevention magazine at age 26. >> prevention magazine. >> because my editor smoked and >> we were all smoking. >> you wanted to be cool. >> no, we smoked cigarettes.
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that's what we did. >> is that when you were writing the "six weeks to flat abs" series. >> the thing people don't talk about is keep the weight off if you smoke and if you smoke under ten cigarettes a day it is okay. >> it cancelled each other out. >> the science in this segment is amazing. >> polar bears, global warming. >> diet coast is investing. and polar bears i think can swim forever and i started to smoke in high school and we go to foods class. >> america is losing sight of all of this great stuff in favor of some kind of weird like puritanical idea that we would have laughed in the '70s and now it is coming true. next story. should from burgers to
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bureaucrats. should a rotten flu make us feel bad. a bad day for civil servants. on wednesday, lois lerner, the irs official refused to testify claiming she had done nothing wrong but now we know she signed letters revealing her direct involvement in sending harassing questionnaires. as for the department of justice pursuing reporters' records president obama ordered a review of the policy meaning eric holder or eric with holder, could be probing himself. i have done that myself using tweezers. according to obama, a few bad apples doesn't mean the government is craple. on friday he said this so to the u.s. naval academy's graduating class. >> every day, elected officials like those on this stage but also across the nation devote themselves to improving our communities and our country. but all too often we have seen the politics where compromise is rejected as a dirty word and
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policies are driven by special interests rather than the national interest. that breeds a cynicism and threatens our democracy. >> couldn't a canyon interloper face -- meanwhile he ignores another crisis. ♪ >> they can swim. >> president obama put them out there. he put them out there. he must think -- by the way, they are all fine. you were crying. >> i was worried about the puppies. >> you were. >> i thought for a moment they couldn't swim but then they were okay and everybody was happy at the end. >> like the land before time dinosaurs. >> that doesn't end so well in reality, does it? >> you drown your puppies.
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>> spoiler alert. >> let me go to you first. greg, you hate america. >> yes. >> obama says cynicism threatens our democracy. he would say that, though, wouldn't he? >> i find cynicism enlivens my comedy and makes it engaging for everyone. i don't think his administration is doing anything that other administrations haven't done. dana. blaming the irs for being corrupt is like blaming the i was for being corrupt. >> dana, i think he impugned you. i'm not sure what it means. i think it means to have something to do with jam. >> right. >> right. >> am i right? >> yes. >> you were in government. which means you could be the problem. >> for sure. i was the bad apple in the happy meal that you can't buy anymore. so the boss has to rally the troops. you find in private sector or
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government you find out that someone has done something wrong you have to show decisive action. you say you out and the rest of you we are going to get through this. it will be fine. that's not what happened here. he says you, paid administrative leave. you, yes you did something wrong. you investigate yourself and her and in the meantime i'm going to blame everybody else who disagrees with me politically for my problems. i thought that speech was offensive. >> i thought you were going to say effective. >> i thought my speech was effective. >> didn't he fire the head of the irs. >> no, he can't. >> wasn't he a bush appointee the head of the irs. >> i'm glad you brought this up. my friend bob beckle likes to bring up these things he sees on huffington post websites. >> boo! >> should i look to the stars. >> he was a bush appointee.
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it was 2008. we needed an appointee because somebody was leaving, had a five-year term and senate democrat said we will not accept fwhoin is a partisan political republican guy and president bush said he gave $500 to obama but whatever if you want him that's fine and that's the bush appointee. >> he reached in the mystery bag. >> yeah. >> i didn't know you can do that. >> where is that from? >> scooby-doo. >> remi, the great thing about cynicism it helps you get murderers off. >> if only that were true. my job would be so much easier. >> cynicism is the most important thing. shouldn't obama say that corruption is what threatens -- >> >> that's right. i couldn't agree with you more and i don't say it often. so i'm going to say it again. i couldn't agree with you more. it is corruption that is a disruption to democracy. it is cynicism, challenging, speech that is what is so
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special and magical about this country. without the free exchange of ideas, the differences of ideas america ceases to be the great country that it is. >> so you agree that obama should be impeached. moynihan, where do you sit or stand on this? are you still even listening? >> no. we got really in to weed there and i was like ♪ >> this is a serious conversation. >> you have no comment. >> no, i do. i have a few comments. do you want to hear them? >> yes. >> they are pretty good. >> dana, feel free to help him. >> the idea that cynicism and division. every president, to the point that every president does this, every president says this too. we compromise which means you have to agree with me. that is what compromise is about. divide government is a good thing. i'm a big fan of divided government. >> me too. i want an impotent government.
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>> you got one. >> and not just the government. >> is that why you said salt peter in the water supply. >> how dare you. we have to take a break. coming up, how can we fix the economy? dana perino discusses her new book. "i like to poke small children with a stick because i like to hear them cry." ♪ ♪
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than dudes. the spokesman for dietetics isn't surprised she knows shedding weight is not a job you can clock in and out. it is a commitment that requires attention all day, every day. maybe for you. you know what else requires attention all day, every day? this. ♪ >> what did i say? gay marriage, that's what happens. first gay marriage and then you have cats attacking dogs. i told you this. >> all right. it's always upsetting when kittens attack. don't expect it. they are cute and fluffy and then they are sucking your blood. >> they have been enabled by gay marriage. >> and if you are a baby they will suck your breath away. >> oh, god. >> it is true. >> dana, a lot of people don't
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know you weigh 250 pounds but the tv removes weight for from me. >> if that were true. >> how would you vote on this. >> i totally understand this because time is money. if you gain 20 pounds it is going to take you a lot longer to get it off so you have to invest more time and if your time is valuability you don't want to do that. and think of all the clothes and you have to buy new clothes and get them tailored and you feel terrible about yourself. fi could pay $1,000 right now to guarantee in the next ten years i wouldn't gain 20 pounds i would do it in a second. >> i have a point to get to later but i want to get to moynihan, your drug habit keeps you skinny. >> yeah. if you look back in the "red eye" archives because i have been doing the show. i got a little jolly and started to do drugs and smoked cigarettes, eating some bread
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and butter and that's it and i look phenomenal now. >> you are like abercrombie and fitch model but an ugly one. >> one from like central europe like mall doe va. >> when they couldn't get the good models in. >> $1,000. this is the weirdest comparison, too. it's a study done by the international food informational council foundation . that's two words too many council foundation. unreal. >> they had a mistake in the stationary and just kept it. we're a foundation no, we're a council. just leave it there. that's what happened proops. you keep your girlish figure by eating nothing but dryer lint and sardines. >> very close. it o on the east coast it is mallomars. this is a new chapter in gwyneth
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paltrow's new book. she eats money and has as it goes through they are digestive system it keeps her girlish figure but sometimes you money with talent. >> do you tell your murderer dftd to lose weight before a trial? >> great question. you must, right? >> no. >> that's a great question. do you say get fat and jolly? do you say please don't hurt me. >> no. >> mu mia. >> there are certain things a good lawyer would advise their client to do or not to do in the presence of a jury but this has nothing to do with it. this story reminds me i'm one of four kids and seth two sets of twins this reminds me of conversations i had with my siblings growing up would you rather win the lottery or have the best job ever? would you rather have the best
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body or $1,000? somebody paid to make a study. >> would you rather our uncle die or have a new bike. >> i'd take the bike, just me. >> this is a survey i did. i think it is for "men's health" i asked would you rather eat all you want for the rest of your life without paying or eat all you want for the rest of your life and never gain weight and i thought it was a great way to see who was sensible because you would say -- >> is that a trick question. >> a sensible person would say not pay. >> a vain person says never gain weight. but almost everyone says never gain weight. >> i'm extraordinarily vain. >> a sensible person would go, hell, no. >> is that index for height because 20 pounds on 5 foot tall woman and connie britain of nashville is different because
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she is so tall. >> why. >> because he loves the show nashville and humanitarian aid to get it in here somehow. i got it in a magazine, "el" or something and she says she loves raw diet and vegan food and she's able to have that at her work place and all i'm thinking is bob beckle an the pastries. that is what is wrong with us. >> he eats so many pastries. >> no. >> again, it is because it is free. nobody has lost weight. >> free food you eat more. >> that's the devil's curse with this question. >> that's the devil's curse. >> true. >> devil's curse. >> i want a band called bob beckle an the pastries. >> i -- he went to get it and he is like, okay. and he dropped it. >> he is a machine. he sees a pile of food and goes
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like this. >> twinkie shake. >> i made a shake made of twinkies and he drank it and threw up. >> is that true. >> he had to run off the set and vomit. >> all right. how did we get to this place? >> i should watch this. >> you should watch the five. it is like "red eye" with other stuff. you have a comment, e-mail us. got video of your animal doing something go to fox thanks, shaving. the kyocera torque lets you hear and be heard even in stupid loud places. to prove it, we set up our call center right here... [ chirp ] all good? [ chirp ] getty up.
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we're bachblg see if we got anything wrong so far. let's go to andy levy. >> we are having a great time. >> it shows. >> sorry you are down there. >> it is okay. i was enjoying watching. >> that's okay. >> you are like many fans. >> i like to think of myself as a fan first. >> that's good. >> well you certainly keep us cool. >> wow. 9-year-old girl -- >> joke night. >> 9-year-old girl asked mcdonald's ceo to stop tricking kids. you compared the dog chasing the
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ball around the safe a weak metaphor. you may not know it, the original name of the show was weak metaphors with greg. >> no. >> i thought you were going to correct me. >> no. >> i'm sure hanna is a delightful little girl and i'm sure this is her mother and in this case a movement using a child as a prop. >> yep. >> i think that's pretty clear. >> i would never do that. if it were a dog then maybe. >> and dogs could talk. >> oh the stories jasper would tell. get this crazy lady away from me. >> not the stories we could repeat on the air. you mentioned it is the parents that have to buy mcdonald's for them. this is what it is about. about parents not wanting to have so say no. >> remember the story in park slopes, the neighborhood brooklyn that parents were the tigsening not to have an ice cream truck come around the playground and i call them
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really bad parents. i'm a bad parent fwhu a totally different way. i say no to everything and my daughter spoke at a free leonard pelt yea rally. it was really she was really good. she did the whole thing. >> really? wow. >> first language. >>. >> are we on tv still. >> probably not at this point. >> hanna's mom was also there and spoke and said to the mcdonalds ceo quote don't you think a good place is to leaf our children alone and let us parents decide cha what is best for them. >> which is what is happening right now. >> couple of interesting facts, you think polar bears can swim forever, biologists 50 swims that can cover 96 miles. they can swim a long time but not forever. >> just the white bears did they look at? >> greg, you said the only
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reason environmentalists care about polar bears is because they are white. polar bears are black skin. >> no, they do not. >> yes, they do. it reflects the sun light and appears white. >> and if you paut blond girl under a tree plong enough, a urine corn wi unicorn will come. >> white is reflecting the white. >> i'm saying white is light. >> you think white is right. >> white is light. >> mitt romney is not white either. he just reflects. >> obama says cynicism is the enemy of democracy. you said the boss has to rally the troops and get rid of the
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bad apples and didn't he fire the irs, he accepted the resignation of the irs commissioner. >> i was talking about lois. >> i know. >> not the steve miller band. >> right. >> he's been banned, that steve miller. >> why did i say that. >> because you are on a puncasm sglont puntastic. >> you said cynicism is not a swear warrant. think it is justice department calling a member of the press co-conspirator to commit espionage, secret political presidential kill lists you get the idea. >> and james rosen. he's an enemy of democracy. >> asking andy levy to talk about cynicism is asking eric holder to investigate the justice department. he has a corner market. >> don't you think most cynics don't want to be? >> i think there is a fieb line.
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glad you asked, between september schism and cynicism. when you are cynical you are no longer cheerful and you are a bore and no longer cheerful. >> you can't spell cynic ic without ic. >> you are clinging to this dream. >> you are a bitter woman. >> i just gave her a little xanax. >> i was going to go to dana next but i don't feel like it. no,ly go to you any way. >> so the president says we shouldn't be cynical because of the quote unquote actions of a few. when the actions of a few can cause this much trouble, isn't that why we are cynical? >> yes. his outrage is only expressed toward groups that were targeted and being the ones that were abused by the people in power.
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weird. >> yeah. >> i wish gonzalez was still the attorney general. he wouldn't remember any of this happening. >> it was al, not freddy. >> whatever. >> we called him fredo. >> you miss john ashcroft, don't you proops? >> do i ever. i spent 20 minutes on him. >> he can sgling oh, can he? >> let the eagles soar. >> remember that. great record. >> not since the pope have i zoomed so high. >> last week people said they'd rather lose a thousand bucks rather than gain 20 pounds. you questioned whether the food information council foundation was real or not. it is. i believe one is part of the
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other. who gives a damn? >> adding the word foundation that was a big meeting you can imagine hours long. >> all run by big stationary. >> i wonder if it was catered and if they had italian, greek. mexican gets cold. >> and there are a lot of breaks after. that you have to run. >> i go chinese. >> i would too. >> good choice. it always stays hot. >> it smells in the conference room. >> chicken wings drive me crazy. >> what is wrong with good old-fashioned american food? >> it makes you fat unless it is apples. i think little sliders. >> i love sliders. they are just your size. >> oh! >> she's little. >> i'm done. >> how can we make america great again? dana perino discusses her new
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book. i strap hamsters on my feet and hop all over them. that doesn't help at all, you weirdo. we're cracking down on medicare fraud. the healthcare law gives us powerful tools to fight it... to investigate it... ...prosecute it... and stop criminals. our senior medicare patrol volunteers... are teaching seniors across the country... stop, spot, and report fraud. you can help. guard your medicare card. don't give out your card number over the phone. call to report any suspected fraud. we're cracking down on medicare fraud. let's make medicare stronger for all of us.
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♪ if you want the love of a real good man ♪ ♪ come on and try me i'll make you understand ♪ ♪ come on and take it ♪ because what i got you know i can get it ♪ ♪ >> guy on a men's rights thread on read it. >> i have seen my share of men are morons advertisements but this isn't even remotely subtle. if only we had tape of men playing against stereotype.
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>> brush your teeth with a drill now. >> i guess we didn't have any tape of them not acting like that at all. dana you hate men with a passion. do you consider this sexist? >> no. well, let's see. what they tried to make the man attractive doing, i don't want a man that does that. i don't want a man that is whisking. if i know a man that knows how to whisk that would not be -- or playing the flute. the men who are complaining, i think they are overanalyzing. >> what is that? i'm going what's that blue thing? remi, does this ad basically reproduce the type of people you represent in court, ie, vicious,
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mean, massagistic slobs. >> i'm sensing a theme from you. you are interested about my work. >> i am. this ad i agree with dana, i don't want my man doing the things that i would not -- i want him to be a man. i don't want him to play a flute at the dinner table. i don't understand what it will do. the tv will make him get up and clean, make my life easier. is it sexist? probably. who cares? >> the purpose of the ad i think was to remind us how annoying men's rights groups are. >> i couldn't agrow more. >> when i see men cheer leading with nipple clamps on and then i will belief there is sexism against men. is wyoming part of the united states? >> typical elitist. >> no i'm a total elitist.
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i will go even further. i was excited to see him in an ad. >> i haven't seen her in a long time. i didn't know she was doing ads. >> when she needs to make the money after the sglent i'm surprised we're this upset about commercials because i don't want them anymore. i tivo through them. it is exciting to see one. >> you can't sometimes if you are doing on demand. we love our commercials here. >> especially on fox. >> especially william devane. i am william devane, this is my horse. >> you see the tommy lee one where he is old now. >> he will be. we have lee majors. you can call men pigs because that's what we are. >> yeah. i guess. >> you are like the guy in the commercial. >> pretty much, yeah. >> i didn't know there was aman men -- you took my bjork thing by the way.
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>> she sugar. >> sugar cubes. >> i love the sugar cubes. >> that is bjork's band. >> why am i talking to you? >> i have a real point. i have a real point. i can't make it in 20 seconds. i didn't know there were men's rights groups but it is the desire of any group, no matter how large 50% of the population to be oppressed. i'm really happy as a man i have reached that. >> like the tea party. >> by the way -- >> what did you say? >> like the tea party. >> the argument is they are happy they have been targeted because -- >> they are catching up. >> we have to take a break. more stuff when we come back., how can you deny that cover? who's that beautiful man? it's not pierce brosnan.
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you're somewhat less vain. has anyone ever fallen asleep during your show? what if they do? >> i said when you teach people things they learn, after 20 minutes he woke up. i said cheato. audience burst out loud. i said why is that so funny? >> i think morgan freeman is on another universe right now. >> i think michael cane is the loudest speaker in the world. >> and you, it's -- it's like
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he's on an interesting drug. >> talking about blaming it on rio. >> great film. >> he may not have any peripheral vision. >> yes. morgan is asleep. >> yes. >> okay. lenny, when this happens to your drugged up killers in the courtroom how do you keep them awake? with adderol? >> my clients have never fallen asleep in the courtroom. very a tendency to fall asleep in places i fell asleep on a date once, like out, cold. >> at what point in the date? >> i am sure it was -- . >> is it after the drink? did you wake up and not know where you are? >> no. he was a gentleman and didn't make me feel bad about it. i know the look it's like, i was listening, really. i wases. >> yes. i talked to him and he felt bad.
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andy levy post game. how sit go something. >> it's getting well. you can get it down loaded for free. thank you for having. >> excellent. dana you interviewed someone sneshl. >> i did. george w. bush former president just opened a library in dallas, if you have time, you should make a trip down there. >> that is cool. >> spencer has a new lawyer we're excite bitd. thank you for having. and very interesting to you. >> yes. >> blood on her hands. >> anything?
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quickly? >> five seconds nobody cares? >> nobody does. >> you're running for news week? >> yeah. >> you get that at a farm sni. >> nope. >> next to diabetes care? >> bill: o'reilly factor is on. tonight: what is the biggest problem facing america today? the biggest problem the nation has is us, our mentality. >> bill: also, how has the country changed since the 1950s, is it for better or for worse. >> the 50s were wholesome, especially by today's anything goes standards. >> bill: provocative talking points analysis. plus, expert insight from charles krauthammer, monica crowley, james carville and bernie goldberg. >> since the obama campaign wanted benghazi, to use one example, to go away and the mainstream media pretty much helped it go away. >> bill: caution, you are about to enter the no spin zone. the factor begins right now.
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