tv Greta Van Susteren FOX News May 28, 2013 10:00pm-11:01pm PDT
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imp as we hear about any injuries, we are going to let you know. reportsave second twister touching down just north of salina, kansas. tornado watches are in effect in parts of kansas, missouri, iowa and nebraska. we will bring you more information on this very severe weather as we get t. but right now, three simmering scandals. now, boiling over. >> is this not just a scandal because of what was attempted, but the attempt succeeded.
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>> there is clearly an organized effort within the irs to target political opponents of the president. that's undeniable. >> you look at the irs scandal twasn't so much the attempt, there was blatant success there. the suppression of tea party money, donations and votes happened. >> what this is, it's targeting in the worst way, politically. >> new concerns over the attorney general, eric holder reviewing his own actions and those of his department and the targeting of journalists including james rosen. >> not only did the attorney general sign off on that search warrant, he actively discussed it with his staff. that's really important because only two weeks before that friday admission by the doj, holder was testifying you should oath that he had never sought the potential prosecution of reporters. >> with regard to the potential prosecution of the press for the disclosure of material, that is
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not something that i have ever been involved in, heard of or would think would be a wise policy. >> we are beginning to criminalize journalism. i think that should worry us all. >> certainly, we have a very troubling situation, something that occurs as big as this would occur without the knowledge of the attorney general or the suggestion that it would do so. this is a very serious matter. and one that, , again, the american people deserve the answers that they seek. >> house majority leader eric kantor calling president obama disconnected. we spoke with leader canter, earlier tonight. nice it see you, sir. >> hey, gret a. how are you? >> i'm very well. i want to talk about a number of things, including the scandals in d.c., but i want to get into education. but first, the scandals. the irs -- do you think a special prosecutor should be appointed to investigate? or are you satisfied that congress should do it alone?
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or should both be doing it? >> obviously, the situation with the irs is very, very troubling. i don't care what party you are affiliated with in america, you don't expect that an incumbent president and his administration would using a neutral instrument like the tax enforcement agency, the irs, to go about discrim naight against political opponents. it's a serious matter. know in richmond, we have had a tea party group that was targeted. i have been in touch with them, since the minute they realized that that was the case. and we have to get to the bottom of this. i am very proud of our committee chairman and their members, both on the ways & means committee, chairman campand chairman issa and the oversight committee and the work they are doing. we will get to the bottom of this. and it is about producing the answers, about what the american people deserve and that is from the people who have conducted
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these investigations, why did they do it? who gave them the order to do so? when did everyone know, when did the white house know? then we can make sure it does not happen again. >> from the first thing you said, i'm curious, are you connecting the president to this scandal? >> well, i don't know what he knew and when he knew t. so he's got to come forward and lead on this. you know, he has given the impression that somehow he's decease connected with what is going on at the irs, just like he's saying he was disconnected with what is going on in benghazi. he is disconnectinged with what is going on in the doj, as far as its investigation of the national security leak. it seems that he is disconnected with the leadership and lost focus in terms of what he should be doing, as far as leading the country. so we have to get to the this. i do think the president's going to have to come forward and give the american people the answers that they deserve. >> he's already said he didn't
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find out about it until may 10 when he read about it in the news. number 1, do you believe him on that? number 2, are you saying that that is simply not doing the job? >> first of all, i think we can let the facts speak for themselves. that's why the work that our committees are doing and chairman camp and issa and their members are doing is so important. they are conducting the investigations in a way that are fact based without assuming anything. but knowing full well that the american people have a right to feel violated when have you the tax enforcement agency, exacting punishment, discriminating against certain groups of people. we just don't do that in america. >> but i'm trying to understand, do you believe the president when he said he didn't learn about it until may 10, any of the ires rs behavior? >> again, i think that the question is one that is appropriate. when did the president know? and what kind of communications
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came from the irs to the white house? or vice versa with all of this? we don't even have the beginning of the answers to those questions. and that's what our committees, our task was doing, doing a very good job at being very fact based and methodical about getting the answers for the people of this country. >> lois lerner ethe irs employee took the fifth. technically, she's under subpoena. i don't think she has been discharged. they can always resubpoena her if she was. should she come back and be brought back to the hearing, the committee and answer questions? >> yeah, i think straight up. miss lerner owe its to the american people to produce the answer, or she shouldn't be working for the american people. that's simple f. someone cannot come -- if someone cannot come forward and explain what it is that she did, i think that she shouldn't be working for the american people anymore. it's that simple.
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>> department of justice has started a criminal investigation. do you think that's appropriate? >> well, look, national security is something that all of us know is a priority, it's a constitutional imperative for the federal government to insure. and that has to be dealt w. on the other hand, i know that we very much our country that values the freedom of the press, in fact the press are the watchdogs, as far as government activity is concerned to make sure that we, as people can hold our government accountable. so i do think that there are questions that need to be resolved here. hopefully, that the investigation is ongoing at d.o.j., will produce some results. i know that our committees as well are very interested in monitoring that situation. >> well, there is one question, sort of brewing out there, is whether or not the attorney general misled the house judicious committee when he denied -- he said pot tential prosecution of the press for the
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disclosure of material is not something he was involved in or knew about. it seemed he might have been asked about the associated press and might not have included the subpoena of james rosen. i am not sure what he meant. do you have any reason to believe that the attorney general of the united states was misleading congress? >> again, without imputing any of that intent right now, certainly, we have a very troubling situation, something that occurs as big as this, would occur without the knowledge of the attorney general or the suggestion that it would do so. so again, i think the facts are going to be able to speak for themselves. this is a very serious matter and one that, again, the american people deserve the answers that they seek. and i would just say, greta, once again, we have an administration that has lost focus on governing. and that is very problematic going forward on all of these issues. >> the chairman issa has sent
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now a subpoena to the department of justice, asking for -- it gives a deadline of friday, june 7, subject to the secretary of state john kerry, to provide documents and communication of 10 personnel, including sheryl mills, counsel and chief of staff to hill had hill, victoria nuland, a nominee for a new job. william burns and of course, beth jones, acting assistant secretary for near eastern affairs. he wants alm of these documents. do you agree with him that the documents should be forthcoming by the 7th of june? has the state department been dragging its feet? >> no question that there is dragging of the feet going on here. and the american people have a right to know what exactly happened that night when benghazi burned. we need to find the answers as to who knew what, when and what happened as far as the message that came out after that from the administration.
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>> we will have much more with leader cantor. but right now, tea party groups are saying they are being targeted again. they say it is not just the irs, but the department of homeland security. jason hoyt is a tea party organizer from central florida. nice to see you. >> thank you so much. >> tell me what happens that makes you think that the department of homeland security is targeting the tea party, at least your organization? >> well, last week, last tuesday at noon, this went on all over the country, groups got together at their local irs office. we gathered in the rain for an hour or two, probably had a hundred or so folks there. there was dhs with their vehicle, half parked on the sidewalk, in front of a no-parking sign. they weren't out securing the border. they weren't enforcing the immigration law or looking for actual terrorists, they were i believe, continuing on with the chicago-style thug politics of intimidation.
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we had a peaceful protest. we didn't have any arranged speakers. there they were in full gear, trying to intimstate and. >> did you ask or anyone you know ask why they were there? why it wasn't a local police matter? but you are outside a federal building, the irs -- >> right. >> did you ask them or engage them in any discussion? >> no. they left their vehicle there and they stood 20 or 30 feet away in the parking lot, kind of eyeing everybody as they went by. i didn't interact with them. i just went about and communicated with the folks there at the rally. again, i don't really know where why they were there. >> you can sense -- at least i can -- when police are around, whether they are there to protect or if they think something's going wrong or if they are trying to intimidate. did have you a sense what their presence there -- was it to protect the building or protect against any protest? or did you feel it was meant to intimidate? >> i really do feel it was meant
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to intimidate. come to find out, there they were at a number of different events around the country at different locations. but i do believe that this is a multi-agency attack. brandon darby wrote it about katherine engecbrect and trying to expose voture fraud. and brady addressed steven miller talking about that. her family business and/or organizations were visited 17 times from multiple agencies, not just the irs, fbi and atf, but osha, the epa. i believe this is a culture, if not a directive from the federal government, from somewhere. i really appreciate the fact that they are doing an investigation and a very serious manner. >> we only there 20 seconds left, was there any trouble, any disruption or threats or anything thrown or tossed at your rally? >> no. not at all.
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we were standing there in the rain in people's lunch hours. there were people there who had never been to a tea party event before. they say this was the issue that got them off the couch and got them engage in the great awakening we are going through. >> jasorngs thank you very much. >> thank you, greta. >> listen to this. right now, the irs is hiring. yes, hiring new agents to enforce obamacare. what does steve forbes think about that? good evening, steve. >> good evening. good to be with you. >> nice to have you. what do you think about the fact the irs is hiring? >> i think it just goes to show that even though they're immersed in a scandal that is shattering any trust people have, they are behaving as if it's business as usual. they have an enormous role in obamacare, a very intimidating role. they are hiring agency. i think there should be a freeze until we get to the bottom of what happened in these scandals. who was responsible and start a
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process where people can have faith in the government agencies again. >> it's interesting you talk about the scandal. nbc is reporting tonight and i guess one of the people involved is on sean hannity tonight. that there is lawyers from four offices, including the treasury department, washington, d.c. it seems from the allegation, nbc is reporting that sean hannity is reporting that this is expanding. >> it is. i think that this underscores the need for eventually, a special counsel to get to the bottom of this. you can't count on the irs to investigate itself. you can't count on the justice department, eric holier to investigate the irs and the agencies that report to him. so it has to be done on the outside. congress will do its part. but to get to thebottom of this, you will need a special counsel. instinctively i am against that iepd of thing, but this is so big, so sweeping, it has to be
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done if the american people are going to be able to trust the agency again. >> it seems to me, the irony, their growing unpopularity with obamacare and which ages is the agency that's going to administer -- historically the most unpopular and now one emploil broiled with targeting people. this couldn't be worse, i don't think. >> no, it couldn't. the irs role in carecrare is very real. employers have to report to the irs about what employees have insurance and what doesn't. the end of the year, insurance companies have to send a certificate to the irs about who has the insurance. you as a taxpayer get a certificate from your insurer and have you to send it in with your tax return. if you don't, you are in trouble with the irs. so the police powers are expanding. >> you know, i don't know how they are hiring people. i don't know where they will get the money. they have to get it from a republican house of representatives. i don't think they are going to
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get t. so what do you think will happen to obamacare if the irs can't hire the people it wants, a lot of states are not setting up the exchanges, what will happen? >> what the irs has done is a power play. under the law, they don't have the authority to give subsidies if a state doesn't set up an exchange. the federal government sets up the exchange. the irs does not have the authority to provide the subsidies to make these things work. but the irs has made a ruling on its own, directly against the law saying they do have the authority. i think you are going to see a huge showdown on this and in terms of appropriations, unfortunately, this administration has shown great agility at moving funds around when they want to, when they think it's politically feasible for them to do it, to do what they want to do. so i can't count on the appropriations process right now to stope them. i think it's the glare of public opinion and a congressional investigation and special counsel that can bring this
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thick to a halt when we find out what went on and not put in place policies that are going to continue the abuses, especially in health care, where the irs will potentially have information i don't want them to have. >> steve, thank you. always nice to see you. >> good to see you, thank you. >> ninety two now to the hot-button issue on, should there be a hiring freeze at the irs? yes or no? maybe the irs is listening. we will be curious what you think. vote in the poll. state ahead, attorney general eric holder dhe mislead or lie to congress isn't house is starting an investigation. that's next. oversight committee chair darrell issa is taking on secretary of state john kerry, coming up. plus, it takes a lot to turn heads in california. but one billboard has managed to do that. see what we mean, coming up and you wouldn't have it any other way. but your erectile dysfunction - you know, that could be a question of blood flow.
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>> -- did attorney general eric holder mislead or even lie under oath? he is being investigated. here's the testimony in question. >> with regard to the potential prosecution of the press for the disclosure of material that's correct is not something that i have ever been involved in, heard of, or would think would
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be a wise policy. >> and tonight judiciary committee member gym says attorney general holder should resign. the congressman of wisconsin joins us. nice to see you, sir. >> glad to be here, greta. >> sir, why are you saying he should resign? >> we never can get any answers out of him. he said on the subpoenas for the press that he wasn't involved in it and yet the regulation specifically requiring approval by the attorney general and negotiation with the press agency that is going to be subject to the subpoena. usa today in this morning's edition claims the justice department said they had notified fox news that james rosen was going to be subpoenaed. fox news said that they never
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got any notification and the justice department regulation also says they are supposed to negotiate. none of that ever happened. the attorney general just draws a blank on that. now, he's in charge of the department. at best, he's not in control of the department that the president has named him to be the head of, and at worst he either misled or lied to committees of congress, as well as to the american public about the subpoenas of that gotten not only to fox news but also the a.p. when he was questioned about that, the sound we just played of the attorney general, that was on may 15th. that was before the news broke about what the justice department is doing about james rosen. they had kept that secret. do you think by any chance that the attorney general was trying to keep the investigation confidential or do you think he was trying to mislead congress? he was talking about the a.p. story. but mislead congress or even
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lie? >> well, we didn't know anything about the james rosen subpoenas, which were far more than mr. rosen's phone record from what has appeared in the press. the fact is that there are regulars how to deal with with subpoenas of the press which the justice department ignored. fox news should have been notified and negotiations should have taken place before the subpoena was served on the people who had mr. rosen's phone records. that never happened. we are supposed to be a government of laws and if the chief law enforcement officer of this country won't enforce the law, then he's lost the confidence of congress and of the american people and he ought to go. >> all right. let me ask you, if he doesn't go becse he doesn't make a decision to go, are you suggesting that the president should fire him? >> i think the president ought to fire him to restore faith in the justice department. the fact is that congress is
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entitled to answers. the only answer that we've gotten is that the administration wants to have a press she would law. well, if it's like the press she would law that they proposed in the last congress, this would not have covered either the rosen incident or the a.p. incident. who is fooling who? congress isn't going to be fooled on this. and remember the president promised a transparent government that people would have confidence in, and i think based upon attorney general holder's statements, we certainly don't have confidence in him or his department. it's time for a fresh start for the next three and a half years of the obama administration. >> where does this lead? i only have 30 seconds left but where does this lead, this investigation? >> well, it may lead to another contempt citation, it may lead to mr. holder coming back and retestifying and given a chance to clarify the record. you know, the fact is that he's
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behind the 8-ball. he is the one that caused this problem. nobody else did. and he's the one that's going to have to fix it up. and if he won't fix it up, the president should fire him. >> congressman, thank you. always nice to see you. enjoy wisconsin, sir. >> yep. wisconsin is a great place, greta. you know that. >> i do know that, sir. thank you very much. and just a short timing a the state department got served with a subpoena. it has to do with benghazi. but that's not all. secretary of state john kerry got a letter. senator lindsay graham is here to talk about that next. and also it takes an awful lot to weird-out californians, but did you hear what happened? you will. you will. it has i want to make things more secure. [ whirring ] [ dog barks ] i want to treat mo dogs. ♪ our business needs more cases. [ male announcer ] where do you want to take your business? i need help selling art. [ male announcer ] from broadband to web hosting to mobile apps, small business solutions from at&t
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>> oversight chair ice issa issues subpoenas. >> good morning. >> good morning. >> darrella att >> darrell issa has sent a letter, this time directly to the secretary of state, asking for information, saying that the state's withholding documents. . does this have any impact? does this even move the cause forward to get these documents? >> if i were secretary kerry, i would cooperate with the committee fully. the only thing we ever learned about benghazi, the irs, the a.p., is subpoenas, whistle blowers, congress pulling things out like pulling teeth. so the subpoena is designed to get all the documents around who changed the talking points, the 100 e-mails that were released by the white house leads up to the saturday meeting. there was a meeting in the white house saturday before susan rice
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came on the sunday shows on the 16th of september where they had an enter agency meeting with white house personnel present that led to the talking points being changed. who was in that meeting? what did they talk about? we still have no idea who was in that meeting and how the talking points got changed. >> you would think that secretary of state kerry would really jump on this for the simple reason that he has nothing to do with this, absolutely nothing to do with it. >> exactly. >> he became secretary of state in january and this is something that is a distraction to his department. he could very quickly put it behind them. get the answers and make everybody happy, visa vis the state department and move on. what do we want to know? we want to know how the story of benghazi got so distorted. how susan rice came up with such a bizarre story to disconnect the facts. and there was the memo from beth who she told everybody in the
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state department i told the president of libya -- >> you mean beth jones? >> yeah, beth jones. yeah, why don't we have that. at the end of the dare what do we want to know? we wouldn't no know how the story of benghazi got so distorted. i want to hear from the survivors. i've written secretary kerry, the cia, please make available to the congress and the american people those who survived the attack so they can tell us what happened. we are being stonewalled and i wish my colleagues would show interest in what happened in benghazi. >> the think that's been in effective is the fact they have surrendered 100 pages of e-mails, but often what is not -- it's what they haven't surrendered. it's the huge gap in time. >> right. >> that's what you don't have. it's like, you know, if they want you to just go away, just give it to you. they do say they have given you 25,000 pages of documents and you have access to it.
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is that true? >> yeah, i don't know how many pages they have given us but nine months after the attack, have you heard from one survivor? why don't they make available the people there, why don't they tell us who was present at the white house on saturday, and who suggested the talking points be changed? we don't know anything about what the president did that night. >> is there known you can subpoena in government and ask them the simple question who was there, who are the survivors and then go after the survivors yourself? i know not in the senate but in the house? >you could. could you do that. >> why isn't the house doing that? i mean that would -- to me thatt would be the simple way to get it. >> i don't know why the commander in chief will not share with us the details of his leadership on september 11th. we know everything he did in the benghazi raid. we have photos of him watching television and being in control of the situation as commander in chief. i don't even know when he went
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to bed. i'm not goi to stop until we hear from the survivors and the president accounts for his leadership before, during and after. >> we have 30 seconds left. victoria nuland, you see his name surfaced a couple times, she's been 234078 nature ford a new job. do you intend to and her all these questions? will you get a chance to, i should say, and will you? >> yes. and i won't be on the committee, but she will be asked. she suggested that the original talking points by the cia that said clearly it was a terrorist attack and an al-qaeda affiliate and they have been warned about previous attacks, she pushed back because she doesn't want the state department to be blamed by congress. but she told me personally she has no idea who changed the talking points. the last time she saw the talking points was on trinight. they got changed saturday at the white house. who was at the white house, what did they talk about, and how did the talking points get changed? that's what i want to know. >> senator, thank you very much. i suggest you tell your friends
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on the house side of the hill to use subpoenas to get someone who knows who are the survivors and ask that person under oath in regard to the survivors. that would be the easy way to do it. >> and secretary kerry should make it easier for us all by volunteering to have the people come forward. >> senator, thank you, sir. >> thank you. >> well, it's no secret, education in this country is in deep trouble. house majority leader eric cantor has alan. here's more of our interview with him. >> in the last two years you have made 14 school visits in your district. you were going to do one today making life work and it got aborted because after problem at the school. tell me, what are you doing about education? >> well, it's true, greta. i'm very concerned and have made it a real passion and have made it a thing that i want to accomplish because it's such a passion as a parent to make sure that we can address that every child in this country is given a
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chance to succeed. that starts with education. we were going to be at patrick henry charter school here in richmond today, and unfortunately a fire took place at the school. hopefully we will do that visit next week. but it is just one of the many school visits that i have done not only here in virginia, but throughout the country, to try and understands what we can do to help parents and their kids. you know, i met a woman in new orleans, her name is essence. she says her daughter goes to the one of the charter schools or one of the private schools in new orleans in part of their choice system. she said she would do anything to keep that daughter there. we've got to, as a country, realize the building block of success, the ability of people to go out and earn that success and seize opportunities starts with education, and i'm hoping that over the next year and a half in congress we can effect some of these reform ideas so that we can actually help people get about their life so we can continue to see growth in our
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country and our economy. >> what happened to our education system? we used to be number one in so many different areas. now we've got parents who are just begging to get into charter schools and get out of the public school system. it seems like we really haven't identified. what in the world happened to our education system that all of a sudden we have slipped down below? if we identify the problem, i think it would be easier to fix it if we knew what happened. >> well, i think that sometimes -- you know, whenever you have sort of an establishment that sets in, and whether it's the, you know, the government unions, the teachers are be longing to or whether it is just a status quo mentality that you have to defend what is rather than try and instill some disruptive change so we can actually see results, we are faced with a school system that's not meeting the needs of so many kids and their families today. and all of us would like to fix the entire system, but i think you do that by helping one child at a time.
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and the parents that i meet want more than anything control over the choice of where their child is best put in terms of a classroom. one of the other areas is special needs. you know, i mean all of us know parents with special needs children, whether it's autism or any other condition that children may have. we've got to help them. if their needs are not being addressed by our local school system, we should make -- put in place reforms that allow dollars to follow the kids so that parents can be empowered and the ones that know best are those parents so that that child will have a quality education. >> and we have more with leader cantor. to see the rest of our interview just go to coming up, an american woman, a mother of seven, thrown into jail in mexico. what crime is she accused of committee and why was she really in mexico in you will hear from her frantic family next. and two minutes, the u.s. forecast needs a few good
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>> she and her husband were in mexico at a funeral. they are at this dispiewnl they took a bus which they felt was safer, they took a bus well and they took a bus back because they felt a bus would be safer for two americans than driving their own car. it's a mexican line. they felt it was a safer way to travel. they get to urmasito, 70 miles
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from the arizona bord are. military pulse everybody off the bus and then they say, we found 12 pounds of pot under your seat. so all of a sudden, they're singled out, they are the only americans on the bus. they say, you are under arrest. first, they arrested the husband. they released him and arrested the wife t. appears to have been a sheikh down that went terribly wrong because the husband called the consulate that. got government officials involved. when bribes didn't work to pay people off, she ends up in jail and schayes still there tonight, six days later. >> wow. john, thank you. >> and the daughter is here. anmana, if you spoken to your mother since she's been put in jail in. >> well, i actually went down saturday to visit her and to take some papers that gary needed, and, you know,
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unfortunately, i had to see her in a prison. nothing, you know -- a daughter wants -- no -- nowhere a daughter wants to see her mom at. it was so hard to see her and not be able to hug her. i mean... it's been one of the hardest things i have ever had to go through in my whole life. >> is she getting treated well in prison, do you know? >> umm... you know, i don't know. >> i have only heard horrible things about it. i try not to -- to get too involved in that because, you know, that's my mom and i don't want, you know, to -- to hurt more than i'm already hurting. but i know it's not a safe place for anyone. >> does she have a court date coming up so she will be released soon? >> you know, all i know is that
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she has another hearing tomorrow, you know, as far as i've been told. and a release day, i don't know. she should be seeing a judge friday. she has friday until 6:00 p.m. to make a final decision. but that's all the information i have. brandon has been working with gare and getting all the updated information. >> why were they frightened and worried about coming -- with the anchor just reported that they were concerned about travel and they thought it would be safer on a mexican bus. why were they concerned about travel coming out of mexico? >> you know, just things that we have heard -- you know, stories, movies. just, we don't want to take chances. so what's a better way than to travel with other people, witnesses there and going, you know, heading to the same place, basically. so to us, it was normal. we have always traveled on bus with my family. i have traveled on that bus before, my brothers and my
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sisters as limp we didn't see it as a big deism it's something normal that we have done before. >> anna, thank you. i hope tomorrow morning is good news for you and your family and that your mother's released. thank you. >> thank you so much. >> straight ahead, what do you see when you look at this billboard isn't ad apparently is weirding out californians. they are not easy to weird out. you are going to see why, next. on everything from home repair to healthcare written by people just like you. no company can pay to be on angie's list, so you can trust what you're reading. angie's list is like having thousands of close neighbors where i can go ask for personal recommendations. that's the idea. before you have any work done, check angie's list. from roofers to plumbers to dentists and more, angie's list -- reviews you can trust. i love you, angie. sorry, honey. i did? when visa signature asked everybody what upgraded experiences really mattered... you suggested luxury car service instd of "strength training with patrick willis."
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take a look at that tea pot side by side with adolf hitler, do you think it's a hitler pea pae tae pot? the company tweeting out unintentiona. we report you decide on this one. and all fan wishes coming true, yahoo reporting barbara eden slipz back into her "i dream of genie" costume when fits like a charm. she rocked the pink and red ensemble in veeena. wow. age 78 turn heads. to think the rest of us can't fit into last season's swim suits z now, it's your turn to hash it out with us. don't forget to follow me on twitter at gretawire. coming up, the video everyone,
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to protect your dog from parasites. you need trifexis. visit our website to save up to $25. available by prescription from your veterinarian. >> greta: 11:00 is almost here, it's time for last call. president obama paid a visit to the jersey shore. the president and chris christie touring businesses that have been rebuilt. they stopped to play arcade football. so, who won? >> mr. governor, do you want to give it a shot? >> trying to go. >> oh! >> greta: yes, governor christie nailing his first shot, president obama going zero for five that, is your last call. thank you for being us with us
11:00 pm
tonight. let us know what you thought about tonight's show. good night from washington, d.c.. there is a special open thread just for you on gretawire. go there right now. we'll see you there. all of this. >> dana: i'm dana perino lining with and and, bob beckel and eric boling and greg gutfeld. this is the five. >> dana: we hope you had a wonderful memorial day weekend. it was a solemn weekend for president obama. on sunday he toured the tornado damage in oklahoma. yesterday he laid a wreath of the tomb of unknown and he returned to jersey shore 7 months after super storm sandy. >> i'm thrilled with the progress we've made the last seven months,we had the chance to show the president earlier today. >> last week my advisors asked
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