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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  May 30, 2013 3:00am-6:01am PDT

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cell phone you already have trust issues. >> have a great day, folks. "fox & friends" starts right now. >>gretchen: good morning. it is thursday, may 30. hope you're going to have a great day. i'm gretchen carlson. america's top cop wants to explain himself to the media he snooped on, but they don't want to hear it. now democrats say that means the media should lose their right to free speech. what? we report, you decide. >>steve: new details this morning about the woman behind the i.r.s. unit in that targeting scandal. did lois lerner try to bribe a republican candidate not to run? we've got the story straight ahead. >>brian: a union fat cat caught in a catnap. this labor boss paid over
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$150,000 a year to sleep. and this morning he is the one suing. turns out he's just tired. that's okay. "fox & friends" starts now. >>steve: it would be great to get paid to sleep. >>gretchen: he comes to work at 2:00, has lunch, sleeps and goes home at 4. if anyone should be allowed to sleep it should be the three of us. >>brian: i should be allowed to sleep during your one on one's. there should be a hammock in the green room. >>gretchen: i get sick in hammocks. i should request a cot. >>brian: it is a chiropractic nightmare, the hammock. >>steve: the problem with a nap is you're sleepy for the rest of the morning. i think we're going to have to duke it out and try to
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stay awake until 9:00. >>gretchen: hopefully you'll stay awake during the headlines. we have live pictures outside the courthouse in england. the suspect charged with murdering a british soldier now in court. he arrived a short time ago -fplgt -- 22-year-old michael both adebolajao was charged. the other suspect is still in the hospital. >> in about one hour there will be a news conference in russia on the boston bombings. a delegation is meeting with high level security government officials. thefpt to determine -- they want to determine if more could have been done to stop the bombers. russia warned the united states in 2011 had a tamerlan tsarnaev was a
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threat. president obama set to nominate former bush official james comey to head the f.b.i. comey served in the d.o.j., the department of justice and became a hero to democrats for refusing to authorize a warrantless wiretapping program. republicans gearing up for a fight over his new hedge fund career. for the first time we're hearing from the american mother locked up in mexico over drug smuggling charges. she remains locked up behind bars after a judge made no decision on her release yesterday. maldanado was with her husband. officials claim they found 12 pounds of marijuana under her seat on a bus. maldanado says it was planted. she's innocent. >> i was in shock. i'm like this is not real. this is not happening.
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they put my [inaudible] on my hands. it was horrible. i'm not guilty. i don't have nothing to hide. >>gretchen: a judge scheduled to review her case at another hearing tomorrow. those are your headlines. >>brian: ready for another charm offensive? eric holder is going to put that to work. the natural charm he was born with, he was able to radiate in his congressional hearings. he's going to bring that to one on one closed doors off the record sessions to try to heal the rift that seems to be growing between the justice department and the press. how it would go? who would be there? that's the big question. >>steve: the big question is what are the bureau chiefs for networks and newspapers going to ask him behind closed doors? i say behind closed doors because it is going to be off the record which is delicious in itself. the associated press says because it's off the record, we're not going to come. "the new york times" says exactly the same thing, which is interesting.
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apparently mr. holder, according to sources, is going to admit some things. he's going to say that he regrets the wording of the rosen investigation, even though he approved it. >>brian: not the investigation but the wording. >>steve: exactly right. and he's going to say that he recognized the subpoena for the a.p. records took in more phone lines than necessary. not necessarily going to say i'm sorry, but he's also going to say now fellows here in the room, and gals, what can we do to change this? >>gretchen: the reason he has to do that and talk about the wording is because they basically had to call james rosen a criminal in order to get the subpoena to get into his records. his phone records, e-mails, personal e-mails, parents phone lines tapped. so how are they going to change the wording moving forward? the only reason they got that subpoena was because they said that he was a prospective criminal. so that's the only way. remember yesterday we reported they judge shopped this whole thing. they went to not one, not two but three judges to get
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to one that would sign off on doing that. is that because it was a little fishy to begin with, that you would have to deem him a criminal to be able to look into his records? >>steve: apparently the first two judges they went to were state judges and they said no way. then they went to a federal judge who apparently, according to some folks i know down in d.c., pretty much rubber stamps everything the government asks them to. the spokesperson for debby was certificate -- debby waseserman schultz said the president of the united states asked the attorney general to review how leak investigations are done, but some in the media refuse to meet with him. kind of forfeits your right to gripe. get that "new york times." you're going to have to get off your back unless you show up. >>brian: the a.p. is still steaming. gary pruitt, the chief executive who appeared as far as i know onlyon "face the nation" said to his staff you thought it was
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pretty bad, you thought hundreds of calls were monitored of different reporters and editors, try thousands of calls this and out of the news organization. that is what they have found in reviewing their records. it seems the obama administration acted as jury, j.j. -- judge and executioner. now the associated press says it is even bigger than they thought. he says i took in too many lines, attorney general eric holder. was he talking about all this? >>gretchen: i think these scandals show there is a lot of relevance to the drip, drip, drip kind of theory. at first it was we just looked at the a.p. and it was just five reporters. then it became 20. now it's becoming thousands and thousands of calls for one leak. then it was the james rosen story. how many other reporters has our government been looking at? >>steve: it's going to be behind closed doors but how many of the bureau chiefs are going to say
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mr. holder, did you monitor us? did you look into our phone detail? if he stalls, you've got to figure he's got something to hide. >>gretchen: if it's off the record, they can't report it any way. >>steve: it will be good to know whether or not they've got phone details for the last two years worth of phone calls. >>brian: the attorney general has been given the task of investigating his justice department. should they be investigating reporters through the justice department. so the attorney general has got a lot on his place. he's got to investigate himself and also tell people behind closed doors what he did wrong and not tell anybody when the doors open. are they pocket doors or are they the normal doors that open and close? >>gretchen: the tea party is going to sue now the obama administration. remember we talked about that? all these costs they were going to have from being audited on unwarranted audits in most cases. now we're learning that the people behind this i.r.s. scandal, including lois lerner, guess what she told a republican candidate in 1996 according to a report this morning? promise me you will never run again and we'll drop
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this s.e.c. case, her former position before she went to the i.r.s. there's been other reports in the last couple of days sis lois lerner -- since lois lerner became the name associated with this that maybe she had an ax to grind with republicans. that goes back to 1996. >>steve: there was this fellow who was running. he is a republican against dick durbin in illinois for u.s. senate. two democrat complaints were filed against this fellow by the name of al salvy. he says it was politically motivated because complaints were coming against democrats. that is when she made him this offer, if you don't run again i'll drop the charges. as the chief enforcement officer for the f.e.c. at that point she had that power. he declined, ran for secretary of state in illinois and eventually a judge vindicated him.
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he was right and lois was wrong in going after him. >>brian: let's talk about the i.r.s. commissioner. it was actually brought in during the bush years, and we found out according to karl rove that mr. shulman was brought in not because he was a right-wing conservative or saw eye to eye with president bush. he was a compromise candidate because max baucus at the time said i'm only going to pass a couple of these guys and here's one of the guys. when it came to president obama winning election and getting into the white house, things changed for mr. shulman. there should have been a revolving door into the white house because he visited so much, he actually outvisited and outlapsed many people like secretary of state hillary clinton and eric holder. this guy visited the white house 157 times only for an easter egg roll is the only one he can remember going there for. what else was he doing there? >>gretchen: karl rove is saying this. one of the ways in which this has been reported in the last couple of weeks is
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that doug shulman was a bush appointee, so there. so he couldn't have been up to anything that was bad going on at the i.r.s. that -- number one, that is an important point. number two, during this time when the economy was in the tank, let's look at that graphic again. you have two of your top economic guys -- you have jack lew and tim geithner. and look at that. they are not coming to the white house frequently. but shulman is over 150 times. and point number three, his predecessor at the i.r.s., according to reports, visited the white house once when he was with the i.r.s. put it all in perspective. >>brian: how insulting is it that he can't remember a single thing that happened during 157 visits to the most famous building and the most famous building in the country? he went there 157 times. i don't know. easter egg roll. think about how insulting that is to the american people, those congressmen asking those questions and everyone else giving up
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their time. >>steve: they only have the easter egg roll one time a year. to some critics it looks as if he kept going to the white house to make a political opposition against the president's opponents. is that what happened? if mr. shulman answers the questions fully, maybe we'll know. 12 minutes after the top of the hour. coming up a shocking arrest, who police just busted for setting off that explosion at disneyland. >>gretchen: a reform policy but no one seems to know where tom donelon was the night four people were killed in benghazi. why is that? why is that? we'll investigate next. [ male announcer ] erica had a rough day. there was this and this. she got a parking ticket... ♪
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>>brian: this man has one of the most crucial jobs inside the white house. his name is tom donelon, the national security advisor in terms of advising the president on national security and foreign policy issues. following the terrorist attacks in benghazi, no one seems to know where he was and he's supposed to be handling all foreign disasters. where was he that night? is this really the guy we want handling our foreign policy any way.
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fox's contribute john bolton is explain. let's focus on tom donelon for now. where should he have been? >> in his office in the white house or in the situation room coordinating the activities of all the various government departments involved. i think what we can see already even from a very incomplete revelation of what happened is the president was not on the bridge. the cabinet secretaries weren't communicating with each other. there was not a lot of activity to try to come to the aid of people in libya. even if tom donilon was in the white house, this was a laid-back response to the attack. >>brian: we remember that day, we remember seeing riots in egypt. let's say legitimately the president thought this was all about a video. when that thing obviously changed, when the communications were public and tom donilon found out about it like we found out
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the state department knew, what should donilon like past security advisors for the president? >> it shouldville all hands on deck and started well before the attacks in benghazi because there were demonstrations in cairo, potentially other cities in the middle east. whatever the cause, americans could be at risk. official americans, private citizens. we should have been active well before the attack in benghazi started to see what might be necessary to extract americans from very dangerous situations. apparently none of that happened. >>brian: it seems as though tom donilon was over his head according to many insiders in the white house. who is he? and is he qualified to have this post? >> there is no one right way to run the national security decision-making apparatus. i think presidents get what they want. i think what this president wants is foreign and defense policy tightly controlled by the white house, all key decisions
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made there, cabinet secretaries merely being spokesperson and implementers. i think donilon does what the president wants. he makes sure the cabinets hugh to what the white house want. it is a very different style to other presidents who have given secretary of defenses and secretary of states a lot of leeway. >>brian: bush had advisorses -- advisors that proved effect kwreufplt it -- effective. >> the white house's main concern seemed to be what can we do to protect americans in the middle east than what spin are we going to have. >>brian: we don't know where the president was or
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tom donilon was after 8:00. it does matter what room he was in and the situation room is not like any other room. ambassador bolton thanks so much. straight ahead, a story creating a lot of controversy at this hour. should federal employees on furlough be allowed to collect unemployment benefits? we report you decide. do you catch up on sleep by sleeping late on the weekend? i do a lot of research on angie's list before i do any projects on my own. at angie's list, you'll find reviews written by people just like you. i love my contractor, and i am so thankful to angie's list
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for bringing us together. angie's list -- reviews you can trust. there's a new way to fight litter box odor. introducing tidy cats with glade tough odor solutions. two trusted names, one amazing product.
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>>brian: the man behind an explosion at disneyland was an employee. according to the police, they said 22-year-old christian barnes filled a bottle with dry ice and dropped it in the trash can in toontown. fortunately no one was hurt and no one goes to toontown anymore. an incredible cell phone video capturing a tornado ripping through milan, italy. you can see debris flying through the air as the driver heads down the busy highway. steve? >>steve: brian, thank you. do you have trouble getting your kids to sleep? it turns out there could be a genetic reason. a new study determined that your sleeping rituals can be passed down to your children. so which sleep habits are the ones we need to worry about? >>gretchen: i need to pay close attention to this. dr. marc siegel, fox
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medical a team with the sleep myths. that genetic thing can be passed down? i'm not a great sleeper. now my daughter is not a great sleeper. >> there is a genetic indication here. the problem is it's also environmental. she may not be a great sleeper because she sees you getting up in the middle of the night to come here. >>gretchen: what about naps? for people who don't sleep well, do naps work? >> there is an indication that power naps help a lot. i'm calling that a fact. the problem is you can't make up for that deep dream r.e.m. sleep. that's the best kind of sleep and that's continuous. >>steve: a lot of people that get up at odd hours worry if i have coffee later in the day that's going to keep me up at night. >> here's the truth. you can have coffee in the afternoon. >>steve: it's a myth? >> it is a myth afternoon coffee will keep you up at night. even though coffee lasts 12 hours, by the time you're getting r&d did i for -- getting ready for sleep it is usually something else.
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it is the chocolate cake. if you have late coffee, it can keep you awake. >>gretchen: what about if you booze it up? >> that is a problem. booze will help you fall asleep but as it wears off in the middle of the night your brain wakes up and you wake up. people say i zonked out but here i am pacing at 2 in the morning. >>gretchen: do you recommend people take another shot? >> no. have a glass of water. i'm not recommending that on tv. a glass of water. >>steve: here's what a lot of people do. during the week i work long hours. i can catch up on the weekends. that, as it turns out, you say is true. >> i'm calling that true but i want people to know the problem with that. you can never totally account for your sleep debt. if you miss two hours a night, like you have five hours a sleep when you should be having seven, that is called a sleep debt. you cannot totally make up for that on the weekends.
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you'll have health problems, diabetes, gain weight, risk of high blood pressure. all the stuff i worry about, you can't compensate with weekend sleeping. get it while you can and do it regularly every night. get into a good pattern. as we get older we have more things waking us up at night. >>steve: dr. marc siegel back from texas and biking with the president. >> and getting a lot of good sleep. >>gretchen: parents are outraged. school officials conducted iris scans on their kids without parents' permission. >>steve: caught in a catnap. another naper. this guy was listening to your doc. this labor boss paid more than $150,000 a year, and you know what? he sleeps a lot on the job. charles payne weighs in on that as we roll in live that as we roll in live from new york city.
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>>steve: we have got an extreme weather alert. check out that video. flood waters crashing in through the front door and windows of an illinois college ripping down the doors and windows as well. desks and chairs and tables swept away. this particular building at carl sandberg college in
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galesburg, illinois today. the midwest is geared for more severe storms today. maria molina is outside. maria, i see much of kansas under a flash flood watch this morning. >> we are looking at more severe storms possible throughout the day today. that same storm system that produced a lot of heavy rain across parts of chicago, illinois and parts of iowa over the last couple of days still slowly moving. we're looking at a severe weather risk today anywhere from parts of oklahoma to iowa, damaging winds, large hail and tornado possible today. temperature-wise we're looking at hot temperatures ahead it, well into the 80's and 90's. 92 for your high in san antonio. new york city 91 degrees for the high temperature today. >>gretchen: thanks so much, maria. we'll check back with you in a little bit. should furloughed employees be allowed to collect unemployment benefits? workers at an engineering
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station in philly struck a deal that allows them to do that. >>steve: lets them group their furlough days together. >>gretchen: here's the controversy. the controversy is employees were supposed to go on furlough to save money for the government. should they then be allowed to get more government money by collecting unemployment? that's the story. >>brian: i'm going to start with this story. viruses being called a threat to the entire world. the world health organization says the corona virus, 30 have ended in death and can lead to pneumonia and kidney failure. the virus was first detected last month in saudi arabia. >>steve: outrage after florida students are subjected to aoeurs scans, scans of their eyes without parents permission. officials say the school district made a mistake not getting notification forms out on time.
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it was part of the pilot security form for kids who take the bus. the district says all the data has been destroyed and they're sorry. >>gretchen: a daredevil taking a leap of faith on mount everest. new video just released shows the russian ace jumper setting a world's record. he wore a special wing suit and glided for a full minute. the jump at 7,220 meters above sea level. somehow i have the feeling that's on your bucket list, brian kilmeade. >>brian: yeah. if i could fly, i would fight crime. and i believe he should be forced to fight crime if he is going to have that suit. >>steve: there is not a lot of crime on mount everest. >>brian: in the world of sports, jim brown returning to the place he cast his legend that mace hid legendary exploits legendary.
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i'm talking about the cleveland browns. he'll work as special advisor to the team mending a decades long rip strained under the old owner randy lerner. brown says he will spend time working with inner city school kid. we head to cleveland 20-second minute, u.s.a. and belgium, a tie game that made it 1-1. it was a 1-1 game and it would be blown open. belgium will go on to a final score of 4-2. the u.s. has their hands full when it comes to europe. they'll play germany next. could wrestling be back in the olympics? officials from that sport and seven others made their case to be included in the 2020 games. why not? i believe it was the first olympic sport. it was cut from the olympics by a bunch of idiots despite having a history going back to the ancient games.
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a final decision will be made in september. the world, iran, russia and the u.s. are on the same page. coming up on kilmeade and friends between 9 and noon chris wallace, steve doocy and nathaniel pillbrick. >>gretchen: check out this union fat cat caught in a catnap. he is earning $156,000 a year to run the largest union of blue-collar government workers in new york city. they include some of the city's lowest paid worker. but fellow union executives say he does more sleeping than working. fox business charles payne is here to dissect this one. charles, where do you want to start? >> this thing is the ultimate poster for everything that people thing is wrong with unions. here you have this guy who
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has been entrenched as leader since 1998. some accounts say he works two hours a day sipping big gulps when he's not taking naps. >>brian: we have a big gulp right by him. >> it speaks to why unions have lost so badly over the past few decades in this country. it also speaks to maybe the idea that workers who are in unions might need a union for greater democracy within their own organizations. in 1998 this guy is in there, everyone is afraid of him, no one can move him out, he was voted back in. >>gretchen: the pair dues are paying his salary. i would think they would become enraged as a group that they are supporting him to sleep on the job. >> this is a poster child for people who think unions are wrong. it could be the ultimate wakeup call if you are in a union. >>steve: this guy needs a
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wakeup call. >> he will need a big alarm clock. >>steve: apparently some of his union members called and said come down for sandy and he said i didn't hear about it. >> he missed sandy. >>steve: how do you miss that? he slept through a hurricane. >> i've got 3,000 people working for me, a couple guys making 100 grand a year. someone should have told me about sandy. >>steve: apparently on the union dole he spends $1,400 a month in food. the union buys his lunch. that's about $70 a day. >>brian: i really feel i've got to stick up for the people. these workers count the buttons on their shirt. how they save buttons, i cannot believe. can we see the quote to see, get his side of the story. here it is. mark rosenthal says i'm 60 years old. if i eat during my lunch hour and take a little medication, can't i close my eyes? is it so outrageous? now do you feel bad? >> the answer is yes, it is
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outrageous. it is time for union workers to have a revolt against their own system. i know a lot of people in unions. i have a cousin who works for verizon, been there 25 years. she is getting canned because of a medical issue but she defends her union. >>steve: this guy, in addition to all that stuff, $150,000 a year, free food a month and he's suing the government. >> he needs a scape coat. it wasn't my fault i let my workers go during sandy. it works for a time. >>brian: it works in washington. it works for everybody. >> it is a wakeup call for union workers out there. that is their money. they don't make a lot of money in this particular union. they drive the tow trucks. if they don't wake up and say we want to be organized but we don't want to be
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exploited. >>gretchen: you've got to wonder if there is one story like this, how many others? >> it can be a poster child. you know it is not unique. >>brian: if you're 60 falling asleep on the job and taking medication, call us. >> maybe a smaller lunch and not necessarily a big gull -- big gulp. >>steve: charles payne will be taking over stuart varney's chair at 9:20. >>gretchen: remember this guy? he's the governor of rhode island, the one who banned the christmas tree. this morning he's got a big announcement that will have you shaking your head. >>steve: this guy knows a whole lot about real estate. next the most common renovation that will actually decrease the value of your home. you've got to find out about this guy.
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test. test. test. >>gretchen: 44 minutes after the top of the hour. quick headlines. remember this guy? the governor of rhode island who banned the christmas tree. governor lincoln chafee making headlines again. the former republican turned independent will seek a second term now as a
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democrat. 25% of rhode island voters say he's doing a good or excellent job. we learned david petraeus will be doing more than teaching college kids. the former four-star general and c.i.a. director will lead an institute at private equity firm k-fpl k.r. he will -- firm k.k.r. good for him. steve? >>steve: if you are looking to remodel your house, chances are your plans may include maybe a pool, a new family room, all personalize touches you want. but did you ever think that perhaps you could ever turn your dream house into a nightmare when it's time to sell? some common renovations and improvements can hurt the value of your house. here to explain is our real estate expert. when we fix up our houses, them. we figure the next person will love them. not so much necessarily? >> i would say your home is
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an srefpl. you-- investment. if you want to do something personalized, be ready to do something when you sell. >>steve: let's look at renovations that could devalue your house. we're talking about the ultimate curb appeal. if you have a gigantic excessive landscaping going on, that might turn somebody off? because? >> it's maintenance. you may have a green thumb, spend your weekends doing the gardener. this gen x buyer may not want to do landscaping so they'll go to the next home where there is less landscaping. >>steve: some people convert a garage into a family room. >> people want to have a place to park your car. you may think because you don't have a nice car you can park it outside or you don't have a car.
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taking away a garage is not a smart real estate move. >>steve: when kids go to college, people take out a bedroom. that can be a appropriate. >> people want big closets or home offices. i think it is okay to do but you've to do it in such a way that you can put it back when it is time for resale. otherwise kids looking for a three-bedroom home won't come to your home. >>steve: if you want to change it into a home office, put cabinets up but don't install them. what about a swimming pool? >> very common in the south, and it's something that most buyers want. in the north, not so common and some buyers don't want to deal with it. same thing with landscaping. maintenance issues are liability issues. some buyers don't want to buy a home that has a pool. >>steve: when we lived in virginia, we had a big pool that previous owners installed and it was a hassle to keep that thing
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clean. >> 30% of the buyers don't want to buy a home with a pool. >>steve: if you come to a house that has personalized colors -- and i was telling brendan about a kitchen my wife and i looked at was green and it drove us nuts. we might like it but the next buyer might say you've got to be kidding me. >> i had a couple that made the kitchen into a moroccan palace, the next couple might not like it. go to zillow and see what's selling in your neighborhood. try to find neutral colors. otherwise a buyer will see your home as a fixer-upper. >>steve: what would be the number-one thing you could do to improve the value? >> kitchens and bathrooms. kitchen countertops, caesar
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stone, clean bathrooms really sell. >>steve: thank you very much. 12 minutes before the top of the hour. coming up, another big announcement from angelina jolie, what she's doing this weekend, weeks after she announced a double mastectomy. judge napolitano heads to studio e, here on your studio e, here on your channel for news.
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it was very painful situation. the rash was on my right hip, going all the way down my leg. i'm very athletic and i swim in the ocean. shingles forced me out of the water. the doctor asked me "did you have chickenpox when you were a child?" the pain level was so high, it became unbearable.
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the irs under scrutiny for targeting conservative groups. last week armed homeland security agents showed up at rallies as tea partiers gathered to protest the irs. did they have a right to be there or is it another example of bully tactics from the government? joining me now, fox news senior judicial analyst judge napolitano. >> good morning, gretchen. >> armed security guards from homeland security weren't there to say, hi, we are from the department of homeland security, right? >> we don't know why they were there. they were out of uniform, armed and there sort of monitoring a demonstration. you know, the american people were sold to the idea of homeland security which president bush, to his credit, was actually against. felt we didn't need another police department. we were sold the idea that they would protect the borders and the airports.
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also arguably the borders. now they have become another police department. think about it. if there is a rally on 6th avenue outside the building where we are now, the police will be there just sort of around the area to make sure nobody gets hurt. large concentration of people in a small area. you don't expect the federal police to be there, out of uniform so you don't know who they are. and you don't expect the federal police breathing down people's necks when they are expressing opinions against the federal government. that's what happens. the supreme court has said many times the first amendment needs breathing room. meaning you shouldn't be afraid to express your opinion that you are going to offend the person you are disagreeing with especially if that person is the president or federal police that work for him. >> people are going to feel chilled by this when they find out today. >> that's the technical word "chilled". >> they are going to feel chilled by it.
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is it legal? >> well, there is no statute that prohibits it. there is no cause of action meaning you can't sue janet napolitano and say, get your goons out of here. you have to put -- no relation. i'm laughing because we call her cousin janet -- >> i'm laughing because you said "goons". >> the only way to resolve it is to put political pressure on the president to remind him his job is to protect our freedoms. when the police are breathing down people's necks because they express political opinions against the government that inhibits our freedoms. >> in light of recent scandals coming out of washington, you would think the department of homeland security and this administration would be extra careful to not overstep bounds. >> agree. sometimes the government has a tin ear as to what offends
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people. sometimes the government says don't challenge our authority. but the first job of the government is to protect our freedoms. when it inhibits us it's not doing its job. >> they also were at occupy wall street demonstrations as well. >> why do we need a federal police department to track anybody when they are lawfully expressing their public opinion in a public place. that's not a job for the feds. >> we have to leave it there. >> i think i'll hear from cousin janet later today. >> they might have your phone number. under surveillance. you never know, judge. have a great weekend. >> my pleasure. >> overnight the markets in japan taking a record dive. how will it affect your bottom line? we'll tell you next hour. and president obama sound like president nixon? >> i first learn eed from news reports. >> i first learned about it from
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the same news reports most people learned about this. >> the tale of the tapes. top of the hour. woman: everyone in the nicu -- all the nurses wanted to watch him when he was there 118 days. everything that you thought was important to you changes in light of having a child that needs you every moment. i wouldn't trade him for the world. who matters most to you says the most about you.
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and it's never been easier to get a jetta. that's the power of german engineering. get $0 down, $0 due at signing, $0 deposit, and $0 first month's payment on any new volkswagen. visit today. on any new volkswagen. and you can make them evene for the more special... with fancy feast mornings. mornings are delicious protein-rich entrées... with garden veggs and egg. each one perfectly designed... to start her day with a little love. fancy feast mornings gourmet cat food. the best ingredient is love. ...and a great deal. thanks to dad. nope eeeeh... oh, guys let's leave the deals to ooh that one! nice.
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got it! oh my gosh this is so cool. awesome! perfect! dad to the rescue. the perfect place is on sale now. up to 30% off. only at good morning, everybody. it's thursday, may 30, 2013. i'm gretchen carlson. fox news alert. the family of the boston bomb g ing brothers about to hold a news conference. the surviving brother made his first phone call to his mom since the attack. details live from russia when it happens. >> eric holder wants to explain himself to the media he snooped on but some outlets don't want to hear it. some say that means journalists lose their right to free speech. make sense to you? not me. >> have you seen this?
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doesn't president obama sound a lot like richard millhouse nixon? >> i first learned from news reports -- >> i first learned about it from the same news reports i think most people learned about this. >> there is a lot more. the tale of the tape coming up. "fox & friends" hour two commences immediately. >> hi, everybody. i'm huey lewis, stand by for the news. who remembers why he was here that day? >> to promote something. >> to read the news? huey lewis & the news. >> is that all? >> he had a book. >> he had something to report. he combined it with visiting his daughter over at nyu. >> oh, that's right. >> in case you're wondering why brian has the credit card out, he's not going to pay us. >> you do win for getting it
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right. >> what's the p.i.n. number? >> no, no, no. >> who's going to steal it from me? >> that's because brian gets his coffee every morning. >> i get a chai latte. >> his softer side with the pumpkin and chai lattes. >> huey lewis and the news and -- lone star, are you kidding me? we made them famous. foreigner, eddie money. >> doobie brothers. >> my wife's favorite. she may come for them. did you take my credit card? where did you put it? >> it's magic. headlines now. family of the boston bombing suspects will hold a news conference in moscow, russia. the uncle of tamerlan tsarnaev
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and dzhokhar will speak. it comes as we learned dzhokhar called his mother in russia. the father of ibragrimtodashev. he was friends with tamerlan and there are fbi reports that he was unarmed when shot. a u.s. congressional delegation in russia saying more could have been done. russia warns the u.s. about tamerlan. let's go to london now. early this morning the suspect charged with murdering a british soldier could come face to face with the judge. accused in the gruesome attack on lee rigby who was off duty when he was run over and hacked in an apparent islamic extremist
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attack. the other suspect was shot by police and is in the hospital. former bush to james comey became a hero for refusing to authorize surveillance while john ashkroft was hospitalized with pancre pancreastitis. angelina jolie expected to join brad pitt at the premier of "world war z." she's been keeping a low profile since surgery to reduce her risk of breast cancer. now you can see what happens when i have brian's credit card in my bra. i can't read. >> i can't read. put it in a lead pipe, store it in a cave.
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don't tell super-man. >> don't be a joker. >> who's one of my enemies? >> riddler? lex luther. eric holder who has been a pinata to the media after it was found his department of justice spied on the associated press and fox news's james rosen. they have called on the bureau chiefs for major newpapers and television networks as well trying to explain what happened and trying to come up with a plan so people aren't quite so p.o.'d going forward. so the a.p. and new york times, among others say -- we may have position on this? >> we are sending somebody. >> all right. they say if you're going to keep it off the record we are not going to go. we want to report it as news. we have questions for you. we have questions about what you
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did, how you did it. if we're going to get answers we owe it to the people. they're not going to come. now all of the sudden i guess they are being lashed back at by the white house. >> i can understand why you wouldn't go. first of all, you know it will be lip service by eric holder. if you can't say what he said then why show up? >> maybe he'll say what happened. some of the bureau chiefs will ask, did you spy on us? if he tells the truth and says, yep, we did. >> they can't report it. >> exactly right. you know, if he makes a great off the record case for doing what he did, but the new york ti times and associated press can't report it, did it happen. >> that will be interesting. in the past couple of days he said it has to do with the wording. he wouldn't choose the wording he did before. is one word criminal? that's how he got the subpoena
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to look into fox news's james rosen was to convince a judge he was engaging in criminal activity. maybe they knew all along rosen wasn't engaging in criminal activity but that's how they had to get the subpoena. >> the attorney general has never been in so much trouble. he's fighting for his political life. he was instructed by the president to get to the bottom of the investigation that the justice department is doing. so he has to conduct the investigation of what he was doing. so he's going to conduct it on himself. he'll begin with a listening tour, slash, charm offensive beginning today. next week, the appearance in front of the judiciary committee. if he says, i don't know, i'm not sure, i don't remember dates i don't know how he can continue in his job. >> if the a.p. and new york times aren't going to show up somebody will probably leak what happens in the meeting and the a.p. and new york times can report it. they weren't there. >> if the person leaks will they be investigated by the
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department of justice which is not supposed to be doing that? >> the department of justice may be spying on all of them. who knows? after it was revealed the new york times, associated press would not show up brad woodhouse who is dnc flak tweeted this. potus asked the attorney general to review how leak investigations are done but some of the media refuse to meet with him. kind of forfeits your right to gripe. taking a shot at the new york times. oh, boy. gary pruitt, the associated press ceo, told staff members the department of justice did not just monitor 20 different phone lines. they actually monitored thousands and thousands of phone calls. he went on to say the administration acted as judge, jury, executioner. >> this is like a drip, drip, drip story, folks.
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first it was five phone lines. >> thousands. >> this is not a drip. it's a fire house. >> that's the point. the more dave goes on the more drips out. not just the a.p., it's fox news and you have to wonder who else. >> here's the quote that will lead into what you're going to say. >> okay. >> with regard to potential prosecution of the press for the disclosure of material that's something i haven't been involved of, heard of or think is wise policy. the problem is he did exactly that. he signed off on it and discussed it. back to you. >> you're talking about attorney general eric holder. that was his quote may 15 before congress under oath. the question is did he lie when he said it to a judge or congress? jay carney, spokesperson for the president was on the hot seat yet again yesterday. probably harkening back to the day when he wasn't asked tough questions. here's how he e tried to tackle that question. >> we know he was involved in it at least. that's the question. was he not telling the truth?
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he was involved? >> involved in what? >> he signed off on the search warrant. are you not involved? >> i will refer you to the justice department. you guys are inflating the subpoena with prosecution. i think i would point you to what the attorney general head. >> you're holding onto technical accuracy? >> i'm not. based on the reports and what the attorney general said, i don't see the conflict. >> what he was saying is they went after james rosen with the affidavit and the judge shopping, but what he was trying to explain is they never really intended to prosecute james rosen. that stumps karl rove. here he is with hannity. >> holder lied to a judge. he had no intention of treating rosen like a criminal. he said it to get the subpoena because that was the test he needed to pass. later on carney is asked do you
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see conflict between what holder said in response to hank johnson of georgia on the 15th and the fact he turns out to have signed the rosen one? carney says, quote, i don't see the conflict. really? what planet are you on? this is not only nixonian, it's clintonian. it's the definition of a lie. >> the difference is ed henry asked the question and major garrett asked follow up. then it was back to, yeah, what does the president have for lunch today. now they are following up on the story. jay carney can't handle it. >> meanwhile, i'm sure he doesn't like this. there is a new youtube video out produce bid revealing politics. they said a number of reporters and pundits made comparisons between nixon and president obama. they looked at that time first 20 minutes of nixon's first
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watergate speech and saw a lot of comparisons. they put together a video -- revealing politics did. here is a portion of it. >> i first learned from news reports. >> i first learned about it from the same news reports i think most people learned about this. >> the comments i made during this period, the comments made by my press secretary in my behalf were based on the information provided to us at the time we made those comments. >> keep in mind, by the way, these so-called talking points that were prepared pretty much matched the assessments that i was receiving at that time. >> had we not had that kind of security and that kind of secrecy that allowed for the kind of exchange that is essential. >> leaks related to national security can put people at risk.
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>> i must now turn my full intention, and i shall do so once again, to the larger duties of this office. >> others may get distracted by chasing every fleeting issue that passes by, but the middle class will always be my number one focus, period. >> okay. that's done by revealing politics. >> right. you make the call. >> a lot of parallels. >> my call? you get your credit card back. >> just so i can run out and get you something for b. >> i did some online shopping. fantastic. >> coming up, the markets in japan taking a record dive. charles gas dx -- gasparino here next. >> we are his mom's favorite morning show. >> and how did he do it? we'll hear from him. ♪
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(alarm clock buzzer) ♪ (announcer) friskies. now serving breakfast. these are sandra's "homemade" yummy, scrumptious bars. hmm? i just wanted you to eat more fiber. chewy, oatie, gooeyness...
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and fraudulence. i'm in deep, babe. you certainly are. [ male announcer ] fiber one. ♪ proud to stand on our own ♪ proud to be homegrown ♪ a familiar face and a name you know ♪ ♪ can you hear it? ♪ fueling the american spirit ♪ no matter when, no matter where ♪ ♪ marathon will take you there [ male announcer ] with the new marathon visa credit card, you earn up to 25 cents per gallon off marathon purchases.
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after a recent rally, japanese stocks, another record dive. 5% hitting a four-week low. >> stocks on wall street also took a dip yesterday. could this affect our markets? joining us now is fox business senior correspondent charles
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gasparino. >> my collar is screwed up. >> look at him staring at himself on the monitor. charles payne never did that. >> what's going on in japan? they are down 15% in two weeks. >> no one knows what to make of the economy. if you look at dow futures, our market is going to be up today. this is a good thing. you get a flight to quality when people start freaking out. it started trading off based on chinese manufacturing. >> slowing down. >> the japan economy is closely correlated to the chinese economy. it's more of the same. >> yeah, but isn't the u.s. economy usually affected by the nikkei? >> sometimes. it depends. the markets are in such flux now. >> they're going up for the most part. >> yesterday larry fink who runs blackrock, the biggest money management fund said dow 28,000 in six years. when i hear that for the average investor i get worried. >> why? >> you know he's talking the book, trying to pump up the market. this is a guy that controls $3.8
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billion on management. he's one of president obama's closest allies on wall street. tried to hire tim geithner. he's obviously trying to hype the market for some reason. >> the market is on fire. >> it is. >> look at the numbers. >> here's the thing. be cautious. i really think as long as ben bernanke prints money, markets go up. when will he stop printing money? the consensus is toward the end of the year. >> i have heard people say it could be this summer. >> i would keep watching. >> then the market will tank, right? >> it will go down. there is a lot of possibilities here. my view is be really cautious. play it on a short-term basis. never before have we been in this territory where the fed has printed money this much following an economic sort of collapse or calamity. it's uncharted territory. >> you are worried interest rates will go up. >> they will go up at some point. >> they can't go lower. housing sup, consumer confidence.
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>> are you sure they aren't just bouncing off the bottom? this is what's crazy about the mark. in the old days you bet the market based on the economy. what we are betting on now in the market is what's is fed going to do? it's one of the hardest things to read in the world. bernanke doesn't say, hey, i'm going to stop printing money tomorrow. it's obtuse statements you have to read through. it's bizarre and scary. this is uncharted territory. bottom line, you've got your money in cash and bonds. you're not making a lot of money, you have to be in stocks. you're in it. you have to be worrieworried, cautious. when i hear larry fink. >> what does tuesday mean to you? we should jump in on tuesday? >> i don't know. there are a million technical factors on why markets go up. people use the tuesday it goes up as a reason to be in the market. >> it's a good day to buy flights, just so you know. >> really? >> charles, thank you very much. >> any time. >> see you later. >> coming up, the government wants you to enroll in obamacare.
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how much they will spend on it is staggering. >> and what does it take to be crowned top hooker? you're about to find out. >> what? >> two of the best fishermen in the country. >> oh! you had us hooked. >> come on, big fellow. he's moving. e verizon share everything plan for small business lets you connect up to 25 devices
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on one easy to manage plan. that means your smartphone, her blackberry, his laptop, mark's smartphone but i'm still on vacation. still on the plan. nice! the intern gets a tablet? everyone's devices. his, hers-- oh, sorry. all easier to manage on the share everything plan for small business. connecting more so you can do more. that's powerful. verizon. get the blackberry z10 for $199.99.
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wake up. time for news by the numbers. 54 million is how much kathleen sebelius has in a slush fund to hire thousands of people to enroll obamacare recipients in government-run health insurance exchanges. good luck with that. 23 million is how much new jersey inmates got in government benefits including unemployment, medicaid coverage and mood stamps. the state comptroller calls it a breakdown in oversight. 22 million is how much movie
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star bruce willis wants for the beverly hills house he paid $9 million for in 2004. why is mark up? being in the coveted 90210 zip code doesn't hurt. >> in what may be the most crazy fishing competition ever animal planet is searching for the world's top hooker. take a look. >> get ready for the most difficult, extreme, and flat-out crazy fishing competition ever. ten of the best anglers in the world are ready for battle. from professionals to the naturally gifted, these fishermen can catch anything. >> they will compete in a series of challenges designed to put their skills to the ultimate
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test. >> not just fishing. i'm exhausted. two of the competitors go head to head for $30,000. greg "grandpa" mcnamara and kevin. so you're hookers. >> apparently now we are, sir. >> yes, we are. >> in real life what do you do? >> i'm a first assistant in eye surgery. >> very good. >> i'm a corporate litigator from newport, rhode island. work for a hospitality company there. >> you have real jobs and you have decided to be part of this reality show where the objective is to, what, get the most fish, hook the biggest fish? >> there were different requirements for each of the challenges we had. sometimes it was the biggest fish. sometimes it was the smallest issue. sometimes it was the most fish. >> that's cold-blooded. go out and catch the smallest fish. sometimes they're all that big
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but you need something minimum size. >> it's not something i would do at home. at the same time it made for a great competition. >> it did. >> when the producer said, okay, fellows, and gals because you have some gals on the show as well, we want you fishing on a zip line. did you think, you've got to be kidding me. >> i was excited about that one. it looked like fun right from the outset. >> okay. you do it with a net? >> that's correct. >> crazy. why did you decide to do this? >> tell you the truth, it was over a glass of wine. >> just one? >> maybe more than one. it was well worth it. there are no regrets there. >> uh-huh. are you typical fishermen where the big one got away? we have had decent fish on the series but the big one, oh, it got away. >> we're out to catch the big fish all the time. that was my expectation coming into the show.
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when you have hollywood involved it's not always about the big one. it's about a lot of things i didn't the expect. >> i imagine when you're camping out and everybody is competing for $30,000 though it seems cleej yal it gets cut throat. >> it was a competition, no question about it. at the same time the dynamic among us as fishermen worked out well. it was cordial. >> it looks great. it's on animal planet. it premieres june 2 at 10:00 p.m. check out the top hookers. will one of these fellows be the world's top hooker. you? are you confessing? >> nope. >> wishful thinking. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> straight ahead on this thursday, a fox news alert. a mysterious new virus claiming another life. doctors have no idea what's causing it or how to cure it. we have breaking details next. then it's a football fan's dream come true. you will want to hear why joe
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namath who is live in studio now is here. stick around. good morning to you, broadway joe. >> good morning, gang! [ lisa ] my name's lisa, and chantix helped me quit.
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if you have symptoms of a heart attack or stroke. use caution when driving or operating machinery. common side effects include nausea, trouble sleeping and unusual dreams. with chantix and with the support system it worked for me. [ male announcer ] ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. with chantix and with the support system it worked for me. and you can make them evene for the more special... with fancy feast mornings. mornings are delicious protein-rich entrées...
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with garden veggs and egg. each one perfectly designed... to start her day with a little love. fancy feast mornings gourmet cat food. the best ingredient is love. now it's time for headlines. fox news alert now. overnight the number of people killed from a new sars-like virus rises from 27 to 30.
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the corona virus was detected in saudi arabia last month. it's sickened 49 people. symptoms are cold-like but are severe and can lead to pneumonia and kidney failure. >> for the first time we are hearing from the american mother locked up in mexico on drug smuggling charges. yanira maldonado is behind bars after a judge made no decision at a hearing on her possible re-elise. she was with her husband on their way back to arizona from a funeral in mexico when mexican authorities claim they found 12 pounds of marijuana under her seat in a bus. she says, you're kidding me, i'm innocent. >> i'm in shock. i'm not guilty. i don't have nothing to hide. >> a judge scheduled to review her case tomorrow. he made nearly $150,000 in
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illegal campaign contributions to senator majority leader harry reid. now harvey whittemore faces up to five years behind bars. a jury finding him guilty of excessive campaign contributions and false statements. reid said he wasn't aware of any issues. >> a victory for patriotism. the pledge of allegiance is back in a middle school in massachusetts. 8th grader kyle mckin nonsuccessfully lobbying to have it reinstated. 95% of his classmates agreed with him. he said the pledge is about democracy. >> republican, democrat, liberal, conservative, it doesn't matter. we are all americans. we should be happy we live here and be proud to be americans. >> kyle says a flag in the school courtyard inspired his campaign. you know what? hats off to the kids in that class. 95% said, yeah, we should say the pledge of allegiance.
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more inspiration for the younger generation coming up with patriotic values. >> we were so moved by the story that young man will be on the program tomorrow. meantime let's go to the streets of new york city to look at the day we have ahead weatherwieds. hello, maria. >> hi, steve, gretchen and brian. good morning. as far as new york city goes we are expecting temperatures to continue on the rise. today we could make it into the low 90s out here. that will be the story as well across sections of the midatlantic. temperatures on the rise starting to finally feel a little bit more like summer across parts of the country. as we head to the west we have a storm system expected to produce severe weather again today. yesterday we received over 300 reports of severe weather. 24 of them at least were reports of tornadoes, damaging winds, large hail and tornadoes will be possible yet again from texas up through parts of minnesota. here is a look at the high temperatures. 80s and 90s widespread texas to
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the northeast. that's what we are looking at. steve, gretchen and brian, the severe weather threat will be into this afternoon and evening. heed the warnings from texas to minnesota. >> all right. thank you very much, maria. look at the animation we get only for special people like my next guest. he was elected to the hall of fame in 1985. the first 4,000-yard passer in the nfl and mvp of the super bowl. i believe it was super bowl iii. look who's here. joe namath created a fire storm with the beautiful jacket and your great career. >> right. >> when you went to cannes where did that rank? >> after championships and to some ball players that's the dream come true to be recognized as a hall-of-famer. that was in '85. what's going on now, this is the golden anniversary for the hall of fame. >> 50 years. >> that's right. they have expanded the physical part of the building and all.
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the fans that come there -- and i'm talking about a few hundred thousand fans every year. they are going to have a blast. >> give me an example of the things you brought down out of the closet for us that stand out for you. >> this is actually a new ball for the 50th anniversary to the hall of fame. this is a game ball from the super bowl iii. >> the guys on your team and the colts didn't sign this, did they? >> i'm afraid so. >> they ruined it. >> they weren't happy when they were writing on it. but this is the duke ball. that's what the nfl used when they had the ball. we used another brand. >> when it was afl, nfl the afl used a different football than the nfl. >> that's right. >> i never knew that. >> that's why we could pass better. >> and this is -- >> oh, boy. look at that. >> this is joe guaranteed it. there you won it.
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jets give an afl first super bowl win 60-7. did you take time-out and read the headlines, read the newspaper when you made history beating the colts? >> i can't remember if i did any reading the next day. we were just so happy. the feeling of having achieved the goal of winning a championship. you could physically feel for weeks, i mean, it was wonderful. >> does someone ask you that every day? >> i hope so. it's brought up quite often, yeah. almost on a daily basis. >> if i went to the game would i have gotten this? >> for $1. the price of a program today is probably $12 to $15. this was a buck. that's the super bowl iii program. >> how big of under dogs were you? >> 17 to 3. >> what was the score? >> 60-7. >> what's this? >> at the hall of fame you will see football equipment that they
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wore from the beginning through today. when i saw that i first thought of my man number 19 johnny unites. he wore high tops, man. thanks for the memories. >> these are johnny u.'s shoes. >> they are? >> look at the cleats. that's fantastic. in the hall of fame you can go in and they play you make the call. >> they have expanded the hall of fame. you know how the coaches call plays for the quarterbacks. children, adults, whatever, go through the hall of fame and listen to the play calling. >> you called your own plays, right? >> we did. >> you played at shay stadium when there was an infield taking up the half the field. you didn't need velcro ton the wristband. you kept it in there. >> we only had four plays. >> let me ask you about the jets. mark sanchez. you were big in his corner. are you still in his corn snr. >> absolutely. it's a team game.
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we were fans of mark those first two years. they make it to the championship. when the personnel changes, when the rest of the team's not playing the same way the quarterback may start pressing a bit. i know he's had two off seasons. with four years under his belt i expect to see the best mark sanchez we have seen at this time. that's not to say geno smith can't win the job. >> right. second round pick. >> we are going to september now. whoever performs the best from here until september should have the chance to start. >> you can pass on this. but as street smart as you are, you get a letter from bobby brady pretending to be sick. how did you think he was so i can is and went all the way to his house. >> a young lady wrote the letter. >> you got caught up in it. took advantage of your kindness. >> she did. >> all right. it was a good move. you are the happiest, nicest guy, still creating a stir wherever you go. great to see you.
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>> thank you. yeah, hall of fame. >> don't be surprised if he greets you in canton. am i qualified to read the tease? thank you very much gretchen isn't here and steve doesn't want it. it's a story we have been following all week long. a little girl could die if she doesn't get a lung transplant. keeping her from it, an organ donor rule. why is red tape standing in the way of keeping her -- well, peter johnson, jr., is here to find out if a 10-year-old can get a new lung because she's not 12? that's stopping her and it's coming up. and a shocking arrest. police busted this guy for setting off explosions at disneyland. ♪
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i'm in my work van, having lunch, next minute i'm in the back of an ambulance having a heart attack. the emts gave me bayer aspirin. it helped save my life. i was in shape, fit. i did not see it coming. my doctor recommends i take bayer aspirin to help prevent another heart attack. [ male announcer ] aspirin is not appropriate for everyone so be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. i've lived through a massive heart attack. i don't take life for granted. see your doctor and get checked out. ♪ see your doctor and get checked out. playtime is so much more with superhero by your side. because even superheroes need superheroes. that's why purina dog chow is made with high quality ingredients, including 23 vitamins and minerals. to help keep him strong. dog chow strong.
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water, we take our showers with it. we make our coffee with it. but we rarely tap its true potential and just let it be itself. flowing freely into clean lakes, clear streams and along more fresh water coast line than any other state in the country. come realize water's true potential. dive in-to the waters of pure michigan. your trip begins at happy birthday! it's a painting easel! the tide's coming in! this is my favorite one. it's upside down. oh, sorry. (woman vo) it takes him places he's always wanted to go. that's why we bought a subaru. (announcer) love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru.
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quick headlines now from the control room. a worker handing out pizza samples at a costco in virginia shot and killed by police after allegedly threatening them with a knife. cops say they tried to use a taser on her. didn't work. an officer suffered a leg injury during the incident. he's expected to be okay. the man behind an explosion at disneyland in california was an employee according to police.
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they say 22-year-old soda vendor named christian barnes filled a bottle with dry ice and dropped it in a trash can in the part of disneyland known as toon town. fortunately nobody was hurt. no word yet on why he did it. gretchen? >> thank you very much. serious story we have been telling you about this week. a 10-year-old little girl clings to life as her family tries to get the rules changed so sarah has a chance for a lung transplant. >> we have been waiting a year and a half for the lungs. it's no different than any other part of my waiting because her illness and how sick she is doesn't count like it counts for everyone. if her l.a.s. score doesn't matter and i'm going to send into her into this torturesome procedure, how is this going to be okay? how is she going to survive?
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>> fox news legal analyst peter johnson, jr., has visited sarah in the hospital and has been following the story. what's standing in the way of the child? >> something called the lung allocation score. in this country we have a dark ages state of medicine where children are devalued, put into the 18th and 17th century the way there were child labor laws. adults come first. children get seconds. what stands in their way is the federal government's board saying, yes, sarah you have a higher score than the adults. you're sicker than the adults. we're going to allow you to get the lungs you need. i brought models of a lung here today. what need be done with an adult lung is just take a lobe, a bottom portion of the lung for each side, right and left side, and give it to sarah. the federal government through the doctors dr. sweet and dr. roberts and the two boards have
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said, no, we're not going to make an exception. we are going to continue to adhere to this rule where children go last in america and die the most. >> because she's 10. apparently you are not eligible for an adult lung transplant until 12. >> they have a score. 12 and up is a score of 1 to 100. there are different parameters. how far you can walk, what your lung capacity is, whether you have diabetes, your height, your weight, your cardiogram, a set of parameters and they come up with a score. it's not waiting time. it's severity of illness they have a crude measure that you are impaired or somewhat impaired. they don't do it a specific way. i spoke with dr. sweet. he said to me, well, we don't
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have enough cases to make a mathematical determination about how to grade people. the federal government and dr. sweet and dr. roberts and all these folks have made a policy determination that children are less important than adults. >> for all the adults waiting for lungs, because we don't want to say they don't deserve them either, but if you put a 10-year-old on the same list then would she go to the top because she's the sickest? >> she would and she should. as a matter of ethics. any ethicist in the united states, what are the instincts in our country? do we protect the youngest and weakest or throw them to the wolves almost literally. let's hear from sarah's mom janet about the issue right now. >> they say they can't measure how sick a child is. they are telling me measurements can't measure how sick a kid is under 12 so the l.a.s. score
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can't be measured. my kid is dying. her doctors have told me she's dying. they told me i have weeks. how can you tell me her l.a.s. score isn't accurate? >> 21st century medicine and humanity will keep sarah alive. that's what will happen. it's up to dr. roberts and dr. sweet. >> people watching can do something about it. they go to >> speak out. senator tume of pennsylvania is speaking out on sarah's behalf. >> good to see you. coming up, he has a job. he makes good money and has great health insurance. why is john ineligible for government benefits. i'm stymied. i i can't believe it. first on this day in history in 1979, hot stuff by donna summer was the number one song. ♪ look what mommy is having.
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mommy's having a french fry. yes she is, yes she is. [ bop ] [ male announcer ] could've had a v8. 100% vegetable juice, with three of your daily vegetable servings in every little bottle. ...and a great deal. r daily thanks to dad. servings nope eeeeh... oh, guys let's leave the deals to ooh that one! nice. got it! oh my gosh this is so cool. awesome! perfect! dad to the rescue. the perfect place is on sale now. up to 30% off. only at
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take a look at that number. it's growing. our national debt climbing higher and higher by the second. while most americans realize the country is deeply in red ink, john stotzel learned few if any have any idea how to fix the debt problem. >> what would you cut? >> i would cut a lot of -- i don't know, to tell you the truth. >> not education. >> not education. >> no. >> that's a tough question e. >> tough question where to make the cuts. >> he says he has a few ideas on how the u.s. can trim the fat. he's here to explain. people on the streets in times square didn't know what to cut. you do. >> spending almost $4 trillion, almost no one had any specific
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idea. i showed them this family budget. what do you think of this? the person earns $24,000. they spend $35,000, $10,000 in debt this year, $167,000 in accumulated debt. they're horrified. this is the federal budget. i just took off eight zeroes. they say it's too much. nobody knows. why do we have a commerce department? commerce just happens. agriculture, farmers do that. you don't need bureaucrats. >> what about people on the street who said don't cut education. a lot of people say you could cut the education department because the school stuff is done at the local level. >> almost all has been done at the local level. at the federal level they spend a hundred billion a year. scores haven't improved. get rid of that, too. we'll balance the budget. >> what's your prop budget? you always have props. it's nice. >> the other part of the
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equation is we tease that you have a job, health insurance and you found out you are eligible for 55 government benefits. >> examples of things. i'm doing well in life. there is a government website i signed up for my circumstances. i seem eligible for 55 different things. >> like what? >> special child care, disability issues because i'm a stutterer. i don't know that i would get them. but according to this website i could try and i'm in the game. i bet i could get some. >> isn't that what government does in people's minds? they need to help people rather than let people help themselves? >> when people are needy you want them helped. think about the depression before there was welfare at all. how many people starved? no one. >> good point. >> >> watch tonight at 9:00. >> it will be replayed somewhere over the weekend. >> thank you, john.
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eric holder trying to meet with the media today. should the networks accept his invitation? jill malkin has something to say about it. she joins us at the top of the hour. have aooood night. here youou go. you, , too. i'm goining to dream about t that steaka.
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i'i'm going toto dream about thatat tiramisu.u. whwhat a nightht, huh? head b back to the d dealership?p? but we stitill need yourur signaturere. anand it's nevever been eaeasir to get a a passat. of german n engineerining. get $0$0 down, $0 0 due at sig, anand $0 firstst mont on any n new volkswawagen. vivisit tododay. this is another! ta-daa! try charmin ultra strong. it cleans so well and you can use up to four times less than the leading value brand. oh! there it is. thanks son. hey! [ female announcer ] charmin ultra strong has a duraclean texture that can help you get clean while still using less. and it's four times stronger charmin ultra strong helps keep you and your underwear clean. we all go. why not enjoy the go with charmin ultra strong? lets you connect up to 25 devices
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don't give out your card number over the phone. call to report any suspected fraud. we're cracking down on medicare fraud. let's make medicare stronger for all of us. good morning. it's thursday may 30. i hope you will have a fantastic day. thanks for sharing part of it with us. i'm gretchen carlson. america's top cop wants to explain himself to the media today. in the last hour the charm offensive has started falling apart. not surprising. one news organization after another giving him the cold shoulder saying because it's off the record we don't want to come. we are live in washington with the latest for you. meanwhile we are learning more about the woman behind the irs targeting scandal. she ran that unit in cincinnati. did lois lerner try to bribe a republican not to run for office?
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disturbing details from her past ahead. >> a bad night for adam le vill. he hate this is country? >> i hate this country. [ applause ] >> what he's saying this morning and michelle malkin's reaction. what does he have to complain about? "fox & friends" starts now. ♪ >> they had to vote down two of his songs -- >> his contestants. >> that's what he said. he was caught on mike. you can see the reaction. >> we'll have michelle malkin weigh in. thank you very much for joining us on this thursday. we have a busy final hour starting with headlines. >> we begin in moscow, russia. the family of a boston bombing suspect holding a news
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conference now. the uncle of tamerlan and dzhokhar tsarnaev. dzhokhar is speaking again and called his mother in russia. the father of ibragrim todashev was friends with tamerlan and his phone number was in tamerlan's cell phone. the fbi is investigating reports that he was unarmed when he was shot. a u.s. congressional delegation investigating if more could have been done to stop the attack. russia warned the united states about tamerlan in 2011. a person accused of murder erg a british soldier came face to face with a judge. the officer was off duty when he was run over and hacked in an apparent islamic extremist attack. the other suspect who was shot by police is still in the hospital. president obama set to nominate a former bush officially to head the fbi.
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james comey served in the department of justice and became a hero for refusing to reauthorize domestic surveillance while john ashcroft was in the hospital. he could ree place robert mueller this fall. >> the list of snubs growing by the minute for embattled attorney general eric holder. two more news organizations just declined his meeting today as he tries to smooth things over about spying on reporters. here's the latest. wendell, the list is growing. >> it's unclear still if the meeting will be held today and it's unclear who will attend. the a.p. and new york times say they will only attend if the meeting is on the record. the huffington post agrees. fox news channel says, quote, at this time we are considering whether we'll attend or not. politico and the washington post will attend. reporters routinely use material
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they can't tribute to a specific person or a specific agency within the administration. but in this case when the issue is the use of classified information it makes sense that everybody should know precisely what the rules are. that's part of the reason some news organizations are insisting the meeting be on the record. another part, of course, is that the justice department's decision to subpoena the phone records of fox news chief washington correspondent james rosen is still being actively reported on by virtually every national news agency. aside from the rules on future reporting, we are still trying to figure out what attorney general holder knew about the rosen case. white house press secretary jay carney argued with ed henry that rosen wasn't singled out for prosecution. >> i would point you to published reports and the extremely large distinction between, you know, what's at issue here and prosecution. >> rosen was called a potential
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aider, abetter and coconspirator. >> published reports say no action was taken and none was contemplated based on my reading of reports. it seems self-evident the charge is inaccurate. >> on may 16 the president was asked whether he has confidence in the attorney general, and he answered in the affirmative. is that still the case? >> absolutely. >> he still has confidence in the attorney general? >> absolutely, yes. >> holder has until mid july to balance what the president sees as the need for an independent press to do its job without putting people in danger by revealing classified information. steve? >> wendell goler at the white house. holder needs to know e how many are coming for catering. >> can't have a charm offensive if you're alone. michelle, are you surprised the a.p., new york times and other organizations aren't going to the off the record, let's hug it out meeting. >> yeah. i think this is the a defining
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moment for the most transparent administration in u.s. history ever. finally, so many of the erstwhile lap dogs in the main stream media are throwing off the kabuki theater costumes, stomping on them and refusing to play along in this theater. well, better late than never, as i always say. >> indeed. >> it's not surprising media organizations would feel this way. what's he going to say to them? if he can't report it, what i'm thinking is whoever goes to the meeting if anything is leaked out all the other news organizations can write about it because they weren't there to take the pledge that it was off the record. >> yes. of course the farce here of the corrupt justice department investigating himself, having an off the record meeting to discuss the support of this
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administration for the unfettered right of the press to do its job is just -- well, to quote reese witherspoon, it's beyond! >> even she doesn't want to quote that part. did you make up the word corruptocrat? i like that. >> yeah. >> let's talk about the tea party. i can't wait for your take on this. the tea party was on the ropes for a couple of years. now we know the irs wasn't green lighting it. they were auditing it. now they are fighting back. jay seclo will represent 25 separate groups as they slap a lawsuit on the obama administration. tell me about this and where it's going. >> i think this administration should be quaking in its boots. because we have really only begun to scratch the surface of the irs witch hunt against the
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organizations. remember, what is so striking and what is so troubling is that these are organizations that the administration and these top irs officials, not merely the low level rogues, were targeting because they knew they could be intimidated. they did not have deep pockets like some of the big juicy corporate targets and larger nonprofit organizations. and one of the things i think that's going to come out both the aclj have filed several dozen lawsuits. then also cleta mitchell is representing truth of vote which raises another, even more chilling question which is how many other government agencies were involved? who else was sicced on these organizations? they may include the justice department, not just the irs, osha, epa. many of these individuals owned
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businesses being targeted. >> we know somebody who was involv involved at the irs. lois lerner was running that in cincinnati. when she was at the federal election commission she went after a republican u.s. senate candidate in the state of illinois. his name, al salvi squaring off against dick durbin. two federal complaints from democrats filed against the man at the microphone. he said it was politically motivated. apparently lois lerner said to him, quote, promise me you will never run for office again and we'll drop this case. he didn't take it. later he was exonerated but says this stinks to high heaven. >> of course. i just want to give credit to the organization, the media outlet that reported this. it wasn't the new york times or washington post. it was the illinois review. my friend es at a political conservative blog have dug up this history.
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this is what needs to be done. you know, what you are hearing, the spin you hear from the white house is, well, these were bush administration officials. in fact, many of them involved in these witch hunts are clinton left overs, people who have been es sconced and encrusted for decades. they have a long history of targeting conservative organizations and individuals and candidates and trying to snuff them out of political life by abusing their government authority. >> just when you thought it would be -- that they wouldn't do something else that might chill the american public, i find the next story to be kind of outrageous. armed homeland security agents monitoring the tea party at the irs protests. you were apparently there. why i find it outrageous is with the scandals going on in washington now you would think maybe the administration and department of homeland security wouldn't do anything else to
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cause people to question their actions. instead they send out undercover armed guards at this protest. did you know they were there? >> yeah. i was not there. but the whole day these protests were going on and many of them were ignored by most of the media just as the original tea party protests were in 2009, 2010. these pictures and video were being tweeted out in real lifetime. i was retweeting them. the reports were coming from all over the country. you see the label right there, homeland security federal protective service police. it raises dire stark questions about the massive double standards. look at these -- are these menaces and terrorists right here? compare that to what was going on during the heyday of the occupy movement when people were tossing molotov cocktails at
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businesses and committing what i consider to be bonified domestic terrorism. it's outrageous. >> let's talk about "the voice." adam lavigne. you would think he would be thanking his lucky stars for his talent, the money he's made in this country. the only place you can make it in the world is here. he's doing it. do you think he's happy with himself? listen to what he's caught off camera saying. >> only one more artist will join the others for our top six live show. [ cheers and applause ] >> i hate this country. >> okay. when he said that, people said how dare him. he issued a statement and said, i obviously love my country very much. my comments were made purely out of frustration. they were based on my personal dissatisfaction with the results. what do you think about that?
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>> yeah, call the whaa-mbulance. we cover the twitter feeds of many celebrities because it shows their true colors. at best this celebrity is a poor sore loser. at worst he was saying his true feelings about this country. either way he's a crap weasel. initially the defense was he was being funny. he tweeted, and we have this at twitchy. he tweeted the definition of humorless in response to his critics. now he's changed the story to say really he was just frustrated with the entire process. i think if you look at this man's history he has a history of being a left wing progressive. he's out of the closet about it. now we all know. whaa. >> there she goes. hashtag crap weasel, # corruptocrat. thank you very much.
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>> thanks, bye-bye. >> coming up on the show, two things you should have no matter how old you are -- a will and a trust. what's the difference? bob massi next with what you need to know. with the fidelity guided portfolio summary, you choose which accounts to track and use fidelity's analytics to spot trends, gain insights, and figure out what you want to do next. all in one place. i'm meredith stoddard and i helped create the fidelity guided portfolio summary. it's one more innovative reason serious investors are choosing fidelity. now get 200 free trades when you open an account. to take a centrum silver multivitamin every day. i told him, sure. can't hurt, right?
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it is one of the most common questions lawyers hear -- what should i do before i die? how can i make sure my family isn't hung out to dry? bob massi joins us live from
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vegas. >> good morning, sir. >> this is going to be interesting. there are a lot of people who have wills because they want to protect their families. our first question is what's is basic difference between a will and a trust? some people with wills should probably have a trust. >> when you have a will, basically that means that if something happens to you, unless you own something as a joint owner like we call joint tenancy, things like that, somebody has to be appointed through the court system to fulfill the wishes of the will. that's called probate. on a living trust, that avoid it is probate. it avoids it for many different reasons, but the biggest thing i want our viewers to understand is you don't have to be a wealthy person to do a living trust. there is a perception that you have to have a lot of money to do a trust. the trust is designed to avoid the court system after you pass. >> people are watching now thinking, okay, i would qualify.
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i'm not super rich. not in the trump category. should i go ahead and change my will to a trust? >> i think if you have a home and a little bit of money put away you should always get a consultation from an estate planning attorney to determine if you should do a trust if it's in your best interest. there is no reason really not to do one necessarily. if somebody has a small estate. here's the thing. when you do a trust we call it funding. funding means you take your home, for example, it's in your name. you transfer it out of your name into the name of the trust. why? now the trust owns it. you own the trust yourself. you could change it any time you want. god forbid something happens to you. it doesn't have to go through the court because you have appointed people to fulfill your wishes avoiding the need for probate. >> the title on the mortgage would be deucy family trust or something.
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>> on the title to the property. >> all right. final question. what's the most common myth about a trust? 30 seconds. >> most people think if you have a living trust it's an asset protection vehicle. in other words it protects your assets. that in and of itself isn't a true statement. there are types of trusts that estate planning lawyers do that you could do to protect your assets. but a living trust, what we call irrevocable living family trust in and of itself is a big misunderstanding. i want people to get good advice. i don't care how many assets you have. get your affairs in order. just so you make sure things are the way it should be. >> bob, you have done a good job explaining the difference between wills and trusts. i have a will. brian still gets all my beatles records when we go. thanks for joining us today from vegas. >> thanks, steve. >> 20 minutes after the top of the hour. parents are outraged. school officials conducted iris
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scans on children without parents' permission. details ahead. and he's a star on the football field but can justin tuck handle a pool cue? there are millions t of dollars at stake. we'll explain ahead. ♪ [ lighter flicking ] [ male announcer ] you've reached the age where giving up isn't who you are. ♪ this is the age of knowing how to make things happen. so, why let erectile dysfunction get in your way? talk to your doctor about viagra. 20 million men already have. ask your doctor if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pain; it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure.
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side effects include headache, flushing, upset stomach, and abnormal vision. to avoid long-term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours. stop taking viagra and call your doctor right away if you experience a sudden decrease or loss in vision or hearing. this is the age of taking action. viagra. talk to your doctor. this is the age of taking action. [ dog ] we found it together.upbeat ] on a walk, walk, walk. love to walk. yeah, we found that wonderful thing. and you smiled. and threw it. and i decided i would never, ever leave it anywhere. because that wonderful, bouncy, roll-arod thing... had made you play. and that... had made you smile. [ announcer ] beneful. play. it's good for you.
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24 minutes after the top of the hour. david petraeus will do more than teach college students t. former four-star general and cia director will lead an institute at private equity firm kkr to focus on public policy and advice for emerging markets. remember this guy? he's the governor of rhode island. some people say he looks like steve. he banned the christmas tree. he's making headlines again this morning. remember, he was a republican and turned into an independent.
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now he'll seek a second term as a democrat. just 25% of rhode island voters said he's doing a good or excellent job. brian, what are you doing outside? >> thanks for asking. we're having a pool party out here without water. the pool tables are with us. it's that time of year again. new york superstar justin tuck to my right. taller and stronger than i am. later we'll take our shirts off and prove it. the best pool player in the world janette li. she of six children practices four hours a day for tuck's celebrity billiards tournament. how is pool helping you raise money? >> we come out and have fun. the reason i do a pool tournament is because i'm e not good at golf. we've got great sponsors to come out and have fun.
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it's a way to give back to the community that's given so much to me. >> raising over $1.5 million. giving out thousands of books to schools you sponsor. it's called r.u.s.h. you and justin have been teamed up for a while now. >> i was born and raised in new york city. i love being here. i love justin, what he stands for and how passionate he is about rush. to come here, even in college i studied early childhood development. it's really about education out there, getting the kids out there to read. it's exciting. breaking balls is what i to, you know? it's fun. >> breaking balls is what you do. a lot of people can say that but only you can say it on your resumé. >> right, right. >> on a pool table which is anything but official. i have a sense all the balls will be in the pocket eventually. >> eventually. >>. >> you're aiming for what part of the ball? i guess you're not.
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oh, my. >> like that. >> what would justin have to do? this isn't a balanced table. >> i'm going to say it doesn't matter about the equipment as long as you have a good time. that's what we'll go with today. >> you have won so many titles. you are dominating in the sport. what's left to achieve? >> the most exciting thing for me this year is going to world games in 2013 in columbia representing the u.s. last time i went was in 2001 where i won the gold for the u.s. that was exciting. so it's july. >> justin, you have an off season to train. training camp. you're ready to go. predicting a lot for the giant this is year. >> i'm predicting a better season than last year. i'm not going to say win the super bowl. everyone knows that's the end goal. we're going to play our best football. >> you hope to stay healthy. notre dame, you were a true student athlete.
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>> yeah. >> we have to thank aardvark amusements for the pool table. umberto will sponsor tonight. get some pizza. the creator of grandma's pizza. >> there you go. >> back inside, guys. justin tuck's tournament. >> he e took the whole pie? >> get out of here. >> bring a pizza back in. i'm supposed to tackle him and tell him to put it back? >> yes. that's the one we want. >> you want that one. all right. >> they have good pizza. good man. >> thank you, brian. bring in veggie for me. he's accused of murdering 13 people so why is he attaching a salary while millions of vets can't get medical benefits? and the markets in japan take a record dive. what does it mean for the bottom line? brian has the pizza. now needs nicole. she's on deck after she plays
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some pool. good morning. hey! did you know that honey nut cheerios has oats that can help lower cholesterol? and it tastes good? sure does! wow. it's the honey, it makes it taste so... well, would you look at the time... what's the rush? be happy. be healthy. even in stupid loud places. to prove it, we set up our call center right here... [ chirp ] all good? [ chirp ] getty up.
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seriously, this is really happening! [ cellphone rings ] hello? it's a giant helicopter ma'am. [ male announcer ] get it done [ chirp ] with the ultraugged ocera torque, only from sprint direct conct. buy one get four free for your business. i did? when visa signature asked everybody what upgraded experiences really mattered... you suggested luxury car service instd of "strength training with patrick willis." come on todd! flap them chicken wings. [ grunts ] well, i travel a lot and umm... [ male announcer ] at visa signature, every upgradedxperience comes from listening to our cardholders. visa signature. your idea of what a card should be.
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fox news alert for you now. new weekly jobless numbers released. 354,000 first time unemployment
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claims filed last week. that's more than the week before. 14,000 more than expected. the fox business network's nicole joins us now. she's on the couch to break down the numbers. last week i think the numbers were lower than expected. is this making up for the difference? >> they are constantly revising the numbers. a few weeks ago we had a number of 327,000 claims, the lowest amount of claims in five years. they are obviously each week going up, down. it's just with any of the economic numbers that come in. this is pretty much -- i mean, they came in at 354. that was a little bit more expected than 340,000. you see the stock index futures pointing to a higher open this morning. we have obviously had a great run in this market. it's so exciting covering it each day. >> people are saying it will go up to 28. >> blackstone. >> i heard that.
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charlie gasparino. i saw it this morning. >> the blackstone guy thaed ma prediction. things are going up in the united states. in japan they had another sell-off overnight our time. down another 5%. i think close to 15% over two weeks. >> it's not unusual to see big moves. in this case for japan overnight i got a note from albert fried and company, wen willis talking about the japan shares plunging. he said public pension fund in japan is making moves the for the portfolio strategy that would change how they invest and the market is coming back. so don't fret. goldman sachs came out with a research note that talked about keep calm and carry on investing. you know the phrase. but keep calm and keep investing. they have raised the price targets across the board for not only 2013, 2014, 2015. >> as long as we print money we're okay. >> right. 1750 is a gain of roughly 5% for
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this year. also 9% next year. 10% the following year. everybody is still hot. nobody says short the market, sell everything. wall street is looking ates the. you see warren buffett. he owns so many companies. still investing. not moving to cash at all. tesla above a hundred dollars. michael kors and tiffany's doing well abroad and at home. i'm not saying buy, buy, buy. be kascautious. there could be a pull-back. >> you're not a real bear. all right. >> i'm an optimist by nature. >> good to see you. we didn't make you walk today. >> i got to shoot pool. got to see joe namath. my family's motto is if the jet gos to the super bowl, we go to the super bowl. it really hasn't happened. >> you will be in new york anyway. >> that's right.
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gretchen, to the sleeping point i was pregnant with my son. i used to go in at 3:00 a.m. to this day he's up every saturday watching "tom & jerry" at 6:00 a.m. mom, tom & jerry's on. >> she encapsulates all three hours. >> anything else? >> i can stick around. i'm not on until noon. >> it's 4:00 a.m. with my daughter. >> thank you very much. meanwhile, maria will show us where today's nasty weather is. first i want to show you something. did you see the wedding picture going viral? >> yes. i got an e-mail. a young couple getting married. that's one of the photos from the bridal collection of pictures. i have not gone through the experience as far as taking a picture with the bridal party. they have a t-rex and it sounds similar to an experience we had here in new york city during our show. i guess it's a new trend. have t-rex creep up on you while
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you do anything. get married, do the weather report. 2013. i want to get to the weather report. we have serious weather in sections of illinois, parts of iowa. take a look at this video of floodwaters crashing into a college in illinois. today they will be cleaning up the damage. the college is closed. very unfortunate situation. you can see the water creeping -- well, rushing into the building. you can see things moving. chairs, desks and a lot of damage across the area. the state of iowa has been experiencing a lot of flooding -- flash flooding over the last several days. talking about a foot of rain that's fallen across parts of the state. we are expecting more rain throughout the dand severe weather as well. we are not just talking about the possibility of flooding but damaging winds, large hail and tornados in northern texas up into extreme southern sections of the state of minnesota. ahead of the system, temperatures on the rise.
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upper 80s dallas, cleveland. in new york city, high temperature of 91 degrees. a lot of sunshine expected today. it's going to be a hot one. steve, gretchen and brian, back to you. >> very thorough from t-storms to t-rex. thank you very much. >> thanks. >> all right. >> we begin with a fox news alert. overnight the number of people killed from a new sars-like virus went from 27 to 30. three people died in saudi arabia where the corona virus was first detected last month. so far it's sickened 49 people worldwide. symptoms are cold-like but severe and can lead to pneumonia and kidney failure. doctors don't know how many people are getting infected and say right now they have no way to stop it. hard to get happy after that story. >> for the first time we are hearing from the american mom locked up in mexico on drug smuggling charges. maldonado remains behind jars after a judge made no decision. she was with her husband on her way back to arizona when
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authorities arrested her. they claim they found this, 12 pounds of marijuana, under her seat on the bus she was in. she said she's innocent. >> i was in shock. i'm like, this is not real. this is not happening. they put my -- in my seat and in my hands. it was horrible. i'm not guilty. i don't have nothing to hide. >> a judge now scheduled to review her case in mexico tomorrow. >> meanwhile, outrage after florida's students were subjected to iris scans of their eyes without their parents' permission. officials in polk county florida said the school district made a mistake not getting notification forms out on time. it was part of a pilot security program for kids who take the bus. the district says the data they collected has been destroyed. >> saved by the barbecue. a man in california was in his
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backyard when a 60-foot pine came down pinning him. it smashed up the patio furniture and his grill. >> i heard this unbelievable noise. it just started cracking. i just looked up and the tree was on top of me. >> the tree had been hanging on by one root. >> he e is lucky. meanwhile, 19 minutes before the top of the hour. >> he's accused of murdering 13 people. why is nadal collecting $279,000 in salary. we'll try to change it coming up. and a big announcement from angelina jolie. what she's doing this weekend weeks after announcing she had a double mastectomy. that's ahead on "fox & friends" on your channel for news. look what mommy is having.
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mommy's having a french fry. yes she is, yes she is. [ bop ] [ male announcer ] could've had a v8. 100% vegetable juice, with three of your daily vegetable servings in every little bottle. i don'without goingcisions vto angie's list first. you'll find reviews on home repair to healthcare written by people just like you. with angie's list, i know who to call, and i know the results will be fantastic. angie's list -- reviews you can trust.
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some quick headlines from the control room. former lobbyist harvey whitemore was convicted for making $150,000 in illegal campaign contributions to senate majority leader harry reid. that guy who made the donations now faces up to five years behind bars. angelina jolie ready to hit the red carpet at the london
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premiere of brad pitt's new movie "world war z" in her first appearance since having a double mastectomy. over to you, gretchen. it's been more than three years since the shooting at ft. hood in texas left 13 people dead and dozens injured. the ex-soldier accused of pulling the trigger is still collecting his army salary. so far he's banked more than $278,000. while the victims aren't getting as much as they could because it was not deemed an act of terror. ask anyone in washington. they know this is wrong. why aren't they doing anything to stop it? jim nickelson was in veteran affairs under president bush. good morning. >> good morning. >> what could be done? >> a lot could be done. they could recategorize this man for what he is. a terrorist. he walked into a deployment center shouting, as you said, "ala akbar" god is great.
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started spraying bullets into people. he was a mentee of a known terrorist. anwar al-awlaki who obama himself killed in yemen in 2011. he had predilections guest the war. he was known for a person who had become radicalized, went in, killed 13 people and wounded 32. they are saying it's work it is place violence. >> you have that on the one hand. it may be they don't want to deem it an act of terror because then they have to admit they missed the warning signals along the way or that the military had become so p.c. that they just ignored the whole process. that's one issue. what about nadal hassan being able to collect his army salary? we understand it's written in the military code of justice, that he's entitled to it until
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convicted of a crime. you believe congress could change that. with all the silliness congress seems to do, many people believe on a daily basis, what could they do to change this now? >> they could change that number one if he was deemed a terrorist, which he should have been and wasn't for political correctness reasons. this administration doesn't want the american people to recognize that terrorism happens on their watch. you know, the war on terror is over so this could not be happening. so this is just workplace violence. if they teemed him a terrorist they could make the uniformed code of military justice such that even a uniformed officer, they could suspend him and his pay. they can do that for a civilian employee of the military after, i think, seven days. so it would be a simple thing b to recategorize him and to put a new provision in the ucmj that this is how it applies to
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terrorists. under our system we have everyone innocent until pven guilty. >> right. >> we have to maintain that. but this could be adapted to the reality of today's world with terrorism and asymmetric warfare. >> if the american people want to feel they can have a say in this they could call members of congress and ask them to change it? >> that would be the best thing they could do. and have congress put pressure on the administration. i mean, the administration is saying we don't want to call him a terrorist because that will prejudice his right to a fair trial which i think is an insult to the u.s. army and the u.s. army officers who are conducting the court-martial. they take an oath to abide by the facts and the law as presented to them. our officers know how to keep oaths. >> all right. well said. former secretary of veterans affairs. thanks for being our guest today. >> thank you. two years ago
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singer/songwriter joe macado came on the show and dedicated a song to the troops. millions have been touched by the tribute. he's back. let's check in with martha for what's coming at the top of the hour. >> good morning. the big question this morning, eric holder, will he face perjury charges for lying to congress about the rosen investigation? congressman randy forbes is here. he's on a committee. we'll talk to him about the attorney general. also, eric holder wants to meet with the press to clear the air about investigating journalists but he wants it off the record. some say no thanks. we'll see you at the top of the hour. doing my own sleep study. advil pm® or tylenol pm. the advil pm® guy is spending less time lying awake with annoying aches and pains and more time asleep. advil pm®. the difference is a better night's sleep. save big on great gifts for dad during the father's day sale at bass pro shops. like redhead macks creek shorts for under $15. new balance 608 cross trainers for under $40.
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two years ago a singer/songwriter came here and dedicated a song to the troops.
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millions have been touched by his triblt. this morning joe brucato is back. what's happened since you were here? >> i have had the pleasure of singing it all over the country. all over at hospitals -- >> the georgia dome. >> i'm honored to sing this song for our heroes. >> folks, joe brucato. ♪ ♪ living here in paradise ♪ because a sacrifice from the lives of heroes ♪ ♪ they leave their homes and families ♪ ♪ fight for you and me to protect our country ♪ ♪ they make their stand ♪ in the name of freedom
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♪ so let's show our love to the warri warriors ♪ ♪ thank you, soldier, for giving your lives ♪ ♪ thank you, brothers, sisters, too, for keeping our land free thank you, soldier ♪ ♪ thank you, soldier ♪ somewhere on the battlefield ♪ a soldier bleeds in the burning sun ♪ ♪ camouflaging all his fears ♪ as he volunteers to go and save someone ♪ ♪ exploding sounds
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♪ out in the middle of nowhere ♪ i hope that god above gives that soldier his prayer ♪ ♪ thank you, soldier ♪ for giving your lives ♪ thank you, too, for keeping o land free thank you, soldier ♪ ♪ thank you, soldier ♪ for us, you sacrificed ♪ defending and protecting us ♪ you give your blood ♪ you give your lives for freedom ♪ ♪ for freedom
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♪ for freedom ♪ thank you, soldier ♪ for giving your lives ♪ protecting me ♪ thank you brothers and sisters, too ♪ ♪ for keeping our land free ♪ thank you, soldier ♪ thank you, soldiers ♪ army, navy, air force, marines, national guard, reserves, and everyone that serves, thank you ♪ [ jackie ] its just so frustrating... ♪ the middle of this special moment
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on that strip tomorrow i suggest it will be geraldo rivera and lone star separately.
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>> fantastic. unless geraldo can talk him into letting him sing back-up again. >> joe, great job on the song. >> thank you, man. >> the military truly appreciates it. >> log on for the after the show show. have a great weekend, everybody. bill: let's start now with a fox news alert on this thursday morning. there are new questions of perjury for the attorney general eric holder. the head of the house judiciary committee calling for the ag to step down as he formally opens an investigation whether or not he lied under oath. that is heavy topic here on bill hemmer. welcome to "america's newsroom.". martha: good morning everybody. i'm martha maccallum. eric holder receiving a letter from bob goodlatte, the chairman of the house judiciary committee expressing his, quote, grave concerns that the attorney general may have perjured himself when he testified on the hill two weeks ago. bill: it was two weeks ago, martha. remember that's when holder said targeting journalists was something he had never been involved in.


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