tv Hannity FOX News May 30, 2013 6:00pm-7:01pm PDT
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we get a lot of emails. again, thanks for watching us tonight. i am bill o'reilly. please always remember the spin stops right here, because we're definitely looking out for you. ñ alert. we are keeping an eye out in california tonight where a brushfire is raging in santa clarita in the angeles national forest. the fire is 400 acres in size. kabcç is reporting that vaccinationevacuations are undee green valley area. at this point authorities are not aware of how the fire began. we'll continue to follow this developing story. we'll bring you updates throughout the evening. first our top story tonight, the future of america's top lawç enforcement officer remains very much in doubt as there are brand-new calls for him to resign and resign immediately. we'll have more on that in just a moment.
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but first we're monitoring out of washington where anç overwhelming number of media outlets, including the fox news channel, have turned down invitations to meet with attorney general eric holder. yesterday the justice department contacted representatives from a variety of news organizations to schedules off-the-record briefings with the attorney general regarding the agency's guidelines for investigating journalists. however today fox news, the associated press, cbs, the "the new york times," a number of others, announced they will not attend any meeting unless it is on-the-record. here's why. because this man has proven time and again he cannot be trusted. he doesn't even tell the truth when he's testifying under oath, let alone when he's talking behind closed doors. think about it. here we are today, because he personally authorized the obama justice department to spy on our colleague, fox news correspondent james rosen. yet when he appeared before congress two weeks ago, eric holder, the man who nowç wantso speak off the record to this new
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york, had the audacity to say this? >> with regard to the potential prosecution of the press for the disclosure of material, that's not something that i've ever been involved in, heard of, or would think would be a wise policy. >> sean: mr. holder's blatant lie is driving additional lawmakers yet again that he step down from his house judiciary committee chairman bob goodlad who sponsored a bill calling for the ag to resign, says it's time for holder to go. that trend is likely to continue in the days, weeks, even monthsç ahead. joining me with reaction to this scandal, "new york times" best-selling author ann coulter. how are you? >> fine. thanks. good to be here. >> sean: let's start with the news organizations that are going to allow the off the record session. what's your reaction to that? >> it's strange, but politico doesn't care if their emails
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were being read, because they were going to the white house anyway. all their calls were going directly to the white house. i agree with you. what is the point of this? if hit to do with national security, as often happened during the bush administration, what happens was, the president himself, the secretary of defense,ñr sometimes congressme, like antiwar john murtha, would call, for example, the head of the "new york times" directly, the head of the "washington post," explain this is a national security issue, please don't run the stories. just, by the way, "the washington post" and "new york times" ran them anyway. i think it's quite obvious that the reason eric holder wants to meet with members of the press to schmooze them and bs them. i don't know the point. i do think fox news should consider sending james rosen's7 parents. >> sean: their phone records were apparently gotten to as
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well. is this not aç case of selectie moral outrage? there were a lot of national security leaks when it benefited the president, the administration. for example, drone strikes, the details of the bin laden raid, "new york times." >> yes. >> sean: when it's convenient, it's not so outrigdous, is it? >> no. manifestly, there was no national security involved here. we have gotten the details on the ap, for example, the white house didn't want to be scooped on a story they were about to announce one hour later. there's no national security, they justçd.dy wanted to be in control of the story. as you say, obama, with his big mouth, blathering about the bin laden raid ended up getting seal team six killed a few weeks later. you're supposed to come out, if you're going to say anything, and say bin laden is dead, not be giving details of the operation. >> sean: or the movie edition. >> that's right. >> sean: let me ask you this.
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holder, look, we got into this, a long time ago on this program, perjury, suber nationçzez perjury, a double standard that exists for citizens versus some elected officials, but when he said before congress, this is not something i've ever been involved in, heard of, or would be wise policy, and we find out he's signing theç affidavit in the case of rosen going before a judge, is that lying before congress? is that a crime? >> it appears to be. i do think whether or not holder resigns, isf>9 imagine obama hs certainly touched other friends and officials off when it -- when their existence inconveniences them. whether or not holder is fired or resigns, i mean i do think this is kind of a blindingly obvious case for a special prosecutor. in the past, special prosecutors a
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dispute between the legislative branch and the executive branch, and congress exerts their authority. in every one of these scandals, benghazi, the irs, the spying on journalists, this is the administration against the american people. no, you cannot trust the attorney general to investigate himself. this is the precise case for a special prosecutor. look, congress has done a perfectly good job in bringing out some of the facts, but that isn't their job. it looks like crimes have been committed. the only very strongly, the only question is, how high it went. you do need -- a criminal prosecution, and that isn't congress' job. congress needs to be blocking amnesty, passing a new immigration law, so we're not letting in welfare recipients and transitions. they have their own job to do. this is a case precisely designed for a special prosecutor. oh, just one other thing that congress ought to be doing now, in connection with these scandals, now that we seeç how thorough going the corruption is
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at the irs, and it is not just the cincinnati office, it was coming out of many offices, well beyond the cincinnati office as we now know, obamacare, this incredibly crucial law -- i mean bad law, but it's going to be interfering with a lot of people's laws in something that's as important to everyoneç healthcare, congress ought to pass a law suspending the turning over of obamacare operations to the irs while it is so right foot corruption. that's a beautiful law that i think it would be very hard for even democrats to vote against right now.,!gwu+ >> sean: you mentioned public poll. quinnipiac poll, people supports a special prosecutor. more interesting, 30% to 60%ydq democrats support a special prosecutor. ted cruz said obama doesn't respect the first, second, third and fourth amendments. is that about right? >> i so love ted cruz.
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>> sean: he your new chris christie now? >> he's very good on the amnesty question. i'm a single issue voter on amnesty. this is not a dispute between congress, oh, somebody lied to congress. this is not a little corruption case of someone going to a hockey game paid for by a lobbyist. we're talking about the irs abusing its authority. by the way, one other abuse, your p.a.l. austan goolsbee, apparently privy to the private tax records of koch industries, various other groups. >> sean: i saw that. >> he's deleted those tweets. he needs an investigation. that's against the law to have access to private irs records. >> sean: we have a special tomorrow night of people, individuals, live audience show, of those groups of people that were targeted. obody else in the media seems
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to want to talk to those people. we'll do that tomorrow. ann, thanks for being with us. >> great to see you, sean. >> sean: coming up, did the former commissioner of the irs visit the white house more than any other obama cabinet member? we have the answer to that question. and were those visits to discuss the agency's enemy list with the president? also tonight, you can to pick the video of the day. it's one of those three. we'll give you a sneak peek of the first option. now one of the many stirring moment from last night's healing in the hartland concert benefiting the oklahoma tornado victims. do you think this is the video of the day? ♪ >> sean: blake shelton. vote for this video.
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at the end of the show, we'll show you one of blake shelton's biggest fans who lost her mom in the storm deliver a special message to the country superstar. vote at [ male announcer ] running out of steam? ♪ now you can give yourself a kick in the rear! v8 v-fusion plus energy. natural energy from green tea plus fruits and veggies. need a little kick? ooh! could've had a v8. in the juice aisle. my patients don't know which one to use. i tell them to use the brand i use.
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whoa! hey, we got a weather alert for this location... golf-ball sized hail and damaging winds are on the way... kids... eh, don't worry. it's tornado-proof. anyw, i'd put the car in the garage and secu thesehings. they could become flyingebris. kids! watch this. [ beep ] [ children screaming ] [ car alarm chirps ] awesome. [ male announcer ] mobile weather alerts fr your home insurance? that's allstate home insurance. great protection plus helpful tools to make life better. talk to an allstate agent... [ doorbell rings ] and let the good life in. >> sean: a new investigation by the daily caller finds that the irs scandal has deeper ties we originally thought.
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douglas shulman visited the white house at least 157 times during the obama administration, more recorded visits than even the most trusted members of the president's cabinet. these numbers are downright scary, especially since doug shulman tried to downplay why he visited the white house in his testimony in front of lawmakers. remember this? >> you sure you didn't talk to anyone at the white house about this issue, mr. shulman? >> about singling out conservative groups for scrutiny? >> that's what we're talk about, isn't it? >> i don't remember that -- >> you sure you didn't bring it up with anybody at the white house? >> not to my memory. >> there might be many memories you might be at the white house. would be some of the reasons you might be at the white house? >> the easter egg roll with my kids. >> well -- >> questions, about the
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admability of tax policy they were taking of of. >> sean: that's a lot of3+vuñ.úr egg hunts. tucker? >> we compared white house visitor logs and compared them. turns out 157 visits during the obama administration by shulman. we compared that to visits by secretaries, in the obama administration. he outstripped all of them. the obama administrationjf is t entirely transparent about who visits the white house and when. not all visits are not logged actually, outrageously actually, but the ones that are indicate he went this many times, multiple of the times, say, ray look who went.
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compare this to his predecessor, who during the bush administration, went a total, for the whole four years he worked for bush, one time to the white house. shulman went 157. the white house easter egg roll does not explain that. by the way,q explanation so far from the white house. i think there has to be. >> sean: according to your analysis of the visitor access records, it showed that every current and former member of president obama's cabinet would have had to rack up at least 60 more public visits to the white house to catch up to shulman. that's a lot of important secretary positions there, including hillary clinton. she was only there 43 times, according to yourç piece, and m geithner, 47-some odd times. but shulman 157 times. >> again, these from the official white house visitor logs, not numbers weç made up. this is what the obama admp7 what possible scenario could account for 157 visits to the white house, which is by definition, not just a place where policy is made, but where
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politics are practiced. david plouffe had an office running out of the white house. could have been going on 157 times? >> sean: the bush administration, 1 time, 157 times, you need 160 more to catch up to -- need more than 100 visits if you're hillary clinton to catch up. does that seem odd to you? >> maybe it's bromance. obviously the president likes chris christie. the answerzvñr is what tucker jt said, what the daily caller, and i commend forç them, cabinet members around required toç log in, so not every single visit is a matter of public record.
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>> sean: but 157 -- >> sean, if you're going to have a clandestine meeting about targeting conservative groups. the president is not a stupid man. you'll have it at the white house. how dumb is shulman told by his boss to target them by 118 times? it doesn't add up. >> sean: he's there 157 times. hillary clinton 43 visits. tim geithner -- >> here's what's not plausible, okay? i don't believe that all 157 visits were devoted to crushing the tea party. but what's not believable -- maybe they were, we don't know -- but what's not believable is the idea that 1 of this -- keep awar in mind, the s was aware this was happening, months back, last year -- it was never discussed. the irs knew it had an explosive
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scandal on its hands, about to become public, and it was not discussed in the white house. are you serious? >> sean: the easter egg hunt, it's a cute, funny answer, but 157 times, borders on contempt of congress, especially considering the seriousness of what we're investigating here, leslie. >> i wouldn't disagree that it was being more than snarkey. it certainly wouldn't have been my response. four investigations going on. if there's a special independent counsel, i can't say shulman taking the foul, especially as a bushç appointee, for president obama. >> sean: but he's a democratic donor. >> yeah, but at the same time the president is not going to be linked to that, i'm confident of that. the investigation will prove that. >> sean: so 157 to 1 visit, and that doesn't raise any questions in your liberal mind? >> oh, i didn't say i don't
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agree with tucker. the white house should explain why he was there, but i do think pushing for tax reform, whether you're discussing healthcare, easter egg hunts aside -- >> sean: oh, come on. >> -- i don't believe they were targeting the tea party, because the president is too smart for that. >> sean: maybe somebody else in the white house. guys, thank you. appreciateç it. still ahead tonight, it's a special scandal edition of medi but first did the obamaist in te benghaziubjwzv cover-up? the rncñr is taking legal action to get to the bottom of it. that's coming up next. also tonight, log on toç, you get to vote on the video of the day. choice number two. incredible footage of the ground crew of the arizona diamondbacks battling mother nature. wait till you see how this one
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ends, but you have to vote for it. make sure you see a special n "hannity." a studio audience edition. you'll hear from average americans who claim they were targeted by the irs because of their political beliefs. they have individual stories. you'll hear them tomorrow night. but way too many aren't. why? because selling their funds makes them more money. which makes you wonder -- isn't that a conflict? search "proprietary mutual funds." yikes! then go to e-trade. we've got over 8,000 mutual funds, and not one of them has our name on it. we're in the business of finding the right investments for you. e-trade. less for us. more for you. the fund's prospectus contains its investment objectives, risks, charges, expenses, and other important information and should be read and considered carefully before investing. for a current prospectus, visit little things anyone can do. it steals your memories. your independence. ensures support, a breakthrough. and sooner than you'd like.
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>> sean: tonight the republican national committee has filed a request to demanding any emails and documents between the((in se department and president obama's re-election campaign related to the benghazi terror attack. the rnc is seeking material containing the words libya or benghazi between the day of the attack, september 11th, and election day, november 7th, in an effort to expose the
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administration's massive national se darrell issa issued a subpoena on tuesday demanding more documents related to the crafting of the benghazi talking points, but in a bombshell development yesterdayç the spoe person said the state department may not comply with the ajjrñ we're committed to working with congress, taking stock of the recent subpoena, determining the next appropriate step. >> when you say you're determining the next appropriate steps, you haven't decided whether or not the state department will be providing the documents in the subpoena? >> that's correct. >> okay. >> but we have provided, just as a reminder, 100 pages of documents on the talking points, that this is regarding. >> sean: here with reaction, author of "cries tales: five rules with dealing with crisis, politics and life," lanny davis, and fox news analyst peter johnson jr. if they don't hand over
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everything, peter, what's the point? >> there is no point. it's regrettable the rnc has h to do it's, butç it'svç÷úç re, because there's lying from jay carney to the president to high officials in our government, with 10 different stories, none of them true. if it takes a freedom of information act request to cleanse the garbage, then let's get to the truth now. right now. >> sean: lanny, you may disagree with the president, but the president did advance a narrative two weeks after theç terror attacks, on "the view" and before the united nations over this idea that we now know is false, that this was spontaneous, it wasn't, and number two, that this was, for example, not a terror-related incident. >> you know that the fact is that the 12 versions of the talking points that contained exactly what you just said was said by the cia to have authored
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the very words you just said. >> sean: that's not true. david petraeus said he didn't want anything to do it, didn't want them to release it. >> sean, i asked you whether it's a fact, in all 12 versions, the cia draft said spontaneous demonstration inspired by cairo. >> sean: lanny, you're a great lawyer, defending bill clinton, and -- wait a minute. the reality is it went from the truth that this wasç terror-related on al sharia to this being a youtube video, and that was a lie. >> they admitted to having scratched out any reference to al-qaeda. that's a fact. >> sean: lanny, what's the point? >> i wanted to correct what sean said. >> the president on september
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25th at the united nations led the united states and the world to believe that this was a spontaneous attack that occurred because of an anti-muslim video. that's what he was hinting at the united nations 14 days later. two weeks later, jay carney, on september 19th, talked about a video. on september 14th, ambassador rice made up this notion about a video. >> is this a plot that the cia was politicized by the white house? >> i know you want to excuse the state department for your own reasons. i don't care whether it's the state department, the white house or the cia, it's a web of deceit. the president contradicted himself. lanny, you've had more experience in american history in doing it, but the facts are
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not with you here. >> sean: lanny, hang on a second. let me go on to another issue. i get to ask the questions. i'm not a potted plant. >> no, you're not, sean. it's hard to answer that question. >> sean: we still don't know why the request for security was denied. we don't know whyç stand-down orders were denied. we don't know where the president was on the day of the attack. we don't know how the original talking points were truthful and became a lie. are those important questions? >> those are critical questions. where was the commander in chief? why was the commander in chief packing for las vegas when americans are were being sneaked why did the libyan officials say it was a terror attack? then two weeks later at thec: united nations talks about a video and condemns this
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anti-muslim video that had nothing to do with this attack. >> sean: lanny, let me ask you. is there anything before denied requested security, during people told to stand down, the president mia, after a web ofç lies, is there any part of this in your liberal clinton-supporting mind that's bothered by it? >> not that you do name-calling. i think it's a serious matter when four americans die. >> sean: what bothers you about what i said? >> the study by the review board that secretary of state clinton appointed called for major changes at the state department to -- >> secretary of state clinton was never interviewed by that review board. they haven't given to congress -- >> peter, if you think interrupting me is going to obscure me saying yes or no to a fact -- let me finish.
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>> please. >> it deserves a full investigation. it was investigated by admirable mullens who came upç with 37 recommendations. secretary of state clinton accepted then. this is a serious matter. >> sean: you didn't answer my question. lanny, i'llç give you a chanceo redeem yourself. you said it was politically brain dead to name our fox news reporter james rosen a co-conspirator. >> yes. i don't believe eric holder believed there was a necessity to investigate this. a legitimate and highly respected reporter, accuse him of a crime, i think -- >> sean: should holder go? >> no, i don't think he should go. >> lanny, do you think he should apologize to james rosen at fox
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news? and you're a lawyer, withdraw that angles that he was a treasonnist american? >> sean: he won't agree. >> your double standard will reveal tonight, peter, when you couldn't answer a simple question -- >> i'm a democrat, lanny. you wanted to scream down the facts. we'll do it another time. >> sean: he shouldn't apologize when he does something that egregious, goes against our constitution? lanny, what happened to the firstç amendment? >> i appreciate the fact that he now says it was a mistake. i think it was a mistake, sean. >> sean: got to go. when you make a mistake, i teach my kids to say, "i'm sorry." coming up, just how badly will these scandals affect the president's second term agenda?
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we'll find out next on "hannity." log on to on twitter it's @seanhannity. cast your vote for the video of the day. it's time for a nec sneak peek t number three. do you think this is video of the day? college students, left wing, rejoicing over michele bachmann leaving congress. >> i think she's crazy. >> am i on-camera? yes, i do. >> i don't like her anyway. >> beforepeti why not? >> because she's a crazy person. we just talked about this in tot class. ishares core. etf building blocks for your personalized portfolio. find out why 9 out of 10 large professional investors choose ishares for their etfs. ishares by blackrock. call 1-800-ishares for a prospectus, which includes investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses.
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of americans want a special counsel. that's a high number. >> it's interesting, because one week ago, cnn had reported that there wasn't that much interest in the scandals, and that barack obama's numbers had not fallen. >> sean: that's right. nobody saw it. >> what we've seen over the last week, now everybody is watching, paying attention, and you've got a national security crisis, a crisis of confidence in the tax-collecting body of america, and fear that our first amendment rights are under attack. when you combine all three, the american public is saying, enough is enough. let's get some accountability.ç >> sean: all right. we got senator mitch mcconnell on benghazi, you dialed this. let's take a look at it. >> it's clear that there was inadequate security there. and it's very clear that it was inconvenient within six weeks of the election for the administration to in effect announce that it was a terrorist attack. i think that's worth examining.
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it is going to be examined. and it's important -- you know, this is the first time we'veç d an ambassador killed in the line of duties since the late '70s. >> sean: 88% republican, but democrat very high. >> very high. it's because this isç a man who represented america, who was killed viciously. that's where the american people don't understand why the white house doesn't welcome this investigation, doesn't encourage it. when you have someone who defends the country, being hurt, it doesn't matter whether you're republican or democrat, you want accountability, you want answers. >> sean: then let's look at the irs. this is a congressman from georgia, tom price. roll the tape. >> this is chilling stuff, george. the irs was asking church groups what was the content of their prayers to determine whether or not to give them tax exempt status, or book groups, what
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books were they reading, provide a book report. this is just the beginning. it's important to appreciate, this was an audit, not an investigation. this is just the beginning of this paroles. we need to get to the bottom of it, find out who made the decisions, hold them to account, and see how high up the chain it went. >> sean: at the end, it was almost equal, and a high number, democrat/republican. >> yes. his use of the word "chilling" is how americans feel. this is the irs, supposed to be nonpartisan and nonpolitical wept all pay taxes, expect them to treat us equally. what's interesting about that clip, and tom price is a strong communicator, the more he focused on not just the political use of the irs, but religious use, people in our dial session were saying, i didn't know any of this, why doesn't the obama administration come clean? >> sean: all the people targeted
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tomorrow night will be in studio. i hope you will watch. senator john cornyn of texas on investigating the scandals, the importance of it. >> have a fair and respectful process, not put the cart ahead of the hers. let's calm down, be deliberate, be methodical, let's be thorough, get to the bottom of all of these scandals so the americanç people can know exacy what happened. as i said at the beginning, there's a credibility problem that this administration has, and if we're ever going to regain the public's confidence, they need to know the facts. >> sean: except for the very end, i don't think i've ever seen that, a republican, except for the end, got better scores with the democrats. i don't think we've seen that before. >> this is why the scandals, all three of them coming at the same time, is so serious, sean. this is not ideological anymre. this is not political anymore. the trust and confidence of the american people in their
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government is in jeopardy. if this administration wants to play politics, they're going to pay a very heavy price politically. my hope is not to play this partisan game, sean. it's for these guys in the white house to understand that the american people want the facts, and they want them now. >> sean: i think it's even deeper. i think the american people deserve the truth. in the case of the attorney general, we've been lied to. i think on benghazi, we've been lied to. i think the american people don't like it when people in power are not straight with them. i think that's happened here. >> and that's why the ultimate value in this whole discussion is accountability. they expect people who did wrong, they expect them to be held accountable, and want to see it now. >> sean: frank luntz, thank you. coming up next, media mash. we look into the bias of the media in terms of the coverage of the scandals. log on to
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we always want to hear you. you still have time to cast your vote for the winning video of the day. we'll play the winning video at th5 you can also write us on twitter @seanhannity. h...anybody? julie! hey...guess what day it is?? ah come on, i know you can hear me. mike mike mike mike mike... what day is it mike? ha ha ha ha ha ha! leslie, guess what today is? it's hump day. whoot whoot! ronny, how happy are folks who save hundreds of dollars switching to geico? i'd say happier than a camel on wednesday. hump day!!! yay!! get happy. get geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. ♪ the middle of this special moment and i need to run off to the bathroom. ♪ i'm fed up with always having to put my bladder's needs ahead of my daughter. ♪ so today, i'm finally talking to my doctor
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>> sean: time for media mash, our weekly round-up of all the ways the mainstream left wing media tries to put their spin on the newses. with numerous scandals continuing to plague the administration, you can bet there's no shortage of material. back with us this week, brent bozell. how are you? you're a great american. let's get to it. "good morning america," they're investigating eric holder. two lies before congress. you can't spin this.
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congress is looking into perjury charges, but if you watch "good morning america" holder is in no way, not even under fire. watch this. >> the new attorney general, eric holder, presiden presidents attorney general, republicans say he's not been straight in the partnering in the leak investigations in the targeting of reporters. any sense that his job is in jeopardy? >> none whatsoever. yesterday white house press secretary jay carney says that the president has his full support. >> sean: got to be so, because abc news tells us so, right? >> that's a flat-out truth. you can't say it's not whatsoever. there's no sense -- there's no risk whatsoever. of course that's not true. secondly, jay carney has been caught in so much double talk, so many different versions of stories, that he has zero
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credibility out there, butñr hes abc's source. thirdly, what do you expect an administration to say? they always say x, y, z, has your full support, and throw him overboard if they have to. that didn't mean anything. for abc news@c= to put it altogether and say, therefore, he's not at-risk whatsoever, it's just not to the. >> sean: we got to head over to mr. thrill up his matthews. obama doesn't have any scandals, according to mr. thrill up hips leg. let's roll the tape. >> my problem with obama -- and it continues, and i don't understand it. you know, the reason he's been in trouble the last four or five weeks, these kerfuffles, they're bad, but not awful. >> sean: it's a kerfuffle, nothing to do with a scandal. >> first of all, he's frustrated, not because obama
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has done anything wrong, but because he can't fix the problem. secondly, makes you wonder. if the bush administration had the justice department get a wiretap on chris matthews because they convinced a request judge he was a national security threat, would chris matthews think that was a kerfuffle? if 400 organizations that chris matthews was in favor of, liberal organizations, were targeted for harassment by the bush irs, would chris matthews think it was a kerfuffle? i don't think so. >> sean: you know, often media bias is about the stories that are chosen and the stories that are not chosen. now we have an example. here's lois lerner taking the fifth. nbc, abc, they skip her taking the fifth, but they did follow the story of obama's 1979 prom photo. let's roll tape. >> there he is, that 17-year-old
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barry obama, called at the timei at his senior prom in hawaii, in 1979. president obama's classmate released the pictures totime"" complete. >> the hair was big, clothes were polyester, and that's the future of the united states before his senior prom. >> take a look at these exclusive photos just released by "time" magazine of then 17-year-old president obama on the night of his senior prom in hawaii in '79. >> never covered the pot gang that he was a part of, the snorting cocaine thing, but this isç important, but not obviousy taking the fifth,;o@ñr lois ler. >> this is stunning. we can't say how much in the tankb
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obama. if lerner, who has nothing to hide, doesn't take the fifth, this is a scandal of monstrous proportions with a massive abuse of federal power. this woman has taken the fifth. how can it not be a story? but instead of a story, they put barack obama's prom pictures in there. >> sean: do you think the only reason the media covered anything at all was because of ñr ap side of this? >> yeah. i think they had a lover's spat, but they've gotten over that one as well. look, if it were not james rosen, somebody on nbc, they would care more, but it's fox, so they don't care that much. these are other stories -- they do a story or two -- i've been saying it from the very beginning -- they'll say they're done, walk away, and cover prom pictures. >> sean: that's unbelievable. it was the choom gang, remember
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that? they didn't really cover others, like bill ayers, that's my personal favorite. coming up, achiotes most incredible video of the day when we come back, we'll reveal it. man: i know the name of eight princesses. i'm on expert on softball. and tea parties. i'll have more awkward conversations than i'm equipped for, because i'm raising two girls on my own. i'll worry about the economy more than a few times before they're grown. but it's for them, so i've found a way. who matters most to you says the most about you. at massmutual we're owned by our policyowners, and they matter most to us. ready to plan for your future? we'll help you get there.
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♪ >> sean: many heartwarming moments throughout the program, but the highlight of the night was undoubtedly the message from one of blake shelton's biggest fans who lost her mother in this tornado. watch this. >> i just want to say thank you to you, because momeocr was a ry big fan of you. i just want to say that when bad things happen, good people step up to help. i want to thank everyone who stepped up, who is stepping up, to rebuild the place we call home. thank you. [cheers and applause] >> sean: great cause, great night, and our thoughts and prayers go out to that woman and everyone else affected by that tornado. that's all the time we have left this evening. let not your heart be troubled. why? because the news continues.
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greta van susteren is on standby greta van susteren is on standby "on-the-record," and we'll see, godç willing, back here tomorrw night. >> greta: this is a fox news alert. at this minute, dangerous tornadoes threatening the central united states. at least two twisters already touching down in the state of oklahoma. the national weather service reporting that tornadoes hit the ground near perkins and ripley. in north central oklahoma. the powerful storm, the system keeps going. residents also running for cover in arkansas. another twister touching down near oden, arkansas. seven people now injured, at least one home is destroyed. the severe storms are also bringing rain, hail, and lightning strikes. those lightning strikes-jvjxj ig two people in arkansas and the weather service says the threat of tornadoes continues throughout the evening. right now tornado watches effect for oklahoma,
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