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tv   The Five  FOX News  May 30, 2013 11:00pm-12:01am PDT

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tomorrow night so make sure you tune in. go to you might see other members on as well whork knows? zb g.night from washi ♪ ♪ hello, i'm greg gutfeld, bob beckel, eric boling and she sleeps between two pop tarts, dana perino. it's 5:00 in new york city and i got a cold. >> greg: so in the spirit of the old mickey mouse club, they are recruiting members for its fan club for off the record meeting with eric holder. but the media were in this club. media decided to get everybody on the same page again as it is supposed to be when you are in the media and your guy is in power. this date is doomed. most journalists are passing it up beginning with the "new york times" preferring on the record to
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off the record b.s.. most reporters realize the white house is transparent as michael moore's colon. what does the democratic party do? they blame the victim. turn off your phone, bob. brad wood house tweets that the media refusing to meet with holder forfeits your right to gripe. brad the refusing to meet off the record not refusing to meet, does that change your opinion? >> goodie! >> goodie! >> greg: i guess not. holder meeting the it is is taking a husband taking his wife out to dinner and
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hoping she will take him back. he is goner and dull man walking and his fervent allies won't make eye contact anymore. holder will be more of the same. progressives are like dorritos, you eat one and they turn out a whole new bag and they still make you sick. >> meet james ro seven the bureau chief for a day. [ laughter ] >> that about the search warrant that you signed and shopped around. >> why did you sign on me? >> greg: you raised the question, eric. where do reporters go and report on it anyone. if you go off the record. >> eric: that is the this thing. do away and the to go but it has to be off the record. it's amazing that what was chronic and to be the most
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transparent administration in history ended up being the most obscure. it's maddening. we just want truth. for them to say it's got to be off the record -- here is the issue. everyone is smarted. we're not going to go because they want it to leak. once the leak happens then you can report on it. if you go, you can't do that. >> dana: reason that they don't is because they have professional courtesy. there is a code of conduct. >> greg: i don't have that. >> dana: but that has been broken by one of the parties already, which is the meeting about. >> greg: the people that are attending you got the "washington post", "wall street journal" and chicago tribune, bloomberg is going. u.s.a. today not attending fox news, a.p. and cnn and
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huffington post, reuters and the reasons are interesting. "washington post" editor is represent interests and raise concerns. is that enough reasons. >> andrea: no, i think the fact of talking about this is very weird. it's not a meeting between, say, the department of justice and the department of the treasury. they are not equal branches. this isn't a regular thing that should happen, but i do think eric holder considers the media to be a tool of the government. it's a little disorienting because holder says i want to talk about guidelines. they don't give a damn aboutguidelines, why would you say i am going to put in place guidelines that i never followed. i put guidelines in place before. what is the point of the meeting? i think it's a nice, we want do this right.
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>> greg: bob, doesn't it reminds you of many times. >> bob: that was harsh on your part. what did you ask me? >> greg: i don't remember. do you think the meeting was a smart idea on holder's part. >> bob: no, because i've seen 30 years in washington, when people are in real trouble on meet the press. >> when they first went over they got good press about it. he is remorseful and he wants to express regret. there was entire day, that is good press strategy. then they said, wait, you can't report on the meeting. what is the point of the meeting if you can't report on it. i thought it was smart until i found it was off the record. if you can't have a chat and get to know them that is time for a off the record meeting.
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i'm saying, there off the record type of briefings when you bring the press to meet the president. on dated the press comes to meet with him before the state of the union address. that is mood setter. what the president is thinking. this is where they are actually talking about the livelihood of journalists, possibly a new code of conduct and government in america. >> eric: i was under the impression that eric holder was going to explain to the various news agencies how far it actually went. >> dana: that is why i thought it was good idea. >> eric: they want to keep it off the record. i would say something else. >> bob: when i was in the white house i could get a call from jodi, ap is going to run the story and took all the stuff and burned it. >> the burn bag. >> bob: the burn bag.
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so they it would be bad story for national security. there is no reason in this case, as least i can tell. if they brought them in and this is why we did it to rosen but i don't get it. >> greg: what about this democratic party spokesman the media has no right to gripe if they don't meet holder off the record. >> andrea: very stupid. they consider government to be, media to be a tool of the government. she showed his hand by saying king holder has summoned you to the white house. if you do not come, you can't gripe. who behaves like this? i think that they are showing the mentality in the white house. this is the second shoddy, very poorly executed media strategy by the white house. the first was to say our media shield lay arguments law that will protect you from me, now he is going to have a meeting to talk
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about guidelines to protect you from me? >> bob: remember the shakespeare play in high school? >> andrea: i did not. >> one of the things they are under the gun is possible political influence about a judicial matter with regards to irs, talking about a.p. and rosen and possible infractions there. to then have the justice department and white house handling the problem about off the record meeting, spokesman for the democratic party got all the attention and that got a lot of mainstream reporters, why do you have to open your mouth. >> bob: this is classy example when you do not want a party committee involved with this. this has nothing to do with the party. for them to say, this i was shocked they would do that. as it is right now they are scam blink to figure out how to get through the election but have on dnc spokesman say that -- i don't get it. >> eric: it's crazy this
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meeting they would call the meeting known as national outrage, national question, we want answers. what did you know, when did you know it? eric herald you claim you didn't know but your signature is on the document. then to say a huge rollout, big meeting with all the major chiefs but it's going to be off the record. >> they didn't say it initially. >> eric: but to the american people, they don't need to know. this is our little group. they are reaching out to the press. imagine, it's above them. >> greg: that gamble could be correct. >> dana: one thing with the bureau chiefs, to get to see them at little league games or on saturday night. >> andrea: isn't this is legal issue? isn't this still going on? there is probably legal issues between the networks. why would eric holder, it's under investigation, president says, it's under
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investigation, i can't comment on certain cases. >> dana: a.p. last night reported that the scope and scale of how many subpoenas or phone lines that a.p. were seized. it was much larger than they originally thought. until the justice department comes clean on all they have done, i don't think they could reasonably think they are going to go away. when you spy on your enemies is something but when you spy on your friends. >> greg: i spy on a lot of friends. >> bob: one point. when they first did it was smart. i think a lot of the bureau people were saying the same thing. then by the way, i would be able to hesitant to go. >> andrea: there is so much secrecy with holder. it's rooted of anything he does. >> greg: anybody that says
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don't tell anybody, i can't. i'm the worst. >> bob: they the tell me, i forget. >> eric: let them go and then we'll have the story. >> dana: for you, greg as a former editor. >> greg: it's about six steps to better abs but better control. it would drive me crazy, if they knew how to get the abs faster. >> bob: that issue sucks. next month you had to lose your abs. >> greg: worst things to get abs and best things you can do. how did we get talking about abs? the former head of the irs visited the white house in the heat of the targeting scandal. dana has the lowdown which is easy for her, after the
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♪ ♪ if you everybody looking for one more chance ♪ ♪ you got to run ♪ ♪ ♪ >> dana: welcome back. new developments in the irs scandal. douglas shumman visited the white house 118 times, and period the agency was targeting conservatives. as you can see from this chart. he lodged more white house visits than even the most trusted member of president obama's cabinet. why when asked why. here is one of the reasons.
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>> there might be many reasons you might be at the white house. what. what would be some of the reasons? >> the easter egg roll with my kids. >> dana: that never gets old. easter egg roll. so he went to the white house four times as much as geithner. one of explanations, they were working on obamacare and irs has a rule that he was there to meet with nancy to talk about the rollout. however,, he is the principal of the irs. kathleen sebelius is the principal of hhs. >> bob: so if you are thinking about talking about the rollout of obamacare she might be at that session. i don't -- you know, i really don't have anything to say here on the subject. i never met the irs and free tax advice. >> dana: i love how some people on the left, he was
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a bush appointee. he came to the white house once and it was in december 2008. i remember at the time the chief of staff, he was a political appointee and got a chance to meet with president bush. the reason he was appointee, five-year term. they cross terms of presidents. there was a requirement by the senate democrats there has to be somebody there. >> bob: democratic too. >> dana: but not a bush appointee so the question is, if you go to the white house 157 times and 50% of those meetings are talking about obamacare, what do you think america is thinking that the other 50% of the meetings. easter egg roll comes around once a year. >> andrea: although, i will on this one, it's very odd. double the amount of time
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than hillary clinton came to the white house. without everybody saying nobody knewing in nig about benghazi it's believable. healthcare is such a mess and first time that any agency is undertaking this effort to make certain tax papers and guidelines for every individual. i can see see how there would be a lot of meetings. this seems uncharacteristic. the lawsuits that jay seculo has filed, they will be helpful. they will buck darrell issa but through discovery, jay is going to be able to get all of these documents. >> dana: let me make a point. you are very generous on obamacare point. the democrats' explanation the irs with a problem in obamacare is they have such a small role. they have trapped themselves in another point. >> greg: 157 times?
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he must be a great golfer. it makes sense meeting with obama because sirs muscle. how can you pay for solyndra and food stamps to turn the land into free stuff. i love the fact we keep bringing rogue agents. rogue agents are getting a promotion. that is not how you get a promotion. >> bob: let me jump in for a minute. i would find it would be amazing there was conspiracy to target conservative groups. the last thing you would is have a discussions. >> there has to be a reason for it. >> eric: i think there was a conspiracy to target conservatives. they targeted conservatives. they didn't look at the other spectrum.
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that soundbite is aggravating. easter egg roll. i would hold him in contempt. there is such a jerk, you have 157 log-ins into the white house and you come up with easter egg roll. that is disrespect. >> andrea: maybe somebody should roll limb. >> on the two polls, obama says it's doing fine and they are in trouble. >> bob: i went and looked at four different polls since last night. here is the problem he's got. he's got in his job ratings with lower income, independent younger people in the midwest. it's starting to erode and independents really matter. >> dana: what does that matter in a midterm election?
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>> andrea: if i were the house republicans i would bring a bill to the floor asap to try to get the irs taken out of position to enforce obamacare and force the senate to have a voted on it. >> dana: that was the point i made. >> eric: they passed okay with the idea that irs was going to be the enforcing agent. >> its tax. it has to be a tax. >> greg: can i make a point about the job approval numbers. obama doesn't care. it's not how many people like you. it's who like you, they would take george clooney any day over kansas. >> dana: we're going to be talking about scandals but one person that has been strangely silent, vice president biden. why haven't we heard from him? we'll tell you our theories next on the five.
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♪ ♪ ♪ i'm free ♪. ♪ ♪ irs scandal, holder's press probe all these scandals, while this is going on, bob, you noticed silent. he usually isn't shy. vice president joe biden. he put of some of these, he has done a six day swing to the caribbean and latin america. maybe this is the reason. >> you can't relate. >> the man who will be the
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next president of the united states -- >> his mom lived in long island for ten years or so. god rest her soul. your mom is still alive. has your dad passed? >> to heed the timeless advice of roosevelt, speak softly and carry a big stick, end of quote. i promise you the president has a big stick. [ laughter ] i promise you. >> eric: take six. her favorite line. >> dana: big stick. [ laughter ] >> dana: please. >> eric: what about it. >> greg: okay, not just him, joe biden, general petraeus, susan rice, they are weird version of survivor going on. at this rate the white house should be putting no
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cards. >> andrea: i actually laughed when i saw the email where is joe biden. where is joe biden. maybe it's how serious they are taking the scandals. they don't want to put him out there. every time he put out there he has a gaffe, it's great for them. i do think it's serious and that is why they are saying it. >> dana: he is showing excellent judgment. i'm going separate myself and let these waters calm down. >> eric: i wanted to get dani a drink of water. bob? >> bob: i think he is in the right place. >> under his desk? >> bob: you noticed how few democrats have stepped forward in defense of the president. if joe biden is not there
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to defend you, there is a political problem. for some of these people in the swing districts, they are very worried and good reason. irs scandal anltd rest of they don't care about. >> eric: i have a theory. joe biden is very smart, not because he is helping the president, joe biden is helping president out. >> dana: that is what i said he is helping in 2016. >> eric: i should have been listening. >> bob: why do we show although gaffes on him? >> greg: those gaffes could get him elected president. she so likable in his silliness. where is general petraeus? >> dana: he has a big job on wall street. i think he earned his private sector position. he is working on wall street. >> greg: i don't think much. >> bob: there are lot of people that are taking the backdoor out.
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this is a political problem. we are about 17 months away from an election that matters in the senate, particularly, because it's going to be very close and in the house. the goal was, first meeting we had, we thought we would pick up two seats in the senate and ten seats in the house. that has reversed itself. it's a problem because you have to ask yourself this question. if you look at poll numbers and white house i hope has, you are getting yourself in deep, deep trouble on the irs. benghazi doesn't matter, but this it is a big deal. >> eric: you have a huge one more thing that going to be massive and awesome. >> let's do it. >> greg: i wanted to read some of my poetry. >> eric: coming up a billionaire wall street investor saying mothers can't be top traders. his controversial comments
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next on the five. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ >> andrea: paul jones is in a bit of trump with women after he made these comments about female traders. >> you will never see as many great women investors or traders as men, end of story. i can think of two that actually started e.f. hutton with me then they both had a big of a killer as the they both had
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children. as soon as that baby, forget it. i'm talking about trading. not managing. i'm talking about a very specific field that requires specific pursuit. three daughters later he apologized for off the cuff remarks. eric, you are former wall street trader. can you decipher what me meant. >> eric: i've known paul for 25 years, close to modern day saint. man has raised over billion quarter dollars for charities, feeding starving people, teaching people that need to be taught. i'm guessing this is taken out of context. i'm not positive. he was talking about 30, 40 years ago. this was 40 years ago, maybe things have changed quite a bit in 40 years. i don't know.
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do not hold the man in disdain because he is a saint. >> andrea: i know that look from dana perino. >> greg: i really hate it when people have to say it was off-the-cuff remark when they are answering something honestly. he was answering the question honestly. why were there so few women traders up there with him. he answered a specific question about macro trading. there are differences between men and women. it should be celebrated. it's not wrong to say certain advantage strategies are better than men. he also men are deeply affected at work by divorce, not so much women. there are flaws among men. some men, their trading goes to hell when they are going through a divorce. he has to be aware of that. he has to have meetings when they are going through a divorce. he realizes that childbirth
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interrupt women and it interruptsd because childbirth is better. it's a better thing than trading. that is all he was saying. >> andrea: it's not a bad thing when women make the decision, stay home with the kids or careers. what ever is best for them. new study four in ten families with children under the age of 18 are now headed by women who are breadwinners. the larger share is single mothers. what do you think about this. >> dana: isn't that what everybody fought for? so women could have the opportunity to do all these things. i'm going to agree the refreshing the candid remarks being on stage with five other guys talking about women. i do think that men in positions of power are starting more and more to think about, how do we get more diversity. where would it work? if you look at corporate boards, 14% of boards have
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women on them. it's good to hear from somebody as paul tudor jones, why not more women traders. he was featured in 60 minutes two weeks ago for all of his work he does for charities. if i was a spokesperson i would have been worried after that comment. >> bob: can i make a few comments. i didn't follow a single thing you said, greg, but it sounded smart. there is not enough executive women. their emotions could benefit decision-making. i just spoke to somebody on the break, i'm trading, might make sense to have women who get more emotional in certain things and get out from beneath the trade. best stockbroker i ever had was a woman. >> eric: can i point out the study the breadwinners
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are women. if you read into it the reason is exactly what we've been talking about the breakdown of the american family. american family, women are force to that breadwinners for the families and that is why the numbers are higher now for single moms. here is offshoot of that. if you are a single mom, breadwinner and you get pregnant, aren't we pushing towards more abortions? it seems like we are. >> bob: the majority of women, low income, minority areas where they are forced to work because there is is not a husband in the house. >> greg: and in these stories we talk about bringing home the bacon. it's islam phobic. >> and fox news contributor, ericer i can son came out on twitter, look maybe this isn't the best shift for the family.
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i think -- >> you just got the joke. >> never mind. >> i do think there is a breakdown of the family. i think every family that is not a single mother family. but the roles being reversed has had an affect on children, it has. >> bob: very good. >> andrea: when we come back, you'll hear from an arizona mother who is sitting in a mexican prison what she says is are trumped up drug charges. judge is set tomorrow to make a ve important roorlgs ruling on her case. we'll tell you what it is when we come back. ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> bob: welcome back. on a mother accused of smuggling drugs from mexico. they found 12 pounds of marijuana under her seat on the bus. she has denied doing
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anything wrong. >> they looked under my seated and i was in shock. i'm like, this is not real. this is not happening. i am not guilty. >> bob: yaniro maldonado says she is being wrongfully detained. >> a strong defense. >> bob: a judge is expected to rule on whether or not she will be released. i would like to start this with making a comment. 12 pounds of marijuana is a big deal. people that traffick that kind of drugs usually has a drug record. this woman has no record. the stuff was welded into the bus this woman is
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clearly innocent. >> eric: so i'm watching this on greta and seeing it all over the news today. why a mother of seven was on the bus in mexico? >> for a funeral. >> eric: if you know anything about nogales, that is where a lot of drug wars are going. a lot of killed there. again, i'm the guy, i just have to ask, what was she doing. if you have seven kids. >> bob: one thing they love in gogales is figure out a way to do >> alleging the bus driver may have something to do with it. >> andrea: they looked at the footage and there is no evidence of this woman doing anything, to weld 12 pounds to the seat. there is no video pack about a go up. and all over mexico it has turned into a police state where you are literally guilty until proven innocent. it's the opposite here.
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they don't let you pump gas without a passport. it has to be a mexican bank card or you pay cash. the way they treat us is opposite the we the way we treat mexicans mere. >> greg: how does a mother of seven have time to smuggle drugs? we would never lock somebody up to distract people from a failure in government -- there was that film maker. he is sitting in jail. >> dana: it sounds like the system worked and the husband did the right thing speaking out. now let the judge will let her go if not they will have a huge diplomatic problem. >> bob: do you remember when they put the person in the jail there. i lived in mexico for eight months. that country, it's like nigeria, i hate to say
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this. it's everything is a bribe to get along. i think there is a lot of set up being done. certificate right about nogales, its i was there recently. they pull you you over for a traffic infraction, give you a court attend that you can't attend, because you have to return home, all to get money from you so they can shake youdown. in this country, we're, like, benefits, citizens whatever you want. >> have you ever watched upkkg+i "locked up abroad"? those are people who you would -- mothers of seven, your next-door neighbor, your cousin, people you would never expect to be drug smugglers, but the deal is,gú÷ you smuggle drugs across, tut 10 or 20 grand into your pocket, and all you have to do is get it across the[s:áó
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ask more questions. >> a piece of advice, don't take your car to mexico. when you come back, you'll find welded under your car a bunch of drugs. >> she took a bus. >> i know. i mean, the idea -- if this woman had a history, the police in her hometown would know. if she's a dealerç of that siz. 12 pounds of dope is a lot of dope. >> besides, about 20% of her body weight. she's tiny. >> tour the you're the tinyies. >> one more thing is up next.
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♪ >> it's time for one more thing. dana, kick it off. >> last night the healing in the heartland concert was nbc news, blake shelton, from
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oklahoma, and his wife, amanda lambert, from oklahoma too, and tried her favorite song, but couldn't get through it. listen to this. country musical star vince gil also from oklahoma. >> what's the worst thing that can happen ♪ worse thing they can do ♪ threaten me with heaven ♪ that's all they can do >> the concert raised $3 million before it even aired on the west coast. if you want to go to you can donated to the victims of the tornado as well. >> good thing. andrea? >> when you think of chicago, what do you think of? >> my hometown. >> corruption,ñdasm schools. >> intimidation, mob-like
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tactics,ç misguided public housing policy. this is a bit surprising here. this is the cover of "time" magazine. it's hailing mayor rahm emanuel as the chicago bull. they highlight all the things that he says he's doing to fix the trouble city. he says he's worked for two presidents. they claim to be doing great things, but hö zô saysy doing great things." 96% of murders in chicago last year were not tried. police won't even come to your house if you have a murder threat. they only will come if there's a -- i should say a big deal murder threat owe won't come if your car gets stolen. i'll remaim this so it just says "bull." >> last weekend chicago had one of their worst murder weekends. >> it had gone down. >> the month prior, but this month spiking again. good job, rahm. >> eric? >> oh, i'm up? >> yes. >> this is an interesting story.
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we all love dogs here. we all do. this is ray charges the golden retriever. the interesting thing about ray charles, he's blind. this puppy was blind. he was the puppy of the week last month, but they're also trying to make a push to allow him to go out and drop the puck at a boston bruins-pittsburgh penguins eastern conference hockey finals that starts tomorrow. go to their facebook, raycharlesthegoldenretriever. >> beckel? >> many years ago i got started on television as larry king's -- i sat in for larry king. >> awesome. >> one night i was doing "crossfire." they said tide sit in for larry.
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ended having a five-year run for larry, and . i wish you a great time, larry. >> you disclosed the secret of the suspenders. >> i had to wear them to sit in for king. >> did you say, wow, these are so comfy? >> that's the strangest network. >> i got interviewed by them once. i almost threw down my mike and walked out. >> he was the best single interviewer on division. >> i love your glasses in that interview. >> banned phrase, make sure this never happens again. whenever you hear this, it's somebody pleading with you not to punish them. for example, f you're caught stealing from fox news channeling and say, "make sure this never happens again, let's put in cameras," no, just fire
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the person that steals. >> did something happen? >> yes! i want that back, dana! i know you have welcome to "red eye." it is like empty nest if by empty nest you mean pill bottles. andy, what is coming up on tonight's show, old sport? >> our top story, a minor league baseball player suspended after a post about tipping a stripper. the shocking story that just might make you give up the pole. plus, does a new poll show britts want their handguns back? well i know my friend wants his back. he keeps calling me about it. never gonna happen. and does being into bondage make you healthier and less gnaw rot particular? some say yes -- well, it is hard to hear what they are saying, but they are shaking their heads vigorously.


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