tv The Five FOX News May 31, 2013 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT
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financial factor is everywhere. ♪ >> hello, everyone. i'm kimberly gil guilfoyle. it's 5:00 in new york city, and this is the five. they are struggling to get answers. why? because the administration is avoiding, dodging, and denying. here are two examples in just the last 24 hours. first, justice department is trying to explain themselves, but the meetings are largely off the record. second, the white house denies any involvement or responsibility. >> can i take you back before
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the subpoenaed phone rord recorf my colleague, james rowsn, and ask him if his reporting was brought to the attention of the president or the national security advisor. >> i'm not able to answer in a question because it's hard for me to assess what article or what television clip the president may or may not have seen back in 2009. >> do you know if anyone in the white house, the national security played any role in triggering the leak investigation itself by the justice department? >> i think we've been pretty clear that these kinds of criminal investigations are the kinds of things that are initiated by the department of justice and are not subject to any sort of political or white house influence. >> so many questions and so few answers. that's the big problem here. eric, what do you think? >> so little time. >> so little time. if only we had two hours. >> the weird thing is if they were consistent, we probably would all be okay like we're going to go after people who leak. clearly they overreached when they went into rosen's stuff,
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search warrants for rosen's stuff. we'll go afro sen and peopl afte who leak. they're so wishy washy. here's what will happen. eric holder within the next 30 days will do the right thing. president obama has been a good friend to me, i've been nothing but honorable to you. however, to avoid distraction, i will step down. he'll do it and take one for the team. >> he'll go back and make a lot of money in private practice and represent gitmo detainees. he's good at it, fantastic. dana, obviously they have a communications problem here, a lot of inconsistent statements. eric holder wants to have sort of a hug it out with the media off the record which doesn't have much credibility whatsoever. for example, fox news and the associated press didn't want any part of that. >> i think part of the problem is they have the meetings last night and then today. the people who are reporting on the meetings that went to them
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are saying you know, it was constructive. it was helpful. if guidelines are guidelines, shouldn't guidelines -- shouldn't everybody know what the guidelines are? i think they did themselves a disservice. i don't think this had to be on background or off the record. if they were going to let reporters talk about it anyway afterwards, seems to me they could have actually done this on the record. i do have to say i think josh does a pretty good job. i love his name, earnest. he's like hollywood name for pr. he doesn't have a ton of answers because what they need to do is a communications audit. when somebody would come in from the outside, a lawyer type person and say here's what you have said up to now. here's the wh holes, and then nd to do what's called a murder board where he gets asked all the toughest questions by their critics, but by friendly critics. hopefully next week they can come back and answer some of these questions. i really don't think this just goes away until they expose the entire scope. if they could promise all of us
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that nobody else aside from james row accept and the ap -- rosen and the ap's thousands of records were seized, that would be okay. that would be my biggest concern as a press secretary what else is out there yet to comeout. >> i'm puzzled by this off the record meeting that eric holder wanted to have. i guess he thought he could come and say sorry in front of the media and they would say it's totally fine like a box of chocolates and a hallmark card. >> sorry. >> i was just staring at greg longingly. >> go, bob, go. >> no, you go. >> go. please. i want you to go. >> okay. thank you. i forgot what i was going to say. what i was going to say was when you have an off the record conversation and then all the people who are there and come and face all the people who wouldn't come in the meeting and tell them what happened in the meeting, it's not much of a conversation off the record. you can make up anything you want to say, but do you think eric
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holder made anything up. >> i was actually at the meeting, bob. >> you wer >> the first thing he said was -- >> off the record? >> that's the point. they turned off the tape recorders when i was there. he just announced that he was a seasee sequential hermaphrodite. they were off the record. it's his word against mine. by the way, why was this off the record? it was a completely boring meeting. it's like having your laundry folded off the record. >> deep throat was off the record. >> we can't bring up that movie now. >> basically what holder was hoping is this somehow all goes away, that this meeting was like an ink stained version of make up sex, that all the stuff that happened before hand is now okay and things can go back to normal and you can love obama the way you were supposed to, but it can't happen that way because
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nothing was accomplished. nothing happened. >> can you help kimberly and i? >> ink stained? >> what does that mean? >> in the press. ink stained. this was -- >> like wrapped in a newspaper. >> we thought you meant that thing that we -- >> no. we're bringing them all together so we can get it back to the way it was before. >> let me say what eric said here. i think this may well be a part of the strategy to get himself out. in other words, i think he needs to be able to say i tried to explain what i was doing, here's the new guidelines, and at some point i'll say my predecessor will pick this up. i cannot imagine if this goes into another week that it doesn't end up this way. it's too bad. i've known eric holder a long time. he's an honorable man. i don't believe he broke any laws here, but i think he's becoming a liabilit liability. i think this is part of an exit strategy. >> one of the things they said in this meeting is that the department of justice says that eric holder did not lie under
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oath, but what would you expect? it's physically impossible-for-a bus to throw itself under itself. what else are they going to say? >> there's a chattering class in washington which matters in this case because that's all their buddies and their friends. they're concerned because while they're saying he did not commit perjury, he actually was misleading, and is it the same thing in the eye of the public? yes. >> to answer your question, the new rasmussen poll, 42% think holder should resign,24% disagree. those are some significant numbers against your friend, bob. the>> the news is james rosen, e single handedly brought these people who were always nipping at fox news and coming back and now, and first of all, his reporting was quite good, i might add. he was out in front of a lot of other people. i noticed the chattering about fox news has been cut in half. >> give it until wednesday.
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>> progress. >> enjoy it while we have it. >> okay. so speaking of chatter, eric, i i want you to respond this. michael er>> is this actually go lead to something or more of the same, more continuous calls for the attorney general to stand down. >> i think the attorney general should step down, too, off of that plateau where he resides in high school and with some head, but he shouldn't give up his office. he should understand he's the chief law imifer of the united states of -- giver of the united states of america, so to speak. he's the moses of our time, at least for this administration. >> he lost me with that. >> they circled the wagons. obviously they're going to start doing that. the liberals will say he's great. bob did it a minute ago. i've known him a long time, you said. we showed a list of controversies that he's embroiled in right now. >> show me an attorney general in the modern era that has not been controversial. >> i'm going to call him tag,
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teflon attorney general. >> you're missing the whole fact. i cannot believe how racist professor dyson is to compare eric holder to moses malone just because they're black and i guess because he plays basketball? that is disgusting. dyson mistakes eric in principle for eric in ideology. as. >> can i make a prediction? >> please do. >> i think it's actually not 30 days, i think it's more like 45 or 60 days. it will be august recess when eric holder decides he's going to spend more time with his family. i think you'll see a woman appointed, and it will be janet napolitano. >> i like this. that's interesting. >> give us your prediction. how long will this stay? >> i don't know. it's kind of unfair to people who don't have families. when you get fired or resigned, i'm going to go home and spend more time by myself. >> spend more time with your pool boys. >> i'm going to spend more time
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with the dog. >> how long do you think he's got. >> 30 days. >> a maximum? >> that's it. look. if you go too far, then you start worrying about some of these mid term elections. people say is it going to spill over. >> that's the point, it could have a polarizing effect. >> 45 or 60 days, many of these things may have already passed by then. if he is going to do it, he should probably do it. >> bob, your phone is ringing a lot today. you may have the answer. >> no. i think if he survives next week, and if this thing doesn't keep going and i don't think it will. he will probably su survive. i think 30 days is probably a reasonable time, but that's unfair. >> at what point do you decide to help the president? >> exactly. >> and say thank you, sir, thank you for being so loyal to me, but i don' i don't want to causy more problems for you. with your acceptance, i would like to resign. >> that's what he should do. >> i wish we could bump out with a little kenny rogers, know when to hold 'em, know when to fold
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'em. >> does the irs scandal go deeper than anyone imagined? some disturbs stories about american citizens that were targeted by the agency and also a democrat plays the race car cd and says objections to obama care are based on racism. stay right here. [ male announcer ] julia child became a famous chef at age 51. picasso painted one of his master works at 56. doris taerbaum finished her first marathon at 50. not everyone peaks in their twenties. throughout their lives. passion keeps them realizing possibilities. an ally for real possibilities. aarp. find tools and support at
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thursday. we'll cover it for you on the five, so don't miss a beat or a day. we've been telling you it's hard to get any answers, much less straight answers from the people at the center of the scandal. hopefully that changes next week, but i, we, are not optimistic. the good news is some politicians are following our lead and doing their job, like mitch mcconnell. check out a part of his latest ad. >> i will not answer any questions or testify about the subject matter of the committee's meeting. >> didn't know at that time. >> i'm not aware of that. >> i don't know. >> i don't know. >> i have no memory of anyone doing that. >> i didn't know that. >> i do not personally -- i am not personal responsible. >> do you believe it is illegal? >> when the president does it, that means it is not illegal. >> what does the president believe? does the president believe that would be illegal? >> the law here? the law is irrelevant. >> we're going to punish our enemies and reward our friends. >> i'll tell you what. >> love that.
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>> that explains my audit. > >> bob: for a guy who obviously in political trouble, that is one of the cheapest ads i've seen, bringing richard nixon into the ad before an election day. you ought t to be ashamed of yourself. you're minority leader of the senate, not minority leader of the kentucky citi. >senate. >> dana: you think mitch mcconnell is in trouble? there's not even a canada. > >> bob: look. you can't -- to politicize this thing before you have the hearings and go on the air with that kind of rug, that's a muck raking disgraceful ad and it's typical of a guy from a bourbon state. i would not have done that. in my worst day i wouldn't have done that. >> you bragged about things worse than that. >> kimberly: sometimes when you wake up from a nap, you're a little cranky, bob. > >> bob: never mind. >> if you think that's helpful in this discussion having that kind of crap on the air?
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>> dana: i think the politics of it is very serious. no matter what, the hearings will take a long time to get out. their pr problem is even possibly much larger even than their hill problem. one of the things that happened that we found out is that one of the groups that was targeted, they said well, the irs said you can get your status, 501c4 status, but you have to promise that you will never, ever protest a planned parenthood site. well, so the bureaucracy, no one thinks that's a weird thing to ask? they're okay with asking that kind of thing. >> kimberly: it's not okay. here's the problem. the irs has absolutely no credibility at this point. the prones wh prones proponentso away with the flat tax, this is their strongest point in time. these people who are targeting g americans for exercising their constitutional rights and you'll have them take over obama care
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and penalize americans? >> have you noticed that? >> bob: right wing contributors are saying what? >> are we going to get a knock on the door by two irs agents? who in the world gets a personal knock on the door by a personal irs agent? >> bob: you're an exception to the rule. i hav find it hard to believe af a sudden i'm seeing all these groups coming out. it was bad, it was wrong. the questions were wrong. all of a sudden to politicize it like this and say you're getting audit because you're a right wing contributor. >> it was already politicized by the irs. the irs is now the political attack machine arm of the obama administration. you know what the irs is? if you look at their targets, they're the same targets as anybody on the far left would choose. essentially the irs has become msnbc with authority. it's sandra flubbing with espn
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powers. the irs in a way is over because people -- it's kind of back to your point, bob. the people that really have to worry are the left because they have to balance out themselves. >> bob: here's why they don't have to, greg. the issue with the at a party, the irs went after tea party over 501c4 status. c4 status. on the right is the tea party. on the left, move on action civic committee. media matters, progressives united. they didn't target them. >> kimberly: that's the problem. >> bob: here's the problem, though. now the left is saying well, you know, we should close all those loopholes anyway. they didn't go after 501c5 is. do you know what that is? labor unions. they didn't touch that because it's all left. they all get that exemption. they ai avoided that one completely. >> bob: do you not think the c4s on the left were doing political actions they shouldn't have been doing? >> bob: i don't know if they were or not.
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>> kimberly: bob, you're missing the point. it's so blatantly discriminatory on the base because they're targeting a specific group or a specific ideology and within the same group, within the same kind of category and saying if you believe and you're a ceferive, you're -- conservative, you're going to get the scrutiny. on the left you get a pass. that's the problem. >> dana: i'll take a lead from president obama who went to the east room and said he wasout raged. he said everyone should be afforded first amendment rights. i'm going to follow president obama's lead and say this is outrageous. if you want to close the c5 status loopholes, close them all. >> bob: let's take a brief trip back to mitch mcconnell. no. i mean, go ahead. >> bob: he puts up the same nixon that had his irs people
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investigate my group. nixon was a disgraceful, disruptive, corrupt president and you're making the equation with him and eric holder? >> kimberly: he's not the first one to have done that. real quick, i think it's only a matter of time before they get smart and offer some kind of limited use immunity and people start talking like lois lerner and others because they're not going to take a fall for this. at a certain point they have to calculate how this is going to affect them, their credibility, their future, and it just a winter worth it. > >> dana: that's hang i happeninn another scandal in the benghazi piece. >> bob: let's stop investigating these groups for political personnings. coming up, a democrat plays a race card against obama critics. it's on tape. right back with that. don't go away. [ ship horn blows ] no, no, no! stop!
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♪ >> louisiana democratic chair karen carter peterson believes opposition to obama care isn't about principle, but pigment. she asks why do people hate it so much? >> why is it that i've talked to so many members, both in the house was th and the senate, anu know what? you ready? you ready? what it comes dowsh to, it's not about how many federal dollars we can receive. it's not about that. you ready? it's about race. i know nobody wants to talk about that. it's about the race of this african-american president. >> yes. nobody wants to talk about that. i'd like to know what rock karen has been sleeping under for the last six years. race is the only thing the left talks about. i mean, have you seen msnbc? neither has the rest of the country, but anyone, every criticism of big government
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comes down to they must be racist. that's the easiest way to avoid confronting the failures of your own ideology. that avoidance allows your failures to fester which is why things are now dyer. in fact, president obama isn't facing opposition because of race, it's inat th incompetence. mind you, if it were race, peter shoosoonpeterson should explainw americans hating racism still like obama. he won two races. stephen miller and mr. shulman of the irs, they're not black. these cries of racism are as flimsy as hillary's poll numbers, dropping just as fast. some blame benghazi, but there's another reason. hillary is black. oops. that's a reflex. she's a woman. the fact is as your world view crumbbles, the only way to avoid relate is an excuse that smears your skeptics because of criticism. it's a scam that reveals an intellectual emptiness as well as a vicious streak that let's s
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you damage reputations to save your own skin. if you kansa disagree with me, s probably because i'm short. >> you know, kimberly, it's that kind of hate crime. she said its true that i'm short. you know what? short people are the last people allowed to be persecuted in this world, right, dana? >> bob: right. in sexual orientation you can't do that any more. short people, definitely. >> kimberly: you've got heels. >> large people, dana. you make me sick. >> dana: you need to put lifts in your shoes. >> can i read her comment after she said this? she said, to be clear, i didn't call anybody racist. rather, i was simply relaying the truth about fers conversations i had with my colleagues and the factors considered on the expansion of medicaid. she wasn't calling anyone racist, just the people she was talking to and relaying it to everybody else. >> we're all ratist because we don't want to spend 1.1 trillion dollars we don't have and we don't want to be told that we
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have to buy something that is unconstitutional even though the supreme court may disagree. i don't disagree. i disagree with the premise. it has nothing to do with race. it has absolutely nothing to do with. it's one-sixth of the economy. we're broke. >> bob: most of the recipients who get medicaid are in minority groups. >> that's not what she said, though. >> bob: i understand that, eric. you're judging an entire program before it even gets off the ground. i think you ought to give it a chance. in massachusetts which closely -- >> kimberly: that was romney care. >> bob: okay. that's fine. >> did you see the headline? >> bob: i don'i don't watch dru. >> rates are going up 143% for people under 4 in california. >> bob: up says who? >> health insurance premiums.
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>> bob: says who? >> forbes magazine. >> greg: dana, i'd like you to step in here and have something intelligent to say. >> dana: what bothers me is actually my opposition to obama care is based on experience having lived in the u.k. and seeing and blaich believing that america could do better, that competition helps minority communities be able to have control over their decisions, better access. the republicans have already agreed on the pre-existing condition piece. they agreed on the child until you're 26 living in your parents' basement piece. the only thing they did not want to do was the socialized medicine piece. they wanted competition. i actually think that unfortunately for her, what they're looking for is for the money. the fight is over getting more federal dollars into louisiana to pay for medicaid, and for obama care. it doesn't have to do with race. it has to do with the believe that we actually could do better from a policy perspective. >> bob: do you think these insurance companies will go into a black community and actually get competitive?
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>> yes. free markets work wherever they go. that's the thing. i want to bring kimberly into this. the thing that's really disturbing about this is the fact that if you believe in free markets, that's racist when, in fact, you could arrange the arge opposite, that you believe dependence and big government is what the answers are. >> kimberly: didn't you get the memo for the new american, winning and dodge ball are bad. that's the thing. you get penalized for trying to create wealth for your family to leave to your children, to try to be an entrepreneur. this is exactly against all the free market principles. in obama care why are we rewarding failure and giving the government this kind of undertaking and the irs. >> bob: the free market was taking this country into the ditch and over the hill. >> >> greg: when? when did we have it? we had free market medicine in the '90s, no. in the '80s, no.
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>> bob: excuse me. we distribute hav did not have n the '90s? >> dana: are you making an attack on free markets in general? >> bob: no. the insurance countries. >> dana: can i make another prediction? >> bob: yes. >> dana: as this experiment continues to fail, the excuse for why it is failing will also guarantee from the left it will be because of racism. if you look at the headline out of the telegraph today in britain, the nhs, the health service there is fatally unsafe and our politicians are doing nothing to change that. they're frustrated with the system because the system doesn't work. we actually have every reason in the world to make better policy, and to not have the irs implement this program. we could do a lot better. it doesn't have anything to do with race. >> bob: i agree with you completely race won't be the reason. the fact is you haven't given this opportunity to work. >> greg: we say that about every social program. that's why we're in debt. we've got to take a break, although i love you, bob.
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to protect your dog from parasites. you need trifexis. visit our website to save up to $25. available by prescription from your veterinarian. there was this and this. she got a parking ticket... ♪ and she forgot to pay her credit card bill on time. good thing she's got the citi simplicity card. it doesn't charge late fees or a penalty rate. ever. as in never ever. now about that parking ticket. [ grunting ] [ male announcer ] the citi simplicity card is the only card that never has late fees, a penalty rate, or an annual fee, ever. go to to apply. >> dana: that was animal house. welcome back to the five. have you ever won the best way to win a debate? the answer might surprise you. a washington state university
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study said being loud and confident is the best way to win, even if you're wrong, bob. the study, based on more than a billion tweets, says the more opinionated you are, the more trust worthy you're perceived to be. what do you make of that, bob? >> bob: thank you very much. i think that's exactly right. that's why i win most of the debates around this table even though outnumbered four to one. >> eric: and wrong. >> bob: excuse me. you're saying loud? >> dana: i don't like yelling. i don't like yelling. what do you think, kimberly? when you argued cases, you would win debates. prosecuting cases is actually arguing. you didn't yell, did you, or did you? >> greg: look at her. did she have to yell? the guy she was prosecuting said i'm guilty. kim he banged his head on the table. why aren't you representing me? my attorney sucks. all you had to do is make eye contact in my cases without notes. you connect with people.
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>> dana: there's a lot of yelling. one time i was so freaked out. >> eric: it's a little more certificatcerebral. >> they said on social media, on twitter. >> dana: you argue with people and it's more sort of subtle. >> eric: a calm charles krauthammer beats a seething alex jones. i agree you. the study is ridiculous, it's stupid, because their definition is loud words. certain words that are more powerful. when on twitter, loud is capital letters which everybody hates. you can never within a debate on twitter with capital letters. people just block you. >> dana: it drives me crazy. there's also another part of this which was a question of, you know, advice for how to get more twitter followers, and since i have kicked greg's rear
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end in the twitter war. >> greg: no, your dog has. >> dana: i have some tips. my dog did what? anyway. here's my tip. the first one is you've got to get a dog. get a dog. that's really good. >> greg: everybody buy a dog to get twitter followers. >> dana: that was the most retweeted photo. that was him watching the debate with his friends. you have to tweet unusual photos. see the one in the middle? that was me mutombo. it was just unusual. the third one is you need to have an enemy. you need to have somebody that you pick on and i chose greg. that's what i thought. >> greg: it's like pulling pig tails in the classroom. it's just because you like me. >> dana: kimberly, you're always nice on twitter. >> kimberly: here's the problem. now i can't do anything because this new phone, the twitter thing is not working right at all, so i was trying to like retweet a tweet from ainsley. i couldn't do that. >> greg: do we really care about
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this? >> kimberly: i was asked a question. don't be jealous. >> bob: let's get back to eric, saying how calm and cerebral he is. that's like calling jack the ripper a boy scout. are you kidding me? you're always yelling. you yell at me all the time. >> eric: who do i yell at all the time? >> bob: me. >> eric: no. porter. >> dana: the study said 40% of tweets is just pointless babble. >> bob: almost all my tweets start you fat commie son of a [bleep]. >> dana: not the ones you're riding. >> eric: they're segments from the show that get picked up in blogs. some say something, whatever, provocative. yoyou retweet them. a lot of them don't get them. >> bob: humor helps. by the way, was it your mother married a brother or your sister married her father? >> kimberly: people always want to talk about you.
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what about bob? >> dana: greg, do you remember your epic twitter fight when you were on a plane and you had wi-fi? >> greg: willis. >> eric: never get on a plane and do wi-fi with four bottles of wine. it was great. >> dana: on a six-hour flight. >> greg: we should concentrate less on getting twitter followers and more on being a decent person, dana. >> dana: that's my hope. myself worth is measured in my twitter followers. >> greg: and everything else is falling apart. >> dana: i know. >> bob: paris hilton has three and a half million twitter followers. >> dana: it's interesting how different people have different types of twitter followers. one time karl rove did something for me and all these people sent me notes and they were mean. my twitter followers are nice. >> kimberly: good people, happy, cheerful people. that was fun. >> greg: or maybe they're fake.
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>> dana: this is not so cheerful, the next story. disturbing news from california. a many would was killed in a brutal attack by a pack of pitbulls. now the owner of the dogs has been charged with murder. kimberly prosecuted that landmark case in 2001. she'll give us her take on the dog owner's legal responsibility next on the five. i do a lot of research on angie's list before i do any projects on my own. at angie's list, you'll find reviews written by people just like you. i love my contractor, and i am so thankful to angie's list for bringing us together. angie's list -- reviews you can trust. yeah? then how'd i get this... [ voice of dennis ] driving bonus check?
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>> bob: welcome back. earlier this month a 63-year-old woman was mauled to death by a pack of pitbulls while taking a walk in her little rock, california neighborhood. she suffered 150 to 200 bite wounds in the gruesome attack by four dogs. her husband, ben, spoke about it. >> just thinking of how my wife's life ended is -- it's disturbing and it will always be disturbing. i try to get the thoughts out of my mind, but such a ravaging
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attack is disturbing. >> bob: yesterday alex jackson, the owner of these dogs, was charged with murder. good. kimberly, you prosecuted a 2001 san francisco case they referred to. what are your thoughts about this? >> bob: they're basing these charges on that case because that was affirmed on appeal in the first case in the u.s. to charge under an implied malice murder. >> kimberly: it tells me that the evidence behind the scenes is were these dogs trained to kill and attack? were there previous instances where the dogs showed aggressiveness towards not only animals but people that would have put the owner on notice that these dogs were similar to kind of throwing a loaded weapon in a hallway, right? there's a great possibility that someone could be injured or killed. so they don't have to prove an intent to kill. i think they're going to have a good case. the guys got four dogs. were they being kept? he's at least going to be convicted on these felony charges of having a mischevious dog. >> bob: i hope these dogs have been put to sleep. do you think they have by now?
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>> kimberly: what happens is you're supposed to have a hearing. if the police arrive on the scene and part of the attack is going on or the dogs are around the body, they can put the dogs down. otherwise, you take the dogs in, there's an animal care and control hearing. >> eric: the most disturbing part is anyone would train a dog to be aggressive, any more aggressive than he already is. that's absolute negligence. that guy should go to jail for something, even if he didn't do anything wrong as far as leaving the gates to wherever they're keeping the dogs. to do that, to make a dog purposefully aggressive. that should be a crime in itself. >> bob: what about other dogs that aren't trained that bite people and hurt them? >> kimberly: there is a new law for that, eric. the ownership of a mischevious animals, we helped write if and put it on the books. if you don't keep the dog with due care, and the dog is known to be aggressive and you train the dog, it's a felony.
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there's the background on this. the guy is charged with cultivating marijuana, possession for sale of a controlled substance. drug dealer. >> eric: that's why he has the dogs. this guy has to go away for life. i can't imagine a worse way to go. what else can you do? if you don't prosecute this guy to the hilt, what does that say to anybody else? he's not responsible? then these drug dealers will still have these dogs. that's what the dogs are used for. >> greg: they're basically bodyguards. >> kimberly: these dogs are so big, and the way they close their jaws on you, the pressure per square inch is incredible. people who seek these dogs out, a lot of times they're using them for the wrong reason. to guard drug labs or that type of thing. the dogs are not properly socialized. they're killers. >> bob: these dogs are not inhairnltlinherently bad dogs. >> kimberly: they can be rehabilitated. >> dana: you have responsible dog owners. if you have a pitbull, if people are at the dog park, they might
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be nervous because of a pitbull. responsible dog owners train the dogs well. from my experience is that almost all the dogs get along very well. i've not been involved in any incident over my whole life that i've had dogs and it doesn't happen. >> bob: greg, you don't train your unicorns to be pets? >> greg: i keep them locked in my basement, bob. >> bob: fine. on that note -- i'm not going to do it loud because my head hurts. one more thing because of the week, not because of anything else. one more thing is up ... next. ♪ [ lisa ] my name's lisa, and chantix helped me quit.
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lets you connect up to 25 devices on one easy to manage plan. that means your smartphone, her blackberry, his laptop, mark's smartphone but i'm still on vacation. still on the plan. nice! the intern gets a tablet? everyone's devices. his, hers-- oh, sorry. all easier to manage on the share everything plan for small business. connecting more so you can do more. that's powerful. verizon. get the blackberry z10 for $199.99. >> bob: the national spelling bee took place thursday night, and in a big surprise, arvind
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mahankali won with this word, knaidel. >> bob: good for you, kid, i mispronounced your word. when i said kid, he's 13 years old. >> kimberly: that's right. knaidel. >> dana: use your knaidel. >> bob: this is my spelling bee. i'm sorry. >> kimberly: you've yet to spell it. sorry. >> bob: sorey. 22 no. it's something you wear. sari. >> kimberly: okay, that wasn't very good. dana? >> dana: something has been going every united in my house for, i don't know, 35 years. i love this contest. wheel of fortune.
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second person ever last night to win a million dollars. take it away. >> we have a million dollar winner. >> you've hit the jackpot? >> dana: she won a million dollars. she's engaged to be married and will use some of the money for her wedding. i love wheel of fortune because of how much people spend on vowels. it was unnecessary. legally her future husband is not entitled to that because it's separate earnings prior to them being married. he got himself a winner. >> bob: how about your husbands? do you want to go? >> eric: in depth interview with senator ted cruz, immigration. three obama scandals. i asked him about his being born in canada. listen. >> this administration has been willing to disregard the constitution, the bill of rights, the first amendment, the second amendment, the fourth and fifth amendments with drone policy. to set aside the constraints of the law for partisan reasons,
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and that -- the result of it has been that the people's trust in the integrity of government has been undermined, and it hasn't been helped by the fact that the administration has been willing to mislead the american people. it hasn't been candid. i think the president needs to tell the truth. >> eric: tell the truth. set the dvr tomorrow morning. >> kimberly: looked tan. >> kimberly: we've got comedianne lori rothman. >> bob: i'm going blowing -- bog tonight. >> kimberly: there's a big outrage with chords because they put the puerto ricon can on the beer can.
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>> bob: are you marching, by the way? >> greg: she's her own parade. >> kimberly: this has been interesting, sort of unusual, and strange. thanks a lot. >> dana: have a great weekend. i'll miss bob. this is a fox news alert. i'm bret baier in washington. the deadline has come and gone for answers from the irs about its improper scrutiny of conservative groups. the next step is up to the republicans and democrats in the senate who set that time table. chief congressional correspondent mike emanuel is up on capitol hill with the story. >> reporter: democrats and republicans are expressing disappointment with the irs's failure to meet a deadline after asking in this letter more than 40 questions about the targeting of conservative groups seeking tax-exempt status. after the deadline passed, senators max baucus and or written hatch sairinhatch said o better and said this
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