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tv   The O Reilly Factor  FOX News  May 31, 2013 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT

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>> shepard: well we know that this enormous cloud has formed above. we know it is miles wide. tornadoes which are going up into the clouds and back down to the ground repeatedly, this is tmq"át beginning, this storm is not over. it's 8:00 on the east coast and 5:00 on the west coast and 7:00 p.m. in the heartland of america, a disaster is unfolding, a weather system that was predicted just before 7:00 p.m. eastern time, and 6:00 central time, dropped from the skies, the cloud ceiling lowered and tornadoes began to form, 30-35 miles west of oklahoma city at first they were traveling due east and then they
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went east southeast and then had a tornado all over an area of five miles wide. it's our belief that in or around the town of yukon, that is west of oklahoma city on i-40, it's been hit. we believe that other towns along the way have been hit. and it's our understanding now that this entire system with the funnel clouds which it produces is moving in to the western side of the city of oklahoma city right now. will rodgers international airport that is in oklahoma city proper, the actually just, just to the south and west of the city itself, has been evacuated and everyone in that area is in grave danger. to the west of oklahoma city, we have first-hand eyewitness accounts s of neighborhoods be leveled and great uncertainty about injuries and the rest. many of the off ramps that go the oklahoma city have been closed. we are told that there's damage
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all over ñhe place west of the city and that the storm is still moving and headed into that densely populated area which encompasses a 40 square mile radius and one million residents. it's our hope now that this storm will lift back into the sky and that the tornadoes will miss the city of oklahoma city itself. but there's nothing to indicate that that isñgoing to happen. our chief meteorologist rick in the fox extreme weather center, rick, this is as bad as i have ever seen. >> especially after we saw it last week. you are 11 days out from what we saw last week going through oklahoma city and now a similar scenario. the radar picture, i know for a second, you can split that screen at all, the radar picture, what yef is talking about, there's a broader rotation. he was talking about the merry-go-round, with tornadoes in multiple areas and you can see that there are -- sorry a!out that.
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let me pull up another radar to show you in a second. there's multiple tornadoes on the ground. that is why, we are concerned about every place from around edmond to north, and down to moore to the south. because there's multiple tornadoes, if you had a tornado go through and you think you are done with it, there's potentially another one on your tail. so, jeff was just around the yukon area and we were talking about el reno to the west, el reno saw another tornado develop behind it. we have the two tornadoes at least on the ground here. these are all oklahoma city suburbs, and now we are getting into the oklahoma city area proper with potentially a very, very large destructive tornado
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kokh, one tornado is a half mile wide and very disturbingly, he sees people -- you know what you
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looking at. you can actually drive in. one of these tornadoes are on a dirct track for downtown oklahoma city. it's six minutes past 8:00 on the east coast, we are in o'reilly's time period, i am sure you understand why he is not with us this moment. it's probably time for a prayer for the people of oklahoma city, i believe we are in the middle of another historic event. jeff, on the ground, are you in
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you can see my last shot. tail is on the ground. anyway, the trail is behind me. i'm tracking it, there's a live shot. so, you see live shot, okay, we are going to do something else quickly here. and quickly, i will do an emergency stop here, i'm probably no more than three miles west of oklahoma city. and the circulation shift looks like it's along ik >> shepard: yeah, our local station now is now predictin that this storm will hit downtown oklahoma city in 8 minutes. >> right. >> shepard: the advisory cannot be stronger, a bulletin in all caps. jeff, go on. >> i'm outside of the car, i
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have got, debris, i see it rotating, south of the interstate 40, it's three miles southwest of downtown, and@jjjju like it's off the ground. southwest of me, it's been three miles west. it's rain, and i'm continuing to track eastbound. i'm continuing to track eastbound i-40.
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we see it, she can see it now. tornadoes are on the ground doing damage. it's coming down, yeah, i have it, i have a horrible debris ball on radar now, i have a debris ball in the south. a lot of flashes. i'm turning the camera around, i'm on a bridge. stand by stand by. going back to the southwest.
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here we go. kathy? which way? the tornado, i have a tornado signature on radar, tracking the rain. shep, i'm looking. >> shepard: we are standing by, he has radar and all kinds of equipment in the vehicle. he knows exa(u&y where this is? >> yes, i have radar and yes, i have a -- i'm looking at signature, i have got a lot of flashes west of me. and here is another one here. i'm going to pop up here, i will look due west, and about a half mile, there it is. on the right side of the screen, that flash. got another power flash. >> drop the insert please, it's on the right side of the screen. another power flash. >> what is a panel flash? >> in the middle of the screen. it's a -- i will turn off the winds shield wipers, power
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flash. >> shepard: power flash. power flash. they are hitting the power lines. i'm going to continue to track it. kathy -- watching this area of circulation. i can tell you off the local doppler radar, i'm getting a strong and powerful tornado coming along and south of i-40. >> shepard: you can say with certainty, jeff, that it's on spthe ground, not in the clouds? >> jeff, i cannot see the tornado, i can tell you bagsed on power plashs in the bowl, the rotating bowl, i cannot see the
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i have the tornado, we are watching, just southwest and west. it's -- you see it, the tornado% continues to track during your circulation, i see what happened now. i will reposition the doppler radar. the old tornado, the tornado is still on the ground, it is just west of me. i have a new tornado, based on doppler, i have a new -- is that a power flash, kathy? i have a new i got debris coming out of the sky just now.
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i have. >> shepard: he said that he has a debris ball, that means the tornado has hit things and picked then up and taken them in the air and they are swirling in the air. that is a debris ball. go on. >> yes, and okay, i got circulation that is weakening tornadoes. southwest of oklahoma city, and i have a new developing tornado, kathy? we have a new tornado out of that window there. a new tornado is forming on the southeastern flank, the tornado is just southwest of me, it's still there. no new power flashes, southwest of downtown oklahoma city and the new tornado will be just south of downtown oklahoma city, based on doppler radar and what i see is a brand new circulation developing visually in the air and right behind me. i'm in a wrapping hub right now. and based on radar, you can --
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we are tracking it east on i-40. again, i do not have a visual, you can see a rain curtain and power flashes. >> shepard: the doppler radar there with all the pink area looks awful. >> yeah, it's bad, there's likely a tornado as he was saying forming on the south side of this, that would make it closer to moore. the latest imaging would take it barely to the north of moore. but remember that tornado tracked around 20 miles, so it's going to cross over something there. and at this point, we are definitely in the middle of all of the populations zone. i want to tell you, he keep on hearing him talking about dual pole, that is one of the things he is using. it's an enhanced radar that allows us to get a better idea of where the tornadoes are on the ground. when he says, he tdoes not see it, and you are questioning it, this is a very good at picking
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it up on the ground. because it's rain wrapped, you will not get the visible. i can tell you, i have been on the ground. he gets close to these storms, because that is the way he chases these storms. and it allows him to give us the ability to get the information when he is seeing all of the debris and the mobile home park that he saw was destroyed. some of the chasers will stay a bit farñher back, jeff, what you are seeing is a bigger risk taker and gets that great information to us here. but because it's such you a situation with this big mesocyclone that is dropping multiple tornadoes, it's difficult to get any visual. the tornado we had moore, it was daylight, but this the rain wrapped and there are multiple tornadoes and there's no way to say where exactly one oñ the tornadoes is, orrer r)áeh ewho o
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be in the path of it. there are multiple areas around oklahoma city that are likely going to be seeing damage. this is nu a typically clear cut áornado situation, we do not have the visual in the case. >> the tornado is tracking along interstate-40. interstate 40 goes east and west, right across the screen. i-35 goes north and south. and they cross directly right around oklahoma city. we have reported from the local television stations that t interstate 35, t$e north and southbound interstate is a parking lot headed out of oklahoma city in both directions to the north and to the south. these tornadoes are headed right over i-35. pthe hope is that people in the cars in what is being described ì(lc% lot, the hope is that they get off the freeways and find a
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place to take shelter. unless this thing dissipates and we can hope and pray that it does, unless it dissipates it's coming right over i-35 and right over oklahoma city itself. on a path from moore to the south and eventdmond to the nor. jeff, what are you see something. >> a tornado on the ground. we have power flashes coming down i-30. and tornado on i-40. the highway patrol converted all the traffic. eastbound and westbound lanes. >> shepard: everyone heading east to the city is being turned around. >> i'm on i-40, saw major power flashes and had a major power -- all the lights went out, that means it's hitting bridge field on the south side of oklahoma city? >> shepard: what? >> power grids. power grids. >> shepard: power grids, okay, so just to the south of oklahoma
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city, we have the airport, it has passed by there. it's now believed this is, it should be moving in to the downtown oklahoma city area right this moment. that was the prediction. that is what doppler radar is showing. the worst of this storm is going over downtown oklahoma city now. go ahead, jeff. >> yes, i'm looking at the latest information. we are clearly tracking two tornados, one is wrapped in the rain, along and south of i-40 nd close to downtown, it's coming in, it's 1 mile southwest of downtown, oklahoma patrol is taking all of the eastbound and westbound traffic and moving them to eastbound. >> shepard: jeff, jeff, jeff. you are my eyes and ears on the ground. what you are saying is veryñ important. i know how nerve wracking this is. you have to slow down, man. i cannot understand you and i know our viewers can't either. >> um, a tornado, is continuing,
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it's south of downtown oklahoma city coming down i-40. >> shepard: it's eastbound on i-40 headed to downtown oklahoma city right at this moment. >> that's correct. >> shepard: so i-40 is an east and west highway. just to the south of it would be areas like moore, and oklahoma city is right on i-40. go on. >> yes, tornadoes beñind me, the worst of it is coming in to downtown, heavy rain. blowing winds. kathy, i'm going to stop right here. and try to turn the car around õso i can see the tornado. >> shepard: we are looking at pictures now from kwtv and kotv, this is a general wide shot view of the area. we have not reachñd sunset yet, just a second, jeff, we have not reached sunset yet, you see this as dark, as if, you know, it look likes pitch black out there. the sunset officially has not happened. that is how thick and dense this
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suspect system is. go ahead, jeff. >> i have a good friend from channel nine communicating with he is telling that he is pointing to my west and saying it's on the ground doing damage. and the tornado is now on the west of oklahoma city proper and >> it's going south of downtown, it's going south of downtown oklahoma city, i know, i know, i know. david -- he is pointing to me. right where your camera is looking, keep watching where the camera is looking right in the middle of the screen. winds are northeast of about 70. my car is shaking violently. back southwest, you will see the power flashes. this is south of downtown to the right of the screen is downtown oklahoma city and the tornado will track, looks like 1 mile, mile and a half of downtown oklahoma city. >> shepard: we are talking about
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all of south oklahoma city and moore directly in the path, this instant. go ahead, jeff. can you -- >> yeah, i'm watching here, i'm watching the wind, i'm watching this violent rotation, see, there's a power flash, there's another power flash, and it happened real quick in the rain. i had two power flashes, winds are continuing to increase out of the northeast. i'm pointsing northwest and the winds are out of the northeast at 80 miles an hour, ba3z to the west. gun, it's going back -- i'm at i-35 and i-235. the tornado looks like it's missing, looks like the tornado is missing downtown oklahoma city. >> shepard: this particular tornado is missing downtown oklahoma city. as reminder to our viewel1ñ it's very wide, and producing multiple tornadoes and nobody in the area is out of danger, go on. >> yes, that is correct.
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and i'm watching out the wound here, shep, power flash, see that right there? right in the middle of the screen tornado on the ground. the rain is lightening up@(t i will get a better view of the tornado. it's rain wrapped. we may have a visual here. bear with me. it's one of those days where it's rain wrapped. >> shepard: see, here what jeff is describing now is what was so concerning to locals a short time ago. the tor'ado was wrapped so heavily in rain. rain on all sides of the tornado in a massive cloud around it, so people driving on the freeway, when they drove into this rain did not realize according to the local weather spotters and our local station there, that they were actually driving into the tornado. now, some of the rain around the
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tornado has dissipated, and jeff's reporting it's easier to see one of the tornados itself. we see the power flashes happening. meaning it's taking out transformers, everyone understands that. do you have an idea of where this one is? >> give me a second. what? david? what david? he is telling me -- >> shepard: 100 miles an hour -- >> breaking news, it's hitting oklahoma city community college right now, is that right, david? it's right near the college, and a large debris cloud in oklahoma city, he has local communications with a ground unit inside the tornado saying that the tornado is near the oklahoma community college and doing damage. yep, yep. and continuing to watch on the thing here. tornados on the ground to the southwest, it's in the rain
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doing damage. >> shepard: an update from the national weather service now, we have gotten info from the national weather service to indicañe that rdf winds that means rear flank downdraft winds may are have disrupted part of the system and they believe that parts of this are not quite as severe as they were moments ago. still extremely dangerous, but it gives us some hope. go on. >> i have new power flashes and i agree with the statement. i'm going take off another power flash in front of me. i do see on doppler radar and dual pole that the tornado is still doing damage southwest of me. >> shepard: southwest of you that is southwest of the city of oklahoma city. >> and due south of downtown. >> shepard: due south of downtown oklahoma city. what arq we talking about? how far due south? >> two to three miles. >> shepard: south of interstate 240 that is one of the loops
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that wraps around the town. that would be just to the north of moore. so, between oklahoma city itself, and the city of moore, which is to the south of it where the tornado hit last monday, go on. >> that's correct. stay with me here. >> shepard: for viewers that are just joining us -- >> look up in the sky, look up in the sky on the live feed. it's a large inflow going into the tornado. into the tornado.inflow it's called inflow and it's believe proly t -- it's probably ten miles long. miles an hour, right above the ground, going into the tornado, that is how violent it is. you can see how large that is. that is in the upper right hand corner of my picture right now, as i'm tracking east. >> shepard: rick are, that inflow means what? >> he is talking about how --
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the inflow is how strongly it is pulling the air around it into the circulation. so, when he is seeing that kind of an image that you see right there, it's incredibly strong winds being pulled into it and that is indicating how strong the tornado is. >> shepard: jeff, go ahead. >> i'm now picking up y-40, the southeast side of downtown oklahoma city and reposition ourselves. >> shepard: our radar indicates that this storm is moving p(áu downtown oklahoma city, still tracking around about to the north and south of interstate 40. and then 40 is going to split with 35 going to the north and interstate 40 going to the south. so ahead of itñ del city, midwest city, all areas to the south, north and east of okñahoma city are directly in the pact of the enormous cloud. jeff, go ahead. >> yes, i'm tracking now, you see it tracking to the east, i'm
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east and southeast. i understand i-40 is clogged with heavy, heavy traffic. i'm trying get out of it. i'm trying get out of the path of it here. >> shepard: on the left hand side is a wide shot of oklahoma city itself. from that, we are trying give you an idea of how wide it is. what a huge area it's covering. there's a tornado in spot a does not mean that there's not another one forming in spot b. on the right hand side of the the storm chaser vehicle and de jeff is talking a million miles a minute, telling us what is going on. jeff, go on. >> i'm slowing down, shep, dave, a friend of mine, chaser here, he is saying that tornados are on the ground doing damage, we are about three miles to the northeast of it. i'm going back southbound, and
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we are going to go down and get in front of the tornado. we are going to moore and the tornado is uh oh, look at this, look at this, i have 18 wheelers going south. i have them going the wrong direction coming on the off ramp, there's highway patrol, we have traffic doing difference things going on. we are continuing to track. >> shepard: for viewers that do not understand. if people are in and around the city, they are head you hheadedd they are going the wrong way. this is outside oklahoma city and a parking lot of an interstate. goodness gracious. >> another local guy here, he said that it's hair raising traffic here, continuing south and i'm making my way around the southeast side of downtown oklahoma city. they have been spared, heavy winds and rain out of the north
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niq east. power flashes. and you can see the -- now look on the screen, you can see the inflow cloud again, it's a powerful inflow jet. >> shepard: and let you know, jeff, i will go to reid, who is on the west side of oklahoma city. look at that. those are -- that's the power going out and in some cases lightening. reid, what are you seeing to the west of the city. >> earlier, there was massive multi-vortex tornado, we have a armored vehicle, there was destruction in some of the towns. union city, we saw cars blown off the road. pulled people out of cars that had injuries. we are on the west side of oklahoma city trying to catch up with the debris, power poles down everywhere. we are crossing 44 and on the south side of oklahoma city, we are reporting it live for our
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ami station in oklahoma city. it's a very dangerous situation, oklaho oklahoma worst case scenario, we cannot see anything here. there's debris flying through the air. >> shepard: it's 7:30 in the heartland of america and a disaster is unfolding before our eyes, multiple tornados are on the ground in and around oklahoma city, north and south of the city, the west of the side has been hit, a completely different scenario from what happened last monday a week ago monday where one tornado went on one path and cut a path of destruction in moore, oklahoma, and to the east and west of it. this is difference. these tornados have touched down all over the metropolitan region, beginning 30 miles west of the city of oklahoma city, now tracking as you can see on the radar on the right, right through the city of oklahoma city and areas to the north and
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south of the city have is been hit. areas to the west have been hit. night is now falling, it's much more difficult to see. and we have multiple reports from the national weather service from local television stations and from our storm chasers on the ground that the storm is so wide that people trying to escape on the freeways are driving in to the storms. we have no way of knowing has been hurt or what the casualty situation is.3 c1 we cannot know yet how bad the damage is on the ground. but we know that the freeways are parking lots in and around, and people are trying desperately to escape the area, and just as the national weather service predicted this afternoon, a worst case scenario is upon us. and the storm is tracking right through an area with the population of 1 million people. jeff, a professional storm chaser right now in yukon, that is west of oklahoma city, well he was when this was written. he is now just south of the city. and trying to double back for
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damage, jeff, what are you seeing? >> shep, i'm tracking south on i-40 and on dual pole radar and, kathy said we have a tornado out my window here, bear with me. i have debris, a debris cloud on dual pole radar, that tells me that it's southeast of oklahoma city, i have two tornados under way. kathy is now filming a tornado out my right side window as i'm going south. kathy? it's south of downtown oklahoma city, south ofdown town oklahoma city. she has filmed a tornado south of downtown oklahoma city, tracking southeast and we will continue to track southeast it has done damage, and major damage. i don't know the extent of damage or how many homes. i did see, again, a mobile home park earlier, this system is
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rotating and it may last two or three minutes, weakens and then more tornados form. that is what has been happening. >> shepard: in from the national weather service. the oklahoma highway patrol said that motorists have been hurt in a storm that hit the oklahoma city area and that other people are now listed as missing. the national weather service issued this emergency for the city the's downtown, the airport that has been evacuated and suburbs to the north and south of oklahoma city, as the storm continues to role through the metropolitan area, there's a trooper named betsy randolph that said motisterists are stranded, and they are urged to get off and drive south. a tornado confirmed touched down in el reno and it moved east toward oklahoma city, we have seen the storm carrying debris
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fiel fields in the air. jeff, what are you seeing now? kathy said there's something behind me. and the doppler is confirming it. we are going to get off at the air force base here and i will go into the city. i'm on the north side of the air force base. i can see the rain, back from my location between the air force kathy said we have large power flashes. the camera filming it there, let me see what i can do here. see if i can get a better
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position. okay, [ disrupted audio ] >> getting the camera outside. there it is. there's one to my left. see. [ wind blowing in the microphone ] >> tornado to ground. >> shepard: that is weird, it's something about the feed coming from him. we have confirmed through jeff and others, multiple tornados on the ground right now. rick, this is becoming overwhelming and frankly terrifying. >> it really is, this is part of the problem when they are rain wrapped and it's darker and we are hitting night time. it's very difficult to tell
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bad news if you live to the south includes moore. it's still moving, quicker than it was earlier. which is certainly welcome news. >> shepard: that is good news. >> but barely welcome news.ti u. >> shepard: we are, if yu figure oklahoma city is a dot in the middle, if you go out for many miles in all direction, it's all suburban oklahoma city, it's wrapped with a freeway loop, and houses densely populated for miles in all direction and the entire region is under this -- this storm could not have picked a worse target, rick.ñ >> it could not have picked a worse target and  worse time of day.
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you have all of those people on the roads that are out there trying to get home and once you get that kind of traffic, you are stuck. you cannot get out of that area. it's very dangerous for the storm chasers that are out there, because they are driving at ridiculous high speeds trying to get us this information and these pictures. they get stuck in the traffic. potential accidents that happen with all this. it's a very unfortunate time with it. and unfortunately, also, the entire oklahoma city area certainly seems to be under the gun. especially areas from oklahoma city and just to the south. >> shepard: a 31,000 now officially without power. but that number is going change so fast, rick, that it's almost not worth reporting. these are pictures again, from jeff's vehicle, the storm chaser that is following along.
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k(u$y ses a tornado now on her camera. it's coming on the roof, and i'm on the north end. >> shepard: he is east of oklahoma city itself. on route to midwest city, tinker golf course, tinker air force base. this particular tornado is east of downtown oklahoma city, but still very much in the metro. can you tell what it's doing or is it too ñark? >> it's too dark, i have a
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number of power flashes, three minutes ago, i had 15 major power flashes. and just keep watching the screen, you will see a number of failure flashes. probably four miles and enclosesing in on my location. heading directly toward me and my location, i'm not moving right now, we are safe, okay, but i have have southeast winds at 70 miles an hour into thñ tornado. >> shepard: we have a report from the will rodgers airport of 70 miles an hour winds at the airport. we are south and east where tinker field is, tinker air force base. it's right along interstate 40, just south of the interstate and this particular funnel cloud seems to be headed right for it. o ahead. >> yes, i'm now to the west of the webcam, you can just about make out the tornado. in the middle of the screen, you can see the rain and just to the
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right of the -- right of that, there's a darker cloud on the ground, that is the tornado. i can barely start to make it out in the rain. you will see the bright lights on the screen. that is where the tornado is. it's tracking southeast here. okay, i have got more information. tornado near -- the one near del city is intensifying ñased on dual pole radar. the one near del city is intensifying. it's coming southeast, tracking toward tinker air force base. you do not see the tornado yet, but it's wrapped in rain. there it is. in the cloud now, i will describe what i'm seeing, in the webcam, where the bright light
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tinker air force base, i'm confident is ready for this. and people have gone to ground. jeff, what are you seeing? >> i'm watching out my window and i'm watching an extremely no doubt in my mind that it's on
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the ground. i'm looking at the air force base and i'm continuing to watch for signs of the tornado, i have got a very incredible tornado cuplet on radar, it's on the ground. it's wrapped -- >> shepard: we are getting reports in a moment. jeff, we are getting reports from another storm chaser now that has it has been described, a huge tornado is on the ground, at i-35 and crosj roads mall. >> oh, no. >> shepard: so it's believed that this tornado is right there on top of this mall. has it hit it? "tut can't know at this moment. but a large tornado on the ground at i-35 and crossroads mall. >> okay. >> shepard: jeff, go ahead. >> very unfortunate. okay. watch on my camera now, the winds are starting to pickxup over my head. i'm looking -- the tornado is probably over 90 miles an hour, winds are us -- are out of the
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southeast at 90. it's just above, going back northwest into the tornado. >> shepard: national weather service now warns, this just issued this tornado about which he is speaking in del city is i pr) force base right now. >> yes. >> shepard: go ahead. >> i have you on the del city one here. i will pull up the weather service. >> shepard: i have that, power flashes being reported in moore, oklahoma, there's a separate tornado there, it's our understanding. it is not as intense at the moment as the one we are watching in and around del city, the one in and around del city headed toward the air force base and believed to reach the area in the next couple of minutes. jeff on the ground, what do you see? >> i see people at the air force base scrambling and security personnel securing the base on the southeast side. the tornado is approaching.
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yes, and we are watching the tornado. watch the live camera, you will see the tornado with the power flashes it's coming toward me. a strong tornado cuplet, i'm positive it's on the ground in the rain. and all the air is rushiñg strong here out of the southeast. probably 40 to 50. keep watching the scene, you will see the power flashes, the tornado is on the ground doing damage. i have reports of tornados on the grown from the northwest now. >> shepard: for viewers that are joining us, it's 15 minutes before 8:00 in the heartland of america. tornados are touching down all over oklahoma. one is at i-35 and cross roads mall. south of the city itself, but still very much part of the city. that it's south of downtown means nothing. it's oklahoma city proper. and then tinker air force base, which occupies a large area
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between interstate 40 and interstate 240. a bit of a loop around the city. tinker air force base, under target right now. and our eyes and ears on the ground indicate that they are working to secure the area. looks like severe rain coming down now, jeff? >> yes, severe rain continues to come down. direction. i'm going to move? >> shepard: jeff, excuse me. i want to go to rick for a moment. >> this is part of a broader system, we have tornado reported in st. louis. you have tornado warnings just to the west of st. louis. big storms, northern areas of oklahoma as well, if you can quickly split your screen there with the weather maps here. i want to show you what is happening on the radar. oklahoma city, still dealing with this, tinker air force base, that is to the southeast of oklahoma city.
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>> punch it up. >> quickly, yeah. right here to the southeast of oklahoma city, there's tinker air force base, that is one cell and there's another cell going into the moore area, that is getting more pronounced and back behind this, there's another cell moving off to the southeast. he is chasing one cell, and that is over toward the air force base, we have others headed toward moore and others that are headed back again just to the south of el reno, all of the storms are continuing to train behind each other and each of these at this point, putting in morre rotation and more tornado. all of the tornados, north of the city, but if you near moore, or -- >> we hit official sunset, rick and one of the concerns is, i don't know how much we will be able to know of what has
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actually happened until the sun comes up. >> you are right, we will not have a great idea, we will get reports in the field and we will have twitter lighting up with the damage. but picture wise, it will be difficult to get anything until tomorrow morning. we will start early tomorrow morning on fox and friends to bring you coverage at 5:00 a.m. >> shepard: in the way of injury reports and they are very good about getting them out in oklahoma city. we have one report that is confirmed of a mother and daughter who were injured on the west side of the city in the town of el reno, and authorities are there helping them. we have reports of some people missing. but those reports happen from time to time because people 4an't be in touch with people, goes down obviously. but we don't have anything from authorities to suggest that large areas have been wiped out. we know that a tornado hit a mobile park.
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because we have an eyewitness to it. we know it hit a numb%ñ of homes because we have eye witnesses to. that but aside from that, we really don't have have a lot of information. except to say that the tornados have formed and moved across the ppopulated areas. within the hour or so, we will probably have a better indication of what has happened in oklahoma city itself. we know these tornados were moving along. we know they were going through highly populated areas. but what we don't know is, what were they hitting and how wide were they on the ground at the time? and how -- what were the winds like at the moment, they went through some areas and they have been intensifying and losing intensity and reintensifing. jeff on the ground, what are you see something well, right now, she i'm southbou'd, i am barely able to control. the winds are starting to move
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my car. i'm now traveling on 40 southeast, we have a twin pair of tornados, i can see three on radar, one near tinker, one southwest of tinker and another possible tornado southeast back toward the southwest side of the metro. we have three tornados at the same time on the ground in oklahoma city, one near tinker, and one four miles west of tinker and one ten miles west of tinker. they are moving east southeast. >> shepard: i want to give people an idea of what he is people an idea of what he is everything else is due west of there. the other two tornadoes are. they are all moving in the same direction along the same path. south oklahoma city, moore, oklahoma and new castle, oklahoma to the south. norman, oklahoma which is the home of the national weather service and where we get all of the alerts, norman, oklahoma is now potentially in the path of
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all of this very wide and very destructive storm. rick reichmuth, three on the ground at once. >> at least three on the ground and probably many even within some of the individual cells there, multiple. you were just talking shep about we have only the one report of any injuries. when the tornado went through moore last week it was one tornado and rain taft and then it was clear and you were able to get into it and start to find out what the injuries were like and what the damage was like. this is a very diffe)ent situation. this is complete chaos going on right there with one storm happening after the other. no break in between them. you are not getting a clearing where you can get in and see what is happening. incredible hail. hail probably softball size. certainly baseball size that is falling and incredibly h heavy rain. so much going on in oklahoma city and points to the west of it, it is just chaos. any kind of reports of damage
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and injuries and those sorts of things are going to take a longer them or take them a longer time to get a handle on that because of the multiple storms and the heavy rain associated with it. >> shepard: and we mentioned the one tornado of the many on the ground is headed toward tinker air force base now. john bryant is an airmaeñ tinker at lives north of tinker. he and the wife and two dogs just got in the truck trying to get out of town. where are you and what is your situation? john?ñ@ mr. bryant? airman bryant? i hope he got out of theñe and had better things to do with h his time than talk to me. just one of many story ares. in the booth could you give me any direction on that? did we lose the call? we believe we lost the call. we i try to reconnect with john bryant. they are bugging out of tinker right now and well, they should because the tornado is headed directly for them. this just flashing out of
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norman, oklahoma and the national weather service. serious flash flooding threat over the metro. do not dri+e in the areas where water covers the road. that is coming from the weather service. i thought i would read it to you. also just flashing out of the national weather service, circulation in north central part of moore but not strong right how to. what the national weather service is saying is that mid level circulation from which a tornado begins has happened in the northern moore, north moore which is -- moore is south of oklahoma city. north moore would be between the two of them. circulation there. it has not hit the ground but there are great concerns in moore, oklahoma. i believe jeff pietrowski is still with us while we wait to reconnect with john bryant the airman at tinker. jeff, what are you seeing? apparently we at least temporarily lost the connection. if you look, see the lights coming at us, it is my belief that this is traffic southbound
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out of oklahoma city and actually jeff pietrowski is ñ%ack. what are you seeing? >> breaking news for you. just got a text and e-mail. apparently the tornado from the weather channel a vehicle hiá by the tornado. a good friend e-mailed me and said mike and th team got hit and hit the vehicle on the west sid some have been injured. they are being rushed to the hospital right now. i just got an e-mail picture and the vehicle they were in was detroyed and heavily damaged. i don't know the condition of the tornado hunt team. i got a picture just e-mailed me this and said that other members were injured near the tornado. this was some where in on the west side of culver city. this is breaking news. the tornado hunt team for the weather channel rushed to the hospital with injuries. the tornado hit their vehicle. that is all i know. you from the fire chief.
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>> shepard: the sad reality here is a lot of people have driven into the tornadoes. we don't know how many or the extent of damage or injuries but in the chaos of a tornado on the ground as the sun is setting with a rain cloud -- rain wall all around it where you can't tell where you are going it can be extremely dangerous. be john bryant is back with us. he is the airman at tinker air base. before we get to him, jeff, you said they were bugging out of tinker, right? >> hello? >> jeff pietrowski you said tinker they are getting out of there? john bryant, are you with us? >> yes, sir,, i believe i am. >> shepard: my understanding is you loaded up the ford and moved to beverly. good the wife and dogs out of there? >> did a just ahead clamuet and rolled out of there. >> you you were warned this was doing be a bad day? >> they have been telling us for a couple of days now.
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>> shepard: what is the situation. you don't live on base, you live a little north? >> about an eighth mile north of base. my options were since we don't have a storm shelter and our house is all exterior walls, we have no interior to the home that we could have either gone to tinker or pretty much got the hell out of dodge which is what we chose to do. >> shepard: at tinker they have underground shelters for everybody, right? >> i'm not sure about the underground part but designated tornado shelters in every building. >> shepard: what you did instead is get out of down. head south or north? >> drove north for ten miles and then headed east and north a little bit more. kind of zig zagging trying to beat the traffic. >> shepard: and just get out of the way of the storm. what were you seeing as you were leaving? >> we tried to wait until the last minute and we got a couple of stragglers on our block and my stubborn neighbors decided not to leave they were going to ride it out.
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for the most part we helped get everybody out of here and just told them to go north. right on top of that. i wonder, we got word a little while ago that one of the tornadoes was headed right for tinker. our hope is thatñit lifted up into the sky and hasn't caused that will stand the hair up, won't it? >> absolutely. and the problem is the last week we evacuated a couple times and then the storms went off course but with it being rain wrapped there is really no weigh for us to tell where it was. all we saw was just darkness. >> what were the roads leak? the pictures that we see from helicopters make it look like all of the roads are packed like parking lots? >> absolutely is. if you try to takemy mainstream road headed north, south or east, anywhere but est it was pretty much at a standstill. >> shepard: where are you now? do you know exactly? >> i'm at the corner of i believe britton road and
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hiawassee. >> shepard: you are well north and east of the city now? >> it, yes, is, sir. sitting in a parking lot. the rains died down quite a bit. no more hail out here. i got the phone call and been waiting since. >> shepard: what is your plan? just wait and make sure you still have a house and head back if you can or what? >> we took dog food and water and my firearms and i think we y9will kick it old school out here if we have to. if we have to sleep and pull an over nighter that is what we will do. we will head back and see if we got a home. sounds like it might have missed us but not sure at thi point. >> shepard: how is your wife and what is the deal with the dogs and is everybody calm? >> yeah, the dogs are laying in the back enjoying the ride. my wife is sitting here giggling at me and taking pictures. and we are all pretty much calm. >> shepard: well, if you can -- thank you for the service to
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the nation, john, appreciate it very much. and all the best to you and your family. >> thank you very much, sir. >> shepard: a staff photographer for the daily oklahoma newspaper if you want to follow them online they are good, newsok .com. jim becksome a staff photographer there and he just reported in that at least six semi trucks on their side at a way station on i-40 west of that goes along with everything that we he have been hearing. i just have gotten from kokh our television station there reports of people who were helping and volunteering with the moore cleanup left the area several hours ago because the last thing they wanted to do was be caught up in another one of these weather events. looked like that is what the situation was going to be and certainly moore, oklahoma which is just a few miles to the south of oklahoma city is very much in the line of fire. and this line of thunderstorms
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stretches for miles in all directions. what is does from moment to moment is absolutely uncertain. and we watch along with you to wait and see what will be the aftermath of this incredible storm system. it is 9:00 on the east coast, 6:00 p.m. on the west coast and "n america where a major disaster is unfolding live before our eyes as we watch. the national weather service warning for two days today would be a horrible weather event. as bad a condition and as significant a storm trajectory as anything they have seen there in several years. they announced it would be the worst time of the day when they believed the massive systems would begin to produce tornadoes and right at the end of the window of


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