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tv   The Five  FOX News  May 31, 2013 11:00pm-12:01am PDT

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"the o'reilly factor" is on. tonight. >> are these watergate? >> no. >> not so fast, the irs investigation is just beginning. and things are looking very shaky for the federal government. we'll advance the story tonight with charles kraut hammer, among others. >> i was innocent. >> a mother of seven, incarcerated for nine days in mexico was freed last night after pressure from the factor and other media. we'll tell you exactly what happened. and also tonight, some liberal
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commentators calling our pal lou dobbs a cave man. he'll be here to tell us. >> you are about to enter the no spin zone. the factor begins right now. hi, i'm bill o'reilly. is the irs scandal like watergate? that is the topic of tonight as talking points memo. talking points is not linking the scandal to the white house. we're not implying, hinting or doing anything else other than reporting the facts. and so far, we've been dead on. last night we told you that former irs chief visited white house 157 times. far more than any other head or
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department cabinet member. and it wasn't even close. lodgically, we asked the white house to explain those meetings. with whom did mr. shullman chat? and what was the subject on all 157 occasions? any honest report irwould ask that question. and the white house should provide that answer immediately. there were no mentions this week of mr. shullman's visit does the white house on cnn, on abc, on cbs or nbc. none, nada, zip. that is what's called a blackout. so, if the irs boss visits the white house 157 times, it's a big story. now it would be wrong, wrong for any honest reporter to lay the irs scandal at the feet of president obama. at this point, there is no evidence that he's involved.
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but there is evidence that his deputies are involved. and we could be repeating history. on june 17, 1972 some thugs broke into the national headquarters at the watergate hotel in washington. two days later they began reporting on the walter gate story. 26 months later president nixon was force the to resign. i'm not saying the current scandal is watergate. but i am saying we should aggressively investigate the story and not come to the conclusion that tom brokaw has. >> are these watergateesque? >> no. watergate was a constitutional problem of the highest order. the president himself lied.
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he destroyed tapes. it's pretty clear to me. >> obviously, the he is richard nixon. the sad truth is that some supporters of president obama don't want to know the truth. and it was the same way back in 1972. even when nixon quit about 30% of the country didn't want him to. but it all comes back to honest reporting. and in 2013, situation is much bleaker on that front than it was in 1972. and that's the memo. now for the top story. her husband super advisouupervi watergate reporting. >> i have to tell you that brokaw's a friend of mine, and i do work for the washington post. and we have a killer editor, marty barron, and i think one of the keywords about reporting that nobody is focusing on when
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you criticize people for not digging up stories is pew litter prize. if somebody can dig up a great story, that person would get a pew lit ser prize. there's not a reporter in washington who is not digging up. >> i think there's difference between newspaper reporters and television people. and obviously -- >> wait, wait. and even though brokaw is a friend of yours and i hope you socialize and have lots of friends together. he's dismissing this story, and he doesn't even know where it's going to lead. and this is the point. that when watergate first happened you heard oh, it's a third wave break in, it doesn't matter. it's the same kind of spin that we're hearing now. same thing. identical. but you have to see where the facts lead you. you can't say like tom brokaw
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did, oh, it's not like watergate, because you doesn't know. we do know this is an abuse of government power, whether it was a low level or not, it's an abuse of government power. so we reporters have to aggressively cover the story. >> bill, you are making a very good point. and we should get at the story. and the fact is that we absolutely do not know exactly what happened. and that's one of the problems with the white house, not just on this story, but -- >> yeah. the white house should put out a log today and say here's where shulman came in and here's what he discussed. but they haven't. and that tells me that they don't want to. >> okay. but richard nixon, we have on tape richard nixon saying go get them to the irs. all of the enemies list. >> and you finally got it. now you might have something on
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tape with shulman. the point of the matter is you're agreeing with me and your reputation's going to be ruined. >> yours is going to be ruined. >> mine can't get any lower. your husband supervised watergate. why doesn't he get woodward and bernstein back, sober them up and go back after this story. they're still good reporters. >> you're making the assumption that woodward and bernstein are not on this story. and i would not make that assumption. >> i think every honest reporter should be on this story and the benghazi story. >> i think they are. they are. >> not on television. they are not on television. and all you have to do is watch and you won't hear a word about it. not a word. >> but the white house really -- i don't understand why they're not doing what we call a ticktock on all three of these issues which is this is what happened from the beginning and going to the end. >> because they don't want
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people to know what happened. that's why. >> they should, because the longer they don't do this and they don't come forth directly with the information people are going to go after them and after them and bill o'reilly's going to talk about it and it's going to be all over the news until they open up and tell us exactly what happened. so you're right about that. >> you're lucky i'm o'reilly and not tom brokaw. they'd be doing fly-fishing in south dakota. i'm just jiving. brokaw loves me, you know that and the american mother of seven thrown into a filthy mexican prison suddenly released.
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and in the impact segment tonight, at least congressional hearings are planned for next week involving the irs scandal, joining us, charles krauthammer
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was i too tough on sally quinn there? >> i think you were judicious. she's absolutely right. everyone in washington wants to win a pulitzer. the difference is, is your editor interested in the story. will they do what her husband did and kathryn graham did with watergate, which is to give them the freedom, to give them the encouragement and the backing to go after a story. if you look at the coverage of the "new york times" of the irs scandal, it's on page 17, they have no interest. they're trying to bury it. and when they do have it, it's a minor story. i don't see them deploying resources. so yes, an individual reporter could be hungry to go after a story. but if your editors aren't behind you they're not going to
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get support. imagine if all this had happened under the bush administration. >> the times would have a squadron of reporters. >> cable news, you know, we're 17 years now up and running. what it there wasn't a fox news channel? because fox news channel is covering, maybe overcovering, you could have a talk about that. we could be overcovering the story, but there's not really anything else of national importance in the news right now. but if we didn't do it, if we didn't cover it, it would be a total news blackout as i pointed out. you don't see it on the other networks. you only see derisive comments made by tom brokaw -- and i'm picking on him a little bit. it's not watergate -- how do you know? how the hell do you know? you don't know where this thing is going to lead, and you don't
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seem real interested to find out. >> bill, precisely because fox is the only network which for instance has gone after the benghazi story in detail and extremely responsibly and uncovered stuff that nobody else has and reported stuff, it's precisely because of that, that this administration is so apoe plek particular about fox. it's highly unusual for this to come from the president, from his advisers to attack a network. you remember anita dunn saying publicly that fox is not a real network. it isn't a form of journalism, it's a wing of the gop. and they've tried to marginalize fox precisely because it breaks the monopoly. and if you have a monopoly, then you can impose silence on certain stories. >> i think these silence is being imposed by the journalists
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themselves. i want to be fair here. i think ed henry is treated fatherly at the white house. he's our white house guy. they treat me with respect. i have to tell the audience. >> but you can't deny how they treat the network. >> no. and they do that for a reason. they want the uninformed voter to think that we're the gop. but to be fair, i can get my calls answered. i can't get information on shulman that i want, but they're not disrespectful to us and they're not disrespectful to henry. i don't know anybody else, but i want to point that out. >> you know what shulman's answer was? he said easter egg roll. >> which i think everybody should hit him with easter eggs the next time we see him, wise guy. >> that's the best evidence you can get of the utter contempt and arrogance with which these people who live under our tax
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money treat their constituents, meaning us. >> and that's the right word, contempt and arrogance. next week the house is going to do some investigating and the house ways and means, appropriations on monday. do you see these committees making any progress next week? >> look, here's where they have to go with the irs. what they have to do is what you do in any investigation. you flip the people at the lower levels, and you do that by granting them immunity. we talked about this earlier. >> yeah, lois learner. give her immunity. >> and then you learn where this came from. the importance of the story is where did it come from? who thought it up? >> right. >> is it a bunch of gs 11s in cincinnati? i don't believe there's anybody over the age of 6 who believes that. but you've got to flip them. >> i think they're over the age
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of 6. they look old er. >> they're on a network that nobody over the age of 6 watches. >> people don't know who we're talking about. but the overnight ratings for msnbc, there's nobody there. >> one of them had a dash. we shouldn't gloat. >> last question, 30 seconds. do you believe congress has the mettle, has the ability to really get this thing up and running? >> it has the mettle. it has the ability. does it have the wit? does it have a strategy to flip people by granting immunity and by getting information? they have, they have the courage, but they have to do this smartly. they have to do it with restraint so they aren't jumping to conclusions. >> that's right. >> at the beginning. just get the facts out, and let the people who were involved, let them speak and let them give
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the facts. if it comes out of their testimony, then you have a story that's unassailable. >> all right, charles krauthammer everybody. we have a new poll for you. make a prediction please. will eric holder be forced to resign. yes or no. give you the results on monday. an american mother thrown into prison on bogus charges. she was freed last night. geraldo with the inside story, next.
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kraut the 42 year old mother of 7 was finally released from prison. we're not taking credit for this. there was a huge outcry against the government for accusing her
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of drug smuggling when there was no evidence to back it up. >> i was there but i was innocent. it's not mexico's fault. a few people who, you know, i probably will go back, but, mexico is a beautiful country. >> that's very generous on ms. maldonad maldonado's part. >> this doesn't make any sense. a woman with no criminal background, seven children, grandchildren. try does come home on a bus. under the seat of the bus, come back to geraldo here. >> there were two of these, in about the same weight. you can feel the heft. but to attach something like this under a seat, you need access. you can't just in front of all the other bus passengers and hook two of these up. >> there were professional
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hooks. >> there were actual hooks. and to presume that the only two grin goes on board is pretty audacious of mexico. she was in seat 39. and one of these packages was under seat 39. next to her seat 40, nothing under his seat. under seat 42, behind him, another one of these 6 pound packages. >> of pot. >> of compressed pot. the guy in seat 42 when they stop him at the roadblock. he boogies. he leaves. he splits. they first were arresting the husband, gary, the only english speaking, nonspanish speaking passenger. they say we're not going to arrest your husband, we're arresting you. >> so the other guy, he abscond, he ran away. >> there were three roadblocks.
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the two police rad blocks. they find nothing. the military, they are far more professional. they find. >> but they let the guy run away. >> as they focus on the gringos. >> the gringos have money. come on. >> it is pretty clear that the pressure that you and the others covering the story put on mexico made this whole process slow down. >> we had to do this a few months ago with corporal hammer. but this one was in there for nine days. there's hammer. we got him out. there comes a point where enough's enough. and i think mexico is there. they're not a friend to the united states. do you know 648 american citizens have been murdered in mexico in the last ten years. >> i don't want to argue about mexico. i love mexico. i've been there many, many times over the years it's still very
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safe. >> would you let your teenage da daughter go there? >> it depends. >> but if you have to go back and get a taco, there's a beheaded guy. >> there's more to mexico than the drug epidemic, but the drug is very serious, why did they take the bus? >> why did they take the bus? >> why did they take the bus instead of driving. >> they didn't have a lot of money. do you want to drive down there? >> you can't drive there. there are roadblocks. they've advised americans not to drive. that's why this couple was on the bus. >> so here's what you tell me. you can't drive because there are fake roadblocks are going to shake you down. 648 americans murdered there. the marine put in jail for months. the poor arizona mother of seven put in jail, and then you're going, i love mexico. >> i think that your wrath would
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be better targeted against sloppy officials rather than a nation. >> the nation is corrupt. it's not every person. of course it's corrupt. >> it's highly functioning. the standard of living is coming up. the wages are coming up. it's not the intense pressure of undocumented people coming in. >> new president. he better clean it up. i tell you what -- >> he's trying hard. >> if this happens again, one more shake, and what was it, the grandson of malcolm x murdered in mexico city. another american missing inial ca poco. you're very nice. ms. maldonado very nice. >> i ain't going there. i'm not going until they clean it up.
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geral geraldo rivera. a liberal commentator calls lou dobbs a cave man. hope you stay tuned for those reports.
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lou's the boss segment, minor controversy our lou.
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on his fox business network program lou dobbs said this. >> i want to turn to a study showing that women have become the bread winners in this country and a lot of others. but our society is being torn in so many directions right now. >> that was like cave man central. >> he climbed out from under rocks. >> so in effect, they're calling you an interrogatory la diet. >> a great compliment. the pugh research study is a very troubling study. as we were talking about, 40% of the women are bread winners now in american families. beyond that, 63% are working moms without a lot of resources. we're talking about on average, a single mother heading up a
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household is earning $23,000. it's all quite something different when we're talking about a working mother in a complete household, if you will, who's making on average $80,000 a year. and that is what i was getting to in this study. an area that is simply eluded -- >> just to crystallize it, were you talking about the lower income mothers who are the sole support of their children. and that there's chaos in a lot of those homes because there's no dad around or whatever. >> in those homes, those children are born into an at risk situation that is prone to drugs, prone to psychological illness, prone to -- >> it's a poverty driver. now that sounds reasonable. but you go on with ms. megyn kelly. >> i love megyn. >> we are looking at a society in which change is the absolute hallmark. and for anyone in any discussion
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and in any debate on what is happening with women in the workplace to ignore the fact that we have marriages breaking up, shattering in this society. and we know that that reduces by at least -- >> why are you attributing that to women in the work force? >> excuse me, let me just finish what i'm saying if i may, oh, dominant one. >> excuse me? >> and then they kid each other. >> no, no. they did not. now look, when you place blame on any gender sen trick story, which -- notice how careful i'm being. you're going to get it from the gender you're blaming. >> i was not blaming women at all. as a matter of fact women in this i consider to be considerably, and considerable number, victims, victims of a society which is creating an environment in which we are seeing the consequences of public policy choices without
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the consciousness of our lawmakers, without the engagement of our -- >> let may challenge that. the out of marriage birthrate. >> right. >> out of wedlock birthrate. >> right. >> skyrocketing. these are decisions that women, primarily are making, all right. >> right. >> because they have to be in charge of the birth control situation if they decide to have sex. >> i'm going to advise you to be careful, because men have every bit the same responsibility in contraception as do women. >> in theory, but the buck stops with the lady who gets pregnant. so when you say to a woman, you're blaming us. that's what megyn kelly. you're blaming us for the societal problem. and win don't want to be blamed. >> that is not in any -- i was not blaming women. i won't speak for anyone else on the panel. which by the way msnbc, on their
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show they refer to our panel as pasty white men. i take great the offense to that, because our makeup artists go to great lengths. >> we're the whitest guys in the world. those people are never going to give you a fair shot. they're politically correct. but kelly was genuinely offended. >> feeling it isn't -- megyn is a terrific person. >> really? i don't get that feeling. >> you and i -- it should be that way. >> we don't want to be blamed. >> we need men to be sensitive to it too. >> men are barbarians. you're a caveman. >> you should see lou's cave in new jersey. if that's a cave, we all want to
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be there. >> when we come back, gutfeld, mcgirk. just a few moments.
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thanks for staying with us. in the what the heck just happened series. opra winfrey's commencement address. >> we often see the reflection of a country that is polarized and self interested. and yet, i know you know the truth. we all know that we are better than the cynicism and pessimism that is regurgitated throughout washington and the 24 hour news channel. not my channel by the way.
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>> this is the same mistake all commencement speakers do. they always trump idealism and dreams over critical thinking. she mentions 24 our cable. you know what she has on? life with latoya. i don't think they're discussing syria on that. breakthrough with tone eye robbins, he's the guy who walks on hot coals. and ryan and tatum, the story of the o'neills. if you watch all three of these shows in a row, your face will melt. >> but she's talking about the cynicism and this polarized country where you can't get anything done. i think she's gt a point there. she brings in guns. she's for background checks and all that. but come on, you're not surprised. oprah winfrey is politically correct. there's nothing out of the ordinary here, is there? >> not at all, speaking of background checks.
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the president had 90% supporting background checks. buff i would say this about oprah. she is the elite of the elites. she went to harvard. go to college in mississippi or bronx community college. >> i don't think she is aware of that. i don't really have a lot of problem with her speech because it's consistent for what her values are. all right, now there is a situation that we have mock add little bit and gutfeld has gone to town on it on the five. >> really? >> and roll the tape request the president and chris christie going to the shore for a follow up sandy speck tackle. there are number of ways you can look at this. but mcguirk lives in a place called long beach, long island, and you say what? >> i say, first of all, no
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problem with what governor christie did. it was good for his career, his people, his state. he's going to get reelected. i don't really care about president obama going there to try to distract from all the scandals. and make no mistake about it, the '70s are back. political stinks, ugly clothes are back. can disco music be far behind? brooklyn, queens, staten islands, they are not back. the shore communities are devastated. >> he goes to jersey for the photo op with christie, it helps christie and him. he looks at it as a nonpartisan kind of guy, but he didn't go to some of the places. >> he went to new york city and -- >> so you're cynical about it. >> it's hard to believe mcguirk would be xenical. >> they could use a morale
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boost. but would you ride on a roller coaster with governor christie? >> if he paid, i might. >> it's interesting from the sky, when you see president obama and chris christie lying on the beach, it looks like morse code. i know people visiting jersey. after five years, the whole nation is a disaster area. you should be going detroit, atlanta. >> it's not just sandy is what you're saying. >> nothing goes over your head. >> i'll try to recover from mcguirk. and just do a single on mcguirk if you would right now. a single one. this is a man critiquing my outfit. >> i went to the store and i actually bought these clothes. >> the goodwill store. >> oh! >> you and obama, mocking the regular people. >> that's true. that's me and obama. we'll have more in a minute, our
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pinhead segment and we'll be right back. [ male announcer ] at montrose pet hospital,
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back of the book segment now. we continue with gutfeld and mcguirk. pinheads of the week. michelle bachman. >> my great friends i have decided next year i will not seek a fifth congressional term. after serious consideration, i am confident that this is the right decision. >> what's wrong with that, mcguirk. >> what's wrong with that is the timing. it's 18 months away. why now? you have all these political scandals swirling.
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you have the cnn, the msmbc networks, avoiding the story like avoiding they're spending 15 minute blocks of every crazy thing she said. by the end, you can't tell the difference between her and amanda bynes. >> if somebody's going to run in her stead, they've got to get up and running quickly. weren't you impressed that we're all her good friends? that's good, right? >> a little media savvy is in order here. >> i think she's a good woman. she ran into trouble because she didn't really know how to handle the media that went after her. >> i agree with you. i like her a lot. what the media did to her, all because of the timing. with affection i say it. >> now gutfeld earlier today went after the louisiana chair
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woman who says obamacare is base on race. >> i have talked to so many members of the house and senate, and you you know what? it's not about how many federal dollars we can receive. it's not about that. you ready? it's about race. no, nobody wants to talk about that. it's about the race of this african-american president. >> i don't really know what that means, but you call her a pinhead. >> i love the fact that she acts like she is breaking new ground with this, like this hasn't been a talking point on every liberal medium, any network. any newspaper. they have hey been using race as an excuse for every failure in big government. so her, now they ask her, you know, to defend herself. she said she wasn't calling anybody a racist. she was just talking to her friends who were saying that. >> well, if you criticize obamacare and you don't think it's good for the country, she's
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implying that you're doing it because you don't like the black president. >> isn't it mores cyst to blindly accept a health care billz right wing nut jobs who fundamentally don't care about the country. what they care about is their own political career. and that is what is wrong with this country today. >> so howard dean is calling two other individuals ideological nut jobs. howard dean is doing that.
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irony? >> i'm kind of glad that it comes out of his mouth. >> i don't mind him criticizing cruz and who's the other one? >> rubio. >> because he doesn't like conservative government or he doesn't believe in small government. he's a socialist. that's hoe is. he lives in vermont with bernie sanders. they have a little commune up there nobody will join. they run around, look at the animals and share the land. >> that sound ts like an awesom life. i'm going there. >> but to call them ideological fanatics when this guy -- >> nut jobs. he called them nut jobs. he's the gary busey of the democratic party. he has crazy coming out of his eyeballs. the irony is thick.
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did he deliver amanda bynes? >> dr. dean, he goes by a lot of aliases. really needs to look at himself, you know. wasn't there a song by michael jackson, man in the mirror. you have that album, don't you. >> yes, i have it. and i dance to it at a local club. >> i don't mind you debating those guys. but running them down as identify logical fanatics, when you yourself, sir. hmm. factor tip of the day, some summer entertainment you might want to consider. the tip after these messages.
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factor tip of the day about some summer concerts you might want to frequent in a moment. first, dad will like you, like you very much if you go to bill o' this weekend and get him what he really wants for this father's day. and that is usa strong hats and is shirts, flying out of here. and they're flying out of here as quick as we get them. we've got a lot of different colors in usa strong. my books continue to break records all over the country. dad will like them very much. and you get kennedy or lincoln
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free when you become a bill o'reilly premium member. now the mail. you did a good job of trying to define why the former irs chief was at the white house more than anyone else. kiersten powers should not be giving shulman the benefit of the doubt. kiersten is correct. obama is a huge undertaking. a if wendy walsh believes the youth of today has stronger values than 30 years ago then she must also believe that elvis is still alive. >> the reason many americans
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feel the country is immoral is all the selfishness and nar sichl that is pervasive today. >> my father became a paraplegic six weeks after i was born. he would have loved to have taken me hunting and fishing. if he had a track chair he could have. i urge all people to donate to the fund. >> a donor in phoenix donated -- i wanted to give the guy publicity, but he didn't want it. he wanted to be anonymous. so we're more than a million dollars now. and next week we're going to have a major announcement about the independence charity. all these go to track chairs. no salaries, none of that. so next week, going to have a big announcement about it.
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>> i was about to get keep it pithy but my son and his wife gave me the hard copy. i hope you like it. >> there once was a man named holder who'd be gone before he gets much older. he's getting a hosin' because of james rosen. signed copy of keep it pithy on its way to you. >> incomes continue to drop and prices continue to go up. so if you're going to go to a rock concert, you want to make sure the people you see put on a good show because you're paying big bucks. i've gone to some concerts lately, and the iconic acts want
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to play their new stuff. that is always death. mo to the rock tars. most folks don't want the new stuff. they want the hits. so here are four concerts that will not disappoint you this summer -- fleetwood mac, eagles, huey lewis and the news, our pals the beach boys. i'm trying to catch up with lil wayne, but i haven't done so as of yet. factor tip of the day. please check out the factor news website which is different than bill o' o'reilly at fox do not be rebar baytive. good word. i didn't know it. now i do.
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reb rebarbaytive. the spin stops right here. we're definitely looking out for you. welcome to this special studio audience edition of hannity. most americans have been unfairly targeted by the irs because of their association with various conservative organizations. now, coming up, you will hear their stories about what they have gone through and also you are going to hear from the attorneys that are representing their respective groups. one of the most fascinating things has been the ever changing time line of who knew what, when and whereabout the irs scandal. at first nobody seemed to know anything about. it but as the days go by, well that seems to be evolving quite a bit. watch this. >> can you give us assurances that the irs is not targeting particular groups based on political leanings? >> yes. i can gi


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